Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1960, p. 3

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SURPLUS POSSIBLE Board Of Education Head Reviews Year Louse ana lot at 229 passing of Mrs, Gertrude Colpus joining Albert whose resignation from the board was purchased tolhad taken place less than a year| expansion in previously after 28 years of con-| IF 7 7 | Lue street, The Oshawa Board of Educa- acres tion would close the year within Albert "its budget and possibly with a Street School, 1 vide for school small surplus, S. G ywell, | pro : : n in|p chairman ; in his report/that area. Two portables were tinued service. Her passing sever- delivered to the a in- added to the OCVI to relieve over- ed one of the strongest links we augural meeting this afternoon. [crowding and six portables to the had with the activities and asso- "Our budget for I vas|public schools bringing to 10 the ciations of former days on the $3900. Final figures are not avail {number in our elementary pro: Oshawa board. We lost also able at this time, bul would gram and virtually creating alyalued and long service employee appear that even in view of ex-|floating school in the passing of Gordon Lang- penditures, beyond for] A DMINISTRATION BUILDING maid, Sisief custodian a He Der which we have budgeted, we have 'After almost two years of tral Collegiate. oe extend ou kept within the amount alloted], onping and with some dis Sympathy os the members and when the appointments it would appear a Sts Bald been computed there that we may now look forward to any events o small surplus," Mr the opening of the new admini- sponsorship of the oars) : The complete stration building in the autumn of year have been 'shecessfu . : marks follow this year, Plans have been final-|vefer to the musical festival, the ly approved by the board and field dey, eommencem nt exer is hoped to call for tenders within bares = Secondary week's time i / x. "There has been at th OX hs delay in proceeding new teachers for the new fourth to be known the R lin scho forecast board a those all be a said records have d under the board this our the fir [INGS HEL D the complet year's work to revi Donevan) art and a reception for Adelaide House fhe annual banqu employees, members and a rmly indeed |® ib] other gratifying accomplishments ments. For all of and official, it of hard wor has sion unfortun the colleg- Mi The sult of an some of 1is and hieve at ac us, both tr Q 1a been a 1 of 5 maintenance nighlight of the believe served bond of mu- yveen tf time nd long . and long ether tively Tent: selected also been a and devel that 98 meetin ing 1 an week indic consuming task laid our hand said that the education is a which an arcni been and in a position to proceed board the tect we TE el STORM T0 th has now the av yet S001 from bui top our a ed The have At that ve honored Miss| mn, who had retired of service. A suit appreciation wa is 8 rece the board and staff recog and Blanche after 1izex S *hool {men ard din this It ould priority 3 i would i! the anning covered CNR of poles of group er im of stag 's westbound lir Toron- nning A pro annual ban JPBLES POLES IN Wed wo rough pole: after the Muriel Oke after 30 years' health, and arrange tember tt 1€ gether n Se officials nance staff term was forced service auty not our office Ser n of 1961 ous OBITUARIES one to ope if this hool is cor fll nents are scl schools and rapidly nearing comple portunities we k pleted or FUNERAL RONALD CLYVE The funeral Clyve Abbott who died General Hospital was held at the G Home at 2 p.m Alex, Rev. W. G. Dickson with a of Centre Street United total 100 years' conducted the services. Inter of educa-{Was in Mount Lawn Cem recognition. The pallbearers were of elemen-/bell, D. Mallet E M. Elliott, Davidson, L. Roge ment and |Armste on the staff, held the school wee ty wo-dz ay conference appointed teack elementar; ear of and OF ABBOTT Re i being made for a suit poss aable to be presented to her "Scho Ontario a high high distinction to any qualif nothing exac in the world service important operat come a complex all since from peer day APPRECIATION VOICED "It has been a rare pr and opportunity to honor dist your tive term ation We stage are for 100! on PINS PRESENTED W. R i recei for E € 1S service Wilson road well as a two-room addition Cedardale School. The board a awaiting final approv: from the municipal board o projects. We hope t vill be ready for occupancy the autumn of this year. There €ry|still one other building project planning and expansion 1960. The final decisic is yet to be made by the It would appear, howev ht of meetings discussions thinking will tto make 80 1za Osh: aw Monda Funer ald street, ved a 25- ear pins the first the staff teaching come at is enty-five for ol of the Lloyd Yelland, Pet Drs 1 urgn I'here nvwher >sented nywis 0 ITOW me embers : oday 1 in those y these i profession Re and "combined be ye service tion receiv ed 'The superi tary education members ms supervisor . this ndent Dr. C depart busine our the year for this board passed long nplic its phases ha the si ty of pio er ol recent that clarification soon enable the the ri the the during June the "the CELINA lengthy PHILLIPS MRS. Follow death occurred Nursing Home 5 of Celina rthur Phill and i 2 ng a of yard tto zht dec and nc chairman years. As I than eve trustees and ice they render petterment To me this board who contribute sior > for 3 I orienta- would ap- | to e considerable merit teachers are introduced into system under which they will are acquainted with and principal in which vill tea their ciassroom grade is assigned to them, they are introduced to the vari- ous officials, and are thereby ready to begin their work on then } of school. The board|lips leaves a son, Arthur luncheon at which|Phillips, of Oshawa and a brotl chairman brought er, Alfred Cobet, of Tama, Iow: The funeral service will held at the Gerrow {Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, to our|16. Reader L. D. Bonham of second program comple ps. She APPOINTMENTS "In spite of the of teachers fortunate in securing taff brought up to sire appointments n the !schools and 61 in the elementary schools The appointment of Thomas Heath as additional me of the supe Du year operation and pie . once again made important time. As Chairman hor | a any degree of success ary teachers bringing p "It has been another year of|that time, well in So ICIALS § brought expansion in keeping pace withiof comparable size in the pro- schools when Dr. C. M. the educational needs of ouriyince Salary adjustments were president of t he association on Oshawa, will conduct growing city The demand 0lalso made for the various offi- curriculum development, presid-lices. Interment will be meet the need has been upper-icials on our staff ed: over '3 most successful con- | Lawn Cemetery. most in our minds and so with] "A pew contract was signed|ference in Toronto L. Roberts, | vision and foresight nave pro-| with Local No. 18, National Union | Principal of the OC Vi. was elect-| : : gressed. We trust, we have build-| Public Service . Employees, with ed to the executive of the Cana- sincerest thanks to all ed well in an effor keep pace which our janitors are affiliated. dian Conference on Education so diligently in this with the ever increasing number This included substan in./and chaired a Seminar on Cana- work of pupils seeking mission 10 creases in salary and by do- dian Education the Guild ofl "The bylaw our schools. Our Vincent ing brought them into a salary|al Arts in November. The Quintelrecommended the setting up of Massey School ing the category much more. attractive District Schools Headmasters As- an educational committee, This name of a great Canadian and than most Unions of comparable sociation held its spring sessions|has been approved by the boar Canada's first Canadian - born) character in the Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegi- land so with the governor general we: officially| y ie ate at Mich time your chairman|of the board for 1960, opened Nov. 10 by Gordon L. Dui-| NEW DEPARTMENT once again brought greetings./come a standing fin. a sndent of In the autumn of 1958 the! Mr. Nos nan co, principal of which we hope will elementary for , board. set up a new department, |the Dr. Done Collegiate, was effective in furtherir Province under the supervision of R. H. elected a Vice- Pri of the gram of educati James was Lunney. He was to be directly organization "Through the principal, Dr responsible for plant equipment Harrison Murphy, principal of continued the policv of chief director general maintenance, supervis-|the Central Collegiate, was ap- board relation committee us an official ion of new building, and head of | pointed to the committee to make |ings which were held on the thi officially open the ainenance Separtment. In an exhaustive cin of Supers Tuesday of each ng lo fi tl To hr aot pier + Sele a honor. On his report submitted to ti ir on : Fop? Hive from intendent man the Property: cormmit air Tom ( and Jar nes Hendes tary | sec on dar Elliott, officially The report is self explanatory is nd Oh apervisors he Doymica : ne ah addition to the I do not need to go inte th Bie health and safety education de-|of inestimable School. tail of it. It a 0 ig oe partment of public schools, were trustee and teacher would aopear that|co-authors of a book on safety A. E. O'NEILL HONORED the action of the board was wise, lessons for elementary grades NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM "During year and according to the report, many | which is being widely used across Yue continuing of gave unanime Javine have been made involv- the prov School Progra and 3 a 1g large sums monev. Cl} ey urse i changing of the among them being the ns zht port- I hoard enabled some awa Collegiate and ables onsite 1€ eight port-sortynate on ame 7H Institute to the O'Ne I structed by his depart-|.,re the services ication, The and Vocational Inst honoring the name i 3 of Francis J. % ment at a saving of some $14,500 Francis as a teacher of -insira. well consider investigating th aly i i possibility of carrying on a nig} O'Neill, who was f principal of the This in itself j i A Ro and is ol Jus ifies wo i mental music at the OCVI. Mr. c/ hool program in more than "A . commendation. | Francis brings with him a wealth 107 on great many needed repairs H 11 egiate. The night school fee have been made to ol | of experience as well as an oul-|y, o been increased from $5 t who through a life dedicated including the eo mpl ur, se ie S|standing background in instru. g,5 "yet ras ; s a rol E ompletion of glass I work a ready the re-!' id Le {press education ha made a profound mental work and already the re appreciation to the members o impact upon the educational life | of this province. Sept. 30 was set as'de as 'O'Neill Day" with confes reater short been strong over-al 1a Kingston was in On married Toronto bef 1001 deceased She lived time before two years ber of the Fifth Churc Scientist, Toronto Predeceased b; number of years erv nd the vo for good they om § om Ione y 1av oi con secondar hoo! mber ago mer of educe and to rk adds the setor I her nber husband 1 ar Ir ago, § 0 er opening day ained at your schools HONORED J th the in Mour ve who import Serve a at s committee hav so 1 hono! it will commit prove to he i perinte w si superin educa f Ontario. tan on ng a dent mn d the ear Cannon, education, Nov appointe ( of visit the the paid to F 24 six-room n supe ( r n month h b 1 school named hi Dec. 1 of educat I level the ¢ our « h I€ f € ch ie and schools a Dr M the new Colpus been to ha ave alue of rove both opened of Gertrude the board i advance in appre n ince. of of re et 'ticularly . se- name , a to improv V onal il te of 2 ocat Colegiate thereby A ) nr school years and a C ad aay 11 spe oc bus for » becam inv to ' eo ag this the ¢ n pie hall on trust shall ation d 3 he vice sev al) C cit of five th new to lar road north tc area f th at hlin ¢ ate hool it can ah : istrators at in 19 again to give ) $800 of loyee Y of King Street School: extensive tee for the manner " + King Street School a 8 maintain a program of building and' more casion. All former s of the ue hool; the sanitary/ma 2 progr in which they et 4 ' 0 On th 2 V and many availed themselves of SYStems placed in 11 schools. The| Secondary. Substantial sums have 98 11€ HEW RS aie i : gram Ww thought in-'$3 900 inal flEures Mr. O'Neill a testimonial dinner! €8iate and Vocational Schoo! and 2ra™ ° thought of in- $3900,000. Final figures THI VING IN {help develop the readi abits |expenditures bey thos were privileged to attend and re RD TRAINING CENTRE ip develo Se Teading babi pegs hw ed by your chairman was the al important trustee meet-\and when the records have the board purchase : 1 unit in North Simcoe Publier sociation a askatoon, the operation of our school, six ac 4 ON | Rect ~ 1 ed a full basis to all of the Grade Business Officials at Bigwig Inn, |of education in i "epre acres on Stevenson schools. I look for- Boards mits will Trustees at Port/we had 11,164 students in our possible for us once School COMING EVENTS a a a tea paving and fencing, staff rooms BUILD UP LIBRARIES ; has onducted the staff were ted share this SeWer connected to Queen Eliza. UWP the libraries in all of our extra work . + § vear ; ite Sck the opportunity. In en name of the school will be placed pen Si year. {Composite Sehing) at which your chairman, F . King Street Senior Public School, CFa5ing the amount spent an- available at this time, but "A forward step of consider. ©f our students which we have budgeted we hav present the boar p establishment of a third home! P&S held during the year which|been computed there should be land on Wilson th of School. This will enable us to 1 and Rural Trustees Asso-|schools has become a very 1 sou Ross 8 A riated High Sch pupils in our ssociated Hig ool | sents about 40 per cent of the ta increase the ibe ds we qa Pp suff € iy when suffic Public to. make Association|schools an increase of 869 this training t ie City Miami, and including 111 ondary Av Grade unity Harmony ing the als 7 s€ « block windows on the north side " atifyi € sults have been most gratifying. |the sory vocational Ad remodelle at 3 WwW pik i hi Or cial ceremonies marking the lled at the OCVI and The hoard has continued to particularly 1 th. Sok 4 shotls. '} laments 4l/involved as plann special event with Mr. O'Neill beth School and new fire alarm Schools, both elementary and p } ps. of we ont » this pr "Our get for the teachers feder tender the face of the O'Neill Col ve continue this pro Ju budge 0 nually, prov 12 good books will would appear that even in view ¢ Coffey and . the chairman able merit and one long advocat-| Our board was represented at kept within the amount "In our program of expansion "economics and manual training' luded the anadian Trustee small surplus purpose of t continue to give this training ciation /and the Ontario Schooland complex business. T Ritson, and an additiona the ward to Cornwall, the Ontarioldollar. In Se ptember of last year R. 8. McLaug have been established! hur at At-|the corresponding period as well. A senior oppor-|Busine Offic at Educationjand 303 elementary al a lass was established at|the Ontario Industri g School. With the mov- Counc Ni 1 Falls. We are| with a plant value of 12% the supervisory staff to! members of all of these organiza- dollars. Our debenture 187 Simcoe street and ttendance at their|the end of 1959 stands to the board! sessions be of value. 009. been possible further junior oppor TASK at the E. A. Lovell on, of 2a millio debt alon T 4 Oshawa BINGO at the uary 14th, North $10. 7 $40 jackpot RESERVE Churet April Bake EUCHRE of 7 house at t feel a at adjacent t Nove {| SOL 0 great has a ass FORMIDABLE "The the Sng ef ustee Tune 23 YEARS SE RVICE 1 the honor of las ypur cl con-!the which cent nd fo the { dedi-/in t * com- our which now years as chairman bela feeling of gratitude a unique expe a part this ea from eight element (and one secondary to 22 elemen 22 Se the work of shall commitie manship Coffey, k complet by 1€ cha Rev. Fether formidable tas 1958 ays be conferred rman in the cornerstone for the Massey Scho end of 23 y educational spel School With the engaging of an addi- tional staff for the administra- tion office, minor repairs had to and the board purchas val pieces of an new a J as n : rep be made a e 1able quip of city has ace machine work machin n g completed nature star g soon ience to SYMPATHY EXTENDED ward and was dened during the year with trustee, t develcpr member of our like to express my both > city sad the staff, bd off am Door Pri ize $15 Bry be| Funeral Elliott, [First Church of Christ Scientist, serv re-organization be- teacher meet commit al $4,500, schools al TO 16¢ h €ltoday Alor 1 1 r t perat a lo € Phil i x. - Jake a. | cloud o fre ez le wd I Ea Geor it gl d MS nt as Nor Toronto, Hamilton: Sunny with a|St. few cloudy periods today. Friday Hamilton ne OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 14, 1960 3 T¢ commis out of O hydro called lines esday ice ' 20 telegraph 4 to 8. A ble € mployees WEATHER FORECAST Freezing Drizzle 5 Expected Friday riods today. F becoming by 1 Farecasts RONTO 5 Cp a.m In Texas storm brewi generous supply of As moves 1 ahead of te 1 Snow ) the area rain which change in light toda; up Northern nto/land Lake ght Sudbury riods tod onal is ter mois Ge fo spread it western Ontario lz ton n emainder through Fri temperatures d cold that the ture fre z'eas persisti the 15 Friday nmin -Ka ma Z occas or southern Lake Friday \ London: | Col periods ¢ lay ler ne isor Forecast v Low tem-| Windsor easing St. Thomas .. north-| London Wingham Toronto I'renton Catharines Fric onigl ng ure rth Huron, Niagara Lake Ontario, western regions, wit SNOW to, Muskoka ng ra chan changing the mornir Kil temperature. Earlton easterly 20 to!Sudbury North Bay Ontario, southern Kapuskasing Haliburton White River few cloudy Moosonee n in ge in oday ng. riday Lake an Ba Sunny stern re- with pe TV-RADIO COLUMN € of d e NI who dustr d often P of sc ys qin face of parat h {employed Du month three elcr true made g our 0 avail 3 .lcomj Ot actre mom in which they ness the R « in ( e progressed Heming Mc Laughlin NBC's Shak ctu centr of el in allotted Burton, York a! Hol In tende Y son + Once been {i} cost he luck 3 Jur x aneac mu Rn . | Engl teachers "itary a 8sy ploye Jel rman been ne board might killed This screens. educe for |S8me Vy By CYNTHIA LOWRY W YORK (AP | *"'Shak V Those of us sary is in 1 waich television series in-|"'and they are find that w solve the crime awa) f hedule. We can pick a crowd ously ahead | Jimmy the bad nis golden and other- i to denoue recognize the by name sturdy but com- anr out o business day's Steve nong the Ne ceiver sets sho a plot we rare however, Ho ively vood's small character actors. VeeKk a same liain series watched one a civil ring one heavy-seft or tery two Recommended was 1 and I He n Shows in ¢ an from Scenes situation, however, the TV series and movies in England and visible on 9:30-11 There an unend of Reb seems to be teresting docu ng supply of able e southeast regions, Cloud Cloudy peare" about in radiation de Ernie Ford Show, 10RONTO AREA onto and repair riday cloud mixed wit ven n nperature 20 Bay, North rgian ly with with » tonight n te today, puskasing periods drizzle sno light riday. Temperatur: High I British Screen Casts Show More Variety s 300th a he re busy round can (the girls and boys for that now. Durante, cele liversary show b w broadcas recently wn an experimental TV set operated Explorers. group of well- by gas instead of electricity, and" the pores defence radio receiver PERSONALS couple of | which can operate either by handcrank--with fector tonight NBC Gilbert is not|/van's H.M.S. Pinafore. Population E x po sion, of roadcast mentary. 5 ¥ sunny and Fri- of brating service in will be a guest on Al a built- Mr and Sulli- surgery. CAPSULE NEWS Would Boos Standards SUDDEN SHOWER School Buses Approved By Department ORONO (Staff) Durham District High School Board, at its inaugural meeting Wednes- day night received and filed a let- ter from C. H. Brown, director of the enforcement branch, de- partment of transport, which re-| woried on a survey made by a| DOT inspector of 'Garton Coach) TORONTO (CP) -- Home and School Associations across Can-j TRENTON (CP Automatie lada have been asked to press for sprinklers spurted into action provincial action to raise the mi-{shortly before an official cere. ¥ Lines school . buses {nimum standard of teacher irain- mony at the RCAF base here , sd ary im {ing to two full years. The na-|Tuesday night, leaving the cere. The report indicated several of | ional executive requested its|monial hall flooded in four inches ihe buses Bosded Somme body work| ups to promote the two-yearof water. Mayor James Mac but, oer fiom at, es ool policy through publicity and dis-|Donald, scheduled to open a new ¥ ; ; waited 30 minutes whil the § or are being repaired. {commu TE DEATH SENTENC Bl water was cleared from oe floor. Mr. Brown, in his letter, told] OTTAWA (CP) The deathicause of the deluge was not the board the inspector will be sentence of Frank Ward, 26,|xnown. making another inspection of | | Montreal, sentenced to be hanged Mir. Garton's buses in the nmear|Friday for the shooting murder] COULD AVERT LAYOFF uture. lof Montreal storekeeper Jerom SARNIA (CP An offer to At its November meeting, after| was commuted Wednesday purche Sarnia Bridge Company reiving several complaintsito life imprisonment I been made by ts president, If about the mechanical condition 3 f the buses used in transporting] URGE STANDARDIZATION avert a layoff students to and from school, the] CHATHAM (CP)--A employees sched- board voted to write the depart-|urging the provincial gover The Sarnia firm ment requesting the inspection of{to standarc lize Day Anthes Imperial he school buses be made. lacross Ontar was nited of St. Cathar- When no report was received Tuesday nigh the last month, the board instructed eration of Agriculture stary-treasurer Walter B. Rey| rite the department re- report on the survey) {1 resolution rnment Time uled ght s owned npany Lin oy Secr nolds to w (CP learned emanc OTTAWA it has Cour ed to decision on cabinet fice has the newspaper questing a hed taken 2 tary : Bingo To Aid - Meagher Fund | | A monster bingo to aid the |"Jack Meagher Fund" will be Iheld at the Local 222 Hall, Satur- day, Jan. 18, | appo the No |this {ma ie,' WMS Auxiliary x Sear 1 =| Riternoon Guild {Meagher ' Assistance Commi ttee COLUMBUS . Al ' ater ground area Rortier oF the {and the Duplate Bargaining Com-|noon Auxiliary of the WMS meet" = © "0 | mitt ce It will be organised | andling in the lower hall of Colum- old the board the Port Hope re- {supervised by the regular bingo {bus Church, the mood was set by presentatives and Port Hope committee ; {Mrs. T. Scott playing quiet music, | High School Principal P. J. Bige President of the local, Malcolm followed by a poem and prayer low would be agreeable to the Smith, said ll be the most by Mrs, Ray Scott construc of the rink provid- ambitions undertaking yet, to as-| wqpe installation of officers the students could use it week y.|sist the fund. "We hope, with the| conducted by Mrs. McKinney help of sympathetic people, to rea-\grooklin, The 1960 officers are as good sum of money", he! (follows: 5 se Of Rink ORONO aff) Durham Dis- High School Board, at its in- meeting Wednesday, give its Port Hope mem- bers power to negotiate with the town recreation committee, which wants tp construct a skating rink the north-west yet adds of (St tri augural voted to | the in p (Bill) Tramner with ree. y { this v was| ng of |days It was pointed out the town will construct and maintain the propos. ed rink which, if permitted, will have a concrete slab base and be eonstructed this summer. Tow i p Representa- rustee Carlos Tamblyn stat. thought it would be a good and would be no expense the board as the town would construct and maintain it. Former Board Chairman Alan H. Strike stated the Port Hope trustees should be given power investigate all the 1 and report the next beard meeting {lize a Bay pe. 1 1 said. At last reached more mpera-| Prizes for south-|games Mrs. Mrs Past president, |cliffe; president *|first vice-president, Mrs bi NgO|cliffe; secretary, Mrs. . gare; [Laughl lin: assistant secretar) five "jack pot" lng yw, Holiday; pianist, Mrs. T games. Prizes for these games} Scott; assistant, Mrs. A. Smith; will be $25 each. A special "Jack s.eagyrer Mrs. T. Flett: assistant,|{'° pot" will have a prize of $150. yo g ' White; literature, Mrs Cards for this game will cost 50; IE. Powell: assistant, Mrs. A cents each or three for a dollar. * | Smith; community and friend door prize wil Mi $25 Mrs. N. Gimblett; stew- BOSS ardship, Mrs. N. Scott; temper: Mrs. Whiteoak; Explorer iss Gwen Shaw and Miss Joyce {Wires; Missionary Monthly, Mrs IB. Pret: 'Goud Oneer, Mrs. N. Explosion Hilt Three Into Street Scott; citizenship and peace, 'Mrs (CP) Three C. Naylor. The worship by Mrs. E. W Kenzie read hurled bodily into was offered t and two others were lan. when an explosion de- Mrs the interior of a Verdun {pr rocery store Wednesday. Most severely injured in the blast was Diane Nantel, 14, hit the head by a flying brick. was taken to hospital, where reported in good condi- R. Rat-| Ray Scott; R. Rat- Fred Me- count the fund had| than $1200, he said 20 regular be $15 per ocea- 1 il 11 ed he thing There will be Cloudy it tod. lurries. 10- ig to Ol {0 nego es | Three M's 'Gathering 'Kt Solina By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- The Three M's met at the home of Murray and Faye |Vice. The program was prepat by Ewart and Clara Leask nd heir group. The worship service, led by Clara Leask. Next meeting will be on January 25. Court Whist and contests were enjoyed for the remainder of the evening. EXPLORERS | The Explorers met on Sa day afternoon with 10 mem nniver- present, The study up marks, Angola was led by Bruce| ling up|Tink. "| Mrs. led Me- rayer Pere- t was A p service Mrs pture Mrs MONTREAL were 23 sons tre yjured stroyed I es e lintrod th Ww with E ai uced a m strip showed an Angolian vil McKinney the film, poem and t I miss lage b work Mrs after BARDOT MOVIE WINS AWARD NEW YORK (CP) b Goes to War Brigitte Bardo ) named the Paren mag medal award oi merit for February the picture's North American distributor announced Wed- nesday. The film marks time in 15 pictures that itte doesn't remove clothes spoke brie: + She e vas bodily from the store Heroux, the owner, and clerks Lucien Auger and Denise Levine. A passerby was also injured. None of the injuries was severe Cause of the blast mediately known. Thrown were Noel 8 starring been of the 1 tur- was not im- H] ne Mrs, JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist HARE OPTICAL 8 BOND ST, EAST, RA 3 M. Vice led the worship and Wendy Nesbitt read pture passage. missionary program on Sunday morning included a reci-| tation by Anne Hill ls, a read ere py Mrs. Murray Vice he a song the first Brig her the scri The show Mon- -4811 t w re- Mrs. Reed, wife of the Rev. Reed, returned home from| {Memorial Hospital on Sunday. Jack Kivell is in Toronto Gen- ral Hospital, where he underwent bat- 9:30-- |¢ Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tink and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tink and Mari- lyn, Ebenezer were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink VIS Co YUN CBS an in- = "RA 5.3564 actors and their brief| character who have and then disappear. Burton, the Oxford- Welshman who is star 29 adaptation of vetent $568 hard ted BS' CITY AND DISTRICT and family ~ 46 SIMCOE ST. N.® OSHAWA Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., visit- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Bowmanville. C. Johnson and Hilary, 1, visited for several days ed Word FRESH, LEAN MEATY SIDE Feb F fth Column and adaptation of I'he Tempest, 8 r variety in British its theatre, motion quiet television production ill located in the Londen, United States," saysiy,ven street, one does well in New|ganneth I then one called to and rarely goes back. country, too, there is a to keep casting a per- same type of role. always a I've t cast as a had any espeare's say The Oshawa § greale . use with and are place Ie the id and wood is in Ajax P¢ being intox interdicted the accused on Windsor ney in in ave th h a hero, tnving g but haven't . pol The closed for co avenue, is planned far 3 Lerner-Loetve Trick for South end of / and some enue, from H sh-based Shake speare later. of , stree Ww these streets {opened to per secondary, from | local traf than 149 em-|may result from a bud- other streets $3,700,000, be in operatic south and Bloc the first time tc asked to use a Camelot scheduled 1 and stem three of less to over 500 $344,881 to yeether es has been a busy, year, his- an honor been your year of Sin- every thanks and of help and ng and interesting surpr It vilege ses and been have some has 1 to oLD through this KINGSTON, and development. 1ave enjoyed My cere oth trustee vhose hats and ionable in seen again the last 1 the at ance made Again I thank you." inated. eporied the pa only bulance calls a DIFFERENT PERSON Kenneth E. Lane, of Oshawa, Lane w ho pleaded guilty Monday TWO AMBULANCE CALLS Fire 24 Dep: 10u1 uti ed. ANSW is 2, Ajax STREETS CLOSED following streets nstruction from H treet V roft fc henever mit the clos Traffic mn wr at street day. Motori caution proaching this intersection LOOK Ont. (CP) Victorian bonnets fash gaslight € ceremonies g progress could have|the streets here was again'illum- jee 164 BEast- movement Extreme heavy rai in lights Ritson east whe and Tom Baker's. and Mrs. Tom Baker visits Mrs. J. Smales and Mrs. SPARERIBS FRESHLY MADE BREAKFAST STYLE 39° SAUSAGE 35° 1B. MEATY SHORT CUT BRAISING RIBS .29° FRESH FRYING CUTS -- CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS. 59° - 55° SUPER VALUE RINDLESS 10-0Z. 29 Mr ariment and Os and 1y 7 Cou Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Samis, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Oshawa, icited at E. Cryderman's, and Pat Knox were in To-| Si lay attending the! nvention and] a: Ontario County Jr. | Farmer's Choir which contributed | Helen also competed in speaking contest in in th place. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman| dren visited Mr, and Mrs, | Wray, Oshawa. am De Wes Werry visit- Mr. and Mrs. A. not the of th | | ! or 1 Helen ide y my er' the will be horuses public h she stood Mr and ch J. sible I Thief Steals Doctor's Bag A doctor's bag containing a quantity of drugs and surgical in- struments was stolen Wednesday vening or early this morning from an unlocked auto in the physician's garage. Dr. C. D. Russell, 389 Simcoe street north, reported his bag to city policé this rtially - of 0 wil! Rd for ing sts a n Breakfast Bacon GREEN TENDER LEAF SPINACH FANCY SLICING, LARGE SIZE CUCUMBERS 2 «29° Top A Were missing morning Detectives are investigating. Po| id that the theft may be] {the work of a drug addict. | wh

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