Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 7 Jan 1960, p. 8

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omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 :] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 7, 1960 | PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs, Kirby W. Hack- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Skirrow {ney, Lindsay, formerly of Or- fourth avenue, spent the Ukrain.| chardview, North Oshawa, and ian Christmas eve as the guests their son-in-law and daughter,of Mrs. Skirrow's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buller, | Catharine Kupnicky, Ballard 3% left Christmas morning for an Sires. ! extended vacation in Florida. Mr.| Christ Church Anglican Young and Mrs. Hackney will remain for People's Association held yearly elections on Monday night. The | iis following were elected to office: Mrs. Elsie Oldham, Mrs. Mae p ocident, Miss Lloy Fletcher; @ |Greenlaw and Mr. Alan Macki-\yice president, Mr. Chris Chaytor; Josh were ue guests * Lig Ri secretary, Miss Linda Harper; Mrs. Kirby Hackne) inper] : ? given before they left for Florida treasurer, Miss Gayle Cooper. a month or so in Saratoga. Among the New Year guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Beal, Fernhill boulevard, were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rus-| sell of Vineland, Mr Robert Cannon of London, England, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mead of Peter- { Foskett borough, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert| visitors at Smith of Port Union and Mrs. Kirby Or- Mabel Hagerty, Marilyn and| storm: § Harvie, Mr. David Owen, Mr, : and Mrs. Cyril French, Mr. Har old Barwell and Donna, all of Oshawa. Mrs. Violet Tebble of Toronto {and Miss Cora Lutz of Merritton, Ontario, left Sunday night for their homes after two weeks' holi- {days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Luiz {of Orchardview. ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Mr. and Mrs. William Ram- Carnwith sign the register following their marriage recent- at N minster United Church. The bride, the former Miss Norma Olive Gedge, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sydney Gedge of Oshawa and | MT. and Mrs the bridegroom is the son of Mr. [21d family have been Willlam Carnwith of Oshawa |the home of Mrs. F. and the late Mrs. Carnwith, |chardview, due to the --Photo by Ray Johnston [Maple Grove LODGES AND say Leaona vv A Vermoer as then Mir Olive and Mrs. ( nave Vermoen's avenue {guests Mrs asia A large number of the Friendly { 154 ~'| Couples' Club of Albert Street| Missionary Meet ing his business here, he found that nearly 75 per cent of his sales would be of one type of fur--the type that happened to {be the fashion for that year. Dry Closet Harms Fur Coat | Far More Than Sleet or Snow ulin i wie * By EDNA BLAKELY | Storing small bits of fur in the Now it's liable to be anythin Canadian Press Staff Writer [refrigerator ran also be injuriousiyy.i 2 customer asks for," he to t Hii TORONTO (CP)--It's better to I ame Soa: sald, wear a fur coat than to Jegve it! ga Myke : © "Age doesn't matter any more hanging in a dry cupb . Pr s are either. Certain furs, such as "Water and snow won't harm Rr oid frags yaulis | Alaska seal and black persian a fur coat," says Toronto furrier gue frequently aired out, he ex-/Jamb used to be branded as 'old" Svend--he uses only his Christian|j1ained, ' ladies furs.' Today, young girls name--who learned about furs in|" "women wear their coats now, aré¢ wearing high stvied black his native city, Copenhagen, and we don't keep our good things Persian lamb furs and seal coats who has been in the fur business! gor Sunday now, we live while and the older women are wear in Canada for 31 vears. | we're alive," he said. ing coats with more youthful The wet coat should be put on Mink, once worn by a few, now styling." a hanger away from direct heat, |i; one of the biggest sellers in| Simple, good lines are the and left to dry. Long hair can furs Fox has become one of the most important factors of good be brushed, or even gently furs for dress occasions {stylinz. Although fur on fur has combed. [ERMINE TOPS | become popular, the plain fur DRYNESS FACTOR "And 1 must mention ermine|COSt outsells the fur - trimmed Proper storage Is essential for which is one of the loveliest of | *°% 5, Be sac. longevity of a fur coat, he says.|furs and the most flattering"! Most stylish coats now have A cool basement can turn out toMr. Svend said. "For evening/flared backs, side fullness and be the worst spot for a coat. wear it makes a beautiful gar. large collars although. all sizes "The basement may be damp ment but it~ can still look ap-|Of collars are being used. and the dampness will rot the propriate in the daytime." | "The slim look is most import |leather," Mr, Svend explained. When Mr. Svend was establish-'ant," Mr. Svend said. TI EE Greatest JANUARY FUR SALE HAPPY LITTLE JOYCELN Posing happily for her pie- | and Mrs. Roy Perry and Mr. ture is 18-month-old Joyceln, | and Mrs, Albert Bennett, Osh- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd | awa Perry, Veterans' road. Joyceln v is the granddaughter of Mr. s Photo by Ireland {Some gifts were also sent to | institutions. | | The auditor's report was given {by Mrs. Charles Wilcox, and a splendid catering report by Mrs. C. E. Vermoen, She has also con- AUXILIARIES : Continues at Finkle and Mr. Fin Missouri {Mrs. W. R Ikle of Kansas City nited Church, and their friends, | Kile ansas Cit} At St. Stephen' t t. tep ens brated New Year's Eve at a| The combined women's groups | n's United Church took part in the missionary meet- RZSPRAN LODSE NO. 222 oe rch service on Sun-| Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No.!John g at 7 o'clock under the 222, held its regular meeting in Christmas Eve supper f Mrs. Carson Heard. the local lodge rooms on Monday rainian Christmas . today Joyce Stewart sang "If 1/eéVening, with a fair attendance.|Mrs. Stezik's sister, Mrs Wounded My Soul today", [Sister May Skea was in the noble Topping and family and Mr. I S. C. Rundle, organist. |8rand's Shalf fouducting the busi-|Wyvyran and Mr. John Hara orok - ness, assis y vice grand "Do hy risk sag the Sister Greta Drinkle who report-| Mu Mrs : Mrs. Henry Bickle = a ber of the members on Beatrice street who recently} ur Jed the members in a pray- ntrodu the speaker, Miss ie sic ist. moved to their new home were .. of thankfulness. Later all re- Muriel Banford, medical mission], A Yote of thanks was extended surprised by their friends at a tyrneq to the lower hall and wel- ary on furlough from Bonswora,| © Sister Betty Taylor who con-|party and presented with gifts comed the New Year Indi yoned the Christmas | parties recently Ranier In OWE 2 nks were also voic y Sis nford, in Wie Zod guldsers Elsie Greentree and Stella) Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Saywell ny ame Sims for convening the widows' were at home to their many has with M and Mrs in hospitals, of the|janqyet sponsored by Oddfellows frie Sunday 3 ALLL rs lives and cus- 4 ' riends on Sunday afternoon when Boyer, Rexleith Avenue, Lodge. they held a reception in the ronto uncle and aunt of Mrs now to| A number of thank you's were church parlor of St. Stephen's Grigorenko. They will be i {received from the Oddfellows and| United Church. Friends and their there by the rest of the family, hospital Rebekah Home at Barrie for|families of the Community of Mr and Mrs. William Boyar, of Duchemin and| Christmas gifts sent by Sunshine North Oshawa were received Detroit, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. who are active Lodge. Announcement was made|from 3 o'clock till 5 o'clock A. Ivanoff of Niagara Falls, On- took part in that the District Deputy Presi. tario; Mr. and Mrs. S. Boyar of P: dent, Sister June Michel would] Mr. and Mrs. John Goreglad, Hamilton. Ont : Mr. and Mrs oved. the pictire viel Sunshine loose the next Elizabeth st eet, have as guesis p Boyar : Mr. Miss Banford of Ing, January . today for the Ukrainian Christ- Mrs, I Willow aces in India. and! - mas holiday Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mrs " : Makowchik of Whitby. SOCIETIES Members of the family Gerald Leslie planned the of Stezik, Albert street, for and Uk include Olga "aul c Mi Mrs nd H. Atkinson led in »h night Bruce * Mr Barnett Have a Mrs Piersor and Lioyd ed ir Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grigor 1ko are spending T. M in To-| rd is home e in medicine in a 0, Detroit h of Windsor, On HELPFUL POSTMAN NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP) -- A| Guests for the Ukrainian Christ Holiday guests at the home of a | Christmas card addressed only to mas today at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brocklehurst, "Nanny and Grampy" without and Mrs. Joseph Michalowsky, Ritson road south, were Miss : : {any street address reached its King street east, are Mr. John Joyce Brocklehurst, Toronto, Mr. RCAF Association prover destination here. A postal Kalynko, the Misses Blanche and and Mrs. Collin Brennan, Judy employee scanning the card ree- Kalynko, Mr. and Mrs. Ericland Scott, Glencoe: Mr. and Mrs. Has Supper-Dance ognized the senders, "Cindy and Mayne and Mrs. Michael Richard Brocklehurst, Lynda and Susan," as friends of his own Micha Mr. and Mrs. Jayne, Richmond Hill; Mr. and As Old Year Ends Ip Micha reyko and Mr. Mi- Mrs, Burt Metcalfe, Janet and Four-T children and knew their grand rwonty W arents. chael Rupka, all of Oshawa. [Gregg from Kitchener. )laved ho: 2 RCAF Asso-|-- ts at the pronounced benedict NEW YOUTH FOR to 40 members a New Year's and dance. The music led by Mr. William] the dinner was a worgasbord style { I were Miss Ta O. H. Dell, Mr. y Hoskin, Mr. and tin, Mr. and Mrs ty in the church hall. Mr. and| rhe Ladies' Jian Legion Branch 43, met for were greatly appreciated, and ered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. onino prizes were won by Mr. ihe first business meeting of the financially were a great success. | LJ J ind Mrs. Donald Mountjoy and| year on Tuesday with president,| Members reported ill in Osh- Malcolm Barnett.\ar.c wophert Bathe, presiding.|awa hospital were Mrs. Piney, | At 11.45 p.m. the group went into| A hearty welcome was given to| Mrs. Mildred Marsh, and Mrs. | ie church and the Reverend S.|nrs. Finkle, who is a member Stark. Sick at home, Mrs. Charles| brief| of the American Legion Auxiliary| Preston assisted by|iy Kansas City, Missouri. the organ. pinkle is @ sister of Mrs. C. E.| midnight! varmoen memor, who 1 was auxiliary their Christ-| members expressed for her family joined read from members Chr Louis Benoit and birthday at Foyer d'Youville, a GROUPS, CLUBS sented to act as catering con- AUX, 43 !vener for 1960. Her efforts and Cana- those of her committee for 1959 CAN. LEGION Auxiliary, and Mrs. William| Mrs. Beaton. The installation dinner is to be held next Tuesday, January 12 at| 7 p.m. Tickets may be obtained | Bentham | from Mrs. Robert Williams, RA| She 3-4962, price one dollar, and tick- the ets will not be sold after Friday January 8. This is the last date to get them The next business meeting will | be held January 19. "FUR SALON" The charter was draped in| y of Mrs. Mary ssed away recently faithful member of for many years and greatly missed by the Deepest sympathy was 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-2722 a be HT AAAS Lt OT IRR Many letters of thanks were veterans, their » had received hristmas ts and donations. Save with These Outstanding Weekend GRAND AGE ST. JEROME, Que. (CP)--Mrs. celebrated her 106th § ome for the aged operated by nuns, on Dec. 5. Native of Beau- harnois, Que., she spends most of her time in prayer. Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.| € Mr, and Mrs. iton, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Or- and Mrs. Harry Mrs. William s. C. A. Par- Hunter, Mr, | AGING SKIN ( Mr and and nd Mrs mal Mears Gordor Mr genic Hormone T. Murphy, Mr.| £ McMullan, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. D. Mad- Mrs. W. D. Evans, R. J. Lepp and Mr. and Mrs. D. and Mrs. William and Mrs. William Mrs. W. Bowden and Mrs. J \ Grover Mr ang, THES NATURAL ESTRONE AND wt USE ONLY AS DIRECTED : sins J § and d Mrs eaton M1 Mr Mr Vir \ Helena Ru hae HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S ESTROGENIC HORMONE CREAM HELPS YOUR SKIN LOOK YEARS YOUNGER REGULARLY 320 NOW A420 FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Here's an oppo taaity to treat your skin to new youth and beauty at a fabulously low price! Now you can save $3.00 on Helena Rubinstein's world-famous beauty eparation containing Estrogenic Hormones--the most effective beauty aid known I warding off tell-tale signe of aging and dull-looking skin. Helena Rubinstein's Estrogenic Hormone Cream used regularly each night will help to smooth out wrinkles, retard dryness, and erase those tiny fine lines. Take advantage of this special once-a-year offer--as countless beauty-wise women dol And start now to recapture a lovelier, years younger look. winners were ai Mrs. Scott Den- Mrs. T. Murphy, Mr. Mullan, Mr. and Mrs. prize d NOW IN PROGRESS Blacks SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Coats Suits Dresses Sportswear EVERYTHING... 1/3to 1/2 OFF BLACKS vuix cr. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Open Fri. Eve. til 9 P.M. CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY Hak $30 SIMCOE ST. S. "8 KING ST. E. s| OSHAWA : PHONE RA 3-224 STORES IN y BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY | | | | i | | | HONE RA5:3546 | PLAZA § LEAN SLICED COOKED HAM : . . . Ih. 79c LEAN SLICED BREAKFAST BACON . 2 lbs. $1 LEAN MEATY SPARERIBS . . . . . lb. 39c STEAKS and ROASTS ROUND STEAK ROAST (boneless) . 1b. 79¢ CLUB AND BLADE STEAKS . . Ih 59 SIRLOIN STEAKS . «io 0 ei ldO CHUCK ROAST e BONELESS POT ROAST . . Ih. 49¢c DE Sel FRESH LEG 'O I. 49. LEAN PEAMEALED Bb 43: SMOKED BACON SQUARES (4 1bs.) " TRUE-TRIMBEEF FioWeR PORK ROAST COTTAGE ROLLS COUNTRY SAUSAGE (5 lbs.) 0 0 SKINLESS RA 3-3633 HAND AND 80DY LOTION $2.50 SIZE NOW $4.25 LJ LJ Limited time offer Shulton offers you a lavish $2.50 size of Desert Flower Hand & Body Lotion for half the price! This petal-pink lotion contains the very "heart" of lanolin to stroke your skin to silken softness, Never sticky or greasy. Pro< icots ... smooths. . . restores vital skin moisture! Delight- fully scented with famous Desert Flower perfume. Buy several bottles now, while this special offer lasts! "eT | MEATY PORK HOCKS . . (5 Ibs.) BOLOGNA 2 . | 75: END CUTS BY THE WIENERS Ibs. | LEAN RIB STEW BEEF . (3 lbs.) PIECE--LB. Tender EAT'N SATURDAY ONLY ! FREE! FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE BUY 1 LB. AT 29+ REGULAR PRICE AND GET | ONE ! POUND MITC Drug. 9 SIMCOE ST. N\n, LL"S Stowe 12 KING EAST

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