608 (199, 188, 221); D. Wotton 604 (201, 4-0; Shiners over G87's, no fault "of 210, 193); T. Monahan 603 (197, 173,/team captain's bowling, who had a 233); D. Hooper 600 (231, 163, 206). good score; Automatics, 3; Tankers, 1. Many singles of over 200 were Time will tell who will.end up on rolled, bul we herein mention only top and who falls by the wayside. those cver 225 -- J. Bell 274, K. Brown THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 18, 1959 15 Quebec Aces Buy Collins |.+.+75 UEBEC (CP) -- ebec Aces|dian Corps 0; BoPeep Restaurant 4, , F, Stewart 219, M. of American Hockey League Loti 94 9: Dumo's Garage 3, Bond|Muller 213, Vv. Catiston 203, G.. Mur- Clothing 1. 4 ray 211, C. Weeks 212, C. Morrison 207, announced Tuesday the purchase| In Group 2, Joe Flynn's Sports Shop T. Ellictt 206, L. Neville 202. of left winger Gary Collins from won easily over short-handed Meade s , Toronto Maple Leafs of the Na-|Service Station. Black's Mens Hoon Mote fon he svoning. seemed to tol, Thursday, November 12, saw lots of ogt four. points, 10. vd-| Points for the evening seemed to belyction as Freddie Taylor of the Polish- tional Hockey League for $10,000.| ware, Canadian Corps beat Normaniall or nothing, with Gillards taking 3ers scored a high 281, 249, 252. plus nthony, (Fat Tony) Salerno, al-| Collins, 24, was with the Maple Sit with: Fred's Reffigeration 3 from Clarks and Acadians stole 3 ee of '25 lor a total of 860, followed sged "Mir. X" in the Patterson. Leafs last soring during the Stan-| "rony's Refreshments adz:d fo their|from Motor City. Dunns took 2 and let Toh fight promotion, to|ley Cup playoffs and has beenjlead in Group 3 by downing Oshawa Genosha keep 1. There were a total of % Al's Bi-Rite and Houdaille| four absentees this week and three of estify before a grand jury in|playing with Rochester Amerj-TV, 31 while AVS BLRite and Houdm le oa e! of Smith with 624. ew York. cans, also of the AHL, this sea-| ou otrles were bg te Beso] tas: the. Toath "was from Genonna. | High single flat scores: Taylor with Hogans describing Salerno as an . son. and Cannings shutout Gassers. We like to see bowling with a full head|281; D. Wilson 264, C. Chatton 263, J. associaté of gangsters, said he The Aces, in last place in the This week's scores were among the!of steam, not just half a team, don't Sunth 252 and 16 other singles over fiad named Vincent Velella, an|AHL, earlier this week obtained lL d Norm G HARMON PARK LEAGUE OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS UAW LEAGUE Over 600 -- T. Barcley 689 (291, 203); 'KR. McGillis 236, A. Smart 234, Berg's Men's Wear suffered their D. Sanford 682 (307, 213); B. Clarke|R. J. Gwilliam 232, M. first defeat of the season falling 3-1/656 (306); C. Barclay 626 (229. 206). to Corby's BA. Other Group 1 scores| Over 200 -- B, Garside 246. D. 4, Cana- 241, F. Fowler 229, G. Morri- Snow 223 High ladies single Za Ganey, & Team -- Harlequins 17, "a rey : EASTWAY LANES '|211); High men's -- N. Olesuk MEN'S 10-PIN LEAGUE eB one a Spit. | 29, 5. Plume 729; High men's triple -- Parker Electric 4, Fittings Ltd. 0; |niks 6. N. Olesuk' 613 (229, 218). Ontario Motor Sales 4, Les Eveniss| 200 CLUB -- Jennie Carey 271, 211; N.| Lemon Lezgue 3 Sales 0; Kent's Western Tire 4, Mer-|Olesuk 229, 218; S, Plume 22, G.|Norman 64, W. Maule 70, My cer Construction 0; Subway Lunch 4,|Judges 223, Brian Weiss 219, J. Mont-|C. Leavitt 77, V. Stansbury 80, E. matter Whitby Auto Wreckers 0; -|petit 216, S. Barclay 214, M. Carey 214,|frey 82, G. Judges 81, M. Canty eat 3 oudatie Industries 13 g- g, Mcaris 213, S. Godfrey 211, D. Leav- 8. " P. Moatpetst » A Esso 1; 3 assell 91, F. Circle Shoe 2, Black's Men's Wear 2; 9, Fs Weiss Dunn's Tailors 2, Dumont Aluminum 2. High triples -- D. Keeler =, G. MeCormack 544, B. Grant io . Me + Williamson with 708 h-c and Hu Scamolt a Vyschaft h-c, H. J. Catton both with 660, and our Johnny Fight Probe Digs Deeper aid Tuesday his office has takén :gal actilon in Miami to require re lemon drops week, but we did notice that H. Ford seemed to be scoreless for the first game . . . What ever have been? son 223, H. PLATERS LEAGUE - WASHINGTON (AP)--Congres sional sleuths have uncovere evidence which a Senate commi tee lawyer said Tuesday will prc duce startling disclosures 2 prizefight hearings next vear. Big names from the and from the underworld be drawn into the investigation as the Senate anti - monopoly sub- committee attempts to decide whether boxing needs a federal housecleaning Paul Rand Dixon, the lawyer, High singles -- D. Keeler 246, 202; B. Grant 213, J. Kubis '05, R. Sennott 204, R. Shemiit 203, B. McHugh 199, G. Long 198, 190; W. Clarke 197, J. For Your Convenience Men! Look at This! FREE SUBURBAN or Lemon League Club members wel- come Don Lewis, captain of the Gyros, the leadng team. he bowled a low 98, Also, Day ris js au 64. Apologies 0 Jimmy Yakemishyn for error in last , 250, 207); F. Hayward 666 Kk' » it hi 7, 03). Herein 65 (163, 251, foe hia Inet game inspesd of 54 fo whieh PI lowest of the season with only two you agree? af by i Ste MoCane 765 and Sian i A iF the, back for high triples 'rom | Stovin A je racket. for W. Markus 734 (262, 182, 290); and east Harlem Republican loatler, v Wolves of the Eastern| High Single went to Reg Welsh, 322,|R. Jay 707 (255, 202, 250). as his '"Yront man" in gh ; Hockey" Lei FI ith a 695 triple. Other scores were F.| Over 600 triples were shown for -- B. promotion. Velella has denied he Professional Hog y ague n in| Zarowny 66, B. Welsh 603. R. Hickey | Taylor G9, C196, 0. 169: V. Claus exchange for John a for-(689, H. Hoga » J. Sm hy dhe ( was a front for Salerno. 8 ey, Parry 670 (300), A. rr Anderson 664, V. declined to name fighters who would be questioned but said the inquiry as planned would neces- sarily involve mysterious deal- behind the Ingemar Johans- son-Floyd Patterson heavyweight title bout promotion last June. Names of shady characters al- ready have come out in public investigations of the champion- ship fight which Johansson won in New York. There has been no charge that the bout itself was rigged but there have been com- plaints that its promotion was tainted by irregularities. STUDY JORDAN CASE Dixon indicated that the sub- committee also would look into the tangled case of welterweight champ Don Jordan, his managers and allegations that efforts were made to muscle in on Jordan's ring earnings. That brings in Frankie Carbo, who recently pleaded guilty in New York to an undercover role as and matchmaker. He and Frank (Blinky) Palermo, former fight manager with a po- lice record, are among five men charged in Los Angeles with con- spiring to extort fonev from Don Nesseth, Jordan's manager, and Jackie Leonard, west coast pro- moter. Jordan, a chum of onetime gangland figure Mickey Cohen, has split with Nesseth. "With the information and material we are working on, I think there will be some start- ling developments," Dixon said. Meanwhile in New York, Dis- trict Attorney Frank S. Hogan BARRIE BEATS BROCKVILLE TEAM BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Barry Flyers of the Ontario Hockey As- sociation Junior A league downed Brockville Canadiens of the Met- | ropolitan Junior Hockey League 4-3 Tuesday night in an interlock- ing schedule game. It was Brockville's first defeat | in' 12 games. Nelson Leclair scored two goals for Barrie and | Jeannot Gilbert and Ed Westfall| one each. Andre Drolet scored twice for Brockville with Jac- ques Laterriere getting the third. | | WON'T FIGHTER NOTTINGHAM, England (AP) --Promoter Reg King refused | Tuesday to free South African | welterweight Willie Toweel from a fight in Nottingham Dec. 7--a refusal that might cost Toweel a title fight against welterweight champion Don Jordan. Toweel is due to fight Albert Carroll of Britain in a 10-rounder Dec. 7. King refused $3,500 offered by Pennington Toweel's British agent, Bobby DL t d, for a postr ; ( and! games of Sunday, Nov. 15.) Belleville iForhan, KW .... Cus d'Amato, Patterson's man- ager, wai subpoenaed Tuesday for questioning in the state at- torney-general's investigation. Attorney - General Louis J. Lefkowitz said d'Amato is sched- uled to appear for questioning to- day. The investigation is to de- termine if any of the state's anti- monopoly laws were violated, particularlr in the distribution of ward. Aces also announced they have reached a working agreement with Chicoutimi Sagueneens of the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean junior hockey league, Under terms of the agreement the Aces obtained the rights to all players on the Chicoutimi ros- ter. In turp, the Aces will spon- sor the Sagueneens and also play the radio-lelevision-movie rights for the fight. an exhibition game at Chicoutimi in January. 'Second For Attersley Bobby d\ttersley, the blond bombshell of the Whitby Dun- lops, has pulled into a tie for second plage in the OHA Sr. A scoring race with rookie Cliff Pennington of the Kitchener Dutchmen. Both players have 21 points, five less than Ken Lauf- man. Both Laufiman and Pennington| have played in two more games than the 7Jocal leader. Fred night here on Saturday night, has climbed" right back into the top 10 with =m total of 18 points good for thind rung in the stand- ings. Kitchener, vrith 14 games play- ed, has a total of five men in the top 10, Whitby two, Windsor has two and Chatham one. Belleville has failed to place a man in the top 10 as yet. Don LaBelle leads the penalty parade with a total of 40 min- utes followed by Sly, with 35 min- utes, and Gaginon with 34. On Saturdaiy night, the Windsor Bulldogs will make their first ap- pearance of Whitby aremm and the Dunnies are still smarting from the 5-0 defeat hande#! them by the Bull-| | dogs in their first meeting in Windsor on Nov. 1. | All games in Whitby start at| 8.00 p.m. now; and it is working | out very well. | ONTARIO HOUKEY ASSOCIATION Senior A Series Etcher, who enjoyed a four-point} the season' at the| ;1..c0 "at east for the Grey Place Conlin 669. D. Hodgson 662, J. McDon- ald 668, W. Maeson 661, H. Newsome 658, L. Schwartz 654, S. Himes 659, Jordan 652, E. Branton 657 (301); Osmok 643, B. 250); 661 (213, 237, 212, 190); 211); Ald Goguen 663 (162, 251, 250): his M. Thompson E.|Canfield 638 (236, rry Jimmy. fos his last game instead of 64 for which in Le League. - D. Solo-| Team standings this week: Polishers .imon 611 (210, 195, 206); D. Gwilliam 'beat Kromers, 4-0; Gyros over Mixers, mon STOVE OIL is available in ony quantity at 648, E. Bell 643, 5. the following . . . E. 3 641, D. Tilkk 636, R. Mills 622, E. Big- gar 626, C. Ford 626. Lemen League honors go to D. Cock- ertop. W. Morrison, .7. Hill and C. Nash | (twice). STANDINGS f Group 1 -- Bergs 24, Corbys 19, Dur-| no 19, Tommy Goch 16, Bo-Peep 15, Ca nadian Corps 14, Local 2784 13, Bonds 8. | Group 2 -- Joe Flynns 27, Blacks 20, Can. Corps 20, Pollards 17, H and K 16, Norm Beals 12, Fred's 11, Meade's, | 5. Group 3 -- Tony's 25, Al's Bi-Rite 22, | Heudsifle 22, Acadian 17, Al's Esso 16, Oshawa TV 13, Cannings 12, Gas-| sers I. WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE The first section winners are the Alley Cats who bowled a fine section. Congratulations. High men's average -- H. Snow 209; | High ladies average -- I. Fowler, 200; High ladies single -- I. Fowler, 302;| with handicap, D. Walker 339; High Gross, Windsor . .. 11 28 Muir, K-W . 2 Maki, K-W re 2 Power, Chatham 14 Bendo, Windsor ...... 1 30 PENALTY LEADERS (In minutes) Don Labelle. K-W, 40; Darrell Sly, K-W, 35; Bus Gagnon, Belleville, 34; Ted Maki, K-W, 32; Gord Haidy, Wind- sor, 32; Leu Bendo, Windsor, 30; Moe Benoit, Belleville, 30; Erwin Gross, Windsor, 28; Lou Smrke, Belleville, 28; Bob Seymour, Windsor, 24. GOALKEEPERS RECORDS GP GA 8 | Bell, Belleville . Head, Wind: | Henderson. Hurley, K- ., Maniago, K-W and Belleville Albani, Chatham . Dodds, Belleville Barclay, Belleville . FUNGO WANTS HELMET BACK | WINNIPEG (CP) -- Farrell (Fungo) Funston, impulsive end with Winnipeg Blue Bomb- ers, would like his helmet back ---- come Cup game. When Bombers won the West- ern Interprovincial Football Union championship Saturday, the hefty import from Los Angeles threw his helmet into the air in celebration. It came down in front of a young fan | who was rushing onto the field to congratulate his heroes. The omcow" CEE >» bd 5 / INDIVIDU AL SCORING (Top 10) GP G Laufman, KW. ...... 6 , K-W 4 81321 5 Attersley. Whitby 71471 0f Etcher, Whitby .. 9 918 | . 9 817 14] A PPim 292 6 y t did some fine bro- ken - field running into the crowd with it. Funston said he would ask no questions if he got the head- gear back in time for the Nov. 28 Canadian championship game in Toronto. He would even guarantee to return it after the championship game to the boy who "found" it. After all, the six - foot - two end, a late cut last year by Cleveland Browns, has four youngsters of his own. Bantam League In Full Action Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- tion Bantam League held forth at the Children's Arena Monday| Sop! with all 10 ¢! seeing action in 5 keen contests. Tuesday the iles were scheduled in their CIVITIAN - WESTMOUNT KIWANIS homore 'Caach Bev Smith's Civitian club continued their tor- rid pace giving them a perfect 's record of 2 wins in as weekly double-header, with Osh- awa Dairy hosting Hayden Mac- donald at 7:30 p.m. and in the nightcap at 8:30 p.m. Tony's Refreshments clashed with Bea- ton's Dairy. B'NAI B'RITH-LOCAL 205 B'Nai B'Rith made it two wins In as many tries doubling the score on Local 205 in the lid-lifter at 63. Six individual players shared in the winners' scoring with Don Barnoski, Bob Whit sitt, Paul Scattergood, Ian Mec- Nanee, Peter Brown and Wayne Cheesman doing the lamplight- ing. Snipers for "205 were Bob- by Burk, Don Rockbrune and Mike Dubrowsky. CANADIAN TIRE - DUPLATE lending champions, Canadian Tire, notched their initial victory of the young campaign dumping Duplate 5-1. Ron God- ridge, Teddy Gow, Ken Burek, many outings, nipping Westmount Kiwanis 3-1. Jonnie Fair spark- ed the victory! with two goals with Larry Plamk adding a sin. gleton, Brian Morris saved his club from a shutout with a sec- ond stanza marker. HOUDAILLE-LOIAL 1817 Sparked by thie two goal per- nce of Bary Studley, Hou- daille Industries took an easy victory from Local 1817 6-1. Ron- nie Siblock, Dave Gow, Bob Wright and Jinmie Fleming were the other winner scorers. ary 'Richardson registered for 17. POLICE ASSOC. - LOCAL 2784 Local 2784 boys squeaked out a thrilling 3-1 verdict over Police Association in the final fixture of the night. Bob Water, centre ace of "2784", was the big oper- ator 'with 2 goals while Dave Elliot had the winners' other goal, Police Association goal MILD-COOL EVEN BURNING VoGuE CIGARETTE TOBACCO IN THE CONVENIENT 25¢' PACKAGE Powe weee 2338 RB2&3s men's single -- H. Snow, 307; D. Sandford, 307; HC -- T. Elliott, 333: High ladies triple -- I. Fowler, 705; {HC -- V. Carleton, 782; High men's |triple -- H. Snow, 802; HC -- T. El- liott, 838. Team standings -- Alley Cats 25, Pin {Pickers 22, Hi-Lo's 22, Lucky Strikes 19, Jesters 18, Hi-Bowls 17, Go-Getters 16, Gay Six 16, Head Pins 15, Merry | | ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF McLAUGHLIN'S FURNACE FUEL OIL @ 10-MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILABLE For Full Information Call . . . McLAUGHLIN HEATING A Division of McLoughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd, 104 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-3481 SERVICE STATIONS ® OSHAWA eo 78 BOND ST. WEST | VIGOR OIL | | SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | at Lakeview Park KING ST. EAST at the Townline ® WHITBY o o AJAX eo HARWOOD AVE. N. © BROOKLIN eo JCT. 7 &12 HWYS. Six 10. CAR COAT with the purchase of any MEN'S SUIT ~ IAAAAAA A 500 BROCK ST. NORTH | OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT ® NO INTEREST ® NO CARRYING CHARGES © NU DCWN PAYMENT "nm 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH There's nothing sa good as a crusty loa of Canadian bread of fine hage- made rolls Al Pilkey and Dougie Sutton the winners with still warm from the oven and spread with fresh Canadian butter. Canadian whet is ackiawletped all over the world 10 be the finest grown *Suggested Price came off the stick of Jerry Bour- dage. Rearguard Ivan Black and goaltender Johnnie Harman were douts in a losing cause. Paquin NEW REDUCED PRICE Premium caiy, STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery VIGOR OIL CO. For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone OSHAWA WHITBY RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 Hoy Pavers Tie Elliotts In NPHL In NPHL action in Port Perry Sunday afternoon, Hoy Pavers and Elliotts came up with a real thriller which ended in a 6-6 tie. this game forced playing coach "Ronnie" Knox to pull his goalie with 18 seconds remaining in the game. This move paid off as coach Knox potted the equalizer on a screened shot to earn the tie which enabled Hoys to remain in first place in NPHL standi This was a veal heartbreaker for Elliotts who never gave up their fierce checking attack. The next game will be held Sunday, Nov. 22, at Port Perry, p.m., Hoy Pavers vs Aca- dian Cleaners. f Canadians enjoy § a heritage fof fine taste! CANADIAN lager beer Fans Serfiiied BREWERY LIMITED BROOKLIN OL. 5-3221 AJAX 550 Cd Am IS 0 AO DA po a i ed dagen: ine er TEEN i fe Ng) Fo