45--Real Estate For Sole TROUT stream with twenty acres land, located near Bowmanville, re $3,000 with $1,000 down. Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Realtors, . |MA 3-3393, Bowmanville. 266¢ $4,000 BUYS 109 acres, planted in Scotch, red and white Wonderful investment. Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Realtors, MArket Bowmanville, 6c HOUSE -- 10 rooms, good condition, central, Income home or large family. Full price $15,900. RA 5-1457. TWO-STOREY six-room brick house, city conveniences, close to schools and bus. 52 Orchard View, RA 56147. No agents please, 259f NEW six room bingalow, in Whitby, hardwood and tile floors, bathroom and kitchen, completely modern, for further information MO 84155 after 6 p.m. NEW, six - room bungalow on large corner lot, paved streets, close to schools, buses Pollard Subdivision, Courtice, RA 8-5579 $895 down, new, 3 aluminum storms and screens, colored tile bathrooms, 1 mortgage for the bal- ance at 6 per cent, carries for. $72 goashis | Jar ifis value at $12,045. Call RA John A. J. Bolahood Ltd. BA a 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale $12,000 FULL PRICE, with only $1441 xwo acres of land on a paved road, = down buys one of these brand new six-|in good district. Phone ] RA'80108. room homes. Just nearing with piece bath and vanity. BARGAIN for quick sale, Seven-room, Fan in kitchen, oil heating and large|two-storey brick, central lots. Or S25m wits oe dau, maint lot, lot, oversize garage, oil heat, iar he and * modern kitchen. trees, ten|your choice of tile. This is Probably 537 'Simcoe Street North th, RA 5-452. . {your 'last chance to get a new 45--Real Estate For Sale LOTS. 105° x 160°, at Courtice, Paved| streets. Approved for mortgages, close to schools. RA £-5579 44--For Rent TWO - room, sink in kitchen, Private bath, Lady or December 1. Phone RA. 3-4618. 267¢ SINGLE room, private kitchen, wash- ing machine, garage if desired, very central, quiet home. RA 58150, 267¢ THREE ™om apartment, private fo bath and entrance, all ' conveniences, Town Line North, $60, RA 51730. 264f THREE - bedroom, 1% - storey, pa or fully furnished house, 7: party stove and petrigerator, economical to run, Call MO 8-2795, 264f ™WO kod rooms in quiet home, suit ladies or eouple, with, children, now. RA 5.2755. 264 TWO -room apariment. Also large basement, garage and Jotuge, Het, lights and water - room bungalow with bath. Apply py Hillside, 264f 44--For Rent LARGE, modern, two-bedroom apart- | ment, stove and frig, $00 a month. For an ; available further information call Mr, Smith RA $85. RA 83-0487 evenlr 5.4254 Howe and Millen Real Er > 260¢ + 2680 NEW country residence, features two iit-in stove and oven, cis one- |44--For Rent dlectrically oe Py TV outlet, har d Si By "SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. fous Ou 6 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-2265 NEW-12 ROOMS Two 6-roomed attached brick homes, each fully di large living and dining rooms, modern kitchens, 3 bedrooms pstairs. Lovely 4 pc. bath- rooms, with ceramic tile wolls, Beautiful oak and tile ficors. Forced air oil heating, Large ts planned for re~ recreation rooms. Finished lowns and sidewalks. A real opportunity to have a nice home plus' one for Income. Asking $27,000 -- $4,000 down. For further information please coll Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, NEW six - room bungalow, "all con |2%4-ROOM furnished a imiLe dia: [bath a . MO 1d or MO gs 265¢ | drive, apartment, TV outlet, Call hE Brooklin area, $80. 8-4853. 1 ~on|ONE three room apartment, also one, Niel four room apartment in Bowmanville, immediate possession. RA 53220. 268f FOUR - room apartment, self-contain- $85! ed, on Simcoe North. RA 35-2033. 26Bf TWO room furnished apartment, sink, refrigerator, suitable for one or two men. 72 Cadillac South, 2681 NEW three bedroom bungalow, oom: gas pletely 730| garage, $100 per month. RA 5-6133. on ONE two - room apartment, private en- trance; one light housckeeping room, 97 Albert Street. 268f . IROOM -- suitable for one or two girls, 263f [RA 5-9440. 268f FIVE room house, available now T™WO furni bus Joe, ofl hea - room * eottage; ating, MASSON Street, five-room brick bun- galow, 'natural fireplace in living room, al| huilt-in bookcase, wall to wall broad- 266f| joom, family sized dining room, mod- om klighen/ Dicely. deco: decorated, alumi. and aerial, sag pati. or call Mary ir RA 3-9869, 'acko Realtor. 2631 ished, for adults, Dial 2650 Oshawa's busiest estate firm. TO EXCHANGE, well built six - room {home for smaller one, good Joeation, | occupied by owner. Write Box 814, O 56873 |awa Times. ARE NORTH WEST One year old, fully modern 3-bedroom bungalow, nicely decorated throughout. Has o "large divided kitchen, rec- reation room, aluminum storms and screens. $3,400 n, balance on N.H.A. terms. Vacant possession. SOMERVILLE AVE. $1,500 Down. A well kept 2-storey family home of brick construction consisting of . six rooms. Hot water heating with oil. Fully land- scoped. Has a heated green house. Garage. Early pos- session, pig spi Eau 8 Street East SMA apartment with sink and cup- BHA Peg kitchen. Private Apply 495 Dunkirk Avenue. TWO large unfurnished rooms, range private bath, $55. Apply Simcoe South. MODERN one bedroom partment, Simcoe, TV outlet, parking, December 15. $85. RA 8-0487 mn private | home, very central, suit 102 pe il Muskoka LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS MEADOW CRES. CO-OP N.H.A. RESALE Six room custom built ranch bungalow designed to suit the most particular buyer. 1,300 sq. feet of modern home, with all sliding and folding closet doors, 4 piece coloured bathroom tiled, ex- haust ian, double sinks, 3 large bedrooms, N.H.A. pay=- ments only $82 interest, prin- * cipal and taxes. Make an appointment with BILL MIL- LAR at RA 8-5123 8 ROOM HOME ON DIVISION ST. Ideal for the family that would like to take in roomers. Oil heat, garage with private drive. Substantial down pay- ment required. Carries for $80 per month. For full par- ticulars, call LLOYD COR- SON, RA 8-5123, $11,985 FULL PRICE For this lovely 6 room ranch style brick bungalow with attached garage on a 90' x 176' lot, This home has very large kitchen, large living room with natural fireplace, 3 good sized bedrooms and 4 piece tiled bathroom. Forced air oil heating, and one mort- gage for the balance. For more information, call ond ask for DICK YOUNG, RA 8-5123. Llyod Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER SCHOFIELD Avenue. £3 % El GENERAL STORE A well equipped business with living quarters plus a sep- arate Junch room fully equip- ped. The building of brick construction is heated wh hot water and oil. lo- cation on Highway 2, I miles eost of Oshawa. Fur- ther particulars on request. APPLE HILL $2,000 Down -- Modern 5- room brick bungalow = with three bedrooms. This home is in perfect condition inside ond out. Storms and screens, carpott. Bus at door. One mortgage on the balance. | : i if i i In : ROOM for one or minutes two soullersen, Sle Fast. . Apply 204 Bond Street FOUR room, self - cont: 7.|178 Valencia oad, near 8.G.M. Cal ment, stove, refrigerator 7 outlet, |[RA 88483 after 6 pm. 265¢ Arle December 15. RA 5830. 264f| FURNISHED room business girls or room brick house, t purses only. Two may are. e- heating with oil, orb B) > yd frigerator, electric kettle, laundry pri- laundry yo vileges. Close to hospital, farage, aut col- [RA 5-0238. 265¢ | man ate. Rent, month. gi "1 RA 52777 after 4 wr aniNd hed Bache: FOUR-room apartment, all conven My Suit Dea person. Prone fences, » igri entrance, hot| RA 58160, Yates heating. RA 3-309, 165 Verdun i £ : 1 i i i i § ™O furnished rooms, bedroom nl kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, and stove, close to hospital and downtown, suitable for two #8. RA 5-5228. ONE nice cooking Clarke Street. FARMHOUSE --- six rooms, large kit ues, hydro and telephone, two miles m Manchester, very low rent. Phone 30 5-3618. 2681 HOUSE. for rent, Trull's Road North, 265¢ | Courtice, $65. Phone RA 39192. __268¢ room for gentle. privileges. Apply 53 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 NEW HOME * CHOICE AREA Asking only $13,500 with $2,300 down. Balance on N.H.A. mortgage at 6% interest. Carries for only $72 monthly. Well constructed home with large rooms, stone fireplace, vanity in bathroom. Must be seen, Call Mr. Pat- terson at RA 5-6544, IN THE COUNTRY ° is this beautiful 3 'bedroom bungalow with attached gar- age, forced. air oil heating, situated on 34 acre of land. Taxes $38. This home could be purchased for as low as $6,900 with a 'reasonable down payment. Carries for only $65 monthly. Don't wait, call now and make on ap- pointment to see this dream home before it is sold. Call for Mr. McCabe ot RA 5-6544, $895 DOWN $895 Brick bungalows, three bed- rooms, walk-out basements, 6% N.H.A. mortgage, two minutes to shopping plaza, schools and bus, only 5 left. Immediate possession. Carries for only $72 monthly, For appointment contact Mr. Mc-Cabe at RA 5-6544, Open Evenings citi central Heat and water we -- room house plus annex, in-|plied. Private entrance RA 5-4812 ore" sh EAE SAS, YA M88 FO room turished sparen, fi, 3 stove. pricate entrance. Available for gummer shade, immediate posses Also single room apartment. Avply 96 96 3.3085. Centre Street. SIX room brick house, oil heated, new- 1 I TWO rooms self-contained, 178 > Rv crated, lias oy and tile foots, encia Rd. near 8.G.M. Call RA saiay, Ten Avenue. after 6 p.m. aaa ania Tarnist i| THREE ex extra large rooms, very sun- LOVELY air conditicned, ny, large porch. private bath and en- apartment for rent, close to downy hie "round floor, large lawn, park- town, all conveniences. Phone &3 ing space, bus stop, on King Street. RA 3.3505 after 6.30 p.m. f | 5. # 268f NEW Better Homes and Gardens Be room ranch style home with attached garage, fireplace, modern built-in kit chen, just a few miles out of town at THREE - room Toten share bath, 15 irbank Taunton village. RA -58978. 264¢ sr 5-2389. For more ormation, Bn the village of Ashburn, 6-room house, stables, heavy wiring, TWO.- room apartment for rent, five antenna, 2 acres aad, reasonable rent, minutes from four corners. Phone RA |children welcome. Call RA 8.5677 Osh- 8-8324. 2676 264 awa. SPECIAL, new self - contained apart ment, in apartment building, good lo- cation, TV outlet, range, refrigerator, including plenty of parking, immediate possession, addlts only. RA 3.9316. 267¢ TWO rooms and kitchen, unfurnished, middle-aged couple, abstainers, private conveniences and entrance, no heavy wiring. RA 5-0184 267; FOUR - room apartment, heated, TV antenna, drver, $75. Apply 281 Osh- awa Blvd. North. ' 267¢ LANGE three - room apartment, re- frigerator and stove, private bath and entrance, downtown, vacant December 1, adults only. RA 5.3352 or 39 Simcoe Street North, Apt. 3 278 | WARM room, suit Iadies, furnished or unfitrnished. Central. RA 8-0863 even- ings. 263f| -- LIGHT housekeeping room, close fo North GM, Phone RA 8-6890. 2634 NEARLY new five - room and one and two bedroorn apartments furnished or unfurnished. Centrally Jo- cated. From $60 per month. Schofield's RA 3.2265, Evenings RA $8423 or RA 58-5378 263f SINGLE or double rooms for gent men with cooking privileges. Apply 135 EIGHT - Celina Street. | Alice Drget: SINGLE furnished bedroom for ness man in quiet-Bome. Apply 38 Col | borne Street West $5,000 DOWN DISTINCTIVE DUPLEX Off Simcoe St. North. New stone trimmed 2 storey bark brick. Your answer to com- fortable convenience for your- self and a substantial income to carry your payments, Four spacious rooms and cerarhic tiled bath on each floor plus divided bright basement with roughed in plumbing for washroom. Forced air oil heat- ing. Pierson double glazed windows, Convenient to shop- ping, bus public and separate schools, INSPECT AND MAKE AN OFFER. 2 STOREY BRICK COLBORNE E. 4 rooms and bath up, 4 rooms and washroom on main floor, double garage, oil heating, excellent condition, ready for immediate occupancy. REAS- ONABLE OFFERS CONSID- ERED, REDUCTION FOR CASH. BROOKLIN 134 STOREY STUCCO 7 large rooms and bath, forced air oil heating, pres sure system, garage, 100' x 264' lot. ASKING $10,000. R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE 46 King W. 8-6228 Service After 6 p.m. Pat Donevan 3.7313 Alice Broadbent ... 5-5405 If Selling or Buying a Home Give Us a Call Our Experienced Service is at Your Disposal ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST. EAST KELLY BOLAHOOD, Representative ONE large furnished housekeeping room, Wal facilities, parking space. Apply 63 Greta Street. 268¢ LARGE single room, sult gentlemna or lady, cooking privileges. Apply 66 war MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION N.H.A, RESALE 3 bedroom ronch type brick bungalow. Full price $11,875 --Only $1,500 down. 39 FERGUSON AVENUE OL 5-4485 trict, a fo Abi RA S001 2671 HOUSE ~-- 60 Stevenson Road, All con- Aj ply 262 Conant. Street. 267¢ SIX - room brick bungalow with ga. rare, newly decorated, oil heated. On Hileroft Street. RA 5-8188 267) GARAGE for storage of boats, $5 per boat per month. Phone RA 5-7135. 268c ATTRACTIVE six-room house at New- castle, with lawn and cedar trees, % mile frim 401 Highway. Rent $30 per month, Apply Mrs. McEvoy, Newcastle, Phone 3551, reverse charges. 268¢ FOUR - room apartment, unfurnished, heat and hydro included, heavy wiring, child welcome, $65 monthly. RA 5.4434, 268¢ RA 5-2363 RA 5-2363 268a LARGE FAMILY HOME--A1 RESIDENTIAL This is one of Oshawa's outstanding homes of the executive type. Consists of 3 storeys, 10 rooms, 4 baths and. double garage. This home is fully landscaped, storms, screens.and oil heating. List price $28,000. Terms. Co-op listing, HARMONY ROAD SOUTH Very nicely decorated 5-room bungalow with L-shaped living- dining room. Garage, treed lot, nicely landscaped. Only 3 years old. This home must be seen to be appreciated at the price of only $12,200. DUPLEX -- ONLY $2,950 DOWN Fabulous -- but true -- proper duplex," 8 rooms, brick home complete with double garage, forced air dil heating. Two com- plete apartments. $160 monthly income, List price only $14,- 000. NORTH END -- TREMENDOUS VALUE Here is what every family is looking for == .modetn apartments, 3 bedrooms, A-1 location. ADELAIDE MANOR NEW APARTMENTS LOUISA ST. & PARK RD. N. ~--GOOD AREA-- --CHILDREN WELCOME-- ~--ALL 2 BEDROOM APTS.-- '-- Stoves -- Fridges -- T.V. & Telephone Outlets -- Drapes -- Parking -- Broad- loomed Wall to Wall Throughout -- Washer and Dryer -- Lockers, etc. If You Are Looking For An ULTRA MODERN APT. Immediate Possession Phone JACK APPLEBY RA 5-6544--RA 3-3398 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS = ISURANCE TWO Toom apartment, "furnished, ground floor. Apply 444 Drew Street of SIX - room brick house, central, $80 A 8-0626. 264¢ per month, RA 8-1263. 268¢ furnished FURNISHED room in quiet home, close to Centre. Gentleman preferred. 240 Burk Street. RA 3- 9661, ONE large room, two single beds, refrigerator to share, kitchen in base- ment, suitable for one or two gentle- Lhe men, very central. Apply 25 Quebec ATTRACTIVE furnished bedroom in Street near Simcoe South, 2641 |Ecivate osne, Close b downtown and § al, |FOUR room apartment, refrigerator | 500% EA rig arage op gant { stove, washing facilities. Availabl -- . a December 1. $75 monthly. RA 8-0054. 0 - bedroom bungalow with garage, 264f | near school, and bus, oil furnace, storm f i Toom bungalow, village 6 of Les-| {windows, Phone RA 3-684, kard, large lot; close to school and | HOUSE, near bus and school. RA ghufeh, $27.50 monthly. Phone Oromo 5- 5113. 265¢ 1R |OFFICES for rent, central, with 'park. THREE rooms, modern kitchen, pri- |ing facilities. For Information, phone vate bathroom, heavy wiring. Apply RA 39635. 481 Drew Street. RA 3.9851, 264f| | DESIRABLE apartment, self - contain. d, three rooms and bath, unfurnished, FOUR room self-contained apartment. | |e A private entrance, exclusive residential {heavy wiring, heat and water, down- town, adults only $60. Available Jan. 1. 33f | area, close to bus and school. RA 5- Gi) {iown, adil ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and nicely it hind A ee or nto bain maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha nished, lots of cupboards and hot water, | Hotel. also one furnished room with light TWO ) bedroom apartment, available housekeeping if desired. RA 8-584. {Noversber 1, stove and frigidaire, 265f heated. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby. for rent, 115 THREE -room apartment, modern Kit- Fubleing, | chen, stove and refrigerator. 79 Centre, . RA between 5.30 and 7 p.m. 263¢ THREE - room apartment, furnished, ground floor, separate entrance, built-in cupboards. - Apply 15 Mavle Street off Simcoe South. RA 5-97 2651 We have only 2 of these attractive. brick bungalows available for Christmas possession. Some of the added features are large Hollywood kitchen, separate dining area, tiled bathroom, walk- out basement, attractive large finished recreation .rcom, double lazed windows and many, many extras. Down payments start on only $2,600. room hou! Soins for acancy MopERN three-room basement_apart- l} private, Garrard Jest area, $AC, BA 58107. 263f AVAILABLE DEC. 1 MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS ot 15 GIBBONS ST. Adults only or with children over 12. Apply 21 Gibbons St. | UNFURNISHED or rooms, kit sink. Suit two, RA 5-648 after 5 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. able in private home. North § - 7 p.m. RA 8-9671 ROOM and board for privileges. RA 5-7043. ONE lovely rcom with private bath and 266f entrance, in private home, for gentle: | man. 7070. "furnished bulit-in two TWO room apartment, av. ail 20, 82 Park Road able 266t 5-1042. SIX-room house, oil heated, central; 2661 also lower duplex. RA 5-9696. ONE room, single beds, close home to Centre, all con- in private home. Apply 47 ATTRACTIVE Completely. furnished 3% rooms, two-piece bath, built. in cupboards, heavy duty stove, T.V,- Near Shopping Centre. No children. 209 - Grenfell St. RA 5-3667. 267¢ SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd. RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants. We have a waiting list. Call today-- DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 Nassau Street. 265¢ TWO large, warm rooms, completely furnished for light housekeeping, in- cluding electric refrigerator, continu. ous hot water, use of washing ma- chine. Central to downtown and Shop- ping Centre. Suit working couple, $15 weekly. Phone RA 5-5227. 265¢ TWO-, or three - room, unfurpished basement apartment. Phone RA 8-5369. 265¢ TWO furnished rooms, close to down town, $10 weekly. Phone RA 5-9870. FOUR - room apartment, heat, water and stove. Abstainers. No children, Call WHITBY CLASSIFIED RA 5-2468 not later than 7 p m. ONE furnished ground floor room, n, suit elderly acy or pensioner. Apply 110 Albert Htreet, 2634 LARGE furnished housekeeping "room HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3-2512. PLASTERER ~ Patching a ROOM and board for gentlemen to share, single beds, Sloan accommodation. Phone MO 5407. home privileges, . [SIX - room house, in Oshawa, oil heat. no job too small. MO 8-5351. > ACME shoe i 104 Byron St. South in Whitby now open for business. FREE rent for couple in return for care of two children, no objection to one or two children. Phone MO 8-4930. 268b -- |floors, tiled bathroom, storms, fenced FOR RENT -- In parklike location one three - room and one two - room apartment, Each. has bathroom, stove and refrigerator, Perkin and laundry also provided. MO 8-2860. 2631 FOR_RENT --new iwo - bedroom apartment, very centrally located, bus- iness couple per month, 605 Green Street, MO rd 265¢ HOUSES Six room, central location, oil, month; Whitby, MO 8-3521. FOR RENT -- Five room, semi-furnished, oil heat, $95 per month; $100 Five room brick bungalow, Mary Street east, $75 per month. Con- tact Bowman and Gibson, Realtors, 268¢ with cupboards, range and refrigera- tor. Use of washing machine. Apply 248 Toronto Avenue 63 ed, all conveniences, large yard, close to school and bus. Phone OLiver 5-3320. 265¢ SPOTLESS ¢ three-bedroom cosy frame house; large modern kitchen, oak yard, clean gravel drive, Westmore- land Avenue, RA 3-4250. Lease, monthly. TWO-room m apartment, f five minutes to {four corners, furnished or unfurnished, $40 a month. RA 57279. $85 2671 "three - ROTO-TILLING, gardens, Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386. lawns. A close to South 'GM, available immed- lately. M MOhawk 8-4968 after 5 p.m. 2671 FOR RENT -- Two. apart. ment, stove, rel washer and dryer. . $110 monthly, Phone collect P 738. 2631 LIVE POULTRY also feathers 'wanted. Highest market prices paid. Jake Parker, M0 8-3644, collect. ROOM and board for gentlemen, Dutch home. 1001 McCullough Drive, between West View Heights, Whitby. MOhawk 83-5383, 2681 FOR mbing, painting and general a MOhawk 8-4443. 2664 FOR RENT--new apartment overlook- ing 401: Highway and the lake. Call at 1000 Byron Street South, Whitby. 265{ FOR SALE -- new split level "bungalow, decorated, off Henry Street. Will take lots or car on payment. RA 3-2044. 265{ LOI'S hairdressing open Monday to riday, g y OLiver 5-3134, Brooklin, 27 Winchester Road, 6th Concession. FOR RENT ~ sleeping rooms, ght rooms with Apply 305 Trent West. 265¢ SELL or rent, four-bedroom home, Pre. ferably sell. Consider rent to fefiable party. Phone RA 2-1373 TV ~ radio, phonmograpt repairs. ] work guarghised. Teunissen TV _ser- vice, M( MO 8-2458. Deed 0188 Saiedressing open Monday Friday evenings. by appointment. Y ore ror C.I.L. PAINT Call DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 TWO - 1 room, furnished basement apart ment, built-in cupboards, refrigera- tor and sink, range, private bath and entrance, use of washer and dryer. 348 Arthur Street. _265¢ EIGHT - reom house, with garage, 118 Nassau Street. Apply M. Collis Furni- ture Company, 78 King Street West. Phone RA 5-0332; after 8 p.m, RA 39210. 265¢ FOUR rooms, TV antenna. Reasonable rent. Children welcome, Apply 129 Celina Street, side door or phone RA LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less than a va- cancy. Only screened and re- liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Sing oe St. North RA 8.5123 5-9946. 265¢ NEWLY decorated semi attached apartmont, . centrally located, immed- iate possession. Brooklin Oliver 53184. 262¢ TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, use of washing machine. Apply 48 Drew St. or | RA 3-4152. 265f MODERN basement apartment, heat 86 and hydro included, $65 monthly, 265¢ Byng Ave., RA 8-5385. THREE room unfurnished apartment, GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd. For Delivery Phone-- ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 sink and cupboards, T.V. outlet, one child welcome, apply 499 Albert St 265f TWO rooms and kitchen, furnishes; Phone RA 8-1720, TWO - bedroom, completely pA house trailer, 42x8 feet, $65 a month A 8-5397, 263f BUCKINGHAM fver 53134, Brooklin, 3 , 6th concession. AEX D HENRY. General Contractor, Repairs, Alterations. Cement, Carpen- try. RA 85-4548 Three or four bedroom house in Oshawa or Whitby for young businessman, wife and four children. | Reasonable rent. Write-- Box 904, Oshawa Times If You Can't Buy... RENT Cartop boots, canoes, shot- guns, rifles, decoys, sleep- ing bags, garden tillers, lawn seeders, rollers and mowers, skill saws, drills. For sale, used boats, motors and trail- ers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. S. WHITBY MO 8-3226 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS INCOME PROPERTY MANOR APARTMENTS Tw bedroom apartment, electrically equipped, best location. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676 $2,000 down. Three separate apartments in clean condi- tion. Gross revenue in ex cess of $2,000 per year. Sit- uated on a double lot, close to shopping centre in Whit- by. Full price only $13,900. Call Don Hill at MO 8-5823 or OL 5-4471 evenings. BROOKLIN BARGAIN Featuring large, modern kit- chen, spacious living and din ing room 14 ft. by 24 i, three good size bedroom: Full price $11,900 with 4 - TWO AND THREE ROOM RA 3-3211 or RA 5-2539 APARTMENTS Separate entrance, newly decorated, comfortable bright rooms, reasonable rent, in- cludes light, heat and water, Corner of Centre and Gibb. EVENINGS 263¢ 000 down ond carries for $72.59 per month including taxes. Call Newt Hodgson at MO 8-5823 or RA 8-6408 evenings. 209 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S FIRST RENTAL AGENCY Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 Wm com i pa ie A BA LO 1 OE NS SO bi in AON Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 $8,50 $1,900 down for . brick bungalow has large living room, 3 bedrooms all with oak floors. Large kitchen, new tile floor, 3 pc. bath. Full base« ment, oil heating, all equip- ped with storm dodrs . and windows. T.V. aerial: For further information, please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, BUILDER'S BUNGALOW ANNAPOLIS AVE. CHECK THESE FEATURES Custom built 5 room brick with stone front, 2 years old, carport, paved drive and patio. Living room 18 x 15, wall to wall broadloom, built in bockcases, corner picture windows. Shaded by koolvent awning, strikingly modern divided kitchen-dinette, -extra large, extra cupboards, 3 nice bedrooms, sliding door closets and 4 pc. tiled bathroom, Deep roomy basement, bright ond airy. Lawns are. pic- turesque front and back. Very close to separate, public and high schools, churches and shopping centre, bus at door, This is a home you would expect to pay much more than this builder's asking price. Around $5,000 will hondle the down payment, private mortgage on balance. Please call Jay Goyne, even ings RA 5-5378. LOW DOWN PAYMENT INCOME PROPERTY 6 room brick 2-storey home with_garage, located 1 block off Simcoe St." N., close to WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 Herb Maynard, RA 5-1646 Bill. Norris, RA 5-7983 Joe Pichora, RA 5-9144 Dave Donald, RA 5-8522 Jack Sheriff, RA 3-3775 SECURITY: FOR LIFE THE BEST HEDGE AGAINST INFLATION BUY AN APARTMENT DUPLEX «cv vstenesiivnirsvannnes 319.700 SPLEX .eoviesveervineconnntivnns 340,000 TPLEX oc vvrninnenrnsscenn vrei ndes 397,000 Q-PLEX (eve vnnnenenessionmpns une 368,000 11- -PLEX cissrivesinsasevmesnnssass 330,000 's ar $98,000 ALL APARTMENTS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH STOVE, 'FRIG, BAMBOO DRAPES, FULLY DECORATED, LOCKERS, SOME EQUIPPED WITH BROADLOOM AND MANY OTHER. EXTRAS, FULL DETAILS ON REQUEST WITH RESPECT TO INSPECTION. DOWN PAYMENT AND RETURNS CALL ~-- MR. SWARBRICK RA 5:6544 or RA 5-8342 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 2680 North Oshawa - School. Oil heating. List price $11,500. Balance one open mortgage. To see through this home, call Don Stradeski, evenings, RA 8-8423 MUST SELL OPEN FOR OFFERS 6-room bungalow with cement block garage, located on Central Park Blvd. S., close to King St. E. Comprised of 23' living room and dining room with arch between, Modern kitchen, 4 pc. bath, 3 bedrooms, 2 of which are 14 x 11' in size and the third is 11 x 10, The man ot the house has taken grea} pride in the landscaping. Reason for selling. Owner is moving from city, Please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726. KING ST. EAST 5 room ranch style bungalow with attached garage, located on King St. on a lot 72' x 151'. Home is comprised of living room, dining room, tiled Kitchen, bedrooms, and 4 pc. tiled bath. Downstairs is divided into 4 rooms all pan- elled in plywood. $3,000 down, balance vendor will take back in on first open mortgage. With payment of $90 per month principal and interest. For further informa- tion please call Russ Reeve, evenings, RA 5.4840. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa and District L.S.SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. SOUTH LOOK! $500 DOWN 2 family home of 7 rooms and 2 sunrooms, conveniently located, 3-piece bath, basement, extra large lot, located close to shop- ping centre, full price only $9,500. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. $1,500 DOWN 8 rooms, bathroom, forced air with oil heating, 100 x '150 ft, lot, close to Oshawa, $8,800 full price. Co-op No. 372. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. $1,500 DOWN 7-room brick home suitable for income, modern kitchen, 3-piece Evelyn Walker .... 5-1442 Ernle Allin ....... 3-3053 Ralph Vickery .... 5-6342 268a Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 2680 WHITBY HOME Eight-room bungalow in Whitby. Bathroom and ofl furnace, four bedrooms, one block from school and church. See this ot only $8,500 with $2,000 down. FARM -- CLOSE TO OSHAWA 115 acres, six-room house with bathroom and modern kitchen, good barn 36 by 96, with new stabling, duck pond with good hunting. Productive clay loam. Price $18,500 with only $7,000 100-ACRE FARM Good 6-room: brick house with new oil furnace; water in house. Large 100 x 36 barn. Productive land; 60 acres new seeds; Fall ploughing ell done. This is a heavy producing farm, fills the barn every year. Price $18,500 with $8,000 down, or may be bought as a going concern, with 42 beef cattle, hens, pigs, all implements, threshing machine, tractor, etc. All for only $29, 14 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS 6-room house wth bathréom, new oil furnace, modern kitchen, new aluminum windows and doors; small hip roof barn; good level workable land. Close to school, church and store. This is an estate and must be sold. Reduced for quick sale. $11,500 with terms. BRICK HOME IN BROOKLIN 7-room house, 3 bedrooms upstairs, 4 rooms on main floor, choice location. Corner lot with shade trees. Reasonable price with $2,000 down. For houses and farms, contact MERVYN BIRD, BROOKLIN Phone OL 5-3159 HARMONY RD. S. é month old, 5 room brick bungalow. All large rooms. Aluminum storms and screens, exhoust fan in kit- bathroom, ol for Jertioicn. and nepect och Mrs. _ Winter, CLOSE TO NORTH GM. 7 ROOM BRICK Exceptional value In this fomily home, " First First Rovt hos large livi , din room, gn Som lad lt kite Se Spd bedrooms room. 3rd floor is mole finished. Priced of oly $7, 900 with $1,000 down, and ie balance on one mortgage of $69 month x To Jrioect call Roy Flinto or RA 5-4330, LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. 268a J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 2680 wn AYERS weno N.H.A. Bungalows -- 3 left, custom built by O'Malley, many extras including hardwood trim, built-in vanity, door chimes, etc. East district, "Briced from $13,370.00 and up. To inspect call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, Low, low down payment for quick sale, 3-bedroom rug brick bungalow, large lot 40 ft. x 322 ft. on Mitchell Ave. Forced air oil heating, 3-pce. bath, garage. Full price $11,900.00. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3.2254, Commercial property on Simcoe St. North, Lot 75 x 124 ft. and 6-room brick home with oil heating, 3-pce. bath, hardwood and tile floors. Reduced to $13,900.00 for quick sale with low down payment. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 35254, Large 6-room brick bungalow being privately built, extras include ceramic tiled bathroom, built-in vanity, colored fixtures (your choice), No. 1 hardwood and tile floors, forced air oil heating, no salary requirements necessary. Priced to sell at $12,900.00 with $2,400.00 down. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 to in- spect. WE ARE IN URGENT NEED OF 3 BEDROOM HOMES, ANY LOCATION WITH REASONABLE bath, Try to 9 floors, lot, Real Estate Board 268a mortgage. ood ban distance to Oshawa, Sid Martyn, RA 3-981 RANCH BUNGALOW 6 rooms, immaculate condition, about 3 years old, oak and tile piece tiled bath, decorated in oils, storms and screens, large landscaped heating, attached Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 Asking $15, 162 evenings, hardwood and tile floors, stove, yo Fy Jooe, fridge, T.V. antenna. Asking $12,900 and easy terms for the balonce on one open Immediate possession. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. $2,500 DOWN 6-apartment building, all self-contained units with bathroom, stove cables and hydro meters, solid brick building, centra location in Bowmanville, extra building lot, portunity to plan for the future. or RA 5-4162 evenings. 50 ACRE FARM ual this, $5,000 full price, 5-room house with hydro, barn, large shed, good well, spring creek, commuting AN 000 down, balance on easy terms. Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 DOWN PAYMENT. FOR A QUICK SALE, CALL OZZIE ADDISON, RA 3-2254. 2680 46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estate Wanted IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? If you have property to sell, let us sell it" for you and relieve you of that responsibility, We have the prospects and the know-how, Real Estate is our full-time profession. WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 an excellent op- Call forced air with oil or RA RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS $500 DOWN Full Pm Sia for a five room Ww just one r old, four miles east of Sh awa. Large modern Hollywood kitchen with lots of cup- board space. Spacious Jiving room and two or three rooms as desired. Three piece bath partially completed. For further particulars coll Ray ot RA 5-6165. $7,900 FULL PRICE Looking for a very clean five oon bungalow? Situated in low tox area Prog to 3 Io, shopping and Will accept a low down pay- ment ond terms to suit your budget. This home is situated on a very large lot with sewer, water ond oil heot, For more information call Gower at RA 5.6165 8-1287 evenings. ONE TO SEE Six room bungalow with two bedrooms ond a study. Love. ly, large livi and dining room combi with almost new wall to wall broadloom, This attractive home is cen- trolly located on Cadillac Ave. N., within walking dis- tance of GM main office. Many éxtras are included in the listed price of $12,900 hi: A substantial down pay- ment. For appointment to epee call Ray at RA 5-6165. RA 5.6165 --RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA 2680 268a REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGE LOANS WL es ae GARE BENG (Continued on Page 18)