Call Tender |Government Optimistic |Starvation [Ef = 5 Seth FE SCs cial problem but he planned to/tend universities and: agricultural Darlington Council |ForSand |About World Situation |Diet For [SEr==t for, opus : ] b y i k OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-|effective armed forces the gov- I di T ib Foundation Given | a Discusses Gara g oe 0 uc ment Thursday took a generally ernment gave a new indication n 1an Il e For Young Farmers Former Publisher HAMPTON. (StatD) Dailite optimistic Yew of the world situ-|of its intention to reduce defence| WINNIPEG (CP) "The Fr : oh -- -| ation and pledged to assist moves|spending. | -- The Free | gun HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling undercarriages of the trucks. He ton township cofincil voted Thurs-|toward controlled disarmament. | " n For mants said nearly a Press says residents of the Sandy ™ ANCOUVER (CP) eli A 900 Dies In Lindsay ton township council met with said some of the workmen say it day afternoon to call tenders for| Outlining its position in the month ago that the defence Bay Indian reservation 50 miles foo oy ation bo help junior United Counties engineer George is much easier to work under-a three ton truck and box with|speech from the throne, the gov-|budget would be cut from its cur-/north of Portage la Prairle are|p.. sri a b sh Columbia has LINDSAY (CP) -- John D Totten Thursday afternoon to dis- neath the big trucks if they can|an attachment for sanding foriernment reaffirmed support for|rent $1,695,000,000. Amount of the|living on a "semi - starvation n set up by George W. Nor-,, voy "cident of J. .W- Deyell uss at length, plans submitted get into tbe pit rather than to|use by the township roads de- financial aid to less developed cut has not been divulged. diet." gan, a Vancouver industrialist. |, U0 rr ited and for by Mr. Totten for a proposed have to lay on their backs. | partment, | i i y aid i | it {Pn ers iy a nes y Mr. Propo: \ | countries. The government said it con-| The newspaper says mogt| Registered as the George W.\,uplisher of the weekly Lindsay owiship garage and storage ; J Mr. Totten replied some people| Department of highways repre-| [It proposed Canadian participa- tinues to regard as a primary breadwinners on the reserve are Norgan Foundation, it will be watehman-Warder, dled Thurs- : aE : like pits, but he for one did not.|sentative Archie Ward 16d ion in a Commonwealth ex-|goal the achievement of the|fighting a losing battle to provide|handled by a trust company and day At the conclusion of the two- i "The fumes and gases are both | 8 g pro day. 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 15, 1960 council the department is using|change program holarships. | greatest possible measure of con-! 1 : ." hour talk, council had not reach- #8 heavier than air and there is al ree ton trucks with Brantford| On' coming umm meetings, trolled. disarmament. ie Hoth ed > Exaibition, BP No eh ay of Fig A ar id ways the existing danger with Eg Tig il Hated Shes the Speech said: | The speech said the govern-| been bad SYNE ANC rapping a3 Tye money will be used for Welland + Di Axthur. Dayel of heating sys W - ; ; 3 d "We welcom irit whi nt is "heartened" the| y A | 3 ae ing would be supplied with. How- ! pt thete lume and gases can|yith the three ton vehicles as|nas made yin Ril ne, United "Nations val its] Chief John Beaiiion and coum] ever the roads committee con- i Tise and if they are sostacted by|the men have a tendency to over- of the past vear in meetings be- proposal to sample and andlyze(ciior Doug Desiarlals were sisting of Deputy - reeve Arthur ; a spark they can explode. If that|joad them at times [tween the leaders of great na-|more widely the radioactive con.|quoted as saying the band's re. L. Blanchard, Councillor Harold , | happens, someone could bel Deputy-reeve Arthur L. Blan-itions and we believe that with tent of the atmosphere, soil ana| quest for flour had been turned C. Muir and Reeve Garnet B i maimed for life or seriously in-|chard wanted to know if a three|ywisdom and patience the series food. : down by the government. It was PROMPT Rickard and the .new township {= { jured. Just a year ago in Co-ton vehicle is any more cof-|of meetings arranged to com-| Parliament would be asked to| Made Dec, 21. roads superintendent, upon his. { p : A bourg fumes from a pit exploded venient to handle than a larger mence in Paris in May can bring vote funds to enable Canada to gays FOOD SUPPLIED appointment, will work with Mr. En and blew the front off a service truck would be. lzbout the results which all de- tal leadi t in this work. - Totten on the plans. : 4 0 station," he sald. Mr. Ward told him the depart: {Sire Tesilts Which a. Ve ie Roding pant ie Che] Arche Leslie, Indian affairs [adh a The engineer was instructed to 3 He pointed out Roy W. Nichols, ment employees don't tend|1o CUT DEFENCE BUDGET {dramatic developments must be Span men © yu about 156 Ss) . continue the work he was en- when he was reeve, came up with |'® overload the four-ton trucks| By a deliberate omission of any expected in the penetration of gaged by the 1959 council, under a good idea, that being td install AS Much as they do the three-| reference to the need to maintain|outer space. ° people -- have received $1,000 the leadership of Reeve Roy W. an exhaust system in the new|ton Jobs | | worth of food in relief in the last | Deputy-reeve < Blanchard then Nichols, to do in the preparation 3 building ni imonth, f 3 for thi build- : 4 wanted to know if the township we now have," said Mr. Mea-| Mr, Leslie said: * gf drawing fo the Bow' bu fm : Plan Grade oc tnt i DELIVERY | Mr. Totten obtained the details|would get more benefit from al {the interests of 1 . ; ; the Indi of installing an exhaust system four-ton vehicle than from a He pointed out council wouldimake it possible for thew Io ol ing. At the time he was engaged, 3 3 A his fee was set at $500 which GARNET RICARD and explained the way to do it three-ton, especially during the be credited with $1,650, which is| back and exist on relief." . ] i | . k | would be paid in two instal- : " > wit it ard to lay a four inch pipe be-|summer. half of the $3,300 fee for pre-| Winter works projects had been - ments. The first $250 will be paid JECT dos Bin 08 t Bard tween the pillars under the con-| To that question, Mr. Ward re- epara 10N paring the preliminary report and|planted and kA available - when the plans have been com," ont through the wall. 0aY crete. A rubber hose is connect-|plied he sometimes feels it is| |plan and the final report and plan|for road clearing and clearing of ("0 pleted and the remaining $250 5%, "{ic reinforced concrete fot the vehicle exhaust and a much better fo rent trucks dur-| HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling.{by his firm. He said the fee playground areas. But the resi.| vill be paid upon completion Of | Jove "this would not happen, Mr. fan is turned on which carries all lng the summer if they are avail ton township council voted Thurs-|Would be included in the totalidents of the reserve apparently 43 KING STREET WEST the building Totten stated. (the exhaust fumes out through able for renting and keep your!qay afternoon to authorize Reeve cost of which the transport board were not willing to take part in Mr. Totten explained to the |the walls. The motor of a ve- OWN truck for sanding during the Garnet Rickard and clerk Walter| would pay 80 per cent and the the program, he said l CALL OSHAWA three new council members the LIKE PITS hicle can be left on all day as|winter in good shape. E. Rundle to sign an agreement/CPR five per cent. He said the], 1; of i f I - RA 5-3589 new building will be constructed Councillor Fred Smith ques long as the exhaust is connected He pointed out the highways iy cA, Meadows and associ-|land purchase was not taken into or Ottawa, n iid Jones, direc. across the street from the muni-|tioned whether or mot it would and the fan running. department crews stock pile the| consulting engineers, for consideration and they will re- of the citizenship depart-| cipal offices at Hampton on an!pe possible to include a pit in one| A fan with a capacity of 100% d used on roads then cap it). oo orade separation for a|quire an extra right of way over ment's Indian affairs branch, "L" shaped lot owned 2 je of the bays for working on the cubic feet of air per minute is Wh hb salt So avoid freezing when proposed overpass over the CPR what was mentioned in the report | _-.". ---..--. pos gS b baad : e ra y | i op bis " The oid lownehip jul [required for cars, 300 cubic feet perdiure drops [level crossing on Courtice road to provide for 66-foot approaches ill per minute for trucks and it la i tion of the , garage Is started = | 8 SUM IT UP south, at each end of the bridge. lon of the new garage J§ starter. Will Attend would be advisable to install &|" Jt was stated council would| If the board of transport com-| At an earlier meeting, council NEW AREA INCLUDED fan with A capacity of 600 cubic Lave to call for two separate tcn- missioners approves the town-|apnroved a proposal by the CPR ® He said the new building will * birt, ne i ers, one for the truck and chas-iship's application for the con-it; puild a spur line near the be 88 feet, 10 inches long and 44 onvention |e Toten brought with him $is and 3 second Se for the box struction of the railway bridge, Courtice crossing el feet wide. It will have four over-| 4 . ou ov -{and sanding attachment. |it is expected the ultimate cost ' " ! head doors, one 16 feet wide and] HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling-|ent views of the proposed garage.| When asked by deputy - reeveito Darlington ratepayers will be Fallyays Jeu lise would comsieil ; | 3 : the others 14 feet wide, all fac-|ton township council Thursday Included in his sketches were|Blanchard if council would find it|approximatel 000. | ing west, with a little space be-|afternoon authorized the town-|floor plans and outside views|just as easy to operate a three- py oust oy DW lon of the i) A} He SI Hn ham % th tween the northerly two doors|ship roads committee and the from different angles of looking/ton truck as a flve-ton vehicle, which will be re for a work new roads superintendent, after iat the building. [the department representative proposed bridge would b e borne|council submitted its proposal for area, his appointment is made, to at-| He stated the plans could beitold him if council considers by the transport board, who would|the over-pass. It is expected the cost of the [tend the annual Good Roads As- submitted to the department of going into a five-ton truck, it{Pay 80 per cent of the total cost, new building will be about $24,000 sociation convention in Toronto highways and the department of may just as well consider going the CPR railway whose contri- HEFTY PUZZLE when it is complete. | February 22, 23 and 24. |1abor, he thought, without havia, fio a good snow plow. bution would be five per cent off BARRIE, Ont. (CP) --Town @ e pointed out in the work Deputy-reeve Arthur L. Blan-|ihe heating system .drawn in, Mr. Blanchard stated that|the total cost and the remaining] council has asked the Canadian area would be included an office chard, roads committee chairman council could not arrive at a 1g. |: cemed to sum it up, Darlington 15 per cent of approximately National Railways for a year's c $9,000 would be left to the town- HR | for the roads superintendent or astated it certainly is worthwhile| Cision whether the building vould be better off with a three- grace before it accepts a dis- mechanic and there would be ajto attend the convention aS 8|chould be heated by forced air or|!0D vehicle, ship. carded locomotive. The council- telephone installed. Upstair slot of facts concerning roads work by radiant heating as was sug-| Reeve Garnet B, Rickard! C, A. Meadows told council ftg|lors can't decide where to place would be a stock and lunch|can be gathered. Councillor Har-| 0oi0i™ when the garage con- stated judging by last year and| application for the grade separa- room, but not too much has beenjold C. Muir is the other mem- | 1. "wae first mentioned. [LS Year, it would appear that!tjon is before the board of trans- done for the time being on the ber of the committee and reeve |ice is going to be a much bigger | port commissioners mow and it upstairs as it was felt that could Garnet B. Rickard is a mem: CcoST LESS {problem than snow. Especially, |ya¢ accompanied by a copy of COLDS be finished later. ber of all standing committees.| 1; a5 established forced air|he said, with the number of black|, report his firm supplied hd Downstairs would be the fur- Reeve Rickard told council it yeating would cost less than|topped roads they are getting jn] tepor. lis Upped eounch Sore Throat mace room, washroom aud the was through (DEINE at the Su radiant heating for the installa-| the SW i 1 He stated he is taking a scale! 8 ft owns ve- vention and Jus n i i vould! Con hy je bas for parking township ve- vention 2 J tion, but radiant heating would| SCONCE CEPUYTEIVE Blan-| 4 awing of the suggested bridge DR. THOMAS' hicles and equipment the delegates that the develop- the chard's motion to call for ten- ; : en -- 'recommended re- ment road from Taunton t¢ En- keep the floor warm and ders for the three-ton truck, box|0 the board in Ottawa Tuesday | 1ginee oS |equipment would be warmed up morning. "We hav h t LECTRIC (1) ced concrete be poured to a field was started. |and ready to use when it was and sanding attachment. Coun- 8. ave chosen two at of four feet along the - {npeded cil may as well advertise for Points where the construction j , tenders mow, as it was no good Would coincide with the 1711 ex- IY matem stip walls, the reason being that dur- Dep wh : ing the winter months trucks Road Work The possibility of a power fall-| woiting until the end of winter isting grade for the grade sep- © Being on by tous gonare may come in with snow on the Fra. 08 by Vows avnirg tires and when the driver applies brakes, they sometimes in |] . t : y y freeze over if the wer i p i stead of stopping bump the wall L | t nay POWET eight to 10 feet high. ship's application he would return 131 1S d 10n failed for long. with the final drawings of the sug- ure and the effect it may have, : | ion." ; o do something. He stressed in|aration," he said on a radiant heating system Was ine northern part of the township| The engineer confirmed as soon discussed, It was felt the unit jast winter snow was piled from|as the board approves the town. (RY AA 8 : rd As the building is 2 be gon | Me T . structed of concrete block, when . Totten he wanted to ALL AMIL gested bridge, the working plans, a truck hits the wall, although | get his plans sent to both boards]! SARNIA, = TAM Ly Claude and specifications, - -- n er u {for their approval and call for Rilbreath, 71, hasn't shot a deer HALF OF $3,300 . . (tenders as soon as possible %0/on his annual hunting expedition| 'We should be able to call for Superintendan TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario|construction could begin as s00n| for 10 years, but his son Clay|tenders in six weeks or two |government spokesman saidas there is a break in the| shot a large buck on the first day months and I don't anticipate any {Thursday the goveram ent| weather early in the spring. Job Is Open lo studying legislation which lim. of the season. major changes in the drawings Unfortunately, not many of us can travel its the contributions of citie d y L. J HAMPTON (Saif -- Daring owns 1a susan rosds bu To) Pm ---- : i on ~ - South when cold weather hits . . . we're ton township council adjourned to|change in. the legislation is ex-| the call of the Reeve at supper- pected at the coming session of : : 1 t Kk : h . time Thursday to go into com-|the legislature id v } 3 ! mittee of the whole to review, Reeve Donald MacPherson of : ] Z ; 1 Stuc wit it. severa applications submitted Bridgeport said Wednesday at a for the position of township roads Waterloo County council meeting superintendent that the section of the Highway | y ii f A i Present roads superintendent Act governing urban contribu- PT | : 4 3 i T K. (Tom) Stewart resigned his! tions is outmoded. Under the act, le E wy isd post last month to assume the'a city or town can not contri- duties of Bowmanville works de-|bute more than one-half mill to- partment superintendent ward suburban roads. The con-| % : 3 ; 4 ; 7 bid pr Mr. Stewart will commence! tributions may be increased to . : fc ; a i ? pC wt £0 | his duties in Bowmanville Mon- two mills if the county council 7 % 7 A 5 4 ? » ; ® day morning, January 18. He was appropriates an equal amount. 2 member of the Port Hope divi-l Mr. MacPherson said Waterloo 4 Vi 3 . sion of the Ontario department of |C was unique with three 7 : ih is yk pr 1 + Wi ' h wvs for many years before|cities--Kitchener, Waterloo = and i a : " inter weather doesn't have to mean a cold home Pranap jp employment as Cart-/Galt -- and perhaps a fourth,| § % ih township roads superinten- Preston is considering seeking i i / ; ; : measures taken now can mean comfort and tuei economy ere he stayed until his|city status i h / i : tment as Darlington roads! The government s poke sman superintendent four years ago agreed that Waterloo had a prob- His home is 182 Church street,lem and suggested a metropoli- Bowmanville {tan form of government might F 7 : i Sh A i NEW COUNCIL be a solution 2 4 X i ~ . Council will select a few of -- ay ag the more favorable looking appli- A ¥ pd ? ; € S awa 00 Products cations and call the applicants for| FAVOR BARS a personal interview with the] BRANTFORD (CP)--This city] roads committee voted Wednesday in favor of # k 3 da : 1 h 4 | ® After the interviews are com-|cocktail bars and licensed dining| | ; 4 ' ; ; : Hd : our mn er pleted a meeting of the full coun-|lounges The plebiscite 'saw 63.4 1 ; Bod KR... oy / cil will be called and the success- per cent vote for dining lounges : ¢ : ig sid ful applicant will be appointed|and 62.2 per cent for cocktail M 4 . 2 as ' : si | ® township ro a d s superintendent, bars. The cocktail bar count was po / : b . p 1X- Reeve Garnet B, Rickard said|13,200 to 8,044, the dining lounge 2 ; 1 4 2 #4 > } Thursday Itally 13,566 to 7,802. CN | EEER P| P| | YES... OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS | BILLS PILING UP? ia be A k ved) hi Li yg gl | Is Conducting Another "TTZENS FINANCE | |ERERSE ME | ET Ta HP FREE INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE eh ep To OF = -- Ca PAL%4| | in RECREATION ROOM Building You'll drive a long way before you find a DCS at an Imperial Esso service station. But they're important Imperial customers just the same. | When bills pile up--and they clways do around This time of yeor--the easiest way 10 toke care of them may fim of eer oust wey lo nk care of ham mey The Jet dnd the family car-fogether they mean | Don't Be Disappointed . . . Enroll Now loan from Citizens. This way, you'll have just one easy monthly péyment. Your friendly Citizens Finance Loon Monoger con advise you on this and other money lower gasoline prices To be held on 3 consecutive Monday evenings commencing on problems. Let him arrange o loan for you with a repay- ment plan that Ms your budget. Citizens Finance hos January 25 at 7 o'clock in our Courtice Showroom. meyution for fas, courteous; confdentiol service. The new DCB jets are powered by a special jet fuel, This efficiency in getting everything 'out of every you like, oli arrangements con be made by phome-- : . He Pimp 5 dn frig er A rae as carefully tailored for its job as the gasoline for gallon of crude oil is an important reason for lower @ 00ll oF drop in 16 Se0 41 Yo0R, your car. fucl prices--whether for a DCS, a jalopy or the new BORROW $50 fo $2500 or | Today gasolines and jet fuels are only two types of family car. | a whole range of products made by Imperial from Gasoline is a bargain: in the last five years the average S awa 00 IO ucis petroleum. These products--over 600 of them--cover price of thin gs people buy has gone up nearly 16 per LIMITED everything: gases which are turned into plastics, cent, while gasoline has actuall d tom amnYy pe. 8 11 ed waxes for all kinds of needs, greases, lubricating oils, of one per cent.* Vay Lous down about half: | Downtown Showroom Main Office and Sh i n Whitby Plare, Whitby, Phone MO 8.5821 fuel oils ind aspialts, *DBS wholesale price index. ; 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8-1617 COURTICE -- RA 8.1611 rior elidel colt IA 3.969 tne of charge) : ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU e Open Fridoy till 8 p.m., Saturday till 12 noon | (Esso) IMPER Losors made In Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns { E59) IAL OIL LIMITED...for 79 years a leader In Canada's growth || BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3-2130 AJAX -- ZEnith 2-9600 LOAN OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES | DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9.00 P.M.