Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1959, p. 2

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chants Association of Canada says large chain grocery stor es enjoy an unfair titive ad- "What we object to Is the ex- | traction of cial privileges and | i y+ the strong - arm': 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, November 19, 1959 Chain Store Public Hearings Planned On US.TV vantage over their smaller com-|tactics of large buyers irri ie = through special conces- ' "It is not, in the price | sions for advertising and promo-|competition which arises from | tion wrung from manufacturers, |the special concessions which } A 10-page brief submitted to|makes the greatest impact upos . Justice Minister Fulton says the|the consumer, but rather the | Competition » en n aly {chains won't agree to carry some|splash and hysteria of advertising . | products unless the manufacturer|which diverts consumer attention By HAROLD MORRISON iation early next year if it finds|be in the end merely add to con-| opr ( pe mak Now 1 dver-|from the basic essentials of price Canadian Press Staff Writer [the situation warrants such ac- fusion, rather than to clarifica-|g,045 HAVA (CP) Sus \mioual|makes od bin ig oF. ACver Jd quality py ' The United States inquiry into|tion. : J YT TT TT TT Te pe PR EE EV A EA RRA tion, rigged television quiz shows--an| So, there are studiel all over| And by the time all the effort inquiry that gained tremendous|the place--Congress, the justice ls over, U.S. television and radio ' i - ratings in public interest--is to|department and now the com-\may be back at the same old | |get another whirl next month, \ munications commission. T hs stand, doing business in the same REDUCED TO CLEAR tions this time before the Federal seeming duplication of effort maylold way. bh t nad But an invitation to appear be- fore the seven-man commission isn't likely to cause much tremb- ling among those involved In questionable broadcasting prac. tices, The commission, which is sup. ported to regulate U.S, networks and broadcasting stations, admits it hasn't much policing power and in fact it hasn't done much prosecuting in recent years, Why the sudden interest: Chair- man John C, Doerfer says he wants to have a good look at the OSHAWA lel d ad] MRS. L. DEMUYNCK (left), one of many post-war immi- grants who have played a large role in the development of Canada's north, checks ore at Schefferville in northern Quebec. Many Cahadians, in- cluding immigrants who have been established in this coun- try for some time, are reluc- ed as northern development continues. Painter L, Jacquart (right), another immigrant who went north, is also employed with the Schefferville mining whole situation with a view to asking for tougher commission policing powers -- if they are needed, samples in the Iron Ore Com- | tant to go north. Thus many pany of Canada's laboratory | more immigrants will be need- NEW PIONEERS Immigrants Settle In Northern Areas ada for even only five years are|in the North to meet the future at least 70 public hearings and quite likely to be settled," she demand for labor, This was es- that the whole study may take a "They are paying for a|pecially true in the case of skilled year or more to complete. a car and sending their! workers. By JOHN E. BIRD Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- Fifty years said, ago the cry was "go West young home, man, go West." Today it's "'go/children to school. North," The lure of adventure and op-|are single and have no domestic tunity and undeveloped West. ties are satisfied with their job ern Canada at the start of theland don't want to start anew. gentu attracted both Eastern Many are paying for their super- Canadians and immigrants. |annuation," Today the prospect of opportu-| But an immigrant was more pity in the North has lost its ap-| mobile, He was attracted both by peal for most Canadians, Immi-|the spirit of adventure in the grants from many countries al- North and the prospect of new ready have played a prominent opportunities. part in development there in the| "Future immigrants will be the post-war period and their role in|pioneers of a vast new area," the future will be even greater. Mrs, Fairclough said. ADJUSTMENT PERIOD INEED STEADY SUPPLY Immigration Minister Fair-| Northern Affairs Minister Alvin plough said in ap interview that Hamilton said a steady supply of the immigrant is attracted to the workers and trained people willl North because he has established be required as northern develop po deep roots im this country ment picks up momentum, Also, he finds that living in a] "The natural Increase in the femote area gives him time to population through births will not | adjust to Canadian conditions meet the need. It will have to be| free of the competition of lan-|met by immigration." | guage, customs and rejudice. Mr, Hamilton sald there are| "People who have n in Cannot enough Indians and Eskimos| Water Injections Help Oil Output "Even many young men who ment shortly in the mineral-richimands swift action. The commis. Lacking losing her best brain His aides hint at big things to come~--that the commission in- quiry will concentrate heavily on "payola," the reported practice whereby a record company slips certain disk jockeys and radio stations under-the-table payments in order to get wide publicity for| | new records, | § There also will be a general in- vestigation of 'offensive commer-| clals and other broadcast prac-| | tices contrary to the public inter- est." |LENGTHY INQUIRY | Doerfer says he wants to hold company, ~(CP Photo) This would be a time-copsum- He said that expected develop-|ing effort when the public de- |Ungava area will create a de-|soin's slow-moving actions in reg- {mand for some 2,000 workers, wating the industry were erit- » | migrants. concentrate on "payola" and The immigration department | ther practice but hgs set no says Immigrants 'have found|gi pm time for new hearings. and railways and opening up Shi M mines." | 1ps ove " Canadian Press Staff Writer altars and 30 statues. On Superior WASHINGTON (CP) -- The! The magnificent structure Is con ary world's seventh largest chureh-- located in the northeast corner of SAULT STE Industries Cmdr. E. J. Bodenlos of thelfice -- the $18,000,000 National HIGH DOME AND TOWER United States Coast Guard sald (Shrine of the Immaculate Con-| Though the architecture Is con- more than 30 vessels which an-|ception -- will be witnessed by| temporary, It also carries the | About 500 would be Eskimos in |jcized before the congressional . [the area and the rest would have subcommittee which aired the NATIONAL SHRINE their way to areas of greatest The justice department also is need and thus have played al ,oking into the situation, with a MARIE, Ont, |a tribute to the Mother of Christ Washington, Into it went 350 car- (CP Shipping which was|by 'the 39,000,000 Roman Catho-|loads of limestone, over 60,000 MONTREAL (CP)--Canada is/chored off Whitfeish Point now|one of the greatest religious spirit of the Romanesque and other|were moving up Lake Superior. gatherings ever assembled in the Byzantine, Features include a to be brought in. Some would be TV quiz show scandals. persons already in Canada but| The subcommittee says it hasn't Roman Catholi [large part in major projects in| i... : is. lremote districts, harnessing hy-| to recommending new legls- Get New Shrin EAS 1 e forced into shelter by gale-force|lics of the United States--will be cubic feet of granite, more than winds Monday was moving again ready for dedication Nov, 20, (11,500,000 bricks and 10,000 cubic countries because of . .ack of|Ano x were heading down|U.S., Catholic authorities say, |huge tiled dome 320 feet high and secondary industries, W. R. Hall,|Lake Huron after anchoring off| While special prayers are said| alongside it a bell tower the same | most of them likely would be Im-|ginished its work, It also wants to |dro power, constructing highways By HAROLD MORRISON ing the erection of another 20 Wednesday on the upper lakes. Opening of the white-stone edi-|yards of concrete, Montreal president of the Domin-| Detour, Mich. in 16.500 parishes across the coun. height. CENTRE SPECTACULAR CENTRE WIDE Pre CHRISTMAS SAVINGS "HURRICANES" by Bata Rubber, Fleece Lining, Shearling Cuffs, Boyy' end Girly' sizes 4-6 .., 4.99 6.99 Men's sien 6.12 POST LANTERN 7 foot in height, Finished in black and brass jon Tar and Chemical Comnany Ice was reported forming along (try, the dedication ceremonies A huge "CHRIST IN MAJES- with frosted glass, Three-inch steel post with BASKATOON (CP) --- Engin gers at the Steelman field in southeast Saskatchewan are pumping water into oil wells, hoping eventually to double the field's production to 145,600,000 barrels. Experimenting on a 40 - acre block last year, four oil compan- fes Injected water under high pressure into the wells to force Mr. Hunter said some 45 com- panies operating in the field have been asked to join the plan to expand water injection over the whole field within tht next year, A majority of the producers can apply to the Saskatchewan oll and gas conservation board to have the field declared a unit, Upon board approval all compan- ies would be required to join the Limited, said Wednesday night. [the shoreline of the St, Mary's At inn meet; ? the|River, The coast guard cutter a dy Shak of oH mit Woodrush has started breaking Institute of Canada, Mr. Halllice in the Ashland, Wisc, ore said: "If we persist in sacrificing docks. : : our secondary industries to our| The Norwegian freighter Ves- export Industries, we lose first|terroy, which locked upbound our mosr-ntelligent men In other|luth, was reported to be the last academic fields, and in the busi.|incoming foreign ship of the sea ness world, We are not bullding| fon. our scientists and engineers, then Wednesday to load grain at Du-| here--extended over a three-day|TY" mosaic fills the inner wall of period--will be attended by six|the north apse just beyond the cardinals, more than 200 arch. main marbled altar, Covering and supreme court officials, dip-|3.10 square feet and involving lomats and heads of labor, wel. more than 4,000 shades of color, fare and other organizations, Ji is Beliovad to » gue of the argest figures of Christ ever CANADIANS TO ATTEND done in mosale, The head of Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger of|~ {Montreal will send Most Rev. [Cut J eight feet high and five Lawrence Patrick Whelan, his) "ppoiqe ihe ohurch there is a trent NOW IN EFFECT 16" gross arm. Coated with rust-resistant SPECIAL rrr vvnnr, 19690 503 LEE ENFIELD RIFLE Converted into sporting guns. These rifles in excellent condition. 35 to 45 per cent of oil reserves plan from the ground. Without the wa-| Mr, Hunter said full results of ter injection, only 18 to 18 per the work now being done will not dent of the oil could have been recovered, The department of natural re- sources "estimates the primary recoverable reserve of the 50,000 acre field to be 70,600,000 barrels. With water injection it is hoped an additional 75,000,000 barrels be known for about six months, "It usually takes six months, It takes some time to fill the cavity left by produltion of ofl and gas." Water injection, although rela- tively new in Canada, has been used successfully in other Saskat- up Canadian employment to pro-| vide the opportunities required to| keep these people living in Can-| ada." 19.95 auxiliary bishop, as personal em. issary. There also will be repre. | [celing of vastness, harmony and sentatives of two Canadian Limited Quantity ....o0v0venes flowing stone, Still to be come pleted is a marble canopy to rise| SAVINGS GALORE Beer Believed | shrines: St. Joseph's at Montreal | 43 feet from the main altar and He said A fenent study of grad- . uates of cMaster University, N St 1 Hamilton, showed that one out of ot imu an every three who had taken a doc-/ TORONTO. (CP)--"Beer ls es- torate of philosophy degree had sentially a thirst quencher and become a resident of the United not a stimulant, Soft drinks, milk, States. All Canadian universities|iea and 'coffee are all competi. and Our Lady of the Cape at, ,. topped by a life-size statue TROIS-RIVIERES |of Mary Immaculate, From a balcony music willl Flowing from the main dome {flow from a choir of more than are a group of smaller domes 1200 voices, a 26-plece orchestra brought together by huge arches |and a $250,000 organ three storeys resting on powerful piers, On the high. To prevent echoes through walls outside are. 137 pleces of worth $175,000,000 will be recov-{chewan and Alberta fields. ered. Still other fields in Saskatche- SHARE IN PROGRAM wan are potential sites for injec- |the great marbled and tiled build- sculpture, representing the |ing, music will be piped through Blessed Virgin and teachings of chemists and scientists to obtain| Those words were included in a; 1000 speakers to more than 2,-/the church, including the mean. offered similar examples, {tors which are widely adver. There must be an outcry among |tised." Sharing an injetion Programs tion, Mr. Hunter said, but would are Imperial Oll Ltd.; Britishisequire a thorough engineerin, American Oil - Canadian Devon- re and test Bg y recognition that pnifw 3ry indus- document Introduced Wednesday|000 pews. Ing of faith and charity, AT EVERY STORE" TT TT TL TL TL TL TL] try must bc83wpnz strd38{gé |at the combines trial of Canadian] Thus the shrine will take its i pushed. |Breweries Limited, It said legal place as fan; Superior Oil of California Ltd.; and Sun Oil Company. Cost of the water injection system and production will be split. The companies have won ap- proval of the Saskatchewan gas and oll conservation board to op- erate a nine-section. 5,760-acre, block under a unit plan. » Engineers began forcing water ; into thé wells in September. TORONTO (CP)--Foreign-lan- V. H. Hunter of Regina, Divi- guage newspapers here have sional manager of Imperial Oll,|taken sides over a judge's explained oil reserves can be decision to refuse citizenship to taken from the ground because an Italian immigrant who said he natural gas in attempting to es.|couldn't take up arms against his through an oil well boring, native country. ape oil os with it. Pegl. County Judge Archibald t || Cochrane rejected the application Production drops as the batuva {or naturalization of Giorgio Cap- gas escapes. Water injection, Mr. |! {|pellozzo, 21, of suburban Port Hunler $84, takes the place of |b iit "But he agreed to hear the Canadian Devonian, a Saskat-|application again in three months chewn independent, estimated| "I cannot fight against my Young Immigrant Raises Defence opinion questions the right of On-|largest Roman Catholic church, tario to forbid beer advertising|It took 13 years to complete the in newspapers, periodicals or ra- foundations, the subterranean dio but the industry has observed halls and the main superstruc- the government's wishes in that|ture. This work Was done inter. regard mittently during the last 35 years. Crown prosecutor R. F. Wilsan Much is still to be done, includ- described the unsigned document ea as a June 8, 1939 memorandum QUESTIONS VARY selzed from Canadian Brewerles| A Toronto citizenship court! 1 save heer advertising is flow-| judge said questions asked a|ing into the province from the| prospective citizen are to some ypited States and Quebec and| extent under the jurisdiction of | that "a great many misconcep- each county judge. {tions have grown up in the minds The Toronto Lithuanian weekly, of the public about the quality of Teviskes Ziburial, said the ques- beer that is sold today." tion was hypothetical and urged|---- that the th receive his citizen-| . a Cigaret Sale landse Courant. Charged Fraud Judge Cochrane's decisidn is newspaper, Zwiazkowiec, and the "If someone takes the oath off TORONTO (CP) -- Police sald allegiance to Canada he should be Wednesdav they have taken out DAILY STOVE OIL hy HIGHEST Dutch language weekly, Neder-| TROU FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Extra F Quality Meats xtra Features ay Freshest Fruits and Vegetables GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS LEAN MEATY DELIVERY! | | BLADE Christies Brookside 24.02, 59 Bread 2 wr 3 3: Burns 12-0x. Tin interest first." complaints from people who re- plied to letters offering five car- tons of cigérets for $10.50 to any- {body who got five friends to fill 'School Support | arious e 1 Mr Tai Pog : they sent in At Vv Lev ls | Pp! dering cigarets money but received no cigarets, | TORONTO (CP)--An unknown| Last week the office from ber of resident HARRY 0. az ~~ PERRY before the program began that, brothers and sisters," Cappellozzo of 21,803,824 barrels would jump for Canada against Italy. to 47,429,235. Three newspapers have erit- aware of the consequences," said a warrant for the arrest of Er- Oil at the wellhead in the Steel-|jcized Judge Cochrane, two up|Zwiazkowlee, "There is no such nest J. Rutherford, 38, on a a barrel to the producer, mittal. The Dutch weekly said, "as|of $85325 in connection with "The question asked by the|soon as an immigrant becomes a Mail-order sales of cigarets at re. Humanitarian judge was a very silly one," sald| Canadian he has to put Canada's|duced prices. tollowed language weekly Vilne Slove. It li t 2a . |was bound to cause a tremendous alrs mental struggle within the young haired, 85-year-old man ran up a MAKE GOOD CITIZEN flight of stairs to collect a $2,000, The newspaper said the youth award Wednesday for humanitar-\was honest and would be excel- Dr, Albert Schweltzer arrived pe. Courier, largest German- at the Prevoyanee Sociale build: 151 7uage publication in Canada, ing to accept the Joseph Lemaire| ,iq the judge's decision was years spent caring for needy and...» suffering African natives. By ve A , | "Are English immigrants ever There was a staircase and an asked whether they are willing to escalator. Schweitzer headed for| ed the stairs. The bewildered ofi-|2% cial party split. Some already | Corriere Canadese, largest Ital followed Schweitzer up the stairs, [called Judge Cochrane's question Schweitzer had to accept the "In very bad taste." award without the notes he had| "Out of the blue this Italian notes blew out of hi= car Tues-| whether he was willing to go'to day night when he stopped to pick war against his parents anc up a hitch-hiker, brothers back in Ilaly." it successful, its proven reserves said, when asked if he would fight man fleld is worth $2.40 to $2.43 hold him, and another is non-com- thing as double loyalty." charge of defrauding the public an editorial in the Ukrainian- Police investigations BRUSSELS (AP) -- A grey. oon Boy." lan work. {lent material for citizenshi Foundation Award fo» his 45 (outright nasty and impertin- escalator, Officials headed for the | cont Bae? lie HeWSPUPEr were on the escalator, The rest|lan publication In this country, made for a speech, He thinks the newcomer was asked, in effect, - - - LEAN BONELESS 285 Bloor Si. W. BRISKET Oshawa in suburban|which the business was run was Scarborough- may have declared vaya Fy police found 3 man want or questioning h ith- {themselves Roman Catholics to|drawn $50,000 from bh RC ac. |save school taxes. |eount. | T. P. Topping, metropolitan| In North = Bay, police sald Ischool board's director of assess. scores of people there had com. ment revision, says he has re-|plained and estimated that $20. {ceived telenhdne tips that resi. 000 was sent in from North Bay dents are making the switch be./in response to the letters. 69 39 39: SPAM Pillsbury 2-1b, Box Pancake Mix 2 9 2 u. 20 39 &m 12: GRAPES PHONES || BIBS RA 3.3443 | NIGHTS RA 3-7944-RA 8.6836 cause the rate is 56.1 mills for! Toronto police said 3 mailing public school supporters and 52.89 list 'of 10,000 names was used to |for separate school. On a $5,000 send out letters all over Ontario. assessment this would be a dif- ference of $13. SMALL PASSENGERS A property owner who asked to] VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dennis support separate schools can be Harrison, botherea by a persis. made to swear he is a Roman|tent squeak from the bark of his Catholic and his children can be car, discovered a nest of mice in forced to attend separate schools. (the upholstery | Half or Whole LEGS | LAMB Fresh Home Grown Spring Lamb -- Just Arrived A CHOPS 39 3 Patties Delivery Service Shon foe your §20 and over FRFE rder ond have it $10 to $20 -- 25: delivered $5 to $10 -- 2%¢ Under $5. -- 45¢ onvwhere in owe LAMB 19° (

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