THREE FINE BOYS Frank Hartford, Oshawa boule- vard north. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Finn, Smith Falls (the former Joan Hartford of Oshawa Their are Mr. Spencer- other . grandparents and Mrs. Leo V. Finn ville, Ontario. 114 of Mr. and Mrs. nine, grandsons ~Photo by Ireland SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, vklin, will be at home of local and Ross, Miss Beverly Gibson RR ro p Rok Ply 2 to enjoyed the Pat McCloskey. 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday le entrance of} Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Sweet, January 9, on the occasion of AW Hall at 8 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fryza, Mr. their 25th wedding anniversary the Local Re- and Mrs, Russ McNeil, Mr. and hl AG ee under Sid Mrs, Russell Rak, Mr. and Mrs chairman, assisted Dp, McColl, Miss Simone Gim. by Messrs. Frank O'Connor, jlett, Mr, Philip Lerby, Mr. and George Young, Norman MacInal-|Mrs, George P. Lavender, Mr ly, A own, and Russ McNeil. gng Mrs. Fred W. Kay, Miss Some hundred couples en- Shirley Kirkey, Mr. Donald Lav- joyed music of Bill Askew ender, Miss Joyce Hoogerdyk, Mr. and tra. Among those A B. Alexander thuber and Arno Adam, both of seen d ing were Mr. J. B. Wrubel, Miss Kath. Oshawa, was solemnized recently Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelly, Mr.|leen Curran, Miss Helen Ferncz, at Grace Lutheran Church Leslie Ma Miss Elaine Mar-/ zr, R _P.*Babineau, Miss Irene The bride is the daughter of s Torok, Miss Eve Borovsky, Mr. Francis Fawcett, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diensthuber Maria Fritze, Mr. Miss B. Monchesky, Mr. J. Ba- of Austria and the bridegroom Mr, and Mrs. I. Bev- pineau, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirby. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walte and Mrs. C. Cyr, Mr . Adam, Germany Arthur Reardon, Mr.| Mr. and Mrs Thomas Harness, yy. Reverend Carl Kartechener and Mrs. John Graine, Mr. and Mr. E. DeHart, Miss Marlene cq. /0i0q ang the weddin i Mrs, Frank Bire McMinn, Mr John Lamont, Miss was played by Mrs. C Mis vivia Chaban, Mr. Mar- pes] Renan, Miss Olive Schill hener Mr. Paul Goudet,| 38 Ar. John Spraggs, Mr. an Given in marriage by Local 222 New Year Peglival Scene Of Midnight Merriment | Mr A out-of-1c rowd people grand Adam-Diensthuber Nuptials Held The marriage of Carol Comm McCormack three the vn Diens s 0 is Mr. °K ner uncle, Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Laure Villeneuve | Roland St. Jules hot ey Plight Troth {white chrysanthemums. Mr. Alfred St. Jules acted as A reception was held at the John Brown, Orono. For the oc- At St. Mary of She People casion the bride's mother chose a Roman Chtholie Church recent. printed silk dress with beige ac- (ly, |St {united Laure Villeneuve and Roland |cessories. The bridegroom's mo- Jules both of Oshawa, were|ther was in mauve crepe with in marriage with the black accessories. Both wore eor- Reverend N. J. Gignac officiating. | sages of deep red roses. Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 6, 1960 PERSONALS The Challenger Group of the Bonnie, Ritson road north, spent Short-sl : » Year's Day in Toronto. the pleated bodice gnd the ruffled Congratulatory messages were re- y bouffant |W.A. of Albert Street Church held its annual Capsule |Sister supper in the Sunday |School room. The supper was |served by the Pearl group. The {Reverend S. C. H. Atkinson con- |ducted the election of officers {and spoke briefly on the work of the past year. Names were |drawn for the 1960 Capsule Sis- [ters. Mrs. Thomas Peters had charge of the games. Mrs. Charles Merrell won the guessing contest and Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire, the attendance prize. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bunner, Hillcroft street, had as their guests on New Year's Day Mrs Bunner's mother, Mrs. A, Parkin, and their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. John Bunner, Kathy |and Johnny of Madoc who were 'home for the holiday season. Mrs, Walter Murray of Toronto has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Milton J. Werry, Colborne street east and Mrs, John Knox, and Jackie, Thornton's were New Year's Mr, Vicky road north, Day guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil A Knox, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Potter Knox, Clarke street, were guesis on New Year's Day of Mrs. Fred King, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and Miss Shirley Knox, Bader street, and Mr. and Mrs. John Poch and Prefers Our Snow For Cake Recipe TORONTO (CP) There's something special about Can- ada that Mrs. Mary Healey likes. It's the snow--the only snow for snow cakes, the housewife from Manchester, England, said Wednesday. "It's lighter and doesn't have much water as the heavy stuff," she declared. must be freshly as English *'And fallen." She started making snow cakes in 1942 when she found a United | Ne NCW guests of Mrs. Albert Janes | {Mr. and ) |euve of Montreal and the bride-|a fur coat, black and red accessor groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. |ies, and a corsage of roses and Alfred St. Jules, Sault Ste. Marie, | chrysanthemums. father, the bride wore a strapless =~ gown of The bride is the daughter of For the wedding trip to Buffalo Mrs. Honorius Villen-|the bride wore black velvet with The newly in marriage by her wedded pair will live in Oshawa. Given chiffon over satin. A eeved bolero topped the MARKS CENTENARY GALIANO ISLAND, B.C. (CP)-- skirt was waltz-length.| ceived from near and far by Mrs, A matching crown held her veil Elizabeth-Cottrell when she Mrs. John Semchuk of Winni-|of scalloped net, She wore three-|marked her 100th birthday in this peg with her daughter, and son, Robert, is visiting her |father, Mr. Lewis Hunt, Howard Luanna |quarter length mittens and car-lisland in the Strait of Georgia. street, for the Ukrainian Christ- mas holiday Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Toronto spent New Year's Day with her cousin, Mrs. E. G. Legge, Division street. Mrs. Vivian Davidson of Bui- falo spent Christmas weekend at her home, 210 Division street. Mrs. G. E. Ansley of Oshawa is among the guests at the rk Plaza this week, while visiting Toronto. | 'OES Past Matrons Christmas Party The OES Past Matrons Club of Gshawa held its annual Christ mas party in the banquet hall of Si. Andrews United Church. Christmas dinner was served |by Mrs. Matthew Leyden and her committee. Mrs.Harold Espie Port Perry and president of the Club welcomed the members and guests, The tables were comlimented! with poinsettas and evergreen |a Merry Christmas sketched in fred and framed with gold and green tinsel was hung to greet aii as they entered. Miss Sybil S. Lang and co-convener Mrs. Wil- liam Medland arranged the dec- |orations Mrs. W. R. Brown and co convener, Miss Langmaid, were, in charge of entertainment and Christmas Carols were sung ac- companied by Mrs. George Mor- gan at the piano. During the eve- ning solos by Mrs. Frank Train, {Mrs, Chris Osbourn, Mrs. Walter Bestwick and readings by Mrs A. Hal and Miss Langmaid were enjoyed Mrs. W. R. Brown presented a skit 'Character Impersonations" {and after reading poem "Where is Christmas" she told a "IT'S THE GREATEST" OUR MID-WINTER SALE CONTINUES WITH BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER! More specials have been ad- ded to our counters to save you even more money. REDUCTIONS FROM 20% FRIDAY NIGHT fo 80% TIL 9 . LADIES" WINTER COATS -- All this season's Values to latest styles 1498 55% 29.98 Values to 39.98 LADIES" CAR COATS -- All beautifully 4 styled. Values to 19.98 5. 4 MEN'S Cap BOYS' JACKETS, NDBREAKERS. Values to 15.98 2.99 CAR COATS, |ried a cascade of pink roses and| home of the bride's sister, Mrs. | SHOP= Woolworth's FIRST Uwit Cur NEW MODERN STORE Self-Service and Centrally Heated for Your Comfort and Convenience FIRST QUALITY BEDSPREAD Double Bed Size 90" x 100" 5.27 acu WABASSO SHEETS and PILLOWCASES PILLOW CASES 97¢ pair DOUBLE BED SIZE SHEETS 2.60 ea., 5.19 pr. vellowed Canadian cook book' |the story of the following char pH nr (Ami H Mrs. Don Brown, Mr. D. Owen, J Miss Mary Capik Mr uy GaU- ape Ww Thiele, Mr. and Mrs. Alex MI. Leopold Kes the bride wore det, Miss Betty Blasko, Mr, and Pollock a floor-le lace gown featur- Mrs. Mrs. Charles LeBlanc, Mr. 4 ing lily point sleeves, a s oped and Mrs, B. Heller, Mr. and Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. B. Jacques, Mr.ineck1ine and a fully-gathered D. Pawlawski, Mr. and Mrs, W. William Codling, Mr. R. J. Bart: gkirt A leaf shaped nylon net Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kisk,/lett, Miss Helen Freeburn, Mr. and pear] crown held her short Mr. and Mrs. Korelo, Mr. and and Mrs. Alex Mikalow, Mrs. veil and she carried a cascade Mrs. David Jones, Mr. and Mrs.| Maurie Shorten, Mr. Allan Fry, of red roses and white chrysan- John Milne, Miss M. Blears, Mr, Mr. Stephen Foley, Mr. R. Lun-| themums ny, Mr. P. Sullivan, Mr. J. Col-| Mr, Frank Diensthuber, brother Mintern, lins, Mr. and ue, Brest Yilles- of the bride, acted as best man Moreau, Mr. euve, 'Mr. an rs. ucee reception' Waa hel - ead hid Mr. Paul Marchuk, Miss Helen ee option fos, lia st and Mrs. E. R./Brynzan newly wedded pair will live Marian Barnes,!| Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyrrell, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Freeman, ---- - ki Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Powless, EXPERT HUNTERS Ww Miss Sylvia Pear- Mr. and Mrs. R. Mclnnis, Mr. . othe v son, Mr. Alan Boyle, Mr. and and Mrs. J. Bowman, Mr. and LLOYDMINSTER, Sask. (CP Mrs. C. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Russell Sargant, Mr. and Mrs. Verna Johnson and Mrs E. Barnes Mrs. Roy Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Rose Kemp are man-style hunt- Mr. and Mrs. Neiman Mat. Cecil Peat, Me ig Mee ers. After Mrs. Johnson shot a Inally, Mr. and Mrs 3 erry, liams, Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Ives, yd ME Dousle, Mr ondiMr and Mrs H. Ogden deer > Be Lote Rock area _ear Mrs. R. Tonkin, Mr. and Mrs. C.| Mr, and Mrs. D. Ferguson, Mt. Te 21s bit G re D Jeioned, Bowler, Mr. 'and Mrs. George and Mrs. Patrick J. Judge, Mr. jeer weighed Sanere e Young, Mr. S. McCormack, Mrs.and Mrs, Alex Fraser, Miss J. --e oc oonce "0 pounds, M. Couture, Mr. J.. M. Couture, Thexton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mollon, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Nauss, Mr./Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes, Mr.| Edward Lallay, Miss Betty C. Dowdall, Miss Charlotte Tilk,| Storms Mr. Ray W. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Monaghan, Mr. |J Ww, Spragge, Miss Jane Ritchie, and Mrs. W. Hay Mr. and Mr. R. W. Dubew, Mr. R. Hugg, Mrs. George Parfitt Mr. and Mr. Morris Cerque, M Paul Mr. and Mrs. O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. R. Her- and Mrs, M. gtead, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mec- r. and Mrs. C. Muscat,|Closkey and others, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lonsberry, - - Mr. and Mrs. G. Roach, Mr. and D. Jessup, Mr. and Mrs HOUSEHOLD HINT | SU lar Many people avoid the hazards s Kay Dobos, Mr. John Plan- of slippery floors by applying one eta, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sheremeta, or two coats of shellac. When Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rankine, floor is coated with shellac, no other Miss Elaine Richards, Mr. John wax has to be removed and floor Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs, D. Ste- beauty can be restored almost ] Mrs Mr. and Mrs. J. J and Mrs. D. Vann, P. Ruaka, Mr Barnes, Miss Mr. G € Peter St Frank Za J. W the The in calling for snow instead of an egg in one of its recipes. Eggs were as rare as pearls in Bri- tain then. "I tried i#t and made a mi- serable failure," said Mrs Healey. 'The English snow was just no good." But with Canadian snow, she reported success Wednesday. Here is the recipe: 1 cup sugar, % cup butter, 1, cup sweet milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 cups flour, 1 snowball a little larger an egg. St than quickly and put in a hot oven before the snow melts Mrs. Healey warns anyone who tries to make the cake that it is "pretty tricky" be- cause the batter must be made a little thicker than ordinary so the snow won't make it too thin WAIT FOR NAME PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP Prince George's new hospital will not be officially named until af- ter the birth of Queen Elizabeth's third child, early in the New year. If will be named for the royal baby DOGGY OUTFIT NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP)--Toots a three-year-old chihuahua, will be decked in furs this winter. The Before cutting a 'meringue or dog's owner, Mrs. Ken Biers, has dessert, butter your|had her pet fitted with a grey kid > to prevent sticking coat. Clearance of Regular Stock of Ladies' and Girls' DRESSES -- BLOUSES -- SKIRTS, Ete. 1 0 Values to 15.98 : : " 0 SPECIAL RACK OF LADIES' BETTER DRESSES -- o suit the most style-conscious 3.99 woman Many, many more bargains on display acters who in turn carried out their impersonations. Mrs. Mor- gan again assisted with appropri- ate music for each character. |Cast of characters--As Mistress of ceremonies, Mrs. W. R Brown; Britannia, Mrs. C | Moore; Queen Victoria, Miss Sy- {bil Langmaid; Laura Secord, {Mrs, W. McDiarmid; Mae West, SNOW WHITE COTTON PILLOWCASE {Mrs. L. Wood; Jack and Jill, | Mrs Walter Bestwick and Mrs. |P. Wight; Al Jolson, Mr. L.| {Wood; Aunt Jemima, Mrs. K. | Cliff; Harry Lauder, Mrs, Wil. | liam Medland; Ella Shield, Mrs, ! Albert Haley and Queen Eliza- beth, Mrs. S. Lang Miss Langmaid brought the J evening to a close by presenting a number of humourous skits suitable for the completion of a 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Opposite Simcoe St. School lovely Christmas Party gui LADIES! n Early Tomorrow Morning IT'S THE START OF OUR «a Come | i phens, Mr. H. Shewan, Mr. D. immediately lighting unlimited ® FLOOR LAMPS ® LAMP SHADES Reduced up Manufacturer's Showroom of-a-kind Lamps, NEWLYWEDS be the home of n Shabatura age s solemnized 1 United rormer ria Stapley, is! Oshawa will Mr. and Mrs. W whose recently at ( Church. . Tt Miss Ada Vic the daughter of Mr Carmen and Mrs awa and son of yatura na 18 e, the é an ~Photo by Mary's Studie CLEARANCE ® TABLE, BOUDOIR and NOVELTY LAMPS ® LIGHTING FIXTURES 20% Samples Some with very slight imperfections lighting unlimited CANADA'S LEADING CHAIN OF HOME LIGHTING SPECIALISTS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8- OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TO 9 P.M. SOME EVEN MORE Discontinued OSHAWA 0922 EVERYTHING IN THE STORE IS REDUCED USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 KING STREET EAST Hand Embroidered easy to wash 1.37 LONG LASTING COTTON SHEETS Double Bed Size -- 90 x 100 2.77 EACH FIRST QUALITY COTTON SHEET 54 x 90 -- Single Bed Size 2.77 van Double Bed Size -- 84 x 99 COTTON SHEET : 1.77 EACH FIRST QUALITY DURABLE PILLOWCASE Larger Size 36 x 42 97 - PAIR STORE HOURS MONDAY-SATURDAY - 9-6 FRIDAY - 9.9