Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1960, p. 25

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" 2 Paved | vt | STOREY and half house, large lol. {BUNGALOW -- Frame, four rooms and 7 Po [coRNER property and building lot, LOTS 105 + 160°, at Courtice. COMMERCIAL income property, in- i 4 Reel Estate For "Sale --Automob ICARD OF THAN NN} ih GM. Apply 748 Oxford sirests Approved for mortgages, close| caging in value, 19 rooms, consisting | close to. public, pSeparale and high [bath, heavy wiring, garage. No agents 5 Auto biles for Sale vonGE station wagon, $115. Ph 5 bedroom, brick, split level bungalo 9.2075. 11a wish to express their t and appre four bathrooms, extra stool in base: hardwood and tile floors, tiled bath separate dining room, recreation roo PONTI Tr this column 3 fe ine kind Message of sympa} $1000 MAKE OFFER | ment. Best offer over $18,000 this week. (room and kitchen, completely modern $800 DOWN $800 laundry room, workshop area AC sedan, V8, 45 hp, radio, hy > iter and other Ces S Births, Memoriams, Cards of Hi) org beautiful floral offerings re Apply to owner, 200 King Street West. |For further information call MO 8-4155 monthly, $11,550 full price. Jose ndition. A eraies Good C C : : Realtor. RA 5-970. Thanks -- ceived from neighbors, rel tives, i SA RIFI E Eight room summer cottage, Be Blatter 6 pa: Central five room brick bun- Boseo, } ie tas -- 5 DODGE Regent, four door, one 9 AM, SAME DAY any frends Gunn cas Reverend close to Oshawa. Must be ) galow, three bedrooms, large | oer. very clean. Automatic trans. 2 " : : 5) | aission, 2. > DEATHS {Love and stafi of McDermott. gna. Building lot, facing Lake moved from present location. oo R L ST TWO B NG LOWS modern kitchen, living room LO I S Js sion, lane paint, Robinson Motors 11 AM. SAME DAY {baker Funeral Home, for their kind| shore Park, Oshawa. Brad- Bradlev's Furniture: Drive-in l J A { J A plus sunroom. One mortgage, South, Sbuitiridihdis ard |and efficient management of ! ley's Furniture Drive-In " o oh y DIAL RA 3.3492 [vice vs | 7¢l Five-room brick veneer bungalows, featuring red- low taxes, oil heated, asking N.H.A. approved, full pre 3 FORD customline sedan, 6 cylinder. ot 9.500 custom radio, whitewalls, original Fond | $ paid services, builders terms. [ot rt Siot van psinal er i wood kitchen, vanity and ceramic tiled bathroom, 45--Real Estate For Sue i G MILLER | storms, and many extras. East end location. | SONTACT WS TIERNEY © RISTOW & OLSEN rote Brewery, um. oy er bric! ungalow with i > va mil r 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real | Estate For Sale [#5--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 14, 1960 28 Please Note schools. RA 39762. please. Apply 345 Oshawa Biv. South. | 560s --eiignimuy different th Deadlines now in effect for Ho. iy of the Tate Mr. Roy Leach rere - "7 |room apartments, nine single rooms, [NEW six-room bungalow in Whitby Street 11f to schools. RA £-5579. of a four-room apartment, two three- FIVE - room Realtors a hase men pri . gallon. 3200 les, tuts , BIRTHS EOE "wo. baths, two. kitchens, PRICE $13,500.00 -- DOWN $2,000.00 Howe 8 Millen RA 5.6165 -- RA 5.3412 |covers, like sew' throughoi TA 458% | good terms, 5% per ¢ mortgage for good terms, § ie pe en a ae) RA 5.2993 REALTOR RA 5-2993 19 Athol St. West i Te balance {84 FORD coach, t tol 00d cle ELLIOTT Mr. and Mrs. Ted El Cruikshanks RA 85125 Lloyd Realty / $l nh 67 KING ST. EAST vl id Rhee LSA Cane iw tone, go i] Clan Bf | liott (nee Rita Worth) wish to announce Oshawa, Lid Purchase price of this well-kept home includes broadlioom in RA 5.7732 | WANT TO SELL di de living room, fireplace, all drapes. Modern four-piece tiled bath- | RA 3-7122 i | [3 BUICK hardtop, automatic trans the arrival of their son, Stephen Greg, NEW six-room ranch bungalow, double} lle YOUR HOME? {ha on, custom radio, spotless condi. - Ls tion, echanically perfect. $695. Van Thanks to Dr. Ross Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238| ji. qi conditioner in master bedroom. Oil heated, close to nounce the birth of their son, Michacl bungalow, fully decorated experience in real estate "This 7 ibs. 6 ozs. on Wednesday, January attached garage, two fireplaces, divided 13, 1960, 2:38 a.m. A brother for Bryan rey with finished recreation room| room, extra two-piece washroom in basement, garage, paved i - H pi | Heusen Motors, opposite brewery, 'on SHEPPERDSON ~ Yvonne -amg|iuuser Crescent Oshawa.' | oll schools and bus service, Early possession. Call Jon ot DO YOU WANT a realistic be 7 Krmie Shepperdson arc happy to an. |S200 down, One yoar old 3-bedroom; g aggy valuation backed by 30 years | 59 MONARCH "tudor | hardtop, power 3 corated, large living bath : Charles, Wednesday, Janus 13. 1960, room, nice kitchen and A-piece { . ' dealings? 2 (car previously owned and driven by Oshawa General "Hospital. A brother room. All storms and seresia, Hleary GOOD INVESTMENT FULL DOWN PAYMENT OSHAWA'S BUSIEST 9 | the president of Van Heusen Motors, for Brendy ing hardwood Soars. P.A oi hivey rot] DO YOU WANT concentrat {opposite "xewery on King. kis sche \ ¢ { frie - - 4 iim Yided Se oat of $60 monthly. Four-plex apartment house, oll rented. Situated just off Simcoe 6% N.H.A REAL ESTATE FIRM DO YOU INT ncaa [1s oun Vicora Pa Bo eer er vin] 3 Nori an an sighty-foot frontage, 2 ge aoe eS Tas NO SECOND MORTGAGE ! pat gpd ab A Es eatery, ely DEATHS W. T. Lamson Real Estate Lid tomatic washer, - 5.2993 OPEN EVENINGS we, op, cus Can be seen by appointment only posite Brewery on King. PRIVATE sale -- Two bedrooms, : $69.00 Monthly A AYS LIST NOW! ; Whi) tom built, ranch bungalow, Siiachey, FOR RENT ~ Six-room brick home, oil heated, newly decorated, AND SATURD = ons 8 sedan," one owner, filly CHILCOTT -- A psebank Nur K g |! large rooms, mal 4 i ¥ lo e A . Wn DUTT = Al Re Dank NUTS garage: patio, schools and bus Owner close to downtown, Call 5-2993, Large Be Bunge ows GIBBONS ST. .CALL RA 8.6228 Tey fintnee. RA § 5-2802. es Herbert Chilcott ved husband transferred. RA 5-6942 i Nictsirt Re i n ranch wagon. is in of Chris I. Meclnni | ist Ti room brick bungalow with| Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board N.HA. RESALE 2 \ aistanding value, at only $1495. Low ear. The 1a nile sting . e to list your home -- No charge unless we luminum storms end screens { of th ette nes ir owh payment. Van Heusen Motors, op. ar. Th Mr. Ch , ke on 1s acre lot, situated] We would like to y 9 One ie better homes posite Brewery on King. 7 at McIntosh Funeral Home P Y f bank on No. 7 and 12 bring results -- Call RA 5-2993 for prompt service a sh tless condition . ---- h nbank ¢ bring RA 5-8831 Oshawa, in spotless conditior 53 Chrysler sedan, automatie ---- n the chapel on Saturda 4 6 wone YUkon 5-2762 or UX 11 i hw ne b ve 2:30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. yiqee 2.9920 ; Longs ie Three good size bedrooms, Real Estate power steering, radio, low Friends are kindly requested. not p------------------ recreation room finished in one owner, show roon call before Thursday evenir 0 W. T LAMSON '| expensive wall panelling Exclusive or CO-OP BROKER be seen to be apprec DeGUERRE -- At the Oshawa i LOOK | NG FOR AN INCOME HOME? REAL ESTATE LTD Stool in basement. Situated Satisfied customers are our best | GUSTO Bali | oy on esd Anuar "12 t+ 54' ' car " yadios, al Hospital on Iepday, Janu: 2 S arle c S We have just the thing in this 7-room brick home. Located on C on lot 54" x 133'. Full price SOoShirR STON. Do om, Fai, 200 : ishand o quiet street, centrally located. This home has 2 kitchens, i $14,500.00. For information 10f models from $49.95. Terms $5 down. 1] ke Bert Woot very nicely decorated and landscaped New cement block g call Jim Cruikshonks, RA --. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street fe = brothe or d age. Is priced for quick sale at only $12, 700. Act quickly 7 ROOM MODERN FRAME HOUSE 8-512 MAKE AN OFFER Disc do A 3 - Mildre Jeffs (Norma y dshawa, fon N { i ff f And 1 ac B 00 id oil hi 3 bedroo an | Oo Mr I n Mca n Re) N (| Nn e on this one. Call our ) ice today for inspect And 11% Sere, Sears phBii heating. 3) bedroom J god HILLCROFT ST. Bilin a BUYING OR SELLING SEE iL. Clare 4 wl 5V2 % INTEREST in good condition. Close to church, store and school bus at $1,000 DOWN $1,000 oy . TED CAMPIN - storey brick home, 5 minute N snto, Mrs ota) cT - door Price only $10,500 with good term Buys this 7 room brick home " i : err REAL ESTATE BROKER 6-room bungalow with lovely large Hollywood Mize Spacious Oif heating, garage, 'immed walk jo four ip hot MOTORS living room, aluminum storms and reen ; ved Five 20d PRINCE ALBERT iate possession. Call Irwin ater sing wir Hi ce . i n e 0 sell ng 3 ) - ' t in ( ¢ and half, white nom other xia Owner very onXIou 8 9 /-room house Large living room, dining room and kitche Cruikshnaks, RA 8-5123 Asking $10,000 ll hid 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA decorating, in full price ake us on. olle Town water. Heavy hydro. Attached garage. Se Colt" Onzic' Addicon, RA Just East of Wilson Road ayy " ime; riesds < from Osh: OPPORTUNITY er for ey $7000 with ors Bogda Lloyd Realty Ltd 3.2254 RA 3.4494 Res. 5-5574 PHILLIPS - fle 0 Y V yt 0 churche n ui the Andean Nursiod He : ch ols ee po 3 730. and Are you interested in having a business of your own? We have 50 ACRE FARM NEAR PICKERING New 3-bedroom brick and 149 KING ST. W. Cobet, in 85 ear, Belove ido a ' a grocery store, doing a very good turnover. Also included is or Designed and built to please the lady of the house and t REALTORS stone bungalow on Seneca of Arthur Phi ; . Hoes! the term One 8-room house. Asking price $20,000 with small down payment hed. See this farm at only $800 per acre 3 SN Ave. of matchless eonstruc . of Attn hilip nial Tg asy. morgage Jo yendor Vendor will consider trade for 5-room bungalow. Don't m El J1 Simcoe St. N ion and. appearence, feotur Quality ee ry hil g "i hv poy. rent this chance. Books open for inspection to interested buyers FOR FARMS, HOUSES AND LOTS, contac RA 8-5123 ing tiled bathroom, colored J 52 KING ST., W fixtures, built-in vanity, Pier- Stren" Wes for service in e chap INCOME HOME- KING ST W MERVYN BIRD BROOKLIN LIST WITH LLOYD sts Sag Rl Co USED CARS terment n BOWMANYV - J t THEN ( OU VER out complete with storms erment Mowr » BOWMANVILLE This 2-storey brick home near shopping centre has 2 ; / HEN CALL YOUR MOVE OY SOmiplets Lai Sibi TRADE UP 2453 EVENINGS ments, each with separate kitchen, 3-piece bo th and 2 by ) PHONE OL 5-3159 - le] ceiling in spacious living OR DOWN i rooms and separate meter New forced air o i heati ; rs 2 ous living el cr forms and double gorage. Asking $13,900 with terms. Thi: J, A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, | 5); EXCELLENT NHA | coset space, Asking enty | LIENS PAID OFF dh REALTORS MORTGAGE 52 $12,900. Terms. Col Ozzie WILBAK iti Stevenson Kc In son, - 2 Proof Positive--Interest Rates Up 1o| Stevenson Rd. N. One of the best buys we have. This six « ( HN Y A \ 3-bedroom rug brick bunga Oshawa Shopping Cent 1959 1960 room brick bungalow has all Fears AYO oe dnge M O T 0 R S West Side BO i A f 0 0 D 6% plus 3% % equals 634% equals $5.43 mthly. or $65.16 yrly RIST the extras Nevursh Foaplscs large' lot, hardwood floors | 137 KING ST. W. Q LBGE This is what you can save by buying now. We have a limited dilbindii Miia newly finished, forced air oil - PHONE RA 8-6555 MITEL number of homes still available at 6% -- complete and ready picture window Ape ed heating, 3-pce. bath An ne RA 5 0732 ET . for occupancy. Down payments start from $1,700 -- full price REALTORS bathroom. Large beautitully | Ju bore but in good con fetime! charge § : REALTOR NSURANCE from $12,900. Nev in will such prices be offered finished recreation room. |} Lo L down t GERROW FUNERAL | REALTORS IRBURANCE | i on BE LAZY AND LIVE LONGER Comes compre with otum. | ditto. Low, down payment. |S ARYAN MOTOR - I | tor and screens, T.V = aR CHAPEL 69 5 MCOE S Why invest in a home that needs repair or a lot of extra work pil i on lot 62 x Addison, RA 3-2254 SALES LTD Kindliness beyond rive when you con buy this nearly-new three-bedroom bungalow 45 NHA mortgage carries LLOYD . un C 55 eyor y RA 5 6544 that has had immaculate care. Well chosen decorations through f $59.00 a month princi- STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN vet within reach out. Bright and cheerful Hollywood style kitchen, with an extra ond interest. See today AYERS | SALES and SERVICE 8-6226 | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 large dinette area, large Jving room, Hla bathroom with vanity, olling Roy Flintoff, RA : 334 RITON RTA Is TREE Vi 2 attached garage, completely landscaped. Listed at only $15,40 3454. 2 | 0! h . 290 KING STREET wis $$ TAKE ADVANTAGE $%| Joe Pichore RA 5.9144 Dave Donald RA 5.8522 For more information call Carl Olsen at RA 5-6165, or RA ; REALTOR--RA 3-2254 Tel.: RAndolph 3.3461 brick bunaalow with Bill Norris RA 5.7983 Jack Sheriff RA. 3-3775 8-5146 evening KINGSDALE CRES 1e yr Y rh ungalow J { : 1% .storey brick 18-ft. liv So - gay FL OWERS garage and private drive, full OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SATURDAY A STEP UP THE LADDER ing A re rage). Lowe S h CASH Worn rE Dusement 22 heer, vendor 11a, Designed and built to please the lady of the house and located dining room, family room tep en FOR YOUR CAR ¥ "Arie . wi take > ) down at a -.t B=" in a prestige area any progressive family man would like to live with 3-pc. powder room, end $10,500 full price, ond only : This delightful three-bedroom brick bungalow, with carport, is »arat ntrance to outside MACKO l D $75 nonth ' ' ' separate entr ve Exon ot iv. foi amet a Sany oe | | NA thgnced at rok interest, Down pqyment just over patio. Three good-sized bed- VAN HEUSEN f y ur ' 5 y y all us without any obligation for location and full rooms with 4-pc. tiled both MO 8- 5672 ~ tong: Coll Bil Sw hiics ot ( u a ay | particulars Call Ray at RA 5-6165 room, Oil heating. Hardtop REALTOR MOTORS 131 BROCK ST. 5, WHITBY drive. Complete with storms, on LTORS BESSBOROUGH AVE screens, broadcom in family | 187 KING ST. 149 KING ST. W. IN MEMORIAM $1,500 DOWN REA Brick and clapboard split level with attached garage. Stair room, ond many extras | RA 5.0771 | MERCEDES BENZ 5 - a 5 from the front hall lead to a large completely equipped and Priced at $14,900 with i a OR OFFER | WHITBY, ONTARIO 313 BROCK ST. S finished recreation roém. L-shaped kitchen with breakfast nook $6,000 down. Existing first | $1500 DOWN PAYMENT DKW. FIAT 0,800 full price for this | OPEN 9-9 combination living and dining room faces a beautifully land mortgage offer excellent One of the nicest sub-divi PLATA A SKEA in hig an x : sions in Brooklin. Ideal for lovin p A | . 1 + + 4 REA Joie. 0 nart. duplex, 2 kitchens, 2 prt . cS caped rear yard, three bright bedrooms with double closets f icing at 412% interest ol Authorized Sales & Servige Char es Sk a, Who passed aws nat en WHITBY MO 8-3414 TORONTO EM 3-9603 and four-piece tiled bath completes this attractive home. First . call Mrs: Winter family with children. Perfect el rere minred nd pS TIE i IR hei time offered" For appointment coll Hilda Ristow at RA 5.6165 R/ 25 atmosphere for real country ANDY NAGY'S le A . living. High grounds--large ot Bi Sworbric A r RA 53605 evening ' 0. High o 9 BODY SHOP CARD OF THANKS) S54 or RA 53398 VALUE PLUS a A MOST UNUSUAL: | torr a er ODY SHO al He Executive split-level hon one of Whitby's most i NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY PROPERTY ches, Sin-room Torch type 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 "b x locations 7 full 5 and cor nesting joor fror r ut off what » buy now, at a price you can afford A three-quarfer acre retreat ungalow, ecorated, land- is RE JPEN. EVENINGS gorage. Just loaded. with extra feature ot f In imma te North-west brick bungalow consisting of ust minutes from Oshawa in | Scaped, spacious modern kif. CASH living room and roughed-in fireplace in er f ecreatior i rooms, iving room, modern kitchen tiled batt the village of Columbus chen. Truly a good buy of f Oshawa anc room. . 2-pc. washroom off master i yom ond ar er off t n, decorated the ughout, aluminum storms and screens and Eight large rooms suitable for $12,300 with monthly pay FOR YOUR CAR 10F (hair hindness wig { Reo! Estate Board family room. Double closets in all bedroor anyor y most desirable 5% N.H:A. mortgage All. this for only professional use, on terraced = | ments of $85.00, principal beeant Thien in Danes Gon | would be proud to own. Call for further de vd an inspe $12,500. More information may be obtained by calling Corl corner lot with patio, and pri- | ond interest and taxes. Close | VAN HEUSEN Hospital v Taster 11a} tion appointment Olsen at RA 5-6165, or RA 8-5146 evening vately enclosed with stately to Oshawa. Call for appoint ornamental trees. Every mod ment to see this home now MOTORS WHITBY ern convenience Immediate possession $2000. DOWN FOUR BEDROOM HOME THREE | HREE FAMILY INCOME WHITBY CLASSIFIED A corner lot clapboard bungalow with e and oppear Nicely decorated ranch bungalow' with attached garage, lorge LUCAS PEACOCK | HOME » ance. 3 bedroom Finished hallway iy room and rec kitchen, L-shaped living and dining room, features good-sized Realtor Live rent free. Centrally lo A-1 USED CARS reation room in basement. Oversized attached garage ond bedroo four-piece and two-piece bathrooms, aluminum storms | RA AAA cated. Eight rooms on 22 FOR RENT E'wo-bec FOR RENT -- Apartment room, | port. Reasonably priced at $13,000 with attractive monthly and screens, about 1300 sq. ft, floor area. Large lot in North RA 5-4330 | Rowe Street. $3000 down '57 PONTIAC, 2-door, A-l nent with fireplace. Plenty. § P heated, downtown area, im est areg. ¢ y A. re- s nonthly c t $1 space. Central. Phone MO 8.2786. 7 te pi sion. Jack Wilson, MO| payments west area of Whitby. N.H re-sale. Owner transferred. - Ask payer 5 saey monthly condition $1295 1a . Se S Now a Cia hain MO to inspect. Call Newt Hodgson ot MO 8-5823 or RA 8-6408 METEOR C ' ' LIV poultry e EOR Coach, auto NE MO Ra eetert. © da) en rare Bilis will coniinue nies $12,700 RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 = After 6p. col matic, heater, wo fone ESOT - . tra al Albert Randall and Sons| v 19 S $ Pe Jim § sky RA 5 4 FOR RENT = Move n now, ! free 2A" Byron Street South, Whit-| Cash, or ot least 6 good portion is needed to buy this 2-bedicon ATHOL ST. W OSHAWA 11a] Peter Feddema on WE y R > 3400 v 8il February ob 1060. All modern. con py 991 #| home on a comer lot in general residence zone. This one ho | Steve Macko RA 5.0771 50 MERCUR Customized, Dun Apartment, | ih of newly NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. it.,| a dining room, living room with fireplace and built-in boc) 3 le radio, heater, white Ao REAL ESTATE BROKER walls . $350 Bl ie MO Ie King lot facilities. Call 4 ext 5 in. ond shower iti the Baseme.t ; Moin 2 Whitby P exsional" Building. Mo p) Shelves. and onextro, steal, bosin. and shower Jn the bager 45A--Real Estate for Sale $100 nd : rod. | 73)s_evéning 003. Feb 13 JOHN F REALTOR .| 99 acres -- two-family house Or Exch : oach Foedio 2, EL : = J R acre c y hot r Exchange erp dia . . x ld BLE 3 a valk Hy gen Del us MOVE 3 RIGHT. IN in good repair, bankbarn 34 Mas sak fa . ra vhite w 8 up by 86 : SELL or exchange -- Restaurant busi / hiv holster Phone MO 38-5169. 9 - YY ), garage, nice stream ness, large living quarters, garage at- | ui hosiery. Smse | Small, neat, 4-room bungalow in quiet resdentiol area. Ideal NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 | Th ee tm: [joan jute Sus quartet: gavate iv > ng OL aw -- B-room brick house, cen torre i the , A : _ FOR RENT -- HE tiiate oom brick house. cen-| for either working or retiring couple with terms to suit the pur Price only $17.000., Terms. |district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times BODY SHOP cold water; also Om apartment Phone MO 8-366 cos ne! chaser. Reasonably priced at $10,000.00 ~ iristed. of SALESMEN: 46 acres with: 6-room insu! |46----Real Estate Wanted 361 BLOOR ST. EAST i List Photo Co-op Fast 1¢/ FOR RENT -- warm furnished Eg f S CREAC( ar FOR RENT -- House for rent, mode mrs ance and light house. RESIDENTIAL PARMS: we ACREAGE brick house, barn 30 x 50, PHONE RA 58762 if you wish to sell RA 5.4513 split-level, 'four ng " e rs. Phone MO 8298. | BUSINESS COMMERCIAL DON MOUNTJOY «ss [MA 3-3950 hydro, pressure system A |vour property at a fair market price. | GM. 'Immediate possession. RA 4 TSE ST Par aion wap Ging ROSS DAVIDSON, BETHANY ........ 21 r6 veel buy ot $5,500. Eosry ' 1Zrdential Trust Company Lid. SE and bungalow wan terms : WANTED -- Stenogr OOKRE down payments W MeAuley Realtor | term 47 --Automobiles for Sale experience preferte MO 83231. Oshawa RA 3 INCOME HOME FOUR BEDROOMS 100-acre farm, located 5: miles from Oshawa acres w 0a near Oshawa -- 8- '38 CHEVROLET. sharp and depend. | Before You Buy peru . " et mm - 5 " - be 2 4 A 2: . . " o i ne! | / Sorin : on. bedroom ER 5 NEAR ST. GREGORY'S | cble, creek, fond in A-] condition, good ben th wate rom frome house, oil fur- |abe. well cupped See is, oni] Give "Stew" A Try trolly loc i) | \ fo : . 1 : , : : Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Lid. 574 ROOM and board f Herne outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit Centrolly located, o 2 wa Julknou 8], 7-comed home, heavy duty wire, Askin ni A good barn, ex {Ritson Road South 100 fav wee che " sod he by. Available immediately. Call RA storey brick, equipped with in. excellent nditios price $30,000. Term cellent garden soil. Coll us 53 FORD Ton. wagon, immiatulgie) My. slogan since 1949. cooked meals. MO. 8-240 . . - me | throughout. Locoted a tor information condition. radio, heater. Phone Oliver| Thousands of buyers have RENT ee fo olf. | ALEX D n NRY. General Contractor i ohg vl Begs in ) 87-acre farm on highway, Port Hope, 76 acres workable, strean 5-4888, Brooklin 7! found it pays. The slogan is : " Repair jons m > rent t 5 5 a three let resident ghbo > ) n a torbate]s a ) y s TE - En 2 S| tl OAT 4 co Reg i A ations. Cement, Carpen nted at present as a three wo a fors yo re] jhbor 122 30° bankbarn, waterbowls, machine shed, c; 12 34 acr with small stream "37 PONTIAC sedan 6 cylinder; 86] imitated. but not the deals. preferred Phone MO 8.208 A 2 _.| room apt., plus a two roon b x on Kenda e. within ocomed brick' house with all modern convenience Asking nice view, near school, fac [Dodge & cylinder: '35 Word sedan #! fc SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary king distance of down $35.000. Terms.a o ina aod ro p 100 00 cylinder automatic; "51 Mercury sedan ~EASY TERMS vay, new tanks installed, Walter] bosement apt. leaving five / 35,0 rms grronged ng good road. Price $100 8 cylinder; *54 Ford fon: '51 Ford half n. A very comfortable T : } Ward. 204 Chestnut West Phone MO! 0m y Qc ie per acre erm fon: '46 GMC tow truck with 30 ton ~LIENS PAID OF! 2 el large living room 14 x 20 185-acre farm near Millbrook 120 acres workable 39 acres winch: 49 Chev. half ton, 75 mufflers TOP DOLLAR FOR 2 vith four bedrooms on the wood, streom, L-shaped bonkbarn with steel stanchions, water 10 acres -- 10-room frame new, car or fruck, $5 each. Ackerman TTRAL ES > bing lh B ] or Two = with a natural fireplace econd floor, oll in immocu- bowls, drive shed. etc.; 7-roomed brick house with oll modern house, bom 100 x 30, [Auto Wreckers, MA 3.575% To ES people. MO 8-523 7 CHOICE Excellent hot woter heating lote . condition. Garage conveniences. Price $17,000 with $7,000 down garage. Price only $7,500. |35 DODGE Regent, really one of the FRIENDLY SERVICE = best buys you could make. Only $545 . ig Pts Muda system. Garage. Owner Owner transferred. Price Terms [Van Heusen Motors. opposite Brewers ANY MAKE OR MODE RE time. MO 8-4172 aT y $14.900. Terms 100-acre farm near Sonya, 90 acres workable, stream, L-shaped Jon King us NEW OR USED FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers APARTMENTS transferred. Possession t bankbarn, cement silo; 7-roomed home, heavy duty wired. 6 acres é-room stone |; 0 : DODGES. several to choose from power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers be erranged 3 Price $15,500 with $5,500 dowr house, large L-shape barn, |g and 8 cylinder models; standard and IRISH STEW"S SPECIALS! He. Wide Vesti Series: Mohawk 3 TO RENT 3 COUNTRY HOME 4 miles from Bowmanville {automatic transmissions. We have a 3 = 122. AND TW CEC 50-acre farm near Blackwater, 40 acres workable, stream, 75 Price $11.500. T. . car to suit you. All like new. Robin '55 FORD Customline, cus = ---- O BUSINESSES x 65' bankbarn, drive shed, silo; 10-roomed brick hoyse with | © am son Motors (Oshawa). LW., $74 Ritson tom radio, two-tone, very h $700 Here y jo c Se Road South 10f ' ' FOR C |. L 0 AINT partments heated, furnish- Is D ) to on opportunity 0 running water, furnace. = Price $13,000. Terms 2Y2 acres with small barn ak) - clean condition $895 ed with stove and refrigera- 3 BEDROOMS obtain 'a home consisting o ome. fruit tees Price 53 GMC 1% ton pick-up, repossession, i anc i $3 J - tor, ultra modérn. $100 per 3 bedrooms, large living 100-acre farm near Milbrook, 65. acres workable, 10 acres $1.500 balanes bin Jn guy $316 an Deusen '54 PONTIAC Deluxe, two room and kitchen heated ~ L Ss S 3 | month Hurry for this one, 0 very ! 2 hardwood, L-shaped bankbam, drive shed, etc; 7-roomed home - - | tone, custom 'radi DODD & SOUTE uv one, id by hot water plus a general with convenience Asking $13,000. Terms 1% acres 5-room bunga slightly old but looks and PAINT & WALLPAPEI SRE 2 apartments heated, furnish | clean and well kept one and 3 busine enjoying a : low, fully modern, nice view 1960 acts almost new. $25.00 with stove and refrigera | a half storey home, centro! jood steady turnover plus a 8-roomed house on No, 2 highway, 400 feet frontage, with Price $11,500. Eosy terms down to reliable person. 107 Byron Street ith te ne bedroom. Rent $80 | (ocation with © large kit lunch counter business that modem conveniences, 2 barns, located 1 mile east Newcastle | STUDEBAKER MO 8.523 r is fully equipped with mod Price and terms arranged. 6-room insul brick house, 55 CHEV. Deluxe, automa ern equipment. Located on hardwood floor full - base LARK tic, power brakes, custom ) J oms, furn three bedrooms upstairs. Oil highway No. 2 east of Ost 2-bedroom bungalow in Bowmanville with all modern conven ment, oil furnace, large lot radio - 'washers. et A A FOSKE I T shed h refi jerator Ti heating. Garage. Price awa. Price of property iences Hi basement, hotdwand and tile floors, Spotless con Price $6,500. Down $500. . | Two-door Sedan Delivered dandy $995 . $80 per mont | $9,800. Possession 30 days $28,500. Owner has other {ition rice $8,500 with $2,000 down We have several homes in | Fully Equipped at i : 5 ; k / & SONS JOSEPH E ; mers, Jen 2-tedroom bungalow' Neweaste with ail modern conveniences, | Oewa: some with low dowr Starr's Garage . We are in urgent need of properties for sale, lorge or sm full basement, hardwood floors. Gorage, Asking $10,000 Fa 485 540 DUNDAS ST. E SHIELDS 3-bedroom bungalow in Bowmanville with all modern conven : | (SUPERTEST iences, hardwood ond tile floors, modem kitchen. Asking 189 ( c i Ikrgirior ne a MO 8-234] WHITBY AL ESTATE GROKER ERNIE HOLMES ST0.000 Tony ara 89, SCUGOG STREET, SABYAN Polish, \ rairian 'and. | Roofing 2 § MOTOR SALES 2 ; 8 997 REALTOR GENERAL STORE, comprising of store, stockroom, 6 rooms liv Phone MA 3-3644 314 BLOOR W. RA 5.5646 i ev Fla Phone A 3.98 J sing store, stockroom, ooms ( c hone MO 8-2874 04 KING ST. EAST Who ing quarters with modern conveniences ond gorage attached Phone MA 3-5300 LIMITED Aft FOL wed ' fter Z p.m 20 i " y 8.947 ing arm | Evenings MO 8-2473 | KeLLY BOLAHOOD Representative Asking $16,000, Terms arranged | jolesmen: G. Blyleven 334 RITSON RD. § Phone "Stew" -- RA 5.1667 lial le] 1a] Dial RA 3-346) ie 10b An older home (of 7 room two kitchens, two meter YORE RENT Large ; for the owner, includ | ing a living room 14' x 18 chen, large living room and

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