GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES ST. PAUL'S COUPLES CLUB The Couple's Club of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church held its monthly meeting on Saturday, November 14. The program open- ed with a pot luck supper in charge of which were Mr. and Mrs. Don Munroe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and Mr, and Mrs. Earl * Matthews. Afterwards the business meeting was opened with prayer and Scripture reading and office-hearers for the follow- ing year were elected as fol- lows: Honorary presidents, the Rev. and Mrs. Derek Allen; presi- dents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Caims; vice-presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan; secretar- ies, Mr. and Mrs. Don Munroe; |: treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr Rose. : | Projects discussed included the sale of Christmas trees and the annual visit to Whitby. It wa de- cided to plan and carry out these projects. | ST ANDREW'S WMS The regular meeting of the af- ternoon WMS of St. Andrew's United Church was held recently in the Chapel, The president, Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, presided. Mrs. Samuel Snowdon read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Norman Decker was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs, Cecil Lidster read the sec- retary's report and the treasur- er's report was given hy Mrs, John Hipkins. Mrs. George Telford gave a five minute talk on Citizenship. | Mrs. J. C. Fetterly, assisted by Mrs. Hipkins, explained the chapter of the study book "Africa in the Midst of Change". PMA CLUB Mrs. George Whitbread, vice- president, presided at this week's meeting of the Pleasant Monday afternoon Club. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Olive Harrison. The roll was called by Mrs. R. G. Colli- son and showed a large attend- ance including one visitor, The secretary and: treasurer reports were read. Readings were given by Mrs. William Collins, Mrs. Collison and Mrs, Whit- bread. Refreshments were served by Mrs. F. M. Shepheérdson and Miss Annie Stewart. CENTRE STREET WMS The WMS of Centre Street United Church met at the home of the president; Mrs. Percy Fletcher, Leslie street, for its November meeting. Mrs. William Noble assisted by Miss Flora French conducted the worship service. Mrs. Percy Fletcher dealt with the first chapter of the study book on Africa. A short business meeting was held. Gifts for Christmas Cheer {don Pirie would act on the nomi-| ing Plan" which tea~*ss reading by means of films ad been found fo work wel "se of a more attentive audi. George Muzik, a Grade 4 pupil, played the accordion His selec- tions were "My Dream Waltz", "Liechpenspeiner Polka"; and "La Spagnola," This being Home and School Month, it was decided to attend Albert Street United Church for the evening service on Sunday, November 29. Those wishing to attend as representatives of the school were asked to meet in the lobby of the church. The next meeting will be on Monday, December 14, FAITHFUL GROUP The Faithful group of the WA of King Street United Church met in the church parlor recently. The minutes were read and the roll call showed 18 present. Mrs, Edward Michael was re- ported to be on the sick list, Fifty-six calls had been made on the sick. Mrs. G. P. Cooper led in the devotional period. Mrs, William Short read the 'scripfure lesson. Mrs. Roland Virtue gave a reading "In Flanders Fields." The copper, flower money, and benevolent fund were collected. Mrs, James Frost, presidefit, thanked the group -for. helping] with the loyalty and sector din- ners. It was announced. that Mrs. Wellington Trainer and Mrs. Gor- nating committee, The Christmas| meeting is to take place on De-| cember 8 in the form of a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m, 5TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The November meeting of the 5th Mothers' Scout Auxiliary was held in the church parlors of Northminster United Church. The meeting opened with pray- er with the president, Mrs. L, E. Astrop, presiding. The minutes were read by the secrctary, Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son, followed by the report of the treasurer, Mrs, Jack Guiltinan. It was decided fo send toys to Simcoe Hall again this Christmas. Persons wihing to do so were asked to gift wrap them and mark on the outside whether -for girl or boy and for what age it would be suitable. These toys may be brought to the next meeting or left with the following mem- bers. Mrs. Ron Trewin, 843 Mas-| son, Mrs. Frank Johns, 125 Jones| avenue, and Mrs. Jack Kellington, | 484 Jarvis treset. Christmas parties for cubs and scouts will be held on December | 14, 15 and 16. | Instead of the 50 cents ex-| change of gifts at the auxiliary Christmas party, the money. will be again donated to the Retarded] * Children's Fund. The president asked that all who have Christmas socks have them returned at the December) i meeting, Mrs, Fréd Bidgood and Mrs. M. P. York will attend the con- ference this month. On Wednesday, November 25 at 8 p.m. in the church auditorium of Northminster United Church, Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother will give a demonstration on how to make many Christmas decora- tions. It is hoped for a good at- tendance. g The plastic demonstration was | well attended. i The meeting closed with prayer.| Lunch was served by Mrs, G. R. Jarvie and her committee, HAPPY DOUBLES if The King Street United Church) Happy Doubles Club held its reg-| ular meeting in the centennial hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cook and their group presented a humor ous church service. As the mem: bers arrived they were met by the ushers and taken to their]: seats. The choir accompanied by| § Miss Hazel Rundle, sang several numbers and Mr, Lawrence Allin made an excellent minister, tak. as the subject of his sermon "Old Mother Hubbard". Mr, Irvin Harrell, the presi- dent, presided at the meeting. The Christmas Party, to be held at the Red Wing Orchards recreation hall was announced for December 11 and the chil dren's party for December 21. MEDITATION GROUP Mrs. Frank Singer, president, presided at the regular meeting of the Meditation group of Cedar- dale United Church, Mrs. Fred Williams led in the worship service and told of the work being done by the Rev- erend and Mrs, Harold Fuller, missionaries in Africa, formerly of Oshawa. Mrs. Albert Porter read the minutes and called the roll. Mrs, Celebrating his second birth- day today is Jerry Duncan Cameron who is seen with his baby sister, ten-month-old Jo- anne Joy. Jerry and Joanne are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron, Doug- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 19, 1959 11 KEEP IN TRIM But precision exercise 7 |magic means of streamlining | measurements. Here are the pre- cision calisthenics which helped two young women to slim 3 inches off waist, 4 inches off hips, and two inches off bust. Overweights, a word of caution. trio of calisthenics is Suggested Exercise Session That Worked Sheer Magic las to make these muscles take Movement: Get a firm grip on middle museles, contracting he abdominals so the action. Swing arms forward and come up to a sitting position --and continue bending to touch fingers to toes. The third exercise firms and smooths the hipline. Position: Sitting on floor, legs This . Tugg Do not attempt them unless you are normally strong. The first exercise tightens and Z [tones the entire midsection: A BIRTHDAY PICTURE las street, and grandchildren of Mrs. Anona Sawyer, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Cameron, Norland, On- tario. ~Photo Venus Home Portraits Position: Stand erect and stretch tall, pull slim through the middle measurement, and con- tract firmly with big hip muséles. Movement: Holding the taffy- pull up stretch, bend forward and touch fingers to floor. Repeat three times and make sure to reach high and pull slim before each bend. The second part of the exercise is to twist at the waist and then swoop down and touch fingers to floor at the side of the heel. Repeat three times to each side, The slimming trick is to make sure to hold the up-and-in pull and stretch high before each down bend. The second part of the above exercise involves a twist, and it should be avoided if you have any lower back trouble, Make it 'a 4 |general rule to keep all exercise movements smooth -- no sudden jerks. The second exercise tones the long front muscles. Position: Lying flat on back, arms stretched back on floor be- yond head, legs straight down. You may need to anchor your | slightly off floor, flop thighs to- d tailor fashion, palms of hands braced on floor for bal- ance. Movement: R-0-L-L slowly and heavily across the hip spread, 15 times. From same position, feet gether 40 times to tone muscles on inner thighline. The slight framed model exer- cised not more than 10 minutes a day. The larger framed woman exercised 30 minutes every day. "Exercise was the main thing that helped me reshape my fig- ure," this reducer explained. Specially formulated for babies! Breaks up phlegm--eases wheezing feet under a heavy piece of fur- niture. SHOP= 3 Woolworth's | Visit. Cun ie NEW MODERN STORE | Self-Sérvice and Centrally Heated for Your Comfort and Convenience. Cold Weather Items CRYSTAL CLEAR VINYL Sterling's Plastic Storm Window complete with foaming strips etc. we ovnn,.. Or TROJAN WEATHER STRIP woe 19° 25° MEN'S WORK GLOVES | 20 FEET PACKAGE J. F. Norton gave the financial report and Mrs. Singer reported on the successful sale of work. Members were asked to meet early at the next meeting on Wednesday, December 9, as it is the intention to pack the bale for the Overseas Relief Fund, WEAVERS GUILD The November meeting of the Oshawa Weavers Guild was held Monday, November 16 at the home of Mrs. S. J. Stewart, Brooklin, with 13 membezss pres- ent. Miss Mary MacLean, president, opened the meeting by welcom- ing a new member, Mrs. J, Grosart, of Pickering, foremrly | of Toronto. | Mrs. Fred Lloyd read the min-|London district weavers 7th an- utes of the last meeting and|nual exhibition of Canadian hand Mrs, B. Bayly gave the treasur-|weaving which was held in Lon- er's report. don last May. § a ste: | The next meeting will be held to Mr LH. Westwood and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Frank God- B. Bayly for the beautiful ar- den, Whitby, -Mondav, December rangement of weaving at the ex-|14 at 6.30 p.m. and will be a pot hibition and sale of work held re-|luck supper and Christmas pansy] cently at Christ Memorial Church, | FAMILIAR STORY A letter was read from Miss| WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- When Mary Andrews, a former mem- Patricia Stollar, 2, locked herself ber of the Guild and resident of |; tne bathroom and was unable | Oshawa who is now the | I Grenfell Mission at St. Anthony, 0 open the lock, her mother| Newfoundland. |called the fire department. A] After a short business session fireman went up a ladder through the group enjoyed slides of the [the bathroom window. are to be brought to the Decem- ber meeting which will be held ot the home of Mrs. Warren Dickson, Athol street east. SOUTH SIMCOE H-S November meeting of Simeoe Home and School The South 's report. 'The room prize for this month was won' by the Grade 6 class. presiding. Mrs. Wikis, the WeAburer's report, Mrs. Lewis read a report explain. ing the bursary fund. This fund, | which is paid by each school, is a| means of awarding the two top| Grade 13 students who are plan- ving to attend Teachers' College. The regiohal conference is to be Bela at Dunbarton on November Mrs. Richard Gifford intro duced Mr. Arthur Winter,' the principal of Duke of Edinburgh school who gave a talk on "'Chil- dren's Reading," He stressed that it was important that chil. dren learned to read well in Grade 1, because higher grades meant a higher level of reading material. He spoke of the com- paratively new "Newcastle Read- TV SLIPPERS By ALICE BROOKS Whip up gay TV slippers of corduroy, cotton, velveteen with rickrack 'n' cross-stitch trim. Easy -- two pieces plus sole for boot or ballet stvie. Pattern 7292: cross-stitch transfer, pat- tern pieces, small, medium, large, extra large included. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Osh- awa Times, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. JUST OUY! Our New 1960 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book contains THREE FREE Pat terns, Plus ideas galore for home furnishings, fashions, gifts, toys, bazaar sellers -- exciting, un- usual designs to crochet, knit, sev, embroider, huck weave, quilt. Be first with the newest-- send 85 cents mow! For the happiest - MISS PO display in our window. Bluebird diamond ring 32 KING ST. WEST LAY AWAY NOW! 00 HOLDS YOUR CHOICE Christmas ever! INSETTIA It's the latest design by Bluebird . . . now on And, of course, every is guaranteed flawless, and insured free against loss or damage. Bltbbitf woes rome BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3.7022 Open Friday Evening till 9 P.M. ® Self-winding © Water and shock resistant Anti-magnetic "masculine styling in the color of rich yellow gold . . . with "4 matching expansion bracelet 25-jewel movement ----- with every feature required in a timepice. A gift he'll treasure for years lian $59.50 Calendar watch CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 Open Friday Evening till 9 P.M. FURS or TRADITIONAL QUALITY fine quality persian lamb Hollander "Featherlite" --Black Dyed Beautifully fashioned coats and jackets of highest ; quality, lightest weight -- Black-dyed Persian Lamb om $287 - quality - fur jackets MUSKRAT (Mink Dyed) ....ccccoennnse $159 GREY PERSIAN LAMB ....., . $298 CHINA MINK ©... ............... 5208 BROWN PERSIAN LAMB .., $425 Save During Our 52nd Anniversary Sale ! OSHAWA"S ONLY QUALITY FUR HOUSE The more you know about furs ... . the better ov will recognize the big values at Marten's urs. EASY BUDGET TERMS! FURS 75 KING EAST -- OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA Good Assortment LINED, GREY CHECK pair . . .. GREY CHECK LEATHER PALM, | 4 | & 1.49 WURK-JO GLOVE ALL LEATHER COWHIDE PAIR COLORFUL WOVEN SEWING BASKET | and $1.00 box Brack's Morningside cherries connie 1.98 BIG VALUE 5 Beautiful Cards ~~ 98° Shop Now For Individual CHRISTMAS CARDS Large assortment. 5+ To 1.00 EACH NEW--FINE ASSORTMENT--NEW 25--Only one design to box--Top Value CHRISTMAS CARDS With envelopes -- Regular size and Slim Jim shapes... }+ PER BOX 1 00 LARGE ASSORTMENT CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS RIBBONS, SEALS, TAGS Shop Woolworth's First Uist Cur NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes. Strawberry Short Cake REG. 43¢ 39* THIS WEEK--EACH SPECIAL--OVEN FRESH ASSORTED COOKIES 9" 98° STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNES- DAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY 9 a.m, fo 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. 1 - I a A A