50--Articles For Sale THREE - plece living room suite, good condition, also uo side tables, one_coffes table. RA S1%0. 20 FOR AA home Jecorating, inside Dominion Store, - 'Bond. Street West, GIRLS' Shirgé flocs coat set, with fur collar, size 6 to 7, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 18, 1959 21 Smallpox, Cholera = Plagues In India By BUEN DEVI 50,000 persns to handle the vac- cinations. Canadian hy , en (CP)--India is plan.| States like West Bengal and 68 ning a medical campaign de-|Orissa which have been plagued)| tore. aT (anados (Christmas tite Christmas Gift Toys Low Price government make rey financial grants to states undertaking the work, WORK OPPOSED Vaccination work already has been fouled up in the country- side. In the past nine monthe some 4,000,000 rural residents have been vaccinated. But the) work is not without its heart- breaks. In rural areas many still believe smallpox can be eradi- cated by prayers and incanta- | tons, They not only ridicule the vaccination but prevent their children from being vac- cinated. yi g 5 H] g H fez IE, : 2 i i | 4 | | : i Ei Bi ; 5 g £ 1 Sndition, com. |VACCINATIONS URGED aed Pd Sa pair of table aig: on gs 5 | USED television sets, 17° and 31", f reconditioned Free 90-day pletely . war vanty on labor and parts [Irvine Ap The central! health ministry in New Delhi Sppointed a top-level Orthodox Hindus hold that vac- cination is sinful since the small- = PARY SB. ima bay. batt, FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super |pliances, 50 Bond East. heater, : 'Phone market; Ritson South, open daily to 10 . Free parking and delivery. Free I rr Self-serve of experts to prepare { 'la comprehensive program to deal with the problem. pox vaccine is prepared out of animal matter. Some Indian lead: ers also oppose it on "ethical" le meats, fruits, groceries. | i che and te: Cy at Verdun Road. AN mae plain, colors, pt service. Chair and ta Simcoe North, or gay esti. prom Order now for early detivery Bane" table le rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 SET 4 matching tables; one coffee, two Jiep tables, one side table. Also 17" . MO 8-5066 Whitby KELLY TV, Authorized _ dealer, Kelly TV. loverhead means lowest ITV. No money down with Thor dryer: or wring- er, Low overhead means lowest prices. RCONI -- New 21" TV only $199. XA io trade-in. Low prices. Kelly FAO duty four-burner stove, good condition, $25. RA 5-8068 between 6 and 8 p.m. 268f GOOD wood storm windows, Apply after 3 p.m. RA 3.9675 or 74 Qube Street. 268¢| should be vaccinated within about| The committee suggested the entire population of India -- now estimated at about 397,000,000 three years. On a modest esti- mate, this would require somel grounds. India's Finance Minister Morarji R. Desai, for example, is a staunch vegetarian and is against what he calls 'the injec- tion of animal - matter into the human system." PITCHED BATTLE BABY carriage, in good = most new. RA 34584. 268¢ SIX new marble arborite tables 24 x 24 with heavy centre chrome stand; 2 .|USED parts and repairs for all makes of ringer type washers, % HP motors guaranteed reconditioned | and stoves. Paddy's Market, $5 to $10, new chrome chairs to match. for restaurant, recreation room . Christmas parties, etc. RA 8-6525. 264f Hampton. CO 3-2241. FUR coat, mouton, brown, excellent condition, fit size 12 to 14. Reason- {able. RA 5-5445 after 5 p.m. 2681 NEW. girl's bicycle, outgrown, used hp Clinton motor; "Brunner," § GIRL'S coat, size 12 - 14, blue with M red fleck, $10. Almost new. RA 3-3210. (8 TV towers, all welded, rust proof. no rivets, special $49 Low overhead means lowest prices Kelly TV. * LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale. regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95 a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't Be disspjeiined Hurry out » the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa - Whitby. RA 38-6891 SHAPED 8Cotch Pine Sgn trees. pA Forest Farms, 306 King West. RA 5-1685. USED VE, ranges, aerials, West PRESSURE systems, $35; sump pumps, y steel washers, dryers, iat.) Kelly TV, at and laundry tubs, $15: Jase; steel, copper pipe and fittings. H. Chinn, side and Park Road South, KELLY TV, your authorized Hp. es sits on "14. ton truck; baby's crib. RA 5-6027. 267¢ all threads, with complete set of 'd Troms to. 2h fay LADY'S fall and winter coat, also all lies, | weather coat, size 16-18. Other articles Tibetan By RUKMINI DEVI . Resist Commies Hill- | ishings, 424 Simcoe St 8 Con- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Negre: sing tank large, with au- Hi ters, $125 Portable air all in good condition. Phone RA 3-4057. Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY (CP) -- Stories of two cylin. ders, $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply FOR sale -- 12° Paceship, new last spring, reasonable. Dial RA 5-5065. 267f Tibetan women are trickling] 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa RA 59216. PIANO like new. RA 8-658. accordion-and case, PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas trees. 5 feet in height. David Archer, Burke. ton, RR 3, Blackstock 82R1 3. a LARGE selection of re-conditioned TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North. Counter-high doub'e bed, mattress and springs. -2806. KELVINATOR refrigerator with wide freezer, excellent condition, best offer. arborite top; MO 267¢ rug and pad, cabinet, SELLING furniture? We'll huy it Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos stoves, ete, For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phono RA 8-1131. Mi 9 x 10%, almost mew. Apply 359 Pad: win Street. LARGE baby crib and mattress, tact nce [very good condition. Apply 328 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $26.66 |polis. 120 base 267¢ "in|reaching Gangtok, capital of the Anna- king 267¢ Sikkim, through to Ind'a despite heavy Chinese censorship. The famed 1,600-year-old Ta- Lung Monastery was captured re- cently by raembers of the Tibetan Women's Freedom Army after a pitched battle with Red Chinese troops, according to reports heroism and self - sacrifice by leading the women of the country | Women have been shot by the Chinese, the lamas said. A slim, pretty Lhasa woman is| --including teen-age girls. Spe is| Madame Rikpiedorje, described| as commander of the Tibetan Women's Freedom Army. She is the mother of two children. Her husband is said to have been ex- ecuted by the Chinese for anti- Communist activity. Reports reaching India say | Madame Rihpiedorje was| wounded in an bush some Himalayan border mruges full size erib, spring Unbe lievable value: Furn HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- Store, 19 Prince prices. Kelly TV. bin vse Hh means lowest prices. Kelly TV, NEA eme automatic record play- ers, $99 up. Low overhead means low- est prices, $3 weekly, lly TV, 81 King West. all _ sizes, bray Phone RA 8-1131. USED washing machine, used apart. no/ment size washin machine. Both in good condiition. Apply last house on North side before Five Points on Non- Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse. The finest in T.V., hi-fi and service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 Simcoe North RA 3-3043 he women guerrillas retained the monastery for about a week before dispersing into the high mountains on the arrival of Chi- nese reinforcements from Lhasa. weeks ago but managed to flee the Communists, [POPULAR METHOD Passive resistance is vevoinlog] a popular method of ing co, inst the C In the battle the women killed more than 80 Red soldiers. Thirty warrior women were slain, A group of lemas who reached k sz2id Peking is doing] quon Road. 24 AFRICAN violets, five colors, rose be- onias, cacti, ivys, nephthytis, ferms, ims, othe: Jaime: 25¢ and up, WINE and cider barrels, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard. ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624, 30 USED wooden storms ad screens, A-1 condition white, various sizes. Ree ta Call RA 38181, too to Evenings and weekends, Mrs, Abrams, 26 Division Street, MArket 3-2843. 265{ ELECTRIC refrigerators, completely reconditioned warranty, trom $69.50 864f ances, 50 Bond East all makes, 90-day free Irvine Appl sewing ima. JACUDM cleaner repairs, all makes, brushes, guaran $3055. 264 Rentals. rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. $4.98, Complete line of pet supplies. Buddies, casiaries, hamsters and turtles. Whit: and Oshawa's largest assortment tropical fish. Thursday and Friday until 9 pm. Byron South, Whitby, ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings A window $19.98 complete Cal and doors by and mates wih so obligation. RA 3-4989. Sportsman Corner, 105)... estl-| 247 King GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, PH: OL 5-3641 everything possible to break down the resistance offered by Khamba, guerrillas, who include a number of women, BACKS TO WALL According to them, the Kham. bas still are fighting "with their backs to the wall" in many parts of eastern and southern Tibet. When a women guerrilla is cap- tured, pumshment is much more severe than in the case of male warriors, they said. To date more CABIN, 8x 10, suitable for small construction office or hunting camp, wired, $100. RA 5-1520 evenings. 12 GAUGE pump Beretta shot-gun, e new. Cate, crating set and shells, $75. MO 8.5105. Also ladies golf clubs Land bag, Campbell, two and four rons. Used once, $65. WINCHESTER shot gun, automatic, like new. Also two car radios. Apoly g Street West, Apartment 3. 267f FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. than 370 Tibetan women rebels Asians recognize that the Chen, |are the least likely to get senti- |mental about it. | When 900 monks of Sera Gompa| [Monastery prostrated themselves, on the cobbled steps leading to the shrine to prevent Chinese] troops from defiling the inner| |chapel, the soldiers just walked| over them. Nuns in 2 monastery near| Lhasa were ordered to wear blue! overalls and report for road con- struction work. Those who refused were forcibly stripped and made to don the uniform, Refugee reports say at least 5,000 Tibetan women are in Red prisons. IN NEW ZEALAND taken for storm sashes, mea- COLONIA HOME IMPROVEMENTS RA 8-8571 134 Simcoe St. S Oshawa DOMESTIC FIRE ALARM $7.95 installed $1.00 extra Clorobromomephane extinguishers from $5.95 As used by U.S. airforce and fire ts. Underwriter's_ laboratories listed FREE CHRISTMAS 'BONUS Fire con kill while you sleep To sofe guard our customers we give a FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHER with every self-storing door AT $49.50 Installed with written guarantee for 20 years Buy COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTS Save and be safe. WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DCOR, WIN- DOWS AWNINGS, PORCH RAILINGS. INSULATED SIDING. ALUMINUM AND Si.nNE Nothing Down Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Two Streets Eost of Shopping Centre RA 5-2431 HOLLAND BULBS Buy top size Grow... of quuliy, bulbs ond nursery stock. for three generations. VAN BELLE GARDENS MILES EAST OF OSHAWA NO. 2 HWY. Ll MA 3-5757 surements and estimates free. Terms. 52--Legal Notices RA 3-4989. USED (ir2s, mos' all sizes, $3 and up. up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 FALL SALE We don't promise any bonus, we promise only number one self-storing aluminum. doors installed, guaranteed, only $44.95. Aluminum double- hung storm windows. Only $18.57 installed, Now try the best in town, Call us for quick service. RA 3-9851 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. NOTICE TO CREDITOPS AND OTHERS All persons having cle.is against the Estate of James Stacey Francis," late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, de- ceased, are requested to send the same to the undersigned Executor on or before the 4th day of December A.D. 1959, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets hav- ing regard only to the claims of which it shall then have had notice. Dated ot Lindsay this 13th day of November A.D., 1959. Victoria and Grey Trust Company Executors Lindsay, Ontario By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- Off- track bookmakers, legal in New Zealand for the last eight years, have made betting respectable. Although some church groups * |still oppose the off-track system, claiming it has increased facili- ties for betting and encourages ments have been firmly accepted by New Z:z!anders. The legal establishments have cut sharply into the operations of illegal bookies and, despite early a country hopelessly addicted to gambling, their business volume has remained fairly constant since they were set up. THE TAB OPENING SALE Aluminum doors and windows of the best quality at prices you can't beat. No. 1 self storing aluminum door installed, guaranteed, only 44.50. Call now. Lymer Aluminum. Co. RA 8-5385. 265¢ LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS CUSTOM FIREPLACE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of CATHERINE CAYLEY, late of the City of Oshawa, widow, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executrix, on or be- fore the 21st doy of Decem- ber, ofter which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims that have been received, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. The system has given rise to an everyday expression which in- variably puzzles visitors--every- one in New Zealand talks about The TAB. The siga TAB, now appearing everywhere through- out the country, stands for Total- isator Agency Board, which con- trols several hundred betting shops in every part of New Zea- land. Far from being haunts of hectic vice, they have a highly respect- able air. Thcy look rather like a bank and have very much the same atmosphere. Clients range from suburban housewives to businessmen, who transact their Oft-Track Bookmakers Give Betting Respect gambling, the betting establish- forecasts that they would lead to{réPute and because efforts to business and depart. There are no crowds of idlers and loungers. Until 1951 betting was per-| mitted only at pari-mutuel ~ma-| chines at racecourses, But a larger volume of betting was be-| ing done illegally through book- makers. It was estimat * at the time that about $60' 000 a year was wagered at the pari mutuels, but at least $72,000,000 was laid with illegal bookmakers. GOVERNMENT PLEASED Because widespread defiance was bringing the law into dis- suppress illegal bookmakers had failed, it was decided to establish a rival system. The plan was ap- proved at a referendum. The betting shops are operated by an organization representing all the racing and harness rac- ing clubs. TAB now takes more money in bets than the pari- mutuels at courses. Last year about $64,000,000 was wagered at pari mutuels and $66,000,000 with Illegal bookmakers have been hard hit by the scheme. Some still operate in spite of intensified police efforts at suppression. But they find the going tough and their take is greatly reduced. The government is well i with the scheme. It gets five per cent of gross turnover received by the betting shops, plus 2% per cent of dividends. Juveniles Wamed ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 "LEARANCE SALE FANTASTIC REDUCTIONS NORAD Phone Costs Hefty OTTAWA (CP)--North Ameri. can Air Defence Command pays|straint act. an annual phone bill of $33,000, 000. The amount covers cost of BOATS MOTORS TRAILERS MARINE SUPPLIES PAINTS CHAIN SAWS GUNS And AMMUNITION: etc. No. 2 Highway at Ajax AJAX 1266 WEYMOUTH CRUISERS AJAX MAKINE operating NORAD"s intricate sys- tems for detecting aircraft and co - ordinating interceptor ac- tivity. General Lawrence Kuter of the United States and Air Marshal Roy Slemon of the RCAF were! in Ottawa together Tuesday and a reporter asked "who is mind- ing the shop" at NORAD head- quarters in Colorado Springs, Colo. Air Marshal Slemon said he or 'General Kuter can be reached by telephone in the air or on the ground at any time anywhere in Against Smoking STRATFORD (CP)--Chief Con- stable A. T. Day said Tuesday that anyone under 16 found smok- ing, chewing, buying or possess- ing tobacco will be prosec under the federal tobacco This also Snakes it an offence The boy put up such a fight that internes could not apply a stomach pump, Police said the boy and a 14- year-old were charged as drunks. The older boy was "out cold" so was left at his house. Police said the liquor was obtained by an older boy from the house of the 12-year-old's girl friend. The 12-year-old's mother told them he 'came home drunk last Saturday night, too. go sell t under 16. One dealer asked: "If they come in with a cigaret in their mouth what are you to do?" Ten Oakville juveniles were charged last week with smoking in a public piace after police re- ceived complaints they were smoking on the streets. Boy, 12 Years, Fighting g Drunk old boy, so drunk Le had to carried to hospital by police, was any North America. taken to the children's shelter to Pe visits for specific Canadian en- Regional Royal 'Tours Predicted - OTTAWA . (CP)--Future royal tours in Ganada likely will be shorter and on a regional basis, says Esmond Butler, secretary to Governor - General Vanier and former press officer to the Queen. "With improved air transporta- tion, it is considered the Queen likely will make more frequent gagements and hosts regional tours," he 14" Dump 1 Truck Giant size dump truck with hydraulic action lift , . release lock and body raises to dump load , . . lower, it locks automatically. Ena- melled metal, double-tired rubber wheels, friction pow- ered. EATON Special Price, each . With sleek lines . . , bia . . it's approx. 16" long, is made of metal with rubber wheels, A friction toy with no keys to turn, there's a driver in the seat. EATON Special Price, each . 1.11 Item No. 7 Viscount Plane T.C.A! Friction-operated model plane with metal body, detailed lithography markings, Wing span approx. 19 -- four pro- pellers rotate when wheels move, EATON Speco) Price, each 1 11 He Ce Rainy Day Kit Keep little girls amused on a day indoors . , . with embroid- ery set, toy cutlery set, clothes line and pins, crayons and water colours, play money and check- ers. EATON Special Pric RR 1.71 Item No. 14 12" "Bella" Doll Arms and legs are jointed to be movable . . . her shiny hair is of rooted "Saran", and she has sleeping eyes. She wears a qay little cotton dress and is bound to be loved by every little girl. EATON Special Price, each FOR BOYS AND GIRLS fre Dart Board Ever-poplilar garhe . . . set ine cludes three darts, 18" board, stutdily made and bound with metal. Hang either side . . , both sides numbered for scoring, one wire divider, oh n Special Price, set ... Foting Chairs A chair of their own that col- lapses, con be corried . about, taken to the cottage, on picnics . . firm wooden construction with slorted seat, it stands ap- Eton special" Price, 1 11 {] EATON'S TOYLAND ON THE MALL, DEPT. 227 Two single shot pistols with barrels the colour 'of silver are approx. 71" léng . . , come with twin holsters and belt of leather with cow! Jott Socorations, EATON fascinating space Te Assemble it yourself = fly your own rockets and space ships, Metal base is approx, 16" diam. surmounted by world globe. Air pressure from n bulb and tube projects rockets. Rainy Day Kit Games and toys designed fo keep young boys busy . , . con tains checkers, five pin bowling slate with chalk and eraser, play money, water colours and crayons and building blocks. EATON Special Price, kit [FOR GIRLS item No. 9 Wicker Doll Cradle Hat Box For little girl's travel play, plas. ly-woven | Hic finisheq rin Plastic hondie, Fis with hpi trim, sits contrastng trim, two metal snap fasteners, mirror inside. Size on rocker feet . . . is approx, approx, ol high x 10" wide 16" long and &" deep. EATON Special Price, EATON oasis 1.71 m No. 12 10" "Toni" Doll She's a sophisticated 'little lady in plastic pumps, made of Wash able vinyl plastic with movable arms, lens and d, firmly rooted saran hair ond sleeping eyes. Approx, 10" high. EATON Special Price, are LTT avon special Preie Item No. 15 STAND-UP PAPER DOLLS The "Shirley Temple" doll vith many chazges , , , stands over two feet tall, is supported on a stand and comes with pages of press-out paper clothes that snap on to stay firmly, EATON Special Pric 30-pe. Toa Set All the little gal needs to set a tea table, serving for four ine cludes cups and saucers, knives and forks, sugar bowl and cof- fee pot, all of plastic in soft pastel shades, AT EATON Special Price, 30-piece set Picture Bingo The new quiz bingo game, includes smartly illustrated cards with 400 well-selected questions and answers in varie ous categories, rotating card selector, eight bingo 1 11 cards and play instructions, 'EATON Special Price, set 8% : Rocket | Radio Small enough to fit into the pocket , . . runs without bat- tery or electricity! Made of plastic with small ear phone ond antenna . . . ground the antenna and listen in , . . even change stations. Instructions included, EATON Special Price, each ... Hn Extends from 8" into three sec- tions . . . of hardy metal con- struction, finished in black ond the colour of gold. 5x power ives clear iy view, TON Special each Punching Bag Inflatable rubber punching bog hangs from wooden standard base 42" high , , . comes with pair of inflatable rubber gloves, EATON Special Price , or 'TT Cake Mix Set Real cake mixes for the httle cook! Six cake mixes, three mixes, two metal cake stic inansil pricy Ef and handy a ocnd --k Kn with metal handle, 111 SATON Special Price ay Dresses for 10" Doll Different costume changes sized for a 10" doll include wedding dress and veil, sunsuit with sun glasses, hostess uniform, Winter coat outfit, two evening dresses . . . each with pair of plastic sandals. Luncheon Embroidery Set Set includes a tablecloth, gpe orox. 18 x 24"; 4 napkins, two adjustable embroidery hoops, needle, coloured thread and ine. structions, Teach her to eme Jroider and Sheil have a nets son play set decorated hersel EATON Special Price, Ball Gum Target Shoot for a prize . . . hit the target and out comes a prize, Game has ple fic gun and three dlastic, rubber - tipped safety io Sahl gum Roilgrs and izes. arget is metol EATON {Special 1 Price of a Target Game Animated targets actually fall down when hit . . . hit the bell and it rings, try to break the balloons. Targets are num- bered to keep score . . , come plete with two guns 'ard six darts, Jaron Speciol Price, PHONE RA 5.7373