Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1960, p. 5

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W Phony Cheque In [WhibyMuses |r rementPay | . rio Indus y HIBY me, DISTRICT Forgery, Uttering in Dupes Increase? ---- \ Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703| | 2). - -- | Judgment has been reserved admitted that he had tendered) The Whitby Ontario Hospital department i pamne and de: TORONTO (CP) -- Individuals the cheque. On his person, he said, Nurses' Alumnae held its Janu-|V€loPment sal uesday the prov- - Oshawa Man Gets one Week on Charges of Jorgery were a chauffeur's licence and a|ary meeting last Monday evening|!"C€ § industrial output last year on ful Tetiremen! pay emuntt and uttering against a Toronto... oo orchin card, all with the|at the nurses' residence with the|lS believed to have exceeded qualify for unemployment insur taal} leit! © 5 : iv | $11,000,000,000 ance benefits, a spokesman for ""R 1 t { man, involving a counterfeit name Harry M. Stone. Following president, Miss Elsie Fernly, This valuation would be ap ifi-1ee 0 P I 2 eluctan |cheque drawn against a farm ma-| further investigation, he said, opening the meeting and welcom- Hodes 2 Ho ey © $30.000.000 . ( aro unemployment com- . chinery manufacturer. Magistrate Walker told him that he had founding the members. This was fol- over 1658 SL 300,000,000 mission says. Acquittal Here |F. S. Ebbs, in Whitby police the wallet and its contents, in-|lowed by various reports. The department added that the Recently several persons who court on Tuesday, was told that|cluding the cheque, -Plans were finalized for the| oo "0 4 uel output has left their jobs on retirement pay An Oshawa man was told Tues- Donald Oliver Walker, 35, of 677, Sgt. Thomas Chambers, of tW€lhome bake sale to be held at the province 190 or coi om ond Tost --full pay for periods up to a dav that he was "reluctantly" |College St., had attempted to same department, said that hejrecreation hall of the hospital I ves and dow Ontaric ac. Year. before receiving a regular getti 'efit of the doubt/cash a cheque for $117.43 at had questioned Walker and had|February. A most interesting I counts for 50 per cent of Can. Pension--had applied and were getting the peneiit oi ; teinberg's in Ajax. The court at first been told by accused that|lustrated anniversary bool is! da's manutacturi rodiets {turned down on the basis of re- and would be acquitted of ai ©" iq that the cheque was he had lost his job at Massey-lnow being compiled. This book| yy 6 hi bah pos cent changes in the Unemploy- charge of stealing $190 from, ¢, gery in its entirety. Ferguson on Aug. 7. Later, he|will contain information on past manufacturing "Industries have ment Insurance Act. George Cann, of Oshawa. Gerald Mrs. June McKinnon, an office said, 'Walker told him he had graduates, also on various depart. been established in the province] Such persons are considered ap- employee of Steinberg's, told the found a wallet with the licences ments of the hospital and many giyce 1947 and about 4,000 plants fully employed. Once they go on # before Magistrate F S court that on Aug. 15, the accused and the cheque. _|other interesting facts. The date have been expanded sizeably reduced pension pay they may, if pear ed elore : "* had brought a cheque for $117.43 Three days later, he said, he on the release of the book will be|* About 86 new major industries they are able and willing to take Ebb in Whitby police court ohiy, yor office to have it cashed. She|sent the cheque, the chauffeur 'siannounced. : {were started in Ontario last year work, apply for insurance bene- Tuesday for judgment, said that the cheque was drawn licence, and a sample of accused's' The meeting closed with refresh-| a1one. fits. His Worship told the court thai against Massey-Ferguson Ltd. har iting to the Atforney-Gen- ments served by Miss Marion mma ------ : . . nd payable to Harry M, Stone. eral's laboratory. White, Mrs. Jean Parsons and cheque was endorsed, she FALSE CHEQUE Miss Vanetta Pickins, met George Cann in a hotel. After $ Ross Haviland, chief pay clerk drinking in the hotel, he said, they yorpp CHEQUE for Massey-Ferguson, told the il d Ww k USED pair left for the home of Haight's| yp. "nroRinnon said she check-| court that the cheque in question dal e ee : brother. About 4 am., he said, oq 5 Jetier from the store's head|was a forgery in its entirety. Even the eomp aman} eqvered that office concerning cheques and the Massey-Ferguson symbols t . { d is wallet containing $190 Was gong that cheques such as this were not r he said n n oXxica e m one were included for scrutiny Crown Attorney 2 RC Hall, . v . : is no doubt in my mind, Then, she said, she told accused QC, I nto the record the re- D Ch that a theft did occur," His Wor-/she would have to have the store port from the A-G"s laboratory ring arge he accused, 'but, un-|manager OK the cheque. that the signatures on the cheque, evidence is Teall, store manager, said the cauffeur's licence and of An Oshawa may, stopped on a YOUR CHOICE self. There inspected the eheque and Walker were all made by the Whitby street by 2 passing Ose on of how he was {ound that all the details matched same person tario Provincial Police Constable : the cheques noted on the His Worship reserved judg- Was Tuesday jailed for seven days 1 0 S 1 is | om his head office. O | n veek, Still to be V e B | not sufficient : tly the pretense of going out to speak heard Is large ing} Nalker ' 8 2 With 3 C and to a salesman, he said, he called was in possession of a chautieurs °- ®. 05 Bod DY Do ue iismiss the charge ne said police licence and a motor vehicle trans. John Frederick Lewis, 578 Simcoe . dismis I ge I al poli : . Brass Band er ntertained I visi ) oe . . PC Robert Joel, -of the Ajax fer permit, well knowing them to St. S., Was aiso order = pay Trade-in Police Department, said that he have been obtained by an offence COUrt costs or serve an a ditiona. Haight, of 299 Currie Ave evidence, heard earlier in Oshawa a court, had shown that Haight had| = seven days and his car was im Questions Police entered the store and the accused punishable by indictment -- | Dounded three months and his Rotary Club Is OBITUARY But Is Jailed ig to drive suspended for one STORE WIDE CLEARANCE OF ALL LJ MRS. AGNES SMYTHE HAWES °C Arnol 1 5, of the Host To Council Bias i mbmitoy Two Industries i mmr] wear users fors t n ] ED old the court Vv mythe He died suddenly at| A whithy man, who questioned . through Whitby, on Brock St., tm mre a sume Fes ren oo wis esl Buy Sites Here en eget be wei THIS THURS. FBI, SAT. ONLY to note he car manner. He said that at some cence, was T J Although no details of size or pr :cts on hand are more than points the vehicle was travelling it i for t vith acids and 3 ; sores ail Mer As Jail 5€\ YS, Al ald umber of emplog we e ever ht money and at 55 m.p.h, ' monplace le 5 Ye £84 laa Sine a ehild. she t a t, 42 "le on sgl ailzhle, Whitby council learned other factors which may persist| He stopped the car, he said, por sSman S orner guesis w t Je counci in-lhulll water pur > r r and 71 vears age ar ef agistrat this week that two industries have in 1960, the outlook for the New and found Lewis at the wheel cluded Mrs. . the benefit o r el DB Pa Ebbs in. Whitby police ccurt purchased sites in the heavy in- Year is very good indeed and blood test showed a count of 2.4. 105 BYRON ST. §. WHITBY % : " vee ago, evidence Wasig, qi. n Port Whitby and well eclipse any previous MUS HAVE WATER ww PC Jack Mason, of the BUSTY Z0ne : yd 1 block west of four corners next to Dodd end Souter we canno Ie 4411 IY it wate 10 a nd si 1 EN : anticipate building plants this yes e we successful with even . aid anil we Boe 1shan shrated t th!V y Police Depe nt nat year. The news ne through I ortion of the most promis S d S h 1 ry: 0 witho iF on: land wii s. wedding anniversary in 195 I A topped Knight afl 1 Commissioner Charles ing prospects on hand un ay C 00 Open 'Til 9 P.M. Thurs. & Fri. ceptible to erosion by wine jirawes prececeas BE I : esac: in his annual report to oo paipr Oy 60 A | M 4 Herb Cole introduced He said that "'o ' ie e [18S Deen te Sad MW Bie! n- the council on the commission's ay ee LATE Tn Mayor Stanley Martin and his 5. -- ye g -- f we didn't ™ f I y- | toxicated : 2 activities In this same ein Te report nnua ee Souneli;arsitertnegroun, angi et our soil erosion which had 'eral rch anc a memoer Hesgal of Svepperds "A prominent U.S.A. company, stated a = geen of " os 5 Bl k k aed th 0 hel Coa Ce ned Sse to lo (2c Woo + Assan of tht un, of te suse department, Wd cad ow Jersey, a co ont of es, 2th on vt. Jit Blackstoe 50 million acres of Pp 1d oc a g "i pleted purchase of an industrial ot nS wy alant : and con- ite in the general industries zone } Bel of a ufsner he oa By MRS. R. C. HILL t 2 at of I i _. here," sdid the report. "Although|nere this spring Although of only! BLACKSTOCK Attendance BO De eur pacguX TONS, Alto. sorvin - s own defense, Knight told i i likely that the company will 6,000 square feel, the employ- g¢ the annual Sunday School fog Wieicas In India Miser Say Ms the court that he carried only a pind in the spring of 1960, it does Ment is likely to be from 30 10 eeiing of the United Church centage is 80 per cent because at of Toronto: and 1953 Jicence to drive and the con- not wish us to release its name 60 workers . |was not as large as would be ts drastic soil erosion and lack brothers George, James, Roder-| i na had not noticed this. He ne other information at present.' The Teport states that two other yiched i Wh 'harle ront S or other information at present. wished §: conservation ck, of Whitby, Charles, Toronto. /said that because of that over- "wpyrohace was made first in|large companies are curremly| Average attendance at Sunday LARGE SUBJECT In concluding his address, Mr. She is GSUIE ae wv = sight, he would question the ony; e name of this commission and hegotiating here for sites and tWo|sohool, not counting Christmas He began by saying that conser-| Harris said that he hoped that Town Funeral NAD, attos stable's powers of observation. |1.;q. assigned to an officer of the other great companies "seem like- Sunday, was 122.2. vation covered a large area of his talk had stimulated some fOr wha Tat oe Mm a | He said that he had attended .ompany"™ the report stated ly to loccate at or near Whithy|™ A vote of thanks was tendered subjects, and that the conserva- activity in the minds of the Rot- Fie a DI of rh a company party that night, but 34 harbor." A firm now established jy Rey, Romeril on behalf of the : tion of natural Jesources coverediarians lo promote. the conserva. pekliigie ph the serv. had arrived after the bar closed. FROM EUROPE in Toronto has indicated it con hur ch to the Sunday School y IMPROVE YOUR at least 50 different meanings; tion of Canada's valuable natural An Interment will be at Mount | He said that because his wedding| Of the other industry, the report siders shipping wholesale through workers, Wi + | resources. Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. |anniversary was on the following|stated: "A company of European the Whitby harbor, said the report| 1; was decided not to hold Sun- Nz 2) ona, - eee. | day and because he had a daugh-|origin has purchased another site and even more interest will be qay School on Nestleton and Cad- IN NYA. HOME DURING " stream and beach corrosion, flood a A THE WINTER ! / 1 office The guest speaker at 4 eon was Ra W. Hart In Canada, he said, we ordor t home ) an ide intoxicated Cities Servi i ompany, pub c relations h, who spoke on vy important subject, Conser control and re-forestation WHITBY [ter ill at home he had no intention|in the general industries zone shown in the harbor as s00n as ms anniversaries next summer g o ouLse {of becoming intoxicated. He de- and, when certain formalities are sent dredging brings it to a promotion exercises were held of hezking ui fhe iu pla DAY BY DAY Mara Twp. nied that'he was in such a con- completed, will commence build- depth that can accommodate most i, ' the Sunday School Sunday : A i ys - - \ dition when arrested i rthwi i 5 paway traffi rni 'g 8 this eould be divided into two 1 ing forthwith, since it must be in Seaway traffic morning. There was an attend \ y Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, |operation in the new plant by One note of warning was issued ance of 141 and 37 members re- effect of alcohol on a driver may be expected very shortly factor that, with considerable .q; hej 3 ti pe i 1 1 f th illerest - s Y a J 3 a ceived their promotion certifi- Boy S24, was Jruetyabed ry ei ls of ihe Hijcren Da : "The penalty to drunk drivers Besides this good news for coun- successes achieved in recent years ates / fact that i nin. 110i ced la 11gnt the " cts only terrent to the cil ial issione: > 3 - . or Ale aii y : . eral resoure was exhausted itteam and executive members acts only as a deter: ent to he cil, the Industrial Commissioner we have become short of general Bart Van Ryswick ig in Osh- // l the whole family will want 8 ' el rig er. p sober man," he said, 'for, once expressed great hopes for 1960. indus s zoned land and this im- owa hospital for sur ery to hel 1S 1] ould not be replaed unless more Would all be attending tonight : f : Li ee i . tnt 4 & i av 0SP. gery. uy o help you! See us now! ould be uncovered cubstitute Red Cross Blood Donor Cl a man has consumed to the extent The report stated thal "despite a portant point is again officially) wir and Mrs. Glen Tennant and » Ww. il th terial 0 e umevered of 4 Substitule os that he Is swaying, he has lost his slowing tendency in 1959, active stated for your consideration." family and Mrs. Jas. Ginn moved ecarry a e materials ould be found. Mr. Harris said The local branch o lara Twp. has two new tht | that valuable water supplying! s 350 donors from on its 1960 council, following elec ify 2 Jose not see himself to Orono last week. Mr. Tennant ) 7 you need at very low 4 "a 1a : Wi on this occasion. The tions on Monday of this week. 8 has purchased a home there prices! streams ould not be replaed when - 3 S hi | 1 > Y EFS 7 ' they had uit os Rep) abe gree- clinie at the All Saints' Earlier, a reeve and deputy- Hi Worship Sony icted and, be- WHI B COUNCIL BRI Miss Catherine Bailey, Peter- v A agin A I Paris hall thi reel had ac. Sides the jail term, ordered borough Teachers' College, is afternoon 'andr ad been nam dy, ignorant and inonsiderate ex ; ad been named. by ons. of the user evening lar Knight to pay court costs or teaching this week in Sunder- I f th rs 'RIFLE CLUB 7 1 reeve was in | serv tional seven days. INDIGENT LOSSES NO MORE TREES land AJAX LUMBER Co WATER IS FIRST a Cowie, last vear's deputy v ht's car was impounded. pejerred to the finance com- Shell Oil Co., planning a serv- REUNION . I'he Whitby Rifle Club re- The 1959 reeve, Patric ffy, a three months "and his licence to ice station for the south-east cor-| Descends ' it y . i the | C€ 8 ! § escendants of the late Mr. sumes its weekly shoot off to. former warden of the county, did!drive suspended for six months. mittee was an account 'rom the ner of Brock and Gilbert streets, and Mrs. Robert Ferguson held WHITBY -- MO 8-4106 t in Colborne Street/not let his name stand for the Oshawa General Hospital for ac- was refused permission to re. |their annual reunion in the Rec- mum requirem v +o School after a brief rest|reeveship election n tual losses on indigent patients/ move more than two of the five reation centre, New Year's Day. PICKERING PH 366 A pairs Acclaimed deputy - ree: di home 00 . gallons per person the holiday season pa wa from the town of Whitby, during/trees fronting their property Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. dav. and indust thie Match is scheduled tc take place Charles Healy, a membe he ¥ 1 Tol . Mr: per day, and in industry this : a 3 1959 council 1958. The net loss was $1,037.28 WS J. A. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs figure is the equivalent of 600 and I pe r WE in Aounoll one. of PERSONALS a 1 a + " {yey Se Hoot t +. Keith Johnston and family, Belle AJAX PH. 1045 Z2llen: per percon per Huy inter ¥ 4 Yi ar & t Electe 0 cou vas une of The hospital board noted that Fred Ing, chairman of the Pub- ville: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery . ! € . ! 3 . last year's rvie v ; o hoo ar » 'ted le; Mr, MIS y { y this area we. are lucky, but in ©" : od two newcomers, James, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fuller and since the advent of the new On- fie Scud Bos 0! oeboricd Sv and family, Tilbury; Mr. Earl Essex, where the water supply Ronald J. Bowman, of J : Murphy and Muir Dack. Orr|children, Jane and David, spent{tario Hospital Services Commis. t= © a in Blair Dorrell; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton g arm. w Ls ired to " tC + 1 A . : . Ss of air i er. ran out and they had to driil/lege Farm, will be paired to de- | ,", poll with 477; Murpl part of the holidays in Toronto/SiOn, these losses are covered pn... oc hdivision. The new build. Correll and family; Mr, and down 150 feet only to find this cide which of them is the best second with 443; Dack was third, (as the guests of Mrs. Lydia and this will be the last such ing 'will be constructed on the % Stuart Dorrell; Mr. 'and water unsuitable, the consumers' S40! a win 9 Fuller account Whitby -will be asked to sane plans that were. used. 4 Mrs. 'Frank Hoskin and family; $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ water bill is $25 a month, because, Out of the running were two pay Pz he Hea Avenue Ot ongh. Vir. and Mrs. Harvey Graham it has to be piped in from Lake CARDS LOSE CASH others, James Barnes and Peter Holiday guests at the home of of lac iriidi ? aCov0), and family; Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Erie." ST. LOUIS (AP S both with 285 votes Dr, and Mrs. G. H. Gardner, of TO MEET WITH DUNLOP \._Wannon, Donald, Carol and He said that the conservation Cardinals have an operating lc -- |Ferguson avenue, were Mr. and May Stanley Martin and ON INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION ITf€id, St. Catharines; Mr. and roblem did not ck efficiency in of $281,000 in 1059, due largely a, : Mrs. Jack Ronald, of Alax, and Councillor Paul Coath, chairman . Mayor Stanley Martin and Mrs. Murray Byers and fam- good leadership because the Pro- to dwindling atiendance both a Evening Guild Mr. Ralph Gardner, of Toronto. (of applications, will meet with jceve Everett Quantrill were lly and Bill Abbott; Mr. and vineial Government backed all home and on the road, general a i Dunloo of Canada officials to di-- jamed as the council's repre- Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and fam- conservation bodies. He said that manager Bing Devine announced ie Bryan Gibson, student aticuss a letter in which the com- sentatives on the Industrial Com- iy; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mount- WHITBY PLAZA -- WHITBY -- MO 8-4901 - - be tar Frost in . A aszia acl an Uniy y at Ann Har- " 1 i wil aotoa. % 3 os : : ino Pawn ils 4 the Premier Frost had engineered Tuesday. Home attendance last | 0 Entertain bor at othr! tlie ar pany sides that it will agree to mission. They replace former |i0y and family; Mr. and Mrs a 2'% billion dollar grant over a season was 929,953 compared k of no less than 85 feet' Mayor Harry Jermyn and Coun- Ed. McNeil and family, Toronto; EE Last Complete Show at 8:30 sh >d films of the Red her birt vy on Tuesday. Her Hop street crossing of the for the 'same block as the new an Leonard, the 45-year-old pro con parents. Mr. i } k 20 year period to correct indus- with 1, 30 in 1958. On the S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd on Dunlop drive. Town Clerk r John Wootton, neither of and Harry Sanderson. / : : 3 : Yon 3 ho has be "anada' - c-and spoke brief- friends her many happy re- CPR. The letter came as a re-/town hall. The board had pre- en Canada's outstand gw Gibsor A Ey I. Citizens Atson John Frost tod the new council ;hom are on this year's council FE . Hollday guests e home of! 'tha the 1959 council had recom- The Chamber of Commerce HIT TOURNEY TRAIL 1 ; For § i Adult Entertainment y ng all for support. Mem- turns of the day. sult of the board's investigation viously asked for $62,000 and ng golrer or Sometime : TEEN AGERS of the evening and afternoon : ; into a truck - train crash at the planned on the remainder, or A teered to contact by New Year's visitors at the crossing on Oct, 26. Such a signal $30,000 from eale of the present chologists and sociologists were 1 phone residents of Whitby for this ome of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald would cost from $9000 to $12,000, library, but now decided that the Mere difficult to find 5 : end worthy cause Foster were: Mr. and Mrs. Doug- with the municipality bearing present building cannot be dis. Walph Michener, head of the ] Lo Mrs. Read, president, asked if las Wallace and their daughter,|12'2 per cent of the cost plus a posed of until the library is POminion Bureau of Statistics cy any of the members would kindly Margot, of Willowdale: Guards- share of the annual maintenance. moved to the new site. : said he thought that the migra : . MEN bring Senior Citizens of any de- man David Foster, of Petawawa, -- me mmm ition had been reversed "but I nomination to attend the Sr. Citi-/and Miss Ann Huntley, of Port can't pin it down with numbers." zen Tea to be held in the new hall Whitby. On Sunday on the occa- "US. salaries haven't in- ; id . . - U.S. Zen Ton tbe Belt 0 ee men Bal oe. Toner: ae Ganadian niversit creased as much in the past 10 3 a years as Canadian salaries," he is welcome he gues vere: Mr. and Mrs by, and so much fun thet \7 branches, replaceable and non-re- a C. had some remarks about the 2 be wever. "0 otic limiting | 20C; § 57. 1h I placeable The non-replaceable JRS. TO ATTEND CLINIC Names New QC, 1 1e I 8 abou 2 summer. A release on this one however. One serious Ing peated memory work and re > We very rewarding hob- He continued "Water trial water pollution road it was 1,134,046 compared Mr. Harris continued, "It is so with 1,468,124 in 1958 t 1 ir d 1 y 75 pn ; he Al! Saints chiMr. and Mrs rhes mended 75 feet. names the other two members off VANCOUVER (CP) -- Three Evening Guild h $s regular : vere Mr. and Mrs. R ercer CROSSING SIGNAL the commission young golf professionals from | meeting last, Monday evening at air and Mrs. J. Mercer, Mr. and| mn : ay . Vancouver said Tuesday the: B RO( , WHITBY he new parish hall. The meeting nrg XK Guiton, Mr. and Mrs. T. nis Sommitiee i Ry ui NEW LIBRARY plan to hit the gold trail o ay 2 by the presi k £ Toro atte oard of rans- fie finance commitiee will re- i 1 Phone MO 8-3618 nt. Mr Various re- yin kson, of Toronto, and Mr. and| nament golf during the next two 8, James Wintler, of Cobour, months. D $s ri % 5 id the town would consider an brary Board that the town raise o 4 . Don Ross, Alvie Thomp . ; lowes Now Playing Evening Shows at 7 and 8:30 v, of the Red Mrs. John Wilson tic crossing signal at the $92,000 for a new library planned py Cemmissioners which asks port on a request from the Li- on and Sid Dahl will be joining VIRGINIA \ y 1 ai finalized for *( Cecil Fiddy, of Weston, and als said sit 1s were Aitie x 2 i havi [ wummmen | Night" to be held Jan. 18 in the members of the family 3 2 r © , ? Yvon vi vem-- IN be elt Jan. gin fhe a ari PAY COMPARED 00 od PW I ) los of the CAU 1 t Aranery amex " i Wit rr a 3 | Mrs. Winnie Gooding, Simcoe 1 er A CAUT survey showed the gd aa "oon JK ne h i gor y aks hg Sound "street south, Oshawa, entertain University of Toronto pays the --- 4 a1 10N0Y i 4 'S vor |on 3 t 4 alar 3 ~ Tea hostesses Were Mis. Tack ed the members of her euchre, TORONTO (CP) ~-- Indications Canadian Association of Univer- ghost Sane in Canada, on a lil Eas "1 "7% club at the home of Mrs. Edna are the flow of Canadian univer- sity Teachers. 'Ti t eve. with Harvard, Yale and i H Wilson and Mrs. Fred Read club ; ¢ dna Canadian r-si 'eacher: his has cer-lo rv - f Buy one pair of Sh Henning, Brock street west, Osh- sity prosessors to the United tainly never happened before" Erinceton, the top-paying United y P Shoes at Regular Price MICKEY ROONEY - STEVE COCHRAN . awa, on Wednesday afternoon. States has been reversed because WoOING THEM BACK States Wivepsioes, ; F ul Toes Purchase Second Pair for One Dollar MAMIE VAN DORE Guerrilla Leader [me prize winners were: irs. salaries in this country now are p Claude Bissell, president of oo' a sui pon woh in ? Barrington IY Ir I he the Unive Toronto, said ir Included are Shot To Death Edna Henning, Oshe v 5 Studies by the Dominio: all eport last nor th g| 2, S15:050, Most Canadian univer. y 4 ude t Dominior r- § annua yl mon th {lov 16 n v 1 Grace Hicke / ; i Sta emp : te oer follow close behind while NATURALIZ GERONA, Spain (Reuters) lunct and r hments y Asaoclat on =ny Unis ersity alar 1 > benefits and x : eojieges joa tv dip jover. Ee SAVAGE Riki RA La ion . Sih h Ras HRWon Versi] sala , aenel anadian university 20l- ' F rancisco Saba el fabled guer- served by the hostess, assisted | Teac lers show that salaries at low-cost housing in an effort to lege ee = with hig Sud ro. CLARK'S SCOTT McHAL rilla leader and anarchist who by Mrs. Henning. The room was|Canadian universities, slightly Canadian professors back i, * . klg Yo: Xgure AX ALBERT 1 PROCIC 1 ] | i] S Ty Drack IN ALBERT ZUGSMITH PRODUCTION was a wanted man for 14 years, beautifully decorated for the fes-|below United States levels five from the United States. iy brackets ith more than 500 stu E ore than stu- Pesetet by MEM yas shot to death near here tive season. An exchange of gifts|years ago, now are as much as| Dr. Murray Ross, president of dents professor $11,071 ($8 259 Off 1 Rian inll stay by oii gu "look 'piace by 4 preset. 'Tie 83.300 3 sear ighe Seis (Ro, Deosilent of orks, professor SILVL od. 3a0 Jo Off All Winter Footwear 7, was the last of xt euchre will be held at vear 80 per. ce ¢ asda soeive ~ 020.47 ; ie . Jed at : : é = pe ce f in- Tuesds e has receive appl $7.030-87.290 assistant profes : DDC e th Re. of Clos Twin . 2 at ove cations f C: pro- sors $6.698 ($5,970-86,030); lectur Adult Entertainment : : : ot : Y os Lsua 2 ollege n le ) nglish in e . 84 890-8 » Franco when the Span- Mrs. Cora Peel, of Brooklin, wil' An ; aid Dr. J the s. Historians Exact figures for smaller ww oe : ob i 1 figures for smaller uni- ish Civil War ended in 1930. act as hostess. Reid, sxecutive secretary 1 nxiov refurn but psy-|/versities were not av. ble |

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