Ege rg RAPER TT A I Ts i EW Ty er Wy Cy rr YY YY YY failing id Ce RAE BJ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 25, 1959 Ironer For Ng" 8 Lady Who 2% | YOU'LL ENJOY THE DELICATE FLAVOUR OF QUALITY ¥% Wants Best migr=== a BE The home handyman who takes ¥ Tad pride in his handiwork and vie A s + pa -- 2 buys the best tools possible be-| % Bi # i i cause he wants a professional 7 Gs 2 job is just the man who can » 2 understand why the lady of the | fe 4 i = if house would appreciate an auto- Ph " / 4, J] matic ironer for Christmas. For the ironer is the ultimate "tool" for the housewife who prides herself on the "profession- al" job she does in keeping her family's clothes in tip-top shape. ; ' \ N i 5 ; Although a woman like this can ; / i : oo x Bray cake i is doubly wrapped to wotect igs do without an ironer, there's no telling how much more she'll be hr 3 able to do with one ; 2% eo ; \ i specks flavour and quali ty. Today, as more and more fam- 4 {lies - are according laundry ap- pliances the space and attention they need by building special * *"Jaundryrooms," the Wroner as- sumes new importance. It's one of the "big three" appliances (along with a washer and dryer) which obviously belongs in a modern laundry. To the woman who takes real pride in her laundry, the fact; that the ironer is the most pro- fessional of all ironing tools will be the most important consider- ation in deciding that she *"'must"| #2 have one. But there are other ad- vantages, too. An ironer elimin- . er VaI ages or the physical labor) } under ideal temperature conditions involved in ironing. And it elim- in very slice, from the inates the 'getting ready" to + » suffusing every ? 5 fron that's involved in setting up first bite to the last crumb, with the and then putting away ironing]: : i § boards. regality of traditional quality. But best of all, the ironer gives the housewife new leisure time. Some experts say that it takes|: : ine. | gily a $i as long ts mackie STEINBERG'S "HOLIDAY" and jron laundry. The Christmas gift 'which ' PY 99 makes such savings possible will| : DELUXE" FRUIT CAKES pay dividends week after week for years to come. Steel Has PLES i p:@ Ol 20 31 68 & WI 0-8 :¢ Of Key Role 2 LB OUND In Kitchen While all due credit for mod- ern appliance miracles should go to the designers who created them, the real credit belongs to an invention housewives never even see or think about. It is the continuous steel strip mill. Miles away from the kitchen, the strip mill turns out the steel used in modern appliances at the| rate of more than a mile a min-| ute. This is the steel that forms the framework into which design- ers pack the wonder working ma- hi that d h of to- Shivery 3 at dove muc! PENQUIN 30 OZ BTL. Every cake has been mellowed quality you'll be proud to serve! production of appliances -- and ] ISON N ? "een. BEVERAGES \ sess. oars + Froth. JICY..Sood eygtope e 1920's that mass \ JU cy... d ess 3 other Shani grabind (COLA, GINGER ALE, GRAPE, LIME, ORANGE, automobile -- beeame possible. ROOT BEER, a SODA WATER) 4 FOR a | : ances. There is about the same amount of steel in the modern PLUS DEPOSITS kitchen as there i} in the auto- AYLMER Ke IIDIAN RIVER FT) in 4 M nd, a pletely equip- ' Bc ped kitchen is comparable in PEACH HALVES cHoite 1502TIN /39¢ 4 7 ; ho 0: SIZE 5 3 LL Silver There the similarity stops. AYLMER for SPOON only 20¢ le de TOMATO JUICE raver 200zmn 4 /49¢ ; ti good working condition for ten to AYLMER i BLAK DIAMOND years, they maintain a kitchen in SE we awroreY BOSTON BROWN YA PINER COUNTY Wea Td is, ees, eo, gn BEANS WITH PORK sor 2/29 ARF (UE ting 10: 1}, fui cel0 eH apa AM FOR GRAPEFRUITS the steel industry, specially for-| A x NY 2 mulated alloy steels which are| & ... . ANY SIZE cooked to special recipes to per- form specific functions, super- strong high strength steel that i -~ provides rigidity without bulk, and the queen of them all, stain- BN S ; Be a siovls liye lee ; Gnd oI A\ se § § nave Nn care- a PR din iho gibi 5 OZ JAR CANADA'S FINEST CHOICE GRADE"A" BEEF! search facilities of the steel in- dustry. There is constant' im- ¢ My provement in quality as a result of research. 7) Continuous production of steel for appliances has brought them| = m-- within the reach of nearly every American home. In addition to EGG PRICES ARE DOWN!--WHITE FLOCK A making household aids readily available, the never ending GRADE "A" LARGE stream of metal has helped bring J prices down. \ \ BLADE 7 ASD 4a 5 $ one E. v, 7... Washer-Dryer REMOVED pl, Will Certainly rm A. Be Welcome | HORTENNG vor ure . SHORT RIB ROAST ewe 23 2 The "winni bination" of NH | Mh Why i. Bg Christ- MXRGARINE REGULAR 118 PKG \ LEAN, FRESH AND MEATY mas gift for a wife and mother, ' GRADE "A", OVEN-READY, EOILER AVG. WT. 5 TO 8 LBS. is achieved in an honest-to-good- PUREX. (AQUA, PINK, YELLOW) . ) ness combination washer-dryer. / Many a homemaker who, due TOILET TISSUE » to lack of space has by-passed the convenience of a completely . p LB. LB . automatic home laundry, will be thrilled to find a combination 3 a / PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 25 TO 28 washer - dryer shining brightly . among her Christmas gifts. i 1 Maytag offers a new unit that . (4 S -- S-- IB i -- wie J§Te f2,10 sompset t can be sta . z Fg ht EE As RE gh A A TRE a some of se rate shelves. It can be insta within walls since it needs no venting, and requires A 7h OPEN T ' = "PINKY" STAMPS only normal plumbing facilities. Z =E | 1t is quite likely the new com- og | = E E = de jostelly put Jo work the same i ; = ns COUPON AND ay it is receiv 5 RCHASE OF $10. ar every dav. ; NORTH PLAZA | DUNDAS STREET : iid of the year for the Comma OR MORE. hN-TRANSFERABLE. bination washer-dryer may even he i io who receives a combination " ' i) gl washer-dryer this holiday season. | - ; ' SERTIFCATE Vio 10 SAT. NOV. 28/59 And Yuletide excitement will be at a revived each time the lady of the A # ih > 000( ay Ji WILLD PR Vaid AT Steers house .breezes through her laun- . IN ONTARIO dry chores. | gt