NIGHT CHIMES BEVERLY, Engla rashion authority Eleanor Lam- bert, director of the new project. | It is being financed by the In-(night curfew is to be put on the To Wardrobe ternational Ladies G arm en t chiming clock in this Yorkshire NEW YORK (AP) -- A pro-| Workers Union as a gram was launched Tuesday to COPSUMETS. make North American on Bhi The aim is to teach women the| HOUSEHOLD HINT 3 ; EL | more sensible--and satisfied--in|rudiments of picking dresses be-| To get a really clear, bright ? ; p ; choosing their clothes. |coming to them, whether they're TV picture, wash the TV screen | "Most women don't understand Plump, thin, tall, short, young or|with a sudsy sponge every few ) the fundamentals, and have not °ld- (days. . ! had access to them," said Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 : | : | _ Superfluous Hair Know the joy of being FLY Rr ovE) slimmer--reduce here! ° By Electrolysis end ihe newest, fastest, Something wonderful happens when you lose that excess weight! See for yourself the omazing results of our re ducing methods. How about it? | Launch Guide | (CP)--A| service to town. The local vicar complained the chimes keep him awake. 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 4, 1960 Howard David Marks Marries Miss Miriam Barkin In Toronto In Beth Tzedec Synagogue, To- white silk organza; the bodice ronto, yesterday afternoon How- embroidered with coral flowers ard David Marks of Oshawa took|to match the butterfly bow at the Shopping Cenire Lanes King St. W. & Stevenson Rd. LY Ee THURSDAY 1:30 P.M. MARIE MURDUFF Feel like @ hew person. as his bride Miriam Bark'a of| Toronto. Rabbi Stuart E Rosen-| berg officiated assisted by Rab- bi David Monson. Gordon Kush- ner played the wedding music| for the choral service. | The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Barkin of Toronto and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harr) J. Marks of Oshawa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of imported Swiss peau de soie, pearl white, with a square neckline and lily-point sleeves, The exaggerated fullness of the skirt fell from the defined waist. line and swept into a cathedral train, Side panels were adorned with fabric roses and leaves on a beaded stem and scattered with seed pearls, Her finger veil of French tulle illusion was caught to a crown of tiny roses, beaded with pearls, and she car-| ried a cascade of white orchids and stephanotis The maid of honor was Miss Sharon Barkin, the bride's sister, and the matron of honor, her! sister-in-law, . Mrs. Martin Bar-| kin, The other attendants were Mrs. Larry Rich and Miss Judy| Bassin. They all wore dresses of! ivory brocade with large stand-/turn to reside at 56 Ridge Hill Master took part. up collars and elbow-length fitted Drive, Toronto. their| -- - sleeves. The hemline of bell-shaped skirts dipped at the baek. They carried cascades of shaded pink roses and hats andthe same side for everyday use.|address : . . {When company is coming, turn/Dappy occasion and as tribute they have resided for the past The flower girl, Miss Karen|the rugs over and the undersides ©f the affection in which the ten years, Kazman wore a short dress of/will be bright and clean, shoes in harmonizing hues "A BIRTHDAY PICTURE today is James Kimberly Rob- ertson who is seen with his baby sister, onegear-old Shelley | Louise. Kim and Shelley are the children of Mr. and Mrs, | James Robertson, Colborne nimatching crystal beads. back of the full skirt. Mr. Al Kazman acted as best man and ushering were Mr, Mar- tin 'Barkin, Mr, Morley Beallor, Mr. Norman Bergstein, Mr, Na- than David Climans, Mr. Joel will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel Jan, 5 ond 6 \ PHONE RA 3-464) | for appointment on these dotes HOMEWOOD Slenderizing Studio 204 KING ST. LK PHONE RA 8.0511 Cooper, Mr, Edward Henerofsky, Dr. Arthur Kaminker, Mr, Mor- ton Marder, Mr, Larry Rich and MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL CARTER Photo by David Enge {Mr. David Yolles. To mceive the guests In the Family Dinner Party, Reception reception hall of the synagogue, the bride's mother wore a forma! gown of imported Swiss peau de F Pt P P . 50 Y Wed sole in palest pink, the bodice, or . erry all, ears | completely hand embroidered in| " shades of pink and rose and] Mr. and Mrs, Russell Carter,|] The couple was presented with beaded with pink and white of Port Perry, were hosts re-imany beautiful gifts from rela-| pearls. The bridegroom's mother cently at a family dinner, in|lives and friends. They also re-| was in a formal gown of import- honor of their golden wedding|ceived several large baskets of aed delustered satin, in pink, anniversary The dinner was|flowers, among which was al trimmed with delicate sprays of held at the Flamingo restaurant,|jarge basket of 50 golden roses.| Port Perry. Gold-tinted carnations comprised| The happy couple were de-|the corsage and boutonniere worn| shted to have at the dinner|by the bride and bride groom of the bride chose a matching pur- complete family of three|50 years ago. ple ensemble. The short sleeved daughters and two sons who! The former Janet Tweedie, sheath dress was accented with were accompanied by their daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas gold lace applique around the children, numbering 36 in all. [Tweedie was married to Russell sabrina neckline and the short During the evening, Mr. Mur- Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- jacket of purple mohair was fit- ray Holtby, of Manchester acted|liam Carter, at the home of her ted at the waistline. She wore a as master of ceremonies and|sister at Rosebank, Ontario, on flowered hat in pinks and purples during the presentations, grand- December 15, 1909 by the Rev- and black accessories. children Ann Carter, Mary erend Mr. Haymes. | Mr. and Mrs. Marks will re- Lynne Holtby and John Mac-| Mr. and Mrs. Carter resided| In respect for sometime in the Whitevale| by their|area at Cherrywood later making| parents, the family refrained their home on a farm on Scugog HOUSEHOLD HINT [from extending gifts and pre- Island where they lived for some| Use reversible scatter rugs on/sented them with an engraved|35 years. On their retirement to commemorate the/they moved to Port Perry where | Later the couple left for Miami Beach, Florida. For travelling, UR CREDI |to special requests [couple is held. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were ples | On the following Sunday, Mr. sed with five children, all who| | and Mrs. Russell Carter, were reside in this commuinty, three| | honored by their children Is and two boys; Mrs. Stewart| |celebrate their golden |Sweetman (Mary), Mrs, Camp-| versary at a reception which|bell MacMaster (Helen), Mrs. It's Fantastic! It's Terrific! DSE YOUR CRED BARGAINS: Greatest ANNUAL JANUARY i USE | YOUR CREDIT Starting Tomorrow 9 a.m. Here's the Sale to "Top" all sales .e . YES! we're really overstocked and that's why during this great- |was held at the home of their Murray Holtby (Florence), Clar- eldest daughter, Mr, and Mrs. ence and Alan, of Scugog. Stewart Sweetman, Cassimir|-------------------- Tremendous Reductions est of all January sales you'll find bargains that are really unbelievable! just take a look at the items here and you'll gasp with astonishment . . . we offer friendly warning however, you'd better be here early tomorrow be- these tr But why say more . , . d values will not last long. istreet, Port Perry. Millinery World {the hostesses, Mrs. Stewart from 20% to 80% |Sweetman, Mrs. Campbell Mac- | Master and Mrs. Murray Holt- by. | The attractively arranged tea (table, centred with a three |tiered wedding cake was adorned with the original dec-| {oration used 50 years ago, and {made by Mrs. Carter herself, | was flanked by golden candela- i (bra, and presided over by Mrs, | James MacMaster, Mrs. Ernest |Holtby, Mrs. R. B. Smallman| {and Mrs. Lloyd Myers, in the { | afternoon; Mrs. Edgar Leask, {Mrs. J. Bickle, Mrs. Murray] i [McLaren and Mrs. Orr Jef-| ¢ |frey, in the evening. Assisting lin the dining room were Mrs. | { [Clarence Carter, Mrs. Alan| Over 200 relatives and friends {called to extend congratulations. Clearance Sale The guests were welcomed by all merchandise REE PARKING T EJ drastically reduced ALL SALES FINAL HATS ful, all sizes. Value to 49.98. SPECIAL Value to 69.98. SPECIAL ALL LADIES' CAR COATS Children's Coats COAT SETS SNOW SUITS Reduced to a low, low price. Be sure to shop at Glazier's for the best bargains in town. i |Carter, Mrs. Allan Cawker,| Half Price and Less Millinery World 5 KING ST, E. RA 5-1052 { |[Mrs. John Carnwith, of Oshawa, @ Mrs. Keith Sweetman, the IMisses Muriel MacMaster, {Thelma and Bevery Sweet- man. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Highland Creek, Green River, Belleville, Madoc, White- vale, Bala, Brougham, Cherry- wood, Whitby, Oshawa and Tor- street east. They are the grand- | onto | children of Mrs. Howard David- | : son and Mr, Eugene Shaw of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Robertson, Toronto, and Ladies' & Girls' Knitted Wool Hats Our broken sizes styled, Values to 2.59. UR CRED! : assortment of ranges ond beautifully all great - gran ldren of Mrs, 1 | Mi a a 20 edical Mirror | Photo by Ireland 13 Clearance I suppose a belt seems of very little consequence when you see a dress you particularly want to buy, but in my day I've seen a few customers disappointed because the dress was dry Trip to Dentist Might Help ® Split Nail ® Polio ® Fat Men and Blood Pressure may have been injured enough to produce a scar. If so, the trouble | is not with the nail itself but in| what happens to it as it grows] outward over the nail bed. When it reaches the scarred area, ad- herence to the bed is lost and the | nail splits. So far as is known, there is no effective treatment| for a permanent nail bed scar. | Q. | hove heard that prolonged irritation could cause cancer. What about musicians who play wind instruments? Would the constant irritation of the mouth piece cause lip cancer? A. Players of wind instruments 1.00 RACK CLEARING LADIES' DRESSES, BLOUSES, GIRL'S DRESSES, Ete, Etc. Ladies' Brassieres Broken Sizes LADIES' GIRDLES CORSELETTES All by Dominion Corset Lagnon and E. T, Cor sette -- Nature's Rival -- broken sizes. S-M- L ond extra large. Values to 9.98. SPECIAL Ladies' and Girls' Galoshes - in many styles, mostly discon- tinued styles - values to 6.98. Leave the breakfast dishes if you must . . . but be here Tomorrow for the greatest values in men's, women's and children's wear that Oshawa has seen in generations ! 2 ----QART 'EM...ROLL 'EM.. CARRY 'EM...BUT TAKE EM AWAY! ---- LADIES' Winter Coats Reduced for clearance ~-- oll this season's newest styles -- the fobrics are so beauti- er. 29.98 on... 39.98 LADIES' Car Coats Truly a bargain -- all well made by Cana- dian makers in a host of styles and colors, most sizes in the lot. Some nylon pile lined -- some with hood attached -- others with neat trimmed collar, 5.99 Values to 19.98. CLEARANCE PRICE GIRLS' AND BOYS' CAR COATS SNOW SUITS All Canadian made in a host of styles end fabrics, most sizes in the lot, .. 399 Value to 14.98. CLEARANCE PRICE ... ITED QUANTITY SPECIALS! cleanable but the belts wasn't. So | thought I'd mention a few pointers today to guide you next time you shop for a dress. Naturally, your safest bet is lock for the word 'drycleanable' stamped the back of the t But when a belt isn't dry- clea le (here are some of the couses Maybe it's because the backing is made out of stuff as card- board," imitation leather, or even paper. You can see why these would come apert in the cleaning solvent. Tk again, sometimes there's an adhesive in rubberized innerlinings which dissolves and stains the outer belt cover ng. Other belt problems are linings and buckram facings that fade or bleed due to inferior dyes; belt and buckle backings which are fastened with an adhesive or glue which dissolves in the drycleaning solvent. Be war of metal or st ven the mild mechanico ng proce Of course, drycleaners are careful to remove all belts and handle them separately to avoid such minor disasters. But to be on the safe side, it's best to be os particular about the belt as the dress itself, when you shop, For more helpful hints about the buying and caring of clothes, hope you'll join me here again next week ST whee TELEPHOME SERVICE Fail 2p HR. Km Nite. J] PHONE 5-3509 CLEANIT SERVICE = No rer | are develop lip and mouth sores but there is little evidence that there is a tendency toward cancerous changes. Mu- sicians who have very much lip or mouth trouble should consult a dentist for possible correction of tooth irregularities that might contribute to the difficulty, prone to Q. Con paralytic polio strike the same person twice? A. Second attacks of paralytice poliomyelitis have occurred but only obout five such cases have ported in literat The attacks one to f the medica occurred fteen years apart Q. Several years ago | hit my finger and split the nail. The nail still splits about half way from the cuticle. Is there any way to correct this? A. Probably not. The nail bed Sd Kin 51 E Kann Dug 4 oad Q. As o person gets fatter and fatter the blood pressure goes higher ond higher. True or false? A. Strcitly speoking--false. An Australian doctor studied the problem in 100 men. He found] that the bigger and heavier we get, in relation to height, the higher the blood pressure, How- ever, the composition of the ex-| weight cuts no figure. Ac cording to physician, it is the overall bulk that counts, be it muscle or fat. Comm course, it's fat, The Austr or estimated that on average, for 28 to pounds gained the blood pressure goes up about B to 10 points cess this each Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in these 'columns when possible. | Tshawa" MEN'S, BOYS' WINTER CAR COATS, WORK JACKETS, WINDBREAKERS All heavy quilted lined. Broken sizes. Values to 14.98. 2.99 SPECIAL LADIES' SHOES Casual and dressy styles. Broken sizes and ranges. All colors in the lot. Uk SPECIAL, pair . ...... MEN'S SHIRTS White and blue dress shirts and sport shirts, all regularly sold up to 4.95. All sizes in the lot. 1 94 SPECIAL PILLOW CASES | Fine quality, laundered ready for use. Size 42 x 33. ] Reg. 79¢ each. SPECIAL, each . . CHILDREN'S SOCKEES In broken sizes and ranges. Some wool and wool and rayon, cotton, also nylon. Values to 59¢ pair. ¢ SPECIAL, pair a BTR ew LADIES' HOUSECOATS Short and full-length in this group -- cottonor rayon in this lot, 1 94 Regularly sold up to 8.98 ..... i» 3.99 As above -- All wool. Reg. to 14.98 . LADIES' PULLOVER AND CARDIGAN SWEATERS All wool Orlon or Nylon. , Broken sizes and colors. Sizes 12-20. Values to 6.98 vai 1.99 LADIES' GARTER BELTS Broken sizes and styles. ¢ Value to 2.49. SPECIAL ....... 39 MEN'S SOCKS Lines that normally sold up to 1.49 pair. Mostly all wool, Orlon, and some all cotton ? pairs 1 00 ress snnes 3 Ll All sizes "OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY--OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. DEPARTMENT STORE | 498 Simcoe St. S. RA. 5-3411 Opp. South Simcoe St. School US YOU