Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 23 Nov 1959, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 23, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale LOVELY, small, (light birch finish) [DINING room suite, complete reed organ, 5295. Also upright plano, |large extension table, buffet and china 54 inches high, light mahogany finish, | cabinet. Reduced for quick sale, Apply $250. New felts in both instruments.|55 Greta Street, 2708 Plano and Organ Service, Kedron 51--Swap and Barter Ritson North, 1e BR CHRIS " FO! /TMAS home decorating, GOOD, eight oak suite, Jacobean style, sell or swap for ph freezer inside oe out. 0.0 Dominion Tire Store, Bond Street West, 3 e est, Oshawa ano, tape recorder, dryer, or ? OLiver 5-4930. Et Elect Officers Blackstock WMS Brief highlights from the fall rally at Ebenezer were given by Mrs. F. Butt, Mrs. Ernest Lar- mer, Mrs. F. Dayes, Mrs. Stu- art Dorrell, Mrs. P. Romeril and Mrs. C. Hill. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell gave a paper on "Disciples of Jesus" and Mrs. Roy Taylor 'dedicated the offering. ARTHUR MURRAY invites you to accept a a0" DANCE COURSE FOR ONLY "14" BLACKSTOCK -- Mrs, Frank Butt was hostess for the WMS meeting at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. A. Johnston led in pray- er and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy gave a paper. The birthday song was sung for Mrs. J. McKee who celebrated her 80th birthday. . WASHING machine, GE with pump and timer, perfect Phone RA 8-6080. 2681 52--Legal Notices WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Preity's Used Furni- ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South. MIXED sizes, dresses, formals, skirts, coats, suits. Size 10 flower girl dresses. DEMOLITION -- ONTARIO COUNTY JAIL Sealed tenders will be .re- the undersigned Mrs. Lloyd Wright presented the report of the nominating committee as follows: President, Mrs, Cecil Hill; vice- president, Mrs. Roy Taylor; sec- retary, Mrs. Russel Mountjoy; treasurer, Mrs, Stuart Dorrell; MISSION BAND MEETS Gary Mountjov called the roll. amounted to $10 which will be sent to Lusita, Mission Band met Tuesday. Proceeds from a party Nov. 6 in Africa. Offering was taken and dedi- B00 00000000000000000000¢ e 6 individual studio HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! Terrific bargains. Man's 44 Mary| ceived by Maxim beige and brown; man's bicycle; wardrobe; liquor cab- Joet, 27 238 Kaiser Crescent. RA 5-1212. cated by Grant McLaughlin and John Larmer beat the tom-tom for call to story time. Linda McLaughlin and John Larmer donated African pictures for the collection. WA BAZAAR The bazaar under the auspices of the United Church WA was held in the recreation centre, Tuesday - night. The girls' junior choir sang and Rev. P.' Romeril showed color Christian stewardship, Mrs. Gor- don Strong; citizenship, Mrs. Carl Wright; literature, Mrs, John Carnaghan; community friend- ship, Mrs. J. A. Johnston; supply, Mrs. J. Henry. Good Cheer, Mrs. Leith Bvers; Missionary monthly, Mrs. Roy Taylor; baby band, Mrs. Walter Wright; mission band, Mrs. Stu- art Dorrell and Mrs. Frank Butt; Explorers, Mrs. Richard Van Camp and Mrs, P. Romeril; group leaders, Mrs. Ernest Lar- mer, Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mrs. slides. All groups had well laden Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Glenn booths which were well patron- Larmer, ized. DeCanlle Lauds THEATRE GUIDE [ thy) -- 'The Nun's German People "se, 0m 1s vin. La 9 p.m. STRASBOURG, France (AP;-.| °*MPlete show 3 p President de Gaulle celebrated his 69th birthday in this Rhine City Sunday with praise for Ger- many, France's ancient enemy across the river. "The Rhine must no longer be| a barrier but a link between the two great peoples who live on its banks," he told a large and) cheering crowd. | y ; "We are progressing toward a|Regent -- "The Man Who Un- tighter and tighter co-operation| derstood Women 1.30, 3.30, between these two peoples, who | 5.35, 9.40 p.m. Last complete have so often fought each other show at 9.20 p.m. and who today must march to- -- emt gether toward the same humane goal." The crowd had turned out not only to celebrate de Gaulle's birthday but to observe a double anniversary--the citv"s liberation from Nazi occupation in 1944 and | the entry of French troops in| 1918 ending 48 years of German | rule. | until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1st, 1959, for the demolition of the old County Jail at Whitby, Ontario. Tenders must be submitted on County tender form. In- spection of the property moy be arranged by telephoning Whitby MOhawk 8-3582. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. G. MANNING, Clerk-Treasurer, Box 550, Whitby, Ontario, ® An invitation to a student party USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. ranty on labor and parts Irvine Ap- pliances, Bond East. SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! 3 to 35 hp with two starting models. Come and chonse yours now. Trade Gliddon tests tnssccsenesone * One hour practice and terms Preece Garage, ih at Verdun Road " session HEAVY duty four-burner stove, good condition, $25. RA 5-8068 between 6 and 8 pm. 58 BABY crib. small; baby bath, baby carriage, space heater. Phone RA §-5617 391 Verdun Road. 268 BLACK Persian lamb coat, full length, size 12-14, four years old, good condi- tion, $70. RA 5-3709. 27 S36 MARLIN rifie._ ike mew, 830. COMMISSION OF THE Phone RA 8-0930. ie CITY OF OSHAWA STARE body for truck, 13° x 7%". EA SALE OF LAND IADY'S winter coat, size 46. Almost BY TENDER new, black with white fleck. Phone RA 271e The Public Utilities. Commis 3.2195. ORGANS $120.95 and up, Free home sion of the City of Oshawa hereby invites offers for the demonstration. Phone RA 80516 or nu purchase of their following Ajax 1389. mentioned lond: DAVENPORT suite, Viking vacwum cleaner. Both in perfect condition. Own- Lot No, 6, Registered Plan No. 684, situated at the er going overseas. Phone RA 3-4618 south-east corner of Rite after 6. 271e TRAIN, electric Lionel and accessories, son Road and Kawartha Avenue, having a front- cheap for quick sale; also Tri-light lamp = and kitchen chrome set. RA 8-1860. age to the north on Kawartha Avenue of 64 1c BOY'S two-wheel sidewalk bike, $20; ft. 3% inches and on Ritson Road to the west also, large all steel. crib, high chair, eommode char and stroller. RA 8-1150. 2714 of 91 ft. 32 inches, the eastern boundary of the lot. having a depth of 116 ft. 3 inches and the south- ern boundary 65 ft. 7 in- ches. Offers for the purchase of this land may be made on forms provided for that pur- pose by the Secretory of the Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. The closing date for tenders / % Visit your nearest / Arthur Murray Studie (i a" Open daily 'til 10 p. m. Ae OPEN SAT, 10 AM. - 5 PM Arthur Murray is making this special introductory offer se yom can see how much you actually get when you enroll in an Arthur Murray Dance Course! Not only do you learn to dance quickly, easily his "Magic Step" way, but you get to join in the party fun and have lots of good times, Come in now and save. ARTHUR MURRAY 112 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1681 271c THE PUBLIC UTILITIES MONKEY ON HIS BACK It was the ape's idea, not his, | ings posted at left aren't cal- | was at Gibraltar aboard an but Flying Officer Fred Ells- lated to is i- | RCAF Argus anti - submarine orth of Welland: On, Sets aircraft on a long-range exer- on his back" anyway during a cise. visit to Gibraltar, The warn- ENNISKILLEN Marks -- "The Deep Six" 12.45, 4.30, 8.15 p.m. "Rally Round the Flag Boys' 2.40, 6.20, 10.10 p.m. Last complete show at 8.15 ness as this rock ape, one of hundreds which roam the "rock", embarks on an explor- atory inspection. FO Ellsworth By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN TELEVISION LOG ENNISKILLEN -- Mr. and Mrs. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto Len Player, Bowmanville, visited WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. |WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffal WBEN-TV Ch Ted Yeo and Keith Ellis have| ante]. 4--Butialo returned from a week at North| Bay. --National Defence p.m. Plaza -- "Pillow Talk" 1.45, 3.40, 5.35, 7.30, 9.30 p.m. 8 7.30, 9.30 p.m. SHE WAS GOING _ TO TEACH THE MAN WHO UNDERST00D GOOD used Spanish Stewart guitar, $30 electro-voice microphone and stand, $40; Phone RA 8.0516. 271f ELECTRIC Turkey picker and scalder; Berkel computing scales, 30-Ib. capa- city, all in good condition. Clouaran Farms OLiver 5-3033. 2714 PRESSURE systems, $35; sump pumps, $20; three-piece bath sets, $70; steel sink and cabinets, $50; hot Water tanks and laundry tubs, $15; plastic, steel, copper pipe and fittings. H. Chinn, Hill- side and Park Road South. LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95 This Is 8 genuine discount of 38 per cent. Don't be disappointed Hurry out to the Hil- top Smack Bar on Highway 2 between 8:30 A.M. 7--Devotions 9:00 AM. 11--Cartoons 7--Komedy Korner 5-Ding Dong School 4--Popeye's Play- 4:30 P.M. 6--Friendly Giant 5-2---8plit Personality 4--Edge of Night 4:45 P.M. 6---Maggie Muggins TUESDAY EVE. 5:00 PIA. 11--Family Theatre n Safari 5--Playhouse 4~Fun To Learn 2-Three Ftooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film EVENING Jean Strath and Franci s| MONDAY Dawes, Toronto, visited Mr. and me 310 L tee Mrs. Ross Sharp, Friday. {A---Family hheatre Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron, | Oshawa, called on George Irwin,| 4--Fun To Learn Sunday. | 2---Three Stooges Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin- and! 5:15 P.M. family and Mrs. E. Bennett vis-| ¢--Feature Film ited Mrs. Squibbs at Churchill hi 3r%0 BM, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn,| 7--Rin Tin Tin Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs, Keith| 5 Suchen no % 6:00 P.M. SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO DO TONIGHT ? LIVE JAZZ At C.R 8:00 The p.m. nouse 2--Martin Kane 9:30 AM. 11----Movie 7--Rompef Room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Dr. Christian 10:00 A.M. Oshawa and Whitby RA 8-689] SHAPED SCotch Pine Christmas trees. Any quantity delivered or in forestry. is 5 p.m., December 7, 1959. All offers shall be sent to the Secretary of the Public {Ferguson and family, Bowman-| ville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee| Mr. and! and family, Oshawa, | Orono, and 7--Early Show 1-6--News 2--Casey Jones 2-5-Dough Re Mi 4--Playhouse 10:30 A.M. 7--Morning Show 5:30 P.M. 7--Rin Tin Tin 6- Sky King 2--~McGraw ORGAN MUSIC o LESLIE a Fowler Forest Farms, 306 King West. RA 5-1685. Mrs. Sam Brown, George Brown, Pontypool, visit ed Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y., visited Mr. and | 54-2--Weather, News Mrs. E. Wright. | 6:45 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Kieth McGill and |11-6-4-2--Weather; News Dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyal | S=Runléy Prinkisy equal to ten per cent of (Brock, Bowmanville. | the amount of offer. Mrs. W. Hands, Mount Dennis, spent Sunday with Mrs, John The Public Utilities Commis-" | Griffin, sion of the City of Oshawa re- John Griffin is helping Frank serves the right to refuse any [Stenger with his cattle at the|, or all offers, whether such [Royal Winter Fair. offer is the highest or not Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton, G. F. SHREVE, Doris and Gail, visited Mr. and Secretary of Mrs. H. Stainton, Tyrone, Utilities Commission, 100 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, in a sealed envelope clearly marked 'Tender for Land" and shall be accompanied by a certified deposit cheque pay- able to The Public Utilities Commission for an amount PM. 6--The Vikings 5-2--Treasure Hunt 6:30 P. Caron: NDA "The Man Wro UNDERSTOOD ? WOMEN" COLOR by DE LUXE CINemaSCOPE 6:00 P.M. 11.6--News i--Early Show 2-Willie Wonderful 6:15 P.M. 6--Lawrence Welk 6:30 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 8-4-2---News: Weather 6:45 P.M. 6-4-2--News 8--Huntley-Brinkley eport 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid Colin Corbett, The Poet Of The Hammend Organ. Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, A-Famry Tike Admiral, Westinghouse. The finest in T.V.,, hi-fi and service. PARKWAY T.V, 918 Simcoe North RA 3-3043 CLEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS WEYMOUTH CRUISERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS And AMMUNITION etc. AJAX MARINE No. 2 Highway at Ajax AJAX 1266 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trode-ins accepted, Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 11--Jane Gray Show 5, 2--Price is Right 4-1 Love .ucy 11:30 A.M. 11--Anything Goes 5, 2--Concentration 4--December Bride 12:00 NOON 11--Cartoons 7--Restless Gun 5-2---Truth or Consequences 12:15 P.M. 11-6--Don Messer 6--Matinee, §5--The 7--Cheyenne 4--Speaker¥of the House | é--~Annie Oakley 5--Man Hunt 12:30 P.M. 3-Sergeant Bilke > The Public Utilities Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, | $--Masquerade Party | 11--News 7:15 P.M. Commission, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Gar-| > gud 4 amond gaye ale i] TNews: Weather net Towns, Paul, Joyee and Bar- 116--Danny Thomas Search for famorrow | 7:30 P.M. . t h, i r.| 52--Lo dM 12: M. --DBronco THE COUNTY COURT iy sir ely | += The Texan Sssiege LL 20 3 Donna Reed OF THE Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and! 8:30 P.M. ¢--Guiding Light Whi birds H girls, Maple Grove, visited Mr. |';SgRiverboat == ie ey 8:00 P.M. COUNTY OF ONTARIO [and Mrs. Keith McGill. | 5-2--Wells Fargo 5--Movies 11.6--Chevy Show Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, | ¢--Father Knows Best 4--Meet The Millers 4--Ann Sothern Estreat of Ball Heather and Dale, Mr. og] Ns. 3 Hid hav bd ron Ee Russell Griffin a ary Griffin : M, rk TO WIT: visited Mrs, Wallace Abernethy, T-Por. The Ladies ooo PR Bes Tottenham. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Certificate of Lien to me directed, issued out of the County Court of the County of Ontario, wherein HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN The Worl C00 PML 9:00 P.M, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, 11-6--Front Page Chal Paul, Joyce and Barbara, Pe- Wu 4--Rendezvous 2-Queen For A Day 2:15 P.M. is Plaintiff and JOHN Souto. vised Me. ait Mrs. N 10:30 P.M. MEAGHER, SR., and GWEN- . 7--U.S. Marshall , Mr. Gordon Yeo, Linda, Mary | News; and, wil ofr" cle BY | cy, stent a presentation $esnr: rr | 2-Sports Reel interest and equity of re- The parsonage bazaar will be| 11:30 P.M. demption of JOHN MEAG- |held early in December. 4--Mystery Theatre TUESDAY namely: All of Lot 161, Plan 305, TORONTO (CP)--Keith Ander-| Captain Kangaroo Sheriff, Co. Ontario. |son, 30, of Hamilton, won the On- NOTICE TO 1% points. Medd had scored 300 points in late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, him two points and the cham- pionship. 000 miles without an accident. Anderson has driven 100,000 1,000,000 miles. The contest was the official sumes here today for wo days. The national truck roadeo General Roberts announced Sat- urday there will be an inquest dent. No date has yet been fixed, but 7-Day In Court 6---Chez Helene terborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton. 10:00 P.M. 5-2--Steve Allen 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake, New- DOLINE NEAGHER ors Ju castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross|!67The Town Above on Monday, Decemb 7, |at Hampton Hall Saturday for 11:15 P.M. 1959, af two o'clock in the |Mr. an dMrs. Morley Yeo, Osh-| g-yiavioise |11--Late Show HER, SR, and GWENDO- | $320 = LINE MEAGHER, to, in, and . 'Hamilton Man | yen 7--Window on the World for the City of Oshawa, in 2---Today the County of Ontario. tario roadeo championship Sat- urday, defeating his nearest rival CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF [the single-axle trailer class but forgot to put out his hand when Deceased. x E. R. Tassie of Port Credit was third with 283 points. Tassie has miles without a collision. Defend- ing champion Thomas Roach, start of the 33rd annual conven- tion of the Automotive Transport Inquest Scheduled » Into Hunting Death into the shooting death last Wed- nesday 'of Harry Anderson, for- S. A. K. Logan, Lambton County Crown attorney, said it will APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL 4--Death Valley Days 2---Tugboat Annie © 7:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M, TWO ROARING ACTION PICTURES! SRON veo Eun EQUAL Reiemsag thes NITED + ! Ja Peter Som anny omas ir vopay & Tuespay [EIILEXCLYS 11-6--Music "60 7--Adventure in Para- ) WA ~ hd sd dise NEW, COLOR CARTOON TODAY 7--Philip Marl FEATURE AT . . 1:36 oe) > Mar : : H S_Ford Show ows 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:35 - 9:40 4--Red Skelton { ae dh : 3 = 10:00 P.M. 3 i 7--Alcoa Presents 4--Garry Moore 10:30 P.M, 7--Man Without a Gun S--Black Sadle 2-Bold Venture 11:00 P.M. 11,7,6,5,4,.2--News; Weather Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6-Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6~Quarterback Club 5-2--Jack Parr 4--Theatre 11:45 P.M, 6--Boxing S--Arthur Murray 4--Tightrope 2---Startime 9:30 P.M. 11-6--Startime ooo IT'S WHAT GOES ON WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFF! 11-6---Open House 7--Gale Storm 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 2-Thin Man 3:00 P.M. 11--Mantovani 7--Beat The Clock 6-TBA 5-2--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire P.M. 1---Musie For You 7--Who Do You Trust 6--Background 8, 2---From. These Roots 4--Verdict is Yours 3 P. S I -itn . i] 1 -~Popeye NICK ADAMS - MARCEL DALIO- JULIA MEADE Adult Entertainment I= noan Bandstane W Exsruan COLOR + CINEMASCOPE | LAST TWO DAYS ? | 5-2--House on High Street 4--Serial Stories FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS RA 8-8571 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa DOMESTIC FIRE ALARM $7.95 installed $1.00 extra Clorobromomethane extinguishers from $5.95 As used by U.S. airforce and fire depts. Underwriter's laboratories listed FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS Fire can kill while you sleep To safe guard our customers we give a FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHER with every self-storing door ) CROSSWORD PUZZLE Features at 1.45 -- 3.40 -- 5.35 -- 7.30 --- 9.30 P.M. [TIEMIPIEISTT) cE LEINITIEID] o) Q ARE 11, Fellow worker 16. Dwarfed 19. Cherish as sacred 20. Rodent 22. Boneset 23. Sub- EICIEIDIE INI stantial [JETER EIANY 24. Exist i i 26. Armed = Eaturday's Answer Excellent Food ACROSS 1. Town-site plan 8. Medal 10. Style of architecture 2.Girl's name 8. Mother of Irish gods (poss.) 4. Fungus disease 5. Land measures 6. Striking success (slang) 7. Moslem titles 8. Ponder 9. Arranged troops All persons having claims against the estate of CHARLES McCAUSLAND, de- ceased, who died on or about the 9th day of September, 1959, are hereby notified to file proof of same with the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 10th day of Dec- ember, 1959. After that date the Solicitors will pro- ceed to distribute the said estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall have had notice. DATED at Whitby this 6th day of November, A.D, 1959. ALFRED M. WOOTTON & WOOTTON, 304 Dundas Street 'West, Whitby, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator, WILLIAM DIVINE, {poss.) 17. Yellow ocher 18. Next 21. Number (abbr.) $2. Luzon native 25. Fugitive 27. New Jersey's nickname 29. Exhume 80. Color 81, For example (abbr.) 82. Malt conflict 28, Flatfish 33. Stem 35. Cut 37, Swarm of bees 38. Level 39. Pause 41, Fish 42. Indian 'weight Faultlessly served in a grac- ious atmosphere have your CHRISTMAS DINNER at the WARNER Bros ADDED ATTRACTION CINEMAScOPE COLOR by DE LUXE JORNNE WonpWARD JOAN HIN CARSON 4--For Better or Worse Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keith, To- 4--Hennesey and taken under Execution, Sharp, Sunday. 11:00 P.M. 6---Viewpoint afternoon, all the right, title, awa. §-2--Jack Parr out of the following lands, | . S, Wins Roadeo |i heme 8:15 A.M. Arthur Welsh, Larry Medd, 21, of Dresden, iy H ARLES McCAUSLAND, § McCA he made a stop, The mistake cost a nine-year safety record of 450,- Concord, has driven more than Association of Ontario, which re- TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- mer General Motors vice-presi- Genosha Hotel HERRING SCARCE AT $49.50 Installed with v.ritten guarantee for 20 years Buy COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTS Save and be safe. GREAT YARMOUTH, England (CP)~This fall's herring fishery is the worst ever known in this Norfolk seaport. The herring have deserted their normal feeding {grounds and fishermen blame con- tinental trawlers for over-fishing and a possible change in habits of the fish. probably be within two weeks in Sombra Township, 16 miles south of Sarnia. He will announce the date next week. | Mr, Anderson was shot in a duck blind on the St. Clair River by former General M~tors presi- dent Harlow Curtice, a firned of long standing. 47. England's Duke Of wee DOWN 1. Wind instrument Phone RA 3-4641 Now For Reservations

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