Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Nov 1959, p. 6

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H&S Entertains At Opening Of New Wing The Dr. C. F. Cannon Homg and School Association held a sil. ver tea, at the official opening of the new wing of the Dr. C. F, Cannon School on Tuesday evens ing, November 24. : arranged in the auditor ium were offset with lit tapers and dainty chrysanthemums. Mrs. George Peters, president of the i mingled n the crowd during refreshment welcoming the many guests. Pouring tea were: Mrs. Panel Discussion Analyses Film The frustration of both parents and children in a home broken | Patriria Cinnamon Marrill MacDonald Married Recently The Reverend S. C. H. Atkin- son officiated at the marriage of Miss Patricia Alice Cinnamon, |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tho- |mas J. Cinnamon, Oshawa, and |Mr, Marrill MacDonald, son of {Mr, and Mrs. H, MacDonald of {Prince Edward Island, in Albert Street United Church, recently. | Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of white Al- 'encon lace over taffeta, featur- {ing a sweetheart neckline. Her| {illusion and lace fintertip veil emeen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 30, 1959 Oakieigh Lodge, No. 151, LOBA wat Tay wed oi Elects Officers For 1960 a cascade fo red rosebuds and] The regular meeting of Oak-|lecturer, Sister Ivy Gibbs; pian- c stephanotis. {leigh Lodge No. 151 LOBA was|ist, Sister Nan Kirkbride. Mrs. Athol Jenkins of Toronto, held in the Orange Temple on jIpgide guard, Sister Isobel was matron of honor for her sis-| Thursday evening, November 26.|Black; outside guard, Sister ter-in-law, and bridesmaids were Worthy Mistress, Sister Nan Kirk-|poris McDonald; auditors, Sisters Miss Dallas Kunkel, Miss Jill|bride, presided, with deputy mis-\winnifred Mills, Doris McDonald, !Angell, and Miss Dianna Fraser. |tress, Sister Mae Oster, assisting.|Sarah Murray; second commit- Br es. Day Boas, clahe y . Gary uc Mrs. Gyles Harrison, Miss Freda Peacock. The following members of the association assisted to make the evening a great success: liam Epworth, Mrs. Roy Haber, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. James Garvock, Mrs. |Golden, Mrs. Keith Alderton, Victor Hulatt, Mrs. Eva Eyman, Mrs. Gordon Ovenden, Mrs, Harr Hutcheon, Mrs. Alex Chris- WEDDING PRINCIPALS Pcp dies ere ge | A) B le Te 3 ade tie, Mrs. Wall tly at St. George's Greek | is the daughter of Mr. . |tie, Mrs, ter Patterson, Mrs. Catholic Church ane Mr. and | J0hn Tyrkalo and the bride. |Gerald Vraigie, Mrs, Georg 6 Mr. y | groom is the son of Mr. and (Ellis, Mrs. Benjamin Cousins, s. Frederick James New- M s. Fred Newman, all of Osh- Mrs. Cliff Bradshaw, Mrs. Paul man. Formerly Miss Pauline awa. Photo by Ireland Balaski, Mrs. Clarence Wood. LODGES AND hadi Mrs. Cecil Marshall, Mrs. Ken- SOCIETIES neth Pye, Mrs. Thomas Huzar, PRINCE PHILIP CHAPTER IODE Mrs. William Huz,reA.srMlina Mrs. William Huzar, Mrs. Allen Johnston, Mrs. Gordon MacXias- ter, Mrs. A. T. Elliott, Mrs. Ger- ald Suppelsa. are knitting mittens. Awards were presented to both col- legiates, $50 to OCVI and five $10 awards to OCCL It was agreed that a $50.00 award be pr d to Donevan Collegiate next year, Mrs. J. E. B. Shortt, secretary of Services at Home and Abroad, gave her nmeport and stated Mrs. L. H. Hewson, Mrs. Harry| Wilson, Mrs. E. G. Luke, Mrs. J. Reed and Mrs. Shortt gave their services at Fairview Lodge No- vember 20. Mrs. Shortt read a letter from the chapter's adopted Korean child, Choo Ok Soon. Three packages of books were sent to Germany. Mrs. K. R. Wagg, World Af- fairs convener read a very inter- esting letter from Mr. M. Me- Intyre Hood including kindest re- gards to the members of the chapter from Mrs. Hood. The January meeting will take bers to stav to tea after the meeting and a social time fol- lowed. The November meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire was held at Adelaide House, the egent, Mrs. W. F. Mercer, pre- siding. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read bv the secretary, Mrs. C. G. Luke. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. B. T. Ward in the absence of Mrs. Wesley Piatti. Mrs. Frank McCallum, educa- tional secretary, gave her report. The Kukatush school has been closed and the new adopted school is in the North Bay area, SS 1 Calvin, Eau de Claire, Ont. with 29 pupils. It was decided that Christmas gifts be sent to|the form of a pot luck supper to the pupils, one gift from each be held at the Children's arena member to be taken to Mrs. Mc-|convened by Mrs. Leo Glover. | Callum. Some of the members| Mrs. Mercer invited the mem- y b " The social evening of the Hum- | Goodwill wA Group of Simcoe ouresque Club took place on ig United Church was peld| Thursday at the C.R.A building. 1 1s uch Barts of, Thurs ihe. members drew names. Lo 4 Rod ance. = |the exchange of gift al e anv pats wee dy Tha Chrismas party en Thursday oy art WL 3 wo |December 10. Santa Claus will Sporoved. ye, EMDR Le be present to distribute the gifts ey A ¢ av wisn With the aid of his helpers. Ju oltice for suother Yeap why Games of Bingo were played, | stezd of Sxchan; a "gilts. the 'Le winners were -- Mr. Roland aroun decided to SiS, vie Cousins, Mr. Charlie Lovell, Mr. TOD Seo 5 M2 |Bill Hunka, Mrs. William Sud- hE mee al Weliare Sand qari, Mrs. Charles Lovell Mrs. EDNA ANN HATS by Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor MEDICINE RECOGNIZING CHIROPRACTIC Since 1895, Chiropractic has announced the fact that nerve pressure is the basic underly- ing cause of most illness that man suffers from. Now some 64 years later medical re search is confirming the state. ment that nerve pressure is behind most illnesses. The 0 Dresses HATS {They were gowned alike in| Chaplain Sister Beatrice Hurst/tee, Sister Elizabeth Farrow; {bronzestone organza with match-|jeq in the devotional period. The|third committee, Sister Annie {ing feather hats and carried cas-|gick report was given by Sister|MacDonald; fourth committee, {cade bouquets of gold and bronze ster, Election of officers for Sister Anne Coulson; fifth com- chrysanthemums. the i ing year was conducted mittee, Sister Isobel Black. Mie candy Clmamon was flo-|with Sister Eva Hastings presid-| Coronation Orange Temple Mr. 5 e Ne Aor. ter sisler anc. wore Aiing, Building committee, Sisters Bea-|couples in a period of worshi floor lensth frock of blush pink| opricers elected were Worthy|trice Hurst, Eva Hastings, Anne|which tied in with the speaker's 1 taffeta with a flo pe; s Io eatdrcss. Sha carried 'a bes. | Mistress, Sister Mae Oster; de-Mitchell. theme, The group in charge serv- H baby chrvennthemumy, (puty mistress, Sister Mary! General business was r d|ed sandwiches and coffee at the hp Master Tommy Cinnamon broth. | 1ompson; recording secretary. ith WM Sister Nan Kirkbride conclusion of the evening. 4 " er of the bride was ring bearer, [Sister Beatrice Hurst; Juaneisi presiding. Reports were given by gee p secretary, Sister Annie Mitchell; ine yarious committees. Discus Women Are Tired NEWLYWEDS er the ii treasurer, Sister Eva Hastings; sions were held for future welfare es) $ , Sister El- : Mrs. N were Mr. Eugene Carroll, Mr, [Junior Jopury I otress. Sister Sis- projects. Of Give-Away Lures Oshawa will be the home of | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ill uncan and Mr. L. Car.|® Me ; y Due to the fact that the next ' f Ost 4 the |Fhillip D ter Sarzh Murray ; A Mr. and Mrs. Don2ld Traviss | man Wood of Oshawa and the res. I 2 . meeting is so close to Christmas,| GUELPH (CP ses- "whose marriage was solem- | bridegroom is the son of Mr. |Tpi, 0 ge ceremony a re.| Guardian, Sister Olive Harri wae decided to dispense with|sions and resolutions Tuesday oc- nized recently at Columbus | ~~4 "~~. Leonard Traviss of |ception was held in the Fleet.|son: director of ceremoni is-| E per meeting and have|cupied the annual meeting of the y United Church. Formerly Miss | Enniskillen, ) io wood rom of the Hotel Genosha, (ter Ann Heaslip; senior lecturer, ty, meetings in January. Federated Women's Institutes of Betty Wood, the bride is the --kaoto by Mary's Studio | ee mother received i Sister Winifred Mills; deputy| A meeting will be held on Thurs.| Ontario board of directors here. Bet -- e o | ee A resolution requesting that ' a sheath of avocado silk shan-| day, J y 14. There will be pia "linen cut] toys and [tung with black accessories and PERSONALS installation of officers, Final ar-| jon' hot oY ys anc ' wore a corsage of bronze p m- rangements were made for the P! ums § peg " 4 | The. bridezroons' o'he ch wl be products be omitted and the price ' 4 : Po i a egroom so her A Social. ahdey. banquet which w of the product be reduced accord-, p-- " aseistec in a gown of pastel blue| You are invited by the al held preceding the meeting, Sup- ingly was unanimously sup- 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|as her topic, "Christmas Wor-|with pink accessories and wore a Department to send in any little|per to be served at 6.30 p.m. ported, * The November meeting of the|ship." She also closed in prayer. |cor<age of pink carnations. items of interest. News of anni-|" prises for the draw were won| The board also voted in favor 18th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary] The treasurer, secretary and|, After a honeymoon trip to|versaries and comings and go-|pu Brother Bateman, Sister Mit-|of requesting the provincial gov- was held at Courtice United 'all gav orts, | ince Edward Island and the|ings are always very accepiable,chell and Sister Oster. ernment to enact legislation to Carel Wr Carles Areher flower convener all gave reports. nited States, the couple will Té-land for which there is no charge. Refreshments were served by|Provide treatment of sex perverts resided over the meeting. The travelling aprons were turn to make their home in Osh-|please write or telephone RA Sisters Murray and Mitchel and|28 required. It asked that after jpreside : Mr, [brought in, and many patches awa. |3-3473, local 18. the committee treatment that they be put on 3 Mrs, O. Archer introduced ip| attached with hidden money were| Guests were present from s com 5 probaticn for a two-year period. §. Couch, chairman of the grou) n by the members. Mrs, Erince Edward Island, Niagara) Many Oshawa Polish families Other resolutions passed in rommittes, who spoke i sewn on Dy 4 n |and their friends were in Tor- WOMAN ARTIST cluded a request that manufac- Jor the Cub and Scout Christmas William Peterson made a con- [onto on Thursday and Friday| COWANSVILLE, Que. (CP)--|turers of brady-to-wear clothing arty sid for fhe coming Yeap|ivibution to the Dbirtwiay. bow, . nights attending the Polish State|An e xhibition of paintings by|make horizontial buttonholes and Ro ntretuced Mr, O. Lar vand birthday greetings were Goodwill Group Folk Festival in Maple Leaf Gar- Mrs. M. B. Sandison of Cowan-|that shoe manufacturers discon- 'Who explained the point yystem, sung. ; : dens. The excellence of the sing-|Ville was officially opened by|tinue the use of black rubber which he Js initiating with the} Next month's meeting wil be i i ing and dancing of the youthful Renato Gantu Lara, Mexico's|which leaves black . marks on Scout troop. held on the last Tuesdav in NETAINS 1Cers erformers filling the bare stage|consul-general at Montreal. Mrs. oor, The Christmas meeting i be| December. i George Hall will F A h Y perl a kaleidoscope. of solor; | Sandison studied carlios shis year It was also resolved that the bed, Disember 10 te dome n charg of rogram. | For Another Year (lout wave sf owe" ih nde IG ase, s,s Catal "Mrs. T. Gladman showed slides |E. Taylor and Mrs. Gordon Besse| The Christmas meeting of the designers be requested to pro- of various interesting trips and served refreshments, duce a variety of styles more the meeting ended with refresh- suitable for stouter women. ments served by Mrs. C. Car- genter and Mrs. C. Archer. 7TH GROUP COMMITTEE The 7th Group Committee of the Girl Guides held its Novem-| ber meeting at Guide House, ~The meeting opened with pray- ers led by Mrs. Elvin Coe, presi- dent. Minutes of the last mcet- ing were read by Mrs. John Osler secretary. Treasurer's re- 1 I ; ; port was omitted in the absence nual meeting of all the WA Mochmanczuk, Miss Pat Me . vy : B oc. Connell and Miss Ada Me- of Mrs. Gaylord McAlpine. groups is %o be held on Wednes. | ough. Re'reshments were ser- Plans were made for a *Pot SE mer 3 Lal om ved by the Lionettes, Mrs. Louis Luck Supper" to be held Decem- f 9 OC | Hammill and Mrs, Jack Bird. er 8 at Guide House. This is in After the, sppst a businas the way 'of a Christmas pa-ty for meeting will be held, an oPen| cpl. Robert McConnell, Jim- Guides and Brownies and their discussion on the best means of ay and Judy, have been visit- IN LI2s y using the annual funds of a!l the|; : : i mothers, : WA zo ST. memb ing his mother, Mrs. James Mc The Guides and Brownies are a Froups. L em ers Were Connell, William street east, to be reminded of the registra- ly ei Rese to the & [prior to leaving for France. On tion fee which is now due. Votions Yi le e CC |caturday they left Montreal on otions. The theme was the t + Lunch was served by Mrs. R. Christmas message. Mrs. L {the start of their journey to Fornardez, Mrs. J. Osler and Bigwood So the sorioture from |Marville where Cpi. McConnell Mrs. E. Coe. St. Luke's gosvel Chep. 2: 1 . 99| Will be stationed wiih the RCAF. FIRST BAPTIST W A ® Wonderful Christmas verses. Mrs. G. Love sang two | Mrs. R. J. Murphy has already stocking presents-- carols, accompanied | oceived a number of reserva- The monthly meeting of to) TO OPEN BAZAAR Christmas WA of First Baptist Church was he!d at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hopson. Mrs. Walter Nickerson presid- ed at the meeting which took the form of a Christmas prayer, and carol singing. Mrs. Harold Audley was in charge of the devotional, taking by M-s. S. Boneham, Al j~ined Alderman Christine T:omas lin singing some Christmas tions for Christmas Capers, the will open the Christmas bazaar and tea to be held ir the parish hall at Christ Memoria! Church on Wednesday, December 2, under the auspices of the com- bined women's groups of the WA. |dance planned by the Evening Chapter of the Hospital Auxil- iary. Among those making up parties are Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. John |Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. {McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. R |carols. The meeting closed with | the 'enediction. | | Refreshments of fruit salad, | rolls, Christmas cake, and were served by members of the {executive, All this season's merchandise inexpensive! © Wonderful to play with ~--indoors or outdoors © 16C models to choose from, all true fo scale © All-metal--practically indestructible following statements are tak- en from very recent medical articles and magazines. "It is increasingly obvious that many painful conditions of the back are caused by de- rangements of the spine." E. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. HOMEMAKER"S DIARY Sutherland, Dr. and Mrs. A. Christmas time is open sea-|Halam.Andres. Mr. son for both expected and vn-G gq Curley, Mr. and Mrs. R expected guests, so prepare to be G. G. Carley, Mr. and Mrs. R. your gracious self whenever | * we 3 a well-wishers drop in. Tzke comnlL, SW eTen : those extra large platters, pitch-| |Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Howard c} y ers and glasses from the top shelf | ce, Mr. and Mrs. G: F. Hun {and give them a sparkle with a|'! |wash in suds ard rinse in am-|King and Mr. and Mrs James monia solution. Ready your best|Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. James |snack dishes, ash trays, ice bucket |Souch, | znd silent butler. Stock your emer-| disposable hard towels and nap-| ror quick comforting help for Backache, ic DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Edna dnn Hats. Oshawa Shopping Centre (Canadian Medical Journal, April 1958). "By bringing displaced neck vertebra back to their natural position, relief from heavy and long lasting mi- graines, rheumatism, eczema, asthma and distressing sleep occurs." (Dr. E. Roscher, M.D.). J "It is also possible to cor- rect heart conditions by re- moving nerve pressure (ad- justment) of the neck verte- bra." (German Medical Ma- gazine ® Rubber fires on all models--they're quiet! gency shelf with snacks, canned gm |spreads and pickles and reduce | {holida~ laundry by having gay J {kins on hand. Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irritating passages. fey and Bladder tronics irs CYSTEY. | ney and Bladder troubles, try . | HOUSEHOLD HINT Quick, complete satistaction Sr money i 1 1 back, Over million TEX tablets String necklaces on fish line used prove safety, success, Don't suffer and you won't have to worry | another day without asking your drug- |about their ever breaking. sist for OYSTEX. Ernie Whiting & Ivan Locke Announce FREE CATALOGUE -- get your great new full-colour catalogue of 160 Dinky Toys from your dealer, or write fo Meccano Lid, 675 King St. W., Toronto. MADE BY MECCANO "Stomach, intestine, kidney, Sold by good dealers everywhere b abdominal troubles can treated by removing nerve ir- ritations and thus be improv- ed." (Dr. E, Roscher, M.D.). "Doctors educated in the use of spinal manipulation are (William THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT KING ST. EAST AT TOWN LINE PHONE RA 5-2178 VICTOR'S SPORTS 38 BOND ST. WEST RA 3-3141 i SUDDARD'S HAPPY LITTLE MARION 23, is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Peel, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Churchill. Hillner, Trinity Bay, | Newfoundland. | --Photo by Hornsby Posing happily for the cam- era is Marion Leila, two-year- old daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Douglas Churchill, RR 1, Osh- awa. Marion, who celebrated her second birthdav on October REQUIRED Assistant Registrar for Nursing Registry. Must be R.N.A.O. member. Apply in writing to... MRS. M. S. SOANES 295 RICHMOND STREET EAST RA 5-3979 5 TUES. DEC. 1st Oshawa Shopping Centre Come in and visit us, receive a Free rose. SWAN'S IHA HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-7513 WALMSLEY & MAGILL 9 KING ST. EAST RA 5-3506 Community MANAGERESS--MRS. BESSIE LOCKE OSHAWA PHONE RA 8-6555 PHONE RA 8-6555

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