Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 83-3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 13, 1959 Cedar Dale H & S Association Hears Talk On Fire Prevention Electrical fire hazards are quickly catching up to the four out of ten cigaret fires, Captain Murray of the Oshawa Fire De- partment, told parents at the November meeting of the Cedar- dale Home and School Associa- tion. A 15 amp fuse is the cheapest /;|fire insurance to be bought. If a erend F. S. Mahoney, St. Ger- trude's parish priest. Mrs. Ar- nold Paashuis made the pre- sentation. --Oshawa Times Photo HIGHLIGHT of the anniver- sary dinner was the presenta- tion of a handsome cheque re- presenting the proceeds of the Nearly-New Shop, to the Rev- Madonna Group's Dinner Party Celebrates 2nd Anniversary mented for her fine effort. The The Madonna Group of St. Ger- financial report was made by trude's Catholic Women's League celebrated its second anniversary with a supper meeting in the church hall, Mrs, Walter Branch, the group leader, welcomed the Miss Vera Brown who called upon Mrs. Arnold Paashuis to present | a cheque covering the results of| a year's activity to the Rev. Fr.| short circuit occurs the fuse will blow out, but if there are strong. er fuses in the box or a penny behind them, the wires will be- come overheated, causing a fire in the wall, Out of 104 homes inspected in Oshawa, 65 were found to have some sort of fire hazard. Over- loaded sockets are a common fault. Outlets are made for only two plugs. Octopus plugs are common and very dangerous. An extension cord running under a carpet, to conceal it, by constant treading can become short- circuted, hence a fire. Irons left on can also be dangerous. A common and very in- expensive fire extinguisher in the home is baking soda. It can quickly smother many grease fires on the stove, he said. A pillow can smother a fire in a frying pan or pot. In the case of an oven fire, close the oven door room prize was won by Miss Joanne Moskienko's kindergarten room. Mrs. Alyn Elliott, president, an- nounced November is Home and School month and it was voted to attend church in a body. The association will attend Cedardale United Church, November 15, and the Free Methodist Church on November 22, Mrs. Elliott reminded every- one of the annual school bazaar to be held at the school on Satur- day, November 28, and will be opened by Mrs. Earl Hoy, also the regional conference to be held in Dunbarton on November 21. The minutes of the October meeting were read by Mrs. Harry Blanchard, The treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Gordon McQuaid. The sick list for the month was given by Mrs. Adrian Hill, Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade 6 pupils. The next meeting will be held on December 14. College Hil H & S Pretty Wedding At St. Hedwig's PERSONALS At St. Hedwig"s Roman Catho-' The monthly meeting of the, lic Church on Saturday, Novem- Reading Group of the Lyceum ber 7 Marian Swierczynski of Club and Women's Art Associa- Oshawa took as his bride, Irene/tion was held Tuerda" Kalazny, who recently arrived ing at the home of Mrs. Ralph from Belgium, Wallace, Jones avenue. Mrs. The bride is the daughter of H. G. Willes presided. The Christ Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kalazny/ mas meeting was planned and and the bridegroom is the son of |will take place on December 8 at Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Swierczvn-|/the home of Mrs. 8, V. Barlow, ski, all of Belgium. Simcoe street north. Mrs. Hart The Reverend Felix Kwiatkow-|Jury showed interesting and ski officiated. The wedding beautiful slides, taken on her music was played by Miss Luba Scandinavian trip. Mrs. Wallace Wolek. served refreshments, assisted by Given in marriage by Mr.|Mrs. Jury and Miss Flossie Prank Mareinidk, the pride wore! Coyte, A erina gown of nylon net. The lace bodice featured a boat| Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Grose, Dr. neckline studded with sequins|and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis and and - lily point sleeves and the|Miss Alice Ross of Oshawa and fully gathered skirt was enhanced |Mr. John Savage of Toronto will with lace inserts. A pearl crown|be the guests of Colonel Lloyd O. held her short veil and she car-|Grose and Mrs. Grose at a cock- ried a cascade of white roses and |tail party previous to the mili- chrysanthemums. tary ball to be held this evening Miss Sofie Ogibowski was maid |in Peterborough. Colonel Grose, commanding officer of the Pe- of honor in light blue. The brides- maids were Miss Sofie Swierczyn-|terborough regiment, is a brother of Mr. H. E. Grose. ski in lime green and Miss Jo- zina Van Grunsven in melon. The Mrs. John Milroy, Mrs. Roy MeclIntosh, Mrs. F. F. Lamble and flower girls were Susan Swier- czynski and Kristina Swierczyn- Mrs. Duncan Campbell will pour ski both in pink. All the attend- ants wore identical ballerina gowns of nylon tricot styled with shirred bodices, scoop necklines and short sleeves. They wore gloves and braided nvion net headdresses studded with sequins and carried cascades of mauve and white chrysanthemums. Mr. Edward Swiercznski acted as best man. Ushering were Messrs. Edward Rodsach and Edward Potozek. A reception was held at the home of Mr, Edward Swierczyn- Coleman; tea room, Mrs. Leo, McCarthy assisted by Mrs. Wil- liam Hambly, Mrs, T. Gray, Mrs. K. Green and Mrs. Larry Dodds, Mrs, Gerald DePratto handed out treats for the children. Those winning prizes were Mary Woodall, doll; Mrs. R. Hal liday, the combination table, lamp and magazine rack; Mrs. L. Hughes the table lamp and Mrs. Frank Gazley, the door prize. . even-(W. tea at the bazaar to be held next week at Knox Presbyterian Clare under the auspices of the You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of anni- versaries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write, or telephone ' RA 3-3474, local 18, The Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism was held following the morning service last Sunday at Simcoe Street United Church when the Reverend J, K. Moffat officiated at the christening of the seven children of Mr. and Mrs, David Williamsson, Buena Vista avenue. The children's names are David, Danny, Mari- lyn, Edwin, Joseph, Patricia and Larry. . Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Cooper, Avenue street, are celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary today and will attend the Duplate Social Club dance at the UAW hall this evening. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byard King, Ritson Rd. South to congratulate their daughter, Miss Betty King and her fiance, birthday tomorrow is Joanne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Planeta, Malaga road. Joanne is the grand- : by THREE YEARS OLD TOMORROW daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan. ley Planeta and Mrs. Willlam Photo by Ireland, Frederick Lodge, son of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Lodge, Front St., on their recent engagement also their birthdays. They received many useful gifts for their new home, which will be at 450 Philip Murray Avenue, A- buffet lunch- eon was served after a birthday The Hallowe'en tea and Sale of work of the Fifth Group Com- mittee held recently at Guide House was opened by the district commissioner Mrs. W. A, For- sythe, and Mrs, Jack MacDonald, president of the Committee wel- cake was cut by the happy couple.|comed all those present. Pouring the Committee, Mrs. Gordon Knight, Mrs, of the 5th Company. (tea were the past presidents of Me Donald Jackson, Mrs. David Jamieson and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, Assisting in the tea room were the Guides ski, Stouffville, brother of the bridegroom. Later the newly | wedded pair left for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and will make their home in Oshawa. ] October Meeting The ugent need for donors was underlined by Binod CWL Bazaar TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA 32 members and their three--spe-(F. S. Mahoney, and it will smother, but always Earl Adams at the October meet- cial guests, Rev. Fr. F. 8.| In accepting the cheque Fr. Successful Event call the fire department for aling of College Hill Home and St. Mary of the People Catho- Mahoney, Mrs, Patrick Roberts| Mahoney congratulated the group safety check, in any fire. School Association. i iv J. A. Aldwinckle. [on the work of the Nearly-New Attics and basements harbor| A of the ship Mrs. Paul Tenwesteneind who| Shop and expressed the hope that IR hr boi gD Ola apes, indicated williguess to attend ajc Women's League held its an- . ; sist.|it would be continued. Something |Mag ] old. clothes canjleacersyp, (raining course. nual bazaar in the parish hall on convened the supper, was assist-iy goon" accomplished in the|burn rapidly, causing great dam:| Paulette Gulenchyn was the(gaturday afternoon, November ed by Mrs. Michael Rudka, Mrs. | parish that was unique, through|age, when ignited by a combus- junior representative and Danny|r : 4 Peter Zevenhoven, Miss Evaliove and charity. He added that tion from heated oily rags, paint| Dargan was the senior rep- "The hall was attractively dec- Bruckner, Mrs. Albert Winterink|ipoir united efforts had produced|or gasoline cans, not properly resentative in the public speak-| rated with colored streamers and Mrs. Henry Eeuwes. The an-| 0h good in the parish of St.|covered. ling contest held for the schools|anq fall flowers. niversary cake was made and Gertrude's and in the city of| Captain Murray said that many recently. The bazaar, which was an out- donated by Mr. Albert Winterink.| oshawa, Teir unity should prove women do not realize the danger| Mrs. P. Sinclair has resigned standing success, was officially After supper, a short meeting|an inspiration to others as an|to their own lives by deadly|and Miss 8S. Kellar will take her opened by fhe Reverend N. J: was held during which, attend-|ideal that could be achieved if a|shock, when hanging wet clothes place. Mrs. J. Frohlick's room| Gignac, spiritual director. ance prizes were awarded to Mrs. [sincere effort was made. on electrical wires, in the base-|Won the room prize. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson was Arnold Paashuis, Mrs. Andrew Fr. Mahoney then introduced ment, also by not instructing a| The newly acquired dark out|.onyener for the bazaar. Those Vyschaft, Mrs. John DeBeaupre|the guest speaker, Mrs. Jo very competent babysitter of the drapes were in place for inspec-|in charge of the various booths and Mrs. Paul Tenwesteneind. A|Aldwinckle, who signified her proper procedure they should tion. were as follows: religious arti- rosary was given to Mrs. James pleasure in being invited to join|take if for any reason they sense/ Mrs. Harold Cameron infro-| jac Mrs. Fred Dionne and Mrs. Kamstra for her son Harry who|the group on this happy occasion. danger, or smell smoke, Childien duced Capt. W. P. Murray, who Walter Atherfold; doll's clothes was born on July 8, 1959. Welfare|She told of her recent visit to|should be removed first and then|gave the following check list off nq fancy work, Mrs. Joseph convener, Mrs. Michael Rudka,| Europe, especially of the World's|the fire department should be| Possible fire hazards in the Cooper and Mrs. Leonard Weeks reported that during the past|Fair at Brussels and her trip up|ealled, home: eigarets -- be sure t0| aprons, Mrs. Harland Williams year, 700 articles of clothing had| the Rhine and through the Black| A new home is no reason to be-| empty ash trays regularly; dirty| nq Mrs. Kenneth McRae: nov- been given to local needy and 300| Forest. The talk was of great|jieve there is mo fire hazards [0Vens -- spattered grease may ajjes Mrs, Frank Maloney and articles were sent to Poland) interest to her listeners, many of | Even 'with oil furnaces, pipes and| easily ignite; electrical fire ps. 'A. Deschemalker: Christe through St. Hedwig's Catholic whom were acquainted with the chimney should be cleaned regu- hazards -- 15 amp. fuses in fuse| pn. o decorations and cards, Mrs Women's League. Mrs. Gerrard/countries in which Mrs. |g 2) jeast once a year. box; newspapers, clothes and|George Woodall and Mrs. Harry Prins, making her first speech in| Aldwinckle had travelled. She|™ "0 Fo 7 S00 oo furniture stored in piles -- may Fack: home baking, Mrs. Ronald English, thanked the supper com-| was warmly thanked by Mrs. neq "Going to Blazes" show-|De 8 source of spontaneous com-|Ginhe and Mrs, William Dionne: mittee and was highly compli-' Michael Rudka. ing the causes and very simple|Pustion; extension cords under |gch pond, Mrs. Bernard Jones, Af frevestion of be moss commen Ferd views evel eat Br a "0 lt Requests For Children's Shoes Depletes Stock At Simcoe Hall pA BDA Pls) OPEN TONIGHT TO THRIFTY CANADIANS TILL 9 P.M. COME IN AND SEE! TOYLAND is brimming over with wonderful gifts for girls and boys. You'll be delighted with Santa's selections. Use our convenient "Lay-Away" Plan to hold your gifts till Christmas! RETAILERS ERT ER EEE Pens. It is important to employ a Pp t baby sitter. Leave at the phone the number of fire dept., ambulance, police dept., and your number. In Oshawa the fire dept. and the ambulance have the same number. lamp, Mrs. Frank Donald; draw on doll, Mrs. F. Vincent; draw on combination table, lamp and magazine rack, Mrs, Owen Me- Murtry; door prize, Mrs, Max Mrs. George Th intro- duced Captain Murray and also three pupils of the school, Anna Kirchyk, Lydia Ciglan and Bever- iv Barriage, who played piano solos. Mrs. R. E. Richardson presid- her help with the Nursery School ed for the November meeting of | each morning. the Women's Welfare League and| The piano music school was speaker and entertainers. Mrs. Frank Singer thanked the The film, "Going to Blazes". Captain Murray showed the called for the routine reports. filled to capacity with a number Miss Grace Burns read the min-|of children on the waiting list. wes, |DIRECTOR'S REPORT FAMILY WELFARE | Mr. Harold McNeill stated that Miss Vera Moyse reporting/during October over 40 groups, for the Family Welfare Commit-|clubs and classes met at Simcoe tee of Simcoe Hall expressed a|Hall in addition to the Nursery need for: children's shoes, boys'|School, which was conducted five jeans and bedding and gave the/mornings a week. . following distribution of welfare:| The boys' and girls' after school supplied groceries to a number groups have a varied program of of families, arranged to have den-| gym activities, tumbling, bas- tal work done for young girl and ketball, table games and crafts. aid for dressings for two elder- The evening groups include the iv women. Supplied school books Police Boys' Club, Boys' and for a student and paid partial rent| Girls' art class, St. John Nursing for a family (to be repaid). Pur-|Cadets, Conservation Club, bad- chased gym shoes for student and minton, games rooms, Girls' shoes and dress for woman. Fuel Teen-age Club, archery, Safety oil supplied for two families. Pur-| Patrol Dance and the Golden chased material for student for|Age Club. use in Home Economics class. qua attendance at the Golden Made payment to prevent Stove being repossessed (father unable to work due to ill health.) Paid| qu ring October was 77. The av- transportation for elderly man to| Toronto and transportation to To- ronto for woman referred by Court Office; Issued 40 meal tickets to police station and meal tisket to transient, Paid fare for elderly man to Kingston. Paid partial hydro for family (to be repaid). During the month of Oc- tober 1376 articles of used cloth- ing were issued. PROPERTY AND Age Club on Thursday evenings has been very good. The average | erage for the Golden Age Club during October, 1956 was 48. The sewing and quilting groups meet on Tuesday and Thursday after-| noons and euchre parties are| held on Tuesday evenings. The Golden Jubilee Chapter of the IODE serve the refreshments for the club and the Women's Pilot Club provides transportation for those living at Fairview Lodge and Halliday Manor. On Thurs- . 72° SIMCOE ST. NORTH lacks Cold-weather classic, the new woay YOUR FRIDNS PD swarown (0) vias HOCKEY GAME 5.98 Loads of fun for children and parents too! 36 x 16 inch "rink", color-bright "'Canad- fens" vs. "All Stars" metal players. POODLE DOGS 2.98 Standing plush poodle dog to be SOFT d FRAGRANT... DESERT FioWER HAND AND B-- Approx. BODY LOTION AND TOILET WATER by SHULTON COA1 IMPORTED LAMB'S WOOL AND ANGORA i] with moving eyes. 19" high. Black, pink, blue and white. A lovely gift for the children. Zeller Thrift Priced. Special ! KITCHEN SET 1.37 om lh rors io] 2.98 - 3.98 MECHANICAL! -- Battery- 4 operated. amusing types, as sketched, and others . + . for boys and girls! Col- K orfl fun-full assortment! L Many ® CAR TRANSPORT kK TRUCK Complete with 4 4 cars. Durable « uBATTERY" | oo BATTERY-OPERATED TRAIN SET! SPECIAL VALUE COMPLETE WITH VILLAGE SCENE! -- Can be set-up in a small area. H.0. guage. Train Set measuring 2134 ins. includes engine, freight car, open car and caboose. This rugged little set runs on 14 pieces of track, and operates on two batteries, Big Gift-Vaolue! LY Ab ® SEWING MACHINE, to delight little "mothers"! Metal ....... 1.98 ® LITTLE-TOT TEA SETS -- 13-pc. to 40- pc. Sets, in a choice of metal and plastic. bE 96° " 2.98 L) M MM Special PLAY "VINYL-&-PLUSH ANIMALS 1.98-4.98 DRILL SET 88¢c With robust clockwork motor, k 5 inter-changerable plastic tools, Just like Dad's, but safe and harmless. wo day, Oct. 22, the Rotary Club of MAINTER ANCE as report of | Oshawa, entertained the mem- the ors and Maintenance Pers of the, Coen Age Club at Committee stated that stibstantial| " " i Assoct work had been completed on the| The Oshawa Pol be sve a- house and grounds during the tion Boys' Club meets on Mon- month. |day evenings. The average attend- |ance during October was 60. This CLUBS AND PROGRAM |was a good attendance as the Mrs. Graham Coulter, conven- Thanksgiving CUDDLY GIFT -- for little folk! Adorable Animals with "vinyl" faces, plush bodies. Choice . of cat, squirrel, skunk, chipmunk. Complete set containing plas- tic dish drainer, dish pan, dishes, towels, etc. 'Just the thing to keep the busy little housewife happy. | HOBBY KITS | 1.19 - 2.49 Easy-to-assemble plastic scale models, Great assortment of planes, boats, cars. A won- derful Gift for a young hob- biest! » holiday and a er of the Clubs and Program Com-| bridge cut into the operation of mittee, reported that Hallowe'en the club. parties were held for a number, The Girls' and Boys' Band- of the girls' groups. On Satur-iminton Club which meets Tues- | / day, October 31, a special Hal-|day evenings is now well under- | nos " lowe'en dance was held to aid the|way, Individual instruction is ; : err Ni Lerebral Palsied Children's build-|given at this club. ing fund. | The following donations were Tine Toe Prooaioy Noney |Ercatilly acknowledged: money, Like, bad a children registered. oizmps, games, jig-saw puzzles, e oS dership of . M |furniture, tricycles, sports equip- under the lea rhig M T|ment, toys, gramaphone records, Qeorge Wedm wo pSEopen on ysed Chriss canis, shoes, ' vn' | _|clothing, bedding, dishes, cooking h The Boys Foie 4 ee utensils, magazines and old coun- sible 0 fit all the teams into a|tfY newspapers. Sincere thanks Saturday schedule. It will he|Yere extended to the many vol- necessary to play scheduled unteer workers who have assist- games during the supper period,|d With the programs. one or two evenings a week, | Statistics for October, 1059: At- Thanks were expressed to Mr. tendance, 6229; visits to homes, Carl Clarke for volunteering to|60; office interviews with chil- teach a boys' and girls' art class. (dren, 65; office interviews with| At the last meeting of the|adults, 40. | Boys' and Girls' Archery Club,| Attendance -- Oct. '59, 6229; 112 children were present. Mr. and | Oct. "58, 5,729; Oct. '57, 4,775. Mrs, Hugh King and Mr. W. Cole| i were thanked for their help with this club. | Now you can choose from the largest assortment ever of Canada's most famous coat. Two lovely fabrics-- heavenly Elysian and subtly- toned Tatterdon Twist . . . in an array of over forty shades! dr. be dh 4 Special ! DOLL BEDTIME SET Desert Flower Hand and Body Lotion to leave your skin petal-soft, glowing with youthful radiance...and Desert Flower Toilet Water, an intriguing scent to HOCKEY STICKS "FOR BOYS! 49¢ "BIG LEAGUE" TYPE! -- Durable hardwood Hockey Sticks in 30-to-40-in. lengths, made "just like the Pros"! Grand Gift for little sports- men! "SNO-FLIGHT" SLEIGHS UKULELE 3.98 » 98¢ Sturdy hardwood with steel runners, Flexible type for Sturdy plastic. 20-ins long. | easy steering. 36 to 47 ins. An ideal gift for boys and »long. A Grand Gift for girls girls! and boys! ZELLER'S LIMITED Styles feature a lovely nat- ural line combined with ele- gant tailoring detail to highlight the beauty of these lustrous tones and luxurious fabrics. Come see our excit- ing collection! ony 16.00 88¢ T Plastic bath tub. Crib T ard fittings. 6" doll ; with bath accessories, make you feel fresh as the fragrance itself. EXPERT SWIMMER Nurses from the Ontario Hos-| MONTREAL (CP) Made- pital, Whitby, study and observe|leine Sevigny, 16, had to drop out the Nursery School on Wednes- of swimming competitions at the days and wurses from the Osh-|civie-operated Concordia recrea- awa General Hospital, meet with|tion club. Officials said she won the Nursery School children on|every event she entered, regard Fridavs. Sincere thanks were ex-|less of age classes, and it dis pressed to Mrs. Terence Kelly for|couraged other children. BLACKS LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-1912 Open Friday Till 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, §. PHONE RA 3-2209