omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Albert Street WA Plans Bazaar The monthly meeting of Albert Street United Church WA was| held recently in the board with the first vice-president, Coy Eric Cooper, presiding. Mrs, H, V, Laxton led in the devotional period and Mrs. Roy Corbman read the scripture. The minutes were read by. the Dial RA 3-3474 secretary, Mrs, Edward Holland, THE OSHAWA TIMES, followed by roll call and Mrs, Tuesday, November 17, 195 James Scott gave the treasurer's| 7 The Evening Branch of the WA of St. George's Memorial Church held its monthly busi- ness meeting recently in the par- ish hall. The president, Mrs. F. 8, Wot- ton, opened with prayers. minutes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. David Hutcheon and Mrs. W. H. Jackson, gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Robert Clayton, dorcas secretary, spoke about the dor- cas conference which a number oi MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR new Diocesan centre in Toronto. Mrs. Wotton reported on the monthly board meeting in Toron- to, which was attended by several | members. It was decided to have Relatives and Friends Honor [over o chiinar sie or Port Perry Pair on Anniversary slonary in Saskatchewan. Mrs. Kenneth Blencowe gave Mr. and Charles H.| During the evening, Mr. Ken- Reesor, of Port Perry, quietly neth Hallett of Sonya, sang sev- CAE RE MR. AND Mrs St. George's Evening WA Names Officers For 1960-61 The members attended recently in the report. | Reports from the kitchen com-| mittee and visiting committee were given. The visiting commit- tee reported 35 visits were made at the hospital in the past month, A discussion took place on final plans for the bazaar to be held November 26 at the church. Conveners for the booths will be: tea room, Mrs, Clayton Lee; home baking, Mrs, Arthur All- man; aprons, Mrs. Eric Cooper; candy, Mrs, Donald Burton; fancy work, Mrs. Alex Maracle; Christmas novelties, Mrs. James President, Mrs, Gerald Blears; vice-president, Mrs. Paul Gulen- chyn; secretary, Mrs, David Hut- cheon; treasurer, Mrs, W. H. Jackson; Little Helpers, Miss Betty Gulliver; Dorcas secre tary, Mrs. Robert Clayton; study book, Mrs. Gertrude Penman; card secretary, Miss Duleie Mil-|gaoi ler. ! Mrs. Fred Coleman and Mrs. | Disbursements were made to Clayton Lee, delegates to the |Ingles House, Strachan House presbytery meeting held recently and the Van Workers. |in Bowmanville, gave reports, | The date for the annual Christ- Mrs, Ernest Jones reported for mas party was set as Decem-|the inating ittee as fol- ber 3. |lows: Past president, Mrs. Sam. Mrs. Penman introduced the uel Gibbs; president, Mrs, Eric study books for the year "The Cooper; 1st vice - president, Mrs. Way in Africa", and "'Mission|Ernest Jones; second vice-presi- Unlimited". dent, Mrs. George Sanders; sec-| | retary, Mrs. Clayton Lee; treas- The meeting closed with pray- oe . i lers, followed by a social hour ures, dyss.d ales SOMES Drees No. |with refreshments served by thelic "yet. Joseph Wiltshire, jwtiat convener and her commit-| Mrs. 'Clayton Lee introduced ee, |Mrs. H. W. Blakely who spoke on program planning for the WA the report of the nominating committee for the year 1960. celebrated their 25th wedding eral solos and was accompanied anniversary recently at a dinner by Miss Lillian Couves, of Green- meetings. Refreshments were PERSONALS Vou are invited by the Department to send in any Shite anew wil items of interest. News of anni- Mrs. E. and Mrs. receive the > »" iE versaries and comings and go- George Wi |ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. | 'Please write or telephone RA |8-3474, local 18, | Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Coulter of Oshawa are among the guests at the Park Plaza this week, while | visiting Toronto, One of the most successful so- 3 cial events of the season for members and guests of the On- tario Regiment (RCAC) Off 4 Mess was held in the form of a high Tea at the Oshawa Armories last Saturday evening. Major W. J. Rolls, mess i dent, reported that 142 people en- the social evening which th a banquet and con- tinued with dancing and refresh- ments. Plans have been com- pleted for the Grey Cup partv to LH be held in the Mess Nov. 28. This is to feature East and West cheering sguads, Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Arkless and Miss Hazel Waring attended the general meeting of the On- tario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied at the Lord Simcoe Hotel, "Toronto, on Sunday afternoon, November 15. Representatives were present from Ottawa, Wind- sor, Brantford, London, Waterloo and Toronto. Miss Marilvn Burrows, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bur- rows, Alice street, left yesterday morning for St. Johns, Quebec, where she will enrol in the train- ing centre of the RCAF, The Reverend D. A. K, Allen scent--so delights ful and different. Lotus Cologne is 2 beguiling served by the Challenger group. will open the Christmas bazaar | and tea to be held this week at|We *© sway St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Gower-fresh under the auspices of the Women's Guild, Mrs, W. T. «oo lighdy throughout the day. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BILLIE! --_-- $2.00 ond $3.25 The young heart-stealer who | Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson, Col- is one year old today is William | borne street east, and Mr. and Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs, | Mrs. A. E, Blatch, Burk street. William T. Wilson, Vimy av- enue. Billie is the grandson of --Photo by Ireland Best fo Bab | moe. ghs Speciany formulated for bables! up phi x 1, have. Teachers of diabetic chil- dren seem very anxious to co- operate although they know so " DRUGS 28 KING ST. &. RA 3.4621 HAVE YOU SEEN pow Now Playing we ADULT wee Plaza Theatre held in the Hotel Genosha for bank. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Snel-| LODGES AND S IETIES thelr immediate family. Their|grove played modern and old-| | 11° K iwo sons, Danny and Larry, pre-/time music for dancing. The sur- QUEEN MARY LODGE | members are to be submitted at William Whitworth f sented them with a silver coffee|prised and happy couple received! Officers and members of the next meeting. pot to commemorate the occa- many beautiful gifts a mon g Queen Mary Lodge 97 held their| Mrs. Douglas Wilson read from Kathleen Harper sion, On their return home the which was a silver tea service regular meeting in the Corona- the Book of Beta Sigma Phi. couple was surprised by a visit|from the Reesor and Blight fam- tion Orange Temple with Worthy| Mrs. Arthur Bilton introduced Wed at Seagrave 'rom relatives from Unionville. ilies and an electric frying pan Mistress Sister Evelyn Bilton and Miss Dorothy Sheets whose pro- ' She evening was spent in reminis-|from neighbors -and friends of deputy Mistress Sister Ger- gram was 'Giving and Recelving A recent marriage in Sea. sing. Flowers, good wishes and|long standing. trude Logan presiding, Friendship." Miss Betty Leask grave United Church united Wil. 7ifts were received from London,| The host, Danny Reesor, as- Devotional exercises were per-| thanked Miss Sheets. liam George Whitworth, Oshawa, | Beamsville, Guelph Toronto, and sisted by his cousins, Marilyn formed by the chaplain Sister LEND-A-HAND CLUB and Kathleen Grace Farner, Sea Unionville. : Reesor, Marianne and John Ver. Betty Atkins, by Sisté The Lend-A-Hand elub held its a Ye. ho ge He aug ter| Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles H.|non, Shirley and Kenneth Dow-| Draw prizes donated by "8| regular business meeting in the Qa > & Mrs. Roy Harper, Reesor were also honored at a son served refreshments with the Beryl Elliott, Isobel Ambrose, oj4cor we: Hall, Sister Viola ca8rave, and the bridegroom is surprise party held in the Port|help of several other ladies. Theresa Cleveland and Gertrude geeler, president, presided. She son of in Mrs. William) hi puis Selheol Agha, Mr. and Mrs. Reesor were Logan Helen oR pti Diana | The meeting opened with pray mye ceremony was performed JURY as arrguged and planned) arried in the Post Persy Unit. re and Mary Forest. je. Jolt call, and reading of min-|p. 410 Reverend E. J. MoNell + int " ed Church, on Saturday, Novem- | 3 | CF > . 1 3: Among. the relatives. friends iier's, 1804, with the late Rever.| Plans ere Madnhr place. Decl, Sister Kesler welcomed al Mrs. Fern Toban played the wed: Diabetic Assn. . . end Mr. W. J. H. Smythe officiat-| . After 8, | 1] lay convey their best wishes were pt a J *" cember 18. |the Christmas party was planned. "ir Kenneth Hallett, = . Mothers Group little about diabetes. put-of-town guests from Toronto,| All members are requested to/ "ity To oer will be held The bride was given in mar Oshawa, Markham, Orono, Lo-| Mrs. Reesor is the former Miss be present at next regular meet-|, gay op) oO) De er 2, with |T1age by her father. She wore a v | Mrs. G. Burtch, of Port Hope, cust Hill, Brooklin, Greenbank| Alma G. Blight, daughter of Mrs.|ing Wednesday, November 18, cy wor toto oop Bailie om pe| fingertip veil and a_floor-length November Meeting described the plastic identifica and Sonya. The three-tiered cake Thomas J. Blight, now of Toronto for election of officers. looked after. also a protege of gown of net over taffeta with a| 5 tion tag that the Peterborough | which held the place of honor was and the late Mr. Blight. Rireshments were servd by poe MUM, HO eville school, |POUffant skirt and a bodice em.| The November meeting of thelbranch had sent out to the dia- a special gift from their son, Mr. Reesor, who was born in|Sister Mary Forest and her com- "4 jo aiion was sent to the Joan|Proidered with sequins, Her flow-| mother's group of the Oshawa petic children in their district. Danny, and a rose corsage and|Markham coming to Port Perry mittee. |aibbe fund. 3 0 er ho white elirvsauthemums, 20! District Branch of Canadian The Oshawa Group were quite ¢ i ip : matron nor was Mrs, nterested and more information Sarasin poulommiere Pid oie lin 1930, is the son of Mrs. Fred VICTORIA LTB NO. 55 Rats Jutior Dast Hobe gana of David Ashmore and the brides.|the home of Mrs, B. A. Bright, is to be obtained as they felt it a, Larry. The master of cere.|E: Reesor, Port Perry, and the| The regular meeting of Vietora i into the club. Sister Lena| Maids were the Misses Elaine Riverside drive north. Mrs. W.|very important that their chil- S08, JATTY: late Mr. Reesor. |Lodge No. 55 was held in the club. Sister Lena whitworth and Lillie Harper. All R. Lean, president, opened the monies for the evening was the|'ateé Mr. Ree lv with Harper expressed her pleasure in PA 1] y Pi , Op dren be identified as diabetic Reverend Mr. E. P. Leckie, of Among some of the out-of-town Orange Temple recently Wil. [becoming a member, The meet.|\'Or® Matching dresses of Dior meeting and welcomed the mem- especially in case of an accident St. John's Church York Mills, guests who attended were: Mrs, | Worshipful Master Brother J by ing war lollovoed by bingo and blue velvet with white feather|bers, tome of whom were from while out playing or coming from and he was assisted by Mr. Gor-|T. J. Blight, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| QF p! hig i retresh setts headdresses. They carried white| Port Hope, Cobourg and Green-|gohool, where it might not be don Reesor, of Port Perry, liam Milton, Mrs, D. K. [Sister Elizabeth _ oD Lie > chrysanthemums. bank and two visitors from Sea- known the child is diabetic. The bridal party of 25 years|ham, all of Toronto; the Rev- DE itor | BETA SIGMA PHI ver Roy ior: pitied es grave, ; Refreshments were served. All ago were all on hand to help|erend Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leckie] Devotional exercises were per-| ADE angular mecting of Xi Mr. Charles Ha ng nd Me | After the business the mem. mothers or those interested in celebrate. The bridesmaid, Mrs. and son, Glenn, of York Mills; formed by Chaplain Sister Elda im a Sr Bptes 3 Beta wil Lo Bind, 'bers discussed many of their|/diabetic children are welcome to A reception was held at the Problems with diabetic children. attend the January at |Some of them sald that their|which a psychiatrist will on E. P. Leckie, the former Miss/Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey, of Howard. Readings of the last| Winnifred Milton, of Toronto;|Orono; Mr, and Mrs, 0 meeting and roll call of officers of Mrs. EB. M. Kuptze Garden the best man, Mr. Thomas A.[Armstrong, of Locust Hill; Mr./was taken. SE OE Eon avembes 1 © Blight, of Oshawa, brother of the|and. Mrs. Mansell Gerrow, Mr.| Reports were given of the af:| a nh Fardon, President, bride and the ushers, Messrs.|T A. Blight, Mr. and Mrs. Alan ternoon and house bingoes held PIES ing: the bust 4 E. P. Leckie and F. Gordon|Reesor, all of Oshawa, and Mr. at the home of Sister Ina Milgate| owing the business portion hureh, ' panini oy Huy ges, Ee cia. neighbors were very co-opera-|the emotional problems of a dia- groom's mother in blue and ve on Hallowe'en and the diabetic child and what can be dorie. green. Each wore a corsage of Petic child received FINE SILVER LONDON (CP) -- A pair of silver gravy-boats made in the reign of George II were bought they could for £1,600 by a silversmith, NEWEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE A MAN! JN Pen For Men the meeting, the conferment| roses. fruit and even no-cal in place of Reesor, brother of the bride- pd i. Alfred Wilson, of recently. on was voted to be sent Of exemplar degree was of-| Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth are the usual candy. Even when the g - Too [to the itv chest fund, also ficiated for Mrs. Leo Ratelle,imaking their home at Seagrave,|child did receive candy during : Draw prizes donated by Sisters|the Ritual of Jewels Chapter, On-|das, St. Mary's, Toronto, Bow-|Joy trading it with brothers and Kemperle-Heghesan Rites Held Joan Ewens, Spencer and Mil. |tario Gamma Epsilon. manville, Oshawa, Lindsay and sisters for things gate were won by Sisters Reta) Miss Joyce Power presented Port Perry. Short and Margaret Moore. | dhe tulvay) Jrofam Jor the eve- Plans were made and commit-|® - eis ¥ i n and nel HOUSYHOLD HINT tees formed for Christmas party| The next meeting be held A tea cart or utility cart can w The first wedding to be held|ried a small yellow and bronze|December 4. |Faurichon, Graburn avenue, on|piastic bathtub. \ in the new Seventh-Day Adventist|nosegay. Scarlet degree practise followed November 24, at 8 p.m. ) } Church on Kendalwood road unit-| Mr. Helmo Heghesan was best/with Sister Beatrice Hurst In| pepprAn LODGE NO. 8 - ) ed Hella (Sade LL Heghessn 0) and the ushers were Mesara. charge. | The. first meeting of Rebekah | DID YOU KNOW 4 and Stanley Kemperle. The bride| Victor , Wayne Huether and {Lodge No. 8 , GMA PHI |Lodge No. lor the new term ' is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sakari Stenfors. as ue A PHI worrneld in the Jugs soon Hin ' ; the bridegroom 1s the son of Mr.|dining hall of Oshawa Mission- d Sister Elsie Crawford, Vice| + + « That Nu-Way Rug end (at P T TE Wy G a Epsilon Chapter was|and Sister Elsie Crawford, Vice ' 'o and Ns John Resuglsie of Ala. ary College. The bride s other a 2 Pn of Ee Broan Grand, presiding, Carpet Sales have the lowest vol The grere LG. EA erson} etelve : eating brows Cole. le minutes of the last meet-|| prices in Oshawa for wall to de Nn -=MI officiated and the sololets wereprinted in aqua, 4nd the beide-[ 'rye president, Mrs. Douglas ing were tead The vice grand|| well broadioom end room vine rei. Mrs. Aarne Orpana of Toronto groom's mother was in navy blue wi.on presided. Roll call follow: | 8ave the sick list report. Ves and Mr Wayne Heuther, Oshawa. taffeta. {mm \ - \ - o Now inlaid Built bp halen) New | f eli eo New loss-proof clip. Grips any fabric, » * Massive capacity. o Exclusive Snorkel Pen unk filling action. © New trimness. Fite sven a man's Kemperle are by Mrs. 1. J. Perry, Oshawa. making their home in villi | The bride was given in mar. SOCIAL NOTICES riage by her father. She wore a ENGAGEMENT floor - length gown of white peau: - Correspondence from Interna. Was given by Sister Viola Keeler, | NU WAY RUG * . t Mmm! How wonderful to wear tee between the three Oshawa tend its birthday party. " de-sole faghioned with a V neck: | | The president * advised theo after which a bingo same sweetly memorable. It's Coty's new The is | ' rhinestone crown held her of Helen Mary Winifred, daugh-|ton on May 6, 7 and 8. Also that Aviltable for a Yimited time ouly. to Joan Gibbs fund Whitby, a graduating member of Guests were present from Dun-|the shell-out they seemed to en. In New Adventist Church to be held in the lower hall on|at the home of Mrs. Bernard Le- he ysed to transport a baby's Stefan Heghesan of Oshawa and| A reception was held in the ru. ooiiar meeting of Ontario|Sister Ann Holt, Noble Grand, ' . he report of district meeting/| rvs. The wedding music was played] Mr. and Mrs. ed the opening ritual ' tional Office suggested the forma- : 3s Vinpins way Jeseived ing C | fr manville e y tion of a Co-ordinating Commit 8 AND CARPET SALES fragrance this way. \ouch-and Chapters rather than a City| Refreshments were served by the air about you is sudden Goaplen the Vice Grand and her support.|| 174 Mery St. RA 5.0433 y line appliqued with lace flowers, | apter of the Beta Sigma Phi|Was held. PETITE MIST. Travels beautifully and three - quarter sleeves. A d|Convention to be held in Hamil.|™ in handbag or suitcase. ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Day-|the Beta Sigma Phi magazine, | shoulder-length veil and she car ro ol Pg 0 Sy | The Torch, now has a Canadian © Choice of 8 writin nt | styles...4 colors. y vol 3 ried a cascade of red roses and! arg Weir, son of Mr. and Mrs. editor. white chrysanthemums. Kenneth Weir of Ajax. The mar-| The names of needy families The maid of honor was Miss Liage 3 to aie Jhce So | ere submitted ' and one was Henna Heghesan and the brides.|daY. December 5, 1959, in Holy| chosen. maids were. Miss Jean Smith, TY Anglican Church, Ajax. Miss Sorjo Pulkkinen and Miss Iris Pulkkinen. They all wore dresses of aqua peau-de-sole with | hi floral band adi an Shop WOOLWORTH'S | First! Ladies' 100% HIGH BULK ORLON SWEATERS. New shaggy look 5 a iE { Sizes Medium, Large PRICED FROM ow sets with matching pencil from $14.95 | Names of any prospective) for the finest in draperies, curtains, window shades and venetian blinds. carried nosegays of yellow bronze chrysanthemums. Miss | Kathy Glazier, the flower girl, , was in apricot organza and car TOP Hove you been putting off buying drapes becouse you've heard it costs a lot to dress those big windows? Then you should check WARD'S prices on Custom. made, Ready-to-hang, Lined Drapes. You can cover a 12-ft. wide i) window with floor - length drapes for os little as $44.89 pr. WARD'S have over 50 patterns in plain or printed, ready - to - ha pt in stock at Best of all, otterns are ovoilable in any width or length at :omparbly low prices - do without the huxury of mew drapes any longer, measure your windows and hurry to WARD'S end dis. cover how little beoutiful drepes can cost. ON EVERY STUDENT LIST \ Ladies' BRUSHED RAYON SCARVES. Wide range of colors . . . 1.49 Tense urn usr sar PF M. Pen For Ment" 300 In luxurious black and gold or 'white and gold case Gents' BRUSHED RAYON SCARVES. Assorted plaids and stripes . ... 1.00 LAIMANT « L'ORIGAN EMERAUDE «PARIS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK Guaranteed First Reg. 1.19 pr. Quality. Emerald SPECIAL Knit Ladies' Seam- r ( c PR. Smith-Corona Prices from 74.50 up WALMSLEY & | MAGILL OFFICE EQUIP. LTD 9-11 King E., Oshawe Tel: RA 3-3333 SEE IT...TRY IT TODAY AT Fully qualified Interior decoretor to help you at any time. WARD'S SIMCOE AT ATHOL DIAL RA 5-1151 'Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" MITCHELL'S a sO Sg PA 1 [elo] 0) BO RA 3-343] less Mesh Nylons Sizes 812-11, Kann Drug 1 28 King St E RA 3 462 Oshawa AS i EIS RE NE EN ROE SSE ON se se o 1 wl Ral, 3 he, BF Y w © A da ae