Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Nov 1959, p. 6

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(Mrs. C. Venning, Blackstock and {H. Coulter, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. J. Stephenson and Craig spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Brechin. Wayne Hooey, Toronto, visite ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey at the weekend. 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Nevember 17, 1959 Commencement Held For Pickering High PICKERING (Staff) -- The sights annual Jotmenscment ex- erc were at Pickering District High School on Friday evening. The guest speaker was H. L. Shepherd, BA. Sc., , per- sonnel compensation and develop- ment, Canadian Westinghouse. Mr. Shepherd told the students that material needs do not mean much if the soul is restless and dissatisfied. He urged them to make their tional decisi choosing what they wanted to ac- complish. "Education," he said, "is the background for contribut- ing to progress, choose what you can handle best, putting educa- tion and vocation together." "Everything has not been dis- covered, there are many new Ruxiliary Hold 'Meeting At Bowmanville By MES. A. L. HOOEY . | a : BOWMANVILLE -- The No- A aX Co rt vember meeting of Memoria' ] V Hospital Auxiliary was held Fri- |day afternoon with Mrs. B, Mut- io rein Kept Busy Mee, Sylvester reported on % \work the sewing committee would) AJAX (Staff) -- Several ea be required to do in the New|of careless driving were ol Year and Mrs. J. O'Neill report- Magistrate Crawford Guest at ed $25 had been received fromithe Ajax Police court on Mon- the marathon bridge which com-'day. > Frank J. A. Graham, 20, of enced 'in October. Mrs. W. Cawker and Mrs. G.[Tullock drive, Ajax, pl Young, delegates to the On-|guilty to charges of careless driv- tario hospital convention gave re-|ing and obtaining liquor while a port. Mrs. Burke, Mrs. L. (C. minor. . 3 Mason and Mrs, V, Storey were, He was fined $25 and costs on ppointed as a inating com-|the careless driving charge and mittee, $20 and costs on second : harge. It was reported that the CGIT|® of Trinity United Church willl David Mathews, 17 of 7 Rupert street, Scarboro, pleaded Woks thay favors for the patients|iy a careless driving charge. \ Corporal William Shaw told the Linda R, McCance. Peter R. bookkeeping, Donated by Clare- McKeown, Barbara E. Messer, | mont Co-op -- Mary Jean Jamie- Ruth A. Miller, Darlene H. Mor-|son. tensen, Lyn A. Murison, Patricia Cup for outstanding shorthand J. Newport, Glenda M. Palmer, writer, Donated by Ajax Ware-| Carolyn M., Parnham, Carolyn D.'housing ~--Elly Scholten. Payne, Willard Peddie, Marion Cup for outstanding typist, Do-| | A. Pegg, Brigid M. Phelan, Ron- nated by Disney Motors -- Pat ald T. Postill, Jill XK. Pruner. |Diasio. d | David E. Reed, Paulette D.| Cup for outstanding penman, | Riches, Sandy W. Ritchie, Lynn/Donated by Claremont Co-op -- Rogerson, Ian A. Salgo, Christine|Sharon WH OE " | Li Scott, Joe Sef E G Fralhoy Biology Prize. donated by Dr. | Brude B. , Ronald J. Tran- Kenneth Roberts -- Carol James. ter, Barbara A. Walker, Sandra English Prize, donated by Walmsley, Dale M. Waltier, Gail| Dowty Equipment of Canada Ltd. L. White, Glenn G. White, Carol|-- Lorne Cummings. D. Whittington, Keith Wright, History Prize, donated by Kit-| Wright, Linda A. ii Installations Ltd. -- James n. Latin Prize, donated by Rouge, TNE : PICKERING VETERANS PARADE SUNDAY ickering Veterans parade | the photo are members of Dun- | Frank Hill at the reviewing | as the dead of two world wars tand. Th similar .pa- ere honored. through the village on Sunday | barton Legion. The salute was Sipnd Bh a eT mar iD p were to the memorial park. Shown in | taken by District Commander ~--Photo by John Mills of Ontario county last Sunday Young. worlds, and I say unto you young man, stay home, there are new world to conquer right here." , Garnet Watchorn, valedictor- ian, in his address said, *'This country needs leadership more than ever before if we are to pre- serve our inherited freedom. Let us not take freedom for granted, thus turning it into a negative thing. If we deny our free men's responsibility in being silent in the 'face of some injustice or fall in love with security, we are not maintaining that eternal vigilance that is the price of liberty. Let us not be a people that has fallen asleep at the wheel, but let us be able to sav," "I am a part of Canada". It is a cer- tainty we won't all be leaders, but we must all give the best in ourselves." HONOR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS The secondary school honor graduation diploma is awarded to the student who has attended at least one year in Grade 13 and has obtained standing in at least eight papers of department- al examinations. Frank Patrick Bell, Robert Peter Bodnaryk, Elizabeth Char- CLASS AND SUBJECT AWARDS Grade 9A: Cups for highest academic standing, tie, Cup do- nated by PDHS Students' Coun- cil -- Judy Edmonds; Donated by Reeve Cvril E. Morley -- Don- na Bodnaryk. Grade 9B: Cup for highest aca- ding, Donated by W. Hill Lions Club -- Joan Lumley. | a French Prize, donated by Ruth-| erford's Dairy, Garnet Watchorn. | Mathematics Prize, donated by| Pickering Rotary Club -- Wesley| Newport, | hysics and Chemistry Prize, 541, of the Canadian Legion, Dun- Branch 541 At Memorial PICKERING (Staff) -- Branch ted by Grant M -- Gar-|barton, held its annual memorial demic st L. Smith and Associates -- David Hawthorne. net St. Watchorn., Prize for Highest |service in Pickering on Sunday Academic afternoon. by Arthur, The service in Memorial Park Grade 9C: Cup for highest aca- demic standing, Donated by Pick- ering Women's Institute -- Wayne Parker. Donated by nstitute-- demic standing. Claremont Women's Ralph Daniel. ! Grade 9E: Cup for highest aca- domia' stand Donated by D: E. R. Humphrey -- Douglas Eck- lund Grade SF: Cup for highest aca- demic standi D d by t he Past Matron"s Golden Rule Club, Ontario Chapter OES -- Edward Cotton. Highest Proficiency in Grade 9: Judy Edmonds and Donna Bod- naryk. Names to be inscribed on a plaque donated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sterrit. Grade 10A: Cups for highest lotte Chisholm, Lorne James Cummings, Robert Henri De] Lint, Michael David Grant, Wil-| liam Kenneth Haynes, Carol Anne James, Alan Marlow Jones, Rob- ert Richard Kerton. Joan Verna Lumley, Paul Alex- ander Munro, Lynda Gail Mus- demic standi tie Donated iby Dr. G. Jones -- Carol Whit- tington; Donated by Mrs. P. Mor- tensen -- Pat Gray. Grade 10B: Cup for highest Grade 9D: Cup for highest aca-| | and ert D Mitchell Ltd. (Name to be in-(was preceded by an impressive scribed on the plaque donated by parade, Arthur Mitchell Ltd. )-- Garnet brownies, Watchorn. Lewis C. R. Briggs Trophy, for|land Creek Pipe Band and the the President of the Students'|Pickering Youth Band, Council -- Raymond Gilchrist. | SCHOOL LETTER AWARDS | mercial for outstanding excel- lence in the three main fields of school life: Eva Hasek, Joan Lumley, Rob- of veterans, scouts, girl guides and volun- teer firemen, headed by the High- Branch padre, Rev, C. E. Olive, conducted the service. District Commander Frank Hill took the salute at the reviewing stand. president {Thorogood welcomed b. assem i :|bly. Wreaths were laid on al asadoe, Sufletie of the province, the Legion and activities: |, dies' Auxiliary, the township Bodnaryk, Garnet Watchorn, and village and local service a ROUND BOY Last Post and Reveille was GIRL TROPHIES | sounded by three members of the of| extra-curricular Cup for All Round Girl (Anne|p; oR vodtls Band. Stratton Memorial {Pickering Yo Joan Lumley. Cup for Al Round Boy,| ond be Dunbar Kiwants| Rundle Heads Club -- Garnet Watchorn. Trophy) SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES ini Provincial | Branch 178 Student] BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- At Dx W. O. Bennett--Glennys Cress- well. son, Victor Herbert Norman,| John Victor Paxton, Jo-Ann Eliz-Dr, G. Jones--Darlene Morten- Musson: T. Watchorn. Atkinson y|/Value $400.00 abeth Porter, James 'Frederick/ Shipton. Laura Alice Stevenson, Sandra Anne Waltier, Garnet| sen. Grade a A 10D: Cup for highest standi Donated b Taylor Watchorn. GENERAL COURSE The secondary school gradua- tion diploma (General) is award- ed to the student who has suc- cessfully completed courses of] study prescribed for Grades 11/ and 12 of the general course. Rae Anderson, Laurie J. Bar- clay, Roger Carlton, Harry Cook, Walmsley. Hi, Holland. ighest Proficiency 10: Carol Whittington and Pat Gray. Names to be inscribed on|tario Command: value $400.00 -- president and J. W a placque donated by Mrs. B. K./Robert R. Kerton. General Motors Institute: Four, Art Prize: Donated by Reeves years' tuition and expenses. esti-/council were , Artist Supply Co. Lid. -- Philip/ mated total value $3000 -- Wes-/ton D. Wright, A. Mairs, ley Newport. Sleightholm. Music and Drama Prize: For Aid Mr. W. G. Newman -- Sandra/Cummings; value $400.00 -- Rob-| 4 ert R. Kerton; value $400.00 -- Branch 178 governing body in- in Grade Garnet T. Watchorn. Canadian Legion Bursary, On-/dent; William Bates, second vice- Bursaries, Type A: Value gpecial meeting Sunday after- $500.00 -- Lorne J. Cummings;|noon in the Legion Hall, Ed. Run- Grade 10C: Cup for highest|value $500.00 -- Robert R. Ker-|dle was returned by acclamation academic standing, Donated by|ton; value $500.00 Lynda G.|as president of Branch 178. Ca- value $500.00 -- Garnet | padian Legion BESL. With his re- {turn to presidencv, Mr. Rundle Foundation Award: will begin his second term in Lorne J.|that office. Others elected to form the |clude: F. Burns, first vice-presi- oodward, Sgt. {at Arms. . Those elected to the executive Jim Firth, D. Wal- Glen- holme Hughes, P. Bathgate, Jack Knight and E. 8. Harnden. School Guards Ask Police Ask Pay Hike BOWMANVILLE (Staff) can't get a raise in pay of the Ratepayers' Sunday night. | One of the three guards, Ernie| Jones, charged the guards are "being paid slave wages at $40) a month". He said, down, this represents 50 cents an hour and in Port Hope crossing|Sis h' classed as guards are getting $60 a mont and in Oshawa they get from $60 to $70 a month", court that he had investigated an was of the town works ployees and therefore would be| The Ratepayers' Association, at a general meeting in the Memorial good income, why can't the men Park Siublousg Suna Y Tet, | ome, why can |vol 0 write Town Cler .-B, A motion to write council to Ean look after-our children ear" Reynolds to bring before council who the school crossing guards|half decent money too," she said. a suggestion they made concern- are employed by and why they| Jim Coyle stated the empioyecs ing police protection during the depart- hours when the town lights were withdrawn at a general meeting ment are applying for recognition ghut off? Association|in the National Union of Public! |Service Employees, and he felt Mrs. J, McNulty complained she if they do enter the union, the had a "Peeping Fuanis would be. eludes, 'th | window the other night when the e said he felt, being that the (lights were out. She said there "broken BuArds' clicques are signed by Ho not a policeman available. |Clarence Oke, assessor and as- tant clerk, that they would be power 'maintenance, I'd like to public service em- gee a cruiser patroling the busi- ness area with a spotlight on the store fronts for the mer- Protection The decision was sparked when Tom" at her "When the lights go out for GIRL GUIDES ACTIVE The Girl Guides have com- menced activities for the season with Mrs, L. Lucas, captain of the first company, Miss Herbert, first lieutenant and Miss Clark, second lieutenant, Mrs. ¥. Buttery is district eommis- sioner. Mrs. Buttery told mothers at- tending the first meeting that guiding develops team work and co-operation. Mothers were asked to check Buide notebooks after each meet- ng. A telephone committee was ap- pointed to help' with special events and new guides will be| enrolled in the next six weeks.! PERSONALS Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs. 0. Venning were Mr, and Mrs. accident at Church street and the intersection of ayly street. Mathews car was piled against & tree and was a total wreck. * Accused admitted that he was H driving too fast and also admit ted to two previous con for breaches of the highway traf- fic act. He was fined $35 and costs or ten days. John Howard Snelgrove, 20, of 44 Colbourne street east, pleaded guilty to obtaining beer while under 21 and to a second charge Foe uae BREE BE of having beer in a place other . than his residence. Constable Fred Gallivan told the court that he checked a car at Rotary Park on Oct. 19 belong- ~ ing to accused. Snelgrove admit- ted to the officer that he had ob- tained the beer at Whitby. He was fined $15 and costs on the first charge and $25 and costs on the second, and the beer con |included in the union. "The cost of living has in-| creased several times, but not| our salaries. There 'should be| something done about it. It was| so cold last winter, I would just like to see some of those coun- cillors stand out there, like we did, and the wind was nearly blowing us off the street." | Jim Coyle asked the complain- ant what action had been taken| to ask council about gefting a raise in their salaries by the guards. WRITES COMMITTEE Mr. Jones replied he had writ- ten to finance committee chair- man Ivan M. Hobbs to ask for the raise, but the only answer he got was a verbal one that it was not included in the budget that the guards should get a raise. "I don't remember seeing the budget where it included $35,000 for repairs around the arena and| 1 feel if they can spend that to fix the arena, surely they can |, spend another hundred dollars to give us a half decent raise," he! protested. | Executive Is 2 Short BOWMANVILLE {With the resignation two weeks lago of Ratepayers' | president, Ed. Foran and treas- urer, John Meachin, the associa- tion has been forced to operate with two short on its executive. First vice-president Norm Han- nan has taken over as associa- tion president, second vice-presi- dent Tom Masterson, vanced to the first vice-presi- dent's position, Mrs. Nel Wilson has been advanced from direc- tor to second vice-president, and Bob Martyn has been advanced from a director to association |treasurer. | This leaves two directors posl-! ons open, thus leaving the asso- |ciation to operate for the time being with only eight on its execu- tive, which, according to its con- chants' protection during the hours of darkness, said Mrs. Mec- R. Wood, Bobcaygeon, Mr. and fiscated. Nulty. D. Dawson, another RPA mem- ber, told the complainant he couldn't see the police patroling with a -spotlight on the cruiser, but it would be much better if they were walking up and down the beat with a flashlight. Jim Covle suggested a letter should be sent to the PUC and to the police commission "and let them get their heads together so the police chief could detail his men accordingly." It was pointed out by former mayor Syd Little the proper way to go about sending any letter would be to address it to the clerk to bring before council. { The association decided against | another suggestion by Mrs. Me- Nulty that it should recommend the parking meters be closed at {6 p.m, on Fridays, the same as lother nights, in order to bring| more Friday night business into town. | Mrs. McNulty complained the | shoppers are going to Oshawa to] shop and taking the business) (Staff) Association was ad- Employment Opportunities (Civil Service of Canada) SUPERVISING MECHANICAL ENGINEER -- BUILDINGS (pro- fessional engineer, with etxensive experience in design ond supervision of installation of heating, air conditioning ond plumbing systems), Public Works, Ottawa. Up to $9,420. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 59-1214. > CONSULTANT PSYCHOLOGIST (university graduate with Doc- tor's degree or post graduate training leading to completion of Doctor's thesis, to analyze ond evaluate training ond research programmes dealing with mental health), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $7,500-$8,580. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for cir- cular 59-831. INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS ENGINEER (professional engineer, for design and layout of mail handling systems), Post Office Department, Ottawe. Up to $7,860. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 59-1215 MEDICAL OFFICERS (with license to practise medicine in Canada), Quarantine, Immigration, Medical ond Sick Mariners Services, National Health and Welfare. in Canada, the British Isles and Continental Europe. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end osk for circular There were several differences | ctitution should have 10 mem- of opinion concerning who the|pore | guards are employed by. Some . thought it was by council while| After two members, Al. Lymer others were of the opinion they|20d Jack McGuire declined di- , A worked for the police' commis. rector's 'offices, Jim Coyle sug-{RPA couldnt say for sure that Joely |gested the selection of two addi-iwas the reason the shoppers Mrs. J. McNulty sugwestod the tional directors be set aside for were going to Oshawa. He said it| association write to jcansideration. wt. an executive usts #8 conts to 0 10 Ohana or SERIA Wie Sel See meeting. She ii and it only costs a nickel and b they can't have more part than a month to look after the tax pavers' children. LETCHWORTH, England (CP) HISTORIC STAPLE "After all, they are paying men|A factory in this Hertfordshire] The weaving and decoration of ! «~laries to go out and catch town has begun supplying cups of cotton was a fine art in Peru dogs doing mo harm on the tea to workers as they arrive in|3,000 years ago, centuries after it sueels and if they ean have a the nforning. Istarted in India. Peggy Cowan, Ian J. Edmiston, Richard M. Hannah, Mike G. Hart, Eva Z. Hasek, Irwin, Mary Lois Johnston. E. Marion P. Kime, Richard Lapointe, George T. Malcolm, Kay E. Michael, Bob Pearce, Gayle A. Price, Anne Pugh, Angela J. Shilton. George Shuhla, Carol White, Anna Wilson. COMMERCIAL COURSE CADE INSPECTION away from . Bowmanville: mer-| chants, i Association President Norm Hannan told Mrs. McNulty the Comrade Alice Lyle served as returning officer for the electoral meeting and was assisted by scru- 59-651. RESEARCH ENGINEER -- REFRIGERATION (to conduct re- search in refrigeration, heating ond food processing relating to agricultural commodities), Agriculture, Ottawa. $6,360- $7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission,' Ottawa, and ask for eircular 59-1513, ? PHYSICIST (for research relating to special engineering prob- lems), Agriculture, Ottawa. $6,360-$7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-1512, EXAMINER, MASTERS AND MATES (with Certificate of Com- petency as Master-Foreign one. Canadien or U.K.), Trans port, Ottawa. $6.210-56, 60. TECHNICAL OFFICER (to assist in preparation and installa. tion of permanent collections and of special exhibitions), $ 90-36180, for student Who Hag sontituiied Most MAY 21, 1959 to mus rama life of the| Inepecting Officer, Lt. Col. M. fo dougies J oy Can. C. Finley, BD. : tineers, Comrades T. Carter, D. wright Commanding Officer, Cadetip, yo" J. Nickerson, H. Hobbs Grade 11A: C tor nizh + Major Victor Braney: Second in|. 4" your 'Maguire. Thee ID lw io Command, Cadet Captain Don TP Neale sh Ane BO Matheson; No. 1 Platoon, Cadet Grade 118: Cup Jor highest Lt. Gerry Bucking; No. 2 Platoon, | Win aig Donated by|Cadet Lt. John Norris; No. 3 : Platoon, Cadet Lt. D: R - The secondary school gradua-/George T. Todd -- David Rob-| "xi, "4 Bictoon, Cader Lt. tion diploma (Commercial) is/ertson. ne: Tony Moore; No. 5 Platoon awarded to the student who-has Grade 11C: Cadet Lt. Don Briggs; No. 6 the Platoon, Cadet Lt. Alan Dawson; | e, C vy | 3 4 {by Brougham Women's Institute course of study prescribed for ~ gu. ron williams and Etly|Sergeant Major, Cadet CSMiyohn Mills Chris Rae Hopkins BOWMANVILLE TIMES BUREAUS RJAX CHEERFUL START Cups for highest a tie, Donated Ajax 426 Ma. 3-7282 National Gallery of Canada Ottawa. details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, a! for circulor 59-829. : PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS AND BIOCHEMISTS (university graduates with demonstrated ability to conduct biological research, Agriculture, various centres. $5,580-$6,780. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, . ask for circular 59-530. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER (to design and develop instruments and other devices used in agricultural research), Agriculture, Ottawa. $5,580-$6,780. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-1514. : SENIOR PSYCHOLOGIST (with Ph.D. or academic training leading to Ph.D. thesis, and some clinical experience as member of a treatment team), Camp Hill Hospital, Veterans Affairs, Halifax, N.S. $5,580-$6,480. For details, write to or Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-832. : PERSONNEL OFFICER ~-- INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ,to assist with development and implementation of an employee re- lations programme), H.M.C. Dockyard, National Defence, Halifax, N.S. $5,520-$5,970. RESEARCH AND TEST DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS (university Jlodugtes with specialization in psychology, preferably at : A Jevel), Federal Government Service, Ottawa. $5,400- SOCIAL WORKERS (preferably a Master's degree in Social Work and adequate experience, or a Bachelor's degree with several years of suitable experience), Northern Affairs and National Resources, various centres in the North. Up to Grades 11 and 12 of the com-| Flag Party: Cadet Lt, | Scholten mercial course or at least Grade . Highest Proficiency in Grade 11 of the general course and the ,\; "Ch, Johnson. Name to be(Sherin, Cadet Sgt. Don Kimura, oe year special commercial pc og" ona plaque donated [Cadet Sgt. Russell Baird. nurse, by Dunbarton Kiwanis Club. FIELD DAY AWARDS | 3 5, Caner. Cre Daniels Bantam Boy Champion, trophy! . : ted by PDHS Students' Coun-| Jean Jamieson, Ron Jones, Gor- La oil Ian Sal i don S. McDowell, Joyce Norton, French Prize, Donated by Ca Imior Bo BS ambien: Trophy] dent Eisenhower agreed tentativ- Pat J. Welsh MEDIATE tholic Women's League -- George | donated by Dr. W. W. Tomlinson: Fr Mpndoy, 0 8 bew 901 mils CERTIFICATES |Shullla. 3 Piias, Donaloll by Grate. I ngyy Mr. Harry Boves irim manpower slightly. while The Intermediate Certificate Is am Hardware «Marion Kime, Intermediate Boy Champion: | keeping defence spending at awarded fo a student who has|"giionce Prize, Donated by Ri-|Trophy donated by Boves Drug|about the present $41,000,000.000 completed successfully the), yw. "rer" "Eva Hasek. |Store; Cup donated by Sarco|l€Vel: Modern weapons appar- curses I Sdy Prescribed for| Latin Prize, Donated by Catho-|Canada Limited -- Alan Dawson|°tly will get the nod over per- a Aa i) glas An.|lic Women's League -- George|and David Keen (tie). sonnel. Wim ly vi) gas 4 |Shuhla. Senior Boy Champion: Cup and . Baker, Nicholas V. Baker. John \ithematics Prize, Donated by Trophy donated by Mr. J. R.son; Cup donated by Mr. Harry Bandurchin, Jean P. Barclay, 1; ardson5s rge Shub- Boyes ny Pay) Munroe. {Boyes -- Gail White. Mary: Beelby. Caroline A. ' Bantam Girl Champion: Cup| Intermediate Girl Champion: Bezener, Don Briggs, John D Home Economics Prize, Donat-land Trophy donated by PDHS Cup donated by Sarco Canada Buttars, William J. Cargill, Bev- +h fi A Richardson's IGA -- Eva|Student Council -- Janet Tomlin- Limited po Ingrid Mearns. od erley Casselman, Sharon L.| [nductrial Arts Prize, Donated Senior ix} Champlolss So a Clarke, Diane Comber, |h,y Law Motors -- Ian Edmiston py Sonse 3 Wn. 3. By Glennys B. Cresswell. Agriculture Prize, Donated . yes -- Eva Hasek. Sandy M. Davis, John R. Davi-|pickering Branch, C son, Diane M. Dear, Ronald Bank of C G Death, Robert L. , Gordon | colm. TO PUSH WEAPONS AUGUSTA. Ga. (AP)~Poisl In almost every man's life + « « there are real emergencies where he is forced to borrow money --yet often they occur when his assets are poor collateral. This is one of the many reasons why far-sighted men make sure'they have adequate permanent personal life insurance, for the mounting values are always available for either direct or collateral borrowing --and at reasonable rates of interest. Other forms of life insurance are fine in their places--but only permanent personal aA 12 ted by John la. son. Junior Girl Champion: Trophy donated by Dr. W. W. Tomlin ai ge Mal- W. Edmiston, Elizabeth I. Eriks- SON, Aaron H. Fenton, Grant E. Highest Proficiency in Grade 12, Eva Hasek, Award donated SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN! policies give a man control over their use $5,880 depending on qualifications, plus allowances up to $2,100 during service in the North. For details, write to - Chil fo vice Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular MARINE ENGINEERING INSTRUCTORS (with valid first class Marine Engineer's certificate), Transport, Montreal and Halifax. $5,700-$6,180, METEOROLOGISTS end METEOROLOGICAL OFFICERS (uni- versity graduates -- training positions), Transport, various centres. $4,380 and $4,560 to start. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and quote competition 60-174. 3 ECONOMISTS (university grad with speci cultural economics, ics or ce), Agri 1 various centres. 1960 graduates may apply. $4,200-$5,640 ond $5,580-$6,480. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 60-28. A NATIONAL PARKS OFFICERS (to assist in administration, operation gnd maintenance of a National Park), Northem Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa. $4,980-$5,580. ACTUARIAL ASSISTANTS (university graduates with ciali- zation in mathematics), Insurance Department, awa. 1960 graduates may qpply. $4,200-$5,640, For details write to Civil Service Commission; Ottawa, and ask for circular 60-1600, ! BILINGUAL PUBLICATIONS TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (with ° knowledge of graphic orts industry -- some typing ability), National Gallery of Canada, Cttawa. $3,420-$4,020. PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, Government Departments, various centres. $3,210-$3,660. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-819, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS, National Health and Welfare, various centres. $3,210-$3,660. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-818. ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (for laboratory work in pharma- cological experiments), National Health and Welfare, Ot- tawa, $3,270-$3,720. NURSING COUNSELLORS (with diploma or certificate in Pub- lic Health Nursing), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa $3,150-$3,750 according to qualifications. For d:teils write to Civil Service Commission. Ottowa, and ask for cir- cular 59-823 -- Revised. BOOKKEEPING, CALCULATING, OFFICE COMPOSING, DUP. LICATING AND PUNCHED CARD EQUIPMENT OPERA. TORS. On the job training. Government Departments Headquarters: Area- of Ottawa and Hull. $1,860 to '$2,- 640, depending on qualifications G. Foreman, Billy Foster, Daniel Pickering News. Ni H. Gladys, Patricia E. Gray, By Dicks ay ig keg it Patricia T. Hawkins, William Riby Pickering Rotary Club. Hicks, Marie E. Hil, June E. COMMERCIAL Hull, James E. M. Irwin. Girl With Highest Proficiency, Rom D. James, Alan E. John-| Mary Jean Jamieson. Trophy do- ston, Janet K. Jones, Sharyn J.\nated by Rouge Hill Lions Club. Jones, David Keen, Wiliam| Boy With Hi Proficiency, Keevil, Wayne J. Knapp, Benson Wayne Daniels. Trophy donated Lehman, Anne A. Lennox, Don-\by Brougham Lodge, No. 155, ald E. Lindo, Suzanne M. Linton; JOOF. Carol A. Lumley. Cup for outstanding student in CR.A. ANNUAL MEETIXG The officers and Boord of Directors of the Oshawa ond District Community Recreation Association wish to onnounce thot the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 15, 1959 AT 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of reporting on the year's operation, to elect new Members of the Board of Directors, and conduct such other business as may come before the meeting. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY RECREATION ASSOCIATON SEVEN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD RETIRE AND SEVEN MUST BE ELECTED Nominees for election to the Board must be present at this meeting, or have indicated in writing their willingness to stand for election. Anyone holding a C.R.A. membership _is entitled to all voting privileges and to hold a position on the Board. Memberships may be procured on the Annual Meeting night, prior to the meeting. Anyone wishing to plage their nome or that of anyone else (in occordance with regulations os indicated above) on the nomination list for election may do b contacting the C.R.A. office, 100 Gibb Street, Telephone RA 5-1111, THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED 7% EXCELSIOR LIFE Samsses Cognos 70 years of service to Canadians J. A. NICHOLSON, Branch Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, Ont. : Phone: RA 5-4758 in agri. t 140 Hello, Boys and Girls! Just Four More Days ~ And Ill be seeing you all at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE! WATCH FOR MY SANTACOPTER, ARRIVING AT 9.15 AM. ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. 1 od ~li- Evcept where otherwise sp-cifie' Aetnile and on colin forms af vc' Pat FIV 5 ( Thana Employment Ctiices or Civil Service Commission Offices 4 ond os Eis SU SRE GRRE LO OE I 55 Ba di

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