Br Interesting panel MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR BUNKER Friends Honor Popular Pair Celebrating 25th Anniversary Fifty friends, including several from Whitby and Toronto, gather. ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Richardson, Colborne street east, on Saturday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bunker, Thornton's road north, on the occasion of their silver wed- ding anniversary. On behalf of the guests, Mr. Richardson presented the couple wi'h a silver dollar tree, and the bride's brother, Mr. Walter Deven ish, proposed the toast. Together, Mr, and Mrs. Bunker cut the anniversary cake which had been Mrs. Bunker is the former Dorothy Devenish, daughter of] she came to Oshawa as a small girl. Mr. Bunker was born in Lon- don, England and came to live in Oshawa in 1920. The couple were married in St. Monica's Anglican Church, Toronto, November 22, fot > by the late Reverend J. F. u] They have a daughter, Marilyn, and a son, Ronald, who present- ed roses to their parents. Mrs. Bunker is active in the made by her sister, Mrs. William Wilson. Cards and dancing constituted an enjoyable evening and buffet refreshments were served. Pour- ing tea were Mrs. William Wil son and Mrs. Harold Rowley. As- sisting the hostess were Mrs. George Snow, Mrs. E. A. Women's Guild of St. George's {Memorial Church; is vice-presi- dent of the Scout Mothers' Auxil- iaries Executive Board and also a member of the executive board for the Retarded Children's Asso- ciation in Oshawa. An employee of General Mo- tors of Canada, Mr. Bunker' 's hob- Mounce, Miss Marilyn B and Mrs. Hibbert Northey, bies are and fsihing. king, g Panel On Children's Reading Of Interest At H&S Meeting The November Home A104 aud In eertaly form, such as the School A on E. A. Lovell school presented To discussing *Children's Reading." Miss Madeline Kelly was chair- man of the panel, the other members were Miss Frances McLeod, teacher, Miss Enid Wallace, librarian, Mrs. Harold ics and Bible stories can be quite educational as well as en- joyable. It ih reading", easily who are not yet able to read Lioyd Evans, Mr. a something more difficult. viewing is taking the place of comics to a great extent, Tv Children also benefit greatly Mr. Albert Devenish and the late|Rins, Mrs. Devenish, Born in Toronto| Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, November 25, 1959 Local 2784 United Steelworkers of America held its annual ban- quet and dance in the Room of Hotel Genosha on Sat- urday night when a capacity crowd danced to, the music of Len Clapp and his orchestra, Mr. Mervin Dale, acting as master of ceremonies, introduced Lorne O'Neill, president of the Local, who welcomed all the guests in- cluding special guests inciuging special guests Mr, C. Andrews, president of WE 1817, United Steelworkers, and Andrews, Mr. R. E. Bligdon, li member of executive, Local 1500, United Steelworkers and Mrs. Bligdon. Keith Ross, international repre- sentative. of the Steelworkers, welcomed all the members and th the for all their work in making the eve- ning a success. The door nrizes were won by Mr. Roy Cherry, carving set; Mr, Al Thackeray, ele~tric clo" Mr. Lorne Leblane, table lighter.) Spot dance prizes were wn hy Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Zavitsky, Mr. Sandor Kovac and Miss Ber-| nice Dalgleish, Mr. James Rich-| ards and Miss Jean Johnson. The guests attending dinner and dance were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Hawboldt, Mrs. N. Gill, Mr. J. Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. John Sawdon, Mr. C. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rines, Miss Gwenda Jones, Mr. Norman Churchill, i Clark, Mr. and Mrs. G. Legacy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne, Mr, and Mrs. J. Garrow, Mr, and Mrs. E. Baragar, Mr. and Mrs, D. Hannah, Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Abbot, Mr. and Mrs, C. Muscat. Miss Duiello Benito, Mr. and Mrs. Desroches, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Higram, Mr. and Mrs. L. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Neal, Mr. and Mrs. G. Brown, Mr, and Mrs. A. Bellman, Mr, and Mrs. Creamar, Mr. and Mrs. «| Mrs. United Steelworkers Local 2784 Hold Annual Banquet and Dance Mr. and Mrs. Adam Morris, Mr, and Mrs, J. Savery, Mr. and Mrs. Piccadilly(A. McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. George Bellman, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cullen, Mr, and Mrs. James Brown, Mr. George Paterson, Mrs. Margaret Hood, Mr, and Mrs. A. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kostoff, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Farrer, Mr. and Mrs, J. Conlin, Mr, and Mrs. W. Boy- Mrs. J. McLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Riff, Mr. and Mrs. O. Hanowski, Mr. and Mrs. K. Pritchard, Mr. James Richards, Mr, and Mrs. Wesfield, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Zavitsky, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Benthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. R. S. White, "Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Nicholson, (Mr. Elmer Strutt, Mr." and Mrs. |M. Bemis, Mr. and Mrs. R. |Crouter, Mr, E. Stern, Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilson, Mr. John Pyke, Mr. Jack Little, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Don Me- Laren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Fraser, Mr, and Mrs, J A. Stonebridge, Mr. and Mrs, W. Watts, Mr, and Mrs. N. H. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. H. Northey, Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbetter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Armold, Mr. and J. Hickey, Mr. R. W. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brook- ham, Mr. and Mrs. F. Millar, Mr. and Mrs. B. Milne, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lyzun, Mr. David Hen- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shortt. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rambow, Mr. and Mrs. B. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Geurho, Mr. Lawrence Leblanc, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ben- nett, Mr. John Lewis, Miss Geraldine Bennett, Miss Leenor Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cot- Ronald G. L. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ciroul, Mr. and Mrs. G. Roberts. | Mr. and Mrs. H. Askew, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dowson, G. Adams, Mr, and Mrs.|ley White, Mr. and Mrs. N.|Boudreau, .|and Mrs. Mrs. John Sheehan, Mr. C. B. Duf-| Hamblyn and many others. ton, Mr, and Mrs. Angus Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Logeman, Mr. and Mrs. Van de Belt, Miss Shir- R. Mr. Forbes Fisher, Mr. A. Camillini, Mr. J. Heigh- geen, Mr. V. Woolmer, Mr. and J. Spencer. ih and Mrs. M. Wallace, Mr. M. Campbell, Mr. and From St. Clair Shores, Michi- gan, comes this charming pic- ture of Sheila and Robert Mec- Kinnon which will be treasured by their grandparents, Mr. and A BIRTHDAY PICTURE Mrs. Hugh Shields, Gliddon av- enue, Oshawa. Sheila, one-and- a-half vears old, and Robert who will be three tomorrow, are the children of Mr. and weather, with a hint air, FERigoitE Hed H, ONLY... 3 MORE DAYS! MARTEN'S 52nd Iinnon is the former May Shields of Oshawa. Mrs. David McKinnon, St. Clair Shores, Michigan. Mrs. Mec- Westmount United Church was the scene of a candlelight | wedding recently when Beverley {Ann MelInroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. McInrov of Oshawa, became the bride of Gerald Allan Lamb, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Allister Lamb of Fenelon Falls, Ontario. The Reverend William A. Gibb officiated at the double - ring ceremony. Mr. E. M. McCoy played the wedding musie and accompanied Mrs. G. M. Love who sang "The Wedding Prayer' and "Because." Given in marriage hy her fa- ther, the bride wore a full length gown of "I Do" silk taffeta. The rounding neckline was accented with guipure lace medallions cen- tred with tiny rhinestones. The fitted bodice featured long Iily point sleeves and an empire| waistline enhanced with a flat|® bow. A flat band trimmed with three bows ircled the Candlelight Ceremony Unites Beverley McInroy, Allan Lamb Mrs. Jack Shepperdson, who was her sister's only attendant, was gowned in 1 short - sleeved princess style di "s of bronze- tone crystal charm. She wore a matching pill box hat 1d elbow- length mittens and carried a cas- cade of yellow and bronze chry- santhemums, Mr. Ross Lamb, of Trenton, wa~ best man for his brother. T. » reception was held at the home of the bride's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. north. To receive the bri. ~'s mother chose Dior blue crepe with rose- wood and black accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. As- sisting was the bridegroom's mother who wore a dusty rose dress with black accessories and corsage of pink carnations. For the honeymoon trip to points east, the bride wore an skirt. A small tiara of seeded pearls and rhinestones held her finger tip veil and she carried a white Bible mounted with gold and white roses with white streamers intertwined with gold rosebuds. aqua blue sheath dress of cash- mere and arnel with black and white accessories and a corsage of gold roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Lamb will live in Oshawa. Bill art Enjoys Film On At the November meeting of College Hill Home and School As- sociation those present were taken on a unique journey through the. northernmost coun- tries of South America by a film College Hill H&S Association South America Brazilian people prefer their cof- fee very strong and sweet and she brought several coffee cups also a snake skin and brazil nuts in their original shell. Mr. and Mrs. Dargan were in- Donald Mitchell, Riverside drive - "yy rn so | FUR % ALE! Daas * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS Take advantage of this outstanding offer now . « . and save -- OQ -- WA at CAA | SB OB SB 75 King St. East Opposite Hotel Genosha PROTEIN! atits Oshawa Pascoe, parent, and Mr. Alexby having the parents read to Hill, parent and teacher. They discussed various questions. Do our children have time to read when their activities are over- them. Bed time is a good oppor- tunity, and encourages early to read to develop a larger vocabu- organized? Are more children lary and a habit of interest. borrowing more books from the library? What about comic books? The opinions d to be Mrs. Everett Graham express- ed the thanks of the parents [Mis the members of the panel. Mrs. Nicholas Lakas, president, that children have time to do| what they want to do. If they see good books around the home, as parents habitually reading, they are apt to follow suit. The quan- tity of the books read is not so important as the quality. More ¢hildren are getting books from the library each year and the Mbrarians are always glad to be helpful in guiding their choice. The panel members agreed that comics are here to stay, Merry Mates Elect Officers The Merry Mates Club of Christ Memorial Church held] their annual turkey dinner re-| dently. Following the dinner elections were held for the 1960 executive. Honorary presidents, Archdeac- on znd Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon; presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lock; vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Bird; secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Green; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewhurst; social conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lawrence; pub- licity, Mr, and Mrs. Murdie Mac- Leod; parish council, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bird; telephone com- mittee, Mrs. William Broadbent, |80 Mrs. John Houghton, Mrs. Gerald|lar Crawford. The December meeting will be held on December 9. All mem- bers were asked to attend qs the group will be entertained by the 'Barbershop Quartette.'" The senior Sunday school party a report on the Home bed habits. Children who are Andrew: School Council ting of last month. Teachers' roll call showed Miss Frances McLeod's room as win- ner for the month. A wedding gift was presented to Mrs. Ralph Adamson, the former Miss Mec- Guire. Mr. Robert Broadbent spoke on behalf of the Board of Education, asking the parents to assist in a survey of the E. A. Lovell dis- trict for future educational needs. The Christmas meeting will be held in the afternoon of the third Monday in December at 2 o'clock and will be a Christmas recital by Grades 1, 2 and 3. Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade 1 pupils, jassisteq by the executive mem- TS. "PERSONALS Mrs, Fred J. Perry, McGreg- or street, had as Sunday dinner guests, Mr, and Mrs. George Lounds of Unionville, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Morrison, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Livi shown by the Reverend and Mrs. R. E. Dargan. Of special interest _ were he bert churches in Brazil and Paraguay. WA PRESIDENT Mrs, Samuel Gibbs is presi- dent of the W.A of Albert Street United Church under whose and Miss Helen Roszell, Simcoe street north, Oshawa. Miss Betty Blasko, chairman ples' Clubs of St. Anthony's, To- ronto, and St. Peter's, Peterbor- ough GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES Mr. and Mrs. Frank Train, Central Park boulevard, attended the TrainSeferlan wedding at St. Mark's Anglican Church, To- PMA CLUB The vice - president, Mrs, George Whitbread, presided at this week's meeting of the Pleas- ant Monday Afternoon Club. Mrs. Lloyd Annis read the actiptule | lesson. Mrs. R. G. Colli- called the roll showing a h attendance including two chi ire and a visitor. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read. Birthday| greetings were sung for Mrs. Lorne Hastings and Mrs. Whit- bread. Mrs. Stanley Harrison was reported to be on the sick will be held on Thursday evening at 4.30 with Mrs. William Lock, | Mrs. Jack Bird and Mrs. James| Howard co-convening. The games| will be directed by Mr. William | Lock, Mr, John Houghton, Mr. Lloyd Sturch and Mr. Gerald Crawford. The kindergarten Sunday S¢hool par, will be held on| ursday afternoon, December| 11, under the guidance of Mrs. | Stanley Davidson, Mrs. William | Broadbent and Mrs. Alan Evans. Mr. Charles Dewhurst showed slides of Banff, Mr. James How- atd of Florida and Mr. Lloyd Sturch of the east coast. Mr. ' Murdie MacLeod showed movies| of the Queen's opening of Parlia- ment, list. Readings were given by Mrs. :|Willilam Collins and Mrs. Colli- |son., | It was announced that the elec. {tion of officers would be held on Monday, November 30. Refreshments were served by [M3 Collison and Mrs. George e | OSHAWA LIONETTES The November meeting of the Oshawa Lionettes was held in Simcoe Hall. The president, Mrs, Jack Anderson, presided. The roll call, secretary's report and correspondence were read by Mrs. Wilfred Britton. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Robert Schoneau. The committee convenors' re- ports followed. Mrs. Lewis Ham- PRECIOUS METAL Because of its value, the weight of platinum usually is expressed tn ounces, as is gold. 5 mill. reported for the blind. The Lionettes had served refresh- jents for the Humoresque Club ronto, on Saturday, November 21. The officiating clergyman was the bridegroom's father, the] Reverend Clifford Train who is a cousin of Mr, Frank Train. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is no Sree Please write or telephone 3-3474, local 18. ported for membership. The group has hd new members, one of these, Exalt Pinto, oe been nthe hospital but she 1 sow me again. Mrs. John Gazdik, social con- vener, made arrangements for | the 0] Christmas ary fo be held in e G y at 6.30 p.m. The representative for the blood elinic reported two Lionettes| had donated. Mrs, Edwin Wellman | for ways and means reported -on the very successful bake sale. The members complimented her on convening it so ably. It was voted that Mrs. Norman Gower, past president, would present the bursary to the Dr. Donevan School on December 4. Table centres are being made for the Humoresque Christmas dinner. Refreshments were serv- ed by the social convener assist- ed by Mrs. Wolfe Miller, Mrs. Peter Andrey and Mrs. Rufus dance. Mrs, John Mintern re-|Lambert. - a Christmas Frolic Bazaar is to be held at the church tomorrow afternoon and which will be officially Many of the schools in the rural areas were one-room schools with one teacher but the n, given the opportunity, were eager to learn. The contrast in the stan- dard of living of the wealthy as compared with that of the un- skilled laborer who ekes out a meagre exist was noti There were smali run down shacks next to towering new apartment buildings or factories. Sanitation is a very urgent prob- lem all over even in some of the larger cities. Roads are also a problem because the terrain var- jes from tropical jungle to the mountains. opened by Mrs. George Dry- '| nan. like those of any other land if on Mrs. Dargan remarked that the troduced by Mrs. Stuart Knapp and thanked by Mrs. C. R. Hurl Mr. Harry Brown, the principal, announced that a school choir directed by Miss B. Tees was wing formed from Grades 6, 7 and 8 and would practice after school Wednesdays. An club under the or of Mr. John Hogg has a natural sci- ence program lined up for the year, Mr. Brown thanked those who had helped with the pre- school survey for the Board of Education. A display of class work by the| 3 pupils of Mr. Hogg and Miss J. Jones was set up in the audi- torlum. Room attendance prize was won by Mrs. James Frolich's room. Refreshments were serv- ed by the mothers of the pupils in Grades 6 and 7. IT'S NOT NEWS Everyone Knows About These Refreshing SMITH BEVERAGES 6 Delicious Flavors ® LEMON LIME ® GRAPE ® ROOT BEER ® ORANGE © GINGER ALE | of Heinz Meats for Babies. No other ® CREAM SODA Made and Bottled By Smrre BEVERAGES LTD. BOWMANVILLE ody-building best in Heinz. Meats HEINZ MEATS FOR BABIES OFFER "COMPLETE PROTEIN" FOR GROWTH! Your baby has a vital need for protein. Bring him the protein that does the most for him--the "complete protein" HEINZ MEATS FOR BABIES the good they do now~ lasts a lifetime sonvenient, good-tasting way to give your baby the protein doctors agree makes all the difference to growing children. Serve Heinz Meats every day. See the good they do in your baby's strength, growth and good health! protein is so rich in body-building benefits. Heinz Meats are chosen from only the highest quality cuts. And Heinz exclusive way of preparing these meats seals in their special goodness. 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