UARY Th A pensive. Fibre glass has also made its appearance with fine results. Bindings: Any of the better makes of safety bindings is a must. None is one hundred percent perfect. Nevertheless, they put the odds in your favor in case of a bad fall. Get the instructions for your binding and study them. More troubles can be traced to improperly adjusted bindings than to any other cause. Ski poles: They should reach just under the armpit Here is a list of ski areas in Ontario as supplied by the Department of T Park, Toronto. DISTRICT BETHANY (Peterborough) BRACEBRIDGE (Windermere) COBOURG COLLINGWOOD (Craigleith) DAGMAR FLESHERTON MARKDALE FORT WILLIAM PORT ARTHUR HAILEYBURY HUNTSVILLE KENORA KITCHENER MIDLAND ORANGEVILLE SAULT STE. MARIE SUNDRIDGE when placed on the store floor. Most people buy them too short. Remember, when thrust into the snow they will be three or four inches shorter than indoors. Clothing : The outer clothing should be light and windproof with sweaters and warm underclothing. The equipment comes first. Clothes can be functional and inexpensive or you can spend a fortune if you are the mink type. Good skiing! PLACES TO SKI IN ONTARIO I'YPE OF MILES & DIREC ACCOMMODATION Boarding house 65 NE Commercial hotel, Resort 104 N Commercial hotel, Resort 70 E Resort, I arm house, Boarding 100 NW house, Commercial hotel Resort, Farm house 35 NI Commercial hotel 100 NW Boarding house Commercial hotel, 920 NW Motels (200 miles NI Commercial hotel 320 N Resort, Commercial hotel 140 N C spell hotel 1200 NW ommercial hote (300 miles NW Hotel, Chalet, Motel 75 NW Commercial hotel 90 NW Resort, Commercial hotel 50 NW Commercial hotel 520 NW Resort 17S N FROM TORONTO TION VERTICAL DROP IN AREA 300 feet 200 feet 200 feet 600 feet 175 feet 400 feet 750 fee Duluth) 30 lect 300 feet 300 feet 200 fee Duluth) <0) leet 175 feet 200 feet 250 feet 300 feet 175 feet TYPE OF SKIING Tow hill, Trails Tow hill, Trails, Open Tow hills, Trails low hills, Trails, Open Tow hills, Open, Trails Tow hill, Open, Trails Tow hills, Open, Trails Tow hill, Trails Tow hills, Open, Trails Tow hill I'hree tows, Trails Jump, Trails Tow hills, Open, Trails Open, Hill, Trails Tow hill ravel and Publicity of the Province of Ontario at Queen's CATERING MAINLY TO Weekenders Weekly guests Weekenders Weekenders & Weekly guests Weekenders Weekenders Weekenders Weekenders Weekly guests Weekenders Weekenders, Wed. & Fri. Floodlight Weekenders Weekenders Weekenders Weekly guests For more and complete information, please write the Department of Travel and Publicity of Ontario or a reliable travel agent. 1. Correct Schuss Position: (downhill run): Keep skis two or three inches apart, one ski 1 leading the other by a few inches, both skis equally weighted and flat. Weight on balis of feet, with heels flat on skis. Flex knees and keep backside in and flat and your head up. 2. Wrong Schuss Position: Skis too far apart, backside out and weight on heels. The slightest bump in this position will throw you backwards. Arms locked and hands too low --entire body too tense. SNOWPLOW... 1. Correct Snowplow Position: Skis in wide V with tips almost touching, edging skis slightly on inner side. Heels flat on skis, knees bent and weight over exact middle of skis. Head up, backside in and flat. 2. Wrong Snowplow Position: Tips of skis too far apart. Weight not even on both skis, right ski only plowing, arms out from body, knees locked. ONTARIO CLUBS and SKI TOWS ANSONVILLE, Ski Tows, Iroquois Falls and Calvert District Ski Club BARRIE, Ski Tow, Triple S Ski Club BETHANY, Ski Tow, Peterborough Ski Club BOLTON, Ski Tow, Sky-Hye Ski Club BRACEBRIDGE, Ski Tows, Bracebridge Ski Club, M.T.D.A. CENTRALIA, Ski Tow, Ski Club COBOURG, Ski Tow, Northumberland Forest Ski Club COLLINGWOOD, 9 Ski Tows, Board of Trade; Blue Mountain Ski Club; Toronto Ski Club; Osler Bluff Ski Club; Craigleith Ski Club COPPER CLIFF, Cliff Ski Club; Vesa Ski Club DAGMAR, Ski Tow, Sky Loft Ski Club ENGLEHART, Englehart Ski Club ESPANOLA, Espanola Ski Club FLESHERTON, Ski Tow, Beaver Valley Ski Club FORT WILLIAM 4 Ski Tows, Civic Tourist Association, Fort William Ski Club; Loch Lomond Ski Club GRAND BEND, 4 Ski Tows, 12 Downhill Slopes, Walker's Ski Hills GRAVENHURST, Ski Tow, Gravenhurst Ski Club HAILEYBURY, Ski Tow, Northern Ski Club HAMILTON, Ski Tow, Cedar Springs Ski Club HANOVER, Hanover Ski Club HUNTSVILLE, 3 Ski Tows, Board of Trade; Huntsville Ski Club; Limberlost Ski Club; Cedar Grove Lodge, Britannia Hotel IROQUOIS FALLS, Iroquois Falls Ski Club KAPUSKASING, Kapuskasing Ski Club KENORA, Ski Tow, Board of Trade, Kenora Ski Club KINGSTON, Kingston Ski Club, Queen's University Ski Club KIRKLAND LAKE, Ski Tow, Kirkland Lake Ski Club KITCHENER, 2 Ski Tows, Chicopee Ski Club LARDER LAKE, Ski Tow, Larder Lake Ski Club LINDSAY, Lindsay Ski Club LITTLE CURRENT, Waiebijwong Ski Club LONDON, Ski Tow, London Ski Club MARKDALE, Beaver Valley Ski Club MATTAWA, Board of Trade MIDLAND, Tow, Midland Ski Club NEWMARKET, Ski Tow, Newmarket Ski Club; Pickering College Ski Club NIPIGON, Nipigon Ski Club NORTH BAY, Ski Tow, Board. of Trade; Laurentian Ski Club ORANGEVILLE, 3 Ski Tows, Board of Trade; Hockley yale) SH Club; Orangeville Ski Club; Old Orchard i Clu OSHAWA, Ski Tow, Oshawa Ski Club OTTAWA, Industrial & Publicity Commission OWEN SOUND, Owen Sound Ski Club PARRY SOUND, Ski Tow, Board of Trade PEMBROKE, Ski Tow, (Westmeath, Ontario) Pembroke Ski Club PETERBOROUGH, Ski Tow, Chamber of Commerce; Peterborough Ski Club PORT ARTHUR, 3 Ski Tows, Port Arthur Ski Club RENFREW, Renfrew Ski Club ST. CATHARINES, Decew Ski Club SAULT STE. MARIE, Sault Ski Club SUDBURY, Alerts Athletic, Nickelteen, Sudbury, Volma Athletic Ski Clubs; Ski Tow, Onaping Ski Club (Levack) SUNDRIDGE, Ski Tow, Sundridge Ski Club TIMMINS, Porcupine Ski Club TORONTO, 2 Tows, Don Valley; Alpine, High Park, Y.M.C.A., Toronto, and University of Toronto Ski Clubs WALKERTON, Walkerton Ski Club WELLAND, Lookout Ski Club WOODSTOCK, Woodstock Ski Club WORTHINGTON, Jehu Athletic Club Courtesy Department of Travel and Publicity of the Province of Ontario QUEBEC Quebec offers the ski-enthusiast a wide choice of skiing areas, particularly in the famous Laurentian Mountains. Here skiers will find some of the best skiing areas in the country, all amply equipped with T-bar lifts or tows, ski-schools and, of course, a wonderful variety of accommodations --from rustic log cabins to spacious American-style resorts. Some of the prime skiing areas include Mont Tremblant, Ste. Adele, the Val David- Ste. Agathe area, the St. Sauveur-Morin Heights area, and Mont Gabriel. Open highways all the way, or overnight from Toronto by train and bus. For information on accommodations and descriptive folders, contact the Laurentian Resorts Association, Montreal, Suite 102, Queen's Hotel, Montreal, or the Quebec Provincial Tourist Branch, 106 Grande-Allée, Quebec City, P.Q.