Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1960, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, January 14, 1960 _|HUNGRY! Order fi _|AT BLACKSTOCK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "(Continued on Page 25) {Lunch, 522 Ritson South, RA 5-8078. | FOR quality used clothing, come to] 1 l u 102 William Street East. Also used! | FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super 47--Automobiles For Sale "$1 TRIUMPH. Mayflower, new motor, CAMERA, enlarger, darkroom equip like new condition. - ------ of |WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, Best offer. 114 excellent "50 PONTIAC coupe Good condition. Apply 136 Gibb Street : '34 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, custom radio. Just traded in on new Renault, Only $695. Van Heusen Motors, oppo- site Brewery, on King. ¥u. "50 FORD, new rebuilt motor, new clutch, transmission. Will sell whole or in parts. Good push button radio. RA 3.9066. ie 51 PONTIAC torpedo coach. radio, heater, slip covers, sun visor, excellent condition. RA 83-6819. Apply 1239 Mea dowvale Street. lle 55 DKW two-tone station wagon, show room condition, 10,000 miles, fully private. Phone Tom '5s METEOR 300 sedan, automatic, power steering, radio, clock $300 take over payments. OL 5-4485 8f ALLSTATE Auto Inurance, Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802 "51 MERCURY with radio, $65. "30 Chev eedan, only $85. Both good mechanic ally. Van Heusen -Motors, opposite Brewery, on King. 7" '54 FORD custom coach, original up- nolstery, good tires, mechanically per fect, only $645. Van Heu Motors, op posite Brewery, on King 7" '5 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan, custom radio, tutone paint, 'whitewalls, only #893, $95 down. Van Heusen Motor opposite Brewery, on King 7 59 VAUXHALL Victor super 6300 miles, like new condition RA $5302 after 5 p.m 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan ears for wrecking, Highest prices paid RA 5.1161 or RA 5-1182 sedan Phone SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars I rade or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. § RA 3-9421 up BUYING OR SELLING SEE MACKIE MOTORS RR KING ST, E need 10 weekly for out of town dealer. RA 5-5743 49--Automobile Repairs 4 We urgently ar 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD PHONE RA 3-4675 50--Articles for Sole WAREHOUSE clearance of odds ends; two piece sofa bed suites ular $239, store samples $99. filled mattresses regular $29.95 out $14.88. Floor coverings, many pat-| terns and colors, 25¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street 10 USED parts and repairs for all makes | of wringer type washers, % HP motors| $5 fo #10, guaranteed reconditioned | washers and stoves. Paddy's Market Hampton, CO 3-2241 | SECOND CART Plenty of first-choice! cars offered today Im Oshawa Times Classified Ads. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vice RA 8.1081 anytime in and reg Spring clear. | FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. groceries JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Ce RA 8-5385 NEW STEREO HI-FI SETS RADIO RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS THE DUTCH MERCHANT 171 BOND ST. EAST CLEARANCE OF TRADE-INS 2? 2-piece Chesterfeilds 1 fawn, 1 wine ea, 19.95 ¥ Lorge size arm chair green 595 1 1 Bedroom chair, floral | pattern 8 Wire bed 39", 48" springs 54' ea 1 Metal Bed ond Springs 36" ... 95 | ¥ Metal Bed and Springs 54" ? Washing Machine *o J i Washing Machine Evans Space heater 29.9% 2 Spaceheaters 10.95 All Items Subject Sale- €o To Prior No Refunds or Returns ADAMS FURNITURE CO. 40 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA o | HOUSE trailer | market, Ritson South, open daily to 10 |pom. Free parking and delivery. Free [S0--Articles For Sale ment, fair price, {Phone RA 8.6702 100 or best offer. WE pay highest prices in tbe city for Furni- 11¢| ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. #% Mc a 1057 |used furniture. Pretty"s Used PIANO for sale Gregor Street SPACE heater, two drums, Cedar Street 40" FRIGIDAIRE stove, in very goo condition WE like |TV" Many guarantee Street East B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- tires, teries. Kelvinator refrigerator, vis USED tires $50. Apply pipes. to clean our stock of use bargains, three month Trio - television Bon m most all sizes, {USED refr range washers televisions, rs best offer. Guaranteed repairs {houshold appliances and tel All tubes and parts available Radio ang Electric Lid. RA GUNS, ammunition and ht plies. new and used, terms down Dominion Tire Store Street West. RA 565 MOFFAT automatic to a mn Baron 26 unting 10 per cen 48 Bon burner, fu RA 540 range, four Perect condition BABY almos new LARGE selection of TV's at Parkway Telev coe Street North carri good condition, re-conditione ision, 918 Siw BOY'S CCM skates, size 13, worn twice. nue. RA 3-4250 English Bluebird Path finder, 16' 6 a 3 t stove, oven and Phone 1 AWNINGS, s or gay Prompt service Him now for early di rental Cleve Fox USED furniture, Toronto Avenue HOUR ce Pure vendor cubes Ice clear ( | West SKATES tion in and used, la Most reasonable n Cre 04 Bond new e Stree exterior, $2.95 paranteed interior gallon Oshawa Church EE the 35 hp with twe p and chonse yours now and terms Cy Preece Garage at Verdun Road SELLING furniture? frigerators, TV's, wash stoves, etc. For top cash tact 19 Prince Street LADY'S coat, grey, size 16-18, for older woman. Phone RA GREATEST January tinental 3 nzle $49.95 pane s Come We'll buy Re pi offer, it no con ale ever roxatone Broadloom scatter mats made from ends of ¥ very special $1. Bedroom suites, dresser, chest and bookcase bed, ular $189. January smash bargain $99 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 10 UNPAINTED bookcs ase any re st of drawers Book £5.99 Vanit Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St $16.88 quality ony 99¢ with plece of unf e Desks e fu C $17 $14 $26 o 8 reet 10 $33: chairs 9 cubic feet asional REFRIGERATOR also two. wooden Phone RA 8.5815 nec SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 CLEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS Electrohome, R.C.A Westinghot TY, Admiral finest ervice PARKWAY T.V, SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 n 918 WILL SACRIFICE 8' New Moon nearly new, ¢ fu 33' x house trailer ly equipped ond terms Bradley's Drive-In ved Furniture FURNITURE Clearance Sale!! 10% TO 50% OFF FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE S CASIONAL CHAIRS CHESTS TRILITE & TAE Many Other Terrific at Giveaway Price BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simcoe St. S BOATS MOTORS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS TRAILERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS . and AMMUNITION etc 2 Highway at Ajox JAX 1266 ALL SALE y A F the best in town. Coll us R 3-9851 St Service RA ida, 481 SPECIAL! SALE! 25 ex Vi Drew off all Fishing Tackle PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS minute 589 ALBERT STREET rized dealer of SAMSON SKATES RA 3.7818 4 bat tele. jon. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 54543. $3 and up 5-45 and record players, sup. 74 | pitch, pasonable price stripes | oD Phone RA 83-1131 mf | | furniture. M 1 H 1 En eo eeting eld meats, fruits, groceries BLACKSTOCK solid oak, lowest prices, Oshawa Hard- 7. the Explorers had the first { ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624 expedition of their missionary {YEN IAN blinds, various Exploration, The Chief Explorer | cellent condition. RA 56817. opened with the usual ceremony, after which Marilyn Adams was presented with her first Blue Star The it 'lA new Councillor worship On January/dancing was enjoyed. LOL No. 133 held its regular meeting Monday, Jan. 4, at 8 p.m. Owing to unfavorable weather conditions the December meeting was cancelled. Therefore the election of officers was con- ducted. Among the highlights of the meeting was one reinstate ment and one initiation, that of Richard Van Camp, who was in- structed in the work of the Orange degree by PCM Herb. Swain. After the general lodge busi- ness, election resulted as follows: WM, Earl Dorrell; DM, Stanford Van Camp; chaplin, Herb Swain; sizes, ex 1 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8-1131 CHESTERFIELD -- summer cottage $2 gas slove, almost nev also budgies, beautiful colors. b answered Resolution. roll call was New Year's hymn was sung and Van Camp led the with a diseussion on World Neighbors after Sharon Larmér had ad the story of the Good Samaritan An introduction to Africa was made by questions and answers The girls then tried to guess an recording secretary, African riddle and played two Wolfe; financial secretary, African games, Rat in the Iigic Wright: treasurer, Bill Ferguson: and Antelope in the Net (Kasha'lect., Ernest Swain: DC, Ed Mu Bukondi). The expedition Harris; Com.. R. Ferzuson, L. closed after the Explorers' Byers, F. Malcolm, E. Swain Praver, and L. Beacock; sick com., H. On Saturdav the Explorers met Swain and E. Dorrell. Visiting Mrs. Van Camp's for a sleigh-| PC M W. Taylor addressed the ride. A' wonderful time had lodge. Short speeches were made ' 1 : by the newly elected officers and on the sleighs after which gifts * were exchanged. The girls then t% members. Lunch was served enjoved lunch before returning and social hour spent home LOL invites all members join the next regular pont TIME Feb. 1 at 8 p.m {RA 8-50 nt time S 8 f I'l monthly | HOUSEROLD furniture, ow r 'ommunity Hall chesterfield suite, n d numb pom suite, Mi T ous atl honor + I Hyland cently f I-ple ., suitable for d d GE TELEVISION set, like new, rea sonable, Brown moulon coat, size 14 Good shape. Phone RA 3.9800 after 6 Ie CAMERA Baldessa, 35 MM with flash, carrying ete perfect condition, nearly new. Will accept best offer. RA 5-1687 11a Adding machines used $35 and up {RA 8.1211 evenings {HOTPOINT nine years old YUkon 5-7402 WESTINGHOUSE, 9 cuble erator, eight years old dition. Phone RA 3.9446 C PLAYER piano with bench in perfect st working condition finish, concert no moths, Call RA 5-7001 1 n Carl new 329 RA $100, terms, Simcoe South >-9748 1le 42-inch Phone electric range it good condition d foot refrig excellent con at was oak $250. d c r-| GE push-button stove, 24-inches, matic large oven, like new, $125 idaire refrigerat cuhie feet condition es auto Frig good ld PLEASANT meeting, e Scout meeting Sunday chairman, Neil charge. Other officers Treasurer, Vie- secretary, Norma 'amp. are two new members on the executive, name g yen: Iv. Ivan Thompson and Gilbert Thy Marlow '€ A Father and Son Banquet Leon- being planned for February HOLD PRACTICE Cub hockey pract ng held each S arena, 9-11 a Mr re and held even'ng Bailey was hm"s . MODERN contains of all appliane ke over pi Trailer 51--Swap "and Barter PRESSURE GIVE PROGRAM Mr. Fred Trewin lowing program ommut singing Thomson; vocal voles accordion guitar and Lloyd and Mrs solo Mrs 1ompson, accompanied by vd Beacock: piano duet beth Linda Rowan At point the chairman ted the bride ym to orm Mrs ed C an address and Mrs. Daz z BE son - and Mr Alan Beacoc! NOTICE TO CREDITORS presented a platform rocker, con- AND OTHERS le t and large mirror. Both and Mrs. Hyland expressed IN THE ESTATE OF r appreciation, The chairman WILLIAM DANIEL DYER | nts, M( There Park, Whitk and fol fy sump pumps, 3 trio 2 is nks, power Serv-A and trail kinds. Free son's Greet lside and Park Rd. § solos, t p ano D. wil Lorne Mrs Eliza- and ) Chinn's, South 52--Legal Notices he the ce 1S now Saturday at m Mr Sunday Ewart Solina Mrs aunt last TI L and Wallace Marlow of Mr. and and family, WILL NOT rests debts contract wife, June Cam date of January Campbell be responsible for Ww . . Ss n-1a the ev r Leask on or 960. t Ken Mrs week Mr. and and Dorothy of Mr G ks vi Patterson, ited he Toronto. Mrs were and Mrs, Cecil Mrs. John Marlo a few weeks with Tvan Shook and Toronto after which! Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Kenneth Sunday Hill is spending Mr. and Mrs Marjorie Anne, Brown guests If of gathering, congratu lated them and wished them happiness Lunch was served Geore Cub former assistant Miller, (Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. W |Archer, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning visited Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venn- ing, Bowmanville, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs, Jim Hannah, {Hampton, and Mr. Clifford Ferguson, Calgary, visited Mr. land Mrs. J. A. Johnston Thurs day. Mrs. Henry Graham, Toronto, spent Thursday with friends in the village and called on her brother, Leslie Mountjoy, whom we are sorry to report is critical ly ill in Port Perry hospital Mrs. Robt. Bruce is also. very in Port Perry hospital. Defendant Pleads For Immunity MONTREAL (CP) Ubald Boisvert, a co-defendant in libel actions totalling $200,000, pleaded in court Wednesday that he entitled to "absolute immunity' as a lawyer. Mr, Boisvert was counsel police director J. Albert lois during Montreal's vestigation in 1950-53 | His plea ill for brought to a close 0 hearings of two $100,000 libel ac former Dray police Mi reserved tions launched by real mayor Jean Pacifique Plante George Challies ment publica up bj The action arose from tion of a document drawn Mr. Boisvert during the into alleged vice Montreal, Mr. PI Drapeau charge that ment--a petition prohibition to halt caused them professional jury Mr condit for the humiliation reputation inquiry loss and to personal reputation Boisvert based his t legal ag: t grounds that both the action ion En the writ of prosecu ject to the rules of mon law because t penal me under this of not interpretation the tents documents drew could legally form the basi for an action against him Among the defendants lice director 300 police officers are po Langlois and some . present { by p con- |; up New Policy Plan For Uranium Seen By FORBES RHUDE (U.S. CAN UNDERSELL means for co-ordinating discus Canadian Press Business Editor, Canada, some speakers stated, sions and studies. TORONTO (CP)--A continental should turn to enriched produc- Lk approach to North American|tion. Mr. Mullenbach cautioned OPTIMISTIC VIEW uranium supplies was suggested|that the United States could Some of the traditional optim- at the 'conference on uranium lower its price and the price iSm of the miner came late in and atomic energy which ended|against which Canada would be the conference in the closing here Wednesday. {competing would not necessarily Words of the address of Dr. D. The suggestion came from an be that of today. .. Denys vice-president Ny 4 : " fou 5 A American economist Philip! J, L. Gray, president of Atomic into ining Company an Mullenbach, of Chicago, formerly Energy Co. Ltd., said in an in- ada, when he said: on the staff of the U.S. Atomic terview that building of an en- ven the reserves we now Energy Commission. richment plant by Canada is not have are unlikely to be sufficient He made it only after stating considered economically advis- to satisfy the heavy demand we that uranium producers in Can-|able and no plans are under might expect by, say, 1980, and' ada and :. Stier CouBiries out- i wo i hi may not be long before this side the United Obtales, lace a . M. Gilchrist, president of , A oben ' "bleak prospec for the 1960s,/Eldorado Mining and Refining Degomies obs ious enough to give and he emphasized that a con-|Lid.--the federal uranium agency impetus for exploration for addi- tinental approach would be pos- was asked if any attempt had tional reserves so that we may sible only if Canadian costs were been made fo obtain American once again see the prospectors eombetilive __ \enrichment rights for Canadian , 4 mining ¢ompanies scouring One valid reason for the U.S. producers on a toll basis i 4 the north with geiger counters. policy of cutting procurement He said Canada had been sources," Mr. turned down on this, along with back to domestic fact| Belgium and another country, but Mullenbach said, - "is the average production costs are he thought the matter should be lower in the U.S. than 'els¢ n. "Possibly," he added Mr. Mullenbach's anadian operations are less|"bleak" predictions for uranium than marginal ones in the in the 1960s, was one that pluto If this be true; then a basis njum seems certain to be pro- for natural uranium. TORONTO (CP) -- The human of North rights comm'tiee of the Teronto red sub- ASKS REVIEW and District Labor Council said energy| Ashton W. Johnston. president Wednesday a Negro labor offi- movement of of Faraday Uranium Mines Ltd.,|cial was refused accommodation across our suggested that a "full-scale com-lin almost half the 26 Toronto seem to mission, established by the Cana- buildings where he tried to rent indicated they the Ontario gov- nite uranium policy for Canada 10 would refuse them and arying views should be decided upon." vere doubtful id ng fe conie Making the checks were Clare n pro- and manufacturing in i EY. 2 railw; . porter Sl Bi Fd ie 4d David Gauthier, wife of re- formation of a Cans failure in the nu- Prof. D. Andrews, University Toronto, vice-chairman: and J dicated current|E. Hore, of Rio Tinto Mining Co t ds use of at Jeast|seeretary. enriched uranium. The| The proposed association would 4 States has gone in heavily aim at promoting utilization of tiated modification of the duced in such substantial quanti- ponding policy dian government, undertake a an apartment last fall. uranium. | association. of Toronto philoso- for the enriched product. 'nuclear energy, and at providing NEED WISE POLICY 'The U.S Canadi: problem might well ached the basis ng consid t. A uranium be on wise d natur: n border ould kK: nag n uran conference roe five its it wa minn nce lian Te |} lian nuclear ce Lew and Mrs. Univer phy prof iI Mp apartme afer vy was told no were available, Mrs. Gauthier, who white, visited the buildings a short time later and attempted to rent. "AL 10 apartment super- visors refused Mr, Lewsey were prepared to rent to Mrs, Gauthier about half an hour later," Mr. Borovoy said. {production that the greatest ef- as um--if it can be justified the uranium industry. ecutive secretary, said 11: of would aopointed J. L VSey fort will be exerted to use it a reactor fuel, cu'ting demand ap- comparative costs." "From the findings of such a {ye buildings chosen at random held under commission," he stated, "a defi- would accept Ne- es with and he Canadian General ould de-|Peterhorough, as chairman: 1980 factors w is 0; least AEC policy may exist." ties as a by-preduct of power tinued trade thorough review of all aspects of Alan Borovoy. the committee's arge A steering committee has bee who | Townsh the Co | sentative of the { | on bet of or re anuary | aid resens agate ute the a i deceased having regard only to claims 1 they shall then have ® Everything In Reduced ED. WILSON ® Many. Items SEZ - ® Free Storage The Store Below Cost And Delivery ® You've Never Seen Such Low Prices! eo Hundreds Of Fabulous Bargains CREDIT NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF FLOSSIE AMILIA All persc against the Amilia Walter WA having Lovely Walnut ly designed, this suite was sell ot $189. Ed Wilson's Smash Bargain uary full pa rs of f culars which the having of hall ph bi then ai Latest styling Mr. and M sparkling mirror, huge January, HUMPHREYS BOYCHYN 6 King Street OSHAWA Solicitors fo it RUSSEL SLEY HUMPHREYS & Ontario nut or Seamist finish. Reg. You'll love it -- January ance E THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING UNPAINTED BOOKCASE 99. With the Purchase Any Piece of Unfinished Furniture to be 1960, intend: for 15th a by February to pos: IW of CHEST OF DRAWERS ACROSS THE STREET AND TAKE FURTHER TICE that the C NO ancil at the either VANITY DRESSERS FREE PARKING DRESSER WITH MIRROR FOR OUR double panel bookcase bed. 11.00 Bedroom Suite Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, Chest and Bookcase Bed. Smart- built to January S i] 1 3-Pce. Bedroom Suite rs. Dresser with bevelled 5148 Wal- $229. Clear- MANY ONE-OF-A-KIND Tri-lite Floor Lamps with Values to 29.95. Beds, shades. Continental Values to 49.95. Complete Spring-filled Mattresses. Reg. 29.95 Kroehler T.V. Occasional Chairs. Reg. 34.95. Half Price Table Lamps and Reg. to 24.50 Hostess Chairs. Reg. 19.95. Slashed to TERMS GORGEOUS FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHESTERFIELD SUITE Covered Decks, Foam Cushions, 51 2-PC. DAVENPORT SUITE Sl CASH AND CARRY BROADLOOM SCATTERMATS High quality, made from ends of broad- looms. Door-Buster Special 1.00 2-PCE. SOFABED SUITE Lovely"Beige and Brown Guaranteed spring con- struction. Reg. $239. Store sample. January Closeout 99.00 5-PIECE KITCHEN CHROME SUITES Arborite table top, 4 matching stylish chairs. Reg. 69.50. Smash Savings Imported Matelasse Covers, Fruit- wood Trim. Reg. $329. JANUARY CLOSEOUT Beautiful Nylon Frieze, Guaran- teed Construction. Sleeps two, Storage Compartment. Reg. $239 JANUARY SPECIAL, GREATLY REDUCED SOME SLIGHTLY MARKED OR SOILED 9.95 26.00 14.88 Many Patterns 2% Inlay Arborite and 512.00 Floor Coverings, and Colors, Per Foot Dinette Suites, Table, 4 Chairs with Spring Seats. Reg. $109 Bordered Rugs, C Rexoleum. Large 9 x and 9 x 13V2 Coffee and End Tables, and Walnut, Values to 29.95 11.00 Shades. 5.00 10.88 Blonde 5.00 Baby Cribs, Full Panel, Roxatone, Large Size. 16 88 Ll} Half Price cesses snens heard CUSTOMERS DATED th 1960 awa vary L. R. BARR City Clerk AND PASTOR'S M_.SSAGE ORILLIA, Ont. (CP) A one recorded spiritual mes- sage, changed each day, may be heard by Orillia and district peo- ple by telephoning Pastor Robert | Guthrie, Open Fridays 'til 9 p.m. WILSON FURNITURE 9.95 20 CHURCH STREET RA 3-3211

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