Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1959, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 19, 193¥ THE EDITORIAL STAFF of "Youth Speaks" gather around the news table to prepare copy for the first edition of a four-page tabloid newspaper The newspaper is intended to inform the public of the issues in the current battle of '"Wets" and "Drys" which will come to a showdown on Saturday, the handled the project on their own initiative and have work- ed quietly on their own dur- ing the past few weeks putting the paper together. Left to drea Walker, Bruce Hall, Paul- ine Nicholls, Nance Kerton, Robert Smyth, Robert Falby, Winnie Willmot and Bill Sher- rin. AT BOWMANVILLE "Selling as The Customer Likes It," was defined for a group of approximately 100 businessmen and women, and their employees at a selling course in the town hall Wednesday. C. W. (Bill) Wright, of Toronto, sales instruction expert, address- ed the meeting, which was joint- ly sponsored by the Rotarv Club. Busi and Professional Wom- en's Club and the merchants' division of the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce. Sales should be made in four {basic steps, the approach, pres- |entation, customer reaction and Expert Gives Sales Advice . BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- told in simple terms, easily un- derstandable to the prospective buyer," he said. "One very important step in retail merchandising, and one that is almost entirely neglected is the customer's reaction," he declared. Mr. Wright referred to nine out of 10 prospective car buyers, kicking the right front tire of the auto they seem inter- ested in. He continued, if the cus- tomer is 'nuts' about something, play up that something to make the sale." The fourth point, the close, is very important. The merchant should always give the customer the close, said "Mr. Wright. He stated no one ever sells "things." {The merchant "sells" people. He said when a customer walks into a store and says, 'Give me a package of cigarets," thé store- keeper has not made a sale, but merely carried out an order. a choice, but the choice should always be between 'something and something. Never between | something and nothing." UNDERSTAND PEOPLE "One of the greatest ways to become successful in the retail Mayor Outlines Council Stand to' "All Residents" from town council, which clarifies council's position in the forthcoming li- quor vote Saturday has brought forth objections from some rate- payers. One of them declared {that "He could think for him- self and didn't need the council to tell him how to vote." Nicholas Hornung, security officer at an Ajax defense plant said councillors have a right as individuals, but not as a coun- cil to say these things. "I intend to take up the mat- ter with the Ontario Municipal Board' ands the Liquor Control Board." Mayor William Parish said, Mr. Hornung phoned him about the letter. When the mayor had explained council's position, Mr. Hornung apologized and said "he was sorry he had phoned a To- ronto newspaper." Mayor Parish stressed that the letter did not advise anyone how to vote, but merely set forth council's position. It left the de- cision up to the voter entirely. ---- MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Nomination Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of East Whitlye will be held ot the, TOWNSHIP HALL Columbus, Ontario THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1959 From 7:30 in the afternoon to 8:30 in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving nominations for the Offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Three 13) Councillors for the year 1960, and Three (3) mem- bers of the East Whitby Public School Area Board for the years 1960 and 1961. If a Poll is necessary, Polls for taking the votes of the Electors, shall be held on Monday, December 7th, 1959, beginning at 10:00 o'clock in the fore- noon and continuing until 7:00 o'clock in the i 5 field is to gain an understanding day of the vote. The youngsters ' right are: Donna Dowden, An- Photo by John Mills, oe advised she salesman nevert people. The first thing which : you?" when a customer comes should be seen on the face of CORRECTION into the store. |the salesman is a warm friendly pp A merchandise approach, ap- smile. a BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A| i 074 the particular piece of| The next thing is to get to story which appeared in Tues-|merchandise the prospective buy-|know the customer's name, If the day's Times headed, "Ask Police [er is looking at, should be em-|salesman doesn't know it, he Protection" said that Mrs. J.|Ploved, he said. should ask. /"Our own name is McNulty, at a meeting of Bow- {like the sweetest music this side] PRESENTATION lof heaven," he told the meet- manville Ratepayers' Association| Describing the complained of a Peeping Tom at second step, ing. presentation, Mr. her window. Actually, Mrs. Mc-| being circulated in Ajax today. LIQUOR VOTE CAMPAIGN afternoon. The attention of Prospective Candidates is drawn to the following: "When a proposed Candidate is not present at the meeting, there must be satisfactory evidence given to the Returning Officer that the Candidate has ted to his ination at the Nomination meeting, and before 9:30 o'clock p.m., the same day, a candidate may resign in respect of one or more offices for which he is nominated by filing his resignation in writing with the Returning Officer, The Clerk, otherwise he sholl be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nominated". GEORGE FARNCOMB, RETURNING OFFICER, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY Columbus, Ontario November 13th, 1959 Dockers Back In Fold Of Labor NEW YORK (AP)--The Inter- national Longeshoremen's Asso-| ciation--expelled from the AFL six years ago on charges . of ROXATONE* THE ORIGINAL PLASTIC MULTI-COLOR FINISH Buy one quart of ROXATONE ot the regular price your second quart costs just 25¢1 i i : " WEBCOR ROYALITE $2 1 9.95 HI-FI TAPE RECORDER * 2 fine high fidelity speakers © 8.Watt amplifier ® Will record and ploy back # Grey with handsome monavrally at oll 3 speeds. gluminum trim ® Really portable-- weighs only 20 lbs. FOR VALUE--just a shade over half price on a two quart urchase! For VERSATILITY --bathroom, kitchen and recreation room walls, cupboards, furniture and toys, inside garage walls! FOR BEAUTY. textured, tone-on-tone patterns in 2, 3 or colors! . FOR DURABILITY --Scrubbable, scuff-resistant Roxatone out- lasts conventional paints by more than 3 to 1! FOR CONVENIENCE--no muss, no spray mist, no special container to fill or clean--spray it right from the can with the new vacuum cleaner-powered ah, spray gun! ALSO ON SALE AT $5.50 PER GALLON SEE YOUR ROXATONE DEALER NOW OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 28 ROXALIN OF CANADA LIMITED NEW TORONTO ONTARIO Entirely on its own initiative, the group of boys and girls of high sehool age, have spent hours, on the 'preparation of copy op- posing the establishment of any liquor outlets in the town. As one town official put it, "It's a refreshing experience to hear of youngsters doing any thing of this natore, it seems the only time we hear much about them is when they are in trouble, then the lamentations about juvenile(j delinguency go up." A quick perusal of the special edition indicates considerable re-| search to obtain facts om the Hquor traffic, and the increasing incidence of alcoholism over 'the years. One article makes a special ap- peal to parents. The paper poses this question to mothers, "Are you going to let a few selfish men (who want to live in luxury at your expense) deprive you and your family of the things you need? Those advocating more liquor outlets, - cannot give one good reason why you and your family need a licenced dining Jounge, A poem is addressed to fathers, "Vote "No' for my sake, Dad, I'm asking the question here, Which do you value the highest, Your boy, or your liquor or beer?" Several articles give pointed references to the fact that Arbor Lodge is next door to the Com- munity Centre. One writer says, "If the adults would put as much enthusiasm into a youth centre) as they are now putting into this| liquor question we would soon) bave a fine youth centre." TIRADE MARK REGISTERED WEBCOR REGENT CORONEY $449.95 STEREO HI-FI TAPE RECORDER 9 \ ® Will record and play ® Dual-channel 16-wott amplifies back both stereo © Self-contained Stereo system and monaural tapes with 2 Hi-Fi Speakers ® Provides 2-channel « 2 directional microphones and 4-channel 1 stereo playback * In ebony with silver iim PATTE'S Paint and Wallpaper LIMITED OVER 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3529 FOR FREE ESTIMATES ON ROXATONE WORK Or we Have All Of Do-It-Yourself Rentals, Including Spray Guns DODD & SOUTER - Paint and Wallpaper PHONE MO 8-5231 107 BYRON STREET SOUTH SIMPSONS HOME IMPROVEMENTS We have all of the do-it-yourself Rentals AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE AJAX 1032 or 1511 Megent Monaural Tape Recorder. Vs coor quolity dt 0 budget price. High Fidelity with full-range PM speaker. Powerful amplifier. Plays in horizontal or vertical positions, Only 28 Ibs. Ebony $955.00 WILSON & LEE LTD. "Eastern Ontario's Largest Music Centre' 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 WHITBY Wright urged| It is important to listen. This|racketeering and gangster domi-| ore Own ut ets the salesmen to use '"'intelligent|provides an area for study. Be|nance--rejoined the labor fold to-| | Nulty stated she had "acted as a|what he termed "ICI," he said|the customer may have. One i The dock workers were kicked : ; : 2 1. | questions. come back. Understanding peo-{0ut in 1953. They also were the ballots Saturday to determine| One girl teen-ager writes, "Iinot prevent a building from be-(all off, and there were no pol-| yin. 0 ections aids in pre-|ple is probably the salesman's [barred from the AFL-CIO when| whether the town of Ajax is to enjoy Ajax as it is now. I'm|ing used for the purpose for icemen on the street." The story scription selling, which he said is greatest asset. the two merged in 1955, have beverage rooms, a dini.g|proud of our town. I'm proud of which it was used on the day referred to lack of police protec-not limited to doctors, dentists) "Ivever treat a customer as The ILA is on two years' room" licence and a cocktail|the opportunities here. . . . I can|the bylaw was passed. ltion- for merchants' premises|and druggists. just an ordinary customer, butly io "00 EOF WO years Lee] lounge is warming up as voting|walk with my head held high. I| "As a matter of principle, I"°" ei : ; a Suspended | during periodical power shut-l,, po yelned with his or her buy-|what makes our business," he labor's code of ethics. The deck If the number of /ballots cast go out on the street at night in a hotel in any residential ling problems, and it is only by|advised. a | sion to a the. LA oti at the advance poll Tuesday is| without fear. I'm grateful for t:e|area in the town: no matter| We regret any embarrassment|asking questions the salesman| The "Sweet Adelines" singing... = "gone ne 0 was| any indication, there will be to recreational outlets run by Teen where you live in town, I be-| hich may have been caused can learn the buving problems of | group intertained prior to Mr. AFL CIO SONY or a record egg o Yolors wu Town, which all of us teen-agers lieve it is the duty of us all to| 'uty by th rt his customers," he added, {Wright being introduced. Figs that the goon pon | Ce the polls. Forty-eight peisous uphold this vital principle." {Mrs. McNulty by the report. "The customer does not buy a| = er with .onlv eight at the last pro-| "A beer parlor beside the com- 3 ; ¢ 1550.000 ai ai-| vineial 'election advance poll.. [munity centre is not a good BLOW TO CIRCUSES er knows all about this particular) A total of 1,550, 2 coud ; i ; BOWMANVILLE product, but they should be told|tioning units were 'sold in the] In the last vote on liquor ques- example for teen-agers. . . . Yes, STOCKHCLM (AP) -- The gov- something about the product they|United Stales ir 1958, compared tions in Ajax, 89 per cent of the parents, I'm very proud of our ernment has ruled out all wild are interested in. They should be! with 11,000 in 1940 voters went to the polls. The|town . . . Please help keep un- animal acts in Sweden. And that, . r------a -- count was not completed until 3|ganted "influences away from some dismayed owners said a.m. the next day. The brewers' |gyt door," Thesday, just abval giles out AJAX DARLING 1 ON MUNICIPAL approved, but beverage rooms to i from effective Jan. 1., forbids wild ani-| John Mills Ajax 426) were defeated. i Juayer Tigi Parish sayy; mals performing in circuses, Yael H ' . p The present campaign is not|"'Ajax a planned community riety shows or similar exhibi-| : .3- ' apparently a straight contest be-| . . . the citizens of Ajax have ations. The royal veterinary board | Ra€ Hopkins Ma. 3 7282 tween "wets and drys". The responsibility to keep it that/and animal protective organiza-| 2€ way, tions recommended the action. f > room$, cocktail lounge and din- | ing room privileges in what is now ealled Hotel Ajax, formerly Arbor Lodge, looms Prompaently | in the campaign literature from : = . = . Meeting of the electors of the said Township of Darlington The 'Vote Yes" {ommitios will tak 1 . th : laims that this is an insinuation i demands that the town coun- e P ace In ; e cil and other bodies publish proof Ce propor new outs wil TOWN HALL, HAMPTON wise described the Hotel Ajax. W COUNCIL OPPOSED Town council has gone on rec- ord as being unanimously -- i posed to the sale of any alcoholic 1959, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the PRrpase of nominating Landi area, more particularly Arbor dates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy-Reeve ree Councillors for 0) Lodge: said Township of Darlington for the year 1960. Also nomination of three ia gan MacDensle, hee members to South Darlington Area School Board will take place at the Ltd approached the council a same time. At 3:30 p.m. the meeting will be turned over to the Area a vote without a petition from the residents. Mr. MacDonald offered to re- imburse the town the cost of fak- THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN ing the vote, if council would dis. from 10 00 om fo 7 00 Pp m . oliBe o odie ing up a petition. He was re- fused. In the ensuing months, three M D b pe Sh, Ie onaay, ecembder 7 town elerk refused to certify the ' regularities. The third petition 1959, if polls shall be demanded, at the places hereinafter named and ith met requirements and council in i i ksi. mel Ee the following named persons os Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Cle: ks: to the liquor control board to set a date for a vote. T is Saturday when Broken Front, First, and Second Concessions, and Lots 1 to 12 inclusive olls n .m. $ . A " Lan Hi The. schools In each area in the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Concessions, at PROVIDENCE SCHOOL. are polling places. Mrs. Ail Turner, D i icer. e Bolling faces wit woul wal rs. Aileen Tu eputy Returning Officer. Mrs. Bessie Sackleton,, a letter to all citizens in which Poll Clerk. ) POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2 composed of Lots 1 to 12 inclusive in the Ajax: is "a nonconforming use, located in a residential gistriet", It dombts its power to preven . . o ET roms Doveining Ticences COMMUNITY HALL. John Wilson, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. for any purpose if the various Alden Hoar; Poll Clerk. : aig fi gly POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3 composed of Lots 12 to 24 inclusive in the YOUTHS SPEAKS OUT Broken Front Concession, and Lots 15 to 24 inclusive in 1st and 2nd An_ interesting feature of the Concessions, and Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Third Concession, at contest is the publication of a four = page newspaper called Bert Snowden, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. Ed. Leslie, Poll Clerk. teen-agers Mrs. Doreen Doyle, Poll Clerk. x POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4 composed of Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in Fourth, Fifth end Sixth Concessions, at DARLINGTON COMMUNITY HALL, HAMPTON. Sidney Kersey, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 5 composed of Lots 13 to 24 inclusive in the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Concessions, aot ' ENNISKILLEN COMMUNITY HALL. Adam Sharp, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs, John Slemon, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 6A composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive in the Second and Third Concessions at COURTICE CENTRAL SCHOOL. Mrs. G. A. Peterson, Deputy Returning Officer. R. C. Pearce, Deputy Return- ing Officer. Wilfred Brown, Poll Clerk. Mrs. Jas. McGregor, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 6B composed of Lots 33 to 35 inclusive in the Second and Third Concessions, at COURTICE WEST SCHOOL. Mrs. Returning Officer. }' Martha Penfound, Poll Clerk. Mrs. Victor Cut- ting, Poll Clerk. POLLING SUB-DIVISION ivo. 6C composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive in the Fourth Concession, at MITCHELL'S CORNERS SCHOOL. Frank Pascoe, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. A. D. McMaster, Poll Clerk. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Concessions, at BRAD- LEY'S SCHOOL. Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. R. W, Pascoe, Poll Clerk. And at this said nominating meeting W. E. Rundle, Clerk, shall be Returning Officer. : customer interrogation." To gain careful to listen to complaintsiday, on probation. i ! i i ere | S L ask|t ake the customer want to AJAX (Staff) -- The battle of, PROUD OF AJAX «Ihe town's zoning bylaws can. Peeping Tom as the lights were the Salesman must learn to ask to make th | "Every customer has the right treat them all alike. They are 3 § t day draws near. am proud of the fact that I can|am opposed to the sale of liquor again if it does not live wp to}. downs. 3 .<|Can enjoy. { | voted, Tuesday. ms compares product because the salesman POPULAR PRODUCT {Geaned fiouse, : D1 nd liquor store were) circuses. The, government order, warehiiute 3 " | A letter to the editor, 0 3 J question of locating the beverage the "Yote No" committee. be in Arbor Lodge, or, as other- Friday, November 27 , beverages in amy residential year ago with a request to take School Board for their reports. pense with the formality of tak- first two petitions for various ir- POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1 composed of Lots 1 to 7 inclusive in the The date is Saturday when it states clearly that the Hotel Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Concessions, at TYRONE questions are approved by a 60 MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL, Lawrence White, Deputy Returning Officer. "Youth Speaks" by a group of Wilfred Smale, Poll Clerk. Broken Front, and First Concessions, and Lots 25 to 32 inclusive in the Jack Varcoe, Deputy Returning Officer. Mrs. Cecil Adams, Deputy POLLNIG SUB-DIVISION No. 7 composed of Lots 25 to 35 inclusive in the R. W. NICHOLS, Reeve W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk

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