Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1959, p. 30

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CRE ENN YTV Ry ve Se 30 . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 1959 =| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&% AVI PA PUYA LN TY Please Note CLASSIFIED AD RATES Deadlines now in effect for > iY ha glare RES 2m 2a = Births, Memorioms, Cards of ; . Thanks -- © CRO RTIONS © 375 402 vale an A , rt | mm ria Column 9 AM. SAME DAY the DEATHS -- ' Craton. rate wil avo. Nt eS, ee... fh --_--.l > RRR ddd aE , me Phone collect, Hampton, COM EE 3721. HA Above rates apply only to original GIFTS FOR DAD + GIFTS FOR HER FLOWERS FOR SANTA'S SHOWCASE CHRISTMAS FOWL ete TT aT . .M. SAME DAY orders for consecutive insertions. | DIAL RA 3.3492 Subsequent insertions ordered at © La" CHRISTMAS A iB MO 8-5389, 269¢ later date constitutes a new original [| yo, con be sure you have Santa Suggests . » A GIFT OF WARMTH TURKEYS 27 Fuel Weed : the best at reasonable prices "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" FLORAL GIFTS "KENWOOD" Freshly killed, young tender (coor --rm--x pr Professional and Business listings 50 per month for 3 lines daily. when you deal with A Complete line at ond tasty, delivered oven |nard slabs and body wood. Dial RA. oa additional "line $1.00 per fi « : ' Unusual distinctive designs ALL-WOOL BLANKETS i i \ - ready. Special prices for [3.2281 \ BIRTHS gid nila tte apbreviation SAM ROTISH POWELL'S for Christmas Priced from $12.50 to $20.95 | churches and banquets. , figure, count as @ MEN'S WEAR DRUG STORE Courtice Turkey Ranch si 3 SP p. 1d 15¢ additional. i MARGOT ' COAL Lilley 7 King St. E. RA 5-2433 35% SIMCOE ST. NORTH i ul A re hablo io samounce ihe Bich | os nbn? ol vertissmants ~ RA $-4734 131 Brock St. S., Whitby 9 Sa ARDS She RAS 5302 a 8-659 | BEST ANTHRACITE | Do you need experi r ; onda; % rw ,'S, - adh 3 November 16, 15%, Ouhaws Gener [| Eobication. Office Pours. Daly 83 FREE SINGER SEWING MACHINES MO 8-5672 His -- Christ fo $26.50 enced part-time sec- Hostal. A sister tor David Alm." | oo rons As low as $59.50 (Easy Terms) - 3) Gifts tor the Photo-Fan ristmas Fow PER TON DELIVERED retarial or clerical TANNER -- Reg and Shella are ne Olliowo. Times snail not be CHRISTM AS Sewing Cabinets and baskets. Christmas Flowers Shop Early for Best Selection Capons and Turkeys | ARTHUR MITCHELL T happy to announce. the arrival of their Ph gin errors in advertise Scissors and scissor sets. R B R eed & Sons Use our Lay-away or Small Dressed and Delivered LIMITED baby daughter, Claire Michelle, 9 Ibs, ts submitted otherwise than in tion i 8% _- on. Tuesday, November 17, writing, nor for more than one BONUS Buttonhole and zig-zag at- Deposit Plan 1959, at Oshawa General Hospital. incorrect insertion of any adver tochments. Fl rists FRANK HOAG PICKERING 74 270¢ tisement nor beyond the orice ith hose of i O JURY & LOVELL CALL COLLECT . with your purchase a suit SINGER SEWING 1 a ROSS S for a single insertion of banal dir tr ; Winter Wreaths, Centre Pjeces OSSLAND ROAD WEST 36--Female Help Wanted ie vertisement i or Everything togr: . | _- DEATHS ar i vt | Soe Con Cra aie CENTER ie ren TR De Miia i Ii gar ing parttime tele fo classify advertising according to ll (ytely FREE, Your Credit is 14 Ontario Street, Oshaws |Ph. RA 5-1131, We Deliver| hava - Bownlanville - itby DEER. skinned and o> or" ager phone ier ro BRANT -- At Belevile General Hos. | i he cote of duglay advertise, || Good at-- RA 5-5443 El a" LOW COST 'MOVIES GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY [i5r, Jism. 8 = WA sol. 2 pital on Wednerday, November 18; 1950 [| ments es wil ne he : a p ries TEACHER wanted laf day fires Ne Sr Beso, on | tol, ee Jest" | DUNNS TAILORS GOOD EATING TRANSPORTATION i Sri seri PUZZLED BS Properties aa aried Se en Ord Jushay of Florence |} occupies The publishers endeavour 4 See Karn's for Cameras. WHAT: TO BUY For Sale or Wanted Harold, Donald, Davia. and 'don off 13, e5io0ce, oll advertiuna matter 16 Simcoe St. S. LADIES SUMMER store with ' - rec 1 Mirarea. hoe vroton Berson anewick. | (amy inaccuracies in "any. form Downtown Oshawa THE ACRES The Safe Way to Celebrate am. Drugs Lid) TRY THE BEST pumps, all year ving quarters, op £30 are L BU% 86, Ajax. ton, Dorothy (Mrs. Allan Williams), [| mere ® soment ore contained RESTAURANT the Flolidey Season 28 King St. E KNICK KNACK emi LL at ke por [FULL time seamstress wanted tor Donna. of Oshawa, Shirley (Mrs. Rob. ) Ct TK lehit RIDE WITH RA 3-462) Small down payment Look this over ey al RA 5-2666. o 270¢ ) « PT PLE 0d od : ih, Jon (Mis, Sieard Fab - 8--Building Trades DINNERS, LUNCHES Mercury Taxi Sie HAVEN vy ierierd. Gutario Phane onto, in his 68th Resti HI 3.5770. EXPERIENCED nurse year. Resting at the READY, eager 'n' waiting: Oshawa BANQUETS assistance: Write Box 919 Oshawa. 28 Simcoe St. S. duty in nursing home. Phone RA si White Funeral Hoe, Des \ ! Tl nr Degeiunto, where 1--Accountants ____ | Times readers are shopping with Sis, Reserve now for: Christmas RA 5.4771 CHRISTMAS TREES " 30--Lost and Found hl I... day. November 21 at 2 o'clock. Inter-|BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting s --- waiting cash to Parties, Christmas! Dinner and Fe sis 7 HOUSEKEEPER -- middle-aged, ment Pentecostal Cemetery. Services offer complete bookeeping| What they need. Sell what you domt| \ 3 On oa 45 KING E. XMAS trees, No. 1 Scotch pine, field TOYLAND FD, "aha hil SUI. TORSY, OAH(\n.'Must be cavable io. care sor bv sevice: tor small business. 184 Bond |beed through a powerful little Classi- ew Year $ er, Oshawa's Most Modern spruce and balsam; wholesale. Dellv-| oc. arc i cigarette lighter, Owner may have Jor dren while mother works. Apply 931 CURRAN, James -- At the Memorial Street West, oon I Office RA 5.0097: fied Ad. Dial RA 3-3492, Sun. to Thurs. 2 om, - " RET ORRRORTS MARE | ery anytime. Phone Ajax 431. 3 vgs Sines, See OUr 1 rice of ad, RA 563%. y Donovan Cres., Whitby, after 8. 268f ospital wmanville, on Tuesday, Residence, RA 3-7605. PLASTERING, remodelling archways, p.m.; Fri. - Sat, a.m, to . omplete Selection of Toys HOME sewers, experienced on dolls November 17, 1959, James Curran, be-|g y HOPKINS and Company, Certi-|and repairs. Free estimates. G. Abram- a.m. Phone Colfax 3-2421, 13--Gardening & Supplies 17--Money to Loan | COLLIS & SONS 31--Articles For Rent Hye) th electric machine. Phane loved husband of the late Lottie Cur- a3 ran, in his 82nd year. Resting at North: (Herser "pict, Gop niants, 172 Kingloff, RA 3.4871. Proprietress: Mrs. Royal Ishii LOANS on houses, land, etc. Large ELNA rentals, RA 5.2591, straight stitch A as cutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 GENERAL contractors, brick and : Division Street, Bowmanville, until| > -- cement work and repairs. RA 55928 HARDSAND oy "Toronto, RU 13755 Sonfidentia) serv. 50:54 King W.RA Soon and zigzag. plicants how. ray ay ery poi I Friday, November 20th, then to United| YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER et corner Chur . OSHAWA'S most complete rental ser.|training to become instructors, inter. Church, Burketon. for servite 2:30 p.m. land Co, Accountants and auditors, Li- At plembing aco Ss 8--Building Trades . LANDSCAPING FIRST ani weeend mortgage 2ale OSHAWA'S wust coniblete relia] sur, viewers and recept onists. No previous nterment St. John's Anglican Ceme-|cens 'rustee in' Bankruptcy, 54 King ring, 285m i agreements purcha; and sold. Hen. « rything. experience ne tery, Blackstock, 269 Street East Oshawa; B. L. Vale, CAj|LIumbINg, heating wn dengince DENG ns Dal SO Pow ia Street Fast, RA 37258 0 2 King 21--P I Se RE gore fe Be Bn Ko F. Friedlander, B. Cpmm., CPA. rs Cao Tee estimates. Taylor ers, ertilizing t East, RA 3.7232. --Personal ry and Burke Sts. RA 3-3224. Murray Studios 4 Lt FLETCHER, Beatrice -- At the On- er bi vestroughing, | 26 Hil i : ice k mcoe Street tarlo Hospital, Whitby, atter a short| WERGER, FRANKEL AND CO. ac.[RUCTLNC and elfing, eavestroughng. 2s Drive, Whithy, Tractor Roto-Tilling CLIENTS monies available for first REVERSIBLE skirts, expertly shorten: So oy 1950.3 atri ve. Fleteh pt oF uh Street "East, "Ra" S021, 104 King iRa seu 11--Business Opportunities Top Soil - Sod - Manure and second movigages. Mortgages and ed. Phone RA 5-1777. 32--Articles Wanted WANTED, domestic help, lve in, ex- . Beatrice Fletcher ov: augh- » " . . agreements of sale purchased. Apply clusive North Toronto home. ALL TYPES of building repairs, roof- 5 SEWING and mendi don PIANO any Jake or size, wanted im- ter of the late Reverend Joseph and | Cor olor ore ing. chimneys, masonry repairs, side- | BEAUTY Shop for sale. Reasonable. Flagstone 5 ti Slabs M. E. Swan, Sarsister And Notary Fic " ng e at Mrs, "cash. 1378 'Queen East,| Toronto RU 3.0096 collect, Times. RA 5- i Avenue, HOward 6-2313, 3-4697. THREE Alico Fietsher and doar Jister St Josh Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed walks and stoops. RA 80394, Gorden Write Box 744, Oshawa ha WW j{ Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford; |May. i as - ae Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral A ; SEWING Machine repair and service| RENT! SELL! BUY! HIRE! Classified|Cosmetics, now open im Darlington Chapel. Whitby, for service in All| Fon &. W. Monteith FCA, MP; AB. (oryusinG and heating pipes, GHINES,| ell established Grocery, f CLIENT'S money to loan on first mort. to all makes, Elna. BA 52391. |does 1001 things -- and does 'em allltownship. Avon customer waiiont ion Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, on CA, RIA: G. G. E. IRR CA; R. earn for Avon gage. Mortgage and " F. fixtures, new and used, changing from Meot .ond_ Sundry line. sto | purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. well. That's what advertisers tell us. [service so must act today. Big Friday, Ni ber 20th at 2 p.m, In- ; tic tank to specialty. In- a ry line re. Bf Ae: | LONDON Tailors ~-- suits de to 3 torment St. John's Cemetery, Port Lightfoot, CA; RA S350, 135 Stour | 0, ome at reasonable rates. Infor| Price $12,500 includes ce- Creighton, Fraser. Drynan and Mur-'measure for ladies and gentlemen, ab Samed: Save lore sar pound ey te Whitby. 269 4 . ation and al ates rf typel ment block building with deep single, RA 5.3531 double - breasted to Anderson, 208 Ritson Ro WILSON -- Entered into rest in the | 2--Barristers a 2 Foley. | dry b . Meat counter, TULIPS 1st n ee __ LA. Uri oF or DESK clerk, neat appearance, good at Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday like new. Why pay more? Gur rates arel Walk in box, shelving etc. HYACINTH ore 2nd Fit men ens Ed w State m | figures. Apply Genosha Hotel. © 369% November 19, 1959, James Andrew HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barsls Nie view. Why pay i guaranteed.| Books open for inspection to MORTG AGES i [Write Box 648 Oshawa Times Wilson, beloved husband of Lillian ters, R. D. Jeasonanie repo. 0 pv in "Uphoisery ious Ly $4,500 dow DAFFODILS SPECIALIZED radio and television Mand Gilson and father of Mrs. Ken|G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hitiman, . ot. Ra| Serious buyers. $4, n, NARCISSUS A d iz Ta POSITIONS AVAILABLE Farrow (Violet) and John, in, his 75th LLB, 6 King Street West. Phones: C0. Bond balance $100 per month. Call rrange eros Elliott. Street. Call RA 39792 | 1. Stenographer with short- year. Resting at the Armstrong Funer-|Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5-4604 or Bill McFeeters, at Schofield CROCUS 95 King Street West RA 5-6192. hand. Experi ferred al Home, Oshawa, with memorial ser-| Whitby MO 82761. Money to loan. |CARPENTER work, framing, trim- H re Ltd Lyndewood Investments OY ond ap ot ie and. Experience prefer yice in the Chapel Saturday, November |" 0 == Cn nr oe (ming, kitchen cabinets, custom woix nsurance ssociates -r DUTCH IRIS 209 Brock St. S., Whitby ave. apie Tour elo axel SHAW but not essential. Zist. 2 Pu. Inisrmnt.Oghawa Ubich | Solicitor. 101 Simcoe Street North, (and, repairs. Mortgages arranged. Alll RA 3-2265 or evenings, RA SCILLA MO 8.5322 Richmond East, the store of real 2. Clerk with machine post- Cemetery. #100 | Phone RA 8.5811 work guaranteed. 3-3579. 5.1726. 269 SNOWDROPS, ~ values. AUTO WRECKING CO. ing experience desired. o Apply in writ to: Post ER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl- GERROW FUNERAL [on ate i anc "anery: Sout] Custom Built Homes GARDEN SUPPLIES FIRST AND SECOND |22--Radio & TV Repairs | Wants cars for wrecking, also | Office Box. 1108, Whitby, Additions, Alterations DAY OR NIGHT Prompt TV service,| SCOP iron and metals, etc. Ontario. Dial RA 327%. Residence phones: J MODERN SERVICE ered price, [fi | Regs, Kin Copbora | CCC : MORTGAGES of | {pw Re TE ULIE RE). Soop, opm Sewaly Si Li oy "within pra "iy [EATER JONES Be. une Thomas HUGH CROSBY FOR LEASE COOPER SMITH | AGREEMENTS OF SALE |SFEciatmen vidio sd wieriiss| RA 5-2311 '89 BLOOR E. AVON CALLING RA 8-6226 36240, Mortgage. loans aval. BUILDER Excellent location $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 |EMON Street Cal RA 34m. \ i ; RA 5-3937 WRITE BOX 922 CO. Home owners, residential pour" curios. WAS, no" diated. J WANTED Earn $30 - $40 a week work= THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- 390 KING STREET WEST citor and Notary Public, Wh King OSHAWA TIMES 16 CELINA ST property, summer cottages, [rivets, all we! ing four to five hours @ day. mils te A IUIVEY ONTARIO 2691 suburban homes, factories, _[Erom. $29.95: easy terms Kelly TV SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Start immediately. We train CREIG! , FRASER, : one col een FLORAL GIFTS MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Nof FLOOR SANDERS (73_Gardening & Supplies RA 3-2312 and acreage. Quotations by | oreo AN | PPURNER I oy, ehwesn __ [tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg. 9 upp phone or mail. Prompt ser- [io free tester. Fred's Drivetn. King . i ph Your New Neighborhood Florist § Simos Street North, RA 33466; T. K. 1194 KING ST. sid id [I you lost something, don't sive wp. ier. Oshawa Acceptance Street, West, Vigor Oi ation, Town RA 3-3374 bridge, HU 7-0319. eaturing distinctive gi or |Cre m, raser, QC; G. K.| Tile and Hardwood La orp. Ltd, 112 Simcoe St. e East. Su Kelly every occasion. Paves arranged, ooch NHA mort| pioors Sanded and Refinished [and | CLIFF BROWN No, Oshawa. ~Doys: RA |ULiile West Open daily, 13 miduigh RA 3-2043 <= [37--Male Help Wanted Phone MO 8.5672 [iostrm ¥ wanaax. ac bamisier Call RA 3-725] [mew movers oor we ix GRAVEL & SAND | 53568, Nigh: RA 5-1386 feolives) -- Sh A a Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14% way Cleaners (formerly Motor City 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY [King Street East, Oshawa. RA 84222; Don't hang up, let it ring. Fo dh ln "Reoyard loads, RA LOAM la Wors ANTENNAS CEDARDALE en rmelly Mater OU For Funeral Flower ny. ae Burnie. ASPHALT SURFACES [GARDENS plowed, woud eut by bus Prompt Delivery WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on INSTALLED SCRAP Kir Bg Mg it RE Dest, by Arrangements See ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry AND PAVEMENTS operator, Reasonable, RA 5.9727. RA 8-8951 fis ad ootoud_Terigages usd Jur. IRON METAL LTD. Store, 31 Bond West. LEWINGTON"S FLOWERS Romence; dial' RA 3408, RAW W. B. Bennett Paving LEN Sowers iantsessing 850 S20es Hyman: 46, 37 King Street East. Ou: REPAIRED IRON--METALS THIRD CLASS Phone: DONALD BLAKF DODDS, Barrister Ltd. tilized, gardens ogre lawns ploughed 14--Household Repairs Sas, RA 8.6211 -- RA 8-6212 HO Eu mess, Re S30 Rem Pp 0. BOX 305 Everything for you garden' RA S373 |CHESTERFIELDS sno od <r ire ro.| 1 9--Personal PE ass STATIONARY ENGINEER 24 King St. East, Oshawa |dence, RA 85373 x $OD, 30 square yure, delivered, finest| covered lke new. Get the best for less SPENCER "FOUNDATION garments, MOVED OPEN SATURDAY SLL DAY F} . 2d f Karn's Di B a Modern Upholstering. 926% Sim oors from Kern's Drug . |GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. JRA 8-8132 quality. Rototilling. MO 8.3015 Whitby dern, Uphol 2% Simcoe tin dually designed. Reg. oorsetier. FREE PICK.UP Shift work, permanent Store), 3 ing treat Fast Fast: Te fai Russe nd TS aM lowest dy TOWERS RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 employment, Apply box 918 L IN MEMORIAM 7. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solici- PRE-CAST ed Ad oh The 6929 an, SR Pit apy vas ERY A LEN s LOU 'S T Vv 100 ANNIS STREET Oshawa Times. 268¢ tor, etc. 13% Simcoe Street North. jrafesman. Good job, fair price. MO Simcoe, Phone after 6 p.m. RA 3-4366. off 8-521 268¢ 266¢ fice RA 5-3741; residence RA 5-5542. OSHAWA . DATE -- Io mv moors of Jo | BOWMAN Davi I. Barrister," Solich CONCRETE ACME HAULAGE LTD. |GARDENS and iawas rototiiid. Made Es Ben Jor renanie daily ride RA 5-7844 34--Auction_ Sales AN EXCELLENT Adair, who passed away November 19, (ior: 3% Simcoe South. RA 59502. Resi- ready for spring planting and seeding Ada dence, RA 8-0264. Ge Sa, Call RA 58985. Thre ok dens on ever, [weiner mows) SEPTIC TANKS | GRAVEL--STONE FURNPIVEE rept wad Thumb Cons Sen 16 dosatn guir on% BAILIFF . OPPORTUNITY all ES EMT LA FLRERE| WALK SLABS | TOP SOIL--SOD ERERERESEE S255 EB SERVICE | AUCTION SALE | =o rors ren mutans 'Edgar F. Bastedo, @C. PATIO SLABS RA 3-3528 BA 3m WANTED -- Jide Irom Park Road OPERATORS 35 to learn the Life Insurance BARNES -- In loving memory BUILT new ch -|North via Simcoe to Albert, leaving Be ph Tamutiier, Ei TO ee hoT. i, STEPS & PORCHES upholster and yemodel old. The 'best |about 7.45 a.m. Phone RA 5893. 260 ASSOCIATION USED TRUCKS ty beth Annandale Barnes, NHA and i for less. Gimpelj Custom Upholstery | with aly, lt a enarie, Saugn. mortgages arranged. . Te WELL TILE OSHAWA Co., 301 Elgin Street West. Free esti-|(ion, \t your Fatal i a (in co-operation with the i cellent promotional prospects, ter-in-law Rose and gr N S CURBING mate. RA 5-4170. so frustration, anxiety or en Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) By virtue of Ehatel ont, representing one of Canada's Charlie and Joan, j= ursing ervices YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- sion, pnosis is e solution. 50 gage, warrant will offere largest Life Insurance St te foty Sim SOD SUPPLY lao ha ott ti me. i, SEP 0S | TV - MLFL- AERIALS |. Torley oc Suction | lores Life Insurance Comp, os. Consult Edwin Heath, . 5 I dear er and 'grandmother, Ettza| | ANDEN NURSING HOME BROOKLIN No. 1 cultivated, field timates. RA 3.2997. Ho pCa, Edwin 11° on] Eorl Fowler TV | RA 5-1685 per month, plus bonus. For beth Barnes, who passed away Novem-| ber 19, 1954. | (Licensed) KING &T. WEST OMESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, lario Street, Oshawa. For appointment Parkway TV ... RA 3-3043 BILL STACK interview, write Box 821 --Lovingly remembered by Wilf, Delta| Ey clusive nursing home for and nursery grown sod (jive new. Why pay more? Our rates Phone RA 8.0171. Open evenings 6 Mel Pollard TV . RA 3-9512 1a. girls. . to 10 p.m. P ™v % Lot 1, Con. 5, East Whitby, Oshawa Times. convalescent and elderly peo (0) CRETE Fertilized, weed treated. |are oi remier TV ... RA 5.1179 » DRESSER -- In loving memory of a| ple. (Men and Women) N 12 years experience. [to in Bond Street. West. Dist RA| morons Ne sr. .1y Enterprises . RA 5.2905 5 miles north-east of Oshawa 26% dear friend, J. M. Drescer, who pass-| Nj, coc gnd dieticions in : 50311. velopes with price list. Six samples 35| APPLIANCE SERVICE | orm vm wen, | ee ron Tew we Sih Sey FPLANCESIRVICES | SAT, NOV. 3) LOCAL rodio, T.V., lounge. one aNyman ossiltn, pu Mita | Lodwick Electric RA P9089 Bedford Truck, 1958, Panel. REPRESENTATIVE ar G'~dh'll, who» loundation garmen ndi- epair pasa away November 1s, 1455. ut i 5-- Optometrists ie. B. A. UPTON RA 8-8639 FURNACE SALES vidually Sesigned, Regisicred Corgttier, Warner Williams RA 5-3531 sedis To 1558 Panel. REQUIRED ~Always remembe aughters Tr ' : . rs. Ire s and sonsintew, [Fe ignARD SUMR. Te AND SERVICE [Norn WE. HONOR INTERNATIONAL Serial No. 95344 A large company providing GLEDHILL -- In loving memory of 1€nses. 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), Interior and Exterior H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd YOUNG lady would like ride fo Don CHARGE CREDIT CARDS Bedford Yoel 1958, Panel. a much needed service for dear father and Pasi Bini a a evenings by appointment. RA 341 Pp D : . . 4 Mills. Please phone RA 3-7550 after Serial No. 95360. farmers and rural dwellers Gledhill, who passed away November|C. H. TUCK, RO, opiometrist. Please] POinting and Decorating RA 5-5954 5.30 p.m. 265 23--Women's Column Chevrolet Truck, 1953, | require @ man to represent TT arts 0 memory ie ent, [Ei Gono 5 a rn Soens| Wa00 Finisning--Roxatoning hl . SPECIAL Hest permamens se Gone: Serol No.'314350" | it in this area. A car is es our hearts a mei Aa . § col wave, irdressing, er et avd yd wil Ra aw . Phone RA 3-2977 : $7 labor on ELECTROLYSIS 3 Pine Avenue. RA" S30 ore .C, Truck, Li) Panel. will Jove fhe SEperunity HA e rie ; | i est i Re oe *Sa Sent T--Surveyors =| DODD & SOUTER STONE Removal of superfluous hair, |24--Market Basket PA TRE JOE children G. T. Horton and Associates, Ontario A Clean Home Is a Happy Mcrie Murduft "will be in |WEEKEND special -- fancy grade Panel. Serial No. 313151 business that comes in every Land Surveyors, Professional Engin: PAINT -- WALLPAPER All Si home. Disinfecting and Oshawa Nov. 24th, 25th, |Courtland apples, $1.75 bushel. Paook 9193. The man who could rg TS uals Sect Wem PAINTING & DECORATING 1zes sanitation products and ser- : ; * |Orchards, one mile north Whitby, High | GMC. Truck, 1955, Panel. bande this may be ao retired CARD OF THANKS BNO a in Se CONTRACTORS vice. Grubs, bugs, pigeons, Phone Genosha Hotel on [way 12 Serial No. Pac Wy or semi-retired farmer = PONALD H. TROLLOPE, KIX ta ie Yor free estirmotes coll t0 AM squirrels, fanmites, ic, bie' these dates for appointment. lg for sale, ! 50c. a Soar Chevrolet Truck, 1955, business man because MERE words are inadequate to ex. So: -- pom -- DAYS MO 8-5231 Ieninaied, hr i publicity. east of R. Nicholl's Garage, Courlice, Pal, Seriol Ne: 513136 Younger oh ph also find Dr ftitude to each. and every-| 8---Building Trades EVENINGS RA 5.7428 BE SATISFIED ree gonultation, RELIABLE INVESTIGATOR: a oo sd fe. Padi Truck, 1952, this attractive to them be- u rs, | BASEMY na Dack: . EXTERMINATOR ; 2 . bushel. Bring own . cause it will i og Je om rang birt as Kd ya 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Di al RA 5-5279 464 Dawes Road, Joronto All types of investigations. ii Fgh a W. Martin, Donel. Serial No, 2143510 long i POvide o | 2 eve, S40 PHI) 1oay | FLOOR. wall service, gti plastic, 16. 2699500; OX 4.1945, Confidential Investigation Bureau HR Tender, tasty, tempting, ha vin A TAAL Huigte Loday hag Mag. young turkeys, ane! a - "Thank you so much". --Ken G. John- 1 tic, floo ME IMPR EMENT " ak yous wall tiles. ingieum. vinyl, mastic. floof HO ov 15--Instruction RA 8.0891 oe. ib. Special church 'and banque] 2851 Representatives, Box fad | Sate ~erairs.| ADDITIONS ¥ s. Town Line Turkey Ranch. RA T wish nd sincere thanks FREE -stimates -- Roofing, repairs, i GMC. T K, Lond: 5 Ontario. to the Rebekah Toutes, Given Mary pining." basements ceases. Wiier| REMODELLING BEVERWYCK Ear Dunin, sero Balt sp, rv | 20 Cartage fr Sorel No. 1943406380. » a . " d Ara . g cards, a il 2 rd kine No fib, to mall.) ALTERATIONS. GARDENS i Wg a Temple, RA 3.723%. |GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli APPLES FOR Dodge % 1947. Serial No. YOUNG M AN erill hanks vs DO Jlercous" nd Residential, Commercial and ON HIGHWAY 12 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY. Baton. insured. Call day or ight. RA 4406, CHRISTMAS "TERMS CASH A as ney "Hospi pital, - Mrs, HENDERSON CONCRETE Industrial 2 3 Miles North of Whitby tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highl LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, rea- Well established firm oper- Da hae PRODUCTS LIMITED Raistor now. 434 King West, RA 5.6122. sonable rates, fully insured. RA 52831. MAYBELLE ORCHARDS |SALE AT 10.00 A.M. | @ting throughout U.S.A. and Concrete, cinder: Hoydite FREE ESTIMATES JMPORTERS, PRIVATE Jeacher, Rident Couns only, (MOVING -- evenings and weekends.| [15 Miles North of Whitby i Canada has opening in office pr Tg Ma [ v ¢ GROWERS 1 Jeuiy sxier [Have » small truck. Phone Whitby, MO) On No. 12 Hwy. TED JACKSON for high-grade young men to WE ppreci. to locks. CHIMNEY BLOCKS. friends, relatives and. neighbors, "Dai 0 ary, BLOCKS CORNISH COURTLANDS - SECORE - SPYS AUCTIONEER 3 isda contect swhrview bearers, nurses staff of Oshawa : WHOLESALERS DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! |ROY LOVELESS apartment moving, All A- a, work along investigation lines. General Hospital, 4 Vipond, General Corner Wellington CONSTRUCTION DO IT NOW! reasonable rates, fully insured. RA| All A-1 Fruit -- Good Measure No sell po Motors and the employees of Material] RA 3-4412 RA 5-7041 LIMITED JOHN COX, Prop. Loom SO quiter 88515, By the Bushel or Basket PORT PERRY, ONT. bi or gofies ng, ne Handling (North GM). We also take . this opportunity to thank Armstrong 305 St. John St. West 600 MAPLE STREET. WHITBY | Special 10-week course, $1 [21--Personal Service 25--Pets ond Lives Livest "gy BILL STACK ob Story with net Foueral Home for their ; ¥ po f all oes, = we monet We) = W, WARD Yen. Ort 0 50% MO 8-4184 5" fourebiing your Mende, |v SERVICE |RAED, -- yosod tomes ris LICENSED AND BONDED | Sor aowerce. 'Useless to r- rey loop family), 22Y, gerund kittens. No Ww ASPHALT SURFAC Professional tuition. A charge. Phon | BAILLIFF RA lowi lificati i my ese, weer WELD GGG BY fA aE AES, IMPORTED ste. For appointment cal | J. CORNISH [ship mai oe EE hl SS ot Bea = |STAMESE kitten, months oid, 270b| 22-29, at least junior matrie- Bille 1 was in hospital Thanks. "\ SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE W. B. Bennett Paving DUTCH BULBS ALTO MUSIC -- RA 5- Specializing Self-Winding rebred Sealpoint, $20. MO 85178. use of car and some 4 IE. A special thanks fo Dr. NURSERY STOCK, Watches on tioyment Wanted_| rowieds of tying. Wie ts Shan, Rev, ok Bure, Woman's a2 | WHITBY ONTARIO Lid, PEAT MOSS 16 amignce 299 KING ST. WEST |{or ilaen. 3 each. Phone RA 5aas | FINNISH. 36, Srounie wie | PO. BOX 31 So Sas. th, ot ag, Zoos MO 8.38 P.O. BOX 305 FERTILIZER to va cents si monn tw piv: For| Formerly 20 Bond St. West |_____ __ adil gues, work, senaat OSHAWA Oa RN eo pane. P. O. BOX 329 RA 8-8132 Open 7 days @ week Jes 4 you "Wut, cal RA 3-4545 in. Watbens Kents. BA Srl rai oe ed did / GLEDHILL -- In loving memory of, hill ------

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