Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Jan 1960, p. 7

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3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuary 13, 1260 7 SEQUEL TO FATALITY Toronto Man | Pulp, Paper Court Orders | Murder Case : Pleads Guilt Gardener Pa = Bccused, 45, Se ha an - > Loses Licenc e Year BOWMANVILLE oi 3 Industry BOWMANVILLE ey -d Evidence Draws Fine pasion did aot have a dtivers' Toronto truck driver, John Hinks, A Clarke. township market Sar cence. - 24, of 132 Sunnyside avenue, who ke township Snake rap I R BOW LUE Stain - was los January cowvicied of To Ex and oy ed to pay Mr. n eview A SOWM ANY 1 45 King stect cast, pended sentence, was "Tuesday and Mrs. Carmen Rupert, Ban-| TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario was Tuesday fined $15 and costs, nn pended Sentence, was, Tuesjay croft, $52.50 each by January 26, : remanded out of custody to ap- y \ | told Tues-oF three days, when he pleaded r for sentence January 26/ MONTREAL (CP) -- Robson or serve five days, when she ap- Court of Appeal was to guilty before Magistrate R. B. pea i i i iven at his i i Black, president-emeritus of the d before Magistrate R. B.[day that evidence given a Baxter to a charge of driving BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- or 600 feet away from the scene,|opinion, taking a car out on aiwhen he Fleaded guy before: ndian tes Association, (Dentes i a gistiale El Piagey/Haxter To a_oha trious Constantinou, 19, oftold the court he was just re highway und Rg gen Ti JR $35 by false|said today a steadily rising world|charged with non payment of Stephen Truscott, 14, in the bush OPP Constable Len James told in Crave ives Torun asjuyrning ame ged ud fro pumecieiing orsites of ~ Co obieiaing 155 by {demand during the next 20 years wages. larea mear Clinton, where the the court he investigated a rear- Tuesday fined $100 sug assessed bie . ki do the AE Liga Jooked od wy 4 OPP Constable Jack Ricard Promises to Ee Cana an gatlier hearing: fhe ae slain body of a 12-year-old gir] end eqlision on Eighvay 2 Dee, ii Mii TEA Re Dlg Bugg wai he i i ived «|p and ba s cused paid Mr. and Mrs. Rupe ' 16, when the accu ran into 4 Paste Wi : : se ing 10 persons in the car, which|told the court he received a com detion? Sas ound. 4 month, aud hy! Brive $ Jegnee res mek -N tio mote ry fie said he felt was four more plaint from Robert Hicks, propri- its Hevesi Jala o po manu-| Sach $42 i ekg Safpos 08 the rear end of another vehicle, hiv bgt 0 od aed be-| gravel then a bang, and when than the manufacturer had in-|etor of the Townline auto wreck- {her farm. p e 0 y k g ' £ s Chief Justice Dana Porter po cid he asked to see his ) i t paymaster,"| +. i i ! r fence objections, fore Magistrate R. B. Baxter on|he looked up, he saw a car going tended the vehicle to' carry, and ers, that he was contacted by the facturer and biggest pa plained Mrs. Harasimowitz owed ruled, over defence obj i driver's licence, but the accused Mr. Black told a meeting of the yp) rove "as she had engaged that the press would be allowed or Bor oo ' a | i having a driver's licence, the ac-|accused in September, and pur-|Z i " er in- » th §01¢ nol > 2 Sharge Li pi Rg of Sd En car was on ni should have known how|chased his car for $35. : ee a: eine gi them oR as = ort Jyidence. iting of According to PC James, there| the kidneys and ai Cons Button led over Christ- its four wheels when it went and could be expected to know| 'According to PC Ricard, Hicks 400,000,000 annually to our na-| ho p . dw nal tal was another youth in the car with on of Rs of the Bowmanville in- across the island and when it hit how he could operate the ve-4iq considerable repairs to the They stated they worke removing these excess i ing i Jtovel wealth, To raise owiputi her, which was divided| The facts about the trial evi the accused, and it wasn't until| ad wastes, Then file seems i Mg ig A the gia als Sui rolled gi leaving home, the ac sade ni By 0 an eventually to double the i a Mr. Rupert dence were 7iven as defence after he had laid the charge that killing one person, Miss Stavula/He estimate he vehicle efore leavin . | ning \ volume calls upon the federal Striftoela, 19. of Toronto, and in-/twice before coming to rest cused should have tested the Orono woman. Shortly after the d incial governments for a|stated he worked as a tomato|lawyer John O'Driscoll reviewed Bons produced a 60-day permit, " " 3 i 2 the vehicle, the an: provincia ern juring six others. with a thud on its roof. brakes and made certain they woman purchased ; vie « [same wages, for i Ir wane ts appesting a Feb. 16 dusth > | ili BC PegY guons, i ; d to bring his|sentence. | ity. |CALLS POLICE [ itions. He seems to have at-|-ent the bailiff to seize the car| id industry's|paid, and agreed to ; that ig fine bis fg The witness stated he ran into on oily a move on thelas there was a $225 lien on the pay 2 ae gi re wife and the two of them would| He said friends of young Trus- vas 0 p as " | + a 1 a ; othe house to call the Bowman- i rehicle. severe penalty, but because the the spur of the moment without first|vehi i ply is to succeed. it will require Neiks jot testified Jat She oy in The PERSONAL fouch for TRAVEL i , scene ai . : of and paid Car-|a! Ag orr pl i ith nne Harper who| p . EE re A bio Rang Ay hi isi 2 a1 fo ST Te Jone 2 ig El Ie §10/tion from the Canadian public| The accused protested she paid area with Lynne ID Wheted> travel for business or killed, he 'felt a severe fine an a y S i ', i |she only agreed to pay 60 cents an Truscott was seen alone on a3 your individual needs at Howard's; the i ny | ight by a To-/ment' has gained favor from|s y ar A A Ry C ' ¢ suspension of Constantinou's li- Tinh inte Peter Wd eg By |most Canadians on a long-term hour for carrot pickers. She said! country road near the spot Where! careful planning and attention to detail cence would be worse than the Vlangos, Constantinou tot r | ) that you'll appreciate . . . the personal 9 has b D i H tle in September and on his of practical application to match|wages owing them. { Truscott told police he had touch In fact si y 28, 1956 Ss bee astle 5 7 rtd ' " Pio . s . 3 OE Sonsable Pat Hare Max ow i ver as as the car broke down. He took the needs of the next quarter] The Rupert's said they had given Lynne a ride to the hig ouch, well told the t the car driv y ! J iy 1 £ T : fan st $200 to get it repaired petitive struggle for new world} . e h at the last hearing |her up there. Witnesses said i of 41 f Yigh. Zils in the Fron) seal were sit 1 woud cost Ly ; " given $22 each at the last hea '|Truscott was calm .the night of i LY business a is 18 of 4 fe hed field ting on the boys' knees and the «0 Licence and back on the road. | markets. His Worship said he would ac- at. "IR S00 4 there was! TRAVEL is our ON b ; laws Dicker. for the accused for the|the evidence of Crown witnesses, | therefore he did not ask the pas- His Worship pointed out that {would stop the car under any Dominion Finance Co. of Weston| sharp revision of present laws careless driving offence was Ville police, then returned im- taking the necessary precautions| The accused gave Mr. Hicks a|ply is to succeed, it will require work on the carrots for the same cott testified that the boy told} { EL Tra 7 2 1 ed which "ced Be Pod cor fo 01a tn, UF Xn 8 Vfl eres mana ord rom an 08 0 un Ger" evidence va at § pleasure You get expert ottention fo orship said t} ar-long 3 ' | fine court he has been in Canada A Hinks said he came to New-|basis we must double our pace|the Rupert's each had 70 hours Lynne's body was found. ine. by the acct 1 vi According to Constantinou, the it to Carveth"s and was told it [century with its sharply com- 71 hours owing them, but were way and a motorist had picked Why not call and see for yourself? i st of Wives in the back seat were sit-| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The sceused seid he eouldnt 2 --- ud | triad : : id " t | on their Tv shands knees. |p' Blake McCoy, 52. RR 3. Osh. afford the $200 as his wife had CHURCH HEAD DIES cept Mrs. Haraimowitz 70 hours no sign of blood on his clothing. rty street I %. Bla ) y, 92, 3, : ble to trace 'Mgistrate Baxter said in his aya was Tuesday fined $25 and|just had a baby so he contacted) yoga w (Ap) The head of|and the Rupert's 75 cent rate, and| Mr. O'Driscoll is asking the} HOWARD | V BUREAU he was able to trace -- vidi -_-- i fs 1i.|the wrecker and decided to sell}, i rch, |c cused to pay the appeal court for a mew trial or » the vehicle had taken |costs, or five days, and his li- he body He stated he understood |the Georgian Orthodox Church, ordered the accu pay il i © li - ri hise-!| 9 by January 26. la complete acquittal, basing his : i Levies' [moi sien he piesdea uity|the wrecker was st going tol Cy RET ri ov Mes: Rupert tld the court she|aDDeal on grounds that the- ria AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA control before rolling over th Cadi Levies Jats nol he Plead Baxter, Scrap it, so he fou Be Would ust eney. reported, Ho wes 99. had heard it said around the ac- judge charged the jury improp- PHONE AJAX 90 embankment and coming to rest [to driving while his licence was|Cont Phe Pa de that|Elected patriarch in 1952, Tass|cused's community that the accus- erly. : . | on its roof Fine Of $50 {under suspension. 2 = not g [described him as an active par-|ed said the companies never paid Fededal Justice Drmister Fi BROKEN FENCE POST \ | OPP Constable Len James told| He was convicted of stealing 36|ticipant in the struggle for peace|her for her produce so 8 ejton has sa Al & According to PC HarteMax-| powMANVILLE (Staff) --A| he co fe Tie cepted the ae shoes last January -- all for ET a PE EO ort - well, there were several keh a9 vear-old Trenton man, Garnet ii Pgh re aay ap. Tight foot. mittee for Afro-Asian solidarity. |worked for her. . fotice. posts 3t the M. Graham, 276 Front street, proached him with only one head-| field, after the car he °Clwas Tuesday fined $50 and as-|)ight. 18 feet 10 inches across Vlsessed court costs totaling $18, He stated the accused failed to triangle before it areened| nen he pleaded guilty before produce his driving licence when through the two gu rd 1s. 4 » Magistrate R. B. Baxter to a|asked to do so and a check with| estimated the avelled aloharge of impaired driving. the Department of Highways distance of about 269 feet out of OPP Constable Wes Reimer showed it was under suspension, | control . before it entered they, the court there was a minor McCoo stated his wife usually island, where it apparently start-| ident on Highway 35 about a does the driving, but on the day in |§ ed to roll mile south of the Highway 2 question she was ill and he had Irene Kalamoutson, a passen- overpass Dec. 31. The accused just sold some cattle in Orono, | ger in the vehicle, identified Con- had "apparently been the cause|and as he needed the money, he | stantinou as the driver of the car. of the accident. took the car to go and collect it. | She told the cour jhere were According to PC Reimer, the ------------------------ passengers, including the driver, accused was*in an impaired con- in the vehicle. She stated four dition and submitted to a blood _ JOBLESS LIST GROWS were in the front seat and six test. NUERNBERG, Germany (AP) in the back, and they were just Graham said he agreed with West Germany had 443,320 jobless | going out for a drive. i es @ "IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED" IS PLEASED TO INTRODUCE TO Witness Byron Brunt, 178 Duke said the accident was not his as in November, the federal labor i i ---- THIS AREA THE INTERNATIONALLY KN O WN AND WIDELY ACCEPTED GUERNSEY GOLD MILK é FOR THE SUGGESTED PRICE EQUAL TO ONLY 1/2 quar 6 TO BRING GREATER ECONOMY AND CONVENIENCE TO ALL CONCERNED, WE BRING YOU GUERNSEY GOLD MILK IN THE HALF - GALLON PURE-PAK PAPER THRROW-AWAY CARTON Guernsey Gold Milk is a product of Golden Guernsey Milk (which costs you 2c premium more than standard milk). Partly skimmed -- or defatted -- to a butterfat content of two percent and Homogenized. All the other food Nutrients remain the same. Ph Guernsey Gold Milk is a natural for active, weight-conscious members of your family because it What a lovely new freat for your baby contains approximately 25% less calories but more of the vital elements such as Protein and Minerals than average milk. Lucky baby . . . look! Guernsey Milk has: "Smooth, golden-good Heinz Cottage Cheese with Pineapple : 20% more Protein than average milk specially prepared and blended just for you. So very satisfying 13% more Lactose than average milk because it has proteins aplenty . . . so very good because it's i 10% more solids, not fat, than average milk filled with the sunny-yellow flavour of sweet pineapple. Why, 8% more Minerals than average milk it's one of the most deliciously different treats Heinz ever made : ar Approximately 25% less calories than average milk. for you. What a wonderful change for lunch or supper . . . : alone, or with your other favourite Heinz Baby Foods. " Mr a Guernsey Gold Milk in the Half Gallon carton is a thrift milk. It costs only a suggested price of 19V2¢ Strained and Junior too!" ; 4 Sh a quart, compared to the suggested price of 24c for all standard milk in the Pure-Pack threw- Happy baby... see? ' He away carton. The Throw-away Half Gallon Pure-Pack Cartons. ' 1 p uh Eliminate high deposits on bottles which cost you money every time one is broken or lost. THREE WAYS TO CHARM YOUR BABY -- 2 ny . kif Eliminates washing and scrubbing dirty bottles. WITH HEINZ COTTAGE CHEESE AND PINEAPPLE! gi 7, Consumes less space in your refrigerator than average glass containers of milk. REFRESHING! As a wonderful surprise dessert! See how STRAINED H i eh Eliminates possibilities of broken glass as in glass bottles. baby loves the sparkling pineapple flavour! OTAGE CHER, 4 Keeps milk fresh longer and are easier and safer to handle than the average glass bottles, SATISFYING! ... As a hearty luncheon dish! Try it with Heinz Tomato Soup and Heinz Apricot & Applesauce. Wits pimeapmi DIFFERENT! As an easily digestible supper--serve it 4 y with an egg, milk, and creamy-smooth Heinz Peach 4 fi Custard. Delicious! Heinz Cheese Dinner tastes good at almost every meal. Look for the tins with the Heinz twins on the label. OBTAIN GUERNSEY GOLD WITH TWO PER CENT BUTTER FAT FROM YOUR LOCAL RETAIL STORE TODAY. IF YOUR STORE DOES NOT STOCK HALF GALLONS OF GUERN- SEY GOLD -- ASK HIM FOR IT! WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SUPPLY HIM WITH YOUR Lo Tumion : REQUIREMENTS, [4 1 N z Cc OTTAG itu incase rn t "A deliciously different dinner" CH | babies HEINZ BABY FOODS --The good they do now... lasts a lifetime BF.14608 --

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