readings were given by Mrs. {Mowbray and Mrs. Beckley, The group was entertained with colored slides of a trip to Eng. land, Scotland and Ireland by Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, during a trip to a convention in Edin- burgh. 5 50---Articles For Sale ELECTRIC stove, annex Sombitiedli adle Singer sewing machine; 8-piece oak dining room suite; veranda re-; three 3 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 13, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) 50--Articles For Sale TWO broadloom rugs, beige, one 9 by 6. 9, 9 by 10 ft, 6; two pair drapes, nt JHE 12-84 She S0gle. RA $3003, and Wayne And Shuster In Britain WA Groups Meet At Brooklin By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Badwis and ns Walter Steves Lunch: was served by Mrs. Alan conducted ervice based; " BROOKLIN -- The CGIT group ay Lend Mrs, s.|Jones, assisted by the committee. held its October meeting at the|J Hillier conducted the business PERSONALS By ALAN HARVEY United Church with newly-elected fon and a ittee was ap- Hew © A ofl Canadian Press Staff Writer [President, Sandra Campbell, inpointed to collect for the Bible - Ret yet ad WO is, LONDON (CP) ~ Note tof(te hak. Carol Greer gave the society: Island, Point-ay-Baril, Johnny Wayne and Frank Shus-ip,iih SOHC, S00 US| Tentative plans were made 10 Mre Greenwood of Toronto fs ter, in Toronto or New York: ~ |assist at the Fashion Show t0lshending a few days with Miss Keep a stiff upper lip, kiddies. Mrs, Joy Purkiss led the senior |pe sponsored by the WA at they, p Mowbray. ? Those British erities aren't as|>.'dY group and Mrs. Dave Bur-iney education building Thurs. The Brooklin Ladies' Quartette kuocked out about your show as Jets Ye inteimediste =p: or day, Oct. 29. comprising Miss Chrissie Simp- we thou, 'd be. | son, Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs. Take ot po Punch, In|Eroups resulted in a choice of RELIABLE GROUP Howard Arksey and Mrs. Gordon reviewing that hour - long pro-| THE Mavericks" for the inter-| Mrs. Lloyd Prouse was hostess Cook, provided music at the am you did recently for Brit- mediates and "The Whizbangs" for the October meeting of the Thankoffering meeting of the gy a a the magazine's for the seniors. WA Reliable Group with the WMS Wednesday at Burns' Pres- ™ eritie sounds a little chau.| The girls will sell church cal-|leader, Mrs. Douglas Jackson, in byterian Church, Ashburn, vinistic. endars as a moriey-raising proj-|the chair. John Smart, organist of St. Lg ect for the fall. Next meeting] Mrs. Beckley and Mrs. Hugh Thomas' Anglican Church Let us rocket our own £00d|will be held Tuesday, Oct. 13, in Mowbray conducted the service.| promis, his eventos na comics to the top instead of tne Sunday school room. {Ten members answered roll cal'|, nointment as organist at Al catching Canadian rockets on the| "Tne WA Lend-a-Hand group with scripture verses. Report om Hallows Chaireh. Torcate. way down," says this unidenti- met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. plans for the Fashion Show were myo Woman's Association of fied commentator. Alan Jones, when Mrs. W. W.|given by Mrs. Harold Dennis and i ten ET FVISION LOG jo the Plowman's Association anquet n e new uca och was that Briss TY building Wednesday. Canadian performers, but that CHCH-JV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WEEN-TV Channel {--Buffale WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR 3-2346. REAL sealskin eoat in good condition. Will sell cheap. Phome RA 50--Articles For Sale [WO-piece chesterfield, forest green, n good condition, $50. Apply 318 division Street. 8c ARGE crib, $15; youth bed, small ize, $8. Phone RA 3-2735. 238¢ THRISTMAS trees, choice Scotch pine. Vholesale WHITE hand-crocheted tablecloth, by 108; could be used as bedspread, $50. YUkon §-2465. 288¢ SPACE heater, complete with fan, rea- sonably priced, heats up to six rooms. Phone COMax 3-2566. 238 PIANO, Mason and Risch, upright, beautiful condition, $185, eve- nings before the 16th. MO 8-5077. 238¢c (with Gerry Blair Pinch-Hitting) ° The Whitby Dunlops played another pre-season game last night in Kitchener against the Dutchmen and went down to. their second straight defeat, 4-2, Whitby led 1-0 at the end of the first period on a goal by playing-coach Ted O'Connor, with Don Me- Beth and Gary Darling drawing assists, The Dunlops added another tally in the second period, Billy Ken- nedy being the marksman, aided by Pete Babando. Then the roof fell in shortly after the start of the third period when the Dutchmen scored three. fast goals. Butch Martin started the landslide, followed close after by Ron Muir, last year with the Cornwall Chevvies, and Billy Forhan scoring at 7:45 gave them a 3-2 lead. With less than three minutes to play, Pennington, who according to Manager Wren Blair, could be sporting a National Hockey League uni- form right now, scored to complete the third period whipping, making the final score 4-2 for the Kitchen- er-Waterloo Dutchmen. Whitby played a good brand of hockey for the first two periods, and the scoreboard verified that fact as they held 2-0 lead at the end of the second period. Kitchener who are in better condition than the Dun- nies took over in the third period as the Whithy club were too exhausted to keep pace with the hard- skating Dutchies, Also, as we mentioned in last Sat- urday's column, this will be the type of hockey the fans will witness for the entire campaign, with just one constant struggle after another. Billy Kennedy played a strong game for the Dunlops, and from the looks of things he will be a real asset to Whitby this season. Penningtoh, of Kitchener with still a year of junior to his credit, performed with the Flin Flon Bombers last season and has just finished working out with the Montreal Canadiens. He will attract many a hockey fans' eye this year. WAREHOUSE clearance of odds ends, some slightly marked. Con. tinental beds, high quality, mis-mateh- RA|ed covers, all sizes $42. Unpainted chest of drawers, $17; student's arhor- iin ite desk, $19; end tables, values fo $15, JEONARD ator, 10 cublt f.|clearout $388; 2-piece daveno sulies,|FOUR- piece bed and dresser, dark wed five months. Apply 386 Phillip pay price, $99. GE floor polishers, |brown; baby carriage, light blue. RA Murray, 5 - 7 pm. RA 86190. 237fi535 05 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church |8-5671/ . 2381) pe SO a es a Bo ci wi i i on . R , | cheste cl , turquoise. shine, baby stroller. RA 88029, 37c| PIANO Williams with bench, 2 Jaches 3, chai i Sigaise Ah ONE lady's coat, green (44) two ladies'| hammers, bass wires, wits (44-40) one navy dress, keys and felt underkeys, $385. RA slouses, one brown muff and stole,|5.7001. 233e all good. Apply 86 La Salle. 236¢c WO large beds with springs and mat- wesses, crib and mattress, piano, drop sack couch, baby carriage, baby ia, gas hot water tank, lawn mower, Cheap. RA 52136 03 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran wed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. RA 8.1081 anytime, AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti- mates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 4i2 Simcoe North. lots at plantation or tvered. Order early far selection. WILLIAMS piano and bench, good con- dition; 3-wheel car trailer, cheap. RA 50243. 28d T pi d suite, broca- RA [telle covered, good condition, $60. RA 5-3911. 238¢ 5 NEW oak barrels, S0c per gallon; "|3 10-ft, meat counters. RA 3-3086, 165 ¢| Vi Road. 2356 ves | 32--Legal Notices SALE on floor coverings, thousands of yards of latest patterns for every room in your home, You can save many dol- lars. Wilson's sale price, 25¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church et deep freeze, upright Reasonable price; I will net be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Virginia Percy, on and after this date Oct. 5, 1959, without my written. Mrs. Arnold of Uxbridge, visit signature. disenchantment has set in. In a ed Mrs. W. A. Ormiston Sunday. sidelong swipe, it adds that *Can- ada is often regarded as being a pretty barren waste so far as the arts are concerned. The magazine feels your ap- TUESDAY : YENING pearance in the program, shown 1i--Family Theatre here Sept. 24, was heralded with| 6--On Satan "very loud trumpets" by the| 3 rie eo' carn | publicity department, but that| 3--Three stooges ye; turned out to be boring, de-| 5:18 P.M. lighted with yourselves and, ¢Feature a strenuously unfunny, 8.30 P.M. The reviews in the London| sors Kg papers are far better, of course,| 2--McGraw with the general theme being 6.00 FE that you did the best you could. Ne News Some give you credit for origi-| swirl wor nality. 3--Willie Wonderful 615 P.M, 6--Lawrence Welk PROVINCIAL CRITICISM 630 P.M. The provincial papers are 2 little more severe. The Bolton Evening News, for instance, says your Canadian capers were so tedious they became a crawl, and the Liverpool Echo and Evening Express says it can think offhand of several British| 2 sergeant Bike comedians who would put you in| : the shade. Never mind, fellows. You've got another program coming up here Thursday, and this one may break through the British humor- barrier. You'll remember you got some pretty good notices a year ago when you did that one about the private eye and Julius Cae- sar... CANADIANS IN MOSCOW LONDON (CP) -- A group of Canadi scientists headed by Dr. E. W. R. Steacie of the Na- tional Research Council arrived in Moscow Monday to start a tour of Soviet research institu. tions and higher educational es- tablishments, the Russian news agency Tass reported. The scien- tists are visiting Russia as guests of the Soviet Academy of Science. KELVINATOR model, 18 cu. feet. RA 5-6160. f MARY Maxim sweater, men's size, 40, black with red and white sailboat de- sign, mew. Phone RA 8-6643. 23 SMASHED. prices during our 'Street Smashing Sale". Deilcraft genuine wal- nut coffee tables, regular $49, clearout $19; 3-piece bedroom suites, chest, dresser and bed, regular $159, smash. ed to $88; smooth top, spring filled mattresses, regular $59.95, slashed to $28; large size, full panel Roxatone baby eribs, drop side, on castors, $16.88. Wilson Furniture, 30 Church Street. 234f JUNGLE carbines, new shipment, 303 calibre rifles, excellent for deer hunt. 4 PO CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $36.66. This Tnehuacd ol sive erib, pring, mattress mpes lievable value! Barons' ome Varn ishings, 424 Simeoe St. 8. TYPEWRITERS, adding cash registers, used and new. Easy terms. 32¢ Simcoe Street South. RA 81211 evenings RA 59748, SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phono RA 8-1131. CHRISTMAS trees, beautiful Scotch pruned t Pine, from 5 to § ft, abou 5000 in all. Phone Whitby, MO 36m. ov. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, televi-|ing. Terms, $5 down and $2 weekly. sion. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 54543, Dominfon Tire Store, 48 Bond Sirect izes, $3 'est. 2346 ssid = | Wi USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. _ GIRL'S Nine coat, Shascoal MGREST paid for used furmi. |Parks mavy, slips, 8, MIGHEST prices Paid for used fursk lis, tap shoes size 6. RA 33774. Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince (BABY carriage, blue and grey, Street. Phone RA 81131 months old; twelve storm windows, FURNACE, space heater, kitchen cab. |ferent sizes. RA 8-1462. inets, sinks and taps, sump pumps, | ALUMINUM windows, doors, pressure systems, stainless steel sinks, Average window $19.95 comp! hot water tanks and laundry tubs $15. |RA 5-7405. Three piece bath $75, Piping and fit- tings. 288 Hillside. RA 3-7088. UP to $125 for your trade-in on all clearout models of chesterfields and TENDERS FOR FUEL OIL Sealed tenders, marked "Tender for fuel oil" ad- dressed to the undersigned for supplying approximately 20,000 gallons of fuel oil to Hallidoy Manor, 620 Richmond S. East, Oshawa, Ontario, during the 1959 - 1960 heating season, will be received until 5.00 pm. October 19. 1959. Storage capacity gallons. The lowest or any tender not nec ily accepted, 52-House on High Street, 4 Seriais 4:30 PM, 6--Friendly Giant 3-2---Split Personality Edge of nen WEDNESDAY P.M. 5:00 P.M, 11--~Family Theatre 6--Art in Action S5--~Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 2--Gene Autry 515 PM, &--Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7--My Friend Flicka B--Huckleberry Hound / 6:00 P. M, 7--Early Show 11-6--News 2--Jet Jackson 6:15 P.M, 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--News: Weather 6:45 P.M S--Huntley Brinkley eport 8:15 AM, 4--~Captain Kangaroo A.50 P.M, 7-Devotions 9:00 A. 7--Komedy Korner 5--Ding Dong §chool 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Man Called X { 9:30 AM, | #--Romper Room { 5=Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Helen Neville 10:00 A.M, 4-On The Go 5.2--Dough Re Mi 10:30 A.M, 7--Morning Show 2 easure Hunt 4--December Bride 11:00 AM, 3,000 and » is 11--Family Theatre §4-3---News: Weather 645 P.M. 8--Huntley-Brinkley 133 6-4-2--News 7.00 | 8~Tablold 5-~The Rifleman | 4--Annie Oakley 11--Jane Gray Show 5,2--Price is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 1:30 AM, 11--Anything Goes 5.2- Concentration 4~Top Dollar 12:00 Noom 11--Cartoons Belleville MacFarlands, winners of the world hoe- key championship last year at Prague, have been working out for about a week at Peterboro. Most of last year's club are back, and from all reports they are working hard under the watchful eye of playing- coach Ike Hildebrand. On defence they have Moe Benoit, team captain Floyd Crawford, Lionel Botley and Ted Toppazzini acquired from the Kingston Mer- chants of the defunct Eastern OHA Senior "A" Lea- gue, with Eddie Marineau and Fiori Geogan®also bid- ding for defence spots. Add John Chaszcewski to this list and you come up with a real strong blue-line corps. Up front they have Lou Smrke, Minnie Men- ard and Davy Jones working as one unit, and re- united once again are, Bart Bradley, "Wiener" Brown and playing-coach Ike Hildebrand. The final three- some were acquired along with Toppazzini from King- ston; Bus Gagnon, Billy Colvin and Roy Partridge. Whitey Youngberg, who toiled for the Whitby Dun- lops for a while last season is also bidding for a posi= tion on the club. In goal again this year is Gordie Bell, with some possible competition from Bob Sen- ior, who rode the bench most of last year at Spring- field of the American Hockey League. He doesn't wish to return there this season, and if he can be re- five dif- H. E. Tripp, Treasurer, Osahawo Housing Co. Limited 50 Centre St, OSHAWA, Ont. 237¢ ~Harold Percy 233¢ ailings. ets. Call ra LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95. This is a genuine discount of 36 per St Bop be disappointed. Hurry oul e 3 top Snack Bar on Highway 3 between Oshawa and Whitby. RA 8-6891. oe |USED television sets, 17" and LY] Somh- ture, very pletely reconditioned. Free 90-d J 3. 23M [ranty os labor and parts. Irvine Ap 50 Bond East USED washers, reconditioned, $29.95 up, guaranteed service to all makes and models, all parts available Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe] |South. Phone RA 3-263. USED television and radios, recondi- tioned, from $39.95 up. Guaranteed TV and radio service, All tubef and parts available, Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe South, Phone RA 3-2263. SEE the new 3 to 35 hp with twe starting models. Come in and chonge yours now. Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road. COMMUNICATIONS receiver 1.5 to 13 megs., on five bands, plus one low frequency band, could be used on 24 volts or converted to 110, excellent con- 7:5 P. 7-~News: Weather 7.30 P.M. 6-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid 5--Leave it to Beaver 4--Cannonball 2--Manhunt 7:15 PML T--News: Weather 7:30 P.M. 7--Black Saddle 6--Leave it to Beaver 5-2---Wagon Trais 4--Lineup 8:00 12:15 P.M. &--Speaker of the se 12:30 P.M. 11--~News 7--Love That Bob 6--Matinee 5.3-It Could Be You 4--8earch for Tomorrow 7:45 P.M, 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 2-Mid-day Matinee 7--Musie Bingo S--~Feature Movie 4--Meet the Millers 1:30 PM TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES City of Oshawe, Province of Ontario. To Wit:-- By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Mayor of the City of Oshawa, bearing date of the 15th of July, 1959, a sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the City of Oshawa will be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the fourth day of November. 1959, unless the taxes ond costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sole for 7--Sugarfoot 6--Donna Reed 3-2--Laramie 4--Whirlybirds 8:00 P.M, 11-6--Chevy Show 4--Ann Sothern 8:30 P.M. 7-Wyatt Earp 4--Many Loves of Dobie Gillis $-2--Fibber McGee 9:00 P.M. 116-Front Page Chal lenge 7--Rifleinan §2--Arthur Murray 4--Tightrope 9:50 P 11-6-2-- Startime 7--Philip M 5-Ford She 4--Ped £ "up A.V.Roe Announces [:%: Net Profit |. ii quired! Hurry down for a real money saving deal -- While the supply lasts! Barons' Home Furnishings, 434 Simcoe Street South. MISCELLANEOUS cheap. Phone RA $523 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FF IGIDAIRE | SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 w eompressors "Brummer," § HP, fi H31, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri for half price. Threading machine, alectric, ranges from % te inch, for Wl threads, with complete set of dies, #175. Degreasing tank, large, with au- fomatic beaters, $125. Portable air 'shining star at the : 11---Frontier 7--Keep Talking 6-Have Gun Will Travel 8:30 P.M 11-8-Live A Borrowed Lif e 7--Ossie and Harriet 7--For the Ladies ®-The Toric Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day in Court 6--Chez Helene 2--Queen For A Day 4--Better or Worse 2:15 PM. 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P.M, owe 5-2--Price Is Right 4--Du Pont Show 9:00 P.M. 11-6-5-2--Perry Como 7--The Hawaiian Eye 0:00 P.M, "zo P.M. Conference mompressors, piston type. two eylin. gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, dition, reasonable, Ajax 1549, 2388 rs, Fo Jointer S-inch, 3 HP, new. Simeoe Street South, Oshawa, 6. tors and ranges, $29.95 refrigeral Repairs guaranteed to all A appliances. All pacts available. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe Sout, phone RA 3-2263, FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per fomily of four, includes approximately FALL SALE Now try the best eluminum self-storing door. Installed only $44.95. . Aluminum double hung storm window. Installed only $18.50. Call Alex Vajda, RA 3-9851 arrears of toxes hos been published in the Ontario Gazette, on the Ist Day of August, 1959 Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the City Treasurer. Treasurer's Office this 4th doy of August, 1959, H. E. TRIPP, Treasurer, 481 Drew St. 90 per cent groceries ond freezer. No down poyment. For oppointment (no oblige- tion)---phone RA 35-3709. YOU'VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS to 21' CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE WHY RUN AROUND HOLODY SALES SELLS THEM ALL ALUMINUM DOOR, WIN- DO \WNINGS, PORCH RAMIINGS. INSULATED SIDING, ALUMINUM AND STONE Nothing Down Easy Terms 30 GRENFELL STREET Twp Steet East of Shopping Centre RA 5-2431 EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE "No. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT. CALL 1266 AJAX GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trode-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings and weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. "BROOK! 'N, ONT. PHONE 87 YOUR LOCAL ALUMINUM FACTORY COLONIAL HOME IMPROVENTS 134 SIMCOE ST S., OSHAWA RA 8.8571 To Introduce Canada's, = First Self-Lubricating Self Storing STORM DOOR $54.50 Porch and Stairs Sealed teneders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the construction of a sub- station transformer pads and structure footings until 4 pm, October 20th, Plans and specifications may be obtained ot the P.U.C, of- fice, 128 Brock 5 Whitby, from C=: upon a deposit of $10.00. The Public Utilities C of the Town of HC S Secretar uiiding, ssion Jomes Chairman, RAILINGS Interior It is fun to design your own. Over. 100 designs made by our skilled craftsmen, Life- time quality construction solid steel corner posts, Rust resistont enamels in color, Built from select new material 20 years experience. Installed by experts. Free estimates from factory. No obligation. Metal Craft Co, RR. 3 Pickering, ZEnith 4-0850, (no toll chg.). . 16 FT. MAHONE BOAT 30 H.P. EVINRUDE MOTOR LARGE SIZE T-NEE TRAILER Complete outfit, '56 Electric starting Evinrude motor like new, battery, steering, outo- matic controls, seat cushions, ) running lights, excellent trail. ELEVATOR AS WEEKEND HOME WARSAW (AP)--Josef Zad- roznik spent last weekend cooped up in an elevator. When he was finally released Monday he was hopping mad. He was also hungry. Just before he was to leave his office Saturday, Zadroznik took the self-service elevator to the fourth floor. It stalled be- tween floors and wouldn't re- spond to the controls. Zadroznik called for help, bat it was after closing time and no one heard his shouts, Worwers found the elevator disabled when they arrived Monday morning. Repairmen got it down to the ground floor and were amazed when the door opened and Zadroznik walked out. The newspaper Kurier Polski he said he will sue for dam- ages. er with spare wheel ond winch. $700 Can be financed if neces- sary. Coll Jim McMulign, RA 5-0104, 235¢ NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & Lake Fishing Reported Down ] PORT DOVER (CP)--Fisher-| men in this Lake Erie port where eatches are running about $178, 000 behind last year's value say instated would like to' work out with the MacFar- lands. ; Town and Country. .... There are approximately 80 of last years subscribers who have not renewed their seats for the 1959-60 campaign, and if they get down to the Whitby Arena tonight, will likely have a chance of obtaining their same -spot, Sale of sub- scribers and seasons tickets are open to everyone starting tonight at the arena box office. There are still good seats available so make sure you are first in line tonight to pick up your ducats for what will be without a doubt and we can't emphasize too strongly, the most entertaining hockey season ever in the history of the Whitby Dunlops . .. . The Dunlops have a busy week or so ahead of them, as they try to get the kinks out in time for opening night. Tomorrow night they play Kitchener-Waferloo Dutchmen in Simcoe. Friday they journey to Brockville to tangle with the Junior Canadiens, Saturday night it's into Trenton to do battle against the Belleville MacFarlands, Tuesday of next week a game with their affiliates, the Peter bore Juniors, in Peterboro and Wednesday they come back home to renew their annual affair started last year with the Clinton Comets, giving the Whitby and district hockey fans their first look at the 1959-60 Drmnies as a unit against opposition other then them- selves. If last year's game against the Comets is any indication of what's to come next Wednesday night October 21, then the hockey fans are in for a most exciting evening The remainder of the Na- tional Hockey League clubs moved into action on Saturday and Sunday nights, and after it was all over we find the Toronto Maple Leafs in an unfamiliar position, holding down first place alongside the Boston Bruins, who incidentally whipped the favored defending Stanley Cup Champion Montreal Canadiens 8-4 in Boston, Sunday. Toronto took a pair of week- end games from the Chicago Black Hawks, 6-3 in Toronto Saturday, and 3-1 back in Chicago Sunday. Detroit surprised the experts by holding the Cana- diens to a 1-1 tie right in Montreal Saturday night, and then downing the Rangers at home in the Olym- pia, the next p.m. The race for third place and last play-off position in the Big Four Football Lea- gue continues this Saturday in Montreal between the Alouettes and the Toronto Argonauts, who were both defeated Thanksgiving Day leaving them tied for third spot. Argos lost to Hamilton yesterday 20-7, while Ottawa whipped the Larks, 28-12 . .' . .. Brooklin Meadowcrests won the OLA Intermediate Lacrosse Championship in a rather peculiar way, by default, as the Brantford Indians refused to play the seventh and, deciding game, protesting the usage by 'Brooklin of Matt Campbell former netminder for the Whitby Juniors . . . . . War Memories TORONTO (CP) --A.V. Roe year ended July 31 of $5,820,937 compared with $8,283,071 in the preceding year. Profit included $1,929912 from sale of invest ments. Consolidated net sales totalled $331,194,291 compared with $370, 751,856, despite inclusion in the 1959 figure of 12 months opera- 7--Man Without a Gun 2---Bold Ventur 1:00 PAE, 11,7,6,5.4.2 News; Weather Sports 17:15 P.M, 7- Playhouse 6-View ort 10:30 P.M. i1l----Late Show 6--0Q "rterhack 4---Thentre §-2--Jar 11--Fesi val ng + 5.2 om 0 WEDNESDAY 8: 00 AM. | 7-Window on the World | l1--Popeye tions of Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation Ltd., compared with 10 months in 1958. Working capital increased from | $39,541,283 to $56,546,059, largel 8,3 Today 4--~News Roundup 11-6--Open House 7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Doctor Malone The Bix -'»\ 3:30 P.M. 7- Who Do You 4:00 P.M 7--American 6--Our Miss Brooks 10: MM, 11-6--Studio Pacific 7-Bo: . 10:30 P.M. 11-6--Exploration' §-2---Wichita ad of Fashion st Mese Re | li--Late Show 6--~Feature Film 4--Theatre 52-Jack Parry Bandstand CROSSWORD PUZZLE due to the sale of the y' investment in Algoma Steel Cor- poration Ltd. The annual report, signed by Sir Roy Dobson, chairman, com- ments that the full impact of the cancellation in February of the Arrow aircraft and Iroquois en- gine programs will not be appar- ent in the accounts until next year, ®yery effort is being made, the report states, to obtain other work for the plants at Malton, Orenda Engines Ltd., a wholly- evned subsidiary, has been selected by the Canadian govern- ment to manufacture the Gen- eral Electric J-79 engine under license, to power the Lockheed F-104 fighter replacement for the RCAF division in Europe. Value of the contract is about $75,000, 000 over the next. three years. 4. Alabams city 5. To caper 6. Reading desk 7. Polynesian drink image 8. Part of 34. Gum- chicken yielding tree 9.Great 15. Seethe Lake a7. Know 10. University (Scot.) officer 18, Package 16. Elizabeth 20. Greek letter Regina ACROSS 1. Curse (collog.) 8. Smoothed 11, ---- upon atime 12, Venerate 33. Heathen tired, from command in Decem- ber, 1948, ill health was given as the reason. Col. C. P. Stacey of the army's historical branch wrote in his official history The Canadian Army in 1948 that it resultd from the decision to send Canadian troops to Italy in opposition to McNaughton's wish to keep the army intact. This de- cision was made between the Canadian and British govern- ments. Alanbrooke continues fin the forthcoming volume his frank opinions about other wartime leaders begun in the first book, The Turn of the Tide, two years ago. In that book he character- ized Churchill as "the most dif- ficult man I have ever served" and was critical of some Ameri: can military and naval figures. At that time Gen. McNaughton beverage 89. Of pottery 42. Fabricate again #4. Ancient weight 45. Unmarried girl 46. Portion 47. Tatters 48, Celebes ox DOWN 1. Close fitting eap 2. Wavy (her.) 3. Venomous insect ICIOVIEIRINGIL IATSIS] AL TINIE RRL IAIPIETL] Wi INIOISIEIXTILIE] VIER AMISILLY] [BIL11 IN] S| RIE]P IROL ELEN] [BIAIRIGIE] Uap) EOE MAL El 27. Apex | 28. Nicked > 31. Dishof Saturday's Answer 38. Arab chieftain 40. Set of boxes (Jap.) 41. Down (prefix) 37. Girl's 43. Any fruit name drink described some of his state ment: =; "egocentric bunk." OTHER REFERENCES Some of his references to others in Triumph in the West: Churchill -- "Winston's lack of REC o xing 53-This is Your Life 4--Circle Theatre The Truly ~ Inconspicuous CITATION HEARING AID* Slimmer... trimmer... the Citation is skillfully, beau tifully designed to make" wearing a hearing aid a pleasure. An outstanding combination of superior performance and incone spicuous, modern styling, the Citation offers: % Custom:contoured teme ple bars that can he shaped to your own pare v ticular head contour % Easy to switch from reg. ular eyeglass fronts to sunglasses * 4-transistor "Battery. Saver" circuit % Fingertip volume control and on-off switch See the fabulous Zenith "Parade of Progress" at your Zenith Hearing Aid Dealer's now. Pele fronts, and solsied with Zenith Eyeglass Hearing Aids are extra and available only through your gist, or optician. - FREE! Valuable booklet, "He: ing Loss and the Family Doctor." Know how to tell when a hears ing loss is a definite handicap, Written by a nationally promi. nent physician and published by Zenith Radio Corporation. Get your free copy from your Zenith Hearing Aid Dealer. He's listed Of Field Marshal They claim that smelt, eels TORONTO (CP) Field and reduced plankton feed are|M a rshal Viscount Alanbrooke cutting their catches of blue and|rays he was responsible for Gen, yellow pickerel herring and|A. G. L. McNaughton's retire whitefish to nearly nothing. ment as commander of the Cana- Dozens of fishermen in this|dian Army. area, where the industry sup-| The wartime chief of the Im. ports about 8,000 men, women|perial General Staff glves no and children, expect to be out of specific reason for the action, business by 1961. The reference is contained in the Campaigns for federal and pro-| second volume of his war diaries, vincial support to develop a|soon to be published under the hatchery program have not been |title Triumph in the West. Serial successful. rights in Canada are held by | "We can see no other salva-| Maclean's Magazine which car- {tion," says Cecil Martin, presi-| ries the McNaughton excerpt in dent of the Ontario Fishermen's its current iss Co-operative. "Nor are we ery- ing wolf. Lake fishing is dying. it's the blackest period since lake fishing began. 'width' and 'depth' in the exami- nation of problems was a factor I never got over. He would select individual pieces of the vast jig- saw puzzle which we had in front of us and concentrate on them at the expense of all others." Montgomery -- *'I had to tell him off and ask him not. to meddle himself in everybody else's affairs . . . as usual he took it well." Eisenhower--"Eisenhower has got absolutely no sirategical out- look. He makes up, however, by! the way he works for good eo operation between allies." -~ | Chiang Kai-Shek -- "A shrewd high|but small man." WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE S. -RA 81651 LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS | | CUSTOM FIREPLACE | ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 35-4632 BUY NOW in the Yellow Pages. AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE SPRING LOADED MAIL SLOT ~DELUXE KEY LOCK OUTFIT --DISTINC {IVF FANCY GRILLE FREE -- FREE $12.55 VALUE NO DEPOSIT AND JUST $1.40 A WEEK rg Limited to One Per Customer | & RAB-8571 RA B8-8571 | LS EASY BUDGET TERMS / VER ° SU fom tinued: 'The latter is just back yay Ta 7E from Italy and is taking over the -- Canadian army. I have had to get rid of Andy McNanghton, ¢lve Crerar sufficient war experi- ence in Italy and get Monty to accept him with very limited ac- tive experience. All has now been accomplished with much anguish and many difficulties, but I have full confidence that Crerar will not let me down. I have, however, I am afraid, lost a very good friend in the shape of Andy McNaughton: I only hope he mav be able to realize ue the true situation to rise : r Alanbrooke noted in his diary enough for me not to lose his| Madame Chiang Kai-Shek Erie commercial that he had lunched with Lt.|fmendship." 'The more I see of her, the less H, D. G. Crerar. He con! When Gen. McNaughtom re-(I like her." | ' "LIVING SOUND" HEARING AIDS ZENITH HEARING AIDS available aot IMPERIAL PTIiCAL CO. LTD. C2TiC 22, SIMCOE ST. § RA. 5.1748) are @ Rebullt suite Complete restyling ® Replace damaged Replace cushions springs © ® S-yeer guorentee | .