THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesduy, January 6, 1960 § Inquest Into CIFAND | 2 En Harbor Deaths DISTRICT | WEATHER FORECAST Here Thursday |. "325% +. | Thursday Cold inquest has been | are | rning the triple fe | 0 Oshawa court Tuesday. H | in the Oshawa harbor.| ad pleaded guilty ear to rob. | 1 O | | 160 I 10W °y Rowe, 51, Allene Wal- bing the Towne Grill. He wa:| , and her sister, Judith Wal- i of | » % 16. all of Port Perry died on parole at the time of the y,poN7o (CP Forecasts|snowflurries today, clearing this Don the car In Which moe wevel Suen! |issued at 4:30 a.m evening. Thursday clear, becom di careened off the dock into a | Synopsis: Free t ra- ing clot dy with a few snow- vy es i 10 ABOVE ZERO {tures were report Y flurries in the afternoon and Canada and most of the évening. Little change in tem- States th nornin storm pers i est 20 to 25 to- centred in Wisconsin will move tt vest 20 Thurs- wa) )f 10 degrees early this morning. |, nidly eastward through South- day ""!The highest temperature record ern Ontario today, causing Georgian Bay and northern ed in the past 24 hours was 20|cloudy skies and snowflurries as Lake regions: Cloudy wit Samuels Pp | cloud; 10 Lake Huron regions: Clot Yee booenaed. to |degrees. This is a bit colder than|it passes. Skies will clear S|sunny intervals today and Thurs 2 as Been subpoenged sn the previous day's high and low|evening and will remain 'iday. Snowflurries and Snowe wtih "lof 32 and 16 degrees, respec-|until a second disturbance bringsigqualls ending late Thursday. tively. more cloud and snowflurriesiy change in temperature. STREETS CLOSED hursday afternoon and evenine. Winds west 20 to : »iay, nortl The following street wil A n Ontario wi remain west 15 ht a vest 20 to #1 closed for construction today: predom i bul . some; 2; sday i a : Gibbons street from Annapolis to|ilurries ar cated for both 10° gr ip Kirkiand Lake, he i j 4 Sa a Fairl ; Fairlawn St. c (|day and Thi vid until Timmins Kapuskasing regions, DE GAULLE VISIT from Annapolis to Marion Ave; Regional forecas iid untliNorth Bay. Sudbury: Sunnv with PARIS (Reuters) President |waone avenue from Simcoe street| midnight Thursday . Bead wae » > yr i 'Va Is 1 fer y, MrT C arles ge Gaulle plaus p visit north to west end of street. _ Lake Erie, Hind Ouiat on. | flurrie y Manis ; OSHAWA SEPRATE SCHOOL BORD ME CI St Th Le, Mf i WE a United "States i rl, will be aol ope ned to per-jioutaerg =i Ji vd Menarini 20 ¢ wei light tonight J mit movement of local traffic. *™ The Os Separate S hoo conducted the devotional. Dur- | left, are: Rev, F. Kwiatkowski chairman; Toppings, | from left awrence, J. L. |liably learned Tuesday night. Cloudy with occasiona Thursday he Oshawa Sep: 1 t v 1. Dt i . ' aw 3. [Af iting B : y B 1 its i in meeti ve board re- | F Meagher, management | chairmar the board; J. J. | Riorda 3 J. Baron,' I r visiting Britain Apr il 5 to pyireme heavy rain may result Forecast Temperatures oard hel g ¥ Kelly. fir » chairman: A. ( Hughes, J. H. Gibbens and |§, de Gaulle is expecied now to I'he automatic temperature re cording devices at the Imperi Oil Co. warehouse showed a.low Atiorney Alec C. Hall nquest would be held 1 3 ) r tot imittes chairman Mik ] ing Tuesday n bi ApPointe IF H ! . vB tud > rman of i Love, bt ss administrator, | C. P. Ken spend two days in Ottawa and in the closing of other streets KIDDIES REALLY A » ton ght, High Thursday room atl 4 Or 10¥ ST A i pe I . res y x t nd property committe and M larke. Back rov Oshaw limes Photo. Ifive days in the United States, { ev i, 1g & i Marya Fem Core. | ot r,t on. rm | | BIASES. GOT THE LOOT Fufiee i es wo ambulance cal : Wir g Tues . Both were for the He HOW DIMES WORK i poriation of Sick persons : i Rehabilitation | " *" SEE Fenelon Falls : Man Injured Work Expiained % .. #& gi WU pees a 4 gat ting a ¢a ck accident ir a vour ad Moosonee : : A # 'which Alex er Fulton, 43 Ro WwW I x Ic ) iundred People 8 ] 2 Fenelon Fall suffered seri . camp. 1 directo Soi mang bab lown, Wie Col ing : chest injuries FRUITLESS SEARCH % Dim J ig. a i i : It is rep rted that the can : , AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- Twe GET THE BEST BRBEL «03 1348 0 58 839 =x Police ar { z 3-3492 to te as ; 3 § 4 in contact wit do : driven by Tt rd Nea f 1 ava . thor as & awa. Both vehicles were ac iid Ze req i For Less At mn Taga - ; 4 damaged 1d oor of the Dead Sea for enanie men to demor isu, k i 5 2| Police report that apparently the a s of Sodom and MODERN C n- 1 ; 4 s yal It is a chain / Ae ¥ the Fulton vehicle went out rg " searche We n." Mr. Brown said, "each [i Si fg como! cent Barvood of vie | UPHOLSTERING Ir s lf a doz § ; y | Tier pe : 4 | Minister To Meet ca University in Beirat and a| 926Y2 SIMCOE ST. N. CENTRES FOUNDED 0 tig : J ner Canadian N: ogman OSHAWA He said the bisges jo or : Latin Ambassadors sud Melvin Rizzie. an officer | RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 ¥ th 1S VANCOUVER (CP) -- : the | nal Affairs Minister Green plan Amman to meet with Canada's 11 La : Ame ambassad where in South An the first six months of esday a fru ae Know the joy of being 1 Club here he had met Simgrsieitcy bore i 1ing but d Hg peo an: 29 European and Mid- lo 3 wh 3 3 E shaw d Ro rown, of Toront i, genera chairman M « ork ed : in Osh am sadors last t Some lve. Now she operates a business|ple, Its purpose is to demonstrate] MEMBERS OF THE Oshawa | had Robert Brown, of Toronto mar abet Lo Oo n and can ces h antire staff could co Kinette Club, at their meeting | campaign dir or for the March a . F gary help y € me het , the open market. After! in Hotel Genosha Tuesday | of Dimes Drive, as their vp y 16 1r operation this busi 1igh iid plans for their March | speaker. Caught by the camera, CASE IN POINT Southern a € Tonday, Feb inet Ta cident and call audience with Kineite club _ preside i Queen Elizabeth, Mr. Green said f he believes Her Majesty soon will =§ duc -- Ibe the best informed counsellor 3 it? Feel like new person avenue south, who died suddenly ber of years and served as an Mary Coyne, of Toronto as well TONNAGE JUMPS a oe ComtuVeailh Secause ; Si : last Sunday in his 68th year, was elder of the church as numerous nieces and nephews TORONTO CP) -- Toronto = HOMEWOOD S d S d OBITUARIES [held at the Armstrong Funeral He leaves his oe the Joriner The funeral service will be held | Harbor commissioners he a 2 he robles she Dlerviews len erizing tu 10 v Home at 3.30 p.m. Tuesday, dan; Afihie Pekin: Jane pir gion at the Jebinsen Funeral Home; tes y the port of Toronto' s| tries involved. . 204 KING ST. E PHONE RA 8.051) GEORGE SIDNEY HENTIG |in 1946, Mr. Hentig leaves a bro- The pallbearers were Robert/to and a son, Harold, of Hamp- Jan 7. Rev. 3 Hardy.' of To. 1x og onnage was 4,740,940} '"'Her guidance and wisdom wi hoon A resident of Oshawa for many ther, Percy, of Vancouver {jerson, William Pierson, Eric!ton rontc fill conduct the Services BOE om 23 increase of 253,612/be of great help to the Common- years, George Sidney Hentig, 42 The funeral service will be|Dean, George Jackson, . Gordon Also surviving are two grand- In r II be in Clare mont > wealth," he said Colborne St W., died at the held at the Mcintosh Funeral Reeson and Lawrence McConkey Oshawa General Hosptial Tues- Home at 2 p.m. Fri , Jan. 8. The services were conducted day evening, Jan. 5. Mr. Hentig,/ Rev. M. A. Bury, minister of by Rev. } t minister of The funeral service will be held FUNERAL OF who was in his 78th year, had King Street United Church, will/King Street United Church. Inter- 5¢ the Northeutt and Smith F WESLEY LAGEE R suffered a | thy illness conduct the services, Interment ment was in Oshawa Union Ce- pera] Home, Bowmanville A son of John and Ada Hentig,/will be in Mount Lawn Ceme. Mmetery p.m. Thursday, Jan. 7 the deceased vas born at Co- tery FUNERAL OF w I be in Hampton ri 188: and was . Rev. F. J. Reed 0 Harr pton 1909 FUNERAL OF EARL GORDON SARVIS conduct the services. H 1 youth ARTHUR ROBBINS The memorial service for Ea isted bv Ret LESKARD The community Gordon Sarvis, 99 Centre A end Rev. Ted Kerse was saddened on Sunday by the boulevard south no ronto h of Arthur Robbins, a life- Oshawa Gener I st resident of Leskard urday in his t £ was hel MRS. ELLA MAY SCOTT is survived by his wife, at Armstrong Funeral Hor BROOKL The deat Powers Robbins one & 1 irred at the Oshaws daughter, Mrs. Robert Moffat ev ir minis of Hospital Monday, Jan. 5, of El Gladys), Orono, and one son, King Stre n Church, con ay Turner low of Robert Ross, of North Bay, also a bro- ducted the s / Intermer t. The de employ Di s campaign. The club ' from left, are Mrs, J. Hender Miss Mary McTaggart, district | Jsnawa Times Photo. children, Keith Peters, of Oshawa Ur netery RRR and Ralph Peters, of Toronto of ceased, whe Frank, of Oshawa Mr. Robbins cher eta Bet sc, Pe eR, Mn der Will an A Effective 12:01 AM., January 1st, 1960, he Lodge held a Memo nd Alfred Ev broke he oh Eo Moy : MRS. J. H. McBAIN Pit ih ; Fh 0 L = John' Ca : ¢ EY the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission The. funeral service Toronto Funeral se v y ,| Tuesday. Interment was in Orono ices will } ld at Oakville tc Cemeter en Te : nba ! ved rooklir r ) MUSICIANS MEET usic i will take over the operation of the Bus FUNERAL OF I ana. boki 4H LP I gh . ie . SopNG a a Hoo, jo Plan ud conebler of aru of nes 'shan, sha Jp FCUrIon. of Musicum, a System. The Commission will honor all nesday, Jan. 6, 8 p.m. 20 games $6 and Mt, Zion Church " Fy 1.3 in Goder , Thompson, four-year-old som dg Tomi four eo, sie Tn Shoe toe tg, SH was a member of Brookin sca ip summer schoo, wi Canadian National Transportation bus Thursd 2 Euchre Saturday 8 5s. Thompson is jaug k : av i! 'W y ' Oly . a ¥ liar RO Sr i i Se ee Tos iret Li Ponte Fon, Tig To la tickets up to and including January 1Cth, oF Sena a done" their grandmo ol THEODORE SALTER je SYOAED ymant Iu 4 he mq Carson, 'were. returaing {oth Moe heed a a ae Elis Sweet fe lm ons | 1960. As this will be a Municipal enter- ST. MARY'S har mu totter with' avo peace Sal tod, fob is. Scot leaves a sister, Mrs Siratod, Ot ome in Ha n Tues Jan shen. wos. kote. Miler aS Deptt Tiesiot, prise, the co-operation of all our citizens Thompson 3 ed f t late Jesse and . y n J a : E rine Salte I deceased . ." 4 . BINC 0 fal. "Mrs. Carson has a pro. Was born In Pickering Towne is earnestly solicited to make this under- Wil OT BE HELD pital ; a at Greenbank May 18, 1893 . LL NO ; : Thompson and Gregory c Ak Saher Jarmad fhe ! \ taking a real success. TONIGHT escaped with minor bruises. | toes oat 2s vn ; funeral. Interment was at Salem M r 30 years prior to his re but will continue week- Cemetery tirement A very active church eqainnin : LA beg g FUNERAL OF Mr. Salter was a member % ' ARUTHUR JAMES JACKSON |Hampton United Church WED JAN 13th The memorial service for Ar-|choir lead i superint jo thur James Jackson, 1 Cadillac 'of the Sund 0. a Hear The Special 1HE PUBLIC Ukrainian Christmas Eve | tetas beni iosd ||| TILITIES COMMISSION OF Prog ram Ton 1® ht Call Your CANADIAN RED CROSS at 3 | mas Cf THE CITY OF OSHAWA For an Appointment at the Next Clinie ; Over CKLB Oshawa Thursday, Jan. 7th at b witLiam sopoy. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM Sponsored by Ukrainian 5 190 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Men dyed sional Club Ese CLINIC OPEN FROM 1:30 TO 4.00 P.M. AND GEO. F. SHREVE, ) General Manager. 6:00 TO 9:00 P.M Chairman.