Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 1 Oct 1959, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Octboer 1, 1959 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Teenager Asks How To Solve | | | ! : | doesn' p i sery- of the h b h Problem Of Father's Atfitude [it mee fowins ut evers-of the se besnmmes much more Dear Mary Haworth: I am ajand who seemed to pay you girl, 14 Recently I went with my marked attention. seout troop to the beach for a| Unfortunately your dad let] week, Our group had five chap-|anxiety get the upper hand. An- erones |ger is always related to anxiety. There I met a real nice boy, And in this instance, his anger 16 I didn't date this boy, but we and anxiety signify, I think, that| always went together with the he doesn't really know vou very group and had chaperone s.|well. He feels somewhat a stran- Every one of the chaperonesiger to the young lady you are| thought he was one of the nicest|budding into--because he hasn't| boys they had ever met. He was|taken the time through the years| as nice to me as anyone ever|to keep close to you, psychologic- | has been. lally, in terms of understanding. When I came home and told| f my parents, my mother didn't TAKING PROFIT have much to say. It was my| If only he knew you as parents father who got mad. He said should know their children, well | that a girl 14 is too young to go enough to have confidence in with poys; but as I explained, we | your good taste, or in the right- didn't "date." {ness of your instincts in the field My father is trying his best to of friendship; or if he could feel keep me his little baby irl; He usufizbly that be had alread: ne one ob of building deep doesn't want (o realize That Yam self-esteem intc your character, growing up. Do you ' pk a he wouldn't be so fearful of boy- fair to be so old - fas aopel influence in your life. But be- Please give me some go a "|cause he feels taken by surprise, ice. K.Y. and unpreparea--not up to the FEAR AT ROOTS mark--on these various points, Dear K. Y.: I regret to say that|e is suddenly alarmed; and dis- vour father's aftitude was wrong, (agreeable abou it. : in getting angrily upset at your As for good advice: what is happy account of meeting a very|there te say. to a girl, 14, except nice boy whom you liked a lot; to adjust to the disciplines of and who was your special friend family rule. It your father hap- during your heavily chaperoned pens to be unfair--in punishing week at the beach. - you, more or less, for his p, : : | sonal inadequacies--that is a tr The sensible fatherly reaction that you'll just have to bear, with would have been to listen kindly, i; help of God. until you reach with watchful interest, to your adult, self-governing age. report on the events of 3 ar Meanwhile try to accept these week. And to have goverge als tests of growtn with such grace feelings with reason, when hey .i° vo character will be was swept bv mixed emotions, o,, vifieq rather than scarred in about your enthusiasm for theiy, process. In short, learn to very nice boy, whom all admired 54 tise patience, sweetness and - courtesy. until these virtues be- in dealing with M.H. come a habit, difficult next-of-kin. THANK-YOU NOTE Mrs K. Is Equal To Press Women Dear Mary Faworth: I want to take just a minute to tell you * WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mrs. dio are t : Nina Khrushchev, in her first how on Phin Souk) ape formal press conference, show e way in which you can sift Der Ti yore ev ery bit as sharp through all the sand-in-the-eye Be er \amous a more and lift out the truth, is a source eT temper cons . of fresh wonder and delight to me gven, .. |each time. Thanks for helping me Mrs. Khrushchev met with/t; better understand this world women reporters Friday in the ful] of people. Sincerely yours, Yving room of Blair House. W. True. there were no barbed) Dear R.G.W.: When a man im- queries or hot potatoes to-sed. putes clarity of perception to a" But Mrs. Khrushchev seized on|woman, and credits her with add- several innocuous questions to|ing to his understanding of peo- drive home some of the differ-|/ple, well, mv friend, I consider ences in Russian and American that praise indeed. Thanks very eustoms. much for your kind words. M.H. The press conference itself, for| Mary Haworth, counsels instance, was a brand new ex- through her column, not by mail Redecorate your Home With Washable Paints By ELEANOR ROSS (look, without remodeling the fam- A new season and a new decor- ily budget. | lating job tie in together, This| For as winter looms, the inside ho If their friends like to come to! being a mother and a hostess. | Home, sweet home is important | friends in--and you're fortunate if shades and these little things will, they want to entertain at home. |transform a room as if by magic. ors you haven't been living with| your house, you're a success at|you can, just for the fun of it. Buy some washable paint in col-| Change the furniture around if jor these many years and see how | they give a lift to the place. most important, in the develop-| ment of young people, but you: can't make them love their home by simply telling them they ought to. What you can do for pef- all over again, of course. But it/ably did their summer entertain does mean thinking about the|ing--as you did*--outside on the wonders that can be achieved patio or in the back yard. Nobody with a little fabric and a can of gave much thought to indoors. paint. But now you owe it to the whole = family to provide a fresh and in- NEW LOOK {an : 1 With a bit of imagination and| iting setting for indoor living. some work, there are ways and ENTERTAINING FRIENDS is to see that it is as| attractive and comfortable and] clean as you can make it. | Any family budget should allow | for an occasional change of scene and it doesn't take too much ef- fort or money, Buy fresh slipcovers and cur- tains, maybe a few bright pillows means of giying the house a new! The children will have their or a new scatter rug or new lamp- INTRODUCING NEW of Marie Marlowe BEAUTY BAR 37 PRINCE STREET Over Rose Bowl PHONE RA 5-2141 Z MARIE MARLOWE Colour Technician with "CLAIROL INC." LADIES:- | wish to thark everyone who made it possible for me to be successful in business, | am and Betty will appreciate your patronage and enjoy serving you as | have. Both girls ara well qualified. sure June Alma Mchonay will be continuing as part-time operator, | am leaving for an extensive course on Hair colcuring in New York City with "CLAIROL INC." Wishing you the best in Hair Care. Marie. Marlowe | Marie Marlowe. NAGEM ENT be aR JUNE DURHAM MANAGERESS Experience in ENGLAND -- OSHAWA TORONTO FOR APPOINTMENT CALL RA 5-2141 ALICE ANN'S BEAUTY SHOP, BETTY PRESTON Formerly of PETERBORO for travel, gift or sachet guest tablets of YARDLEY lavender soap Hard-milled, quality guest soap by Yardley of London, in individual tablets for personal use or thoughtful giving. Yardley Lavender Guest Soap, 3 tablets for $1.15. the luxury soap of the world SHOP Woolworth's 28 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 3-4621 perience, ard she admitted some OF personal interview. Write her trepidation at the outset. in care of this newspaper. She was asked how she spent her time at home, was it mostly bousework or charity work? She quickly replied: "I don't do any charity work. In our country /all that in your ¢ountry requires charity, collec-| tion or funds and so on--the state takes care of all that." SPEAKS IN RUSSIAN Dressed in a white and grey figured dress, Mrs. Khrushchev, glthough she knows some English, spoke in Russian through an in- terpreter. She first met Khrushchev at Stalino in the early '20s, she said, while che was teaching an adult education class and he was study- {ng mining and engineering. They were married in 1924. She said Khrushchev's first wife died in a famine. There were| two children by that first marri- N n A 3 gee- Julia, 20 3 38 Killed In) CARPET DEPARTMENT She is the mother of the other (DOWNSTAIRS) three Khrushchev children, Rada, 2¢, Sergei, 24 and Yelena, 21, a Moscow University student who did not come aleng on the trip. "Wives of our promnent offi eials," she said in answer to a question, 'have no official duties to perform in our country. Most of the wives of our prominent of- ficials work. I used to work too." She doesn't like housework, she added. drawing some applause from the womer reporters. Her household, she said, has a cook, a maid and a serving girl, "but 1 don't pay them--they are em- ployed and paid by the state." WEDDING Size6'x 9 Size9' x12 '& INVITATIONS decorating . . © ANNOUNCEMENTS © ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIF" 'REGISTER WALMSLEY AND MAGILL 9 KING ST. EAST RA 5-3506 on quality Broadloom du TTT TTT can save you a great deal of grief, and money too. and a costly disappointment that "just missed". LER HARDINGS VISCOSE Tweed Broadioom Regularly $ 7.95 Sq. Yd. r Sq. Yd. D 12 FT. PERFECT QUALITY Deep-pile luxury for your home . . Fine quality 100% dream possible. Carpeting that will stand up mag strain. 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If you are planning any kind of . from re-doing a nook to furnishing a new home, the helpful services of our experienced staff It often makes the difference between a "Dream Home" =~ SALE PRICE 104.25 all yours this week Hoover FLOOR POLISH Complete With ER 34" Buffing Pads COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS *P.O.M.G. *Peace of Mind GUARANTEED No matter what you buy . . . no matter what you pay « + » when you shop at Cherney's there is always that little Extra Satisfaction of Knowing You Bought Right. You may take advantage of Cherney's Everyday Low Prices or you may pick up extra savings during a sale but when it comes to giving you what you pay for . . . dollar for dollar, Cherney's win hands down in Quality, Famous Brands and Service and overwhelming Customer Preference. It's like they say . . . once a Cherney- customer -- ALWAYS a Cherney customer. You shop with confidence Peace of mind guaranteed HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER SALE PRICE FIRST Usait Our NEW MODERN STORE Self-service and air-conditioned for your convenience and. comfort. For the Cold Winter Nights Ahead CHILDREN'S -- MISSES' -- LADIES -- COSY FUR TRIMMED SLIPPERS Children's sizes 6- 12; Misses 12 - 3; Ladies 4 - 9, Pair "LA | Special Value! PLASTIC LILY OF THE VALLEY Realastic--Decorative acs 10) Plant DUTCH BULBS This Fall Come and see our large selection of Narcissas, Daffodil, Hyacinth and numerous other bulbs. SMARTLY STYLED / BOUDOIR or T.V. LAMPS Reg. 2.98 1.97 Tc SALE BUDGIES -- 4.95 CHROME CAGE and BUDGIE 496 The Newest Advance In Writing VENUS AUTOMATIC BALL PEN Guaranteed to write a full year, 365 days, or a new Refill Free. only 1.29 Uist Cun NEW LUNCHEONETTE DELICATESSEN and BAKERY COUNTER Serving you with wonderful food made from Woolworth's world-wide famous recipes. 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