By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN the home of Margaret Puckrin, Oshawa, Wednesday evening. The vice - president, Mrs. G. Astley, conducted the business and re- - ' 4 ported a bale of clothing has biog sent to the Fred Victor Mis- 5 / Mrs. W. H. Guthrie and Mrs. ' Fred Puckrin led devotions and Mrs. Bert Guthrie, Mrs, G. Astley, , Mrs. J. McCallum, Mrs. Bill Guthrie and Mrs. C. Clem. A, hE ( ence presented the program. Mis. Bill Guthrie read a Re- Liquid membrance Day poem and the Reg. bt! 250--8SAVE & a "NN JAVEX BLEACH -.23. Th, club held a euchre party in the school Saturday evening. All Purpose Reg. pkg $10--SAVE & Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Wal- | finde Bo Hi" ROBIN HOOD FLO uthrie; men, [un Bill Puckris, 7b pkg ( A box social will be held. Stone: Mr. and Mrs. George Squire, y Creek Reg. tin 330--8AVE & Peggy and Glenn, spent Sunday BONEL with Mr, and Mrs. Cooper Bath, Orangeville. : : CHICKEN Voorin 29. Mrs. Howard Farndale, Ked- 3 her brother, Archie 4 Van Kirk (3 Assorted Flavours) bar 200--SAVE & [Es 6 @¥ CHOCOLATE BARS 2.53. day. Maple Leaf Reg. 2-1bs 310--8SAVE & CONFLICTING REPORTS | VICTORIA (CP) -- Fisherman \ Alec Anderson of Vancouver said i \ 7) y 7 ib pkgs { BROTHERS GET THE BERRIES Jueiey Shut Inivels of is dians on the west coast of Van- Brothers James and Wililam | surrounded by a in of | ment officials that some cran- |couver Island are near starva- Pappas, partners in the Pap- | canned cranberry sauce. Scores befties S1WD B Fp edt tion her 2 pour. fig season, pas Bros. and Gillies Co. can- | of orders were cancelled after coast - a hm: ntaml- ie and dried bread, he said nery at Cologne, N.J., stand | a statement by a U.S. govern- AP Wirephoto. |in appealing to Victoria residents p to assist them. In Vancouver, W. b 2 I S. Armeil, Indian commissioner URANGE GRAPEFRUIT FG ASK PROTECTION |against low-priced imports from presented a brief urging imme-|for B.C., said the reports were AMARMALADE OTTAWA (CP) -- British Co- the United States, Agriculture| diate imp) tation of ' jal| untrue. "We are aware the In- 3 Al jombia has demanded federal|Minister Newton P. cy of| 1 dians had a poor fishing season i 3 government action to protect its|B.C., at a meeting Tuesday with] duties. The brief also asked that| nd relief is being provided," he MA TAH i TS COFFEE SALE | fruit and vegetable industries| Agriculture Minister Harkness, act be said. Lp AR s 3 DAYS ONLY -- THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY AVAVAAVARIVAIAVRAARVAAAAVARVAAIVANARARAARNARANZ 24 o1. A, eA SAVE ke os v < Kontochs Jar mo tab The Store With The Reg 33: - Save & 61.1177 Ly - CHRISTMAS UPER-RIGHT QUALITY MEAT SPECIALS \ 2% CHICKENS SPIRIT \~ reaoy CHICKENS ...and Gifts To Match GRADE "A" FOR FRYING, ROASTING b C or BROILING 2, to. 3-Ib aver. GIBLETS REMOVED Porterhouse or Wing =: -83 Swanson -- Chicken, Turkey or Beef Sea Seald I.V. DINNERS -63: (COD FILLETS --29 Fruit & Vegetable Features ~BAKERY SOECIALS JANE PARKER REEEEREEREEEEEN A BR EH te & SWEATER GIFTS V-necks - Cardigans - Crews "You can please him better with a sweater". And we have the best selection of fine sweaters in Oshawa and at the lowest possible prices. Brushed wool, lambs wool, Heavy Bulk knits, Light Orlons. Shades and colors up-to-the-minute Here is a gift that will be appreciated by any man. mom 8:99 * 19.95 SPORT SHIRTS ROBES : Wools, Silks, Cottons, Rayon, Terry By Arrow - Bluestone - Currie Cloth, Washables. In a wide variety Viyellas by Deacon of colors and patterns. . 5" 13.05 ... 14.95 * 29.50 PYJAMAS HATS By Stetson in the newest colors By Arrow and Tooke on styles. 4.95 " 11.95 rom 6.95 © 12.95 EREEEEEEEEEEEENEN 3 > & & & & & & & & & z 4 g & & & & 4 Z g & California, Fancy Grade, New Crop, Seedless -- Packed Under Our Own Label and Supervision NAVEL ORANGES | "29. (aé¥ sh atobn 3 J Pn rr, JELLY ROLL each 29¢ New Crop, No. 1 Grade Curly Leaf, Savoy Type Jane Parker 60% Whole Wheat Reg. loaf 18c--SAVE 8 BREAD py 24-0z loaves 33e SPINACH ms 23 Ie | Gram ~~ CUT CHRYSANTHEMUMS - 69 mw These Pom Pom varieties come in an array of colors, packed four or more stems per Without Batteries Reg. $259--SAVE 60s bunch, are of excellent quality and priced to suit any budget. POLICE Pp ATROL < AR «1.99 Extra Specials! SPECIA L?! NEW OXYDOL TO-DAY'S MOST ADVANCED DETERGENT Kave A Gift Problem! Here's The Answer - "Present this Corlificals lo us for merchandise of yous selection Ro lhe value of Dollare "With all good wishes from 3 AUTHORIZED BY - -- OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. HKuinlochs Tid. 10 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA ; A a aa § rp LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY a Orange Juice 4 += 79¢ | TOMATO JUICE oWl ; SHA MONARCH -- REGULAR y c FF . 48-0z TIN Margarine 4 2 99¢ GIANT SIZE CAMPBELL'S i & : C Tomato Soup 4 wz 450 J 6 3 Reg. Price 60c -- SAVE AN EXTRA 6 A&P FANCY QUALITY --_-- WHE GELS ATAANTIC & PACIMIC YEA COMPANY LYE. All Prices In This Ad Tomato Juice 2 496 | peg price 31c- SAVE 2 | GLRaMMR Ahab <2, A HHA AHA HL AHHH AHH HHA A AH HA HH MSL MA HHH HHH 3 > LAA HHHARHK AR Nov. 28, 1954 ATMPFAAFAARARFAARRARRAFAAFARFARRRARARAARRARAADN ¥ id A