THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, November 21, 1959 § PERSONALS Miss whose marriage takes pl in the N Oshawa, to Mr. Brian Barnett, was entertained prior to her mar- Miss Eleanor Gounter, superin- tendent of the 4th Hook at the Osh- Rebekahs Make| Grant For Retarded Assoc. The regular meeting of the Benevolent Rebekah Lodge met in 'the IOOF Hall, Whitby, Wed- nesday evening. It was opened with Vice Grand Sister Greta Campbell officiating as Noble , Sister Isabel Meier PNG, PDDP, assisting as Vice Grand, Sister Isabelle Saunders PNG, recording the minutes, and Sis- ter Yeoman at the piano. The report of the visiting com-|s mittee was read. Sister Grace Harris, Noble Grand, was absent due to the illness of her mother and the members hope the lady will soon be well again. Flowers! 8. Adams, two goals each, and condolences were sent to Sis- D, Mitchel scored the Legion's|ter Margaret Dewsbury recently \|bereaved when her husband pass- ed away. A number of members attended the funeral. Thank you cards were read. f Arrangements were finalized groom, received the guests. Pi tea were: Mrs. W, Elli- . N. Cormack, Mrs. P. Pascoe and Mrs. Don Wilson with Mrs. R. Ward, Miss Carolyn Cormack, Mrs. P. Pascoe and Mrs. Don Wilson with Mrs. R. Pickering Leads Whitby Bantams Colville. Adams and Colville also assisted. On the same card, Pickering outplayed the Legion team by a score of 4-2. The Pickering goals were by Ashton, two unassisted, Everett assisted by Gould, and Baldson assisted by Monk. The Legion scores came from Davie assisted by Ryschrow and Gross assisted by Bishton, | On Tuesday, Nov. 17, the Rotary team beat the Legion by 6-1, Rotary"s goals came from 8. Reeson, D, Bremner (one goal and one assist) and J. McGee and DISTRICT WHITBY And The scrappy Pickering team ' [fought the Bandsmen to a 2-2 tie in the second game of a WMHA Midget doubleheader, Jackson with a goal and an as- sist on Wall's counter was a standout for Pickering. Ron Bremner, the rangy wing- er, with a fine potential, scored both Bandsmen goals while Mec- Bride, in the nets for the Bands- men, played a strong game. The single point gained by coach Luke's team gave them sole possession of first place in the standings while Pickering, with only a tie in their two games, are in last place. In the opener, accurate shoot-| ing Bobbie Campbell fired two|80al tallies and singletons went to] Brown, Rodman, Catherwood, K Mitchell and Tran as Broc Retized Teacher ve for the official visit of President Street Motors downed Cook's| _ 550, 7 to 2. Centreman, Ron Moore, scored | Dies In Toronto argaktia Rose o the Rebekah both goals in a losing cause.| ssembly of Ontario, Guid Townson looked good on rE oRONTO oP) ed Buallice Arrangements were also made defence for the Motors' team of the Noth Bay Colle: {ate er for the Christmas party to be with centre Gary Mitchell doing|C ® "GE CH £8 C6 held after the next meeting, Dec. some very effective passing a Born and educated in Strat- 2, with exchange of gifts. rushing, |ford, Mrs; Hoey taught school in| A letter was read from the BANTAM LEAGUE |Campbellford, Barrie, Walker-|association for Retarded Chil- In the Bantam Minor Hockey|Ville and Renfrew before moving dren and a donation is to be sent League on Tuesday at the Whitby |to North Bay in 1934, She retired |from the Lodge. | Birthday greetings were sung {Kiwanis by a score of 2-0. The|™ El mT : / 7 7 / :! B Arena, the Rotary team beat the' 1954. Rotary goals came from G. Dair| and B. Goode with an assist from | TOWN OF WHITBY Applications for SHORTHAND TYPIST On Friday, Nov. 13, the Police team drew with the Kinsmen 44. Applications will be received until noon on Monday, November 23rd, 1959, for the position of Shorthand BROOKLIN LIONS RECEIVE CHARTER i Ive iam 1a Typist in the Town Clerk's Office. Selary to commence The first service club in the | month conducted its first proj- | president George Ward, left ac- Bell, Gray, and two by J. Thorn- history of Brooklin on Friday | ect, a ~arnival, received a char- | cepts the charter from Governor (dyke. Bell had two assists, night received its charter, The | ter from District Governor Dr. | Jamieson. The Kinsmen goals were by D. Brooklin Lions Club which last | R. E, Jamieson. Above, charter --Oshawa Times Photo |Vorvis, 8. Lane and two by G. $2,340.00 per annum. Applicants should state education, typing end short- hond speed, age and marital stetus. Address licati to the undersig Inspector Addresses WHITBY SPORTS ,. SPOTLIGHT King St. Home, School ais were in-charge of the Mr, and Mrs. 8. Bailey panied by Mr, Bailey's mother Redford, Sask., is visiting | and Mrs. D./F. Price, Cochrane street. | for Sister Sadie Kelly, after |which. Lodge closed in the usual manner, \ ANNUAL BAZAAR & TEA to be held in ST. JOHN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL PORT WHITBY Wednesday, Nov. 25 2:30 to 5 pm. Auspices of St. John's Church W.A. By-Law Number 2243 of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY Being @ by-low to repecl By-law Number 917 WHEREAS by By-law Number 917 of the Town of Whitby, ALF TREEN Thomas Houghton, # ublic|pictures and presents an example By WREN A. BLAIR School Inspector for Ajax, low | of Whitby, Whitby and East Whit- by Townships was guest speaker his activities, thereby becoming at the regular meeting of the King Street Home and School Assoc. on of good reading. Parents should encourage the child to talk about Town Hall, Whitby, Onterie. outgoing, and should discourage baby talk in the home so that he WINDSOR BULLDOGS passed on the 17th day of January, 1916, Control and Management of the Sewers and Sewage Disposal Plant of the Town was transferred to the WHITBY DUNLOPS GAME TIME 8 P.M. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA . Public Utility Commission; AND WHEREAS it is now be- lieved to be necessary, due to the growth of the Municipality and the size of the operation, to return the control of the said Sewers ond Sewage Disposal Plant to the Council. AND WHEREAS the Council has established an Engineering Department which will super- vise the operation of the Plant; AND WHEREAS the funds tor operation and maintenance have always been provided by direct on the Tox Rate of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the By-law to transfer Control and Manage- ment of the soid Sewers and Sewage Disposal Plant was sub- mitted to a vote of the Electors on the third day of January, 1916, and the Electors voted in favour of the By-law; AND WHEREAS in order to re- peal By-law Number 917 it is necessary, according to law to submit this By-law to a vote of the -Electors; AND WHEREAS this By-law was submitted to a vote GF the Electors of the Town of Whitby qualified to vote at Municipal Elections and the number of votes cast for the By-law wos and the number of votes cast against the By-law wes 9:15 AM, 7 RADIO BROADCAST NOW THEREFORE the Corpor- 9:45 A.M. ation of the Town of Whitby, | SUNDAY SCHOOL by its Council, enacts as fol- 11 AM. ond 7 P.M. ! THAT. the Control . OUR PASTOR Speaking agement of the 3nd Man, Speciol: Music by Sewage Disposal Plant in the THE BABCOCKS WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rs By-law Number 917 of the Corporation of the Town of Rev. J. M Ward, Minister : Mrs. W. E. Summers, A. T.CM 10 AM--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM--MORNING WORSHIP Whitby is hereby repealed. By-low read a first ond second | 7 P.M.--MISS RUTH LAMBSHEAD South African General Mission time this Sth doy of October, | 8:15 P.M.--Fireside in the S. S. Hall 1959. Views of Africa WHITBY UNITED CHURCH going is a true copy of @ pro¢ posed By-law for the Corpor- ation of the Town of Whitby to be submitted to the vote of the Rev. John M. Smith, B.A., B.D. -- Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, ART.C. -- Organist MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. "MOTIVE AND MISSION" electors at the some time and at the some place as the an- EVENING HOUR 7 P.M. "| BELIEVE IN CHRIST" nual election for the municipal Council and the Deputy Return- ing Officers appointed to hold the said election shall toke the SUNDAY SCHOOL Nn AM. Girls and Boys under 9 yeors REVIVAL CENTRE can produce words properly when WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING Tonight--at the Whitby Community Arena the Windsor Bulldogs make their first appearance against the Whitby Dunlops. If rumors hold true, and some of them do, Windsor will have two new additions in their roster. Both players are no strangers to Whitby and Oshawa hockey fans. Joe Klukay, who was with the Bulldogs last year and decided to call it quits at the conclusion of the season, has been dragged back out of retirement. The other one is none other than Al Dewsbury; most Whitby fans will recall "Dews." |Wednesday. Mr: Houghton gave |an extremely interesting outline lhe begins kindergarten. |of Education in Primary Grades.| Some important points were | President, Mrs. G. F. McCaf-| mentioned; for instance, a good |frey, called the meeting to order |degree of maturity usually is evi- with the singing of "'O Canada'.|dent at age 6 when the child be- STATEMENT OF A QUESTION The secretary's Teport was Jead gins to learn to read, By then he TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE bv Mrs. J. Naylor Mrs. J. E.|shou mentally alert, in g Wilson gave the Friis re- |health, emotionally stable and| ELECTORS QUALIFIED TO VOTE [have the ability to understand his | ON MON EY BY-LAWS: port. Mrs. McCaffrey pointed out EE EE Ea es ee Ee ing Saken the fund for Retarded |habits, how to concentrate, and| "ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF UNDER- Al apparently comes to the Bulldogs in a trade with Children. [to solve simple problems. TAKING A CAPITAL EXPENDITURE the Belleville McFarlands for Denis Boucher, drafted pT Cots were wou by Mrs. AND THE ISSUING OF DEBENTURES Boucher left training camp (Miss Eckel for the junior grades. FOR THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (150,000.00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENLARGING AND IMPROVING THE WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA?" failed to return to the |Both teachers were awarded] banners for their classrooms. Mrs. W. Avent, who convened the recently held rummage sale, and Mrs. Beatty, who was in TAKE NOTICE that the sbove is e correct statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of the electors qualified to vote on by-laws of the Town of Whitby p to By-law N 2249 of the Corporation passed the 2nd day of November 1959. charge of the bake table, were thanked by the president for their efforts in this project, Mrs. J, Ar- undel was also thanked for her excellent work on posters adver- tising the sale. PLAN HOBBY SHOW Mrs. Beatty spoke briefly to The dey for teking the vote of the electors wpon said the members to remind them that question and the places where the votes are to be taken the: February meeting would be ated. and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the same as for in the form of a hobby show for| Mr. Houghton sald that the|] the Municipal Election for the Council for the year 1960-1961 both children and adults. This,|principal and the teachers had al] end the Returning Officer appointed to hold the seid election Mrs. Beatey said, would not be a|bigger organizational problem in shall take the vote. Persons entitled te vote upon the said competition of skill and it was|each school. He stressed. the im- question shall be those electors who ere qualified to vote on hoped that many interesting hob-| portance of Home and School and money by-laws. bies would be displayed and per-|the personal contact between par- AND notice is further given that Monday, the 23rd dey haps demonstrated. ents and teachers. The point was} o¢ November 1959, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore- The door prize was emphasized that individual differ-| noon ot the Council Chamber the Town of Whitby hes ees in Children ug be di been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of plaed atteple ' and en Seared persons to attend ot the polling places and ot the final ae Work. 80 summing Gp of the votes by the Clerk, Mr. Houghton was thanked b: On Tuesday, the 8th day of December 1959, at the hour Mrs. Ss for his tie of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Clerk's Office of how the primary grades are in the Town of Whitby, the Town Clerk shall attend and sum up to votes given for and egainst the seid by-lew. Mr. DeGraff. It was announced that a Dis- being taught. | This was book week and the Dated at Whitby this 5th day of November 1959. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, T trict Conference is being held on Thomas Allen Publishing Com- own of Whitby. TOWN OF WHITBY UNIT SYSTEM Mr. Houghton outlined the Unit| System which is being used In| the King Street School. This is a| more gradual acceleration or de- celeration of pupils. The year's work is in three units and is worked into five years. The above average child could complete five years' work in four, the average child five years' work in five and the child having difficulties would perhaps take six years to com. plete the five years' work. The aim is to improve reading, to group children of similar ability, and the word "failure" is elimin- * earlier from Cornwall after a week's practice and club. No apparent reason was given for his departure. Dewsbury wouuld not play for the Macs this season because of financial difficulties. Those hockey fans in the area who had the opportunity of seeing Jean-Paul "Lamirande in his one and only appearance in Whitby as a '"Dunnie" will welcome the chance of watching his fine play again. Others to bear watching will be centre Lou Bendo, goaltender Don Head, who the Windsor club rate as the best in the OHA Senior "A" League, and Rene Pepin last year with Cornwall Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brack N. Let's All Go To Church This Sunday b 11 aim, --Dutch Service 11 a.m.--Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed FAITH BAPTIST 421 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C, Corbett, B.Th, We chatted briefly with playing-coach Ted O'- Connor last night and he is more than pleased with the showing of the locals. The majority of the club received special praise for their efforts during their latest winning streak, which could reach game num- ber eight tonight against the Bulldogs. Bobby Atters- ley is playing as well or better than any season in a Whitby uniform. With the increased competition it only points out that as the games gets more compe- titive so does Attersley. If this is true, then no mat- ter what the calibre, we feel that Bob could stay with the best of them, Ted mentioned the fine play of de- fenceman Harry Sinden, who also is the captain of the club, and keeps things at top level on the ice at all times. Fred Etcher is playing near his form of two years ago, and could have one of his best years yet. Jack Kane, although not showing too highly on the score sheet, has been doing a yeoman's job of killing penalties. John Henderson continues to come up with the big games in the nets for the Dunlops, especially at home where he had trouble doing so in the past. Don't forget the new starting time for the game to- night: -- 8:00 TOWN AND COUNTRY . .. It didp't take long for Eddie Shack to return to his parent team, the New York Rangers after the departure of Phil Wat- son, Apparently his demotion was for disciplinary reasons. Andy Bathgate, who is not having one of his better seasons as a Ranger, has been moved to the centre slot between Earl Ingarfield and Dean Pren- tice, replacing Brian Cullen. . Belleville McFar- lands have a tough week-end ahead of them. Last night they played in Chatham, tonight they are in Kitchener and Sunday they travel to Windsor. BROCK "70 Now Playing 220 22472 <= FORGE STEVENS MILE PERKINS DIARY St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. 8. AT ST. JOHN §T. won by 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIF Jr. congregation anc Beginners' classes 12:15 P.M. -- BIBLE CLASS Saturday, Nov. 21, at Dunbarton, the theme this year being 'Our Responsibility to Youth", Earl Fairman, supervising principal of the public schools in Whitby, introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Houghton, who, as pointed out by Mr. Fairman, is i i |pany had a very fine display of indeed an 3ssel bo the education-| ;iGren's books. The Whitby li- alsysiem 1a Un', brary also had an interesting se-| lection on display. | Mrs, McCaffrey invited mem-| that the 3 R's are still the im-|bers to browse through the books portant subjects and that the|and then enjoy coffee and sand- basic structure of the curriculum |wiches served by the Grade 6] is the same as that which was|mothers. [ made up in the el Jue text- books are more colorful now to keep interest and Lave a controll- WHITBY | . in the Town Hall Mr, Houghton began by saying THREE R's IMPORTANT ed vocabulary. Because the local MONDAY, Nov, 23 school receives $3 'per child of average attendance for books it Whitby Baptist Church Explorers | Castle Chapter Sr. Group is important that each child at- 4th Troop Scouts and Cubs tend school regularly. One of the points stressed was Mothers' Auxiliary, United Church the importance of understanding the individual differences in chil- dren, both mental and physical, 3rd Scouts and Cubs Ladies Aux- iliary, All Saints' Anglican Church at the Hour of 7:00 p.m. Thurs,, November 26th, 1959 For the purpose of nominating fit and proper per- sons for the offices of MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, COUNCILLORS, PUBLIC UTILITY COM- MISSIONERS and PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES for the Town of Whitby: of which all electors are here- by required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than are required to fill the said offices are nomin- ated and make the required declarations, polls will be opened. in the places named in the proclamation, in the said Town of Whitby on MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1959, and the fact that all do not learn at the same rate. Mr. Houghton pointed out the importance of reading to pre school children, every day if possible. This en- ables them to get meanings from 'Results In Mercantile League TUESDAY, Nov. 24 | Whitby Baptist Church CGIT | Faith Baptist Church YPA | Whitby Baptist 3 B's | Whitby Girl Guide Association | 1st and 2nd Whitby Scouts and Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary Whitby United Church Baby Band WEDNESDAY, Nov. 25 Whitby Red Cross work room St. John's Anglican "Church WA The Whitby Mercantile Hockey| work meeting League had a double header in Dundas Street Home and School the Whitby Arena on Saturday,| Association Nov, 15. |Canadian Legion Ladies Aux. In the first game Sportsman's Annual Bazaar, St. John's, Port Corner outplayed the In-| Whitby AND thet Monday, the 23rd day of November 1959, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon at the Council Chamber in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the. appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final sum- ming up of votes by the Clerk. AND that on Tuesday, the Sth day of December 1959, ot the I} hour of 10 o'clock in. the fore- noon at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Whitby, the Town Clerk shall attend and sum up votes given for and True Epic Of The Emotions! 10 AM. Girls and Boys 9 years and over JU AM infant care Junior Worship THE dependent Sales team by a score | of 10-5. The first period play re- THURSDAY, Nov, 26 | sulted in four netted by the|gaivation Army Women's Home Sportsmen against two by the In- | League and will be open from 10:00 a.m. unitl 7:00 p.m. and no longer. 307 BROCK ST. N. REV, J, E. SCARR -- Pastor against the said By-law. AND that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed By-law it will be taken into consideration by the muni- cipal Council of the said Cor- poration at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such first pub- lication was made on the bth day of November 1959. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. dependents. The second period |w saw the Sportsmen leading by 7-3 Wikihy Saspiel_Onler of the . and in the final period by 10-5. ! | H. Tran and Maw led the Sports- FRIDAY, Nov. 27 REVIVAL MEETINGS Nov. 17th to 29th with the "KINGS MINSTRELS" -- music on eight instruments --- Gospel Films S Full Gospel Preaching. Rev. Ward is a top lightning ar- tist, oil paintings done in the service and given away. Wed. Nov. 25th film on "The Christmas Story" SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. TUES. and FRI. 8:00 P.M. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve and six Councillors are to be elected for a term of two years. Four public Utility Commissioners are to be elected for a term of two years. Six Public School Trustees are to be elected for a term of two years. men with three goals each, and | Sawden and Vorvis each made | two goals for the Independents. | The second game saw the | SATURDAY, Nov. 28 Ottenbrite's Tailors team 'beat| Emmanuel Reformed Church the Larry's 6-1. Stars of the| Young People's Group I game were P. Rousseau, Brown, |St. Andrew's Presbyteens |Barnes, McLean, McBurnie, R.| | Valliant 'and Earl for Ottenbrite's| SUNDAY, Nov. 29 |and Humphries scored an un-| United Church Young People's | ted goal for Larry's. Unioa Salvation Army Youth Fellowship "ON THE AIR CKLB OSHAWA SUN. 8:45 -- 9:00 AM. JOHN R. FROST Returning Officer Lewsey el weer REE 22. NES GRR ABER NET FOR THIS ATTRACTION, EVENING SHOWS START AT 6:30 4 NRT TNT NE ONO RR NN