Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 10 Nov 1959, p. 7

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PROCEEDS FROM "FESTIVAL OF GIFTS" WILL ASSIST OGH For weeks the members of | Gifts" to be held in the hospital | the Women's Auxiliary of the | cafeteria on Friday afternoon, | Oshawa General Hospital have | November 20. Admiring the | been busy making arrange- | beautifully dressed doll which | ments for the "Festival of | will be among the many fascin- ating articles for sale are four of the busy conveners; From. left to right, Mrs. C. M. Elliot, co-convener, Mrs, A. P. Fulton, ones] Jo Addwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 83-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, November 10, 1959 7 { Saurez, convener representing the evening auxiliary with her co-convener, Mrs. D, E, Sager. general convenér, Mrs. E. G. ~Oshawa Times Photo Parent Teacher Relationship | Forms Panel Discussion At H&S "Home and School Associations|The secretary, Mrs. Bryee can do a good job to begin a/Brown, read the minutes and the good relationship between parent treasurer's report was given bv| and teacher." This idea received Mrs. William Gardner. Mrs. Clar-| the wholehearted support of the ence Guy gave the corresponding] panel taking part in the parent secretary's report. | education program at the Novem-| Mrs. Bruce Sonley, in keeping! ber meeting of Mary Street Home with the parent - education pro- and School Association. | stam, vead the parelis code of {ethics from the Guidepost and PANEL MEMBERS | Mrs. James Newell made her re- Mrs. William Richardson, par- port on publications. ent education chairman, intro-|" The parent count was award- duced Mrs. Lloyd Courticl, vice- og to Mit Ferne Ledgett's room president of Area C of Ontario jp the junior division and to Miss Federation, who acted as chair-|G. Van Deuren's room in the sen- man of a panel discussion on the jor division. topic "Parent - Teacher Relation- ship." FAMILY DONATION Other members of the panel| Mrs. H. B. Armstrong reported were: Mrs. Harold B. Armstrong,|on the family donation plan and vice-president of the Association, called for volunteers to make the and Mr. Barnard Lewis, Director| home visits where necessary. Mr, of the Oshawa Children's Aid,|Gerald Harper spoke briefly representing the parents; Mr, drawing to the parents' attention Howard Brown, principal of Col-|that the interim progress reports lege Hill School, presenting the Were out. He mentioned also that teachers' viewpoint and two for- skating at the Children's Arena mer Mary street students Joan| would start on November 4. Davis, now a Grade 13 student at, Activities of various schools OCVI and George Pollitt, a|were written out on the black. Grade 13 student at OCCL |board and Mrs. Morris asked Mrs. ice, 5 | members to keep the various _. Otnurtiee, pi og ge dates in mind. She announced : that Mr. John Weir, Religious thought should be given to parent- ! teacher relations, Called on Mrs, [Education chairman, would be in Armstrong who said, "I would|charse of the December meet. like to pass on an opinion I heard| eh hiients seived recently. . . . If we, as parents, |," Harper's with Gra would leave the teachers alone| «| Mothers Mrs. George Hamilton and give them a chance the {and Mrs. H. J. Braiden milton) would do a pretty fair job." Mr. Lewis disagreed feeling that the/in8 the social chairmen, Mrs. child was not two different per-|Alex Nicholson and Mrs. F. sons so that parents could not|Lloyd. deal with the child at home and] teacher at school as though deal-! ing with two different people. They should be working togeth- er. It was pointed out, however, that teachers were pestered by petty things. Therefore, if par- ents go to the teacher, they should be sure it was abou something constructive, TEENAGE PANELISTS The teen-age panelists express- ed their feelings very well by|.: saying that parents had the right| Harry Clinton Kellsh, both of Joan Bradbury Becomes Bride 'Of Harry Kelsh In a candlelight double-ring ceremony at King Street United Church on Saturday, November Joan Evelyn Bradbury and GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES QUEEN ELIZABETH H and § 1 dent; Mrs, Arthur French, record- The regular meeting of the|ing secretary; Mrs. Wilson Queen Elizabeth Home and Stauffer, treasurer; Mrs. Eugene School Association was 'held on|Rymdjionek, corresponding sec- Tuesday evening, November 10,|retary; Mrs. John Vandertoolen with the president, Mrs. Douglas/and Mrs. Fred Dewsbury, social Branton presiding. conveners. The secretary's report was read Algo elected were Mrs. Nor- by Mrs. Harry Pearce and ihie|man Hall, Mrs. Donald Mitchel, pig Bay by Mis, Law- Mrs. Fred Pesaschuk and Mrs. rence McGovern. Mrs. Carson|A, J. Shortt y Heard and Mrs. Donald White|ers, % Slephone Eyaven gave their reports on the Area "C" regional conference which ludad bus ai A 1 I i in 5 : . was several nights of 'cards, one te Stended Bt CO East/in November and one in Janu- Whitby Coronation Home and/®~ School Association be invited to| Refreshments were served by the December meeting which will| Mrs. John Vandertoolen and Mrs. be held December 1. A special Fred Dewsbury. vote of thanks was extended io] The next meeting will be held the parents for their co-operation at the home of Mrs. Charles Mus- in the Home and School $1.00 drive in the amount of $90. Mr. Frank Ross gave a report on the UNICEF drive by the pupils who collected approxi-| mately $68. It was decided that a {scholarship be given to the out-| standing Grade 8 pupil at the eud of the term. The attendance banner was won by Mrs. Donna James' room, |Grades 4-5. Home ans School | Council will be held at the E. A | Lovell School November 24. Plans |are being made for a night of cards to be held at a later date. Mrs. Aylmer Ward was in harge of the health program in he absence of Mrs. John Hoskin, Mrs. Ward introduced Miss Joyce Adams, who spoke on public health and their objectives. Two films were shown by Mr. Frank Ross. The first one on how to be prepared for tests at school, and the second film explained the production of apples in British Columbia. Three songs were sung by the Ray Tones, a Barbershop Quartet, JESSIE PANTON AUX. A meeting of the Jessie Pan- ton Auxiliary of St. Andrew's {United Church was held at the {home of Mrs. J. H. Hunter, Les {lie street, when final arrange- ments were made for the Jessie Panton bazaar and tea to be! held on November 17 at 2.30 to collaborate with the teachers/OShawa, exchanged marriage but that ideas should be express- | VOWS. ed diplomatically. There had| The bride is the daughter of {p.m. at St. Andrew's Church. | Mrs. George Telford will open | {the bazaar. Conveners of the dif-| grave. ALL DOUBLES CLUB The regular meeting of St. George's All Doubles Club was held recently in the parish hall. The president, Mr. William Murray, presided. New mem- bers, Mr, and Mrs. H. Tyrrell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Caines and Mr. and Mrs. H, Etmanski, were wel- comed to the club. The secretary read the min- utes and the treasurer gave his report. Plans for the Christmas dinner on December 5 were dis- cussed. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Jef- fery and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Earl {Campbell are to be the con-jon Frid veners. | Mr. Murray turned the enter-| tainment portion of the evening over to Mr. and Mrs, Donald] Lowry. An exciting "beetle" game was enjoyed. Mrs. P. Wal- ters and Mr. J. Allen were the| winners. Mr. P. Walters was the consolation winner. | GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD | The November meeting of the {Women's Guild of Grace Luther|/2" ; {an Church was held in the church| knitting and sewing, Mrs. Mur. parlors with the president, Mrs. Robert Behm, presiding and the Reverend Carl Kartechner con- ducting the devotional portion of the meeting. The members of the Guild will From his 52 years' experience as missionary and teacher in Por. tuguese Angola, Dr. Ralph Col- lins gave four addresses on mis- sions in general and some mls. sionaries experiences at the re- cent Presbyterial WMS rallies at Columbus and Ebenezer. "It is largely a repressing hand that is being placed on the Afri can", Dr. Colling said. "The sad- Zest thing is the deliberate deter- mination to keep the people in ser- v(tude--their biggest enemies are the whites, Ghana has become in dependent peacefully and others are moving to the same goal and we need to anticipate their need. We need a growing determina- tion that we of the Christian Church will make a greater im- pact on government and society. need candidates and the re- to send them out. We {must to understand that Afri- cans are brothers in Christ, ' | sources Dr. Ralph Collins Tells Story 'Of White Domination in Africa of that early Cvrenian who ear ried the cross of Christ." Dr. Collins called the history of Africa a sad story of white dom- {nation and subjugation which should lie heavily in the con- science of government and in dividual alike and of slavery which still goes on in many forms throughout the continent. | Dr. Colling referred to the great work of Dr, Frank Lanback and to numerous missionaries with whom he had worked. He paid tribute to the Merrill Fergu- sons and gave thanks to the dis- trict that produced He | i ' a The today of Miss Norma Olive Gedge and Mr. William Ram- say Carnwith who plan to be married in Northminster Unit + | ed Chureh on Saturday, Decem. ber 5. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Sydnev J. Gedge of Osh- SUCIAL NOTICES awa, the bride is a graduate X-ray technician, Mr. Caruwith, a graduate from General Motors Institute, Flint, Michi- gan, in mechanical engineering, is the son of Mr. William R. Carnwith of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Carnwith. place in flr Oshawa, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and hig Ret ter, Joan Kathryn, to Mr. David Reed Johnson, son of Robert Jol , on hy December 5, at four o'clock, ENGAGEMENT Mr. an dMrs, Sydney J. Gedge of Oshawa announce the engage. ment! of their daughter, Norma Rastaay Carnwith of Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Carnwith, The marriage will place on Saturday, Deécem- ber 5, 1959, at 4.30. o'clock In Northminster United Church, Oshawa. RESCUED CAT NEW DUSTON, England (CP) Workmen dug up a road in this Northam, hire community to release y, a three-year-old cat which had been stuck in a drainpipe for two days. A passer- by bh s cries coming from under a grating. PERSONALS described the actual work of the missionaries who, overworked, still carry on their labor of love. In 1947 Dr. Collins built the Em-] manuel Seminary to train native ministers and give general edu-| cation and rejoiced that the son| of a native minister was one of worthy of following the example] the first graduates. Double-Ring Ce Anne Maly And Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church was the scene of a wed- ding on Satudray morning, Octo- ber 7, when Anne Maly was unit- ed in marriage with Joseph Ed- ward Issa, The bride, who is a graduate of Class '55 of Oshawa General Hos- pital, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maly of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ebrahm Issa of Marseilles, France. The Reverend Phillip Coffey of- ficiated at the double-ring cere- mony and said the nuptial mass. [Miss Jean Kolodzie played the {wedding music and sang "Moth- er At Thy Feet We're Kneeling" and "Ave Maria". Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a full length gown of foam white Chantilly lace and silk taffeta over faille with a cathedral train, The lace bodice featured a scalloped square sa- brina neckline, long sheath sleeves and a Victorian waistline. A halo headdress held her waist length veil and she carried a cascade | Astra Group Bazaar And Tea The Astra Group of Simcoe {Street United Church WA held a |very successful bazaar and tea ay afternoon, November {6, in the Memorial Hall. The tables were attractively decorated in fall colors of amber and brown, and chrysanthemums | graced the tables in the tea room. Mrs. Walter Roe, the president, and convener of the bazaar, in- troduced Mrs. J. K. Moffat who opened the bazaar. Mrs. Roe pre- sented Mrs. Moffat with a bou: quet of chrysanth | remony Unites Joseph E. Issa of white and tinted red roses. Miss Mary Capik was mald of honor, and the bridesmaids were the Misses Vera Nicholishen, and June Fuller. They wore identical cocktail length gowns of scarlet red nylon chiffon over taffeta. The slim bodices were sleeveless and offset with scooped necklines and satin cummerbunds. They wore matching feather bandeaux studded with rhinestones and long white gloves. Miss Lorraine Smelko was junior bridesmaid, in a short sleeved, full-skirted dress of scarlet red taffeta with a matching feathered bandeau and long white gloves. All carried cas- cades of chrysanthemums with red net florets, Miss Virginia Smelko was flower girl dressed identically to the junior brides- maid. She wore a matching red feather bandeau and carried a basket of shite chrysanthemums with red ribbon accents. Mr. Mark Maly, was best man and usherng were Messrs. Augus- tus Smelko, John Borovsky Jr. and Allan Smelko. The reception was held at the National Slovak Hall, Ritson] road south, where the bride's mo- ther received wearing black Chan- tilly lace over champagne beige silk faille, with small champagne velvet hat and corsage of pink roses. For the honeymoon trip the bride wore a sapphire blue wool stroller suit with matching cloche couple will live in San Francisco, where the bride is on the staff of St. Mary's Hospital, and the bridegroom is studying at the University of California. Guests were present from San Francisco, Pittsburgh, Toronto and Czech-Slovakia, Out-of-town guests at the Kelsh-|Hope United Church, gave some Bradbur wedding were-Mr, and|of her personal expriences dur- Mrs. Mac Jones, Miss Joy|ing her summer field work and Jones, Mr, and Mrs. David Trick, also in full time church work Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jessop, after her graduation from the Wasaga Beach; Mr. and Mrs. United Church Training School. Merton Bradbury, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morley and Mr, James Morley; Richmond Hill; Mrs. Bert Jones, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Jones, Mr. Dennis Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Bradbury, Mr. Ronald Bradbury, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin,| Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bradbury, Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh, all of Scar- borough; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Bowmanville; Mr. Wal lace Kelsh, Cordova Mines. The members of the National Union of Public Service Em- ployees (Local 45) of the Osh- awa General Hospital held their anniversary banquet on Friday evening, November 6, at the Hotel Genosha. Special guests were Mr. Francis Eady, who was the speaker, T. D. Thomas, MPP, and Mr. Frank Kitchen. A floor show followed the banquet and Mrs. Edward McQuade, pianist, and Richard Debicki, accordion. Mr. D. W. Quick, manager of a Toronto book store, will brin: ° a display of gift books to the No- vember meeting of the University | Women's Club and speak on new| books for young and old. A grad- vate of Victoria College, Univer: sity of Toronto, Mr. Quick spent his boyhood in Bowmanville. The current exhibition at the Art Gallery of Toronto is featur- ing the work of four Canadians, Dorothy Cope, Vancouver; R. L Bloore, Regina; Ronald Spick- ett of Calgary and Alexandra Luke of Oshawa. The collection will be displayed until Decem- ber 6. A party was held recently ai the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ma- thew Powlenzuk, Montrave aven- ue, in honor of the recent engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Sylvia Josephine, to Mr. Everett De Hart of Whitby, A buffet lunch was served after an. evening of dancing. hat and corsage of gardenia. The 4 ist, provided music for the danc-|g ing. |& You are invited by the Social |3 Department to send in anv little]? items of interest. News of anni-|% versaries and comings and go-(% ings are always very acceptable |? and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA [3 38-3474, local 18. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey, Rit son road south, entertained at|} supper on Sunday evening in| honor Mrs, Stacey's par-|3 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Churchill, who were celebrating |g their 40th 'wedding anniversary. |B The annual CGIT Rally was/g held last week at Centre Street |3 United Church, The study book, % 'Paths That Cross," was intro-|3 Clarence Pen- (8 DESERT FioWER HAND and BODY LOTION with the heart of !- Miss Ruby Warburton. About 65% girls and leaders enjoyed al3 period of recreation led by Miss|3 Molly Bennett from Bowmanville |3 High School. A sing song follow. |8 ed after which the group met in|g the church auditorium for wor-|g / | | In charge of the parcel post table was Mrs. Jack Peeling; ray Davidson and Mrs. Don Pat- |terson; Christmas decorations |and toys, Mrs. Nicholas Gulen- lchyn and Nrs. Bryce Smith; CLEAN FRUIT Raw fruit should always be washed before being eaten, to re- ship, ducted bv the CGIT|® group of Centre Street Church |3 under the leadership of Mrs. |B Leonard Vann, Miss Audrey|® Lawrence, deaconess at the Port|3 ma 1.25 The remarkoble .... ction move germs or insecticides. |candy, Mrs. Robert McLeod and Mrs. Robert Hess; home baking, Mrs. Roy Branton and Mrs. Ro ROYAL JELLY Royal Jelly--A safe, naturel food produced by the Honey Bee and that both softens and tenes your skin, Use Desert Flower Hand apd Body Letion olf ever you after every bath. are been an increased tendency to-|Mr. and Mrs. William Bradbury| ward such parent - teacher meet-|0f Oshawa and the bridegroom) ings Which gave exellent oppor-|is the son of Mr. Wallace Kelsh ferent Looks Bre; Home baking, |assist in the congregational fel- ert Currie. Mrs. more, Christmas lowship supper which will be held| presidin | h « § NAO ' g in the tea room was tunity for each to understand the|of Cordova Mines, and the late Seoth. ES od ok Ruaniski aud oh November 21, and also withthe convener, Mrs. Robert Lam- problems {Mrs. Kelsh, Raney | OTO0XS: Apron: the lunch for the "Every mem-|bert, Serving were Mrs. Peter . : ; ™ hl a Miss Katie Wotten; fancy work, per visit" captains and teams the|Canni M Mrs. Courtice directed the| The Reverend Mervin. Bury Mrs. William Dodwell; treasure|following Sunday : anning, Mrs. Reginald Piper, question to the teenage panelists officiated. The wedding music|table, Mrs. Reginald Martyn; npcay. {Mrs. Kenneth Cowan and Mrs. on how students felt about par-|Was played by Mr. Rhyddid parcel booth, Mrs. Harold Tripp; The president announced that/David Bowman. ents inquiring about progress. |Willlams. candy, Mrs. Mervin Tuck; tea|al invitation was received to hear| Those in the kitchen were Mrs. They Sa ofan Given arab, bor om lw Foie, 0, pee he they Sitter onc; Si, Frgk evelop study habits. earl" in|father the bride ina|chen, Mrs. John Hunter. r the Deaf. who willl' y + 4 | wore a ballerina speak at St. John's Lutheran|DPonald, Mrs. Llovd Whiteman their schooling so that when the : i " Nagher Frater wore reached Tholsowy Ot while a Ja CHALLENGER GROUP (Church in Toronto on Sunday, No- and Mrs. Bruce Irwin. ' e Challenger group met re-/vember 15 at 3 p.m. long study hours necessary for ; 1 Beart Jara ela her fngortiploeutiy at Albert Street United! A portion of the proposed con: good grades would not seem for- " . length "eaten ane arr ooW- Church with the president, Mrs. stitution of the Womeén's Guild . First! You'll feel your skin respond Tike flowers welcoming rain. And you'll be delightfully scented with the true perfume fed to the Queen Bee, increasing her life span 20 times. Will send you C0.D, for $1.00, 24 Royal Jelly Capsules as a trial offer, regular price $4.95. If you don't feel like a different person when you. finish 24 capsules, return the empty bottle and we will refund your $1 Pioneers in Royel J ROYAL JELLY ENTERPRISES Box 202, OWEN SOUND, ONT. 28 KING ST. E RA 3-4621 midable. The panelists were in| o, : . : | gth mittens and carried a idi agreement that Grade 4 offered| |Clayton Lee, presiding. Mrs, [cascade of briarcife roses. and! enry Hogarth 1d fhe devotonai "ee (Locusted at length and this ngs. | homework should be kept to| White feathered carnations. a minimum, gradually building] Miss Lois Bradbury, sister of William Graham. up so that by the time Grade 7|the bride, was maid-of-honor in| "Thoughts for the Day" were, The December meeting will be| is reached the student is system-|a ballerina gown of light pink read bv Mrs. Edward Holland, combined with the Christmas| ized. The students felt that most/ nylon sheer over net and taffeta| Mrs. Stewart Graham and Mrs. party and at which the capsule | children are glad to see parents|with satin cummerbund, match-|/Ale¢ Maracle. |sisters will donate money toward] attend Home and School meet-|ing headdress, and white gloves. | The minutes, roll call, treasur-| missions instead of the usual gift, | S. | Wearing romance blue, Miss Sal-|€r's report and correspondence Election of officers is to take) |ly Earle 'was bridesmaid and|Were read. | piace. ' a logical beginning and that] period. A solo was sung by Mrs. |; | I OPEN HOUSE | Regarding "Open House"! was dressed identically. Each The Christmas party and Cap- carried a cascade of white pom Sule Sister banquet was 'discuss-| panel members felt that if par- ents just came to compare one -child's workbook with another| The best man was Mr. George then the value of such a meeting| BoPiDson and Messrs. Ramon was lost. They felt that parents Bradbury and Keith Wilson ush- also see only the superficial trim. |ered. mings in many instances so that| A Teception was held at 420 , a teacher with a particular artis-| Wing, Oshawa Airport. Receiv- tic aptitude would make a greater|ing, the bride's mother wore impression than one who spent rosewood crepe and lace with a less time on displays yet is doing|beige felt hat with net and se. an excellent job. A question and|quin trim, matching gloves, and answer period followed the dis. a corsage of pom pom chrysan- * cussion, Mrs. E, 8. Alker thanked |themums, Mrs. Courtice and the panel mem-| As the couple left for a wed- bers. ding trip to the United States the The president, Mrs. M. L. bride was wearing a gray wool Morris, presided. One minute's Suit with a blue blouse and ac- silence was observed in tribute cessories. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsh to the late Mrs. Gertrude Colpus. Will live in Oshawa. pom chry: ums. | ed. The date to be set at the next meeting. SOUTHMEAD PARK AUX. The monthly meeting of the Auxiliary of Southmead Park As- sociation was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kidd, with Mrs. Charles Musgrave presiding. | Mrs. Kidd read the minutes and Mrs. Wilson Stauffer gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Wilfred Ogden from CRA was the guest speaker and gave a talk on building and recreation facilities. This was followed by elections of new officers for the coming year as follows Mrs. Charles Musgrave, president; A as vice-presi- THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY PARAMETTES PARAMETTES PARAMETTE DID YOU KNOW | « «+ That Nu-Way Rug end | Carpet Sales have the lowest prices in Oshawa for wall to wall broodloom and reom size rugs. NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mery Sr. RA 5.0433 Sensational NEWS! SEE Pages 6 & 7 WEDNESDAY | I i Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis and the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series sl es, revecling your self, of worry end ember rassment, FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Motel . . . Nev. 10-11 Phone RA 3.4641 for appointment on these dates. | 21 VITAMINS, MINERALS, AND TRACE ELEMENTS DRUGS Reguler City-Wide Deliveries 28 King St. E. RA 3-462) VISIT OUR NEW MODERN SHOWROOM Self-Serve--Saves Time All Transistor Radio. Leather Case. Earphones. SPECIAL 4-PIECE RADIO SET 4 Transistors. Genuine Battery. Reg. 39.95. Only 24.95 SPECIAL -- FINEST QUALITY BOWLING SHOE BAGS In 4 beautiful colors. Reg. 1.59. Only 17c SPECIAL -- LA CRUSHED VINYL BELTS Sizes S, M, L. Now 3 for 1.00 DIES' 3-IN-ONE Reg. 59¢ each. Attention Ladies . "NO MORE WASHING DIAPERS" Yes, we will supply you with 7 doz. Diapers every week. We will pick them up twice a week and have them cleaned by experts in'a new scientific method guaranteed to be cleaner and softer than any meth- od of home washiing. This is a wonderful work saver and is well worth your while. For 7-Doz. diapers a week 10.00 ro: For double service a week 16.00 WEEKS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALRA 3.2139 HUSH-A-BYE DIAPER SERVICE OSHAWA RA 3-2139

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