Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1960, p. 7

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of taking time off for-tea dur- | ernment House, Thev here in the Governor | study, Often they inv Governor-General Vaniér and Mme. Vanier have made a habit | ing their busy schedule at Gov- Many Couples Hail New Year At Corinthian Lodge Dance I00F, held Starkey, Miss Lorna Turnbull, its 14th annual New Year's Eve Ms: Pavia Mousteniy. Mt. Tob "ha ww Miss Donna Tapping, Mr. Rob- dance at. the OCVI, py | &t Bryant, Miss Pauline Miljour, The guests were received by np. Robert Hobbs, Miss Helene Mr, James Freeman, Noble Miljour, Mr. Paul Page, Grand Master and Mr. James Captain and Mrs. G. E. Hewitt, Smith, Vice Grand Master. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beers, Mr, Spot dances were won by Mr and Mrs, D. Beers, Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Patrick Patterson, Mrs, Sion Niekensot: il a as William Hewitt' and Mr. James, SHOPSOR "Ho 800 8 re. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Ble Cameron, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. kle, Mr. William Hewitt and Miss George Yule, Miss Pauline Baker, Frances Fehrenback and Mr. Mr. William Martin, Miss Elean- i / or Wotton, Mr. James Alpin, Demet Liowd and Miss Frances "nr ".;d Mrs. M. A. Wotton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ireland, Miss The music was supplied by M, E, Armstrong, Mr. Me- {Bernard Tierney and his or- Cammond, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. |chestra. [Collins, Miss Margaret Keens, Among those seen . dancing Mr. James Dunlop, Mr. Roy Bry: were: Mr, and Mrs, James Free-|ant, Miss Gail Down, Mr. and {man, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr, Mrs. Harold Hay, Miss Marion and Mrs.' H. D. Knapp, Mr. and Kellett, Miss Grace Toaze, Mr. Mrs. James Shaw, Mr. and Mrs.|Donald Thomp:zon, Mr, L. E W. Logue, Mr. Howard Hurst, Weldon, Miss Barabara Merin. Miss Evelyn Greenough, Mr, and ger, Mr. Richard McGarry. (Mrs, Bohert Moffatt, Mr. and] Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Knott, "4% Mrs, J. Goodes, Miss Myrna Ar-\Miss Brenda Mason, Mr. and ag {thur, Mr. Steven Barbaric, Mr./Mrs. Thomas Hammond, Mr, and| 4 land Mrs. Murray Mackay, Miss|Mrs. W. A. Fry, Agincourt; Mr. % |Linda Harding, Mr. Bruce John-|and Mrs. Deane B. Fry, Whitby; { ston, Miss Gloria Gay, Mr. and|Miss Annette Bennett, Mr. Ross Mrs. T. Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. McMartin, Mr, Allan Betts, Miss Larry Stoner. Marlene Betts, Miss Gergia Mc- Corinthian Lodge, | +l | are shown | two callers to remain for tea NORTHERN FRUIT GARSON, Ont. (CP)--A dwarf orange tree owned by Mrs. M.L. Doucette produced half - a - dozen oranges this year in this com- munity near Sudbury. "pups Mr. and Mrs. B. Johnson, Mr. |Garry, Mr. Victor Blainey, Miss ryce M. Ashmore, Mr. and Mrs, | Beatrice Garrow, Mr. Barry Bru- willl villlam W. Newell, Mr. and Mrs.|Yea. and an informal chat. | Board) |B (CP from Nat. Film -General's | ite one or | Canada's First Lady, Mme Vanier| Brings Grace to Gov't House By CAROLYN WILLETT , Mme. Vanier is an accom-| plished hostess, a charming) OTTAWA (CP)--A family feel-ljcam mate who has been at her| ing pervades stately Government pyshand's side in London, in both House where the bride of a one-\war . shattered and post - war time aide-de-camp has returned|prance and in Canada. as Canada 5 hrst [ady.athe wife e has described her duties as| of the governor enEra chatelaine as those of looking| Mme. George Vanier, the for-|;fier details which otherwise may | mer Pauline Archer, is the first; ren her husband. As the wife| \ ey Jo Aldwinckle, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, January 5, 1960 y 4 N ,. Clark, Mr. Douglas Cross.| Miss Marlene Burton, Mr. Jack Ry iter Dodie Hubbell, Mr, and| Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Mrs. Douglas Blair, Mr. and|Clure, Miss Kay Wallace, Mrs. James Goodes, Mr, and|Jack Brown, Mr, and Mrs. Don- Mre. Thomas Rodman, Mr. and ald Keeler, Mr, Alex Alexander, Mrs. W. G. Sim, Mr. and Mrs.|Miss Jacqueline Hall, Mr.| ory's Roman Catholic Church ITALIAN COUPLE WED HERE PARAR PVA MINERALS, & TRACE ELEMENTS "PARAMETTE ERS AES PARAMETTES PARAMETTES NEVE NER Married recently at St, Greg- | and Mrs: Pietro Sestl and the | bridegroom is the son of Mr, | were Gianina Sesti and Angelo | and Mrs. Pasquale Pronesti, all | Regular City-Wide Deliveries 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 Pronesti, both of Oshawa. The | of Italy. bride is the daughter of Mr, --Photo by Mary's Studio Bruce Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Car Miss Carol Whittington, Mr {man Barkley. Cliff Barber, Mr. Jack Miller, | Miss reel 1, Mr, Mrs. | Mr. Robert Jones, Miss Leona Mise purses Hal Fo hoy Ne Thompson, Miss Lynn Middleton, |r a SOCIAL NOTICE . ' on aie Douglas Terwillegar, Mr. and Miss Diane Nesbitt, Mr. Roy Kehoe Mrs. Norman Gemmell, Mr. a nd Mrs Mrs. R. Dalziel, Mr. and Mrs. A i v Bibeau, Mr. and Mrs. D. Norman, | Mr: David Hoag, Miss Beverley la Wilson, Miss Lonise Wannamak- A rons Mr. and|er Mr. Joseph Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jel iss Margar . rs. G. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon, Miss Margaret Dan G. Lavictoire,| Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 chatelaine at Government House a Governor-General, Her Ex- in more than seven years. For-| cellency rates a bow from men mer Governor - General Vincentiang 5 'curtsey from women who Massey was a widower wish to show a mark of respect Mme Vanier has said she re- when presented to her turned to Government House this fall with a : of | t FRENCH CHEF | home, although 38 years I The details she must look after vened since she first came to Ot- range from specific arrangements tawa as the bride of George Van- for a dinner party to ¢ dally £o- or. one of the first two Cana- i with an Zonda, the dion OD ies ap ated to a French chef brought to Govern- once traditional h vice- ment House by Mr. Massey. With regal household Zonda she shares not only a com- mon language but a knowledge of KNOWS ROUTINE French cuisine to help in decid- Mme. Vanier has said her one- ing on menus year stay at Rideau Cottage, a py; she has said, Government large family house on Govern-/House pretty well runs itself ment House grounds, gave her an, on another occasion, her sense idea of how the vice-regal resi- mirth bubbled through with dence is organized, down to suchitye remark that perhaps roller| details as which study the skates would be helpful in get-| Queen's representative uses and ting around the long corridors of which sitting room is set aside the residence for his wife. The woman who has known the It is known that the tall, dis- ize of an aide's wife as well as| tinguished soldier . diplomat and {3 life of an ambassador's wife his gracious, silver - haired wife| pis Excellency was Canada's) regard their post as part of their ,oqt.war ambassador to France juz bo th gly Fring hd 3 until retirement in 1958 -- brings own, (oo, tha s the vice-regal post an interest quick to emphasize that' he ana|{Q at Re ae i entire his wife function as a team and a keen interest in welfare As a team, and as parents of work. | four grown sons and a daughter,| wnen it comes to participating| the sense of a family being at|i, organizations, she likes to home although none of thepiich into a group's grass roots| children is here--is felt through- wory out the large residence. For the Vaniers, moving from DID RED CROSS WORK the retirement which came at the, She worked with the Red Cross end of a rich military and diplo- after the war in liberated France matic career, also has meant dealing with prisoners of war and moving personal possessions here deported persons, a job she still from a Montreal apartment. speaks of as one of her greatest Books from an extensive li- opportunities to see many facets welfare service at work. brary now fill Government House Of To her new demanding job of fee a of | | Bonnie children of Mrs. Harold tha avenue, are War and Karen Isabel old Warren and Kare A HAPPY TWOSOME Topping, oy. Gilbert Freeman Le and Mrs. Douglas Southwell, Mr. Miss Gloria Snowdon, Missiand Mrs. Robert Southwell, Mr. Lynn Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. R.|James Johnston, Miss Nancy Whitworth, Mr, and Mrs. B. Whit- | Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil- worth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Knott, Mr.!|ljams, Mr. Harvey Koch, Mr. and and Mrs. R. E, Dorman, Mr. and Mrs, R. Templar, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs, T. V. Cotten, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Marks, Mr. David Jack, James Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miss Mary Hezzlewood Myles, Mr. and Mrs. Maxine, Mr Yourth, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mac- and Mrs. J. Sobanski, Mr. Neil, Miss Marie Taylor, Mr. Mrs. 8. Meringer, Mr. and David De Long U. Schlottke, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lee, Mr, Borovsky, Mr. and Mrs, J, and Mrs. S. Linton, Mr. and/fen, Mr. and Mrs, William Mrs. F. Holloway, Toronto; Mr, mon. and' Mrs. A. Dionne, Mr. Jack Miss Frances Fehrenback, Mr. ( 1 an Mrs. Alex Stef- Solo- i t t of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane Lorraine, to Mr. John Ed- Mr. Robert Aldsworth. Mr. | Wik Hoskin, son of Mr. and Mrs, | . el asworth, MI.|Archie Hoskin of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place in 1960. and Mrs, Graeme Jack, Mr. glx town has bought a real fam- skins sewn end to end, belonging since the 15th century, < ENGAGEMENT a Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Knipe| | )shawa on Friday, February F, BIG FAMILY TREE IPSWICH, England (CP)--The ibraries committee of this Suf- ly tre -- a 9'%-foot-long collec. ion of records on parchment o a family that has lived here MEMBER ASSOCIATION Graham, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Lee, Daniel Lloyd, Mr. Girard McLean, Miss Diane Dobrowski, Mr. Da. Miss Monica Lanciault, Mr, Gir-| vid Bant, Miss Roberta Mackoy, ard McLean, Miss Monica Lan- Mr. Wayne Hunter, Miss Sylvia clault, Mr. Hugh Neill, Miss Carol Powlenzuk, Mr. John De Hart,/Anne McCourt, Mr, and Mrs, | *'A. S. Clark, Mr, Hugh Gillard, | Miss are Powlensuk, Mr, Den Miss Marlene Corowell | Mr, and Mrs. Gail Burrows, | Miss Gaynoll Burton, Mr. Her- npr and Mrs. Lawrence Hutchi-| bert Knapp, Mr, Robert D. Clark son, Miss Eileen Hanson. Mr. Jr., Mr, Martin Muller, Mr. and peter Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. R.| Mrs. Lloyd Brown, Mr. and Mrs.|weatherbee, Miss Helen Laxton, W. Duffy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Col- Miss Eileen Corbman, Mr. Ber- fey, Newark, New York, Mr. and nard Derry, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.| § Mrs. M. Morrison, Whitby; Mr. payis, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth fand Mrs. R. W. Stevenson, Mr.|Greentree, Mr, Jack Allin, New- and Mrs, T. Farndale, Whitby;lo.qile, Miss Velda Fi-her, Miss] Mr, and Mrs. Oscar J. Moore, june Cornish, Mr. Harold Ellis| Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis and the newest, fastest, Century Series revealing self, free of worry end embar rassment. * ye FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa ot the Genosha Hotel Jan. 5 and & PHONE RA 3-464 for appointment on these dates SIMCOE AT ATHOL "Decorating Oshawa for the finest in draperies, Oshatva Downtown BUSINESSMENS Fully qualified interior decorator to help you at any time, WARD'S urtains, window shades nd venetian blinds. Buying New Draperies Is @ pretty Important Step. DON'T BE FOOLED BY FALSE CLAIMS OR MISLEADING ADVERTIS- ING. Sometimes you will find bargains, but before you buy, compare and see at what price other stores are selling come parable proaucts! And don't forget, price is not the only factor in where you buy. REPUTATION; SERVICE, VAR. IETY AND EXPERIENCED AD. VICE, ALL HELP TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASE MORE SAT. ISFACTORY. WARD'S invite your compari son, not just on any specials we offer, but on our day-by= day Drapery prices, We carry the largest stock of Drapery, ready-to-hang or by the yard, in Oshawa. We hove been selling drapery, curtains, window shades, etc, in Oshe awa for over 40 years, In short, WE HAVE THE FACIL. ITIES, THE STAFF, and THE EXPERIENCE TO HANDLE ANY WINDOW DECORATING PROBLEM. May we help you? DIAL RA 5-1151 Windows Since 1919" Whitby. and others, Miss Isola Kuzniak, Mr, Nor-| man Wright, Mr. Samuel Jackson, | Miss Marilyn Hendershot, Mr, and Mrs. John Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, Mr. and Mrs, George Van De Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Kimmerly, Mr. and] Irs. Sidney Smith, Mr. and Mrs. | Douglas Forrester, Mr, and Mrs. | James Dalley, Mr, and Mrs, R.| Donald Peel, Mr. and Mrs. W.| A. Knapp, Miss Donna Allman, | Mr, and Kawar- ren Scott One-year- sn, who is | four, are the grandchildren of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Topping, Darlington, and Mrs, Edward Bowman, Toronto --Photo by Ireland studies. Around the couple are family pictures, an extensive col- ich promises extensive travel lection of paintings and some of as well as a multitude of duties the works of their artist - son, at home -- including keeping up Bernard {with a large correspondence-- PERSONALS Mr. George Ulrich, | Mr. and Mrs. Sanuel Lovelock, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lovelock, Mr. and in ." {Canada's first lady brings a "ADOPTED SONS" for tie ob gracious dignity and a warmth nd to make up for the ab-ithst reaches out in gatherings sence of family, Mme. Vanier large or small, has been heard to refer to the . staff's young aides "our This warmth, and a sparkling adopted sons." sense of humor, was illustrated Of their Michel, |€arly in the Vaniers' term of of 18, a philosophy student at Lavel|fice when the couple entertained University in Quebec City, and|2' 2 large press reception. Many . Pika oy is o newspaper men': wives were re- Zrappi i monk 2 ceived without their husbands, Therese is a doctor in London, Who were detained working on an Jean studyirg philosophy at important government report is- the Institute Catholique in Paris,{Sued to the press in a locked and Bernard is in Provence, T00™ ; southern France. For more than one wife, the Like her husband, Mme. Van- repidation of the reception line act who fer is fluently bilingual. She is the(Was quickly overcome by the .,nvener for the daughter of Charles Hector|Governor-General and his wife's nine of Cards sponso Archer, a former Quebec Super-/Warm greetings and Mme. Van-|q iq0n rubilee Chapt for Court judge fer's understanding as she asked: beld 2 committee Hite Tall and n appearance, "Is your husband locked up, with a dancin in dark blue too?" Carnegie avenue, had guests their daughter, Cardinal, nurse at St Hospital, Toronto; Mr Amell, Cornwall, and as children Trenton Mr, and Mrs. J. V and femily, spent the New Year Limberlost Lodge, is Mrs. Roy Sawyer g light The committee Robert Patte, zm candy Mrs. Stanley King, refreshments Mrs, Douglas Larngma Mrs, Walter Libby, dec Mrs. Earle Goodes, prizs Mrs. Stanley Gales, publicity. ford The ge Duncan ( Bremner Revérend Street Ur t yon h marr and Va Mer d Church ¢ Mr. and Mi can, Oshaws is the son o Oshawa, and ti ner Given n ma father, the bride length princess embossed wit waistline accented' wit scoop neckline and sho A rhinestone and riage Wo. gown taffeta tay of and red r attended by William in med embossed taffeta was ic tha the bride. She blue feather hat and b sories and carried a 1 yellow and white «¢ mums. Mr. Gordon Bremner man and Mr. George L ered carried a nos santhemums was Mrs EOwn w She ter, whose of WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pictured after thei ently in Centre Street Church are Mr nd Warren William - Abbott merly Miss Dorothy Shaw, the bride is the d: ter of Mrs. Lola Davidson and Mr. Eugepe Shaw of O haw d e bri room is the Mr. ( Abbott of Oshawa and the late Mrs, Abbott Photo by Aldsworth marriage ( ed Mrs an le son A ) ve Y me Mr. and Mrs. Bemne their home in Oshawa. 1 i I vel " augh- | Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cardinal, Mrs. Ralph McBrian and family Grierson Muskoka King is acting as forthcoming home recently to complete plans. includes | Betty Duncan Wed To Cliff Bremner Betty solemnizs Bury 1 n Jan M ne pearl held her fingertip veil M Mrs. Ross Burns, Mr. and Mrs " Leonard Pearson, Mr. and Mrs I" M, Winter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil- liamson, Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Fow-| , >¢% ler, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Gilles- boulevard pie, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. jones. holi- * My. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mr Blencowe's 454 Mrs, Douglas McDougall, Mr. Mrs. Wil- ang Mrs. Fred J. Sewell, Mr. and Newmar- Mrs, E, C. Wilson, Miss Brenda Stevens, Miss Ruth Gibson, Mr, and Mrs. I. Perrin, Mr, and Mrs. J. Dwyer, Miss Diana Dennis,| Mr. Robert Wild, Mr, and Mrs, Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Holiday guests at the home of|W. White, Mr. Paul Constable, Mr. and Mrs. A, L. Ogilvie, Miss P. Knight, Miss Lynda Syd-| Cromwell avenue, were Mi:s Lor-/orenko, Mr. Anthony Smith, Mr.! raine Ogilvie, a patient at the Kenneth Mason, Miss Sharon Toronto Hospital, Weston, who Mason, Miss Diana Reid, Mr. was home for a day, Constable Robert Reid, Miss Janet Carr, Gerald Ogilvie, RCMP, Ottawa, Mr. Clifford Barton. Mrs, Evelyn Bartlett and Miss| Miss June Cairns, Miss Colin] Faye Bartlett, Ottawa. Cairns, Miss Theresa Cannon, Mr. and Mrs, Gourley Edwards as holiday/@nd daughter, Brenda, Ne 1 Miss Rita ket, spent the New Year 3 Michael's/ With Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blen- Norman Central Par M and For the Christmas an Mr, and Mrs u vere Mr, and liam Blencowe, also of ket. a OWE k south days, . Scunders street holiday at| David Latta, son of Mr. and : Mrs. C. G. Latta, Patricia ave nue, has returned to his second street year studies in the Palmer Chiro general practic School, Davenport, Iowa, 181 BOND S$ red 'by the er, I0DE, ting at her Mrs convener; id, tables; no Jane thur by Ap i NN : ~~ { Keep New Puppy Miss Hazel Dixon, Mary street, Healthy, Happy 2 had as a New Year holiday guest, VES. Mrs. Zetta Anderson of Peter CrOWN 'horough A ---------------------- "NEWS BRIEFS hry: STRANGE MISHAP heglthy and happy. | al to! GUELPH, Ont. (CP Mrs.| According to veterinarians with vore a Helen Dermo found the roof of the Ontario Department of Agri- lue acces her car had been damaged while culture, the two greatest hazards wv of in a city park lot. Police be- facing the puppy are distemper ] it caved in under the weight and being hit by a car. pranksters climbing the, As soon as he is weanéd, al puppy is susceptible to the dis-| AUTO VICTIM ease nkown as distemper, espec-| MILTON, Eng. (CP ially during the winter months sirl in s Oxford- It is wise to consult your local hire ne been un- veterinarian regarding immuniza- make conscious for more a year,/tion when the puppy is very following an auto accident, |young. } a of h h b rt sl ations; il wv. . Mr. Eugene McAvoy, Mr. Leo and a ; Ts Ys : Pd are Invited by the Social Kelly, Miss Donna Brady, Miss |p ment to send in any little Kathleen O'Connor, Mr. William {items of interest. News of teas, Miklas, Mr. Jack Lyons, Miss TO Te ao a jcatiy puss. | ;rsaries, £5 anc goings : 0 - Ear 21 MH ay 1 a MP, |are always very acceptable and A Min i Th yf jor _ Which there is 3 charge. mhieland, Miss Donra Collins, 1.3474 Ri or telephone RA/zrn Allan Mason, Mr. and Mrs. 34-3474, local 18 D. Ferguson, Miss Gail Richards, . Mr, Craig Wills, Mr. and Mrs, N ve Laver oN. aud Mrs. Cruces Laverty of youn D. McReelis, Miss Lorna y In J ing of Mr. Laverty's parents, Mr, | Thompson, Mr. William Belko. aturda and Mrs. William Laverty, Glid-| Mr. and Mee, Clarcucs Vide) lon avenue, and Mrs. Laverty's Pickering, Mr.. and Mrs, (reorge ter of parents, Vr. and Mrs. Otis Ten- Rieu, Wailevile, ye and Mrs | Jun: nier, Drew street. |D. B. Fry, Whitby; Mr, and Mrs. om . i !Edward Gibson, Ajax; Miss Su-| nner Miss Joan White, physical and zanne "Smith, Mr. John Keys, Brem. occupational therapy student at/Miss Donna Herne, Mr. Dennis | the University of Toronto, spent ins --- | her the holiday season with her par- valtz-|ents, Mr. and Mrs. John White, white Nassau street empire | r-- The puppy that brought joy to| |your household on Christmas morning, with the appealing ways land frolicsome antics, needs ANd | em ---- |deserves good care to keep him| 0ses er sis- Farlane blue } | um fentic anthe- '1€Ve of hast roof hry on op ush GREAT A 21-y the r 1 € ar-old arent will village t t Self-Serve T W. LAUNDERETTE OSHAWA King Koin Launderette OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY eo COIN OPERATED

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