Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Jan 1960, p. 22

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22 ™ OSHAWA Times, Thursdey, 'danuery M, 19 Hee 2, Industrials TODAY'S TORONTO STOCKS Figure In Net TORONTO Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. ( h ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m on A TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Nor Star pr $44% 4% un » Bidcop 4000 13 13 1 By The Canadian Press N Star 57 wi 275 265 270 10 Black Bay 1000 17 7 7 d 'Y da Toronte Stock Exchange--Jan. 14 NO NGas 2 $15% 15 15 eR Quqtations in cents unless marked $. Pembina Brunswick Hv 4 01 f z Sad lot, Bo -_-- Bigdividend, xr--Ex- Pow Corp tied ib HG el ; TORONTO. (CPY-A 'Inte. 2ally rights, xw---Ex-warrants. H Reichold Dymo 8 by industrials brought the stock THURSDAY INDUSTRIALS N Incaa 2» 2» 5 {market out of the doldrums Wed- andore 5 2 13 1 nesday. an-Exin 1 EU WF 1 For the first time this week, 3 FRIDAY an-Me 2 4: 4 | strials show in, Abitibi 535 $39% 39% 39% Salada-S - 0 $A industrials showed a ga et wis 2 Alg Cen $19% 193% 19% + Scythes 12% 127 | Index changes: Industrials ( ( « « ( Net « ( « 4 ( Algoma $38% 38 . Simpsons 550 $33% 33 3 Cay 201 2000 2. A 1.62 at 521.08; golds off .36 ! « ! 0 « ( ( ( ( ' « « StL Corp Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge St Maurice 3 8 v x 2 n at P 2000 14 3 fo Alumini 0 $32% 3 - SK DMfg Poster ~ 2000 28 "o -- 1 188.62; base metals up .17 , Al : Steel Can ) Kay 000 13 13 173.98; and western. oils off .23| P Mm | -. Mimo 500 60 6 oniagas 500 3 57 5 3 at 104.11 oniaurum 680 49 1 | The volume was 2,192,000 com- | I = Suptest ord Hh *Lmb A 1395 1 -- 3% Texaco Can Beil Phone 1 12% 4 42% -- 4 'Tor-Dom Bk Brau! : +3 Tr Can PI Br Tank 15 2 P - Trans Mt BA Oil 29 $3 341 34 Ll U Corp A BCE 5% pr 100 $43! } Un Telef BC Pow 345 8 6a + V Walk GW Denison 1303 % 104 {pared with Tuesday's 2,136,000 Den wis 500 3 8 hid 265 Eddy Paper led industrials G Arrow 3 13 with a 5% point gain at 67. Ford Bur 1 13 3 Weston A Halliwell 3 67 67 Motor was ahead 1% at 83%, " 0) a S 805 94 19% b n V . Y n em 350 $3 3 i » Woodwd A SH Bd 8 ous B while Ford Motor of Canada, In- a Fndry 2 $20% 2 l Curb sper ( k 334 4 k " ee 5 0 Oo 5 3 581 ; . Northld 2 3 43 3 1 terprovincial Pipe Line, Consoli- ' C Bank Com ng 7 -- ] } Cdn Brew 125 $35% 34% 35% + gigi Nea 0 $17. 17. 1 Conwest 700 430 425 idated Paper, and International POWER (H{:1)]3 A Collieries 230 $7% Th 73 CG Iny 25 8 2 ty 3 3516 35% | Utilities all gained one point Pika Car 13 55 ¥ 3% + 24 Paper 140 341% : 4 y Deer Horn 0 25 2% | General Motors dropped 1% at dn Oil 5 $2 2 Dupont " i } Dote_ 30 4 : | 482 i. Moore Corp. was down 1% 9 " ast Su 200 1 1 7 PR Tire 3 A155 is 4 Int Util 2 J ) 3 1500 142 |at 40% and Industrial Acceptance D012 E N | N + A R 1 1} N ockshutt 0 $2% 22 2 +) il 000 WTA aropped % at 35% 29000 >: : Bank of Nova Scotia lost 1% Corby a 25 $30% 30% 30% -- 3 Alminex 1 1 310 i 6 8 at 67%, Royal Bank fell 7 at D Bridge $20 204 20% Asamera D 8 : 5 : 12 2 -Y {77%, and Bank of Commerce Dom Elect 4 $! 9 Banff 0 > 2 = {dropped 3% at 54 : . Ed 2 8 19% 4 : 520 2 2 vr Dom 01 wis 1 39% 49% + 3 CS Off wis 3 7 3 5 : in 100 $17% 17% 17% Hollinger lost 7 at 27% and S p ecia | I PE I] N D Magnes $7% Th Th + CS Pete je 475 475 ; ' 00 $10% 10 } : Hudson Bay Mining went up % . | Dosco ; '1% € Chicttn 0 10 ; Hacer 1000 8-37 lat 51. Algom lost 3% at 12%, Con- ) pecia ! hd SI5% 15% 15% -- C Ex Ga 23 py 3 100 140 140 1 5 solidated Denison was down % : con Inv Bi $I 3 y CH 131 810° 810 810 1 1815" $10% 10% 10} 105% and Gunnar gained % : 0 pis EE EE Cran aH ® ®t Gunwar wis 30. [105 ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF ae Re ago 2 ; . of Lakes 2 3 ; 4 5 $ Mic Mac 700 271 Iolinge 230 $20 8 A ¢ e Hud | ? Special! LYONS ECONOMY C West Pete 1 y ) Hud Bay 30 dr BMISE 0 SLWEBRRS BM ah LE. Tox MARKET | |, qc ARETTES L TEA BAGS ro Ger 0 Sion io 19% ao on ka Pwaite 48300 33 8 0 43 NET EARNINGS | Special! SOLO ~~ q Midcon 1000 6 h 1 Jacobus 12 2 an . > ~Q SL Puree ; i Northcal 1800 15 11% + % Jono 1 { By THE CANADIAN PRESS G 1 Power 3 $23 25 > - 3 Oi ta . pA 0 2 8 Ke Re 18 as ' +l { Guarantes Trust Co. of Can- : CA RTON 1] 200 MARGARINE bi 24 GW Coal A 0 485 5 5 > i 600 95 95 95 2 Kilembe 1 55 355 55 |ada, year ended Dec. 31: 1959, Gr Wpg vt 17 $1 un 11 ! 2100 5 ( Kilem C wt 1200 158 154 15 + $683,220, $1.95 a share on 350,000 This : | Special! WHITE SWAN 6 Es Pre Ga 500 232 252 252 --3 Leitch S00 a8% A : shares; 1936, $309,522, $1.70 on| H) Ris i Z Emini EB ERLi- bmae TOILET TISSUE A a 4% 1 ocky Pe 1166 9 9% 9 : 0 10% 10%, 4 & ard or 30 STH TW Th Rovalite Hi 03. 1 Madsen 00 265 ) 1 Kelvinator of Canada Ltd., H Smith : a 44 y Sappaire " 3% +1 - BEM : 8 . {year ended Sept. 30; 1959, - 3 Smith ~~ 70 $4 43% 4 Arcee 3m 1 5% gear ended Sep. SO: 1%, wR Special! PURITAN bow mv A 5 3 5 Secur a Min Corp > : {578; 1958, $226,572 WITH GRAVY Imp In A rt 3 3 3 33 outh 300 13% 19% 13 Min-Ore nt 3 8 Bla | Macmillan and Bloedel Ltd., Imp OIL 02 $36 BW Spo; jih Z Be Gt" Ew vear ended Sept. 30: 1959, $13.- ] 15:02 TIN Inglis a 75 ; Tria 300 335 350 1 \ a 30 5 5 5 016,172, $2.44 a share; 1958, $8.- A 5 U " 1 ) - 300 Iner FL" mone" wt" OE BA ARs (MTHS » oe POWER 'Gold Bond'STAMPS In 55 $3415 3 r 3 W Cdn OG 2 17 7 2000 A i i Vp wi ckel Ms dw of & & | Cheese Producers Dalhousie Laura See 25 5 Wh 24 Narthsp 200106. 106 108 i | Re-Elect Chairman Special! HEINZ - b 290 ka Ra 1 4.12 + TORONTO (CP)---H. C. Arnold . onc /y wt 220 85 50 850 Algor 12% 1 12% -- ¥ on -- i100 14 14 {of Camobellford has been oe 11-02 ) ) p ecia | ! Mac Powell a . 4 i a 2000 r 8 7 3 Orcha 30 82 8 2 2 {chairman of the Ontario Cheese BTL. 5 agnum 1 % ! 000 28 By ih a a PA OL (I Producers' Marketing Board for Maser Si % 100% + A ae ano 1 4 1 ) Paramey Fn 3 3 fi jon ited FINEST QUALITY: (047.1, 11.84 Bankeno a 19% 19% --1 Pato 285 285 3 Wednesday Base Metals 00 16 15 1 Pee Expl 2: 1 - 1 : 00 1141 1 Peerless ) ; R. J. Kelso of Spencerville has Special! SNOWFLAKE Bibie 2500 13 1 Perron J {been returned as vice-chairman. | SHORTENING 1 wD _ PEN NYWO RTH . 5 "EClipge: SRAND 2 Yo16 PRIN VEGETABLE OIL 59° + 6 You save twice at Power, with low, low C L rs A " A bd C ho Hi Oo 1) 4 prices plus Power "GOLD BOND" '| Stamps EVERY WEEK END IN AJAX, FRL T10AM.TOB8P.M. SAT 10 AM. TO 5 PM. -- Beside Pennyworth's MEN'S ASSORTED LADIES' SEAMLESS NY-| Ladies' Kidskin GLOVES Dress SHOES [ih 39 woo GR 1 be 9 &% HB "Sresinlt' CHOICE LAMB Broken sizes. Reg. to 5.95. 3 for 1.00 | 2 for 1.00 s a = | coats PCVA |- -- | ATRN 300 CHUBBY - 200'REGULAR Pulvter WHITE OVERALLS -- o0ais | | LADIES' LINED JEANS : = : LEGS 2.45 . . 1.00 Take 00 © Phen L ) { Ib. c . ute Reg. 4.95 ' fl BY pe : : Girls' Orlon Short Sleeve| Res. 7 | Ren : | : . SHORT SHANK PULLOVERS -- Sizes 8 | AVE : PULL 129 39.55 rom sll POCKET NOVELS 3 KEY : PACKAGE > S aud COWBOY = 9. 00 Phere 7 i [gis | DONELRSE SHIRTS -- fe 99 | GREETING for §0¢ . . ib. 30- LADIES' |to 16. lin ai | CARDS : 10 12 75 GIRLS LADIES' FRONTS Reg. 4.95 BETTER | __ a FS wa KIDDIES' WINTER SHAVING BRUSHES -- | Girls COTTON BLOOM- | Bowes | SNES JSF [FSSC 19) CAR COATS Dimes | Reg. 99¢ | 2 \ - | Sizes 4 to 18. Reg. to 18.75 : : i : Stopene Spray DEODOR. From | Porcelain TEA POTS - 4 39° 129 ... | §4 Bn \ a 2. 99 SPECIAL! Spwciall Porcelain DIAPE LT : ecord Grating CARDS Yo U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA RUBY RED JE re, aren at | 10°] mens 'Gand A' + DELICIOUS LADIES' Reg. . 3.98 Py Joe crusrvarenri " 2-Pant " 4 Grapefruit SAVE ON "PALMOLIVE" . ¢ WOOL LEVER BROS. PRODUCTS : : 2 Suits : [11,1 DER PEAS Wildroot Cream Oil, Large 69¢ , 3 for 5¢ } 3 596's [4 SKIRTS | iron: Sreom Gry Smo .. 20 MEN'S DRESS AEE a 15-0z TIN Colgate Tooth Powder, Large Sic | 2 : Colgate Tooth Powder, Small 29¢ breasted, : 3 ; Reg. 4.95 ig 0: Poi or Reguler = S PO RT HAIR BRUSHES 2% sizes Special ! Crisp, Tender U.S. No. 1 C 7 L Reg. 89¢ : 34 to 44 i ee S$ Clearance -- LADIES' S M | RTS i 2 i for Jutrs 4 95 { Unbreakable Plastic - te Lo Reg. 24.95 Rh Reg. 4.95 | GLASSES | 93 "| BOYS' DRESS PANTS -- | | Reg. 19¢ From MEN'S Self belt. Sizes 8 to 14.| 4 for 16¢ DRESS 255 1. 59 | Ladies' Better c ORWORK | 2 for 3.00 | + Resa 1 1§ | MISSES' LEOTARDS with, LADIES' : Trousers | built-in elastic girdle, | Reg. i] 49 ASSORTED / | Boys' Leuthor Sizes 4.95 b if ag 29 36 to 44, Pittsburgh Rubberized Sa- | 8530s 5 Eg pial man tin Finish PAINT -- As-| Reg. 4.95 Vi: | Boys Sport and Dress g. 5. sorted colors. Reg. 79c.| : { SHIRTS -- Sizes 8 to 14 (EF a &9 Boys' Boner SHOES - x ¥ | LADIES' GALOSHES -- | 2 SE "Tay (5 Jackets ---------- " Sizes INFANT'S TOWEL AND | isa TT TY em | 2 ONLY -- RONSON | ALL TOYS AND A panini 4 1% Reg. 8.95. HOODED JACKET ELECTRIC SHAVERS -- GAMES REDUCED RUBBER HANDLE-GRIP HAMMERS EERE TRAE eV XR 0 KING oft WILSON iit TOO. NUMEROUS TO MENTION ---- Single

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