THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT Variable cloudiness with a few As a rule, the more a person snowflurries tonight and Tues talks the less he says that is day, continuing cold, winds worth listening to. light. Vol. 88--No. 296 Price Not Over , OSHAWA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1959 es har Clas, eal TWENTY-FOUR PAGES WN WESTERN SUMMIT PLANNED ON TRADE | 'HIGHER DEMANDS Margaret's | Economic Blocs | Steel, Union |Ex-Suitor ' To Be Discussed PARIS (AP) -- The Western nomic blocs -- the six-country Wed Today Big four called today for a meet- Common Market and the "Outer ur arges |ing in Paris soon to consider a Seven™ free trade area. BRUSSELS (AP Princess threatening economic split in| PARIS (Reuters)--Full text of ek : . Margaret's one-time suitor, Peter We | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Union would give steel workers three to| Townsend, was married here to- tos and steel company negotiators four cents more an hour starting day to Marie-Luce Jamagne, 20-| A Joint communique on eco- issued here today follows: |were due to meet today for the in January. The Kaiser contract|year-old daughter of an Antwerp nomic matters issued by 'the, The president of the United A ' . ; first time in 10 days. As they|called for a two-cent increase of|tobacco tycoon, a friend of Town- Western Big Four said: States of America, the president 4 % Hy E gathered, the companies were this type with no further adjust- send reported. | : in i Bi n |saying new and higher union de-|ment until July. | The engagement of Townsend, | ini ; : RESCUERS WORK WHERE NINE DIED ands prove the unon 5 7e.| Donal coiended the biher ut, and Sie oc, hi Boge. eng of SHE Ut helprime minster of the Urlied {sponsible for the deadlock. |cost of living figure was justified old secretary, was announced by ciples (of economic 8 a Kingdom and the chancellor of A priest waits to administer | head-on collision between a | cattle truck 12 miles east of | relief were dead when released | Union president David J. Me-| OF He ground hl the Sompan ex er mother Oct. 9. requires intensive study, have the Federal Republie of Germany Sah . | Tucson, Arizona, on' U.S, High- | from the truck wreckage. Donald retorted it is the com.|$h0Wd make up benellls employ Townsend's romance with Prin-| agreed to call an informal m s and at Rambouille the last rites to victims of a | Greyhound bus and a loaded | Nm . sia fiver g ees have lost by working under|cess Margaret brok | 45 4 8 €€l- lon the 19th, 20th and 21st of De-- ; way 80. +The driver and his | --AP Wirephoto [panies that are out of step. | JriC€l cess Margaret broke up four|ing to be held in Paris in the "a sr ---------- _-- ree een a ---------------------------------------------- : . i .. (the old contract since the Kaiser|years ago. He had been divorced € cember, 1959, and exchanged The United Steelworkers Union ) {2 near future. They suggest that|yiews on various subjects of com- and the Church of England for-| the members and participants of mon interest, iy j settlement. PY arent TA eligi mini ~|bids marriage of a divorced per-| 3 i y itte he CNR Trac Bi F T We stern No Chan £ angie Ba Th {son as long as the other party 0 SE re nee of el In the course of these meefings ks ( )N 1 | ani hicag Thousands Late the divorce is living. The Former E 4 " consideration was given to the stern Europe, the Western summit communique "Heads of state and govern- of the French Republic, the |reached new three-year act | _ rc ---------- » weeker rlearing the >, He ic Co-operati TT Paan, the yoekend, Sloat ing he Mrs. Townsend is. livia, and|IE™ E conomic Co Operation) and views expressed by the member |way for their officers to resume the governments whose nationals| governments of the North Ate | - | 3 P; ve 1argare " | . . i a stee ks. Fe 1 dia- * | Princess Margaret bowed to the, stearig; : eS A) Blocked By | f1 fi | In National [tors "had reessed he talks for II 1 OTONtO |church rule [Shr Sor Toate of me OEDe | anus Treaty Organization at the ioe a ye rota] | Townsend conceded on Oct. 11,! houl a Jor meeling of the COUney he en | pe aluminum negotiations. . : lwhen he intredaced bis Slane to) Shou d be represented at this Paris from the 15th to the 17th of | TORONTO (CP) -- Thousands ¥ uced his od 8 re | meeting." | December. » 1 - | oo g aE y Derailment | PARIS (AP) The wind up of| from his allies for one of his Production | The steel companies said they|,¢ norsons were late for he press, that he also had a | . : the Western summit conference|long-range goals the move to- {iad Hib a day as street car and bus drivers ligious Foiem in this romance, CONSIDER WAYS Among [Je subjects distusted CAG. (CD) wr | today finds each of the four lead-| ward a series of summit confer " . an iaLr)daraalnmg separately wil continued their re.usai nce Marie-Luce is a Roman| The objective of the meeting, |Vere Hast - West relations, d CASTER be ad nk ers happily convinced that he has| ences. Only a few month : OT TAW A « P) ery Canada's union, as McDo Wi ! de- overtime in rush-hour periods, |Catholic. The Catholic Church is|the 3 Onis said, would. be olf Tpament and Problems relating Foam ian in a. otscored a personal success the British leader alone favored economy, after a swift 18-monthimanded. But they said they wereiforeing the city-owned Toronto/no more tolerant of divorce than|eonsider ways of continning con-lr). eTinany ncauding Berlin, On Canadian Pacific tracks Sunday : . . Hihis idea of a in of summit expansion, marked time during willing to talk it over at today's Transit Commission to leave the Church of England to which| , onl ~ {the last point the heads of state pight when a 27-car derailment In their frank exchanges Df LHS Loa with oh he teh: the third quarter of this year with federal mediation session about a quarter of its 1,400 Ve Townsend belongs. sultations to deal with develop- ang government reaffirmed the I Je Belveen Totomte Macmillan and Chancellor Aden-| Adenauer was believed to ona. proc en gir ni ol ATION ISM com : outh Yonge Street, © Bey mete ip Jrisnds world's economy. per sommunique dl the m4 Traffic on Highway 34 also was auer blunted the sharp edges of | tl appiest of the four. I : Ne BONS of se pss panies, "co ing to practice Subwe vice continued regular Eorses and mosque. a es] The body also will consider ar-{laration of the North Atlantie detoured when the freight cars disagreement within the Western lies ed him {hat fey 0.000 during the July. industrial isolationism; seem to- °F winner in jumping contests. {rangements to prevent a split oficouncil of the 16th ef December, and their contents spi over a|alliance, even if they were not not be negotiating w ie 3 * tally oblivious of the union's Crowds formed at many bus|------ = 7 "77" Europe into two competing eco-|1958, on Berlin. erossing. {able to resolve all their prob-| Khrushchev on Berlin at od, the bureau of|a.} settlements in the copper,|and street car stops and stamped| A CNR spokesms aid 27 cars|lems. point wheré the Geneva for then » |their feet in an effort to keep of an B88 3 ht! Ideally, diptomatic negotiations ministers' conference left off 1 2 . i _yiwarm in the low-20s temperature went off the tracks when & «le | conducted among allies should summer. Now, t Vest German | + cent from t : Y ar 'The un on's present Droposa while waiting in some instances broke on a gondola car car ng make each man feel like a win-| chancellor believes, the Ameri mallest since business I steel companies is based as long as half an heur for public steel ingots to Hamilton, |ver. In that semse the Western cans, British and French willrecovery began last year--was squarely on these recent Settle-|iansportation, | No one was injured {summit talks were a success| have more line to pay out slowlyjdue to higher Dries i there wash os and that with the Kaiser. yo. pore of the Street Railway sixiliary crews were sped here| even if many tough details were| when they talk with the Russians| "It is estimated that there was Steel Co. Employees Union (CLC) began| mated today cent d a gain of can and aluminum industries . Montreal and Brockville; passed on to working groups of about the Germap and Berlin no change in the physical volume| The aluminum pact, according refusing overtime work Friday in| nd the line was expected to be|experts, Eisenhower was de- problems. jot Production, the "bureau said. |g tiie union's figurer, Provides a, prot: o > TTC proposals fora opened by noon foday. {scribed as highly satisfied with! ppe Western foreign ministers In the first nine months of the sg wont increase in wages and|newr wageVeontract. | Meanwhile rail traffic was be-|the outcome. proposed some modifications re. Year, £ross national product has | tinge benefits over the three-! mye 7 i tao} : h i i " S Long pO 90 . nama . 8 e 5 « LE he TTC said the commission ing rerouted over CPR lines be-| De Gaulie clearly secured garding West Berlin at the Ge-|averaged seven per cent above... period. Some of the alumi-|znq hob : Pe inl Dorval, Que nd Brock-| greater consideration for various ; the corresponding period of 1958. ° + 3 "|and union representatives will tween orval, Que., a | grea DSU 4 neva conference. But they are Dinan or > ds yo inum companies figured the cost|meet again today to try to solve ville. {French views among Western nt ooing to start the East-West Prices were up an estimated two as slightly less. American alumi-| he stalemated contract talks | The train was headed by three | leaders. The Western preference summit on that same ground, To! Per cent and physical output five sum workers have averaged $2.99 1, sla ih . diesel engines pulling 64 loaded for Paris as the site for an East-| 30 co might give Khrushchev too|Per cent. i lin gross hourly pay. : x appeared Fushhour Jervice cars and 24 empty ones. .Cars| West summit next April also ch of an opportunity to try to i This seven-per-cent gain is in| {7 remain curia €¢. meanwht'e, were scattered several hundred|could be regarded as a triumph| .. yacic concessions out of thelline with the budget forecast last| ASKING MORE _The Street Railway Employees yards along the tracks and tele-| for the proud French leader. West concessions dangerous not| SPT / Finance Minister Flem-| afeDonald said his latest steel! Union (CLC) voted at a mass graph wires were knocked out Macmillan secured agreement ..1. io the future of West Berlin!i ted a rise of that|cettiement offer would bring the meeting in a downtown theatre testa ----------prreeee------------ -- |but to West Germany as wel amet to a total $34,500,000,000 not to slightly more than the 20-|[to reject the Toronto Transit for the year, | month, 22%-cent hourly increase|{Commission's latest wage offer Among the main factors caus- the' and refuse to accept extra as- . : Shah Of Persia BOOZE BUSINESS [sx iin i come weet sales ih Bett 150 n'ai { jexpa 1 omni 18 > . steel com p a nies rejected the . {DOES NOT PAY were ower ex ports, government terms of the Kaiser settlement Chisvles 'Wallon T k 3 d W f T ! expe nal ures, and outiays on new as too costly and inflationary. ndica offer 'was. final and a 8 1 © ORONTO (CP) ' housing ' lispute would go to concilia- f ut ersonal e i s Most the added cost of Mc-| lhe dispuie wol g . lia- | Hl | of the land have thws But personal expenditures on dost of tion, The existing agreement ex- | wvear-old John Sn . lgoods and services increased, |Donald's latest demand is a full illu TEHERAN, Iran (AP) -- Shah|a situation would be an invitation! tion of establi an 'i and accumulation of inventories|cost - of - living incre ase user mp x 9 i Mohammed Reza Pahlevi took a|to political chaos. stant booze" busine f terms of the old contract h pretty young student as his third] The marriage rites were sur-| Smy was fined $100 after - tn -- ; T = | LEADERS OF the Big Four'| Charles deGaulle in Pars. | man Chancellor Konrad Ade- wife today in hopes that she will| rounded by the ornate splendor of| police told magis | ti 0 er | western nations git at confer- | From left around table are: | nauver and U.S. President 3 { ence table at the presidential | British Prime Mini ter Harold | Eisenhower. | mt bear him a son who can helpiancient Persia. The peacock| they found 90° 1 ze i t secure his throne. throne has 12 pillars, each dec.| ans of rum eggn Roy ontrea I ar or D . Ni ht | home of French President | Macmillan, deGaulle, West Ger- | --AP Wirephoto During Night | 4 Farah Diba, a 21-year-old com-'orated with two gem-encrusted| Car | EE ennai. moner plucked from relative ob-| peacocks. It was built in the 17th Smy said he intended to | security as an architecture stu.|century for the Indian mogul] Serve 78 cans at 8 party, sive : | TORONTO (CP)--Most of On- IKE FLIES TO MADRID dent in Paris, becomes the queen |Shah Jahan, builder of the Taj| away the other 12 and later | ose (0) 1PS tario is cold and will remain that of this ancient land by the sim-|{Mahal. The throne was carried up a business with the {way to mark the official eomir ple Moslem ceremony. off to Iran in 1739 by the Persian of winter. | S \ The handsome, 40 - year - old Tuler, Nadir Shah MONTREAL (CP)--The little| reached Montreal harbor after a| Snow is expected today over| shah divorced his first two wives] ip rT i T SEA German tanker Inka slipped her|harrowing race to get through|Southern Ontario, the warmest] because they failed to bear him, Z77~ A ge | moorings almost unnotiopd Sun-{the old system of canal and part of the province with pre-| an heir to the throne. His first { day and headed downstream,|locks between Montreal and the dicted high temperatures of} wife, an Egyptian princess, bore isi 4 closing Montreal harbor for the Great Lakes about 30 degrees. The read { | A | J him a daughter, Princess 2 3 .. 1959 shipping season | 'This year was the first season drop to about 10 to 20 to-| Ahahnaz : ; 3 | "There's quite a contrast be-|of operation for the St, Lawrence | night. | He divorced his second wife 4 4 this year and last," re-|Seaway, and ocean ships en-| The northern, central and eth] | Queen a 20 months ago i : Feb 4 arked H. L. Land, department countered no real difficulty clear- ern parts of the province can after a cf s but obviously 5 x of transport channel engineer. ing it. The last ship passed|count on sunny but cold weather, | : 2 happy marriage. T red #4 7 Bi i | Last Dec. 21 ice in the St Law-| through Dec. 4, four days after|It was 28 below during the night] PARIS (CP)--The top Sistas sic supermarket" -- encompass-|These notes clearly imply the de Iranian beauty now 3 EL 4 7 : ; |rence River held 14 ocean ships | the original official closing dead-|at Kapuskasing, five below at men of the Western world ap-|ing more than 300,000,000 people, sirability of a series of such meet- i 2 i trapped at Montreal. It was Jan line but before danger of freeze-|North Bay and one below at proved major announcements to-| but conference sources stressed! ings. 14 before they finally began their |i had become imminent. |Ottawa. day on disarmament, .Atlantic|that there are serious difficulties : ehh, LN by | ihe hives todas wi trade and East-West confronta-|to overcome. LIMITED TO BIG FOUR downstream trip. | SAULT STE. MARIE. Mich. | Temperatures today will range tion "All | The Western view limiting the 3 man ale sl cop Ahan, PRE rom 25 above in t Bas jve | 1101. Atlantic free trade still seems|_ =." ' hh | This year the waterfront has|(CP) -- The St. Mary's River from 3 ¢ in the East to five In rapid-fire fashion at a series!gistant" an informant said ee summit conference to the Big abandoned to watchmen. here will probably be closed to|!n the North of weekend meetings, the -Bigl "Th Mmomentons. decisions i Four powers was made in in- ar at this time 500 home- | navigation Tuesday or Wednes-| Windsor was one of the Warm- pour ministers sel their seal of bind uin mious decisions, de instructions which the ambassa- + i ph > 1 : : / S 8 § sc skete A J muni- sick foreign sailors were prepar-|day, canal officials said Sunday. |est spots in the province with an|y co decisions: I5¢ ti Cay a2 o mmunl-lgors in Moscow were to make ing to spend Christmas here. | 1he closing will end the latest |overnight low of 24. In the Niag-| Ricsia is being invited to par-| OF tne sion Ping al he windup orally to the Soviet Union The Inka arrived in Montreal| , .vigatinnal cea Sa qar lara, Windsor, London and Hamil-|,: +, bert wo Lie UNgs of e heads o Inited Rt ates cessor to the throne be a male. . A batted eo ET Atlantic | R2Vigational season since 1931. ; Prd A ; 1 1 ticipate in a * revolving series' {government of Britain, France, United St ates Ambassador The throne ient and rich Na crossing. 'She was repaired in The river, linking Lake Sap or wa Breas fe orecas see of summit meetings starting inithe United States and West Ger. leWellyn Thompson was told to 3 ssing. © Vas pa a Lake x js suallv ice. Sn lurries and neil 97 ? Bact. West | hy s it clear $ Noviel i in history--but the shah's family | d : EY: i. ¥ and Lake Huron, is usually ice L ; April 27. Other East-West! manu followed one of the busiest! ake it clear to the Soviet chiefs Ar drydock and loaded with 1,500 |p0.nd by Dec. 15. 4 temperati 'levs would be held in Lond¢ Fe : at any "observers' at the sur is not. His father, Reza Khan, ya tons of anti-freeze. Ni chiga Yocks haveSbeen kept| London and Toronto had over-| Der s ys wou ig neld. In 1A naon, lw estern diplomatic weekends, =" "Vo plaved by E sum. was a rough army officer who i 4 Had she bee able to sail chigan Ss have ola on + | Washington or Moscow at regu-!cinee the war mit---a role played by East and : Yad Aa ao | Had she been unab sall| onapating to allow as much iron |night lows of 19 and 20 respect- {.. intervals West Germany in the past-- seized power in 1921 and had hi, 7 | until tonight, as her agents first| .. , ssible 10 be 1. Thelively, and the thermometer was! mi. Wostern fi 1 EIN rould be "'inap ; "0. himself crowned shah - in - shah ib hones : re tied ore as possible to be moved. The Ys. ATC. 4 The Western five members of NO ADDED STARTERS would be "inappropriate. mse ned she i é thought, she would have tied the shipments were delayed this year|to drop about another. five de- wer d ott . 3 1 This " (king of kings) four years later late-closing record set in 195 Tni or slop] clrike hom tonight the 10-power disarmament com-| The general communique ruledi This conformed to the wishes His. son has been lead fran / [ ee by the United States steel sirike.'grees tonight. mittee will meet to discuss pro-lout any added starters in the of Chancellor Adenauer, who into the modern. world with land | ICE HAZARDS NEAR posals for the committee which! East-West summit talks such as red avoid the spectacle of | Mr, Land said the Inka wouldy™ will begin work early in the new divided Germany, Red China or|ihe foreign ministers' conference ) reforms and ambitious hnical 4 4 will begin \ ! I projects, This has set up social My probably encounter little difff- year Canada is one of the five India in Geneva last summer when the tensions within his kingdom, es- ; : {culty from ice on her B800-mile {Western members, and her pro-| The communique reaffirmed Last and West Germans were in pecially among the tribal leaders) 7 o£ ; i) downstream trip to the sea. But| | pe a bh wee R hat the SATO he West's determination to vield the mai erence Loom out who remember how they were #4 a oi | the present cold weather would ind. military chiefs held| to no threats on divided Berlin S€P raed yom ihe al be e by forced to. knuckle under to his bg 4 soon produce ice hazards Schoolboy Awarded Damages draft Droposals for the commit-| gy. surrender their basic inte arefully measured length. 4 3 - ¥ v € father Tce-breakers will work to keep : Th rs | marrying Farah for reasons ) a monarchial order." Iran's con- stitution requ that the suc-|! : v e taken up shortly bY! there. West Berlin is the cent Adenauer"s preoccupation with A h bil at held 3 7 A bd. 7 3 a channe! free to reduce food OTTAWA (CP) -- The Supreme Court of Canada today [the NATO Permanenf Council {issue facing the East-We { sum-| DIS s such that agreed 'to da r, Mr. Land said. But a] awarded $10,000 damages to a Toronto schoolboy injured in ' . INDIR mit meetin 4 ASS xt Western summit norm number of ice-breakers| a 1957 school playground accident. The e210 000 ECONOMIC INQUIRY hich will precede the East-West The comrmunioue said the V : meeting. arch whose | ; 5 v . . ; , ; Nak dor dinaey condi | ra? a wid $510 95 7 Fi X An economic negotiating com-| Ve clearly fixed. The shah himself] we #4 . |W ng mde ordinan cont I-| William Higg . 18, and $510 9 to his fath were assessed |. iio0 congisting of representa-|eXPressed "the hope that the pro-, : - J 8 tions has been unable to keep the| against the board of education of Toronto and one of its [tives of Canada. the United Posed conference will contribute| RULES OUT CHINA possibility of a ation, and| © a [ Hchannel open' all winter, sinee! teachers, J. C. Hunt States and the two Furopean|to the strengthening of peace with| The Western stand also ruled the absence of an heir in such % 4 1 ; trading bloes will be appointed|justic." out Red China as an observer r ; pT : "a Four ice-breakers are to per: Paralyzed Hockey Star Urges Fund a possible "Atlantic| The communique reaffirmed and answered the question about CITY EMERGENCY |» "wisi / most of the winter, Mr, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) -- Twenty-year-old Jack |framework" designed offset|the principles set forth in 'a four-|the possible attendance of India's MILLIONAIRE WED | work below Quebec City Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen, wants the Canadian Amateur |SiX-country Common Market and 1958, and the declarati of thel President Eisenhower took off PHONE NUMBERS | To keep the channel open alll Hockey Association to set up an emergency benefit fund to [the "Outer Seven" European|North Atlantic Council of Dec. 16 for Sapin in the last pkase of his Robert Payne Kellogg, 28, | mark. They: were married | winter, he said. would require a| aid badly injured players. free trade area. ; gon {that year. These documents 22,000-mile tour of 11 countries as eu 1.4 son of retired banker John P. | earlier in stylish ceremony in | rairly large fleet of ice-break-| : . {The commission will sit in| pledged fo defend Berlin against/the communique was issued. POLICE RA 5-1133 Kellogg, of Libertyville, IL, | Aarhus Cathedral. Couple met |¢rS operating continually, and/Last Generating Units In Cornwall I a = art Mais ag n pp = Jn and bride Inger Elisabeth Iy ¢ ane over Can. |Some days the weather is too bad | : : : fof Western aid to under-devel-| Along with the communique, Prime minister Macmillan were FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6574 Friks 2. nile as they ar 1 " lane over fo operate." TORONTO (CP) -- The 16th and final generating unit of [oped countries. the Western powers made publiciin high spirits and radiating con- HOSPITAL RA 3.29 tive: for wedding Foti on - rinse MCR. She Way ani oo ; Ontario Hydro's St. Lawrence power development at Corn- | French circles hailed the com-|the conditions they spelled out in|fidence as thev ended a formal . a A 3-221 | Hotel Royal in Aarhus, Den- "es | 1958 CLIMAX wall has been placed in service, the hydro electric power [mission as a harbinger of an At-|notes to Premier Khrus vin: [half-hour session with President 3 ~--AP Wirephoto | The ships trapped last year| commission announced today. {antic free trade area--an "Atlan-|viting him to a summit meeting./de Gaulle at the I'lysce Palace. has openly acknowledged the § p ta oy i angay 14 i reo i se. 14.1 Prix inister Nehp said. Four h McMaster, partially paralyzed while playing hockey with .the danger of a split between the Power communique of Dec. 14, Prime Minister Nehru.