LA 5 We 37--Male Help Wanted | 44---For Rent #4--For Rent TWO salesmen to train for SELY- it in apart. Sion, . i... ch cunpany, Commer-| Also cial sales experience an asset. Dealer- ship to qualified 57 _ Bloor | gers Street West, Room 217, WAlnut 4-8347, Toronto, Mr, Brown; 270d | Shehelor sale, North. RA 3-907 HEATED three rooms with h Kitchenette and bathroom, washer and dryer. Simcoe Street 2108 biti clerk reauired for ofl com: . Write Box 717 Oshawa Tihs, 38--M-erle or "emale He! p 'anted 7, 63 King Street West, ville. 260c| THREE - room : aparimest, ro conven. ences, mont heat Sige war water. Apply 630 Park Road South 20f CLEAN attractive three-room ment, For Flower Shop With cme experience in floral ~rrangement. Write Box 815 Oshawa Times 268e 41--Room and Board part- 3 private en- trance, stove and refrigerator. 1620 Simcoe North. RA 5-6624. 270¢ HOUSE -- 60 Stevenson Road. All con ply 262 Conant Street. om cottage, $60. |bus line, "ol heating, for py Dial| 125, 265¢ 03 300M 10 private Bore. Very centr spring mat 102 -| boards EXCELLENT location, near school, seven - room house, on two floors, $95 monthly, Interested please phone RA 5-1457. .. %T0e 44---For Rent |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Reol Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 1959 3] MODERN basement apartment with and tiled fain TWO - roo; jot 8-8! tress: sult gentleman Elgin Street East on| Co; bed-sitting room, with poi Te facilities, suitable for lady or an, car space, cen- tral, 185 Centre Street, 2701 THREE unfurnished rooms, modern and sink, heat, lights and |S SMALL apartment with sink and cup- water supplied, ay sage space. Ab- for sale, ns ie vs O2C Phos: RA 51877, 6 p.m. to 8 pm. LLOYD REALTY Bowmanville, Phone MA arage. In 23000 or cal at 88 Ontario Sine. in kitchen. Xrivits 495 Dunkirk A Apply venue. TWO large unfurnished range and private bath, $55, 3 Apply 730 {Simcoe South. room house, available now -- 178 Valencia Road, a¢ar 8.G.M., Call RA 8-8483 p.m. 265¢ gus | ONE NTs #88) 7an, close to Shopping Centre. Grenfell Street, ROOM ~ board if desired, for two |gentlemen or ladies, a block from Centre. All eon- RA 88792. 2708 | p- 267¢ SIX - room brick with ga- rage, newly decorated, vil heated. On Hillcroft Street. RA 58188. 2671 THREE . 15 Fairbank, F information, call RA 5- 2671 four corners. ROOM and board, one single room and one to share, single beds. Close to Yosphtal and bus. stop: Avvly 30 Jones ROOM and board for tl meals and Sentieman, good Phone-RA 8-007. 547 Montrave. 268f ROOM and board, nice clean single Soom, Fly) nicely furnished double twin beds, excellent meals, block re nd Apply 203 King St. E. 268¢c 8-832. including plenty of parking, immediate possession, adults only. RA 3-9316. 267f TWO rooms and kitchen, unfurnished, middle-; couple, abstainers, private \convenicices 414: entrance, To Reavy FouR - room apartment, heated TV dryer, $75. Apply 281 Osh. ee va Blvd. North, ROOM 'and board for gentlemen, to share, single beds, home Phone RA 3-6382. ROOM and board for to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Ptreet East. Phone RA 3-7814. ROOM and board for gentleman, South|}, district, home cooked meals, privileges, clean accommodation. RA 5-3710. ROOMS with or without board, some with running water. Quiet and clean, close to downtown. Apply 174 Church Street. 265 ROOM for two gentlemen to share, yb breaiciast, all conveniences. RA |$65. ROOM and board for gentleman, good meals and single beds, close to all South plants, Phone RA 3-3101, ROOM and board One single room and one to share. PI RA Five minutes S. plant, BOARD and room for gentleman, home privileges. Phone RA 5.7043. ROOM and board in clean home for three willing to share, single beds laundry dore. RA 5-1753. 43--Wanted to Rent LIGHT manufacturing company would like to rent a building with approx. 1200 sq. ft., suitable for work shop. Call RA 3-4161. not WANTED immediately by bank ac- countant, three: rozm house for young family with three small children. Pref- erably near Protestant public school. Ask for D. R. Gordon at RA 3-2288 be- fore 6 p.m. 2700 My name is Douglas and | om three months old. | have two older sisters and one older brother. To be sure that Santa Claus knows where to find us this Christmas | would like to rent a three or four- bedroom house and get my parents settled in Oshawa by December 1. If you have the home thot we are looking for, ot a reasonable rent, please drop me a note to-- BOX 805, OSHAWA TIMES gentleman, close | are - room bungalow, all con- hs immediate veniences, Brooklin area, $80. 8-4853. FIVE rooms, private bath, ofl heated, immediate possession, on Oshawa Bou- levard 'North, Owner, C. Knight, 180 oh tario Street. RA 5-5801. APARTMENT ~ Three rooms and oe room apartment, share bath, | 'or more TWO - room apartment for rent, five|central from Phone RA TWO - room apartment, clean, quiet, i shed or unfur- 0 841% or MO sink. 2658 THREE - bedroom DUAgEloW, $80. ort Thickson's Road North A' 4,5100 phone collect. 2701 $95 MONTHLY with lease at your tion, for a new detached bricl 0 furnished rooms, bedroom and [chen with rergersir built-in eup- 53 {Boas and Mink 867 Ritson Road OSHAWA"S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM JTS BEAUTIFUL AND IT COULD BE 45--Real Estate For Sale $4,000 BUYS 109 acres, planted Scotch, red and white pine, Wonderful investment. Call Walter Frank, and Kidd Realtors, MArket Bowmanville. TO EXCHANGE, ardman Crescent o to Mr. Black ROger ET 178 Val- RA 88483 FOUR room self-contained apartment, ares, eloss to bus and school. RA 5-4508 , ment, 265 RA 5.3932, THREE room _ self-contained ad floor, garage, FOUR - room unfurnished Sen lights, heat and water. Couple Li oly; Private entrance. Apply | 300 King 8 West. 10 a.m. to 8 p. rot HOUSE, new, five Joorts, completely lo tson South ental: one furnished housekeeping if desired. RA UNFURNISHED or T furnished tw o hot tin area. 881 Meyers Street. RA AS THREE, four and five-room ments, fully ¢ equipped. RA 56343, Pot WO large unfurnished rooms, heated, and cold water supplied, laundry t, at bus stop. 822 King Street Eeast, Available, For ap- call RA 5-5373, 26% YOURS BEFORE CHRISTMAS EXECUTIVE HOME in o Tesicentiol area. Situate: ° large living room with natural rep "Finish sh this home to apart. |ing, bushes, each row of [city limits, $6,300 full Of | font terms available. 3.9635. Joseph Bosco AVAILABLE DEC. 1 MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at 15 GIBBONS ST. Adults only or with children 0 12. Apply 21 Gibbons St. ver y 266 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avall- able in private home. 82 Pafk Road North § - 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. SEVEN - room house plus annex, in- 2 sulated, oll heated, garage, yard has oruce s, willow and vie | See lo ated central, in 3 A 5-4277. Li Shade, fh RA 3 bi bright four - stove and refrigerator. "RA 5-8800. roi LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S FIRST RENTAL AGENCY Lloyd Realty (Qshowa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. * i RA 8-512 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS --Of-- SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) Quiet residential street. Children welcome. New 2-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc. Rents from $95 Monthly Others from $85. PHONE RA 5-7272 WHITBY CLASSIFIED JovsE FOR RENT -- Six rooms, , coal |D $65 monthly. J. ag Shields, 270a ace, Real Estate, MO §-2874, UTOH woman wants housecleaning by 1959 SKODA, mileage 1900 miles, ex. cellent condition, $1300. Illness Feason|way, for selling. 600 Maple the sanitary tanks installed, Walter Whithy'| Ward, 30 Chestmut Wei. Phone MO Phone MO 82222, 4 to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday. 270b FOR SALE = Admiral combination TV |Service HI-FI radio and record plaver all In|GoUSES FOR RENT -- -- room, | ATTRA semi-furnished, one, beautiful walnut cabinet, Al con. dition. Phone MOhawk 82310 after 8. 8. FOR RENT -- ented apartment, two attractively furnisi rooms, bed-sit- ting room and ich, built in ecup- boards, electricity ug ove Private en- trance. Apply 231 Palace Birest Whitby. ROOM and board for gentlemen = share, single beds, hom: lloges, 268c e pri clean accommodation. Phone MO 5407. FOR SARE -- Lares Quaker ofl heater, 'in good condition, $35. we. Phone MO 8-2161. FOR RENT -- One small apartment, heated, with private bath. Chesnut Street east. Box 801 Oshawa Times, Whitby. 269¢ FOR RENT -- Two and three room apartments, self-contained, refrigerator| and stove, built-in cupboards, very central, immediate possession. MO 8- 2398. 269¢ 33 Loom, cetth) FURNISHED quiet en vou can't ay rent. Wilde 2 Reutal close to Shopping. 'Centre, ELL and Sales, RA Bap, 1e-ROOM prival bath and entrance, TV outlet. Call RA 5-4555, 268 ONE three room apartment, also one four room apartment in Bowmanville, immediate possession. RA 5-3220. 268f FOUR - room apartment, self-contain- ed, on Simcoe North. RA 5-2033, TWO room furnished apartment, sink, refrigerator, suitable for one or two men. 72 Cadillac South. 268 ses- [THREE and %-room, upper apartment, f | privileges. RA 5-70: 2701 | 81894. £ | boards, BROOKLIN -- for sale or rent, six- room brick house on main street, bath and a half, central heating. Immediate possession. Wm. A. Heron, OL 5-3171. separate entrance, adults only. Alice treet. Phone RA 5-6881, ROOM and board for gentlemen, | _-- ONE lovely room w IT private bath and entrance, in private home, for gentle- man, RA 3-7070. BASEMENT apartment, central. RA 268 ic TWO flats, one three rooms, one four rooms, private bathrooms, built-in cup- sinks in kitchens. Apply 112 Louies Street. 268¢ NEW three com- pletely decorated throughout, also garage, $100 per month. RA 5-6133. 268f GROUND floor flat, three large rooms and bathroom, completely private, all ONE two - room apartment, private en. Phone RA 5-5798 or 589 Albert Street. 2681 trance; one light room, furnished. 97 Albert Street. 2681 ROOM --. -- suitable for one or two gi girls, 268f Ea es rooms, bedroom and kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, |frigerator and stove, close to hospital and downtown, suitable for two girls, RA 5-5228. ONE nice furnished oo Te man, cooking privileges. Apply 268 Clarke Street. FARMHOUSE -- six rooms, large kit- from Manchester, very low rent. Phone OL 5-3618. 268¢ HOUSE for rent, Trull's Road North, Courtice, Phone RA 39192. 268¢c ONE large furnished housekeeping room, washing facilities, parking space. ._Apply 63 Greta Street. LARGE s single room, sul room, suit Sentlemna. or or lady, cooking privileges. Apply 66 War- ren Avenue, THREE extra larg e rooms, very sun- ny, large porch, private bath and en- trance, gro floor, large lawn, park- ing space; bus stop, on King Street. RA (GARAGE for storage of boats, $5 per boat per month. Phone RA 5-7135. 268c 268f/ THREE unfurnished rooms, built-in eup- chen, hydro and telephone, two miles, FIVE - room brick veneer house, oak floors, and garage. All conveniences, $75. Westmoreland Avenue, two blocks past hospital. Apply 34 Mill Street. 267f SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi- ness man, in quiet home, breakfast optional. 38 Colborne Street West. 268f | THREE - room unfurnished basement apartment, private bath an entrance. RA 3-4788, 300 Monash Ave. of boards and sink, stove, heat, lights and atel Southend, $55 monthly. 3 RA pi four - room apartment and bath including TV aerial, refrigerator, stove and dryer. Phone RA 3-9141. 269f SIX - room house, central location, oil heat, immediate ppssession. R. A S50 26 ONE or two housekeeping rooms, clean and quiet, with refrigerator, close to NGM. RA 269 FIVE - room Sous, north end, stove and washer. Schools close by, oil heat. Available December 7, Phone RA 5-3903. 26 FOUR - room. apartment, private en- trance and bathroom, parking, close to downtown, adults. $80. RA 8-0369. ATTRACTIVE six-room house at New- castle, with lawn and cedar trees, 3 FURNISHED bedroom, large, clean, quiet, central, close to hospital, light housekeeping if desired. RA 8-5984, 269 mile from 401 Highway. Rent $30 per Mrs, month. Apply =| Phone 3651, reverse charges. FOUR - room apartment, unfurnished, heat and hydro included, heavy wing, child $65 RA 5-4 2700 T' 'WO - room, unfurnished apartment, sink in kitchen, Private bath. Lady or {business couple preferred. Available December 1. Phone RA 3-4618. 2671 wash- 240 Burk Street. i. SINGLE room, private, Kitchen, 1,|/ROOM for one or two gentlemen, two fro, and north . . garage desired, ve »| central, quiet home. RA 58150, 267f il beat, $38 per Tolith} oll, $100 CTIVE private home, close to downtown Ph All Apply 204 Bond Street East, Five room brick bungalow, Mary Street east, $75 per month Con- Centre. Garage Phone RA 3-3519. 268 with garage, | TWO - Bowman MO tact and G Whitby. 8-3521. 268¢ near school, and bus, oil furnace, storm Phone RA 5-4694. 266f DOMESTIC help wanted for eme day a week. Phone MO 8-4003. 269¢ HOUSE, near bus and school. A 5-5113. SIX - room brick house, hot water heating with oil, hardwood floors | throughout, fireplace, laundry tubs, ED. DISNEY REALTOR -- INSURANCE 82 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-2333 EXECUTIVE HOME PLUS INCOME Exceptional value in on ex- ecutive home, very centrally located. Modem in every way, this beautiful residence with 7 very spacious rooms, natural fireplace, broadloom covered floors and equipped with all the modern conveni- ences which make life so wonderful has to be sold for a song. $3,000 down poy ment; open for offer. Call Art Weinbe er, RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3-7244, suit your own taste in tile colors, flooring and fixtures. Selling below construction costs to the mon with a sub- Santia) ¢ down . pavinent. For same coll RA retry i yo for Lloyd Bolahood, Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER V.LA. -- OPPORTUNITY --, three-bedroom home on 2 acres of land on Cor- bett's Red North, Ny heat, ow mon pay ne low taxes. For further details sil Mr. O'Donnell ot JOHN A. 3, BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 2700 7-ROOM BRICK CENTRALLY .LOCATED FULL PRICE $7,900 DOWN $1,000 If you wont o solid quality built home, see us on this one. All large rooms, hardwood floors down. Immediate pos- session. To inspect, call Roy Fine, RA 5-3454, or RA LUCAS PEACOCK RA 5-4330 270s NEWCASTLE Don Mountjoy, MA 3-3950 50-acre farm near Greenbank, running water, furnace. Easy terms, L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, oil furnace. Asking price $26, 100-acre farm near Pontypool, DREAM HOMES Open For Inspection daily from 2.00 to 9.00 p.m. in "BEAU VALLEY built by N. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION - LIMITED Exclusive Agents Schofield Insurance Howe & Millen Realtors Ristow & Olsen Realtors Exclusive Agents garage, convenient to hospital and col- legiate, Rent, $110 per month, Phone RA 52777 after 4 p.m. ror C.I.L. PAINT Call PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523) DODD & SOUTER [i OFFICES for rent, central, with -- ing facilities, For information, phone f\ 535, private apartment, own entrance and toilet, near Simcoe. King. Suitable for couple. MO 8-36! EE Spattment, self - contain. rooms and bath, unfurnished, wiring, heat and water, dows: ts only. $60. Available Jan. 1. ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and bath, maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha ote! LOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon o ve- cancy. Only screened ond re- FOR RENT -- Five houses, $90 to $95 monthly, 3 bedrooms, One year's lease. Call Olive Howe, Realtor, 130 Brock North. MO 8-2527. 269¢ @0USE and bungalow wanted. Good down payntents W MeAuley Realtor MO 83231 Oshaws RA 3-2513 PLASTEEER -- Patching a specialty, no job too small. MO 8-5351. ACME shoe repair, 104 Byron St, South in Whitby is now open for business. liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 TWO November 1, and frigidaire, heated. 108 Graydon Road, Whitby. private bath and entrance, two minutes from bus and shopping centre. Phone sell, FURNISHED bed-sitting room with kitchenette, for lady or girl. Central location. RA § 268¢ IN BROOKLIN, rey heated , heavy duty, hot water, private bath and entrance. OLiver 5-4693. 2681 THREE - room ground floor, separate entrance, built-in cupboards. Apply 15 Maple Street off Simcoe South. RA 58712. 265¢ TWO room apartment, furnished, avail. able November 20. Abstainers. RA 5-1042. 266f SIX-room house, ofl heated, also lower duplex. RA 5-9696. central; 2661 GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd. For Delivery Phone-- FOR RENT ------ edo apartment, very cen! ly ated, bus- month, iness couple , $95 per MO se 265¢ ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 ONE furnished room, single beds, close to downtown, Shopping Centre, all con- veniences, in private home. Apply 47 Nassau Street. 265( TWO large, warm rooms, for light IN Port Perry, four-room apartment, plus bath, laundry and dryer facilities, $50 per month. Phone 93R3 Sanderiand, THREE - room apartment, unfurnished, private bath, built-in cupboards. Adults only. Available December 8. Apply 30 Elena Street. 2691 TWO furnishéd rooms, refrigerator, stove, cupboards, sink in kitchen, pri. vate bath, washing facilities. Close to bus stop. RA 5-9685. 269¢ APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms and bath, stove, refrigerator, $60. Vacant, HK 337 Simcoe Street completely 41 in. cluding eléctric » South, 269¢ ous hot hsv iP use of ma- chine. Central to downtown and Shop- ping Centre. Suit orking couple, $15 weekly, Phone RA 265¢ SIX room brick house, oil heated, new- ly decorated, hardwood and tile Joces, Tv garage, ) RA 58307, 2671 605 Green Street, wanted. LIVE POULTRY also Highest . market prices paid. Jake Parker, M0 8-3644, collect. in gentlemen, ren and board for Dutch home. 1001 McCullough between West View Heights, Whitby, MOhawk 8-5383. FOR plumbing, baineing nd re] repairs, call MOhawk 206¢ FOR RENT---new -- overlook- ing 401 Highway and the lake. Call at 1000 Byron Street. South, thy. 265¢ FOR SALE -- new split level bungalow, decorated, off Henry Street. Will take lots or car on payment. RA 3-2044. 265{ FOR RENT -- sleeping rooms, fight housekeeping rooms with conveniences. Apply 305 Trent West. TV -- radio, phonograpt Topalls. La work guarattand. Teunissen vice, MO TY ire LOIS' i open Monday to Friday evenings, .by. Appolmtment. OL- tver 53134, Winchester Road, 6th BOYS' CARCOATS With quilted lining made of a waterproof fabric. Zipper front. Colors grey, navy and red. Sizes 8 to 16. THIS WEEK-END ONLY SPECIAL $2.59 MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY, ONT. 269¢ TWO-, or three - room, unfurnished basement apartment, Phone RA 8-5369. 2651 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY LOW DOWN' PAYMENT REDUCED SALE $12,995.00 2--ONLY--2 Will not be able to duplicate. Located in NorthWest Section, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION contact MR. McCABE RA 35-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 270a LARGE three - room apartment, re. and stove, private bath and TWO furnished rooms, close to town, $10 weekly, Phone RA 5-9870. FOUR - room apartment, heat, water] and stove. Abstainers, No children, Call RA 5-2468 not later than 7 p.m. SIX - room house, in Oshawa, oil heat- ed, all conveniences, large yard, close to school and bus. Phone OLiver 5-3320. SPOTLESS three-bedroom cosy frame house; large modern kitchen, ozk floors, tiled bathroom, storms, fenced yard, clean gravel drive, Westmore- land Avenue, RA 3.4250. Lease, $85 OMY 2674 close to NSnuth th GM, Fort Tg immed: lately. MOhawk 8-4968 after 5 p.m, 267f down | entrance, downtown, vacant December .Iness man in quiet home. Apply 38 Col- 265f| borne Street West. = figerator, Phone 1, adults only. RA 5-3352 or 39 Simcoe Street North, Apt. 3. 267¢ SINGLE and double rooms for gentle men cooking privileges. Apply 135 Celina Street. SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi. TWO furnished rooms, refrigerator and stove, private bathroom, young couple, no children, $35 monthly. Apply 1313 Cedar Street, RA 5-8355, 269¢ CHILDREN welcome -- four roo stove, RA 80054. ms, re- laundry facilities, 2691 Hate OSHAWA -- Three - room Ty room, furnished basement past ment, "ont cupboards tor and sink, range, private bath and | tet: entrance, use of washer and dryer. 348 Arthur Street. " 265¢ plywood sub-floor, modern Kitchen, TV outlet. Phone RA 269¢ COMFORTABLE, eo Youn for gen: me, ALEX D HENRY. Alter try. RA 54548, Carpen- Three or four Bédroom house in Oshowa or Whitby for young businessman, wife and four children. Reasonable rent. Write-- Box 904, Oshawa Times If You Can't Buy... RENT Cortop boots, canoes, shot- guns, rifles, decoys, "sleep- ing bags, garden tillers, lawn seeders, rollers and mowers, skill saws, drills. For sole, used boots, motors end trail "WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. S. WHITBY TWO partly tleman, NG stores, JL an bus, Apply 12 iain Street East. RA 5-2659. 2691 HOWE & MILLEN 67 KING ST. EAST RA 32 EXECUTIVE TYPE NEW HOME Five-roomed brick and stone bungalow. Electrically heated, large living room with fire- place, dining room, and Hollywood kitchen with built- in stove oven. Ventilator, ceramic tile bath with vanity, lovely finished rec-room with Juoms, sink, use of Apply 48 Drew y St. or RA 3-4152. "265{ Ristow & Olsen REALTORS LAND $1,500 per acre. Close to new high school, 645 nrres, Good brick nine-room home with furnace on propeiiy- 6% mort, . Call Don Hill ot MO 8-5823 or OL 5-447] evenings, BROCK ST. INVESTMENT Close to downtown in Whitby, eight-room home suitable for fomily living or business, Home in good repair. Naturol riment, sink in kitch- FO room oes. " included. Phone 269¢ en, $85, heat, RA 8-0363. heat and hydro $65 1} Byng Ave, RA ats 265¢ THREE room unfurnished apartment, sink and cupboards, T.V. outlet, child welcome, apply 499 Albert NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW Three bedrooms, oil heat, heavy wiring. $85 monthly. Immediate possession. Apply Berentschot's Bakery, Garrard Rd., RR. 3, Oshowe. 269¢ one all Bt | - contained modern ATTRACTIVE, self kitchen, bed- four - room apartment, room, living room and bath, conveniences, available Dec. 1, only. Apply 207 Wililam Street Ea: 2698 0 furnished rooms, bedroom and chen; built-in cupboards, ak washe ing facilities, antenna. Apply 206 quette Avenue (Park Road South). 265 TWO - room, furnished apartment, near hospital, built-in cupboards, private ens trance, four « piece bath. RA 5-8123. 269¢ NEWLY decorated semi - detached apartment, centrally located, immedi- ate. posses! Phone Brooklin, OLiver| 5-3184. 269 THREE rooms, self - contained furnish-| ed apartment, modern kitchen, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, TV aerial ,use of washer and dryer. RA 56127. 260f fireplace in living room, love- ly sc sun room. Only $3, 000" down with feed terms. oll Newt Hodgson MO 8.5823 or RA B6408 evenings. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS Two bedroom . apartment, electrically equipped, best 209 BROCK ST, S. WHITBY MO 8-3226 location. Apply 498 Simcoe SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd. RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants. We have a waiting list. Call today-- DAYTIME--RA 3-2263 fir e, ample b attached garage. Would also suit a retired couple. For further information please contact Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. FERNHILL BLVD. Large Tri-level home in a nice area, consisting of living Terms arranged. 2-bedroom bu veniences, full 000. Terms. with all modern conveniences, picture window. Asking $13,5 x 65' bankbamn, drive shed, silo; 8-roomed Asking price $13, S00" Terms, 90-dcre farm neor Millbrook, 80 acres workable, pond, bank- barn, garage, etc.; 8-roomed brick house. Asking price $11,000. bankbarn, drive shed; 8-roomed home, hea $9,000 with a small down payment. 98-acre farm near Bethany, 75 acres workable, 11 acres maple bush, L-shaped bankbarn, running water, silo, etc.; 8-roome home with furnace, running hot and cold water. BROILERFARM, fully equipped and capacity of 20 acres land, stream; 8-roomed veniences. Price $20,000. Terms. low in Bowmanville, sement, hardwood and tile floors, owt DE WITH oer PHONE 3341 Solesmen: Ross Davidson, Bethany 21ré stream, 75' 40 acres workable brick home with 100-acre farm near Neweonwille, 3s acres workable, stream, 10-robmed frome home, tc.; heavy duty wired. Price $15, 000. i Ay 100-ocre farm north Bowmanville, 97 acres workable, large pond, L-shaped bankbarn, water on tap, drive shed, new garage, etc; B-roomed brick house with. all modern conveniences, new 500 with' $5,000 down. 60 acres 9 workable, 60' x 30 vy duty wired. Price d Priced $10,000. of 5,000 birds, home with all modem con- with all modem con- Price $9- 3-bedroom, almost new, brick veneer bungalow, in Bowmanville, full basement, modem kitchen, 00 with $5,000 down. GENERAL STORE, comprising of store, stockroom, 6 rooms living quarters and attached garage, with modern conveniences. Ask- ing price $16,000. Terms arranged. S-roomed, almost new bungalow ot Courtice on 2-ocre dot vith all modem homes for sale. floors. Price $12,500 "with bo) 000 down, Besides above mentioned we have many, many more forms and 270a 45--Real Estate For Sale eee ees -- LOTS, 108° x 160°, at Courtice. Paved for mortgages, close 7 1 Estate For Sale AT i : : i ike fy i i it g E E § ) ad i g if iE 5 i if; 8i FE i i § : i : g | : g i § £ k § LH me FesFEiE sical: i 1] I ni i ol 1 i al | | { J g £ ii f 5 H ; i gis3 Est ghd Hit ef i $8 1H ; Hilt iz i g hi altor, Prince Street, Oshawa, RA 3-213: Whitby MO BARGAIN for quick sale. Seven-room, two-storey brick, central location, large lot, oversize garage, oil heat, natural fireplace and modern kitchen. Apply 537 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-4452. Lo ig stream with twenty acres of , located near Bowmanville, Only $5.00 with $1,000 down. Call Walter Frank, McQuay snd Kidd Realtors, MA 3-3393, 3-3393, Bowmanvise. 266¢ TWO acres of on a paved Toud, in good district. gs RA 8-0194, SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 APPLE HILL Lovely S-roomed brick bun- galow with - lorge walk-in t facilities, The in- MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungalow. Full price $11,875 ~--Only $1,500 down. 39 FERGUSON AVENUE OL 5-4485 268f LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS IDEAL INVESTMENT Complete DUPLEX -- $2, 000.00 down with $10, 900.00 full price for this 7- room home, now rented -- 4 rooms olso bath down, dg 00 per month; 3 rooms bath up, $55.00 per pT Separate driveways and entrances. Good location. Bus stop at door, For more information . call Lloyd Cor- son. HILLSIDE Hens 2 year old 6% N.H.A. Very nicely decorated 5-room dining room. Garage, treed lot, old. This home must be seen of only $12,200, complete with double Here is whot eve 3 bedrooms, A-1 location. for Christmas possession. Some rom only $2,600. Joe Pichora, RA 5-9144 Bill Norris, RA 5-7983 HARMONY ROAD SOUTH bungalow with L-shaped living- nicely londscaped. Only 3 years to be appreciated aot the price DUPLEX -- ONLY $2,950 DOWN - Fabulous -- but true -- proper duplex, 8 rooms, gorage, forced air oil heating. Two com- plete apartments. $60 monthly income. List price only $14, NORTH END -- TREMENDOUS VALUE family is looking for =-- mod: sale that carries for $80. 00 per month, interest, principal and taxes. Built-in stove and oven. Substantial down pay- ment required. For full par- ticulars coll Dick Young. SPEND CHRISTMAS IN THIS 5%2% N.HA. RESALE 6-room brick home recently decorated throughout, Owner has made this home com- fortable by adding extras above the asking price of $13, 900.00. This home is opar We have only 2 of these attractive brick bungalows available of the added features are large Hollywood kitchen, separate dining area, tiled bathroom, wa out basement, attractive large finished recreation room, double Jlozed windows and many, many extras. Down payments start WILSON Realtor OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 Dave Donald, RA 5-8522 Jack Sheriff, RA 3-3775 Herb Maynard, RA 5-1646 2700 d in one of Oshawa's top locations, Reasonable down payment with monthly payments of $62.00 2 month. Don't hesitate communicate with Bill Millor, Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 270a S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET four bedrooms, one bloc! only $8,500 i 2, 000 down. 115 acres, six-room house with down, the barn every year. Price $18, be bo $29,000. For houses and youd barn 36 by 96, with new stabling nting. Productive clay loam, Price ht as a going concern, with beef all implements, threshing machine, 32 bus etc. WHITBY HOME Bight.rocm bungalow in Whitby. Bathroom end oil- furnace, lock from school and church. See this of FARM -- CLOSE TO OSHAWA bathroom od dern kitch RA 8-6286 $61.43 Per Month YES} This amount includes both principal and . interest on a new five-room bunga- low presently under con- h_good $18,500 Se ran $7,000 100-ACRE FARM Good 6-room brick house with new oil furnace; water in house, Large 100 x 36 bam. Productive lond; 60 acres new seeds; Fall ploughing all done. This is a heavy producing farm, fills 500 wih $8, 000 down, or may cattle, hens, pigs, All for 'only farms, contact MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN Phone OL 5-3159 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 2700 46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estate Wanted The asking down payment is only $1,800. For more information call Henry Yurko, at RA 8-6286. $800 Down $800 Owner will take back one mortgage at reasonable terms for this comfortable home lo- cated in the North-West sec- tion of the city, complete with all modern conveniences in- cluding oil furnace, large kitchen and living room, spacious bedrooms. No reo- sonable offer refused. For fur- ther information contact Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. 8 Acres With Stream Ideal location for @ country home located three miles from Oshawa. Full asking price is only $4,500. For further in- formation call Henry Yurko at RA 8-6286. room, dining room, kitchen, four large bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Beauti- fully decorated and lond- scaped, Close to schools and bus. Substantial down pay- ment required. Call Charles Smith RA 8-8254. EAST END 1Va-storey brick home with attached garage in a better area. Full-size living ond dining room, nice modern kite chen, three large bedrooms, and four-piece bath. Aske ing price $16,850.00. Call Charles Smith, RA 8-8254. 270e §t. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676 I, SS WM Hy 1H, IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? If you have property to sell, let us sell it for you end relieve you of that responsibility, We have the prospects and the know-how. Real Estate is our full-time profession. WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5- REAL ESTATE == MORTGAGE LOANS 6588 bi a Ng Bh $1,795 Down $1,795 5% room brick bungalow lo- cated in the North-West sec- tion of .the city. Front lawn sodded, exhaust fan, alum- inum storms and screens and many other extras. Take ad- terior has been newly decor- oted throughout, The land- scoping is very pretty this time of year. Substantial down poyment required, balance . $76.85 per month which in- cludes principal, interest and taxes. If you have around $5,000 to put down you can buy a@ better than average home in a good location, Please coll Russ Reeve, even- ings, RA 5-4840, OFF KING ST. EAST 6-room, 2-storey home with 2-car garage. Home is com= prised of living room, dining room ond large modern kit- chen, 3 good-sized bedrooms, master bedroom with double closets Is 16' long. Tiled bathroom: Ook floors and trim throughout. Oil heated. A very clean and well-kept home. List price $12,500. Please call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8-8423, LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. 270s SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, _ RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 STEVENSON'S RD. N. BUNGALOW EYE APPEAL AND BUY APPEAL CHECK THESE FEATURES Custom-built 6-room bark brick with stone front, 3 yrs. old with heated attached garage, poved drvie. Taste fully decorated throughout, nicely landscaped, hedged lot, shrubs and flower gardens. Living room 18 x 15, large divided kitchen-dinette, over- head cupboards, lozy susan and planter, double sink, ex- houst fan- Bedrooms 12 x 12, 12 x 10 and 10 x 10, large sliding door closets, Tiled, partitioned bath, col- ored fixtures, Natural wood trim throughout, modern fold doors. Handy to all schools, shopping, and churches. Buys ot door. Call Jay Goyne, evenings, RA 5.5378. MOVING TO OLD COUNTRY S-room bungalow must be 3d. 35500 $1,500 down, ance One payment of $75.00 per month. Lo- cated on Annapolis Ave., has 3 bedrooms, lai kitchen, and living room. 3-pce. bath, dry basement on 60' lot. Sewer ond water. Paved street. To see coll Henry Stinson, eveni 5.0243. nes LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. 27 46--Real Estate Wanted Sitios pd home in soo eh 47--Automobiles for Sale : 51 DODGE Crusader fordor ww tone ue; deep tred i ale condi 1008 Veg 'ot Heusen Motors, Gnen th ten. - CASH for Your cap = immediate liens paid off. Seaway Motors, Wieiane '55 PONTIAC hardtop, one owner, ! tone paint, fender mirrors, I radio, new RB tire: condition, RA 8.1779, 5 [= '56 MONARCH Richelieu Phaeton fore dor hardtop, Andy tohe black i vantage of this builders sac- rifice and call Glen Mac- Kinnon at RA 8-6286. $1,000 Down $1,000 |m 5 room frame bungalow just outside the city limits. Color- ed fixtures, built in range and many other extras. Call Har- radio, p: h ete. adie, added dash, Only ion: "5 FORD Fairiane $0, two Toss bive jn white, automatic, Suton radio. any extras, sharp . Only. $1890, Seaway Motors, Whithy, 2698 "56 STUDEBAKER hardtop, two tone coral and white, spotless interior, mechanically perfeet. A trae rts model, only Seaway Motors, by. Ld old Segal at RA 8-6286. 2700 oF 5 re (Continued om Page 82)