breeders, and 230,000 birds. Centre is R. Harvey, of the poultry division of the Ontario department of agriculture at Guelph, Behind him is J. Vas- ser, district chief inspector, poultry division of the federal department of agriculture, To- ronto. Picture at right shows Mr, Scott under pressure of TOP SOVIET POULTRY ex- perts visited the poujtry farm of George Scott Tuesday to get facts about egg production in one of Canada's largest poul- try operations. Picture at left shows Mr. Scott (right) greet- ing V. Vasilov, director of one of the USSR's collective poul- try farms which has 30,000 QUESTIONS GALORE Soviet Poultry Experts | ing interrogated by H. §revor, interpreter for the group, Left to right are V. "Volkov; V. | Vasilev; R. ,Bagdanov (at rear) and N. N. Dachmovskiv, ih chéckered scarf. Times Staff Photos. Quiz City Producer By ANGUS GORDON (would be no time for them to District Editor |answer questions. Four mildly aggressive citi-|BIG OPERATION zens of the USSR Tuesday swept| They were interested into Oshawa, via the Royal Win-|Scott operation because they ter Fair and Port Perry, to visit knew it was one of the biggest the farm of George Scott, one of |egg-producing plants in Cana Canada's top egg producers. The visitors were Dr. R.|day. His huge five-storey brood- Baganov, chief of the poultry di-|ing barns houses close to 60,000 vision of the USSR department of (birds. agriculture; V. Volkov, chief poul-| The visitors immediately asked try officer for the Russian Re-|to be shown the plant. public; N. Dachmovskiv, director] Entrance was made through of the Ukraine Institute for the egg-washing and grading sta- poultry research; and V. Vasil-|tion, but the visitors were not too le¥, director of a collective state|interested. They indicated a de- poultry farm. isire to see the poultry .and the They were accompanied bv H.|way in which Mr. Scott handled Srevor, an interpreter from the [this part of the operation. USSR embassy in Ottawa, and a| They spent considerable time rather overawed official from the|on each floor and the barrage poultry division of the federal de-|of questions to Mr. Scott never t of agriculture in Oft-|/ceased. Meanwhile each of the ti wis In charge of the|visitors was taking copious notes, party. E. Bonneyman, of the fed-| Met of feeding, the kind of , R. Harvey of|feed, es for feeding, - methods the 0.A.C. Guelph and J. Vasser, |0l Toronto, were also with in f collecting the eggs and culling the{the flocks, labor saving devices group. Mr. Scott had not been official- land examined in exhaustive fa- ly informed of the visit, but re- shion. ceived a call from Don Shaver,| There was no small talk or poultry breeder of Galt, Ont.,/deviation from the subject at that the party intended to call hand. on Mr. Scott sometime Tues-| When Mr, Scott was a little un- day. Further inquiry by Mr. Scott sure jn his answers, he was pinned the time of the visit down|pressed and cross-examined for to "after lunch". The party final.|a more definite statement. It was Iv arrived in whirlwind fashion at|all very efficient and sure. the Scott farm at nearly 3 p.m.WANT FIGURES Mr. Srevor, the extremely ef-| Finally, after about two hours ficient interpreter, immediately|in the barns, Mr. Dachmovskiv, made it plain to newsmen and|the research expert, who was the photographers that this was|the most pressing and inquisi- a fact-finding visit. The visitors|tive, asked to be taken intended to. ask questions. There where where we can see figures". | fo over a small shield | COMING EVENTS ANNUAL sale -- faney work, knitting, BINGO Bathe Park, Eulalie Av- aprons, home baking, tea room Sal- |enue Thursday 2 p.m. Euchre Satur- vation Army, {day 8 p.m. Whist Monday 8 p.m. 269 streets. 2.30 p.m. November 20, CS REP SEE corner Oak and Simcoe 1959. 269b | RUMMAG | pices of the Fellowship Group, {Street United Church, Thursday 1.3 |p.m. in the basement. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May bk doubled or tripled $170 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 BAZAAR and tea, Ukrainian Preshy- |terian Church Ladies' Aid | coe South Saturday, Nov. 21, 2.30 p.m. Fe mresteprimenk -- - vm | WEDNESDAY Social bingo 8 p.m. St. |George's Parish Hall, corner Jackson and Albert Streets. Admission 75 cents, lunch included . 268b BAZAAR and tea, Knox Presbyterian Church WA, Thursday, November 19, 3.00 - 5.30 p.m. 265b St. Mark's Woman's Auxil- iary Fall Bazaar, Soturday, November 21st, 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., on Stevenson's Rd. N. Home baking, aprons, fish "FESTIVAL OF GIFTS" Ba- zaor, Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa General Hospital, and machinery were all quizzed | "some- | Mr, Srevor explained that the!court that the Fernandez vehicle | ately and will party wished to get costs .and|was completely destroyed and. in| ini four months. general statistics on production in Mr, Scott's flock. The party adjourned to the started all over' again. Mrs. Scott and her daughter, | Mrs. W. Kerrigan served tea and cpifee to the group, but they were obviously concerned with time, and their desire to get every pos- sible scrap of information before {they had to leave. | Mr. Scott, seated in the centre of the group was plied with ques- {tions about the number of birds in each strain, and was then asked to confine himself to pro- | duction figures and costs for each strain over a 12 month period. He first gave costs of produc- tion for each dozen eggs; the poungls of feed per dozen; the percentage of production for the strain; and the mortality rate. | As soon as the questions were |exhausted, it was obvious the party was over, With charming |smiles, the visitors asked for {their coats, and explained that they wished to catch the train for Ottawa. They agreed to pose with their hosts while Mr. Scott's son-in-law, |# Bill Kerrigan, took a picture. | Then they made for the car, {but Mr. Volkov, smilingly re- {turned after a hurried conference at the car, and approached Mrs. | Scott and Mrs. Kerrigan. He said |something in Russian, corrected {himself and said "Thank vou", |and gave them each a miniature |brooch, composed of two small {in blue enamel, with the initials |K.R. He said "For Peace", and | hurried away, | "It was all pretty bewildering,' {said Mr. Scott later. "I understand that they are looking over Canadian poultry | with a view to taking some of our E sale children's wear, Aus. (Strains for breeding purposes in tics: jail at e Kine | the USSR. I can't understand why |pleaded guilty before Magistrate 4301 wasn't given a little more time R. B. Baxter to a charge of "to prepare myself for their visit,/drunk driving. (From what 1 can gather, they 488 Sim-| name to Canada prepared to com: |Lau out here, but I didn't get any | word except im a roundabout way late Monday . . , and even that was indefinite," he added. Gibbs Fund Now $565 questions in the barn. Mr, Scott | has back to camera, and is be- | / VISIT OSHAWA FARM Br TE Tue ne 0, 08 Wo HOY GA 1, 0 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 18, 1959 3 Planners Memb. ning Board exactly where the city stood, Mr. Millman said. Hc pointed ouf that the last survey, had been carried out eight te nine years ago and that the city had doubled in population in the meantime. According to the officials who had visited Oshawa, Mr, Millman said, 75 per cent of the costs of the survey would be paid for by the Dominion government. Chairman of the there should be no delay in get- ting consultants to make the sur- vey. | s of the Osh Plan- ning Board were all in favor of a survey of the city for the pur pose of revision and rehabilita- ition at their ® meeting Tuesday night. 7 | N. C. Millian, a member of [the board, told the meeting that John Brown, «of the department of planning and develop in Toronto and Jack McCullogh, re- gional representative of the Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Cor. poration, who recently made a tour of Oshawa, suggested that a survey of the city would be ap- Recommend Survey Of Entire City ai°88 I Tothli 8 propriate. Both men, Mr. Millman said. "astounded" at the sma' number of bad spots in Oshawa. Their work had taken them from coast to coast but, they said, they had never seen a city in as "! |good a condition as Oshawa. The survey, which the men had | suggested, would show the Plan: Garden Club OF Chull |" TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is- | Plans Party la. m.; Synopsis: It was a cold night across Ontario. Overnight tem. |sued by the weather office at 5 A large group of junior garden-|Peratures ranged from 10-15 de- CITY AND Di5T ICT LI) i ---- rr ---- | FINE CARWLESS DRIVER | Michael Shabatura, of 334 Fox Rd., was fined $25 and costs by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell, Tues- day, on a charge of careless driving. Shabatura had pleaded not guilty to the charge. The |eharge arose from an accident in which police estinvated the dam- age to the other car at $400, WRECKED AUTO Robert Fernandez, of 571 Vet- erans' Ave., was fined $25 and costs in magistrate's court Tues- day when he pleaded guilty to a|four, was Canadian Dredge and rock fill covered by five to 10- charge of careless driving. The|pgek Company, Limited, of To-/ton armor stones. linvestigating officer told the {turn completely destroyed a| the trom each of the strains of birds parked car and slightlv damaged | another car in an accident which | WHITBY PROJECT Award Contract | For Harbor Work OTTAWA (Special)--A contract dredging contract of $165,000 last of $292,625 for harbor improve- ments at Whitby nounced by the department of public works. It was contained in drawing up to 20 feet of water. Ziyub will be held on Tuesday, a release by Works Minister Da-| vid Walker of contracts awarded | during October. The successful bidder, out of| ronto. Work is to begin immedi- be The contract, ccupled with al has been an- prove Whitby harbor to the point tension completed [down the refracted waves enter- |ing the harbor and to reduce the grees above zero in Southern On- tario to a few degree below zero in the north, A disturbance rapidly moving through" Manitoba is bringing a southern flow of niilder air over the province which will bring moderating temperatures to the province today. This weather sys- tem will cross into Ontario dur- ing the day and is expected to move into Quebec early Thurs- day morning. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Thursday. Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Nia- gara, Haliburton, Lake Huron re- gions, Windsor, London, Hamil ton Toronto: Partly cloudy with a few snowflurries and moderat- ing temperatures, Variable cloud- iness Thursday with not much change in temperature. Winds ers gathered in the Children's Arena for their monthly meeting. In view of the Christmas Show which is to be held on Monday evening, Dec. 7, in the E. A. Lovell School, Centre St., Mrs. Weeks gave the group instruction on making arrangements for ex- hibition. Mantel arrangements, dining table centrepiece and door decor- ations were dealt with. Announcement was made that {the annual Christmas Partv for e it can be used by vessels|members of the Junior Garden | | month, are part of a plan to im The work will consist of con-|Dec. 15, in the Children's Arena struction of a 285-foot long ex-|at 6.15 p.m. to the existing west| breakwater, This will be made of | SUSPEND LICENCE Charles Hurlburt, of 15% Col- borne street east, was fined $25 and costs and had his licence sus- pended for six months by Magis- trate A. S. Mitchell on a charge of careless driving. Hurlburt was Purpse of the work is to cut erly 15 Thursday afternoon. swell and lessen siltation. Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake occurred on Ritson Rd. S., 30 feet] | da. {house where Ms. Scott produced north of the railroad tracks. Mr. Scott ships 40,000 eggs per |his records, and the questioning | IMPOSE $50 FINE George Clark, of 746 Glencairn Ave., Toronto, was fined $50 and costs on a charge of careless driving by Magistrate A. S. | Mitchell, Tuesday morning. Clark {pleaded not guilty to the charge laid by provincial police of the Whitby detachment. The charge arose from an accident which oc- curred in Pickering Township. WINS MANY PRIZES James Brooks, 243 Gibbons St., won many prizes on his Light Sussex Poultry at the Royal Win- ter Fair, In addition to showing the best of breed pullet, he won three firsts, a second, two thirds and a fourth. NAMED TO EXECUTIVE H. G. Lederer, of the R. M. Hollingshead Co. Ltd., Bowman- ville, was elected to the board of directors at' the second annual {convention of the Canadian Man- |ufacturers of Chemical Special- ties Association in Toronto. WINS SCHOLARSHIP Rolf Wehnert, son of Mr. and| Mrs. R. Wehnert, Courtice, has| {been awarded the C. C. Meredith Co. Ltd., scholarship at Ryerson Institute of Technology. Drunk Driver Loses Auto BOWMANVILLE (Staff) | Andre Lausmaa, 33, of 9 Wolfrey |avenue, Toronto, Tuesday was {sentenced to 10 days in the coun- ti Cobourg when he In addition to the jail sentence, ismaa's driver's licence was | suspended for six months and his car impounded for three months. The accused admitted having been convicted in 1958 of impair- ed driving. A second charge of having liquor in a place other than his rezidence was dismissed when it was established the two cases of beer found in his ve- hicla' were unopened. OPP Constable Jack ' Ricard told the court he was called Nov. 14, to the scene of an accident in OBITURRY | FUNERAL OF GEORGE ALFRED TAPPING The funeral service for~George Alfred Tapping, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Jast| Saturday in his 78th year, was| held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.| 7 Trant, of St. George's Anglican - Church; con- ducted the services. Interment] was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were D. Tap- ping, Jr.,! E. Tapping, B. Tap- ping, G. Snow, W. Talbot and A, Shaw. Ask Subsidy | For Winter Sewer Work Board of Works Chairman Wal- ter R. Branch said Tuesday that eily council approval will be sought for a $93,000 sewer project in North Oshawa. Council approval of the expend- iture of $14,000 for sewer work on Guelph street _and Taylor ave- nue was given Monday night. It is hoped that both these construc- tion jobs will receive the sanction of the Ontario Municipal Board for inclusion in the winter works incentive program. Under. this program the federal government pays 50 per cent of Rev. Peter and the provincial government pays 25 per cent. | Estimated saving on this proj-|: senior government | # ect through labor cost subsidies is $20,000. An el prepared on sion the sewer north of Rossland road up the Oshawa creek 's renart eet eet the labor costs on such projects| | is being |" proposed exten-| & sanitary trunk|f southwesterly 20, becoming west-| WEATHER FORECAST Slight Easing Wind today and Thursday. Milder fo- day and turning colder again Thursday. Winds southwesterly 20 today, westerly 15 Thursday. White River region: Mostly cloudy today with occasional light snow and moderating tempera- tures. Thursday partly cloudy and colder. Winds southerly 15, becoming westerly 15 tonight. Timmins - Kapuskasing, James Bay regions: Mainly cloudy with a few snowflurries today and Thursday. Not quite so cold. Winds southerly 15 today, north. westerly 20 Thursday. ' GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 926v2 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 sentenced in magistrate's court|regions, North Bay, Sudbury: Tuesday. Mostly cloudy with ries Use Pick To Open Safe PICKERING (Staff) The A. W. Mitchell Fuel Supplies of- fice was entered during the night and the office safe pried open. Entry was gained through a rear door. A companv pick was used to break open the safe. A small safe inside the larger one resisted efforts to break it open. Clare Potter, an office worker, found the break-in when he re- ported for work this morning. It 3 stimatd that about $60 was en. > D alr NP PPE 222) PSS "| (oe JN V-\N""7.Y py lel dad) [cf (ol J hg:d3 STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: Chevrolet street, from Sherwood avenue to Bedford avenue; Riv- erside drive north, from King street east to Cambridge aven- shades. Sizes 8)2 to 11. Reitman's own "JEWEL" nylons in seamless micro-mesh. 400 needle, 15 denier in the most sparkling new holiday RARAFAAAARAFAFARAARARRAARANRANAR 2X SN 7 8 ue; Hortop street closed from Beatrice street to Byng avenue; Grandview south from King street 'east to Bloor street east; Whenever possible, these streets will be partially opened to per- mit movement of local traffic. Extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rain may result in the closing of other streets. QUIET DAY The Oshawa Fire Department reported a quiet day Tuesday with the exception of four am- bulance calls in the past 24 hours, point opposite EB This sewer ex homes on lenwood creseént, Winona avenue, Glenwood cres- cent, Mohawk street and Bedford avenue. On. a total cost of On » sewer program last win-|§ ter, 32 men were emploved for 26 weeks. Bo CANADA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE SHOPPING CENTRE NORMAN BEAL MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 8 Perry Como Style Beautifully m oa d e of 100% high bulk orlon. Machine washable. Navy - Red - Powder - Grey 9.95 4.99 AVAILABLE VEST STYLE ONLY 3.99, | Friday, November 20, 2-4 f SPECTACULAR p.m. (Hospital Cafeteria). The fund for Joan Gibbs, 13, ,000, $39,900, {of 262 Drew street, who lost a $220,000, 333.900, or 18 per cent; Newcastle, near the Elmhurst was saved through the labor cost Hotel. He said a car driven by pond, miscellaneous, tea room, adults 35¢, children 15¢c. Tea 25¢ Everyone welcome {leg in an accident during: the summer, has reached $565. James C. Muller, 26, of Colborne, St. Mary's Bingo WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 8 P.M. St. Mary of the People Auditorium STEVENSON'S RD. N. AT MARION KING ST. BUS TO ;,THE DOOR, BIG PARKING LOT 16 GAMES OF $6.00 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED had been hit and damaged to an extent of about $300 by the Laus- maa car, According to PC Ricard, both cars had been travelling east on Highway 2 and had pulled off the road to slow down when the acci- dent occurred. The collision was not on the travelled portion of the road, but was entirely on the shoulder. The officer testified that Laus- maa smelled strongly of alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot and he seemed to lose his balance every- time 'he turned his head. He fell getting into the cruiser, said Con-, stable Ricard. The fund was started by the Sunnyside Park Health and Re- creation club. Donatiohs have been coming in from businesses, clubs, and private individuals, in- cluding many school children. Some of the recent donors to the fund are: Dora Truwick, Frank Byrnes, Mrs. E. Allison, |{T. C. Russell, N, Gilbark, M. Patterson, William Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Kemp, Russ Harrison, North Oshawa Park Auxiliary, Mrs. W. H. Griffiths, Hazel Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bickle, Roy Terwilliger, Mary Gifford, George Gifford, | Louls Dushene, William Epworth, IT. Epworth, Harold Suddard, subsidy. WENT AD OFFERS SPANKING TREAT Mrs. Frances Dodge, a self- styled 'old fashioned grand- mother' euce used a Want Ad to offer child spanking service for faint hearted parents. If you offer a service for families or businesses, smart way to reach prospects is a daily ad under "Services" in Classified, Dial RA 3-3492 now o get defails and start your ad, Cook's Body Shop, Marjorie Pol- lock, Mr, and Mrs. Backlin, Mrs. W. Goodman, J. D. McMillan, S. h il . S. Colters, Janet Hutton, L. H. Brot on) a Troy, Charles Ledgett, W. J. pacific Railway have agreed to Gould, Mrs. C. Kay, Mrs. W. Wil-[,asommendations of a federal RAILWAY CONTRACT WINNIPEG (CP) -- e |{liams, F. Johns, B. Simons, Mr. |. aailiati 9 |and Mrs. T. N. Smith, Zion WA, (CSch ation goa at © weilld Hampton circuit, Mr. and Mrs. [qyctors and yardmen in the rail- Nelsof F iy Rote Na ye way's prairie and Pacific regions Gifford, Walt McRae, James cent Werense of about 93 per Brooks, Bill Monaghan, Arn Greene, Harry Greene, Willard THEVES TAKE DEER Spencer, Norma Morris, Margar-}| OriLLA (CP) Police are et Wilson, Mrs. C. W., 212 Gibblinvestigating the theft Monday street, Thomas Bouckley night of a 12-point buck deer Donations fo the fund are ac- from the back of a car parked RUBBER ; STaMpg We con supply "Custom-made" rubber stamps for all purposes . lust drop in and discuss your needs + «+ « fast afficient service. Walmsley & Magill Office Equip. Ltd. 9 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Tel. RA 5-3506 |cepted at any bank branch in outside the home of local hunter Oshawa. Bruce Fairman. I « + + Representing Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm LLOY. [YAN 101 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-5123 List with Lloyd Then Call Your Mover CENTRE WIDE Pre CHRISTMAS SAVINGS lvent BEGINS TOMCRROW "SAVINGS GALORE AT EVERY STORE" £ A a a ER Re Ba RSP 4 Br Sais EA SEE SR Cy NORMAN BEAL WILL GLADLY EXCHANGE OR REFUND ANY ITEM AFTER CHRISTMAS. BOYS' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Attractive fancy patterns « Completely sanforized. Sizes. 8 to 16 years. SPECIAL GIFT BOXED NORMAN BEAL