Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Nov 1959, p. 14

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*14 YAR SSMAWA TUNES, Tiunday, Naver 19; 1199 AT BROOKLIN : te veo see oe naves| Dr, Kidd Aids Township Plans when the installation of officers will take place. Warden Says United Plan Church [=e Pickering To. io once Trades mittee Foy ftom Museum Drive BROUGHAM (Special)' we the people concerned must have . oe ° : ° » * V t t Counties Biggest Y ear . 181 a 10n Wm, Nesbitt, BROUGHAM (Special) -- One ings were given » avs their place oe business in the " By MRS. ARTHUR OTT PERSONALS of Canada' to license master plumbers, township. It is too restrictive." Rw S. J. Hillier ong wy the. elreshiments Were! Mrs. Betty Suggett, Anne andlon ethnology ign Bp on journeyman plumbers, drain con-| Councillor Ross Hawthorne By GARNET B. RICKARD (ion has about 20 per cent of ifs|that the public health nurses had|united Church, announced pl Lynn of Oshawa, spent Sundayler at a public meeting of the| Factors, installers of septic tanks, said that he thought it would be Warden United Counties county roads paved at present. visited 6333 families in the firsifor a congregational visitation o| PRIDGE'CLUB SCORES _ [with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lock- Pickering Township. ~Historieall ed ' Ioevsn an, Sctcliivihard, on sesidents who wish to Durham umberlal next it will be ight ths. The im ization) rooklin ge Club met -lyer. | em, a plum My year as warden of the Unit- (han 80 per cent el. holler el a. a total of 304 fhe homes of Webel am #4 |nesday in the Township Hall for Mrs, Charles Pilkey is visit- i Nrstay, it Was An eeiing of Pickering Township| Those hom Prgms trades ed Counties is drawing to a close|able work has been done onythe|clinics had been held and among| : duplicate bridge. Highest scores|ing Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pil- hs ts council Monday night. priot to the passing of the bylaw and this os! BL ay ae wi Hampton-Taunton road. This Yyas|the many diseases for which ino- us wil make calls ad telli were as follows: v key at Burlington.' Frid Dr. enneth Kidd. head They will be required to pass|will not be required to pass the nature of a short report of what|badly built some years ago, and|culations were given, there have % North to South --Mr, and Mrs., Gwen Thompson of Toronto|Royal Ontario M 'lexaminations set by a board of examination, but may be asked. Has bee lished in the|as a result has had to be rebuilt./been 5740 for poliomyelitis. Mr. Hillier also announced that|wells 71, Mrs. Robert Heron, Mrs. |spent th end with Mr. and|foy aL Ontario Museum, sclen-|, oy ationg set by a board of[to do so later counties in that time ne Northumberland and Durham | special collections at morning and|Cyri Davies, 63%, John Millar, (Mrs. C yg on +8 Us} Vil 3 world-wide reputation| 0 ners provided by the town-| The bylaw includes heating 3 : REFORESTRATION afternoon services Sutiday, Nov.\req Heron 48. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Bradley ine Held. me i His th ie i ship, and to display on thei: (contractors, but is not applicable First, we have completed such|Were one of the first to have a| The Counties own nearly 8000/8, amounted to $600 and pledges ? . : -- he " lothing an identifying badge is [to gas heating contracts, which projects as the addition to the|/County Health Unit. This re-aoreq of land they are reforest-|redeemed during week amounted East to West John Good-\spent the weekend with her|Ago", pi : win, Neil Shortred 63%; Mr. and|father, George Avery, Little Brit- sued by the township. Plumber: are regulated by the Ontario 2 erg Dr. Kidd studied at the Univer-| ct algo have their place of busi-| Fuel Board. Golden Plough Home for the|places the local medical officers|ino. this is Jand that is non-|to $500 towards the debt of $34,000 of health we used to have. t Mrs. Dave Coates, 45; Walter! ain, Aged at Cobourg, which was [productive for agricultural pur-{O% pe new Christian Education| oe a OD. Wiseman, 43%. |" Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lockver, [%ity Of Toronto and his record as,,eeq in the Township of Picker.| Further consideration will be opened last month, There are five members on poses. The Counties enter into an 8 CGIT PROJECT ied by Mrs. Alan Wil. 20 explorer-ethnologist began, given the bylaws next The counties council in. 1959)the Board of Health, three ap. agreement with the ProvinclallooupLEs CLUB MEETS accompanied by Mrs. Alan Witimany years ago. One of his first ven the bylaws ues mesg: handled a record budget of near-|Pointed by Counties and one Deparmtent of Lands and For-|"mye November meeting of the Ue FoI it loking ores fo gon, Glenda 2 Mr and Mrs. field assignments was a search 1 woud 2 along with the J Je ey w given a : i .| . ni cal y . . i censing," said Reevi s I . I of iy Governor andthe. Warden. This vises and maintains the. forest Deg ek wees (CoD 8 the project. of the mouth. OB ot col and. he has been pagticularly in| mR Scott, "but 1 cannot see tha \YLAW "DICTATORSHIP" , . ; | e r weel mat } Eo oh BLUE et oh i FR he Co ORI UL ene AS SE RT Wl HE Bn stration, ex al AY dt oo ;| Wednesday. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the g Taylor, Beaverton. ou ckering Township over already begun a 8! (| ownship plumber, said that his hii need oo Wyn 2 large eatous ay. eT Ling Soup 1 Sup 2 Mrs, Orvas Jamieson and Mrs,|WMS will west Wellueolay, Re . the years, culminating in he dis' nd Brougusin public ool - | "Local "46 could knock holes all dget is indicated by the many f » i *| John Medland ducted th ber 18, at 2.30 p.m. al covery of the burial ground at|which will form part mi | ver the plumbing bylaw. We services which have to be pro-| Lamlle, Mulbrook Bost Hope, fe Walden and Cla ee service. Mr. and Mrs. John Med. home of Mrs. S. J. Hillier. Com- REALLY ANCIENT the Miller site on Valley Farm|seum, , | ave been trying to get the Fed- «| " od mi Is. 'S ' * vided by the county, for the ben-| igiiton an ; np or on to €oun-|ynd presided and welcomed sev-| mittee will be Mrs. Arthur Boyes, FROSTENDEN England (CP) pga, The historic school at Gre¢ | 'al Government to give us a li- efit of the 14 municipalities in| he Work of this unit is notities council contributed to thelgy;; ney couples. Mrs. Charles Elliott and Mrs.|A plowman from this Suffolk vil of Cr for 20 years. This bylaw Sortiamberiand ral the 10 to-| fully, appreciated, because it is cost of sheltering children in the "CC boi on showed _color| William Parrish. lage turned up a fossil of part ® Ly Ley pe Sotwand Rive Jicden by some ot " op oR ag 5 {not noticeable as many. There Children's Aid and foster homes,| ° f an animal that lived about a ' 4 : eated in Pathan. is the J lis a monthly report forwafded to|and towards the cost of min. slides and gave a comemntary on SCOUT MOTHERS MEET 40,000,000 years ago. It is be./minimum of $10,000 for construc-(be part of the museum, as w. | Mr. Fairgrieve said that it Cofourg, of course, is the larg: .y.yapers" and icipal coun-|taining the ties jail at Co. a trip to the British West Indies.| A meeting of the 1st Brooklin|lieved to be that of a pliosaurus, tion and operation of a township|as the log cabin recently move ould cost the township another iy a Fo popula. C18: The August report showslbourg. |" Mrs. Jamieson moved the vote|Scout Mother's Auxiliary will be'huge marine animal. museum. Work on the project has'from Scarborough. 410,000 for a plumbing inspector, fion ofl 9768. DURHAM MUNICIPALITIES Of the ten municipalities in Durham County, Port Hope has the largest assessment at $9,154, $96, followed by Bowmanville $7,178,088, Darlington, $5,930,055; Clarke $3,453,757; Hope $3,020,- $73; Manvers $2,110,761; Cavan $942,213; and Millbrook $602,880, giving a total for Durham Coun- $y of $36,134,272 against Northum- berland's total of $35,916,206. These are 1959 equalized assess- Ment figures. « Each municipality does its own g ? vi , . assessment value that have been i . are sent in to the counties there| [EIFS §F F : ; PY, 4 / are occasionally variations in the assement value that have been . submitted. It is the duty of the county assessor to equalize, as near as ge possible, these totai in order that there is a just relation of § one to another, The population of the two coun- tie is 76,220, Durham has 37,341 and Northumberland 38,879. Qf the ten municipalities in Durham | the largest is Darlington with 8450 followed by Port Hope 7690, |; Bowmanville 7112, Clarke 3766, Hope 2906, Cavan 2024, Manvers 4956, Cartwright 1498, Newcastle | 3134 and Millbrook 805. HOW COUNCIL FUNCTIONS | oi : Foy would be well here to outline x ; i 2 - ' 2 : 2 X e way in which the counties | 2 : Bp C. ' ; g \ council functions, The member-| 4 i h : 2% no money ship is made: up of reeves and! > a : % : , : 1 b 4 i deputy-reeves from the various ' ; 4 4 down municipalities. Deputy-reeves are | 4 ? LAA, 2 as: 7 h 3 appointed from municipalities of ni iy : Easiest Terms over 1000 property - owners. ia " : ; i ¢ ; % 0% ; Fo Reeves have two votes in coun- ¢il, but where the municipality has over 3000 property - owners, the deputy-reeve also has two Ee votes. Thus in the counties coun- . 4 ¢il we have 42 members with 52 : votes. The council sits five times a year, the first meeting each year @ : ed taking place on the third Tues- ® 1 day in January, when by statute F § the council must choose its war- ' den. At this session also, commit- lees are set up. COMMITTEES S 15 on Each Mattress and Matching Box Spri Tt there are the six stand Nylon Frieze Suite Will Make Such A Fine Gift For Your Home 8v2'$15 9 Fag 9 hid i Reg. 44.95! Mattress or pance, County Property, Road : : o . tals i : and Bridge, Agriculture, Equal- A truly, big, luxurious suite that will impress all, even before they know Reg. 319.95! 2-Piece Suite Yeuieon't imagine iow muh.more confortable it is to Matching Box Spring tion of A t and Legis- Ses : . a J i : rats : Jation of i anc Legis it's a Kroehler! Their special "Cushionized" spring construction is * sleep on a smooth-top unit until you've: tried it. Coil * Each committee has one repre- extra buoyant fi : : : : : ET y or comfort, 100% nylon frieze cover is mothproof and ® construction is upholstered with many layers of fluffy The names of the committees durable. Chesterfield and chair have reversible cushions. . : white felt and sisal padding. Heavy-duty print ticking. ® », designate their duties. The Warden is an ex-officio ber of all ittees, There are also committees to which members are elected for| one or more years. These are "ge ° Bl ee a 2 king - size step gh : commission; the board of health; reforestation committee; special ; county property committee; the > y 3 Children's Aid; special assess- {5 o0® a = A or CO ey) fa é&5% ment committee, and a commit- |§ : fee for administration of justice | # RS. comaitices. are Sot. Up ; Marproof Arborite tops, Walnut finish from time to time as needs war- |i ; rant it, such as the special com- {| * mittee on rabies which was form- A Santa will be welcomed if Reg. up to 35.95! ed in 1958, > ; y One of the busiest departments |§ ? he brings these new tables. Special, each in counties council is that admin- |S a 1 Coffee table has twin shelves istered by the roads commission. | 28 < : : ; This is composed of four mem-| with brass tirm. Matching PY bers of council and the warden. i . There are two members from r-- ns i step table. Save now ! each county. Members sit for a term of four years to ensure con- tinuation of programs. The coun- ty engineer is responsible to the commission. It in tura is respon- ] i ' . gible to council. | -- ARR 3 ry " The commission has about 330 i Hi 7 RCA 1's poo miles of roads in its jurisdiction. These roads are becoming more heavily travelled each year, de-| f= = 3 wk Refrigerator manding constant improvement. The commission sah Jem Makes § : [ fo -- ; Mod Wal , 4 Wal v u program and allocates a RA ® { erta bo ML. Deluxe model has big 11 cu. ft. capacity om Walnut or Frosted Walnut: Veneers : High-styled with brass beading and ornate pulls certain amount of money for | each project. In some cases, it| is possible to designate a. road| | © . Lh 2 ] : as a development road, such as| | . : Lots of storage space and built-in egg rack, butter the 18 mile between Bewdley| | , | . and Kendal. Here the county pro-| @ . ~~ Li ] keeper, chiller tray and 2 ice trays are other conven- ud & eT © 'S eo S % © 's % TT) [1 i @ vides the right of way and the| F J vince carries out the entire er : = i iences. Freezer stores about 52 Ibs. of frozén food truction. : ¢ 3 . County ds receive a subsidy, | oe 3 $ ; i i : " 249.951 J.50 pet com OF costs a | I RY ap 1 1 Reg. 349.00! Let her dreams of a beautiful bedroom come true this Christmas with eg. . our exclusive suite. 5-drawer double dresser, chest and bookcase bed 3-PCE. SUITE increased subsidy of 80 per cent further reduce costs, the counties | {vi ch pula rn to | 1 ; 7 A } C11 glow with Modern Walnut or Frosted Walnut veneers. Bevel-edge mirror $s own paving at much below : : : ' : tilts. Hand-rubbed tops add bgauty. 1 23 95 - for all bridges and culverts. To, f= § 3 v : : ; Gift Special contract prices, it also does work | for some of the townships at| 3 oo a i i muck below normal costs. { : . It is the policy of the commis- | pe HT G SH gion to prime all roads not paved > ' : with heavy oil, thus giving the 1 L , Q ace a priming which will X . 5 : jut Open Daily 9:30 Until 6 P.M. d the surface together. | . en, nie be FURNITURE Oshawa Shopping Centre, RA. 5-3518 | "= 0 cer veri 0 Pav @nning of the year, 57 per cent of all county roads had' been paved. A township like Darling-

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