Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA 1960 w A TIMES, Wednedoy. Junugry §; Gananoque. Unfortunately, baby Jimmie was ill most of the time PERSO S suffering seven convulsions in a 'By GRACE MILLS wile hour period, but is much DUNBARTON -- Mr. and Mrs, | Peller now Ie cr © b : Dr. and Mrs. McKay and fam ' E.0 Soe were ju Listowel or ily visited Mrs. McKay's father, aul s Saturday, atenling Mr. E. M. Geshler in Elmira,| . TF. pcam Smith, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Gibb and Ms. Dick Gio of Taeatun, spent ing at the manse over the holi Gibb ; days Mr. and Mrs, Walter Willis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs service at St. Paul's United|selves for our success Church, Ajax, was conducted by| 'Jesus is greatest, most omni- the minister The Rev. T. Rex|potent, all in all. He holds our | Norman. {life in His hands, He is always| Mr. N an read Psalm 46 ready to help when turned to by| REY and Hoa aa. yy This/mortals in their worries. |Barry MacKenzie in Ajax. text was taken from Psalm! Our problem is that we have| _ Congratulations to Mr. E. G. 46 verse 1, "God is our refuge|not brought ourselves to realize|Code who celebrated his 80th and strength, a very present help| [that spiritual loss is more ser-|birthday on Monday, Jan. 4. todna : - troubl ious than the material Mr.| Mrs. Sydney Harris, Spruce in oe Notes | Norman stated {Hill road, had as her guest last ervice rie Mr. 1 n ; " i : "Some enter 1960 with fear.[week, her granddaughter, Miss A TH " A 2 is told hi Jokus and But most fears are neurofic.|Darlene Harris of Long Branch. PICKERING MILLS iid ior i pe up bry e il There is safety in God's hands.|Miss Margaret Harris, Long ESC A i ir ie a or her flor , "€ We must mature to this thinking|Branch, spent the week with her fum of St. Andrew' out 'n hi 15 ing oat. (esus,l,, |riend, Linda Formanek. Seemingly jot Raine Na asleep } "Jesus has wisdom to Guide,| The many district friends of the : id, iy os Wa Khe A - andigirength to guard and love to| Annis family were shocked gw not. we nile, in ares Sphola us. Put your faith waves." And Jesus answered,| The senior choir sang Mozart's|ter of Dr. Arthur Annis of id ond Ye fearful, oh ye of} ["Gloria In Excelsis", as an an-| {them and the junior choir pre-|ottawa on New bia had Fecaived yi ented the Appalachia Carol, | us as eir Saviour bu he(*I Wonder As ander", as storm tested the depth of trust!their selection. they had in Him. "We think only HOLD PAPER DRIVE of the waves," said Mr. Norman The announcements were as We think only of ourse ves and | follows: prmp-- The Scouts and Cubs of Ajax fined to bed with the mumps [by the minister, Mr, "Good Unto All Men * The New Testament from St. Mathew, i araphrase, of Liverpool Corners, has -|Christian witness, and the way turned from California and go should work for the further pe | Love My Shepher ** by Shelly 3 v's Ta m_ Please Mr. Alfred O'Hara of the Base|with Pat Kerr as soloist. Marion us ce d vour pape or ¢ and have them line, is in Ajax Hospital under: McClement presided at the ag I i "7 lgoing treatment for a back injury.|organ. ready for pickup The week of prayer Toronto r drive on services Mr. Ed Sleep also of the Bate rt ora) Chokes Intake Line in Ajax Hospital since suffer-| started on Sunday with the eve ilki ~ ng a stroke during the holidays. ning service at St. George's. The ev. 1 2 nson Rev. J. W. Wilkinson has been|St. Andrew's YPS cancelled their AJAX (Staff) Slush ice chok ng the intake at the old w nt caused a water shor town gesterday. The w » was during the evening he taps ran dr) On Tues day inder the doctors care since suf-|meeting to attend ice will be held fering a second hemorhage to his| evening the sc Holds Service right eye. A speedy recovery is/in Pickering U DUNBARTON y hoped for him by his parishion- and many friends A ° Andrew's, and o Tr Rose mpson and baby ations will at 1 Mary, returned home on tend the three services which will Sunday from the Ajax Hospital. make a splendid start on the McClement | Christian work for 1950. Choir has been ill for the past week, but practice for the senior choir will is now able to return to school.|be held Thursday evening this Masters Hugh and Bob McCon-|Week following the prayer serv- nce the la vels have d re ad the scripture ped. Slush ice is sucked » pel of St. John 21 e by the pumps and has to verse 14. Mr. Bruce C blown out again a solo, accompanied : Reed and Alvin Hed oe . nh ochie had their holiday spoiled by|1ce. lund. public works foremen were| * . oq a bout of mumps TT on duty most of the night with|, ' i ' /illiam McKay attended the pump house staff congres % pada the Alpha Toc Temperance Con- The new plant wi 1 : < ference in Toronto last week. longs to ation by the end of thi I I that M ilkinso not. Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Thomp- among Christian countrie ad tr es of this nature will be! feeling 11, and hope t} he will/son and family minated. soon be much improved ir nesday from spending the holiday' March 25 Miss Mary-Beth START OF YEAR New Year's Day on . D0 YOU NEED "SOME HELP?| If You Are Planning To | Modernize Your . . . BASEMENT KITCHEN BATHROOM Or Any Room In The House Yes, regardless of what your modernization plans may be, Osh- awa Wood Products have the materials and information that drop in to-day and dis- you need. No reason to put it off . . . cuss it with us and give your family the pleasure of a basement recreation room, an up-to-date kitchen, a modern bathroom, a den, a sewing room, etc DO-IT-YOURSELF Or Have Our HOME IMROVEMENT DIVISION LOOK AFTER THE COMPLETE JOB FOR YOU Build Now . . . No Down Payment No Payments Until April 1, 1960 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8-1611 Downtown Showroom '84 SIMCOE ST. S.--RA 8-1617 9 Oshawa Telephones To Serve You BOWMANVILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX--ZENITH 2-9600 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. vith Mrs. Thompson's parents in, Heavy Hog Before New Plan TORONTO (CP) -- The federaljthat date for $15, for example, Sunday morning, conc: sovernment switches over nextiand the national average at the the minister, Rev. R. H. Love, a Dr. John Wilkinson and Mrs | Monday from full price supports|year's end works out to $19, he brief congregational meeting was] AJAX -- The Sunday morningour future, trusting only In our-| Warren of Oshawa, and Mr. and) 0 C0 oe pittsburg, were visit-|on hogs to a new deficiency pay-|will get a federal cheque for $3.64 held. ment plan, For better or w ia hundred pounds to bring his| {Ontario farmers are unloading|total return to $18.64. their animals in a rush to beat| {the deadline. -| Behing§ the heavy selling is a|$23.65. |uary. fear nagrices will drop sharply RECORD NUMBERS Spencer Dorrans has been con-| jcicicy payment will not make up| the difference. Ottawa' s new scheme is frankly designed '2 curb a) an production. Bet oF January and Septem-|a week, although that figure hay 0 ss Ella Down, Peterborough, Church was well filled y the oa first Sunday service of the new uP ny per cent from the same fear this mass dumping of hogs| sear. The service was conducted |Period in 1958. Both exports and|on the market may bring about a Kenneth [domestic consumption went up)gjtyation the producers are anx- and William 'Spry are still pa-| in|hear of the tragic fatality in the | Heron, BA. The choir entered the harnly but by the end of Septem-| lious to avoid. God." {family, The nine-year-old daugh-| P| church to the ing of thejber | !pounds, triple the amount of the| |day night year earlier. PRICE CUT IN EACH {The funeral was held on Sunday.|.n . : Mr 3% spoke |chapter ir. Heron spoke on Last Oct. 1 the support price Mrs. Catherine Shand, formerly the parable of the Talents, the spending the winter with her son, ance of the Kingdom. The anthem Mr. Gordon Shand and family iniby the choir "The King of |Supl The support level wi $2264 a h undr edweight. For son to dispose of his remaining] Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rose and| Grades A tween. this figure and the na. the yards still were functioning tional average selling price cal- Smoothly. There appearred to be| were Sunday visitors at the Grant culated at the end of the year-- sl each farm There is general agreement | ted Church, and on Thur sday Jan, 7 p.m. in St Andre w's. It is hoped the next If a farmer sells on or after diet all year round. \ tof mathematics and physics. Otherwise the estate would be di- {rected to some other Canadian Sales Longregetion Trust Fund [university with such a depart- Meeting Held ment. I's " | "If this happened the residue » REDRON =A he vorehi of the iven 0 {would be divided equally between egular service of worship on that university and the Univer- Universit sity of Toronto after 40 years. Y Mr, Blyth said in Mio will . I believe we are in need of TORONT --_ vid Spenter presided, aud os ORO! No 2 trust fund, men of sive average training in {nominating committee was ap-queathed to the University of| Bese, fie vs . All of which explains the stam-|pointed to act in preparation for Toronto by Toronto bridge con.| He graduated from the univer- |pede to sell now at a guaranteed/the annual meeting later in Jan-|tractor Reginald Arthur Blyth, sity in 1928, specializing in 158, who died Nov. 8 in New York. 3 Lynda Hopkins was soloist for, His will, probated Tuesday, | aati matics Roi sed Joon The assembly vards of the On-ig the service, and was accompan-|ghowed he left the greater por.» 'he OWNS ps Hog P yy ed by Mrs. Lee. |tion of his $2,110,958 estate to the Welt Luther, jn Wellington tario oh roducers' Croperative A Joint official board meeting is|university. County. He left them to Robert BT povis 0 000 poe |Friday evening prior to the first | Net annual income of the fund M. Morrison and William 2 andi Fg figure. 3088, communion service for 1960 to is to be used to provide scholar- Knowles. mally they handle only 40,000 in{0® Observed next Sunday, Jan. ships, bursaries and fellowships] A bachelor, Mr. Blyth left his in mathematics and physics. home at Bobcaygeon to his Specifically, Mr. Blyth set up cousin Norah Bradley. There head, Some farm experts, however, Spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. the fund on the understanding it were cash legacies to other rela- , Nive Werry. would maintain the department tions and friends. Frank Hancock, George Pantry) ------ = wdbk and that the dei: year hog marketings in climbed recently. reached 6,400,000 Hens in Oshawa Gener) Joi pital, and Howard Farndale is| As one Spokesman pu 1 Toes. still suffering from the effects of | could result in a shortage of hogs the leg injury sustained a fev late in the year and lead to an weeks ago. inevitable price increase. And Miss Elizabeth Rowan of vel. a hundrod the higher the national avera-: verton spent a few days at the! held when all the figures are in, the William Werry home. smaller the deficiency payment. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mount. If the price average should hit joy had as guests on New Year's b-| |the support level there will be no Day members of the family of payment at all, making it tough/ Mrs. Harold Mountjoy, of Osh- on a farmer forced for any rea- |awa. surplus stocks hit 82,000,000] The PERSONAL touch for TRAVEL Whether you travel for business or pleasure you'll get expert attention to your individual needs at Howard's; the careful planning and attention to detail that you'll appreciate . , . the personal touch, in fact. Why not call and see for yourself? TRAVEL is our ONLY business HowarRD TRAVEL Bureau AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA PHONE AJAX 90 Prices asionally topping te; the federal su will work this way: drop to and B hogs. Farmers hogs while the market is still low. ga mily were visitors at the home he difference be-| Co-op officials, meanwhile, said of Mrs. C. Knowles, Dundas. Helen and Patsy Knox, Eldad, receive |no attempt to unload underweight! giover home. | only on, the first 100 hogs|hogs, something farm organiza: wy. nore of the Junior Farm:| tions urged Producers to avoid. Jem choir for Ontario County, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mountjoy, Gail VITAL TO HEALTH Hitchen and Jeanine Werry, will Vegetables, hoth cooked and be among those attending the raw, are an important part of the provincial gathering in Toronto, jon Saturday. | ice will start dropping| M ro ay, though not on the| e drop returned on Wed-/ Middle Ages it was marked on 41600 EXTRA "PINKY" STAMP It's "Pinky's" 1st birthday, but your party. Yes we're celeb / to the versatile Pinky" Stamps, with a birthday party thet gives or sim money saving os values, and up to 600 EXTRA "PINKY STAMPS, which you can redeem for beautiful gifts or delicious foods. Sing a happy birthday song of savings -- shop ""Steinberg's'"' where your satisfaction is guarantedd. # ip 5 Yes, you can save for velucble Free gifts from the "Pinky" Gift Cotalogue, or you con save for delicious food. Some homemakers save for both! Every full book of "Pinky" stamps can be red d for a me her with a value of AN "SAVE 2WAYS $2.25 to be epplied Vouchers will also be doz "Pky" clamps ol Steinbory's issued for partly sid i ata stamp saver books. Love for valuable Nome brand GIS... save for QUALITY F000S! ERG. DURE. DER. aC. 1] WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF (] 3-16 OZ TINS OF FRESHPAK "| EVAPORATED Hi 3 41 COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN, 9th n i CS TEE WER. SE. SU. "ENE SSI, TNE. SN. SW WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A | POUND BAG OF CREAM. of COFFEE - 65); COUPON el Pi i couron erreCTIVE TO SAT. JAN. 91h ; TO SAT. JAN. 9th eae Sk] Ena ------------ WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A PKG. OF 2 DELSEY TOILET... 33 AQUA, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW COUPON EFFECTIVE 10 SAT. JAN. 9th WITH YOUR PURCHASE O OF i 1 DOZ. SIZE 88 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST hee COUPON ST | TO SAT. JAN. 9th I ------ WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF ANY SIZE OLD FASHIONED STYLE BLADE : 49 ROAST COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN. 9th one Ss rd wim Your PURCHASE OF } 1 DOZ SIZE 113 CALIFORNIA SUNKIST 10RANGES 49; | WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1. 24 OZ JAR OF AYLMER WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF ANY SIZ : SHORT roo COUPON EFFECTIVE 10 SAT. JAN. 9th 00. COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN. 9th Rr --_ il. x -- WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A | i WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF OT IK] ey ; A118. PKG. OF BOOTH BRAND, pis 63 115203 40 TO SAT. JAN. 9th Mi SAT. JAN. 9th y TE, TI --- 3 MN ---- WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 4.6 OZ TINS OF FRESHPAK FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANCE 4 B51. v | coupon EFFECTIVE BET aml "WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1 1-28 OZ. TIN OF ALL voes | FANCY SLICED PEACHES 351 Fouren sree _TO SAT. WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 2.15 OZ. TINS OF BRIGHT'S APPLE 9,., sauce 220) CTR TRG WITH YOUR PURCHASE of s 1.28 0Z YIN Sr ALL GOOD FANCY HALVES PEACHES 35; COUPON in, TO SAT. JAN. 9th EE Le eat BY ; WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1 DOZ. CALIFORNIA Sehr : LEMONS N55! i COUPON Bins. TO SAT. JAN. 9th WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A 118, PKG. OF PRESSWOOD IENERS 4.0 | COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN. 9th URE. SURE. SE. he. "we. we. "ws fT WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF | 2 LBS. OF FRESH IMPORTED EL 9.0 | COUPON EFFECTIVE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF Mili YOUR PURCHASE or GIANT SIZE 20¢ OFF . 3 OZ. TINS OF DEL MONTE BLUE SURF 63]. BES 2-3 | p ASSORTED SIZES | WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A 1 1B. PKG. OF JACK SPRATT 83 COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN. 9th COUPON EFFECTIVE COUPON EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JAN.9th TO SAT. JAN. 9th ws | WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 2. | 20 OZ TINS OF DEL MONTE Pineapple Juice oe gt TO SAT. JAN.9th ------ TO SAT. JAN. 9th ---- WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 2 . 26 OZ. TINS OF HEALTHO) 06 5. iM 2] COUPON EFFECTIVE I SAL JAN. 9th WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 2 . 15 OZ. TINS OF DEL MONTE FANCY CREAM STYLE WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1.16 OZ. JAR OF YORK HOMOGENIZED PEANUT 4a. COUPON EXPIRES BUTTER * SAT JAN, 9th TO SAT, JAN.9th TT WT OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. RJAX ¥ puns WHITBY PLAZA NORTH STREET

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