16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 18, 1959 : BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS Farming Season | ORGAN Music Colin Corbett, The Poet Of The TORONTO ' Stock Sales Wigh Low 11 an ON stoe ro i Og Stock sigh Low 11 a.m. a Spotty On Coast Harrimend Organ. Palos 30m . Bow Corp 5%p 40 " ' By The Canadisn Press Wood Alex 2100 400 490 490 o 3 HALIFAX (CP) -- The agricul-jcrup in the Annapolis Valley suf- APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE Sole Stack ExchangenNov. 18 Oud Ex; 7 7 Brazil % 5 0 a0 + ture season is over in the Atlan|fered a setback during the latter s in cents unless marked §. a Nh ent urvey shows th. scation|age, £6 8.6 ho proportions esl: GENOSHA HOTEL »=0dd lot, xd ~ Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Ang Nid 850 $7% rights, sw--Ex-warrants.) Asbestos 25 $2T% CD Sug 150 $18% was spotty for Maritime farmers, mated at $550,000. Temperatures good 0 places and mot so good others. C Paper 55 $38 INDUSTRIALS i JOR FC Int Util 150- $34% The potato crop on Prince Ed- ward Island, worked this year by|were harvested. Six hundred and 1,600 people, was estimated at 20/thirty-nine Nova Scotians found per cent less than last year but/employment while the apple har- the price was much higher. Un-|vesting lasted. * seasonable frost during October BLUEBERRY CROP DOWN caused some damage to crops| In Newfoundland the blueberry that were still in 'the ground.|crop dropped considerably this) Over 600 workers from Nova Sco-(year because two large exporters tia found employment on the is-|did not operate. About 1,200,000! land during the harvesting sea-|pounds were exported, g At Harbor Grace in Conception JAMES MASt IN son. In the New Brunswick potato|Bay, the largest producer of tur} ' belt, the crop was lighter than|nip and cabbage in eastern Can. ALR ip) Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 80 838% Alta Dist wt 1000 125 $264 8% ---% Asamera 2000 $18% 4 Bailey S A 415 $37% % Bail 8 5% pr 125 $28% 28% Britalta 134 gEEsg-ges =k FER La Fi HE +1 a8 aR FR =1-1 Fr a year ago but the quality was da exceeded last year's produc-| better. tion 750 tons of turnips and Nova Scotia's bumper apple!350 of cabbage. 28 p18 t8gua : = Fa # \ e+» IT'S WHAT GOES ON WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OFFI ++ Hl + ++++] # FEE =&8 Spas 883g 3H gu 3g oR ih TODAY at... Prices For This Engagement 1:40-4:10-6:40-9:10 EVENING ADUN.TS UDENTS = 40c STUD ENTS CHILDREN _. CHIL] IREN LOGES 10c EXTLA BEBE ye ETE BER i a & oa 3 a 5 He Nipissing Normetal M3 N Gate ae 85 85 N Coldstrm i Molscn B Petrol 5 Northsp Molson pr Place L Opemiska 5 Novanda Provo Gas 231 23 ---3 Orchan 3 4 N S Light Royalite 0 600 NS Light r$ a on 200 330 Paymast Un Oils 1150 Portage 3500 Pow Rou Pronto 325 5 Pros Air Que Chib Q Metal 50 £ 125 $28% 28% Qunston Sicard Inc $7 7 rn » Lo ; 2 Rainville Simpsons IE NICK ADAMS - MARCEL DALIO- JULIA MEADE Adult Entertoin nent Rowan Cons Stecl Can 83% m Eastman COLOR + CINEMASCOPE ee ny wi 350 gand Riv 5 8 Steimbg A 2% 9 tt an Pipe 6% © ~ AAA den A 100 Advocate 9 2: e Hoot 1000 § Agnieo rH Sloan VR ; Bele 8.8 : NOW PLAYING Imp Inv A 3605 Akaitcho 3 45 Y Stanleigh © Imp Oil 400 $ Algom xd 1 1 Imp Tob 125 Anglo' Hur ; Steep R te 1 CANADIAN : A Ind Accep -zI13 $37 7 A Arcadia 58 55 Sullivan 15: Features ot 1.45 -- 3.40 -- 5.35 -- 7.30 -- 9.30 P.M. Inland Gas 100 5% 3 57 Aumaque Teck-H Inind G wts 100 163 5 Barnat 50 138 1 205 Abitea 30 75 58% 56% S56 % Belcher 900 i Ang Nfid 1% 7% A 500 $31 Belleterre Blue Bonnet 100 $9 9 Bicroft 2600 62 ' C Dredge C Ingersoll Viclam 1 Waite Am xd 550 Wrillroy : 00 STE TA Th Wr Harg 800 126 Pac Atl Inv 30 310 310 Yellorex 2000 Prem Steel Zenmac 2000 Sobeys Strs sou 19% 19% Curb ' Trans Mt 450 $11% 11% 11% North Star Bulolo 300 U Prin Prop 25 235 25 Nor Star A . 1 Sales fo 11 a.m. NO NGas : NW Util pr 72 : Ocean Cem ' 38% MONTREAL Chester 00 39 seep 8 Sa = - Sw 82 = Penmans Powell R GSgenasHs Jat 23% Page Hers | #3: 8 HIT NO. 3 BOWERY BOYS pr IN 'FIGHTING TROUBLE' 8 By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Nov. 18 (Quotations in cents unless marked S$. s--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Esz- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Siiverwd INDUSTRIALS 3 St Pav new 4 11:30 Net Bimal : » Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Ste'nbg A : f 2 3 Abitibi 81 38% BU + % 8 Propane 3 3 8 itil 20 22% 2% -- % 0 $5 58 58 2% + % Ang Tel 200 p 12 $48% i 48% + TODAY - THRILL FEATURE - Asbestls 430 $27T% 27% -- % Atlas Steel 95 $25% CAA stor lfm "PLUNDER ROAD" Banque CN 110 $52 LAST DAY "Girls in Prison"_,.,. "Hot Rod Girl" BILTMORE ith Gene Raymond -- Wayne Morris jo Bank Mont 105 $54% 2 19 = Banque PC 125 $38% 38% Montgary + = tEsynane +a eBoy 3] oh STARTS whl 2alael? FF = $588 sgtetant FEF OF - 38 | + oe Un Steel IT'S NEW! IT'S NEWS! CKLB'S BIG SHOW RADIO! You are cordially invited to attend HOUSE AT BROADCASTING CEMNTRE 360 King Sirc-1 Wes', Oshawa i S-- TO THE PUBLIC OF OSHAWA AND VICINITY : It is with pride and pleasure that | invite you to atterid OPEN HOUSE this week at Broadcasting centre, located at ° ogo " 360 King Street West in Oshawa, The New Home of CKLB & CKLB-FM. Visiting Hour Ss: This is the occasion that we of CKLB have looked forward to for many years and it is with a feeling of great po pride that we now extend to-one and all, a hearty welcome to Visit us ani see the intricate new workings of Your Wednesday, November 18th 7 p-m. to 9 p-m. Radio Station. For many years CKLB has been serving the people of this district, and with our new facilities, we 19th -- a believe that we can now serve the public interest to an even greater exten. ; Thursday, November 1 P m. te 9 p-m. At this time may | express my grateful thanks to our many patrons and listeners throughout Ontario county and Friday November 20th --- 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. 'beyond, for their steadfast allegiance throughout the years, and my fond hope is that CKLB my. continue 'to ' merit your confidence and support. Saturday, November 21st -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. : GORD GARRISON, ARAN : 3 resident COME AND SEE BROADCASTING CENTRE -- THE NEW HOME OF CKLB AND CKLB-FM MA PSII 5 oe UIC A SE Er ss SHO TST 0 08 BF wf Ra