Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Jan 1960, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jonuary 13, 1960 a sw WHITBY And DISTRICT | Benefit GM Team Addresses Sai = The final demonstration show- ed the use of a jet engine in a| Ld car, and to illustrate this a pulse | tak uw i crm ia B | Whitby Rotary Club Jt is ene drive ule | {wheel which in turn drove the 3 o£ buf t k ith ts} road wheels of the model. | very interesting and informa- to a speaker "with no strings or i tive A of modern|wires attached." On behalf of the Rotary Club, science was given by a General : Rotarian George Anderson ex- Motors science educational team LOOK TO SUN tended thanks and appreciation ALFIE TREEN to the Whitby Rotar Club on the| "At the present time,* Bob !0 the educational team for their occasion of their weekly lunch-|Rankin said, '"'the conventional Very spectacular scientific dem- Bl con in the Whitby Arena Audi- fuels of coal, oil and natural gas onstration of the great changes gi. " foritm. |will soon be exhausted, and so that will take place in the ver ; i | : ; we must look to the sun to take near future. | The demonstration was given -- ; by Bob Rankin, Ray Shurameta the place of these fuels, by tak- | Bra) ing advantage of its solar AFRICAN FARMS i BE il Bid Bob Jom, Su was Shed energy." | South fines agricultural pro- 8 30 P M i Hy : i iad te bn ducti doubled in value sinc { ] [the many aims of the team is to] He then demonstrated this by Se ox an I In aly: since . . Alfie Treen | inspire high school students to g0 showing the group a "Sun Mo- after careers in Science and En- ~ ~ gineering. solar energy. The model carried| WHITBY DUNLOPS The first demonstration was t photo electric cells which, Worry of the production of synthetic rub- n effected by a light bulb, ber by mixing a gasoline type 1 to simulate solar energy, FALSE TEETH . VS. o ad ? an} 1eotr] tor solution with a catylist. The ex ated a small electric motor i periment. showed that the prod-| Which in turn set the road wheels| Slipping or Irritating? HULL-OTTAWA JR CANADIANS uct could become very useful, in|in motion. H . 4 re. W re unforti: | Don't be embarrassed by lonse false ~~ NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAA ~ hate enough to have a fit tire.| M. Rankin demonstrated a Lik SIL SLEPE of wbLLE| 8 "is culinary experiment by gprinkie a little FASTEETH on your AT The next experiment demon- frying an egg on a cooking stove plates. This pleasant powder gives a P ying Pe strated the unbelievable proper- of the future. It was plainly seen remarkable sense of added comfort . . : : % ' ata' .» R0d security by hold! lates more Wh by C y A ties of microwaves in a practical |that the 'hot plate" of this st NT Ry jars mare it ommunit rena demonstration of their use in was cold, and did not ny or feeling. Tt's alkaline (non-actd). transmitting the sound of musicla on a paper napki at Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. nually. a which was operated by y | STEINBERG'S VALUES ... are all the merchandise you buy..and your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money is cheerfully refunded! EXECUTIVE OF KINSMEN CLUB LO rate 1 rember hip | Mike Mikicel, treasurer, Harley are the past president, Law- | Dinner at the Spruce Villa, = STEINBERG'S VALUES...are those you . > Bo a " / om 4 ; Fe Stamps - redeemable for gifts or ° Of Evenin Bux ; " . ; i a food...like the convenience of she To Score 5-3 Win | Make Plans The United ng reside A 4 Be. fo . opping in modern stores thot al= Fhe, CON \ k; i \ The cxeceti of Welty Kine, 1 aud Ymptove 4s steidssee Jy | Ympheey, gecriory, Jim, Gast, | Suhats ond fomly, viswpeish VE Ore people re ic j | show e. S here are | Sf : y ! y. WA e fe men Club, which has jut | shown above. Seen | Robertson. Seated left to right | sided over last nig! as JR TH \ rence Spellen, president, Al --Oshawa Times Photo i hy tell us you want. like the 2.way Evening Auxiliary WMS, held ifs ways have Extra Services and launched its Kinsmenship od standing left to right, registrar, ticked : iv Midgets Rally Lady Curlers Install Officers pin hae vn ibe To n N monthly meeting last Monday ' 4 y } . n Sa + By CLIFF GORDON Bryan Fletcher was wide awake evening in the assembly hall. Mrs. : 7% ; 7 3 : Whitby Midgets came up off and fired one from his own blue or eason A. Archibald: opened the meeting v 7 ; 7 ¢ " 3 ri OVER 800,000 CANADIANS [shop the floor last night after trailing line that hit dead centre for the 4 - - all o with a reading. ~~ is ; jie : STEINBERG'S every wosk, 3-2 at the end of the second clincher. Under the chairmanship of| Rev. J. M. Smith presided over pe . y ; period to fire three unanswered ; ; dg . 3 peels Siete b BE We're proud to say that with It was a real good game of i 1 iv i i + officers for : ir Foner ; ay : y a goals to take the measure of the hockey and was well enjoyed by President Flo Loli, the exerptive Be Muslin of Se Sie as tor ares fs STEINBERG'S VALUE your Satis~ St. Michael's College Midgets the fans who braved the ice ahd whitby Curling Club met on|drell were in charge of the study ' ie Rag . ! ] faction is Guaranteed fom Yoroma Nae gore. It i the local team oniMonday Evening, 19, finalize plans|book on "Africa Disturbed". ; : was a terrifi . vay; lo victory. .../for social and curling activities] Mrs. Fell closed the meeting and saw a erowd of just gi 200, We dates hat a that will be coming up in the with a prayer and refreshments : take in the stellar event despite be another game here next Tues- ; " : ig : J the terrible weather. day night, we will have more in very Jed rue. to hav were served . by Mus. - Akey's 5 ba ? £14 x AYLMER FANCY DELICIOUS Bryan Fletcher paced the Whit- regard to that one later in the re ed to moe the ube ; 2 ; f / a : TOMATO by attack with two goals, his sec- week ames Night as an annual af-| YTIONA " so : ) KRAFT ond one coming with two seconds SUMMARY fair and Monday, Feb. 1, was se-| ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS| A ; 1 of play remaining and was scored 1st Period Josten as the date for Games ON PAGE 5 = | oh me JUICE . DINNER in an empty net. McLean, 1. St. Mike's: r .. .23 Night this year. | | fs HE ti any Mitchell and Thorndyke fired the 2. W +} 3 _ Of special interest to all curlers) Ad ad a i JN IUCR DER JRE (BR Lk ther Whitb, cals 11, Moor .... 147 is the Filly"s Bonspiel which is 0 y g t H 3. St. M Manth to be held at the Whitby Curli i FANCY DRCHARD RING - 8 20 oz. $1 7% oz For the losers it was Henry, 3. St. ] s: Manthrop 0 be held a e itby Curling i = 4 L - TINS 7 . $ Manthrop and Herman with one h ... 1254 Club on Feb. 24. This spiel is » WHOLE KERNEL CHOICE ORCHARD KING 019) PKGS., : PANT goal each. St. Herman open to lady curlers with five CHOICE RY KING = y Reeson started in the nets for 2 11i) 18.45 years or less experience, and will % g A NIBLETS WAXED CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM the Whitby team and was the vic- yatts 4.05, Hayward attract teams from all Curling ~ PEACHE tim of all three St. Mike's goals. 9.43, Miller Clubs in the district. mark of the middle frame and 4. Whitby: Fletcher ; X ) PAPER PLAIN OR SALTED KRAFT Bob Ing took over at the 10.06 2nd Period One other social activity, still ? " rs ; 20 02. $1 HALVES SODA | Play was fairly even for the - . next few minutes as first one Have Meeting At Station team had the edge and then the | other. The College boys proved 1yne 5th Whitby Scouts and they had plenty of class and oun Mothers Auxiliary held its| Two men have been remanded scored two more, one of the soft January meeting last Monday for one week for sentence on a' variety and the other one a well oo ino at the new parish hall charge of breaking and entering earned effort. It was 3-1 at the ih tha president, Mrs. D. 0'|2 Whitby Twp. service station. end of the first period. Hagan, opening the meeting with The pair, Al. Antonys Tevruchte, There was only one goal in the vo his was followed by var- 20. of Pickering, and Charles middle frame and that was by i oon Watt Smith, 21, of Peterborough, Fletcher of the Whitby team, as "wp. 4iva plans were made for appeared before Magistrate F. S. the double blue were playing a be held at the Ebbs in Whitby police court. WELL TRIMMED AND TENDER short handed with Henry in the § Tenimege sale bo ge ear The pair are charged with J; 'S sin bin. A " date to be announced and con- breaking into the Shell service LIVE WIRE EVE 8 1 FLORIDA FINEST In the final period the Whitby ~~ appointed at a further station at the intersection of club, and at which all members ROLLS DELICIOUS last night as he saw his charges 5. Whitby: Mitchell PKGS. $08 0) | : GRADE "A" FULL SLICE ROUND 1 * { { | (Marchant. D. Ing .... 112 be released as arrangements are 1 bad start as the College boys took (nicoonduct) 3.52, Campbell HEINZ knot'ed the count at the 1.47 $PAGHETT I 1OARIG i Ie 1 SAUCE TINS ALMON socxert TEE Ble we $ CHEEZ WHIZ[l corn in the planning stage, is a Family 3 be 4 15 OZ. blanked the highly rated Toronto (Bremner) ......:::. 5.58 g Di : x ; TINS 100 FT. team for the final half. Penalties: Henry 4.51, Miller unday Dinner to be held at the d AT ' - $ CRACKERS CORN Manager-Coach Doug Williams 7.54, McKendry, McLean 1217. |of the club and their families 1 FLAKES was the happiest man in Whitby 3rd Period will have the opportunity of be-|@ ~ : ide | NADA'S FINEST 3 Ls. $1 } e A coming better acquainted with|?, ; : % CA A i keep intact their undefeated rec. (McLean) ............. 749 cach gther. Further details' will * 1602. $ ord. 16. Whitby: Thorndyke : : WL oP, BAD START 7. Whitby: Fletcher 9,5g{cOmpieted. ; ; Able OR SIRLOIN... : The Whitby team got off to a8 "panajties: Lawson 3.35, Henry | : s : . 2 1.0 lead at the .23 second mark g 43 McKendry (major for spear- R d P f as Henry scored on a solo effort. ing) 19.21, y ; eman all 1, Hy f KETCHUP no. 29: The local team fought back and _ { 4 ; J . | * 5 4 mark with McLean rounding out M th 0 B k I a three-way play with Campbell Scout 0 ers n Iéa - n - pe irri and Moore getting the helpers. 4 FAB ii KING 5] 03 4 ENT SIZE . PARAMOUNT MONARCH 118. MARGARINE 4.2.99: YORK 9 218. PEAS rrozen cello 89: team really caught fire and gave Highway 2 and Thickson's road NOURISHMENT! CANADA'S i assed Toronto team MCetng Nov. 27, and stealing $200] . the higher classe Fonio les It was decided to have a "Cir. On NOV. , and stealing i i ity ofl FINEST a rough time of it. Mitchell tied " , oro. Worth of tools and a quantity of| FAMOUS ALL-VEGETABLE the score at the 7.49 mark for the culating Apron" as a money pro cigarets. | RED : hi ject, profits to go to the Mothers' . Svs | )/. Quik home side and the Whitby fans Auxiliary, Mrs. Henry Oectelaar, PC W. L. Smith, of the Whithy | LLOW 77/ BRAND nearly went wild. The Whitby pri Detachment of the OPP, said BEEF side kept up their attack and SEWing convenor, asked all par- Foo ice station had heen) LB. took the lead for the first time ishioners who have Cubs swea-| hE 4 : an = in the game at the 14.12 mark ters and caps that they could entered by smashing a window. ue Tools valued at $200 were miss- as Thorndyke was right on the donate These wou'd be most heln- ing, he said. LEAN, MILD CURE PICNIC STYLE spot and pumped one home on ful to the auxiliary and it would On Dez'1. at 445 am. Tie Bonnet SHOX passes from Marchant and D. help new Cubs to enroll. Tog mrs Pig By : Ing ! Mrs. O'Hagan on behalf of the "ois 0 or he Bowman. | i PORK SHOULDERS . The Toronto team did not give Auxiliary thanked all ladies who ville Detachment of the opp] MARGARINE up without a fight and pulled helped and donated for the Christ- Tools vained st $30 were re their goalie with .a few .seconds mas parties. The meeting closed covered from {ie accused's Car. -- left but the play backfired as with prayer. he said. INR =. | SAUSAGE [OPEN THURS. & FRL|BRN Nf oo BROCIE WHITBY | py popular Demand | UNTIL © PM. |B orossnmen Justorere | reo --) J Lo To Phone MO 8-3618 : ; CHILEAN Now Playing Eesvesnl £830 |) REPEAT | wn vs AJAX |B ORANGES Shy PLUMS | Fake Adult Entertainment tg A ) DUNDAS STREET Sez. BUNCH She does the most USED SKATES 2 5 29 STAMPS ; surprising MITED SIZE 250 0 i , things! | CB NO : : --- NA Po : # 3 SALE | EK 8 || WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF | 'fia ) WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A 8 El WITH YO ANY SIZE ONE POUND PKG. OF UR PURCHASE OF A fe 0 4. FRG. OF 60 be | BASKET OF ANY VARIETY . CARON FONDA | YOUR CHOICE [Ed ROAST! [£83] Chalet S88! Pagoda # on. Ga ShEManyne 1.95 wie | [A of BEEF | [i EL TEA BAGS | fam | APPLES . 1 couron vain 10 2 covvonvammo Saar SSE COUPON VALID TO i COUPON VALID TO Trade-In WES | SAT. JAN 16th 1 J SAT. JAN. 16th ! SAT, JAN. 16th [) SAT. JAN. 16th STORE WIDE CLEARANCE OF ALL . Ee wockey equipment avo ors | § NOW...SAVE 2 WAYS WITH 'PINKY' STAMPS Jl nS NE | THIS THURS., FRI, SAT. ONLY B cautiful Premiums ok 9 ality Foo a 1 KIMOND al | Sportsman's Corner OHNE dt snd wae fo opp Eger fl You carfturn in each completed book for JB Now you use your "Pinky" books two ways: exciting name-brand gifts in § a STEINBERG'S merchandise voucher worth {8 105 BYRON ST. SOUTH WHITBY the attractive "Pinky" Gift Catalogue...or for top quality merchandise at : $2.25 to be applied against triog pplied against your n 1 block west of four corners next to Dodd & Souter y STEINBERG'SI yy VICTORIA W + GLENN ET | . E A GLOBE ENTERPRISES i P a, Shh CORBETT sues SHIGETA. ** omer Open Until 9 P.M! Thursday and Friday ™ COLOR by DE LUXE * CINEMASCOPE + STEREOPHONIC SOUND

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