Tr Sg Eg Te AR: 47 --Automobiles for Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Jenuery 23, 1960 1§ D THS 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale EA FVIE-ROOM brick house, 3 bedrooms, RHA vo sale, cue year oid, thrge . bed. 1970) - acre building lot, near Highway | ALLSTATE Auto Inurance. Save up fo 0--A 50--A Please Note oll heat, modern Sd finished Basement No. sold at once, asking 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For SPOT CASH 5 rticles for Sale rticles For Sale Deadlines now in effect for fee ingens a Secupancy CO vn Da mths. PA 19¢ ona "Call Waiter Frank. Meduay and JSitonal service. at your Home call RA PAID FOR TWO-piece chesterfield suite, one year BOY'S CCM skates, size 13, worn twice. this column: SHAW--In Oshawa Hospual, on mn iste She 19 | NEW sixroom alow In Whitby, | ville. 194 y ud food condition; is 3 gallon fish ane. RA 34250, h a nn bung: ' --- 3 quarium Births, Memoriams, Cords of || Bali. beloved wife of the late' David [ON Tight and tile floors, tiled bath:| ort thoroughly enjoy Ii v. fied. Buying OF sehing, you better your| O00 clean cars. Trade Up (plants ana pump. Phone RA $809(G0CD A veel. . NE Thanks -- Shaw and loving mother of Mrs. R. Apps 711" Drew Street or phone RA |room and Kitchen, completely modern. ing in this three - bedroom brick bun famiy's living by shopping The Osh.| or down. Liens paid off. after 6 or weekends. [LT reef Brien Agia y ¢ Brooklin, Mrs, C.|3.7538. 19a | For further information call MO 8-415 ori West Ontawa. Close 10 py \ Moagh- 9 AM. SAME DAY Rowden (Vid), Mrs. A. D. Morrison | Co after § pam. at Ai Schone: Dolghiuly dierent teh Cs DODD MOTOR SALES from" sie. want: carpet. 3.3.8 snd a a Sirost Wey. \ : on Ts 5. \ nN ¢ ' ICK, very clean, radio, auto- Yoom. suite. walnut; 8 » SECOND CART Plenty of firai-choies DEATHS -- (Mima), both of Oshawa, Mrs. W. D.| oun ont adults only. Vacant Feb. ($1000 DOWN, excellent seven-rosm two- en, stainsit trim throughout, charming, '81 BU 314 PARK RD. S. 9 x 12, with underpads; bed chesterfield 11 AM. SAME DAY FO a eee: ire Shay. 1a| ALY 18t. ADply 395 King Street East. 19f storey brick, north section near Sim. ly ro Aeodh S gn AL Ry Bi Sn 3 a ay RA 943) Sd awe unts. coi. Ba gp. Yi ioey © Ouse THM Ld Funeral Home. [SEVEN , clean, sub-letti : o|5-9570. CHINA cabinet, mahogany, DIAL'RA 3.3452 [nt mo ot Cour | Shinty S305 wisn wed | nova sedan ane au EA at Contam, sa, bean. a Wet 47, cr Pree January 3th, at 2 p.m. Interment 1am als possessio 2 Salt I Tsugia ns Street East, RA 5-236. . 13f/ONLY a "and" planed wxronm atic. A, Se a after 6 pa f BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ahly priced. Telephone ny Ud vA ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624, - Union Cemetery. er i hed eT ------------------ --- - garage. | FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super- 59775 for appointment. = brick bu tile bath, wih 2 of closet space.|'5? GMC 2% ton van, good running = MACKIE MOTORS ONE upright piano: 1 Tugs, one 3% 4 X 4, arket, Ritson South, open daily to 10 SYLIW Entered into rest in the Loa General Hospital on Friday, January 22nd, 1960, Doris Ambrosichuk, ROOM, Oshawa Blvd. South. LOOK with or without board, at ] Phone RA | Young and old will love this home, §1900 !down. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870 dition. Bradley's Furniture Drive-In. 16f RANCH BUNGALOWS BIRTHS ARMSTRONG Mr. and Arthur Armstrong are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their Saughters | widow of the late Harry Wasyliw and | mother of Mrs. A. Marchuk (Olga) in |her 75th year. Resting at the Arm-|sg| strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with mass in St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox |3 TWO - business couple preferred. Phone RA | LOTS, 105° x "160", | streets. to schools. RA £.5379 ATTACHED GARAGE WIDE ROOF OVERHANGS roon, unfurni a) shed ment, ink in kitchen, private bath, dy or at Courtice. Paved Approved jor. mortgages, close] Ip] Private. Can finance. RA 35-2802. '57 OLDS 98 sedan, one owner, fully Like new. Will take trade. FULLY DIVIDED BASEMENT Ml CENTRE HALL PLAN -4618. Church, Monday, January 25th, 9.30 Janice Anne, on Tuesday, January m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, 1960 af the Oshawa General Hocpital. A sister for Drew and Johnnie. NICELY furnished three - room apart- ment, working couple. RA 5-2300 after 4 pL 14 HANOVER KITCHEN bungalow in good location, RIM suitable for| STAINED WOOD T! all conveniences, modern kitchen, full basement, ful BERRY--Dale and Gayle of 31 Tull | och Drive, Ajax, wish to announce the arrival of their son, Phillip James, on IN MEMORIAM TWO - newly decorated, with built-in MANY 'EXTRAS ONLY unfurnished, cup- room apartment, {hood Limited, Realtors. . {V.L.A. opportunity: 5-room elapboard gleaming | hardwood and tile floors, 4-piece bath, price »iv,ecd. Must be seen. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 13-6544 or RA 5.8342. John A. J. Bola: | CUSTOM built car radios, m 95. Terms $5 down. ji | Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. complete with aerial and installation, transistor ls from $4 R.R. 4, KING ST. E. k We urgently need 10 cars weekly for out of town dealer. Phone RA 5-1319. BOOKCASE bed, spring and trilight lamp, Lloyd six-way baby car- p.m. Free parking and delivery. with Self meats, fruits, HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. rniture Store, 19 Prince itchen chrome set; two Pair Free RA 5-5743 4, 49--Automobile Repairs |L2%* riage, crib, ler, car seat, in ex- cellent condition. RA 37043. yor Sommmnily _Ruriiture 5 12-GAUGE Savage automatic, two ears old. Apply 374 Cadillac Avetue PEATEs he ew and d, lagest ssi reasonable prices. bod Avply Drayton Cycle, 304 Bond Street '59 VAUXHALL Victor sedan, radio, excellent condition. Must be sold, owner transferred out of town. RA 5-8936. 16f $1,920 DOWN 1271 SIMCOE NORTH AIR compressor, Brunner 2 hp auto- matic unit, with all accessories, chain hoists, one and two ton, electric house heater with metal lathe, McDougall SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, 2iansm stoves, etc. For top cash cone tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA x B11, y vi boards and sink. 163 Banting Avenue. : Jhmsiy 2. at the Oshawa General 5 " 14f SEVEN - rocm brick home, near north WRECKING -- '50 FORD. All parts] Specialists in Ford Service [fan, portable air compressors, taps and ospital GM plant. Ideal for subletting, oil|for sale, very good re-built motor, new and. parts, Wheel alignment dies from %" to %", tools, heaters, BURCHETT -- In loving memory of| $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed- ONE 6% MORTGAGE heat, garage and ther extras. Must be|clutch, transmission, rear end radiator, h : aig : |are welding rods for cost, half price for| LADY'S coat, grey, size 16-18, suitable Rs ig Rovbie, son of Frank and a dear mother and grandmother, Flor-|room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully! NO SECONDS sold, asking $2000 down. One mortgage windows, wheels, etc. Perfect push-but- wheel balance with latest cash. 597 Simcoe South. RA 59216 any- for older woman. Phone RA 5.2261. DE TT hy Ce ae lence Burchett, Wo passed away Jan:decorated. Hurry for these! Only 2 few) EASY TO CARRY back for batanee: Call: Jon Wacko. lfon radio. RA 3.9066. 0 ut type equipment. Newest type |G" 18¢| PORTABLE typewriter, slectric BN A 4 eal ate, a : electronic tune-up equi it, ing machine with eredt Rose, at the Oshawa General Hospital, [Vary 24, 195 {Mr Bill Swarbrick, 5-6544 or RA | OL E, in very good g UPHOLSTERY material, ninteen yards, |{¥ ver remembered by daughter 5 |CENTRAL -- six - room brick finish- dition, fully equi Must sell. on ' lance, Mekarkey cash register, eauery. Sed. 9% Violet, soniniaw Joe. grandchildren S82 Jon A. J. Bolahood Lid RA 5-8831 (ca atic, oil heated. "Reasonable. cash 5.41 --" | BRAMLEY MOTOR [sche wide ses wih Sse tread cheapo 3 # FORSYTH-Don and Donna (nee Ralph and Joan. pe [offer accepted. Phone RA 50437 after) co BT Husky stati on MOFFAT fourburner electric range PAINT, a exterior, $2.95 gallon. ) i iv GLE and double rooms for gentle 8 m. 18¢ usky station wagon, Doyle) wi Ah HO aannounce the arrival! Gipps -- In loving memory of afmen with cooking privileges. Apply 135 5.P. best trade or cash. Take Over pay- , with top space, and warming oven, in|All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. of their baby daughter, on Thursday, ... if Nellie May Gibbs, who pass:|Celina Street. (OWNER transferred, 3%-year-oM Bun-| ments. R. Curl, Raglan, Ontario. OL- good condition, heavy duty. Telephone | Oshawa Hardware and Elecirie, § Comers) Hospital, Weight 4 ibs. Thanke|®d away January 23, 1958. ONE furnished bedroom, also bed-sit- salow, recreation som, ote to school iver 5.4630. {| PHONE RA 3-4675 RA 50342. 9a | Church Street. RA 3-7624. 2 d --FEver remembered by husband, bed. » (and bus rou 0 agents. an Sn LISUMP pump, automatic, electrie. to Dr. Mellveen, ng room, suit ladies or refined gentle- | REALTOR | 161! FORD Coupe HUNGRY! - fish and chips, i » Jags. EB FE 4 17 paint, ratho, heater. directional Signals |50--Articles For Sale burgs. We deliver. 25c extra. Town Apply 585 King Street East. RA 8.6279 LEPINE--Stan and Janet (nee Pee) gozyp -- In loving memory of a|after 5 oh : FOUR-ROOM frame cia: duty | Telephone RA 3.2516. y cles For Ja Lunch, 522 Ritson South, RA 58978. days. " 17h are happy to announce the birth of go,» r, Victori WHO l RF URNISRED ring, Dbaseme! A = Town their clothes? If still in| LEAVING for Australia, new Vacmas- omar, $s hr, Bu 907, mtr ia, "KG. wn oxOmGD weseroo wren | So eo | Sn vent ks Ghewa Bower 6 QUDSHOBILE iyo one = ER SO 0 SEE Tc dg tn Cet ol eS 150 day, January 19, 1960, at the shuns The was swift and sudden, fin apartmen ing, [South or RA 3.9701. lo by 3-975 M ction, low-cost Oshawa Times model Westinghouse refrigerator, $i 17 Garage, 226 Celina Street. 'Ad. Dial RA 3-3492 for fast General Hospital. No chance to say goodbye, | Phone RA 53804. Binsin NEW six-room brick bungalow with A sister for Chuck - raf and Peggy. | But memories always linger om for single man, New 3-bedroom brick and |30UR SREIE PE ore tlot, situated | ONTIAC Deluxe, original owner, MOFFAT, bari . As the years roll by. |cooking privileges. 317 Glidden Ave-| stone bungalow, custom built, "north of Greenbank on No. 7 and 12/body rebuilt, radio, undercoating, good | clock, UNDERWOOD Doug and , Eleanor Sadly missed and never forgotten by! {ne. RA 5-1601. el no qualifications necessary, (highway. Phone YUkon 35-2762 or UX- condition. $325. Call RA 5717 ¢ By) Bre. ¥ 4 ui NE Ke NA 2 a eho | daughter Verna and son-in-law Bob. | | yugpE room basement apartment, arge rooms throughout, col- [bridge 39920 {754 DESOTO, automatic, fully equipped. | [FABULOUS Dawn Marie, 7 Ibs. 4 ozs., on Friday, KOZUB -- In loving memory of a Private bath, TV outlet, immediate vos. ored both fixtures, mony, |CELINA -- Ash, five-room bungalow, Owner now drives company car, must; Jahvary 22nd, 0, session. Phone RA 5-7940. f | three-piece bath, garage, private drive, sell. Can be seen H Esso Service. | ahvary 22nd, 1960, at the Oshawa dear wife, Victoria Kozub, who passed | mony extras Reduced for ¥ redid General Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. away January 23, 1957. | A Y = $12,900 $7900, low down payment. Tindall 0 mcoe North, RA 402. %)n J. Anderson. My lips cannot tell how 1 miss her, | CENTRAL Quick sole ro . ; . ae [Estate, 43 Bond Street West. RA §. ACE vi "TON Ford Eo good running My heart cannot tell what to say, | this ome rs or yalue. 5 i also platform and stake| VANSON -- David and Gloria (nee God alone knows how I miss her | - Thres or six room office suite, | Call Ozzie Addison, RA [STOREY and hail house, large Io racks for 1 ton GMC. Can be seen at|Smashed (o $39.95; Heockett) of Elliot Lake, are proud to! In a home that is lonesome today ol facili Will re- nog ' close to public, separate and high Horn Esso Service, announce the birth of a son, Mark Ever remembered by husband Bill. | with private faci fies. y oy | 3-2254, pol I [RA 5-540. il vi Ernest day, January 22. 1960, & Sn oi Ernest. on Friday, January 22, 1960, at model to suit. Call 0018 tor. |'53 STUDEBAKER Champion, $285 Elliot Lake Hospital KOZUB -- In loving memory of our CORNER property ; and building _ $900 DOWN ters)--Entered into rest, at the family dear mother, Victoria Kozub, who left| Lioyd, Realty Oshawa Ltd. | near South GM. Apply 784 us January 23, 1957. | imcoe St. N. | 6-room brick home on Rich- Street DEATHS So eid what He. thought best, | RA 35129 | mond St., only a few minutes NEW #210 RY uaa, Jo. He came and stood beside you { walk to four corners, heating Bancrical: with finished recreation room Any, whispered Come A eat i Modern five-room two-bed- | is hot water with oil, 3-pc. |Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238 i 3 i Cai cent, Oshawa. BRUCE, Murray Alexander, Sgt. Ont. Nor even said goodbye, = wit, | 'o°m apartment complete | bath, Dicely decorred. Move [Kaiser Crescel i {on 1 you had gone before w wit, n way, vacant now. Provigdial Police. Toromio Headans And only God knows why with stove, refrigerator, auto- n_ ran away, | Oxford | $145 down. balance monthly. Phone RA 13f|5-9877 anytime after 6 p.m. cu. ft., perfect i. 1951 Packard oar, 19% | | cellent condition. Phone RA 8-1716. ki |shade, regular to $24.50, slashed to $5: Simcoe North. |mats, $1; walnut and blond end tables, 19 19a quilted continental beds in single sizes | CASH { FOR YOUR CAR Full price only $10,000.00. FOR SALE VAN HEUSEN d i 5: Wilson Furniture, 20 Churth colors, clearout, 25¢ per foot; S5-piece kitchen chrome suites, regular $69.50, niture, 20 Church Street. 17¢ 30" gas ange, four Durtiet, service. {iA new $675. 271 Simcoe North, 4 glass door, ful savings during our Janu- ry Clearance Sale. Table lamps with oor coverings, lovely patterns andj broadloom scatter 5 alues to $29.95, special $5. Wilson Fur- pn L NLY at Ed Wiliof's". Smooth top | tol only, regular $69.50, January clearance | teri $39 complete; arborite student's desks, |vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543. {vi rawer and shelf, regular $29.95, slash- USED parts and repairs for all makes of El oak type washers, % HP motors $5 to $10, washers and stoves. Hampton, CO 3-2241. ture Store, RA 3- 3271, Au Simcoe South. makes of electric B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores bi the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models. Come in and choose yours now. Trade terms. Preece Garage, Gliddos guaranteed reconditioned Paddy's Market, YE av R oat tha itv ad. WE pay Highest _prigss J. oly Tor|tLyonaun Bead. or used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni-|GIRL'S new "Mary Maxim" three- piece, Cloudspun sweater set. "Prairie Prancer" design, 7 to 8 years, $15. Phone RA 5-4459 18h 52--Legal Notices al-[T WILL not be responsible for amy debts made by my wife, Marian Alice Johnson, from this day, January 2rd, 1960. ~Webster 0. R. Johnson. SUNBEAM electric razor parts, 5, also utting heads, cords ete, TAzOTSs. RA for other Meagher's, West King Street refrige! Kelvinator most all sizes, $3 and up. Stores. RA 5-4343. erators, ranges, washers, The F! > and on Ta televisions, radios and record players, NOTICE items--cheap oo quick sale. Telephone [best offer. Guaranteed repairs to all {RA 5.8470, 324 Anderson Avenue. 19a |houshold appliances and televisions, TO CREDITORS ts available. Barons' ONE racoon fur coat in good condition, |All tubes and par size 12: one red opossum hip length | Radio and Electric Ld. RA 3.2063. In the estate of ETHEL fur Jacket, size 12. RA 5.7006. 18f| GUNS, 'ammunition and hunting sup. MAUD EDMONDSON, de- -- 1 | Pll and use lerms per cen sed 2Linch Admiral TV, Al Town " porainion Tire Store, 48 Bond ceased. (0), . | condition, limed oak. Phone RA 5-4449. 18f ONE deep-well pressure system, $65; $ E mith-Corona adding machine, $70; slectric Underwood No. 5 typewriter, |° Street' West. RA 5-6511, LARGE selection TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim-| Te-conditioned All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel Moud Edmondson, late of the Town of Whitby, in the of oe Street North. ock of used $45; Glad iron, $50, Rosedale Marine WE like to clean our 0 \ and Repair, RA 81734 or RA 58063.|TV'. Many bargains, three montha| county of Ontario, spinster, Co. Io Lo ise igvaranise; Trio Selevistafis who died on ot Soot _the WINTER sale of room lots of 1959. ee | 30th day of October, , Bluebird Path- E ' wallpaper, 10-roll bundles at $2.95, $3.95, HOUSE tra sh Bluebi are hereby Hotified to send King West, opposite Dominion Store. t Kdgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 fi AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order "relly by ways mbered by her daugh- residence, King's Crescent. Ajax, on CAlwazs Femem Carol, "%BY! matic washer and dryer, TV Coll' Ozzie Addison, RA Wednesday, January 20, 1960, Murray A | NHA Resale, solid brick, 6% Alexander Bruce, beloved husband of ; | aerial, paved parking. Avail 3.2254. , k, 6% M T Mae Ferrier, and dear father of Murray Dit Ty fd Jog rin] able March Ist -- telephone mortgage, 6 rooms F/A oil 9 KING STW. Jr. of Ajax. Barbara (Mrs, Barjak) of 5 2, heat. living facilities in base- 4 Brougham, and Kay of Ajax; loving son Row, Who passed. away January RA 3-9329 er RA 5-6983 COMMERCIAL ment 2 both facilities, ti m---------------- re of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bruce of S St. N: == Lot 75 ' J Your presence we miss, 19 Simcoe St. o x or Leaside, and dear brother of Helen| yoi' Vivir we treasure | ; 124 £1. with 6 brick schools, shopping, transp 1960 (Mrs. Mott) of Thornhill Mr. Bruce| ying you always, F S i h he oon 3 totion. RA 5.6902 will rest at the sire Wes oe Forgetting you never 45--Real Estate For Sale hose, Fi eating: : pee, R ome, - 2 ng Street West (near) rehembered by daughter | oro ro th, hardw and tile v tached, frome, S DEB E Chureh), Pickering, from 7:30 P.m.|Doreen, son.indaw Ken and grandchil- BUY or sell or rent property through po Fall ene ord 7 rooms, Jeo 9g, ram: TU AK Thursday. Funeral service in st Paul" S|dren Brian and Wendy icAuley Real Estate, and join the 5, garage. p y Ajax near all facilities, nicely United Church, Ajax, on Saturday {hundreds of satisfied clients whom we| $13,900.00 with $3,500.00 furnished. Excellent large | LARK January 23, at. 2:30 p.m interment McQUAID -- In loving memory Oe oo deat PE down. Coll Ozzie Addison, family, or boarding, $65 | Pine Grove Cemetery, es Albert 2 dear: father, who passed away Janu-|q 0) RA 3.2512 or Whitby," AHO RA 3-2254 monthly. RA 5.6902 Two-door Sedan Delivered 1:30 p.m. until time of service. (Kindly | in our hearts your memory lingers, [8331 ] 17¢ Fully Equipped at note change in time of funeral service| Always tender, fond and true 109 ACRES, level garden land, on Taun. | WANTED on and place of interment) There is not a day, dear father {ton Road' East, ideal for building. Real 8b, We do not think of you {buy at only $220 per acre, easy terms.| (Client with good cash pay- LOTS _Ever remembered by 'son Russell, Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd,| requires o 5-toom home | . SIDLER--At the Belleville General|daughter-in-law Rhoda and grandchil-|Realtors, MA 3.3393, Bowmanville. 19f pH q with king | Hospital, on Friday, January dren | ry Aen pt with garage, thin walkin | N full res 1360, Elizabeth Slaust in ig md NMeQUAID- 151 fm or - uivalent to a 150° 4500, distance to Ontario Steel. Or | J Ha A Uoroved, Bu Bin SABYAN year, loved wife of aspar Sidler, cQU 4 n loving memory of my | > . : # | paid services, bui loving mother of Mrs. Alfred Knowlton | dear father and grandfather, Kenneth APPLY 238 Kaiser Crescent 196] willing to trade o 5-room | MOTOR SALES (Margarete) of Bowmanville, Mrs. Gor-| McQuaid, who passed away Samuary| brick bungalow on 2 acres RISTOW & OLSEN LIMITED don Wernham (Alice) Barry's Bay, 24th, 1941 PRIVATE SALE -- Income of land, near South G.M | Realtors dear sistey of Mrs. Emma Schwab,| Upright and just in all his ways | Mrs. Clara Shupp, Mrs. Martha Uber-| Loyal and true through all his days, home, twelve rooms, oil heat- | RA 5.6165 -- RA 5.3412 334 RITSON RD. S sax, Hants, Rudolph, Otto, all brothers! Silently suffered, patiently bore | ed, heavy duty wiring, natur- | Diol RA 3.3461 and sisters from Switzerland. Mrs,| God took him home, to 'suffer no % ouble drive- \ 19 Athol St. West -- | al gos, paved double drive | il TRE we ay Fuversl more db; Albert, way, double garage, brick [; [3 le! Home, 390 King West, for serviee in| _[ovingly remembered by son er 4 A -- the chapel on Monday, January 28th. qaughter-nlaw Hilda, grandchildren house, licensed for room ond REALTOR 45A--Real Estate for Sale! "SABYAN MOTOR | 3 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme-| Allan, Kenneth, Mary Ellen board, 'very reasonable. RA RA 3-2254 Or Exchange TWASNICK In loving memory of a|3-9216. No agents id SELL or exchange --. Re SALES LTD. dear mother and grandmother, Lydia 184} 19g [ness arge living quarters, g | GERROW FUNERAL. _ ressict, who passed sway Jatwars dltrict. Write 'Box 130 Oshawa Times.| STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN We cannot clasp your hand, mother CHAPEL "Kindness price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST "LOCKE'S FLORISTS ear, Your face we cannot see: | But let this little token | Tell you we still Fetsmbier an thee. | Lovingly remembered sadly missed by the family CARD OF THANKS Flowers and arrangements for | MeRARNIRC The JAE SLL rer all occasions tives, friends and neighbors for their | Oshawa Shopping Centre [kind txbressions of remem © | West Side | THE family of the late Cory De PHONE RA 8-6555 [mer tiamas 'and neighbors, for the - | acts of kindnes. messages of sympathy shown to them in the loss of a beloved husband, father and grandfather. Many thanks for the beautiful floral tributes and other gifts received. A special thank you to Rev. W. Dickson for his| comforting words, Ladies' Centre Street {United Church, Dr. Morris for his kindness and faithful attendance: also | nursing staff General Hospital, 1E. We are very grateful to Gerrow Funeral FLOWERS for all 'occasions. .Wedding end Funeral Arrangements Distinctive Designs-- Especially for You 6% MORTGAGING| SALES and SERVICE 46--Real Estate Wanted 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH $400 DOWN |W. McAULEY N.H.A. BUILT | REALTOR WHITBY -- 4-room ranch- style white clopboard bunga- low, oil heating, on business lot, north section. For quick PHONE RA 58762 #f you wish to sel | Prudential Trust Company Ltd. ALL clisnts, equity. Call W. McAuley Realtor, | Prince Street, Oshawa. RA 3-2512 o Whitby MO 8-3231. 3 some with all cash or you Aluminum storms and screens |your property at a fair market price. 2% in| OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 stove, oven and lights, reasonable price. Phone Toronto CL 1- 7302 r, Ei inder, 16° 6" long, 6° 6" wide. Propane ] particulars of some to the undersigned Executor on er before the 15th day of Febru- now for early delivery, Chair and table Toronto Avenue. RA 5-2831. ory, 1960, after which date rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. |For quality uieds elothing, come to yo Estate will be distributed, VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes, |102 Willikm Street East. Also used ooo d "only to parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. furniture LE ) i which the unde |teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free, |--------"--~" ~~" pa claims of : [rns Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser} orp LIOME APPLIANCES signed shall then have notice, vice. RA 8-1081 anytime : Ce Hill |SUIM down for spring with » Stautfer OSHAWA LTD. Doted_ i Richmond i Teducing couch, hal Yegular 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR es 1960. GD washers, guaran. FRIGIDAIRE teed. from $30 up. Call RA 5.1179. 17c SALES AND SERVICE Victor P. McMullen, Q.C., KNITTING {than half price, $50. MO 82570, machine, nearly Tews 13f| | | kinds of property wanted Jor MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service r Decorated in Oils Walk-out Basement sie, enly $8,000 with $4,000 down 7-ROOM BRICK, 2-STOREY. URGENT $12,800 is the full price for We need homes for sale, any | | this solid brick bungalow 2 kitchens, oil heat, garage; orea. Cash clignts waiting. with six bright rooms. Family North section in Oshawa. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. size kitchen, and really big Estate sale. Bargain -- make W. T. LAMSON living ond dining room with 3 1 : REAL * ESTATE scenic panoramic view: Large A offer. lot with basement opening STORE & LIVING QUARTERS 17 ANDY NAGY'S { BODY SHOP | 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 | Executor, Domestic and Commercial 17 Bedford Pork Avenue, SALE We don't promise any bonus, RA 5-5332 Richmond Hill, Ont. Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, i i t Admiral, Westinghouse. The OTE 8 erty run het I { BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN ! MOTORS into garden. Yes, complete --Downtown Oshawa: Corner |47--Automobiles For Sale | 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA aluminum storms and screens business property. A good : too. WHY RENT? buy for quick sale {61 CHEV. yadan, signals, radio, heater, (Just East of Wilson Road) (tires, all in perfect condition, new ; RA 5.8831 EXCHANGE large brick biog Sheenly. Sa Ne Bargain Jor} RA 3.4494 Res. 5.5574 house, Buckingham Ave., for alow; er sell reasonable. [89 DKW two-tone station wagon, {room condition, 10,000 miles, W. T. LAMSON we | fully | we promise only number one finest in T.V., Hi-Fi and self-storing aluminum doors ' service. of Oshawa wil apply > a installed, guaranteed, only Legislative Assembly Ne $44.95. Aluminum double- PARKWAY T.V. Province of mais Chics hung storm windows. Only t - $18.50 installed. Now try 918 SIMCOE NORTH ture to be held in the year the best in town, Call us for RA 3.3043 1960 for an Act authorizing quick service. RA 3.9851 the Corporation of the City Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. of Oshawa to establish, means PENIN maintain, extend end oper- ate a public bus trans- FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries ond freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5.3709. { 149 KING ST. WEST MO 8-5672 {Home for their kind and efficient | Son ot 26 Prince St. or phone (Suipped, extras. Jiicate. Show Tom, 3, | . it- | e , Ux e, r .m. 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY --Mrs. Arlie DeGuerre and family. REAL ESTATE LTD.! Dehaus hon 2512 or Whit ris Bad _-- elon pm QUALITY 7c 18 su tires and wa. USED CARS BE TWO hard tol . LEAL TRADENP PLANNING TO BUILD | her el OR DOWN |'4 CHEV. two-tone deluxe coach, in LIENS PAID OFF THREE-ROOM basement apartment, FOR RENT -- 3- or dunes. heavy wiring, warm, bright, immedi | electrically equipped. MO 8.3391. ate possession, reasonable. North of = Four Corners in Whitby, parking space. | rr. ALE "Chesterfield, matching | 196 MO 38-4400, FOR RENT-two-room apartment, vate bath and entrance, electric | chair, blonde dinette table, four than, 9 x 12 rug, 24" television. Other All like new. Apply 231 Palace Lm | ticles. Pr Street. water. 508 Centre North. MO 8.2998. FOR RENT -- New four-room a part: 19¢c 'ment, very central, 'parking provided; lalso one three-room apartment. 3 WOMAN would mind two children 83762 P 15¢ while mother works, in her home; or| TTR do baby siting in the evenings. Rea- NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. sonable rates. MO 8.5172. or less, parking lot facilities. ------ {Whitby Professional Building, MO 8-| FOR RENT--four-room apartment, pri- 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003. Feb 12| vate entrance. Apply 321 Palace Street. MO 8-4374. 1 WANTED TO RENT | FOR RENT -- Large newly Tnished | ne-bedroom apartment, heated, outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit. Available immediately. Call RA in § 3-bedroom house, April 1, erate family. Write to Box 130, awa Ti Times. FOR SALE Fur Jacket, 1 rate, small size, good 311 Davedale Drive, Whitby THREE-roomed upstairs | unfurnished, available parking space. Dundas Street Brooklin-- by consid. Osh- 19 | ALEX D. HENRY, General Contractor, al musk- | Repairs, Alterations, Cement, Carpen- Apply [TY RA 5-454 10 BEF tanks cleaned the t,|¥ay, new tanks installed, poliariment, |Ward, 204 Chestnut West. East. | _ MO 38-5188. 18 FoR ENT Fun, -bedroom apartment ---------- wit ireplace, decorated to sult your FOR RENT -- 10-room house, 1137|jiking, plenty of parking space, vonteal, Brock South or two apartments. Apply Phone MOhawk 38-2786, 17 Eueld Street. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanita cleam sal ar FOR RENT -- Unfurnished bachelor way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, gg also one 3-room apartment, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. tained, central. MO 8-250. |LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. he: ket WANTED -- Trassvortation yr st marke! Vices paid, Jake | Hig Parker, MO 8:3644 collect. Wilson Heights area, Toronto, working £2 hours 96. Phone MO 8-4646 after 7.30 DOES your furnace cause s00f smoke sanitary Walter Phone MO p.m. 18¢c |and odor? Learn cause, see Demon Ba Soa UP CUES |strator at Albert Randall & Sons Ltd., FRESH water service. Phone any- 102A Byron Street South, Whitby. MO time. MO 38-4172. Jan. 29/8.2991. FOR RENT -. Nice four-room self-con- tained apartment, business. couple pre- ferred. Phone MO 8.2088. MO 8.4043. 17c FoR C.I.L. PAINT FOR RENT -- Six-room ranch syle] Call house, all )modern Conveniences, | mediate | | No SEE VE DODD & SOUTER te entrénce and light heus.| PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE privileges. Phone MO 8.2332. 107 Byron Street South Apply 312 Mary Eas. 7c MO 8-5231 MALE help wanted-- Whitby Public School Board requires handyman im. mediately for school = maintenance. Some carpentering experience desir. able. Must apply in writing to 8. Th oi, 307 Kink Street. Whitby. 17¢ FOR == 3-room cottage, hot and cold ii also 3-room apartment furnished or unfurnished. 84 Dundas A. FOSKETT, & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST. E. east 17¢ HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good | MO 8-2341 WHITBY down payments W McAuley Realtor | R ofing, Sheet Metal Work, MO 83231. Oshawa RA 3.2512 Ch Flash oid a Chimney Flosh, FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, © power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers, Pavestioughing, Painting, ecorating ets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8. ae All Werk Guarontesd. | good condition, $650. Phone RA 58132 { 16f |') CHEVROLET coach, radio, fmoter, jites, battery, needs body w | 936. BUY A NEW HOME ? New | worl WILBAK MOTORS be PONTIAC custom four door sedan | tion. Phone RA 38-6819. |'5%7 PONTIAC sedan {Dodge 6 cylinder; If you are, call us for assistance with plans, location price etc. Oshawa to Whitby. Courteous attention. JAMES O'MALLEY--BUILDER RA 3-7122 6 cylinder; '54 Ford tow truck with 30 to cylinder; Ay '46 GMC Auto Wreckers, MA 3-5756 16+ 45--Real Estate For Sale WOULD You LIKE A BIG HOME WITH AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION AND A NEW LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENT WITH HUGE MAPLE TREES ON EVERY LOT ON A QUIET RESIDENTIAL STREET ONLY 3 BLOCKS FROM WHITBY'S FOUR CORNERS COME OVER THIS WEEKEND ONLY TWO LEFT STYLED IN OLD ENGLISH AND VIRGINIA STYLES LOCATED 3 BLOCKS EAST OF WHITBY'S FOUR CORNERS ON DUNDAS TURN SOUTH ON REYNOLD ST. TOWARD ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE BUILT BY W. H. McEWAN & SON INFORMATION: WHITBY MO 8-2527 : AGINCOURT: R. W. McEWAN, AX 3-4205 19 |sun visor, whitewalls. Excellent ong 4 '55 Ford sedan 8 (evtinder automatic; 51 Mercury sedan ton; '51 Ford half winch; '49 Chev. half ton. 75 mufflers |new, car or truck, $5 each. Ackerman 137 KING, ST. WEST RA 5-0732 HIGHWAY NO. 2 RA 8-6891 '60 CADILLAC four-door Hardtop $7295 CHEVROLET two-door Biscayne . . . 895 CHEVROLET four-door Biscayne $2295 BUICK Two-door special outomatic, radio $1595 BUICK Special two-door hardtop, automatic, radio $1295 PONTIAC four-door hardtop V8 eutomatic, radio $1395 > BUICK four-door special automatic, radio $1095 MERCURY Fordor sedan clean car $995 CHEVROLET standard two-door, really sharp $995 FORD Fordor, custom radio : $695 CHRYSLER four-door, power steering, automa- tic, radio 1 $695 '51 OLDSMOBILE $150 HILLTOP MOTORS ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 (between Oshawa & Whitby) 18f | 0. UR aes {7859 'S7 '56 5 oo 'S wv '5 wn |S tod 48--Aut w JANUARY. SALE Aluminum Products of the | best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18 | | Call now Lymer Aluminum Co -5385 HILLTOP MOTORS | NEW STEREO | HI-FI 'SETS RADIO | RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS THE DUTCH MERCHANT | HOME FURNISHINGS |WANTED 1 fon pick-up truck in good condition, price no object. Phone RA 57081 19a LAKESHORE A uto Wreckers. "want cars wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 51161 or RA 5.1182. . Wilson's Furniture 20 CHURCH ST. 171 BOND ST. EAST | | | FURNITURE Clearance Sale !! 10% TO 50% OFF * FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS | CEDAR CHESTS COFFEE & STEP TABLES | { (Let! FREE STORAGE TILL SPRING portation system within the City of Oshawa end, subject to the approval of the Coun- cil of any municipality ad- joining the City of Oshawe, within the limits of any such adjoining municipality, end s help you save on your BOATING NEEDS Brand New 40 H.P. electric Scott generator bail-o-matic, key start, choice of colors, ing power and dependability. authorizing the Council of Only $596.50- the Corporation of the City of Oshawa to entrust the WHILE THEY LAST manag and of the sid system to the 7%2 HP. new, bail-o-matic Public Utilities Commission ear shift and gas tank of the City of Oshawa. 209.95 DATED at Oshawa this 11th 40 H.P. manual, lots of pow- day of December, 1959. er for ski or cruiser Sk ond bail-o-matic, $385.9. 60 H.P. Brand new pound for pound the most power E. 6G. McNEELY, BA, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitor for the said ful outboard yet. 20 omp . generator, bail-o-matic, key Applicant. start only, $699.95. 60 HP. used, $695.95. Lack Of Cohesion 18 ft. Weymouth Cruiser ful- ly equipped 40 M.P. Electric motor, $2,695.00. 16 Ft. moulded mahogany equipped hardware, runnning lights, steering, speed meter, spot-light, rearview mirrors, remote controls, with 40 H.P. Electric motor and trail- er. One only aot this price $1,499.00. Between Coroners KITCHENER (CP) -- Ontario's 450 coroners will attend regional conferences on procedures, At- torney-General Roberts told the annual meeting of the Waterloo County Automobile Association here Friday night. "'Senior officials in my depart- ment have been studying the methods used by coroners," he said. "A committee has been set up to make recommendations." Mr. Roberts referred to recent newspaper articles criticizing cor- oners' inquests. He said there might be a "lack of cohesion" amongst the many Ontario coroners who are mainly doctors. 50--Articles For Sale 24 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN 9 AM. TILL 9 P.M. TUES TO SAT. AJAX MARINE No. 2 Highway At Ajax PHONE 1266 TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS | Many Other Terrific Values at Giveaway Prices! BARONS' \ 424 Simcoe St. S. BABY BARGAINS CLEAROUT OF ALL LAST YEAR MODELS OF BABY CARRIAGES FROM $28.50 LLOYD'S $36 Baby Cribs, large, full panel, Roxatone, drapside, on cas- tors, HALF PRICE . $16.88 PLAY PENS $8.88 HIGHCHAIRS . $7.88 STROLLERS $5.88 ANNUAL SINGER GOLD TAG SPECIAL ON USED MACHINES Yes! It is right now at your Singer Sewing Center ,16 Ontario Street, Oshawa. In the downtown business section. We have a good supply of lote model machings, traded in on our famous Slant-O-Matic. We also have Singer & treadles all re- conditioned by Singer experts, priced from $19 There is also a limited supply of other make SE hints other than Singer. $29.95 FOR PORTABLES $39.95 FOR CABINETS So come now while selection is 'good. Apply SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO STREET 18b