Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jan 1960, p. 17

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he Oshawa Snes SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1960 PAGE THIRYEEN Committees Set By City Council AY [1 aaa ieee Vil R11 Committee Heads I epee Ret d To Offi PENTALPHA, CHAPTER NO. 73, RAM, INSTALLS OFFICERS ren, to seo JRE@TUTTLE o 1Ce 1,500,000 shares. Officers of Pentalpha Chapter = from left, are Ex. Comp. J. H. | W. E, Jones, Scribe E. Back | principal sojourner; M. Gray, | W. E. McKinstry, past princi- Shareholders will be asked 1 City comncll met in. canes visory ittee. Planning board No. 28, Royal Arch Masons, | Mouncey, Scribe N; Ex. Comp, | row, from left, J. G. Magee, | junior sojourner; J. B. Jack. | Pal. Absent Whey Ds gd fhe ipcrense al a mee" Tuesday night and selected the " must let council know of its a Te | I a oH rs Cor : Pr : ou ie son, master of the first vel; gry % urth ny a na At present 3,839,301 common 1960 standing co ittees and spe- Shoice its bn wm ve cerem in th shawa =p: x. Comp. aylor, J ice sit Mir t 3,839.30 RLY 8 ai 5 e geres ony a J e 0 v iy pa 4 np ; 3 a, ayy; hay Hulatt F. B. Branton , master of the shares are authorized, of which cial Somme. Yarime Jour : An ard, Jnewhry on the asonle Temple Tuesday night. st pr pal: E HY . |B E J : ial Cia Ph a9 ; tstandi members and mayor's represen- ? : . The new officers, front row L. Smales, third principal and ojourner; : H. McKelvie, second _ veil and Ex. Comp : Os awa limes Photo 8% 5,480 are ou stand ng. ie] Som: Ey i nm ood LT : lever, some of these terms are J : mittee include E. A. Middlemass, for periods of more than one Gordon Wilson, A. H. Dancey and . N \ rN > dan Kiwanis Installs ; n i 1 Jur" "Fi ance committee for this : A bn is composed of Aldermen § » Slike Recreation Centre have to be . po on . irman; Chris- i x2 nominated, by letter, by the CRA ? : ine Thomas, vice-chairman and board of directors and appointed u 1C ers 4 2 ¥ EB S. Hopktus as the third mem- i by city council. Present mem. Ald. Hopkins was formerly A { @ bers in this category are: Mur- Officers and the recently-elect- membership, presented Past 1 1 A : , : airman. i Eu Rig RE Gemge ed four new t . 1 - Pres. Ken with a handsome wall x 3 Ee 4 ne y o ballots were needed to de- i 3 ete Bia 3 Toit cise. Al- tors of the Os Kiwanis Club|barometer, toke of the club's Wh k 7 ' ! 5 5 termine the finance chairman. 1 lermen or ng an alker yore were duly ins in office at appreciation for his efforts in the oo : | { 4 4 Ald. Gordon Attersley was drop- le > ; 18 omit se. the club's ular weekly past vear. In voicing his appre- * % i bs ] i ed on the first ballot. Ald. Bas- & i ; R ® presen mem a » meeting of 1960, held Tuesday,|ciation to the members, Past ¥ a ; 3 tedo bested Mrs. Thomas on the kK . erie , may iy serve before one of the club's largest Pres. Ken expressed his thanks % : 7 4 second vote 4 i Wore en, lwo Jeats In Sucre. attendances in nistory far the co-operation he had re- : i 4 4 = a 7 . 4 4 Past-Governor A. I Bert" |ceived and urged that they ex- i i ] ; rn 4 RETAINS POST : r on the 1960 committee. This post Coulter, himself also a past 1 tend the same support to Pres.- 4 8 i i 1 boa d of Woks chairman hifi i ; is unfilled at the moment. i ait of the Oshawa Club, offici- elect Ken Jackson. . ; ter ranch retained his positi n - a en n the installation and in tetiring lirecior and 1959 SA : ; 5 ' through 1960, as did his vice- ai WELFARE BOARD Welfare troduction ceremonies committee cl f ceived a 4 chairman Finley Dafoe. Norman, 4 a Board ain the s h In his remarks Past-Gov. special acclaim from the mem- 3 i 4 > , z Down took the third position on] ALD. E. F. BASTEDO my roms DE ie Same on Coulter paid tribute to the re-|bership 1 2 Lh $ the works committee by acclama- for I ree. A. J. Hick ® ai Eis iring directors and officers and ; Eig : tion or another three-year term. Oth-| A. J. Hicks and Mrs. C. Elliott tiring Sire or Jang of To eom IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY * : ; 4 ? Ar Jolin Braily' will Feep 1 er members of the board are both reappointed for three year Is t various 1999 clut on + v 'of install p i 3 . W al, . il bi cer. T yils : yl I ie cere 10 y ) . insy a lon, 3 : chairmanship in the city property LH 2 Gree A I. L. Wilson and periods. ; that under the ship of re conduc DY oy melo, ans a : iy | and general purpose committee Ald. Ernest Marks, the mayor's) Other board members include tiring president Ken Smyth, and { oyiter vas an wh e one, ' > = 4 g for another vear. There were no|TcPresentative E. Cheetham, Dr. R. Richardson, thanks to the efficiency of the Of 3 nau el on he SE ; ; wi : : other nominees for this position. | John G. Geikie and Alfred|R: W. McNeill, Mrs, A. Reardon, chairmen and their committees the Bi merbersh i| OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB'S | Coulter officiating in the cere- | Moss, treasurer; A. E. "Bert" | tor; Murray Sparkes, director; | vice.chairman of the general|Brisebois were both reappointed) Mrs. Bertha Clancy, Alderman and to the co-operation of the en-|/® "ob Go LF oe briefly out- officers and new directors for | monies. The newly-elected offi- | Coulter; President Ken Jack- | Dr. Jack Langmaid, director purpose committee is Gordon At-|to the Board of Parks Manage. Brady and Mayor Gifford were tire membership extended to alll, =~" VF : 1960, were inducted into office | cers and directors for the en- |'son; Ken Smyth, Immed. past- | and Walter Famme, 2nd vice- |iorey who moves over from|ment for additional three year|returned to sit on this board the officers, the Oshawa Club had Presiden elect Ken Jackson| at the regular Tuesday lunch- | suing year, are shown above, | pres.; Ross Backus, secretary; |-pres. (Absent w photo taken |i. elo nce committee. Third terms, The rest of the commitiee| Alderman Thomas was reap enjoyed a banner year in 1959 es the last of the new group to, eon meeling yesterday vith | following their installation standing Ray , Week Ist | --Ian McNab, d tor member is the incumbent, Er- remains the same. It is composed (pointed as council representative PIN PRESENTED be officially installed. Others in- st - Governor A. E. * Bert" ef! seat ): F red |vice-pres Fred Ki chen direc- | --Oshawa Times ; *hoto nest Marks. The post went to/f E os Dixon, i Millen, Dr, Ji He eiiawe ranch of the Vie- The past president's pin was|cluded four new directors, Kiwa med f {him by acclamation. x iy red egett and Ald. ; Nurses. esented to Jmmediate P ast|nians Fred Kitchen, Dr. Jack | . a Valker, the mayor's Tepresenta; The Civil Defence Control Com- esident Smyth, by: Kiwa-|Langmaid, Murray Sparkes and TO DISCUSS PROGRAM | Committee | TRAFFIC COMMITTEE [tive | mittee, with a first chairman in nian "Bert". Water in the meet-|Ian McNab; club treasurer Fred Traffic and transportation com-| Planning board has a new mem-| Ald. Murdoch, was returned en ing, vice - ident Ray Weeks, | Moss. who is start his 15th | mittee remains the same for 1960. her in Murray McLeod, an engin-| Masse. Other aldermen on the ¥ mittee chair ) pointed out on behalf'of /'the club's entire successive term in this office;| Recommends Chairman is Ald. A. V. Walker;|eer from Duplate. Mr. McLeod|Committee are: Syd Hopkins ill club secretary Ross Backus, for hd his vice-chairman is Cecil Bintireplaces William Ridgley. Ald.|Gord. Attersley, Cecil Bint and the third term; Ray Weeks Ist] uc tion | » and the third member is Hayward| Dafoe and Branch were re-elected, Christine Thomas. 3 Donor vice - president and Wa ri river ourse { Murdoch. to the planning board by the| Ald, Hopkins will again sit on Famme, 2nd vice-president | 1 | dh All three members of this com-| council, the Oshawa General Hospital's Following the special charge to | Driving instruction should be|mittee were returned by acclama-| board of\ directors. And Ald. At- the retiring president, president- LJ * resumed in Oshawa's high|., {CEMETERY BOARD tersley was again appointed to be N d Sleet Zon Jackson Jpoke poe Will t ou ncCi |zotects, the comniice S up byl A vote was held to determine] Union Cemetery Board of Gov-|council's representative on the ee S He thanked the dnembers ii he Oshawa Board of Education|... \,,1q pe acting mayor in|ernors saw the reappointment of| Oshawa Fish and Wild Life Ad- recommended at a .neeting Tues-| xan 4 . : the opportunity to serve as their day night |case Mayor Gifford were called Dr. W. H. Gifford and W. J.|visory committee. | president. He too paid tribute to| No i out of town. Ald. Murdoch won Brownlee for new two year terms hool will It t ing Nort i F uld | f ilding & school on th Yanch, chairman, said . i » EISEN' i teers the outstanding year enjoved in Fleming pi hi Jul on the ing North Simcoe school would and of bu lding ( 1 airma a0 [this position over Mrs. Thomas|Ald. Murdoch was also reappoint- CAS REPRESENTATIVES e bou- have to be drawn from Grierson, Fleming site committee recommend- duces | ike ini A new council member on the 1959 and expressed his pleasure|levard site for the time being, the|Minto, Hillcroft and Jarvis Mrs. W. Shaw asked whether hat the course be open to|0f the first vote ed as the mayor's representative. Childrens' Aid Society is. Ald its doors will open that he would be surrounded bvlOshawa Board of Education de-|streets to warrant the school as'the proposed two-room addition'all 16 and 17-vear-d students| Ald : Murdoch ras also_given Other members are James Jack-| Nprirdoch: he Is taking Ald. Bint's hawa's Blood Donor faithful and efficient officers and| cided at a meeting Tuesday n too few children were at present to the Cedardale School would be who volunteered for the instruc- authority, by council, fo regulate|son and W. J. Powers. | place. The two other members to be doomed to| Supported by a vigorous board ofl The hoard also passed a mo-|living in the vicinity of the built during 1960 tion subject to personnel being|the order of appearances of al-| The entire local Board oflare Aldermen Attersley and Adeeping with the dismal directors and loyal, members tion that the building and plan-!school. Mr. Saywell assured her that it available and the approval of dermen who will sit in thelHealth was reappointed en| Thomas. y sseb-during 1959. Officials| The new list of 1960 committee ning committee should meet with! In many cases. students who Would and that the city council their principals mayor's chair while council is in| masse. The board: Dr | bl t chairmen was then announced|the eit il or y + aor din No ty had roads r th a) That the ispakd itt f the whol ! : d ¢ . 2: Seven members of the Oshawa ood bank and + the ¢ or a committee were taken m the North had already approved the issue That the board should request committee of e whole. |James, N. C. Fraser, Dr. W. G.|Industrial : viety work. and these members were "'intro-| of the city c vil iscuss the : p : 3 : Tes for i the Oshav fetv: League re- » TL. W. Un. Industrial Commission were re- Cross Society worl 4 of the city council to discuss the Sime RO! vould have to go Of debentures for if, the Oshawa Safety League to re {McKay and th y g 9 1 that the January duced" along with the committee |school building program for 1960 pice the Jictanen to sehoo] Sf mmm ----|eruit the required number of SPECIAL COMMITTEES tates ie mayor's represen-| appinted. They include Mayor Ly- Berald a new chapter Vice-chairmen. as soon as possible Tyce arate bance shying he people to qualify and to give in-| The following special commit-| 2 ive, Alg.: Christine: Thomas, {man Gifford, Aldermen Bastedo public 'support for this Bo proposals were made by Cane on or a YH M F Ch car instruction tees rethined the same members| Alderman Brady and Branch and Hopkins, Harold Pierson, «Saying project. the building and planning com-|Brown. another member of the aces darge Thaf the question of payment for 1960: Labor relations, home were re-elected to the Commun- ras Coulter, 8. A. Cross and fime this morning re- MAYOR EXPLAINS mittee whi et after the mem- pyjlding and planning committee of the in-car instruciion be defer- for the aged, provincial and do-iity Memorial Stadium Board. Rus- alph Vickery. Tetons for volunteer donors bers had been informed by said Of Assault red until the qualified instructors minion competitive sports and| Kellar, George Campbell aad Posts of three other members + indicatio f [cits o sil that tures e lable." "ivil de g 1 i h 1» - ' ill have to be confirmed hy let- a fairly aceurate indication of DOG BYLAW [city counci a 4 vere lable civil defence. The first named is id | wi ed by let whether a elinic will be success vould not be issued for the pro- SUGGEST PORTABLES Captain Tom Pollitt of the Os ee Yanch said that half of chairman of the committee {Orville Eagle all are on two year|ter. They are chamber of com- sunning far behind the Mayor Lvman Gifford sald |posed school on the Flemin Before the two motions sug-|, Seto pel oC lO he cost of the instruction would Labor relations -- Aldermen|terms. The Kinsmen Club ap-| Merce representatives Dr. D. to guarantee an| Tuesday night that possibly |The council pointed out that too|gested by the building and plan-| 1.4 40 appear in Magi »! borne by provincial de-|Murdoch, Bastedo, Marks and|points two members. One, E. J, Sturgis and James Skinner, and of 400 pints. Unless, a wrong impression had been [great an expense would be in- ning committee were adopted, it Court Friday. Jan. 8. of a 1 partment of education. The board | Attersley Reed, is still on a two-year term: | Clifford Pilkey, Oshawa and dis- turn out in droves this| created by a story in The |volved for the city in extending had suggested that Lo ast lof assault occasioning bodily| had already made it clear that it| Home for the aged -- Aldermen|Gordon Bell has finished his term| tTict 1abor council representative Thursday Oshawa's debt of a ime roning restrictions |essential services to the school. rooms be added to the Adelaide, .. " lwould welcome assistance rom | Bint, Thomas, re s and! y i " ra " ar most 700 at the blood bank . Ostiaws McLaughlin School. harm, "a $1 C ide bodies for the balance of By : homas, Brady, Marks a and the Club will have to adv ise| HISTORICAL SOCIETY most rok: aor : CAN'T HOLD MONEY fn : ollitt was S n $1000 5 > ost t appeared titst opkins : council by letter who their sec- Ald. Bint was reappointed to could mou at sharply The mayor said he as If this were d¢ our port-|bail after the chs laid bythe cost and if appeared that it|" p... nd dom r0 titive| 3 Eh The elit fe will be held at the! many calls from The Building and Planning! pte classrooms 3d be meds a a y R es 2 a ay would receive some ids a An en" Brady, member is. |the Oshawa and District Histor- 3 lac or wa Khow 4 ommittee has also been inform-| 2... C88 th ; yal id - Sports gerne! 9 AO & ical Society as council's repr usua and Dace in Srjsh Wanting to Jnow if : the cite - ne that 9 available to relieve the situation|Simcoe street morth, who claims Branch and Walker [ARENA COMMISSION | sentative of 1960 3 TOIT. to c to the full v 1X all right to let dogs run loose he pole 1 ad. mone n the North Simcoe and other | Pollitt assaulted him on Jan ™ - Civil defence -- Aldermen Hop-| All seven members of the Chil-| Cont of Revi x tinuit nd famil v el é 10. . 1 : | ' . Ea ris , c.ciients of sanntLy ai am :| 0 p " unspent over from 1960 to 1961 choos ~ in rivers kins Murdoch. Attersley, Bint|dren's Arena Commission were wl £vISion members iarity, The" place -- Si. Gregory's Mayor Gifford explained le erin il Tad: bo ; yi 8. G. Saywell, chairman of the * land. Thomas | reappointed. |stand from year to year unless Audi , Simcoe street north.) that a bylaw now in force The council had made ery i SODOEsE nomas {new names are' put for®ard. No ; - 4 ap A . {ifficult © for the buildir and board of educatior uggested The Low Rental Housing Com-| Members are: Robert Wilson| i The time £% 1.30 to 4 and 6 to 9 prohibits dogs from running |4iiicH ae thi: b e 16 ; te 1 n u A yen : : {new names were forthcoming at p.m. the city. However lanning committee make a tat Vee = Dor RSS ' ere are ess mittee retained its four-man com-|and Robert Andrews, (central) jag night's meeting so the pres- AT ?of last year's story of| +t w will expire on Jan i W. T. Werry, a mem-|9t : P nawa ouleva mittee and added one member. council of neighborhood associa- lent court members will serve in only two paonths when the basic 1 t Y ! t commitiee, said » . Oshawa traffic 4: Norman Down joined Alder- tions = representatives); William|1960. They are: Louis Hyman, goal was reached and chronic b legal The council discourages us zs CHILDREN Ia 1n s, os og. n hawa trafic men Thomas, Hopkins, Walker Kurelo (Oshawa minor hockey|QC, 8. R. Alger and Wilfred Pog. shortages for the rest of the year at n imals m building on the Fleming site| ™ coordina to ¥ : gr 8 i 8 f ; 457804. Attersley representative); Ian Greenaway son. a sis at # =Y x 3 ar ve don't believe we are 3 lmut Iphoff 2, of 357 d Alex Reid (publi t 1 | ¢ i could spelic & very grave crisis at 1 v MM) We don 1 hele e are nthe ' 0 an 3 0h. an ex eld (public al large commitiee of Adjustment mem- the hospifesl Red Cross Clinic] compels dog owners to keep |fied in building a school on the| there were already 53 chil Louisa. St was Imed ¥0 aud RETURNED TO BOARD representatives); Alderman Wal- here also stayed the yr Chai tRobert H Stroud their dogs tied up in Oshawa blulevard site." Trustee|d 2% Tiere Were 2weady 3 | n ues ay costs for careless driving. He was| Rev. Dr. George Telford was|ker and Murdoch (council), [Louis Hyman assisted by Frank warned. Sithee last year was the months of May, June and |Werry said awa hollevard sebigor d 4 shared Son ali a Sdent adel. reappointed to the Library Board| - six of the seven members of McLellan and H. T. Woods first year gif the voiunteer blood] July SITUATION MIGHT CHANGE |and he did not think project| TORONTO (CP The stock) oi' ne collided with a Bel the North Oshawa Community| Ald. Dafoe will continue as clinic we) could expect the cen In a year's time the position should be given up entirei had light and dull trading Tues Telephone . repair : truck Centre Board were reappointed | council's envoy to the Lake On- tral blood "bank to be a irifle len mi changed, he said.| The temporary school could bel 983 hi DAIL. Jruck to their offices. John Dell was re-|tarip Anti-pollution association in fent with us until we got started The he Pere' obild : porary schoo: cod | 1 als off Erwin Bauer, 21 Gladstone Id er ep |placed by Gordon Pierson, Oth-|1g69 oi ae Stroud, ps 2 Tre any d e e I ore ron nilised Yor tie trey lows hah) FY t Ave was fined $50 and his | ¥ . i x ine | 2 ) : the area the Oshawa - boule- he sz : 4 {ers include Arthur Petre, A. S.| ean 4 oe comes an € nd to such indulgence vard she or alternativ ly Hel mer 'licence was suspended for six | Ross, Mrs. A. J. Parkhill, Donald | Mayor Gifford and Ald. Marks respecting the I ¢ : } : ~ al nths » rge ~ 4 ill i the Oshawa Hous- which any. self-respecting rte cite: faire Le LA Both the ch: at and 1 ele © off of months, on the same charge, He White and Aldermen Bint will remain on the Oshawa Hous munity shor ild Be willing . . [Flaming site ig it have become g and ng commit 55 "was picked up after being spotted rac Hopking ; | and ine Co. Ltd. directorate this cent' he e Iivin 1 S T hy Citv Cour ) 2 vaived in favor of theiiwe wo voli ; 000 <i by police Swinging his car from | | year If every who \ 7 1 i 4 ays finally decided on by the. board y R ! madi 1 ' | ve st spend the mone We 2 hao i to side ar spinning it {TRAFFIC Ald. Down will serve on the call capabl, © of § bloc 2 n't hav ervsta I et The chairman of the build 2749. so around on ice, Nov. 28 | R. Prest and Ald. Walker Central Lake Ontario Conserva ly this fs 2 'were 0 do so . . on 4 nave.-a crys ®% and planning committee, H. B. Sa Desamics . zalnad. 2% 00 IOW |were returned to the Traffic Ad-Ition Authority in 1960. and persgad® a friend or relative 1str1 ute 3 Armstrong, said that various as- As Bz ps I - - " SOLAN Trustee' Werry pointed « 1a ts while Cockshutt. most ac- T A : ; ; Se i -- to do the Fame, he January there ore d Savas ses to Pects of the building program ndustr al was ahe Y% at oronto rtist The Week of Prayer Services,) elinie cou, yoke uff 10 2 fying 0 would be discussed with the city i on de sponsored by the Oshawa Minis-| " : " The Oshawa Safety League was building a school on the Osha a 2 and Moore Corp. was up ¢ : : : a p rs , : start," Mr, {Stroud pointed out Injiiq" ot "te January eet re boulevard site Pupils now & | council including the possibility of ¢ y OR Ha re i ne 1 ely Director terial Association. will continue] al | SI | 1e1 I o Ms last appeal 'esiay. etontes that 5 carrying money over from thes, .: ari o add or - ; each evening of this week until / nen | TUESAAY €vening that more than .: 3 % at 46's, and CPR advanced %| OTTAWA (CP)---Published re ow: rie ¥ i [10,000 pamphlets and Christma present year's budget to the next oh Friday. The services, held in the ! lets Chri $ at 25 G7 > ports Tuesday said Char Com-| g¢ frew's Uni C hav hs : : v safe driving kits were distributed Start Classes International Utilities lost 1% fort, 59-year-old Toronto artist apn phi phe ows have 1ne usicians 1 YS em in connection with the recent CELEBRATING at 35% and Consolidated Paper and president of the Royal Cana- ¢ o ; joined fervently in prayer and safety drive, was down one point at 42, North dian Academy, likely will be the praise i Dre; » . bs ' 5 Henry Reed, chairman of the I F t A d Star Oil was off % at 22% and new director of the National Gal- = pe t Ted . | The members of the Band of the/ Guards Band and was subse. [J y Used materials distribution committee n 1IS 1 BIRTHDAYS Bank of Nova Scotia fell % at ler % The Venerable Archdeacon Ontario Regiment are busy this|quently employed as professor of 70% W Ic ' site as a temporary measure I'wo people were fined for care had been sent by Bagley, MA f Toronto, St. " t a A I expressed thanks to the Oshawa A To a Norway Oe Teton auest | eek making final preparations music at the Royal Marines "Oo < han . g mbulange classes . s N ay, 1 g or their pop concert to } ve-|Sehool of Music is Boy Scouts and Stan Richardson will 1 1» Wednesday. Jar wishes to the following i 8 o speaker. The Rev. Mr. Bagley pO] ncert fo be pre- School of Music and the London i executive commissioner of the : ws 3 | In . DLIOWINE Tes Ya at | A b(t 1e OCVI auditorium on County Council as music teacher " " n x d ses' training scl | o awa a § has presented the cause bf Christ|; Jie : ; y Fmd A "card gy. stem" of recording; .. Boy Scouts Association. |i: ses' training school,| dents of Oshawa and district 29%. International 'Nickel entmo truth" in the report. i FAITE 'eching Friday night of this week Bandsmen Cooper came to Cane liomyelif Ataneculations de. : Alexandra street, at 7.30 p.x h selebr: - in an inspiring and refreshing ™ = i : RE pol y ' 1 for their help in the task , at 7.30 p.m who are celebrating birth- wn one point at 104. Gunnar. The post ; ant SINCe! wanna . ivected: all wii Under the direction of Lt. F. J. ada in 1956 from the Leyland Mo- signed by Cameron C. Stew- These classes will be held for| days today " od nearly 30 co 2 { " { i p manner. and has directed all who!p, oC" 501d Nae made rapiditor Works Band in England art, medical of-ficer of health for| He also reported that 400 of|eight consecutive Wednesdays Walter Gr Req Ueariy 30 cents at 10%./the resignation of 'Alan: Jarvisihave yeard him fo seek fhe wa e ing the past yy where he s i Dr a » 1 <|the posters showing "Charlie. the The wo. 3 ; Valter Greer Windsor [Algom was unchanged at 12% last September { sincerity and humility in their Progress during the past year. At where he studied under Harold Oshawa, was _ adopted all across The reg ion fee is $3 which I ; 1g tod Y ' a ict | the Canad Nation ition Moss. H ttled in Se h idemie| Life of the Party" were dispersed. win th plas | Street, Ajax; R. Veno, 289 ar solidated Denison was off profession and service of Christ the Canadian National ition Voss. Dle seit in Saskatche- the province the epidemic vill go for the purchase of books,] Muriel ave I last fall the band was successful wan with the 23rd Wing Air Fore » t Sermonettes we listribut to a ' iriel avenue; Susan Dobb, . y the Church. asi fal the hand was Successiul wan with the 2ird Wing Alr Force started in various areas e re distributed to handages, etc ; v W g the tropl in two of |Bs y crt of The Re.™embers of the Oshawa Minis Poa: ha W1 Crerar avenue ist estern of vere still at lower wo 0 1S10ns Ministers of the citv are in/if winning the trophies in two of Bad He moved to Oshawa last . Town, a I ourse na nC gned he "Brien v der eve Fe) thet 0) etition p rass F ruary >» spent nine ars & habilitation Fos ndation for Polio-|terial Association. espeically for small indu an i pher IN, O'Brien, ® ig charge of the conduct of the wor. (file top competitions for brass/Pebrvary. Ho speut fine years as é 0 ta : son avenue: Harry chip service. Rev. R. B. Milroy bands a soloist with the Leyland top myelitis and thepaedically Dis-| L Hodgson, government safety business : i . + . ' eH ; | The band is fortunate in having section contesting banc «offic tol 590 Athol street east; Jane . - t be in charge this evening le band is toriunate ih naving Section contesting ban abled, told thls ' 8 the Oshawa|0 cer and Monty Cranfield new | Young, 458 McAuley street: D Ie epor e Wednesday: Rev. James Pierce|among its personnel a number of Staff Sergeant of the band, Bill Kinett t theb ¢ Meeting, Tues- chairman of the Safety 1 . | lished i Vhitsi i Foy pole! [told the meeting "the "resul of f G T Pl Cecil McCabe, 19 Almond There were two trafii dents| Will 'be in charge of Thurs ccomplished musicians. Among Whitsitt received his early musi- " to peti results of A , 4 | . here were two traffic accidents 4 om , pn s H ie s | eal atin Taek " ; . ; thelr "woe th th h avenue, Whitby; Victor Rout | late Tac , evening: and Rev. W. N tken|/them are James H. Hargreav cal education under Jack Broad- Phi sue more ee 300,00 of ee he H ection ° a awe roup 0 ace ] #8 Lakeview: . Arthur Appointment Near go Tuescay afterno onduet the service on Fri-|@ Mus. TCL, LRAM, ARCM, cor-bent and commenced his career ese cards Deen issued. | PY¢ 1catiol about th I 0 { A ldron J street vps : Md a ? "4 dav evening. Vari rani iinet soloist: Allan Coope rom-|in the mental band at the ag The idea of i Stewart's card|re-institution of driver trainin Waldron, 10 Ash stree OTTAWA (CP Phe Citizen | collision on T . 1 ening. Various organist and I e id at the age € t 1 A oe il 'Whitsit i x na aOR 4 was to have soiCmething wallet-|in local high schools. Stage Drapes | The first five persons to in a appointment of James A choirs also lend very helpful and hones i Dona) TE, purty He In i bee Th a CNE iB | tren" TV . yr {1 q 52 "5 encouraging assistance. SOI0ISt 3 stl itsnire, I Sis ). St In the 4 size that w : #808 the amount| They said it was hoped 'that| form The Oshawa Times of Roberts to succeed J. H. Eng 3.55 p.m. The drivers were Peter = mm 4 ity. SrtA . 5 & gi i : roy and type of Julation the bear-|in-classroom instruction would The Home and School Associ-| their birthdays each day will |(lisi as deputy minister of trade Magd 13 Aft The pubsie wot frearily invited | igt Bate Hoist: cavin came fo Sea Is Te father ho Hie or had recelvgd)c: This enables abegin again in the near future, 2t108 of the North Simcoe School| receive double tickets to The [and commerce is being sug-/Roy Her 125 Bald S 2 is through Friday|O hawa from England six To a STE Yo pay i was granted permission Tuesday! Regent Theatre. gc r 3 ested in Parliamentary circle: tal damag was $200 Vie ue a3) 3 i a Cito hd . . LY Seles, no a - lar je i ements would be night by the ; 0 ha 2 Bo rd A or week ai Oy a (e M i 9 1 t ; i § To 2 & 3 He ge $ is : evening, as we seek to worship ago. He holds the degree of asso-| Bandsman Wiltshire -also ow hat A(meculations are/c y in-car instruction. |y tion ta' c ig frabes. | rout stirs had : : \M : ¢ er r ogether in this ecumenical under- ¢iate in music of the Trinity ( received his early training under Bow need Mr, Hodgson fold the ip it : A UT Apes ni attraction is 1e Be y : : : has asso collision ¢ 0 ' t good folk of our Mus london, wh £ a Bandmaster Broadbent, winning With these ear ds, no one need had one of ye 0 erything ye 3 a 9.43 ( - Sb t h Mr. Bag- cher's diploma in 1 medals and scholarships ou th pi ud th he [ie province. He complimented ciatic 300 and t erectio d be -- Wig sas Y wh 0 pe € Bee i fe: a K i - vi 4 3 11 di ss for the next three an counterpart the a of the Kiwanis Festivals in Toronto same doctor Keon: and third|the executive on its interest and Eoben alse ar an a be receiv only between the wich of the adm e bur-/der, 47 Kenton. drive. V ings are: Christ the Prize, (teaching, form and history of with his euphonium playing. He i. ren ls getting. (by am o the Board's stat | hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. ~ [den during Mr, English's illness, and Milford J. Simmerson, ( our Pattern and Christ music. Before com ng to Canadais now doing an sutstanding job noculations, D t | the newspaper says RR2, Port Hope (who Cares ihe was soloist with the Scots'on the E Flat Bass " a Mr. ( rt, asked in Toronto ' ongraiuwations and best In mines, Falconbridge was up whether he had been offered the and Hollinger up at job id lately

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