Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 3

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4 Navigation Closes Down PORT COLBORNE (CP)--Na- vigation at Port Colborne closed Monday with the arrival of two ships of the Scott Misener Steam- ship fleet, the Laketon and C. A. Bennett, The vessels bring Port Colborne's winter fleet to 15 ves- sels, 12 with storage grain car- i goes, {Monday. The plane's only occu- SIGN ONE-YEAR CONTRACT |pants, two Italian pilots, were HAMILTON (CP) -- An eight- killed. They were trying to land per-cent wage increase for 215|using only the aircraft's two left outside employees is included in/engines, and apparently lost con- a one-year contract signed Mon-|trol. day by the Hydro Electric Com ' mission of Hamilton and Local, BUSES CRASH, EIGHT DIE 138 of the International Brother- UAHORE (AP)--Eight persons hood of Flectrical Worker s/Were killed and 28 injured when (CLC). Employees will receive a tWo passenger buses going in op- four-per-cent increase retroactive Posite directions collided head-on to last Jan. 1. A second four-per-{0n a country road about 30 miles cent increase will become effec-|from here Monday night. All tive Jan, 1 [eight persons, including the driv- ers, died on the spot. SET CONFERENCE SITE | A el TORONTO (CP) -- The annual! ACTOR'S ESTATE IN RED Eastern Ontario soil and crop im-| LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Actor provement conference will be John Barrymore's estate wound held at Kemptville Agricultural/up more than $31,000 in the red School Dec. 28 to 30, the agri- because of income taxes. A final culture department Monday. It will deal with la use along the St. Lawrence Sea-| way, crop improvement, hay con- three old movies. But he owed ditioners, farm water supply, fly| more than $40,000 in taxes for control in cattle and beef cattle 1939, 1940 and 1941. He died in housing. | 1942. REMANDED IN SHOOTING | DEMONSTRATORS KILLED SARNIA (CP)--Murray Simp-| KARACHI, Pakistan son, 31, of Oil City, charged with Three demonstrators were killed attempting to murder his wife, [and eight injured in Kandamar, CAPSULE NEWS {route lay over the general area where the wheel was found. TWO PILOTS DIE ROME (AP) -- A four-engined iturbo-prop Viscount of the Ital- {ian Alitalia Airline crashed into |a hangar during a practice land- ing at Rome's Ciampino Airport nd assets of $10,812.54, mostly from the recent sale of his interest in Monday was remanded to Jan. Afghanistan, Monday when troops road to Bond street. ; ring. Mrs, |and police opened fire, Radio| still is in/Kabul reported. The Afghan ra- recover- dio said that "certain seditious| n elements instigated a number of cil approval for eople not to pay taxes to the|zoning Bylaw m- allow sporting goods stores in C3 14 for preliminary hea Marion Simpson, 27, hospital" in London, Ont., ing from a gunshot wound suf- fered Nov. 24. Simpson has been|P released on bail {government and they held de {onstrations." EXTENSIVE TB TESTS | : 2 LINDSAY (CP) -- One out of| LARGE FUR, GEM THEFT every three persons reacted posi- NEW YORK (AP) tively to skin tests for tuber-{made off with St culosis being conducted in Vic-|and jewels from the toria County. This does not ne-|Avenue penthouse of Henry Ro cessarily mean a person has TB|Who is on vacation in Florida, it but does call for further testing|Was learned Monday. Police said through chest x-rays. More than the burglary was discovered Sat- 18,000 persons, or about 64.5 per urday by the superintendent of cent of the county's population, | the building. have been tested FREIGHT CARS DERAILED TO VISIT OTTAWA ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--Be- OTTAWA (CP) -- The prime/tween 20 and 25 freight cars minister of Japan, Nobusuke Ki- filled with coal were derailed at ington announced | accounting in court Monday listed | Thieves| * A 00,000 in furs/Whitby Township to operate its 10-room Park/Winter maintenance equipment on se, |adjoining Shown above is an architect's drawing of the new industrial building now under construction on Farewell avenue, south of Bloor street, which will house two new Oshawa industries, My- ers Cotton Products Limited and Canadian Art Needlework | Limited. Both firms are now located in Toronto but expect to start operations from the new building by June, 1960. It is ex- PLANT TO HOUSE TWO NEW INDUSTRIES pected that the two companies will employ a total of 70 men. The architect is T. W, Beddall of Toronto. CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF Council approved a board of |works recommendation that the [CNR be requested to pave and {maintain the area of its fracks lon ~ Richmond street between) Church and Prince and between] |Simcoe and Ontario streets. The| board also requested that the {railway continue the track re-| (AP)--| placement program and repaving|ter indi {of track area on Bruce street by| lextending the work up Ritson! AMEND BYLAW | The planning board got coun- amendment fo! 3415 which will zones. MAY USE ROADS Permission was granted to East municipality roads. Oshawa in turn requested this permission from the township. This' permission is necessary to protect a municipality from lia bility in case of accidents ASK BRIDGE Harsam Investments asked the city to build some type of pedes trian bridge to enable children from their subdivision to reach {Harmony road school. The re |quest was referred to board of| works ATTACK DISCRIMINATION The Town of Acton asked Osh-| awa's support of legislation to |prohibit discrimination against | |workers 40 or over by Canadian employers. The property commit-| |tee will deal with the matter. | | | ithe lower |sible some freezing WEATHER FORECAST A Little TORONTO ial fore- casts issu Synop! cp at 11 ar thermome- t temper-| er the new arrived in atures since last season has offic are: 4 1 Ove midni Wednes Lake Erie, W ) day, clouding over late tonigh Light snow occasionally mixed with freezing drizzle and pos- ain Wednes- inds near Wednes- sor: Sunny to- Milder. Easte day y becoming southeas 15 day Lake Hamilton late tonight and mostly Wednesday F 15 becoming day Western Lake Ontario, Tor-| onto: Sunny, clouding over late tonight. Overcast with light snow but milder Wednesday. Easterly winds near /15 becoming south- f Wednesday astern Lhke Ontario, Georg- . London, uding over snowflur but m y winds near Wednes- Huron, Ni Sunny, A few Milder On Wednesday Bay, North Bay, an Lake Sudbury: Sunny today. Cloudy and a little|the west side of the milder with a few flurries of|Gibh street north Haliburton, Kirkland! pack to CITY AND DISTRICT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 22, 1959 § FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES QUIET NIGHT Police Chief Herbert 'Flintoff reported everything quiet in Osh- awa for the past 24 hours. He said Jere were no accidents, break- ns. CHIMNEY FIRE The Oshawa Fire Department was cdlled to extinguish one chimney fire at 130 Summer St., Monday. The department ambu- lances made four routine. calls in the past 24 hours. DRUNK FINED John Louis Toupin, no fixed ad- dress, was fihed $1 or 10 days in jail, for being drunk in a pub- lic place, by Magistrate F. 8S. Ebbs, Monday. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Dec. 19: Admissions 238; births, male 20, female 15; discharges 248; newborn dis- charges, male "21, female 12; major surgery 36; minor surgery 103; eye, ear, nose and throat 44; treatments 44; examinations 27; casts 33; physiotherapy treat- ments 313. UTILITIES BOARD NEWS IN BRIEF The Oshawa Public Utilities the easement ri the commission regard- ing the watermain extension on city from to Rossland] light snow Wednesday. Easterly|road west winds near 15 becoming south east Weunesday immins - Kapuskasing: Sunny with urries of 1 Wednesday. A Southeast winds 15 to 25. little milder Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Wednesday Windsor 30 St. Thomas 28 Londor Wingham Toronto Trenton caress St. Catharines . Hami!#n Muskoka Killaloe Earlton Sudbury North Bay Kapuskasing . White River Moosonee . FRED T. ROWE Whitby Mayor occasional should decide snow tonight and tinue with the services of a cover-| | TO CONTINUE SERVICE The manager the PUC whether to con y of all supply and cleaning firm that have been employed by the Ca- |nadian National R the commission tak {bus system, January sioners decided ay € over the 1, commis- 1] | | TO MAKE SURVEY | A letter has been received by| {the PUC from J. S. Walker, sales manager of GM Coach Division, | |stating that the coach division in { Pontiac, Michigan, would be {happy to supply the necessary| |services for the survey of the| Oshawa bus system as soon as| the survey team is free | | CHOICE PRAISED The Oshawa Street Railway Employees' Union has written to the PUC congratulating the com- mission on its choice of R. B. Smith for the position of bus superintendent | TO VOICE THANKS The PUC will send a letter of thanks to H. J. McIntyre, super- intendent of the central region of Commission decided at a meet- ing Monday night that the man- ager, George F. Shreve, should proceed with an investigation on| vement of local traffic. STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: Saguenay avenue, closed from | Park road north to Rideau street; Wayne avenue from Simcoe |street north to west end of street. ghts, and report; omg heavy rain may result in| the closing of other streets. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Southminster United Church, in the College Heights area, will stage a candlelight service at 11 p.m. Christmas Eve. The newly- formed congregation is expecting a big turnout for the event 3-PRIZE DRAW The Motor City Barbershop- when|pers, a chapter of the SPEBS-| QSA, held a three-prize draw at their Christmas meeting Monday evening. Wi rs were R. Or first prize; C. Hammill ond prize; and D. Crothers prize. The prizes took the form of refreshments CHRISTMAS DINNER The Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce held its Christmas dinner meeting at Hotel Genosha Monday evening. The members exchanged seasonal greetings and made plans for the Jaycee New Year's Eve party at the hotel. Select County High School ton, Representatives WHITBY (Staff)--Although On- {Whenever possible these streets) will be partially opened to permit | Ex- years & Approve New Pension Plan WHITBY (Staff) -- A new pen-jsome cases penalized oyees. sion plan for employees of On-|The committee interviewed vari- tario County Council was ap-|ous insurance company represen= proved at the final meeting of|tatives and presented co Monday. The old plan which with the following alternatives: called for purchase of Govern-| 1. Cancel the present comtract ment of Canada annuities with the Government of has been rescinded, and a new|and enter into a mew contract one calling for an agreement with with an insurance company fo Mutual Life Assurance of Can-|provide pensions for employees. ada will come into effect Dec. 1,| 2. Continue the present contract: {with the government and enter The decision was reached after |into a contract with an insurance {long study by council's finance|company for any pension in ex- {committee under chairman John |cess of $1200 permitted under the |H. McCrorie who presented the present legislation. ininth report on the survey to| 3. Continue the present cortract (council Monday. |with the government for the em- The report state that under ployees now enrolled in the pem- the old plan, introduced in 1954,|sion scheme, and enter into a pensions were limited to a max- contract with an insurance com- imum of $1200 annually. If an pany for employees enrolling in lemployee had paid into the fand|the pension plan in the future and an amount necessary to cover for any pension in excess of $1200 this before normal retirement/for the employees now enrolled age, the council would have to in the present scheme. make arrangements with an in-| Council decided to enact a by surance company to supplement law based on the third alterna- the pension. e, making it compulsory for It was felt that this was not a lovee to join the pension satisfactory arrangement, and in'plan alter a trial period. TV-RADIO COLUMN Margaret Hamilton Plays In 'The Silver Whistle' By CYNTHIA LOWRY have any effect on me" NEW YORK (AP)--Marg: des the actress, "is when 1 {Hamilton is a kinderg n meet the public. They'll tell the |teacher turned actress se glamor actors how much they me comes to mind instantly enjoy their performances -- but n producers are a|they look at me, laugh and say, male ooge 'Oh, you!'" tech | Miss Hamilton's acting career 5 has included many non - witch On Thursday night she will be playing a gay and slightly tipsy inmate of a county home mn Playhouse 90's adaptation of The er Whistle (CBS, 9:30-11 p.m. EST), et {na {whe casting it part Har won t n The Wizar« Oz. and {be a rat a | However, she invariably [these unsavory creatures wi twinkle of humor. "The only time these eharac- Pp th 2| pws of the brightest moments of the weekend's viewing were Gertrude Berg's account (on the Ed Sullivan show) of her fath- er's substitution of a "chanukah {bush" for a Christmas tree, and the endearing performance of {small Ronnie Howard a= Barn- aby in Mr, O'Malley. . . We | won't have to choose on Jan. 31 Urges Youth See Old Jail |between CBS account of the WHITBY (Staff)--Warden Wal-| ter Beath Monday urged Ontario|S0 Long Ago, about the 1945-50 County folk who have never seen Period after all. NBC has moved the old county jail to try and|Archibald MacLeish's The Secret 0 BID REFUSED Did You Know ... In the main Dining Room eof the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95e¢. ORGANIST Every Evening 9 P.M. TO 12 HOTEL LANCASTER Rugs! Rugs! Rugs! While They Last SIZES FROM 9x10¢te 12x 15 Any color. Any size. Toke your sT1 NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St. RA 5.1202 The suggestion was passed as a motion, MAY HIRE AGENT The appointment of a pur-| chasing agent was discussed by the PUC in view of the added work entailed in operating the commission's third utility, the bus| system, from Jan. 1. | Merry Chrigtmas! And, Thank You for Your Patronage... JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 169 \SIMCOE SOUTH--OSHAWA--RA §5-6544 { | | | | | INDIA HANDICRAFTS For your Christmas gifts we invite you to inspect our very lorge ronge of unusual and attractive items. All reason. ably priced. Open 5 PM. to 9 P.M. daily. Please phone RA 5.2987 wes pmpnamann 298a -- KINSMEN CHRISTMAS BINGO TUESDAY, DEC. 22 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION A BUSES 3 50 ve -- & oem am ® # Fy --Scason's Greetings GATE'S BUTCHER 22 SIMCOE ST. NORTH A is en visit to Ottawa next month. An|today. No injuries were reported. shi likely will be here Jan. 21 | below as the train was passing and 22 following a visit to Wash-| Ove a small bridge during a LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) BURNS SELF TO DEATH | | the CNR, who i | tari Counc - service, said during the weekend didn't want to be a further| FAVOR COMMISSION For Seven Y eqars NR, who has written to the|tario County il Monday ap. approaching, presen : o th rosy be 100 Je. So Long Ago Feb. 19. Tifting import restrictions on night after setting herself afire.[it heartily endorsed a resolution| shawa help the superintendent boards in its boundaries, it was of ! a! view the old structure] Christmas Startime, NBC, 9:30- | Je => {of Whitby for a quarter a by United Church, the deceased the system during the two weeks procedures. gle 10 sheep were banned from infirmities ' of old manufactured parts in Canadian| 2 4 A Ss S urged city council to adopt the| . it would be a good thing if young- Orchestra, Marian Anderson, St, the Sunday | pointed out by W. G. earth tremor described as the told police three men entered his WANT STEPS | time. Mr. Rowe was a member of] The commission turned down a|procedures were laid down in the|era. damage or injuries were re. Police went to the Harris house|names, was submitted by Annisithe district, the deceased was|his death was an honorary mem-|nue and moved that a reserve had no option but to make the Brohm of Norland to demolish better of Finley said this was the Harris was charged with violat- esd overpass in order to permit|yrpited Church now stands. He was a past master of Composite TO SEEK OPINION {was chosen to represent the and the Brohm bid was less than| _ . " from Ritson road | Whitby 25 vear: was farm-| of Keyst | g. Lt REFUSES COMMUTATION SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Alca- Whitby 25 years ago was a farm-|0 eystone Chapter, Greenspoon Bros. Ltd. of Port Predeceased by his wife, the|for his approval and signature, |Haddon of Blackwater to Brock|struction Ltd., Brooklin, $5,000; atk ipal | : Monday declined to commute the pound box of candy--for the first vised its 1960 budget to "coincide 3nd usefu . munieipa 1911 he was first elected to the Whitby {TO REARRANGE SPACE The council appointed William| The Brohm tender was accept- ~ 2 i A hi victed Dec. 12 of murdering 20 | ,rison. Alcatraz has no com-|debenture issues for Wilson road Whi ; sed| School Board, and Harry Boyes|ing the cost of demolition. | Negro laborer, htbourne was SPEEDY LINK 000) was given. The $130,000 Rit- tiring in 1917 town; two brothers, Frank E./by commission members be hanged Dec. 30 |Rowe, of Clawson, Michigan; two space for the public and the re.| three year terms. molition will proceed immediate-| ang ec. West has agreed to uip the i : we ad-| : ; i g equip |debenture approval, Two read Whitby Town Council, serving|(Marion | 1 th| three years as councillor, three and two great - grandchildren,|Shreve, pointed out was hazard- PANAMA (AP)--A wheel and|on the same frequency as the 1960 and 1961 Airliner missing since Dec. 8 . » quar- office of chief magistrate of the held t ; x all 4 FOVE oh a | school. The one and three quar C reld at the W. C. Town Fugeral| MAXIMUM COVERAGE ets ay Hike | Asks For Damages bean about 150 miles east of here.|a parachuting exhibition staged ing about $500,000 1935, he was elected warden of minister of Whitby United! given maximum insur: i 8 a T ' ali ral fe YL A : " " Rib} 1 V ax surance cover-| . > The missing plane was en route|by the 2nd battalion of the Royal Ontario County the first time/Church, will conduct the serv- age and included in the es. at County Council Monday hiked the Monday eek payment of ar gena, Colombia. The fRane's|into a nearby river art recommended .a confinement he received a very substantial The pallbea ers will be Ivan|unless an alternative company |000. Actually this brings Mr. [In connection with the 1959 eran |of all dogs to owners' properties, |yote Law, Harry Boys, Edward Bow-|could provide a cheaper rate,|Sims' total emoluments to $10, Derry crop. sok BITUARIES : 0 area has diminished;" (b) that (tilities 'Commission, servin 'hitby Ii | i amount it of a U.S. f | ; ies 'C ssion, 1g as|of Whitby {fill the agreement | mission unt as a result of a U.S. fdod all stray dogs be rounded uP| chairman and vice chairman for ---- - --_-- g Members pointed out that since|8nd drug administration warning Mary Ellen Oatway in the Osh- en's League SEEK LARGER STAFF " ec.) k t T st 3 ved | : . + |taminated by " il ! awa General Hospital Sunday,! She was predeceased by her| Magistrate F. S. Ebbs request-| T5 busine 5 life OC e 2) [ ye acoounig Io 2 staff din-| ACH, Boece au Bis offes tamin y a weed killer. : p e . | ner 2. in Adelaide ; h. the real estate and insurance bus- {House to honor A. E. Colvin, great improvement in the county home was at 117 Church street, Avi 9 aus K 3 bv | ; he Fey of E. Colvin, " id had been in poor health for the gre Ma 3 Saughters: lof court is in court and his of-|in€ss in Whitby for many years| [retiring as superintendent of| Toads system. Ee . ter Mary Remegius of |. 3 n before selling out his interest in fl past six months. |Chesterville, Ontario; Margaret |fice Is unattended, complaints ARF oo 8 M0 oo ain | The"former Mary Ellen Cor-|and Geraldine of Oshawa; Mary|rom the public have indicated .- ng men highways. ing the clerk to make payments. | Q ssf 1 EXPRESS APPRECIATION Oatway was a resident of Osh-|two sons Elburn (Jerry) of Osh- | SANTA INVOLVED Jlucce u vole of thanks Yas moved awa for many years but spent/awa and Gordon of Toronto. | yA CITC . ' S to the commit. some years in Perth, returning to. Also surviving are three sis-| Pl S t U {IN NEAR MISHAP WASHINGTON (AP)--Canadian tee which organized a staff din- Oshawa 11 years ago ters, Mrs, Dorothy Boyle, Miss| dan e Pp | | BLOOMFIELD, N.M. (AP)-- | The children in this northwest. | Wallops Islands, Va., today to| MAY RENT DRYERS Saskatchewan; two brothers, Pat.| County Board {record radio signals emanating] Commissioner H. F. Baldwin [rick Corkery of Ottawa and! A from the stars. suggested that the possibility of s C ¥ . that moders Wright brothers | The complicated rocket incor. renting automatic clothes dryers grandchildren, Fay and Peter F F machine and make it with the BINGO Union Hall -- Bond Stret, Oatwav; and three great-grand-| or alrview ay, : also was to test how this works § 840 jackpots, Share the wealth Paul Coles. The Zuni pre - Christmas |in the vacuum of space. fds RL tt tin Mc iah t Stls : | visit t jolly a, Funeral arrangements will be inempers of Ontario County coun-| wenkeoed + jolly old fellow jackpots. Free turkeys. i i | ' ree turkeys 298a Neve Soe. Tigh Bauer a ass Fairview Lodge at the inaugural) woo over [tates Nationzl Aeronautics and Ba (meeting of the 1960 council was As Santa's special plane say ir dministration could not Toterment will be in St. Greg- a ' " = 4 ' ; ently "went good." The rocket ory's Cemetery four years, with one member of| side the road. T P : (ou in Mi " the board retiring annually. The I ih be plage veered was in flight for about 18 minutes : : " y 300 | coastal island The memorial service for Al- member of county council, or| youngsters could get to the | rg, | q : bert Edward Bell, who died at|C2n be replaced by a motion sup-| plane. old St. Nick { Radio signals produced by the | : : f rele--climbed out bear d Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Mon-|2 standing committee of council. 2 out beard ruffled |earth's ionosphere. In order to day, Det, 3 The new bylaw became neces- Vv. . . Dickson, minister of (sary in view of the fact that] But he had to promise ; Centre 'Street United Church, Oshawa. city council will retire| home on Sunday night'e cer |Peight of 450 miles. | CARRIES RADIO Ne pallbearers were Mel Stire,! The appointments 'will be de- faithful old sleigh a Jack se, - Jim McRae, Harry termined under the same rule The plane' {ceived to collect the star signals, {and these were then telemetered earth, official at the Japanese Em-|Tons of coal spilled from the New {heavy snowfall. The derailed cars Dr. Ken Wells, director-general SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP)-- 1 ke arrangements to do so as|of Freedom into the Sunday ] n commission ti i int- that several U.S. states have burden to her family with Christ- The Oshawa and district labor| Spin suggesting ual She} proved pn on | Y (Staff) Pri | DEVOTED CHURCHMAN ly i i Ho, told. thoes Jnengiets Canadian sheep. Because of a|She was Mrs. Lillie Bell, 74, who!/for a Raval Commission to study|. WHITB Sa Smment) recently appointed by the com-|obvious that some members were es [es [that they should do so for their(10:30 EST -- Leonard Bernstein the Pressure and |automobiles"". The labor council | century Frederick Thomas Rowe, served as an elder for 25 years.|leading to the take-over, Janu-| Some discussion took place on HIT BY TREMOR | ROBBED, THEN ARRESTED wa resolution, It was referred|Hospital Monday, Dec. 21. He superintendent of Manning, |er folk could view it as an ex-|Paul's Cathedral Boys' Choir of | coufity : ae : | sharpest in years shook this west tome Monday and took $270 in A son of the late James and|the Rofary Club of Whitby for bid of $500 for its property on education act. Until some change| He spoke after county council| ported. Tremors are fairly com.to investigate -- and said they|street residents asking for steps horn in Whitby Township at the ber of the club. bid be put on the property. appointments. {fhe old structure at a cost of strongest he had felt in 20 years. |Ing the state liquor laws. ome-owners in the area to have| ae married in Whitby Township Lodge, No. 30, AF and AM, Whit-| A CNR agreement covering the|county on the High School Board half of the top bidder, Galt Cart-| | . No. 35,|0Oshawa boulevard should be re-|s0n, of Whitby to the Whitby Dis-| 7 r in the distri M HAMILTON, Bermuda (CP) --| ay convicts this Christmas are] EDUCATION BUDGET | ,in the distric career in|former Mary Ann Kemp, in 1951 members decided | District High School Board for a|and Standard Housewrecking and death sentence imposed on Wen-|tiro in the 25.year history of the|with the reduced amount of de- thy Township Council and| Also surviving are two sisters,| Plans for rearranging the office Gilfillan of Scott Township to the ed subject to approval from Osh- English secretary. The jury atj south senior school ($313,400) and Serv SS ; i » + 4 : Lig The|0f Pickering to the Pickering] Mr. Beath told council that it| convicted of killing Barbara! WINDSOR, Ont. (CP Town-|son road north school was referr- MAYOR SEVEN YEARS of the revolving door, ly Oshawa approves the tender. | township's water depariment|ings were given a motion to de- for the proposed|vears as deputy reeve and two Debrie and Wendy Williams. ous to small children with 46 persons aboard have been. GRANBY, Que. (CP) -- Lieut. ter million dollar structure will in-{town for seven years | Chapel. Whitby, at 2.30 p.m. Wed-| Members of the PUC decided | BOSTON (AP) -- The National WHITBY from San Andres Island, off the|22nd Regiment, missed the tar DOG CONTROL a deputy reeve had been accord- ices. Interment will be in Mount present covering the PUC's truck salary of County Engineer R. E.|$15,000,000 to $20,000,000 from the unless on leash, "until such time| Mr Rowe was also active in/man, William Davidson, A. A.|The commission chairman and|000 With a supplementary salary, The institute estimates MRS. MARY ELLEN OATWAY of St. Gregory's Roman Catho-|and-or detained some years prior to his retire- PAY FOR DINNER Mr. Sims' appointment, the work last month that some berries) Mr. Rowe was Dec. 2. Mrs. Oatway, whose husband in 1937. led a clerk-typist for juvenile | ; |water works after 47 years'|, 10e bylaw has vet to receive kery, she was born in Almonte, (and Dorothy of Ottawa apd) that there is a difficulty in locat-| and American scientists sent a|ner, held Friday, Dec. 18. Mrs. Oatway was a member Fabiola Corkery and Mrs ern New Mexico town feel | g | porated a new X-248 engine as its|be investigated by the manager. on Hall Soa $y ancient Donner and Blitzen and 7 children, Karen, Doug | aren las and wyrrRY (staff) -- A bylaw to PERNHILL bingo tonight, Avalon & y { The rocket was set to reach a {cil as a Board of Management for| Weakened a few youngsters Church, Wednesday, Dec. . y say im i y p approved Monday landed on the town's only street | y immediately the exact height FUNERAL OF |board members will retire auto-| tipped over. |and came down in the Atlantic Omemee last Friday in his 63rd Ported by two thirds of county| Bloom- | g¢are-- scientists call it galactic and belly quive . quivering, and eon- | po qure them accurately, instru- conducted the services. Interment|from the board of management| deer practice flight and deliver | -The rocket's 48-pound payload Whit = cad, John Houston and applying to the election of the| Santa's all right Iback to ar Who cares? shi, is expected to make a brief 8 nearby bridge crossing early bassy said Monday that Mr. Ki.| York Central cars onto a highway fell onto an embankment MAY LIFT RESTRICTIONS of Canada's federal veterinary|An aged, ailing woman, who soon as possible, Otherwise they Showcase spot, and will run Not a + : + sent i : 1 given serious consideration to|mas died Monday council advised city council that present bus Superintesdent ments to the various high school : ivi community life! A devoted oni : ' | county council who have not been Recommended tonight: psn Mii Bony Canadian| Was being treated for high blood|the "continued use of American in the civie and community life] A devoted member of the Whit- mission to become familiar with|concerned about the merits of the ? {age own edification. He added that and the New York Philharmonic United States several years ago.|28e 186, died at the Oshawa General He also served for some time as|ary 1 |this in committee, but it was FINLEY, Tenn. (AP) An| DETROIT (AP)--Troy Harris|to the propertf committee. |had been ill for only a short/School at Almonds. { clerk-treasurer that the|ample of conditions of a bygone London. Tennessee area Monday. No|cash and two rings at gunpoint. A petition, containing about 50|Susan Rowe, pioneer residents of some years and at the time of Ritson road and Kawartha ave. Was introduced, county council had accepted the tender of R. E. mon in this area but Ike Led.|found six gallons of moonshine. and a walk-down from the Ritson|gjte where the historic Almonds| In fraternal circles Mr. Rowe| Retiring Warden Walter Beath|$2,850. There were five bidders, access, by foot, to their homes; ior t , by and t i its | 2 ity: - a wl CANDY FOR CONVICTS in 1899 and prior to moving toby and was also a past principal|pole line from Ritson road to|at East Whitby; Arthur Robert-|age, Oshawa who bid $6,500. A |ferred to the commission solicitor|trict High School Board; Charles|Credit, bid $3,300; La Salle Con- Governor Sir Julian Gascoigne being permitted to buy a two-| The Board of Education has re- The late Mr. Rowe had a long | Whitby and Whitby Township. In|he leaves a son, Vernon Rowe, of | |term of one year. {Lumber Co. Ltd. Toronto, $6,195. dell Willis Lightbourne, 19, com-|soq0ra) maximum security island |bentures available. Approval for A llipmgiion ed 11 years in that office and | Miss Mabel Rowe, of Whitby and|spdce in the PUC building, Sim-|Central Ontario District High|awa city council, which is shar-| his trial recommetided mercy. A|Tissary for prisoner purchases SO ee ts Cedardale ($30..|five vears as reeve before re- Mrs. S. J. Jefferies, of Ridge-(coe street south, were di cor Rowe, of Detroit and Arthur G.|plans include increased counter|District High School Board for|is possible that the work of de-| rothy Rawlinson, 20. He is to ship council of rby Sandwict > it Pp cil of nearby Sandwich ed to finance committee before In 1929 he was elected to the|grandchildren, Mrs. D. Williams moval | : 3 and Miss Vicki Rowe| which the manager, George F.| . = | FIND PLANE WHEEL {trucks with radio sets operating henture for $875,000 totals in bo County Official | tire of the type on a Colombian S. McLaughlin secondary|years as reeve He occupied the, The funeral service will be | Cranberry Group WET LANDING : e found by fishermen in the carib- Richard Gauvin, first jumper in!corporate a technical school cost-| When he was deputy reeve in/mesday, Dec. 23. Rev..J. Smith, that the buses they take over be ) (Staff) Ontario Cranberry Institute announced coast of Nicaragua, to fLarta-|get area and plinged, unhurt,] Oshawa MOH Dr. C. C. Stew-|ed that honor. On that occasion Lawn Ceme fleet at an extra price of $7497 | Sims by $1,000 per annum to $8,-|federal government for damages |as the threat (of rabies) in this|the work of the Whitby Public| Archibald and John R. Frost, all manager were authorized to ful-|{rom the Suburban Roads Com. |cranberry industry lost that The death occurred of Mrs. |lic Church and the Catholic Wom- ment in 1950 Members of the PUC moved Of his department had increased |Were thought to have been con-| | E. Bowman in land family courts. When the clerk service, be paid as presented. |Lh€ approval of the minister of Ontario, in August, 1883. Mrs. Gladys of Terrace Bay, Ontario; i four-stage rocket into space at Charles Clermont, all of Regina, COMING EVENTS Santa Claus should give up {James Corkery, of Almonte; two r 1 |fourth stage, and the experiment 20 games $6 and $8; 2 $10 games extra; his wingless red sled {allow for the appointment of four p.m. 20 games $6 and $10. Seven $4 handled by the Armstrong Fu- height of i i | hearts Sunday before the visit ght of 55 miles. The United at 10 a.m. by Rev. Dr. P. Dwyer. ay | e >) i The term of office will be for| a wing hit a mail box along. the rocket reached, but it appar. ALBERT EDWARD BELL |matically if he is no longer a| "Before the estimated about 590 miles from te Virginia 3 ; field bank preside . . |vear, was held at the Armstrong| council. The board will become| J Dlesidemt Allen Bev. |joise--are partly absorbed by the tinued with the visit. ments must be sent above a was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. effective Dec. 31, 1959 presents Christmas even in his c ed a 3-megacycle radio re-| 297 Vern Wilson. sew warden. he

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