THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, January 23, 1960 3 ! Deliver New Plane To \ Flying Club i. A champion flew into Oshawa at 2 p.m. Friday to bolster the expanding air fleet of the Ontario County Flying Club. The Champ, a two-place 4 Champion Tri-traveller, was fer- ried the last 22 air miles from Buttonville, north east of Toronto, | by Ron Owens, of Richmond Hill. | The fourth of this type of air-| craft to be bought by the elub,| the Champion Tri-traveller is in| keeping with the board of direc-| tors' policy of modernizing the * air fleet. The Ontario County Flying : Club air fleet now consists of one : four-place Cessna 172: four two- place Champion Tri-travellers, and three two-place Aeroncas. The club which has 45 student pilots in training may soon have to order another aircraft because of the expected large influx of; new students coming into .the club within the next few months. Flying training will become more expensive if the flying training course is extended from 30 to 35 hours in the air to qual- £ ify for a licence Another reason for the immedi-| | the Leggat Aircraft Overhaul |ate increase in students is the, MORE THAN 140 Bell Tele- | Smith, ) € and Sales Co. On the far right |present belief that those over 33] hone employees gathered at | with a record 41 years of un. | Mrs. Smith with a set of is George Slocombe, secretary- |vears of age will not be granted =, i; oa) dinner Friday | broken service to the company, | Matching luggage. Many of | when he retired f the Ontario County [the government reimbursement y . | Mr, Smith's fellow employees | Flying Club. 6 uiatio Lounty grant of $100 after April 30. night to pay tribute to Norman | Shown above is W. J. Hender- | from other Ontario centres | Oshawa Times Photo --_ |Bad Cheque OBITUARIES Bell Telephone Men Used | MRS. DAVID SHAW |Glauser, beloved wife of Kaspar Veteran Honored i i ; hh came to the dinner to con- gratulate him. He was super- vising construction foreman structor: W vice-president and President Jim Souch Jr.; Ron Owen, who flew the aircraft from Button- ville, north east of Toronto, is a test pilot and engineer with 'Income Tax Increases Lower Federal Deficit PRESIDENT JIM SOUCH | This is the fourth aircraft of Jr. of the Ontario County Fly- | this type to be bought by the ing Club is shown receiving the | club as part of the modern- keys from ferry pilot Ron Owen | izing and expansion program. to the club's new Champion | Shown from left to right are Tri-traveller, at 2 p.m. Friday. | Syd Cowley, chief flying in- CAPSULE NEWS who recently retired | son (right) presenting Mr. and | B. McCullough, The last of a family of 10 chil- Sidler, RR 4, Belleville. She was dren, Mary A. Baillie, widow of|/in her 62nd year. She had been David Shaw, died at the Oshawalill for two years | Loot Found In Scrap Pile OTTAWA (CP) Significant {increases in personal and corgor- {ation income taxes are helping [to keep down the federal govern- | ment's budgetary deficit Finance Minister Fleming re- personal income tax increase by $166,000.000 to $1,180,400,000 from $1,014,400,000 while corporation income tax eollections were up $751,800,000. However, in the same period Brea Taxis Oshawa Police today revealed health |General Hospital Friday, January {22. Mrs. Shaw, who was in her 81st year, had not been in good for several years. She further developments in the flight|lived at 229 Gliddon Avenue. of the bogus cheque passers who | were chaased from the Simcoe St. |. qar and Betsy Baillie, the de- A daughter of the late Alex- 4 ght f Mr. and SH po ve daugbier of Jae late Me. anc) In 1916 Norman Smith, 17 ceased was born at Berne. Swit-| years-old at the time, was work- zerland A former resident' of the| D8 for the Bell Telephone Com- Oshawa area, she had lived near|P2nY in Trenton, Ontario. He was Belleville for five years. She was a ground man. It was even Mnbet of Centre Street Unit. lower than that," he said, "be- ed Church here eT was well] 2use We were digging holes." pany, his cheerful disposition and his co-operation with other peo- ple in the company. All the speakers wished Mr. Smith much happiness and a long - happy re- tired life Those who addressed the group TORONTO (CP) -- Minutes PRESS CLUB OPENED after a lone gunman robbed an! ST. CATHARINES (CP S east-end branch of the Bank of Catharines Press Club was offi Nova Scotia Friday night, con-|cially opened Friday by Lieute- stable James Graham corneredipant - Governor J. Keiller Mac- a man in a railway yard and ar- kay. He said freedom the rested him. Police later recov-/press was necessary for demo- ered a loaded .35-calibre auto-/cracy and that newspapers had matic pistol and $773 in a scrap assisted social progress heap. Joseph Thorsteinson, 28, | has been charged with robbery CASEY MADE A BARON LONDON (Reuters - SEERS PRICE INQUIRY Queen has made External of $542,000,000 and a'previous year TORONTO (CP) Ken Bry- fairs Minister R. G. Casev, 69 spending bill $480.200.000 the ros 3 , don, CCF member of the Ontario! Australia a life baron. It is the spending bill of $ 200, On the revenue side, customs legislature for Toronto Wood: [fivst tite peerace io be Given Io In his last budget the minister duties increased by $33,900,000 in bine, said Friday he will ask forian overseas Commonwealth CSimated a deficit of $363,000-/the cumulative period, excise du. a select committee of the House statesman 000 tor the current year ending ties by $15,500,000 and sales te inquire into the price of drugs March 31. To go into the hole by taxes by $25,400,000 in Ontario. Mr. Bryden said that amount, the government, Meanwhile, the old age secur- "somebody along the line is mak- WARSAW (Reuters) must run up deficits of $275,- ity fund continued its trend of ap- I 800,000 in the three remaining proaching the stage where it will ing a killing at the expense of Polish Communist part d I A Toronto people" by selling drugs tral committee Friday accepted months. Expenditures tend to pile pay its own way 'through its take up towards the end of the year. from the one - per - cent increase at high profits |the resignation of Jerzy Moraw- UP i Iski as a Politburo member and a The current fiscal year's first last year in personal and corpor- NL FSI JE IRhoE Isecretary of the central commit- nine months saw the take from ation income and sales taxes NIAGARA LS, Ont. - - ported Friday night in his public debt charges increased by monthly treasury statement that $135,100.000 to $592,900,000 from the government had a deficit of $457,800,000 and defence costs ad- $87,200.000 the f nine|/vanced by $96,100,000 to $1.057,- months of the current fiscal year 300,000 from $961,200,000. compared with a deficit of $120,- In addition to this, family al- 900,000 for the corresponding per- lowance and other health and iod last year welfare costs increased by about Expenditures $3,964,300,000 $100,000,000 and the provinces outstripped revenues of $2,877,- were given $48,200,000 'more in 100,000 but in December there subsidies and tax - sharing than ® was a of $61,800,000 onlin the corresponding period of the Friday night, 44 later, Bell Telephone employees S. branch of the Toronto-Domin-| cased was born at Arbroath, years ion Bank Thursday morning. Scotland and was married there Police Chief Herbert Flintoff in 1901. She came from Scotland said it is now known the men|to Oshawa 54 years ago Fr Cnowlto ar ), 5 , took separate taxis from Whitby,| Mrs. Shaw was a member of fred Joomuos i od ATR Mm a teslimogial divuer as he after abandoning their car. |St. Andrew's United Church and|wernham (Alice), of Barry's Bay Tolle cra pers "It is believed they were let out|devoted to her home and her znq a son. Frank, of Oshawa. | ane a bit better position," at the Golden Mile in Toronto", church. She had been a member Algo surviving are three sis-|said with a laugh ; ' {he said. "They did not travel bylot Rebekah Lodge, No. 3. fOryers, Mrs. Emma Schwab, Mrs.| Alter a 4 Sbsetice Mp leither Highway 2 or Highway more than 45 years and was a Clara Shuppe and Mrs. Martha/g ii", 3 rec year 2 Sefice ii 101 [past Noble Grand of the lodge. Ubersax and three brothers. |i, 1919 and has a A of The four men got away with Le by her gin 4 Hants, Rudolf and Otto, all of|4; vears of unbroken service bout $800 after posing as Duplate July, 1957, she leaves four daugh- Switzerland y ee Shout Yio yy PE pa ters, Mrs. Roy Dingman (Bea), The funeral service will be held Many Of the mek Ye had work: cheques at the bank. The men of Brooklin; Mrs. Charles Row- at the Gerrow Funeral Home at present a aia Aisle 4 were exposed in the middle of the den (Vida), Mrs. Arthur Morri-|2 p.m. Monday, Jan. 25, followed ing his present boss, D. A. Clark attempt when several bona fide son (Mima), both of Oshawa and by interment in Mount Lawn| Phe HT 4 were: J. C. Dudley, plant wire chief; J. W. Lowry, district man- ager; F. R. Sparling, toll area foreman; P. S. C. Bell, supply engineer, Ontario section and Mr. Clark, construction superin- tendant for Central Ontario. After the formal ceremonies Mr. Smith, met many of his old friends, some of whom had come from out-of-town points. HERE SINCE 1947 Mr. Smith came to Oshawa in 1947. Previous to coming here he estimated that he had lived in 20 Ontario centres and has worked known in the community. 140 Besides her sorrowing husband | 5, all departments gathered at she leaves two daughters, MIS. fote] Genosha to honor him for irst of he of surpl eve es ol RESIGNS HIGH POST The v's cen FAILS A court ENJOY THE BALMY TRADE WINDS In the land where the sun spends the winter, Hotel Rooms -- Efficiency Units --Family Size Apts. Directly on the Gulf of Mexico. NOW CASTRO ORGAN HAVANA (AP) -- The govern iment Friday officially took over |Avance, the newspaper that had {been an outspoken critic of the revolutionary regime until pub- lisher Jorge Zayas left Cuba this week. The employees have been publishing the newspaper since Zayas left losis From 7.00 Free TV - Radio - Daily Maid Service - Largest Pool on the Island - Putting Green Shuffleboard - Planned En- tertainment Room Tele- phones COFFEE SHOP SPECIAL RATES FOR HONEYMOONERS THE ELDORADO 11360 GULF BLVD, ST. PETERSBURG Phone 21-1911 for reservations per day double occupancy Olg: exandnr Smuggling Concern year ered through tuberculin testing of date. students in the schools. Chest!" x-rays have >ften disclosed other WEATHER FORECAST chest abnormalities Asso- | sneer A Little Sunshine Expected Sunday diagnostic examinations in the Toronto Metro area. The examin- ations revealed 448 cases of ac- tive tuberculosis and 22,033 other chest abnormalities. In Canada TORONTO (CP)--Forec -| Kirk 3 Sod oo N10 CP) Forecasts is |Rikiang Lake Tegions, Sudbury, plant was answered. It had been Hospital last Tuesday, was held Synopsis: Cloudy weather with sional light pig - re luthed Jo 35 3 resu of Wusist fhe Melosh Pimers! Home occasional snowflurries was the drizzle today. Mostly cloudy with Sov = Sten Dips Also Foy the stl br Frigas, Jan 22. by weather picture over most of the a few scattered snowflurries Sun- home "of A E Nothnagel 30 Reo ged To ty of Be 3 gel, : v. A 1] y, 8 the TB death rate dropped from 47.2 to six per 100,000 because of i Canada Bucked U.S. weather picture ove few scattere car driven Ric > gain is morning. dav. Little change in tempera- y= pi Tobi avii ni Little change in the weather was tures. Light winds P Wayne avcoue, brought the fire Nortaminster United Church. In. trucks. Damage | was minor. terment was in Oshawa Union| concerted efforts to control it.| Sharp, 138 Tyler crescent . Over St. Lawrence expected today, that a little sun- Forecast Temperatures Th f ti b ere were four routine ambu- Cemetery. Across the world 2,000,000 people still die of it every year, volved in a collision with a car ici viv i " ; TORONTO (CP) Canada | Shine is anticipated for all regi- Low ni i Mab : ou vo indert yo supiie, had to buck the United States to ons on Sunday. Touizin Righ Sovday lance calls since Friday morning.!| The pallbearers were A. Bran- at 1.45 am. The accident oc. St the St. Lawrence Seaway de-| Regional forecasts ston, Jack Glover, Ernest Fisher, cured at Albert and Athol streets signed so facilities can be dupli- Tidnight Sutiday, . Maleolm McGregor, Marton Wal: Damage was estimated at : tied hh i uy wo abi pti iL Sa Surge Sow S V) a Ages merican interference, former 5a) regions, London "loudy son limated 2 damsge Ie Liberal Transport minister With snowflurries today. Mostly ont Sithoe street helion a B 10% George Marler said Friday night. cloudy with a few snowflurries Toronto Of move 3 i Tice, Speaking at the annual banquet Sunday Little change in temper- |, t reet, at 5.45 p.m ne car was oc the Marine Club of Toronto. ature. Winds northwest 15 to 25.[. enon driven by Luigi Sirizzotti, 368 Mr Marler said the U.S had| Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On- Killaloe Pine avenue. The driver of the wanted all navigation facilities in tario regions, Windsor, Hamil. Muskoka other car was Archibald G. Brit- the International Rapids section | lon, Toronto: Mostly cloudy with Norta Bay ton, 37 Burk stret built in U.S. territory but Can. tervals. Little change in tem-|Sudbury | Two cars were involved in a ada insisted that the Iroquois (Perature. Winds northwest 15 to |Earlton collision on Kenneth avenue, atilocks and canal be on this side. |: ! |Kapuskasing 4.10 pm. One care was driven He said Canada. insisted. on). Timmins Kapuskasing, Hali- | White River by Reuben Broadbent, of 35 Gibb dredging a 27 foot navigation burton, northern Georgian Bay, |Moosonee street. The other was driven by channel at Cornwall which could oe Eh Nicholas Hall, 628 Lansdowne be used without disturbing the drive Total estimated damage|river flow when Canada builds was $175. her own facilities STORE FOR RENT Completely modern, heated, full size base- nouncement of the bequest was Church at 9.30 am. Monday,| 18 : made today: by iy Victor Jan. 25. Rev. D. Luchak, pastor I s Commons questioner, Wallace | T. Mooney, treasurer of the Unit- of the church, will sing the mas! sbitt (PC -- Oxford), that he ed Church of Canada. Interment will be in Moun Lawn Cemetery. THREE FIRE ALARMS [reports The Oshawa Fire Department FUNERAL OF [crashes in the U.S. were eaused | answered three fire alarms, Fri- MISS IDA JEWELL by bombs smuggled aboard in] day. At 1.45 p.m.. a car fire was! The funeral service for Miss|Paggage. | quickly subdu d. In the evening a Ida Jewell, 643 Christie street, {call to the Sklar Furniture Co., who died at the Oshawa General! Duplate employees grew im- Mrs. W. D. Follis (Edna), of Cemetery, Rev. W. G Dickson, | 10 was best man at his wedding|at most jobs in the construction Er : {to reminisce, compliment him and ning to spend the winter in Flor- delhi children and four great grand. MRS. DORIS WASYLIW {present him with a number of!ida and will then return to Tee- NA t nd | The funeral service will be held! In failing health for three years |8ifts: |" When' i C ors ' Y {from the McIntosh Funeral Home| Doria Ambrosichuk, widow {highlights in his career he re- CP)--ltee. the official news agency! sh {at 2 p.m. Monday, January 25, Harry Wasyliw, died at the Osh-| . : followed by interment in Oshawa awa General Hospital Friday, |a memory book containing the| storms, but none were as bad for i Need $6000 | Gifts Swa d Union Cemetery. Rev. Dr. George|Jan. 22. The deceased, who was|names of all the people attending|ys as the last three weeks." He . on policy with party leader - pPpe x tes oe a a dyslaw Gomulka ; MONTREAL (CP)--A team of| ;nii0q Church, will conduct the Etna avenue. {employees who were not able la fine introduction into the posi- TREASON CHARGE By Diplomats [Victoria Hospital, investigating a {Mrs. Harry Ambrosichuk, the| pM. Morris presented him|all the storm damage. WANT LONGER SEASON |. ' eacC Quebec family which has lost 30| MRS. ELIZABETH SIDLER deceased was born at Usta Upis-ithe president's wallet on behalf | CASO? Friday dismissed treason OTTAWA (CP) -- External Af v The death occurred at the kopski, County Bortchiv, in the|of the president of the Bell Tele.| sion for Canadian lake fleets to formed a Nazi - like group i ify . Gs - disease in the last 100 years, day Jan 22 f liz | iden f Oshawa for 10 i use the St. Lawrence Seaway as hate campaign against Jews ed 0d iu] Japanese made Sigar rate a oh iain gE 1 ; Tee 1 h se. y r-| char r t r stat Cichi? 2 ived | ate each season as weather per-\charge, brought under state is needed if the Suke Kishi's one-day visit to Ot- 'who died in 1850. [Canada 60 years ago 3 lived)' , matching set of luggage] Ontario County Tuberculosis As-|'2" The doctors reported the re- {in Saskatchewan for # years.) as presented to Mr. and Mrs. seaway authority. sults of their medico - genealogi- Before coming to Oshawa she | Smith on behalf of the local em- to reach its objective said Mrs. Wood inside, with a bird carved| DISTRICT on E_ A. Collins, executive secretary in a Japanese setting on the top. | h Ch h of the Ontario County Tubercu- Mr. Green received the gift at ; Orthodox urch. {presented flowers by Mrs. Sally] unici a p cians and surgeons here Friday. GM VETERANS RETIRE | Predeceased by her dusband|woodward. Special mimeographed letters The retirement on pension of May 1, 1959. she leaves five Special grag "S|with Mr. Kishi before the Japa- family examined in the last two three employees of the Oshawa nese premier left Friday for|vears, 20 show evidence of the plants of General Motors of Can he Problems drive to reach the total required Chicago disease ada Limited, was reported this y of Sulnry: Mt M told te guess of Mr. Smits amount of $28.000 Mr. Diefenbaker also received| The disease, incurable at the 'Week. The veterans. are: Robert Wak shuk mr go i Yoo i ea iid The money is partly required|2 Eift from the visiting states-/moment, is passed on to half|W. Day, heavy reject, with 15 eylor (Paving). bail of Van: Dama e Is te Ontario county next fall, The Bulographied oral of himself tors said the importance of the|service and Joserh Wiltshire, pas-| 371% hae of mao . 3 last mass chest x-ray survey was |'famed in silver survey lies in being able to warn |senger car y finish, 41 years'). "": > > R.M. Simpson of Arnprior, Ont. g las} mass chest ¥1ay Survey was fo ie seotivs of dIPlomE Lees Ib being able io er ce. [bia; Peter, of Burgess, Saskatche- Of Parliament president of the Canadian Feder- Over 30 cases of tuberculosis tic protocol, Mr. Green's gift tolsibility and to distinguish this ation of Mayors and Municipali-| nd The United Church of Canada children and 15 great-grandchil- i ist or wi i help. has received $15,070.36 for homes dren. ein |Eevions . i a real area on problems confront-| ui for unmarried mothers from the| The remains will be at the Arm-| g | ing municipal governments oir throughout Canada. the Township of Whitby. An./it St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Transport Minister Hees told| ) } nis L] 0ld | An estimated $1175 damage re- Maritimes before coming to sulted from four accidents re- ported to the Oshawa Police De- : 7 . + and used to climb poles with him end of the business. atient. waiting for the cheques|/Geelong, Australia. minister of Centre Street United ; . re Rtwb . pe i. cashed. . Also surviving are six grand-| Church, will conduct the services [on the same line crew, gathered) Mr. and Mrs, Smith are plan When asked for some of the of GIFTS PRESENTED " Mr. Smith was presented with plied, "I've seen a lot of bad A steady flow of ice from the PAP reported Friday night. Mo- H t D reat Lakes tumbling over ski reportedly had differences ear 1Sease y x 4 8 1. become entrenchid | san LER. ¥ haa. OL Fevial Telford, minister of St. Andrew's|/in her 75th year, lived at 219 the dinner and other company added that he gave his successor 2060 winter season i doctors from Montreal's Royal services. A daughter of the late Mr. and attend by V. H. Noltie. tion when he attempted to repair NEW YORK (AP WINNIPEG (CP) Permis- against three Queens you fairs Minister Green has a beau- members to a hereditary heart|pejieyille General Hospital Fri- western Ukraine, Oct. 13, 1885. |phone Co. Mr. Smith was also as a memento of Premier Nobu- traced the source back to a man |years, Mrs. Wasyliw came fo phone Pioneers of America, mits is sought by the Winnipeg carried a mandatory death Another $600 Grain Exchange in a letter to the alty upon conviction ) ; I isi CITY AND sociation Christmas Seal drive is, It is of silver outside and teak- [lived at New Toronto. She was 3 oloyees. W- J. Henderson mode] ol Joguey 10 the suena) any {member of St. John's Ukrainian|ine presentation. Mrs. Smith was| Association, today the final conference he and Prime Minister Die a Of 77 living members of the : i rr Lor iisienbaker, had : : daughters, Mrs. A. March uk ALL GOOD WISHES are being Daiied 3, JAany, per of Oshawa; Mrs. Ann Al-| Several of his fellow employees | sons 8 as Di d fo honey is Di a Iman but he preferred to keep if the children of any parent, male|years' service: Herbert McLaugh. COUVer and Mrs, Ed. Trump 1 ass tuberclin A a ) ' Appel 4 aa sonic r 1Scusse tests and x-ray clinics {0 be held Secret. He gave Mr. Kishi anjor female, who has it. The doc-|lin, parts department, 23 years'|(Veronica). of Montreal and four MONTREAL (CP) Mayor wan and Paul, of Chicago. | ¢ ® am COVE % iv 3 OTTAWA (CP) -- /ern- Lies, conferred Friday with abou $1175 In were discovered in Oshawa last Mr Kn) likely to be a portrait kind of heart disease from others $15,070 BEQUEST Also surviving are 25. grand- ment was asked Fri Soe s y wi ut Fight cases wer scov- |also--will be forwarded at a later whick 4 i : 30 mayors of the Greater ont. Eight cases were discov y ater|which operations may sometimes . ; |of explosives aboard eommercial | 4 Accidents estate of Absalom Abraham, of strong Funeral Home for mass 0. CE | Mayor Simpson visited many municipalities in Ontario and the partment, Friday. There were no injuries Montreal. He will visit Western Canada later. Two of the principal subjects discussed here were high-interest costs of municipal borrowing and the wages - salaries pressure on municipal administration Opinions were expressed that high interest rates may force municipal governments into cur- tailing capital expenditures The meeting discussed a pro posal that the federal govern- ment should rescind the with- holding tax of 15 per cent now applicable to foreign buyers of Canadian municipal bonds. A proposal was also discussed that interest on municipal bonds be deductible from personal in- come tax, as in the United States. It was felt this could re- duce costs of municipal borrow- ing one full percentage point. Housing Starts Seen Declined OTTAWA (CP)--Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation re- ported Friday that housing starts in 1959 in Canadian communities with a population of 5,000 or more declined by 15,855 from 1958 Starts in the year declined to 105,840 from 121,695, with the De- cember figure dropping to 6,852 from 8,412. However, completions in 1959 rose to 108,050 from 107,839 the previous year. In December com- pletions eased to 9,890 from 10,- 175. Housing units under construc- tion at Dec. 31 fell to 59,877 from 63,080 on the corresponding date of 1958 Loans granted Na Housing 9. totalled 60,932, down from 85,040 = 1958. l that two recent plane Two cars were involved in a col- lision at 8.35 a.m., on King street west, at Gibbons street, One car was driven by John Wallace Mar- tin, 230 Stevenson road south. The driver of the other car was Lorne Slaght, of 100 Chestnut street, Whitby. Damage was estimated a $450 by Windsor St. Thomas London Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines valid until 2 UNDERGOES SURGERY Clifford Pilkey, president of the {Oshawa Labor Council was taken to Oshawa General Hos- {pital, last Tuesday evening, with ESK® SIGN TACKLE an appendicitis condition. He was! EDMONTON ,(CP)--The WIFU | [operated on at 10.30 p.m.. the Edmonton Eskimos have signed M EAT SPECIALS! ® same night. He is reported in|Toby Deese, a 232-pound tackle Monday and Tuesday |good condition today, but is not from Georgia Tech. Deese, 22, is S1 3:39 {expected home until next Wed- the third new player signed by ---------------- {nesday. the Eskimos this year. STEAKS: 79: JEEF 4 Ibs. Sl STEAKS 69 MEATY Club SIRLOIN WING BELESBERBURBLEER C.R.A. WINTER PROGRAMME The C.R.A. is prepared to conduct the following classes if there is sufficient registration. MILLINERY LEATHERCRAFT ADULT ART POTTERY SQUARE DANCING, Children ALUMINUM ETCHING 8 COPPER TOOLING 8 BOX-LOOM WEAVING 10 sessions WINTER GOLF SCHOOL 10 sessions OUTBOARD MOTOR & BOAT SAFETY COURSE For information and registration call C.R.A. RA 5-1111 C NOTICE RE 1960 LICENCE PLATES Before Obtaining Your 1960 Licence You Must Have a Lio" 'lity Certificate As Proof Of Insurance. sessions sessions sessions sessions 5 0 0 0 sessions sessions ment, presently occupied by Western Tire. / These were attached to your automobile insurance policy or renewal, or have now been mailed by all agents of the Oshawa and District Insurance Agents Association For further particulars, please phone RA 3-7827. TENDER under the pers RIB tions n