Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Nov 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Lions TROT IN SNOW THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 30, 1959 § QUEBEC (CP)--When a snow- storm caused postponement of 2 harness - racing program, horse ITALY, HUNGARY TIE trainers bitched their trotters and| FLORENCE, Italy (AP)---Italy pacers to cutters and worked and Hungary Sunday fought to a ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE SEVENTEEN them out on the snow-covered|1-1 tie in an international soccer Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 NEW FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH IS DEDICATED The Whitby Lions Club, on Fri- day night, feasted on roast On- tario turkey with cranberry sauce, as part of their Charter Night Banquet, held in the Whit- by Arena Auditorium. District Governor Dr. R. E. Jamieson presented the Lions Club president, Paul Coath, with the official Lions Club charter which established them as a {service club in Whitby, » Intorductory remarks were made by James Hosinec who president of the sponsoring club, % |business meeting, and zone chairman Wib Thomas welcomed the mew club into the Brass Band Elects Executive The Whitby Brass Band held a after their | | Thursday night rehearsal in the PRESENT PLAY The Ladies' Aid Society of the Emmanuel Reformed Church, Whitby, corner: 3rd concession {band room, to elect their execu- tive officers for the coming year. After the nominations for each [office had been presented, the {members of the band cast their {votes on ballot slips, and these | were collected and counted. Curtis Brown was re-elected as band manager, and his new lassistant is Harry Baxter. Also re-eleéted was the secretary, John Ashton, and the vost of |treasurer went to Rex Hopkins. The positions of the six exeecu- itive officers were taken by Bob |Greer, Tom Broadbent, Bob Clarke, Walter Church, Stad Red- fern and Don Wier. In making band decisions that the six executives, {sistant manager, secretary and treasurer would all get a vote. Eric Clarke is the senior band- master, Russell Entwistle the junior bandmaster and entering his sixth year as honorary presi- dent of the band is James Ross. it was decided] the as-| Receive Charter Lions organization, Executive track. game. Secretary Dalt Higgs introduced the head table, and Mayor ficial Jermyn presented the official civic welcome, followed by the | District Deputy Governor who | welcomed the new club into the | region. After the official presentation] and acceptance of the charter,| club presentations were conduct- ed by Dalt Higgs and Wib Thomas. | The officers of the new Lions Club are Paul Coath, president; Peter Pick, first vice - pres.; Jack Seguire, second vice-pres.; John Majcher, third vice-pres.;| Jack Town, secretary; John Rieger, treasurer; Peter Davies, | Lion Tamer; and finally Bilil Schatzman, Tail Twister. The directors of the club are Herb. Visser, Bert Foote, Ray Jones and Jim Smith. There are 22 Charter members in the club who are as follows: John Rieger, Fred Dennis, Herb| Visser, Bert Foote, Jack Seguire, Peter Pick, Peter Davies, John |Majeher, Gord Graham, Russel (Wilde, Bill Schatzman, Paul Coath, Dr. Ken Hobbs, Art Minto, | |Rae Jones, Dr. Jack Town, Jim| |Smith, Roger Pye, Laurie] [Husted, Dr. David Glusker, | George Rankine and Ross Harris. | The Value of A Gracious Heart Is your mate's self-confidence | flagging? How can you give your | child needed confidence and as- | | surance ? There is a way to | build up the self-esteem of an- [ other human being which will | enrich you yourself. In Decem- ber Reader's Digest is the price- | less secret which wives, husbands, mothers--any human being can use to encourage others. Get your December | ve What Car Buys '57 OLDSMOBILE Auto- '1895 TE eikousr dion 31908 A 'Buick Sool? Only tion. '905 53" OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 785 Automatic, Clearing at .... ceva. 495 '52 FORD, 4-door Sedan ... y Harry Donald Ltd. 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST WHITBY Ph. MO 8-3304 Available at the dealers in DOWNT! WHITBY Copies of THE OSHAWA TIMES ALLIS DRUGS Corner Brock and Dundas Streets COURTICE PHARMACY 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GONDS 130 undas Street West RIGLER'S STORE Corner Brock and Colborne Streets JURY & LOVELL PHARMACY 317 Brock Street South SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East | THE TUCK SHOP 159 Brock Street North ow Reader's Digest today --37 and Walton blvd., will present a| All members of the executive articles of lasting interest, {play in the Dutch language, en-|are also playing members of the {titled "Haar Tweede Moeder" band and therefore should get (Her Second Mother) on Wednes- double credit for their behind-the- day evening, Dec. 2, at 8 p.m. in|scene work as well as their mu- the church. |sical talents. University Pres. Talks To Students The address given at the Com-|to play before playing the game mencement Exercises of Whitby itself," and he s#tid that the District High School, on Friday same went for education which night, was indelibly engraved on|/must be gained before playing the minds of the graduates and|the game of life. [their parents. Principal Donald| In his final description of edu- Lig introduced the speaker, Dr.|cation he said that education A. B. B. Moore, who is president|brought fulfilment. "A fraction of of Victoria University, and who|your lives, in some cases, may spoke on a very topical subject, be a vulgar fraction," he said. teducation. |""The main aim behind a sound Dr. Moore began by saying education is to bring you to a that education' was for employ-sound maturity of manhood and ment, in that graduates had re-|/womanhood. Part of the develop- ceived their education to go out/ment of education is to develop into the world and plav an im-|an awareness of a Power and Or at any of these .calers in Whitby and Area ALMOND'S GROCERY Almonds BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North CORNER GROCERY Port Whitby DAVIS SUPERTEST No. 2 Highway West of Whitby GOLDRING'S GROCERY Port Whitby G.H.A. SENIOR | war adi} ont Crh PHONE, 5:3558 Yet uhm TOR WHITBY RA 5-3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN J. HENDERSON TOMORROW TYPIST The seventh new church | on Brock street aorth,. at Wal- building to be opened in Whitby | nut. A front view of the church in recent years was dedicated | is shown in the upper phots. In on Sunday afterncon. The new | the lower photo, Mayor Harry church is Faith Baptist Church, | Jermyn, right, cuts a ribbon Faith Baptist Church Is Opened, Dedicated On Sunday, Jermyn formally cut the ribbon church. the doorway of the new Faith) Mr William Wilde presented! Baptist Church, and officially greetings to the guests, followed | laid open the doors for the serv- hv the offering which went to- ice of dedication. There was a wards the building fund of the congregation of close to 350 mem-| church. and guests in the church, one of the finest new buildings SEVENTH CHURCH in Whitby. | Mayor Harry Jermyn present- After the Doxology of Invoca-led greetings on behalf * of the tion the congregation sang "The community, and he began by say- Church's One Foundation," and ing that the Faith Baptist Church Mr. Gunner Knudson sang the|was the seventh new church built solo, a hymn in which the words|in Whitby during the past four had been especially written by'years. He said that it was a BROC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing EVENING SHOWS ot 7 and 8:20 Last Complete Show at 8:20 2:5 JACK CUMMINGS mocron toring CURT JURGENS MAY BRITT «the BLUE Adult Entertainment No «++ Gave Woman Him Ever Less! Offered A Man More NIGEL BALCHIN SINEMAScOPE SOLOR by DELUXE TEREOPHONIC SOUND SHOWN AT 8:20 ONLY Plus--Second Feature Attraction Mayor Harry|Deacon Lloyd Meader of the] portant part in the Canadian economy. He said that just as education had improved, so had the standard of living improved, which meant better employment | for a better educated generation. He said that education was for| enjoyment which was a loose | description in that if it wasn't ly iid hi sic + officially opening the church, as the pastor,Rev. E, C, Corbett looks on from the left, --Oshawa Times Photos wonderful building and was, in his opinion, the best designed church in the town. He congratu-| lated the congregation on their| achievements and said that there| confidence shown in building the| church when the congregation was only formed in recent years. Rev. John Ward of the Whitby |Ministerial Association brought | greetings from the 10 churches {in Whitby and said that the con- |gregation had a reason to be proud of their happy achieve- ment. He reminded them that they had not been without the help of God in opening the church, and said that He had frosted the parking lot for the occasion, which otherwise would have been a sea of mud. The pastor of the church, Rev. E. Corbett, presented his address and began by saying that the church had a message, and men everywhere needed that ~mes- sage. He said that with the in- creasing world populations to to- |day it was not very hard to find {men who needed the message of (the word of God, and that this | presented the challenge to the bY church to find these people. He emphasized the fact that the evangelists Philip and Paul had gone out into the world and had won men, not by condemna- tion, but by His Grace. Mr. F. Lamb, co-founder of the church, then offered the Dedi- |catory Prayer, and the service |ended with the singing of "I {Know Not Why God's Wondrous ores 'and the benediction. [of hard work. Dr. for enjoyment then something was wrong. He went on that en. joyment gave ome a scnse of | satisfaction in doing a job well. |He said that investing one's life lin others came on the far side] Moore con- tinued that '"'we must know the rules of a game and know how | Presence that is beyond vou, and |an awareness that you are not alone.' He continued, *'Teachers and students find themselves in touch [with a Power which lifts them to |a higher level of life. This Power comes, not from the school around you, but from God." He said that the most impor- (tant developments in the world comes from schools where the [es 'generations' were controlled. | These, he said, were more im- portant than man's probe into space where "things" were con- [trolled that often fell short of their goal. Principal Addresses Dundas St. Home, School Dundas Street Home and vember meeting Wednesday,| starting at 8 p.m. The regular | business session followed room| and teacher visitation from 8.00 to 8.30 p.m. Mrs. C. Jones, president, open-| ed the meeting by welcoming | the large number in attendance after singing "O Canada." Mrs. Jones specially thanked Mrs. B. Pinch and her committee for the lovelv lunch they had served at the teachers' party on Nov. 23. Mrs. B. Pinch, who had been accompanied by Mrs, C. Jones to the Annual Conference Area "'C" Home and School Association held in Dunbarton School on Sat- urday, Nov. 21, gave a report on the conference. A motion was made and seconded to eliminate the December meeting of Home and School in order to give the children their Christmas party. The meeting was taken over C. Sarles, principal of Col- borne Street School, who very ably introduced D. Catherwood, principal of Hillerest School, who explained very thoroughly the use of the Unit System as it is used in the Whitby schools up to Grade 5. The information was placed on night when they plaved to a hair- raising 5-all tie in Newmarket against the Smckerings. We |the blackboard and made it much was a great deal of faith and gino Association held its No- |easier for those in attendance to (understand. A question and an swer period followed and answers {were given by all three prin- cipals, D. Catherwood, E. Fair- man and C. Sarles. Mrs. L. Moyle thanked the speaker and his assisting prin- |cipals for the informative ad- |dress. | The room att was won CASHIER . Harry Donald Ltd. Has an opening for a CAPABLE GIRL who has typing experience Good appearance, pleasing personality and the ability to get along well with the public. For an interesting position in pleasant modern office pro- viding employee benefits. You are invited to apply to-- Harry Donald Lid. 300 Dundas Street East Whitby and Mrs. E. Hutchings, senior. The meeting closed with the singing of "The Queen," followed by a delicious lunch that was {prepared by room 8 mothers. by Mrs. F. Smith for the juniors Biggest help you can give a student (Tuesday, Dec. 1} 4 [ [WHITBY DUNLOPS BELLEVILLE MACS | Came Titre - 8 pm. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA NORTH END GROCERY Brock North For HOME DELIVERY by Carrier Boy PHONE MO 8-3703 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY ix Co SS Bote AAS ¥: ERT PE LT Ena Foard ot WHITBY STORES WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING WEDNESDAY DURING DECEMBER OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. Whitby Stores will be open evenings on the following dates: -- Thursday, Dec. 3--Friday, Dec. 4 Thursday, Dec. 10--Friday Dec. 11 | Penetang have a correction to make in re- gard to one goal that was scored in that game. We were given to understand that the second Whit- by goal was scored by Lund- mark, but we find out now that it was officially scored by Tom Tushingham. Our helper on that one got his numbers crossed. Getting back to tonight's game, Coach Cherry has his fellows working at top form now and they should give out with an- other pleasing game as they did here last Monday night. Game time is 8.30. The entire schedule has not been drawn up as yet but we do have a few games in advance for you. HOME GAMES Hillcrest To Host By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Hillcrest Dairy Jrs. |will make their second appear- ance of the schedule at the Whit- by arena tonight when they will host Penetang. The Hillcrest {team is riding high at present and is on top of the league as SMITH-CORONA THE FAMOUS Shywhitenr uy $79.95 So lign,, it con shuttle back and forth between home and school. So marvelously made, it can dc aimost everything you'd expect to do on a full- size office typewriter. Péy as little as 1.00 per wk. W. R. DODD Mr. Willard R. Dodd, asso- ciated with The Empire Life Insurance Company for over thirty-five years, is retiring from his position as manager of the Company's Oshawa Branch. He wiil, however, con- tinue to represent the Com- pany as a general agent in Whitby and District. Mr. Dodd began his career with Empire Life at Head Of- fice where he worked in vari- ous administrative capacities Monday, Dec. 14 to Wed., Dec. 23 Christmas Eve-- to 6 p.m. Come to Whitby and see our Christ- mas Street Lighting. A Galaxy of Light--A Symphony of Color. SHOP EARLY SHOP IN "WHITBY YOUR EVERY NEED IS IN WHITBY STORES ¢ they have two wins and a tie Monday, Nov. 30, rcuctang. thus far. They have yet to taste |defeat in four exhibition games Monday, Dec. 7, Brooklin. Mondav, Dec. 14, Newmarket. for a period of twenty years. He turned to branch manage- WALMSLEY & MAGILL Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded ment in 1945 and was appoint- Office Equipment Ltd. ed manager of the Oshawa ello A Whitby Chamber of Commerce--Retail Merchants Sec +n ne I UE A mena EU 2S 9-11 KING ST, E., OSHAWA Phone RA 3-3333 "Alaska Passage" 7 & 10:10 P.M. and three scheduled affairs: AWAY GAMFS WITH BILL WILLIAMS -- NORA HAYCEN 5 The Hil'~re:'s got their best Sst., Doc. 5, at Peaetang. Iwork out thus far on Thursday' Sat. Dec. 12, at Brooklin.

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