Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Sep 1959, p. 3

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AT A RECENT MEETING of | with his 13th badge. Only four the 17th Wolf Cub Pack, Jack | or five cubs in the past 20 or 25 Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. | years in Oshawa have been Garth Gillespie, was presented | able to make as great an SCHOOL PROGRAM Board Seeks Approva For Debenture Issue The Oshawa Board of Educa- Rev. P. Coffey voted against the tion voted, Monday night, to/motion on the grounds that it apply to city council for permis- should have read $2,000,000 as estimated by the department 'You won't get it for any less," said Father Coffey, "especially if some of the things asked for by sion to issue debentures in the amount of $2,375,000 for construc- tion purposes over the next two years. Council Suggests | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 22, 1959 PUC Run Buses achievement. Seen here is Cub- | Present for the award were an, maste; Ernie Whiting making | Honor Six of the 17th B Pack | Oshawa Scouts the presentation of the badge. | and an Honor Patrol made up | --Oshawa Times Photo CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Ross Williams, 292 King streei east; Ronald Hall, RR 3, Bowmanviile; Donna Bur- rows. Courtice; Shirley Wood, Taunton road west; Karen Tonkin, 292 Hillside avenue; George Harris, King street east; Gordon Murphv, 393 Centre street; Matt King, 49 Stevenson road north; Mrs, E. Lang, 249 Burk street: | Given : Year ] For Break-In "Love is a strange and splen- did thing," Magistrate F. S. Ebbs was told, Monday, concern-| Benjamin Wonsch, 19, of 96] Watson Ave., Toronto, who "had| the nerve to get married while| a charge of breaking and enter-| ing was hanging over his head." | | | | ing »|with the new Donevan Collegiate Institute that construction costs in Oshawa were closer to $13 per square foot. An" original Fletche quarter The magistrate countered with: | "It's a strange thing, but some- times not so splendid." He sent-| enced the accused to one year| definite, and one month indefi- motion of Trustee one and three dollars but this 's read million hoard members, such as a swim- was later changed as it was felt Mrs. Mary Berger, 203 Chad- Of this, $1,750,000 will be eaj marked for the construction of the proposed new R. S. McLaugh- lin composite school, which was valued by officials of the Ontario Department of Education at $2,000,000. The remaining board's estimate the 1960 building that nite in the Ontario reformatory. unduly alarm city 150 that the present y by some hoard Members burn street; Frank Krem, 109 Mrs. Melville Nipigon street; R 1, Hampton. The first five persons to in form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive doubic tickets to The Regent The for four-week per attraction Ann Frank.' Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. ming pool and auditorium, are added to the plan." Wonsch was charged with breaking into the National Gro- cers warehouse, 72 Bloor St. E., July 6. He married a 17-year-old girl, two weeks ago He ould like a chance to start ife Ebbs a suspended sentence the accused much| past. He remarked the police and probation officer did not get much co-operation. | STRINGS ATTACHED School Naming Difficult Task - governgr before this might uncil and application was m and could be changed second reading if later original Father Coffey said that the de-|* partment officials had not taken these extras into consideration when they made their estimates procedur- follow- found al ing inadequate Of the $625,000 gram 1 $ used for the purch: of on Wilson road south for the pro- posed new public school which the board has formally ap proved. Three Jailed For Break-In Two girls and a youth were he his said the told of $625,000 of the cost program 1s the magistrate CSTIMATE LOW building pro G. A. Fletcher, the finance committee the department estimate been based on theefigure of per square foot whereas it 'had been the experience of the board chairman of for 5,000 would be said that had $15 S¢€ 2 Site over. Magistrate $ Di is "The Diary NOT UNANIMOUS s 'The Diary The vote was not unanimous as Trustees W. T. Werry, M Brown, Mrs. Margaret Shaw and apparently senior did not do good in the City Servicing Rule To Stand Ald. Walter R. Branch, chair-jed ownership several times and jailed by Magistrate F, S. Ebbs, | man of the board of works, told|this speculation tends to push the Monday, for their part in the at- city council Monday night that cost of lots higher and we are not tempted breaking and entering after confereaces with the Osh- convinced that prepaid services of Ruddy Electric Wholesale awa Euilders' Association and are the only reason for the high|itd., Sept. 12. le in. buil Ivan M. McDonald, 22, refer- red to. by the magistrate, as the {ringleader in the escapade, was {sentenced to one year definit and three months, indefinite, the Ontario reformatory Shirley Temperten, 21, {sentenced to two months in the -- | county jail. The magistrate re- primanded her for not behaving | and for "living with this manit, find eut it was impossible. under such disgusting circum- stances." Eleanor Karpinski, 16 the practice of 5 per cent convey-|areas. ance and the present policy in re-| "Affer giving serious considera- lation to the servicing of subdivi-|tion to this problem we feel that sions would continue. {there is not too much wrong with Said Ald. Branch: "The con-our present policy and for that cern of our committee is two-fold reason the board of works com- or the matter of servicing sub- | mittee recommends our policy as divisions. Will the cost of prepaid outlined above." services price the lots out of the|- -- [Ee of eapesies tae ows .. ot. : : Traffic Clinic Starts Tonight Bureaucracy works in strange lieutenant ways. {reply was e W. G. Bunker, business admin-| suggesting 2 bo to 1 in| 15trator of the Oshawa Board of Department of External Affairs. "| Education, Monday night told the] Two letters were board of the steps he had gone|department. A reply was mission to name the new school advising the board that Princess on Harmony road north she could be present at the open- more of the costs of the new sub- divisions, we are forced to keep then, Governor - General Vincent the school at ali times. in mind our ver capita debt and was|Massv seeking his aid in secur-| It was then decided by our future mill rate. sentenced to one month the ing permission. A reply was re- board 'o write once again to Mr. "It should be noted that a great SOUY 2 Magist Ebbs|ceived from his secretary sug-|Massey, this time asking his per le: he land available for % a: |asked that she consider going to|gesting the board refer the mat-|mission to name the school after teal of te iW 3 The Oshawa Traffic Clinic, tp, people who wish to help her, ter to the Lieutenant-Governor of him. which was inaugurated last year,|after serving. her sentence. It Ontario It is will hold its first session of the was testified, earlier ha Two letters were written to the|cial opening on Nov. 10. fall season in _the courtroom atian uncle in Smith's Falls and the Oshawa Police Building at|¢rjends in' Toronto. who would 7.30 p.m. today. help her if she wished subdividing in the city has chang- will be conducted] Ann Weldon, 17. who was also Accused To Hand Trial ol rm do arten jn te, ion, 1s Department. An officer of the|/could not appear the mur- Ontario Provincial Police willlcourt to be sentenc four der. Nick Krywko, 66, of 260 also be in atfendance to accused gave t resses Annis St., was committed for|With the instruction classes 200 King St. W trial by a higher court, in Osh- awa Magistrate's court, Monday . Will Not Pay in she Whytehaven Seen Example Of Need OTTAWA (CP) A Canadian|to be Welfare Council publication says tions that menace Whytehaven "debacle" has and welfare." shown the need for strong family |service agencies. An editorial in the bi-monthly Canadian Welfare expresses the session before Charged with attempted i AR assis weir add as in condi- their The clinic is open to all driv herded together ers of motor vehicles in the Osh- awa area who are interested in improving their driving ability The clinic officials are also anxious that parents of teen- agers, who are learning to drive Krywko was charged following the a June 13 shooting at his home. John Worobec, 63, of Conant St was taken to Oshawa General It adds: "There is no doubt the people who brought their children to Whytehaven felt they Hospital, at the time, with two stomach wounds Worchec was sitting on a chair, in the kitchen, when he was shot from short range, Andrew Druz- nik, 54, also from the Conant St. address, received a broken ankle and face cuts during the fight Police said the men had been Travel Cost A | Da e help. But surely indiscriminate foster care for children solved no fundamental problems. "What is required is the kin hope Mrs. Bertha (Mom) Whyte's Mildred Children's home near Bowman- n teach. ville, will not be allowed to re » Schoel, open, and that people will call in the experts for help when they of agency {. want strengthen community family vellare services Last month some 110 Whyte- for children. ishould have their children at- tend The next clinic will be on Tuesday evening, Sept. request by Mi a kindergarte in South Simcoe Publ that anted trave penses red by a ule r her to South Simece in the morni dso helc ason, 29 she g ex i to vice, including, new Retired Lawyer Dies In Toronto TORONTO (CP) say ry Lodge, Ault Cameron 93, retired ing that there was nothing in her Seniembes |lAWYeEr who for 26 years was contract saying she only had to 2200 | president of the Homewood Sana- RUMMAGE sale Simcoe Hall, Wednes-|torium at Guelph, died Sunday. at day, September 23, 1 to 3 .m. under his, home here, : » auspices of Sunset Heights Group ya Mr. Cameron was a Bible class teach in two or three leader for 50 years and for 40 Miss Davidson's request was years was a member of the legal presented by Dr. C. M Elliott, Ros 221a firm of Osler, Hoskins and Har- Superintendent of public schools - court. He retired in 1949. Trustees G, A. Fletcher and 8 As president of the Homewood G. Saywell voted against the mo- Sanatorium, he instigated the tion. idea and superintended the de- sign and construction of the East- ern Gate, named the Camiyon Gate on the commemoration Qf th 50th anniversary of Home® wood He i5 survived by a son and a a. : __220b daughter. AUTUMN STYLES at UAW.A. HALL WED., SEPT. 23, 8 PM Adm va Board of nt Harmony in the after denied by the Oshawa Education Monday n : Trustee M Wellington | motion denying the reques a arguing about politics COMING EVENTS ATTENTION members LOBA 583 will be 23, 8 po noon teach in one school "She might be required he added RUNDLE Park, rummage sale, Park Road South, Wednesday afternoon, 2 KINSMEN BINGO | TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 JUBILEE PAVILION Nos. 55 and 53 FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES To Reconsider river Course The question of student driver |education in Oshawa secondary {schools was raised by the board lof education Monday night and {then referred to next Monday Liberal Women 'Choose President [Senne : aons ARNPRIOR (CP)---Mrs. A, G. Trustee G. A. Fleicher told the Gormai 'of Cornwall. has been board he was under the impres lo tamed president of the Eastern|sion that the matter had not beer Ontario Liberal Women's Feder. disposed of entirely but that it gtion. Vice-presidents are Mrs.|was still open for further study |W. J . Tubman, -Arnprior, and|and discussion {Mrs. Hugh Cooke, Brockville, | The board discontinued the stu- Some 75 women attended the|dent driving program which had | weekend convertion here. been in effect for some time, last | spring, SAXON CON | "I wonder if we are not re- TH C RE A K E. England sponsible to' the citizens of Osh- A «ilver penny issued awa in this matter he said : Mf Tru Mar Sh Mercia (757 to 796) has n objected ng that dri edu- found in a garden in this Norfolk cation was in no way connected 22a village, lwith school work. 3 /5¢ RADIO PARK BINGO 8 P.M. SEPT. 22 AVALON HALL 20 $6 ond $10 alth gome NOR CP dur numi Ing the reign o° Kir f re et IW ef no extrg charge | Brown proposed the A licient adult attention to the chil haven boarders were removed by| It said 'there are already the Ontario health department many agencies in Canada that vhich found them neglec¢ted provide such a service, but we under the Ontario Child Welfare need them in every part of the ct country as the Whytehaven de- "Information revealed at the|Pacle has made evident." time about conditions there--dirt,| = wer-crowding, fire hazards, seri ous illness, poor records, imsuf- Juvenile Escapees Are Recaptured ANCASTER dren--have gone some way to off- set the almost hysterical enthusi- asm the project has aroused in some quarters," says the edito-| rial, (CP)--Two juven- CAN'T PROVIDE NEEDS Brantiord were "We believe Mrs. Whyte has day when a stolen truck over- demonstrated conclusively her in- tuvited [during an 80-mile-an-hour capacity to assess the needs of chase b phiice fered sible {children brought to her, provide Wind wh HL Suliere o Pe properly for those in her care, |;s"ciion g. 1 . "easing th and conform to even the j18 stitches 1 close-a gash iu the mini-| mum standards set by child wel. |nead- fare and health laws." s the need tostolen car after their escape and and public knowledge of them is owned by Morris McLean of An- Police said the boys got as far : |as this Hamilton area town in a The editorial say . improve child welfare standards|then drove off in the pickup truck no reason for "allowing ghildren|caster. F. RICHARD BLACK DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY Is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the practice of OPTOMETRY at 136 SIMCOE ST. N. (at Colborne EXAMINING OF EYES OR NTA F GLASSE F APP EA AENT FITTING E A INTAC CHILDREN'S PHONE RA 3.4191 NTMENT F TRAINING PE SEE N 17th Oshawa of the leader from the 17th ment, for during the past twenty | complishment. { Jack i iMrs. Gar a day sasking thai a kindergarten sent by his secretary! the board write to the sent to the/was "putting the re-| Wasithrough to try and secure per-|ceived irom the secretary-of-state| the Margaret would permit her name these matters |*'Princess Margaret School," only being given to a new school only if}? Two letters were sent to the,|ing and keep in close touch with! the garten be added to the school «cheduled to have its offi- there was no room unless a port- yanked Hon. health|after installation needed |! necessary, temporary foster care! October iles who escaped Sunday night {from the Mohawk institution near | captured Mon-| Financial Problems | On the basis of a friendly and|- Mayor Gifford commented that|running a transportation system Wolf Cb To Be S thed Out | 140 De oS1mooine u {fruitful Friday night meeting the report attempted to answer|and the handling of such an oper- Is Honored |.&iu is sme, a aor on with the Public Utilities Com- four questions: is a bus service ation by the local PUC. Jack Gillespie, -who resides at mission, Mayor Lyman A. Gif- necessary? Should a service be| It was noted that the latter 57 Chadburn St, was recently ford Monday night released an public or privately owned? If|system was particularly popular awarded his thirteenth badge byloptimistic report to city ecoun- ublicly owned, then what type|in cities with a population com- the Seventeenth Oshawa Wolf]cil. { commission set up to run it?|parable to that of Oshawa. Cubs, A Pack (St. Paul's). | The report held three recom- What is required to bring a And that the municipality ac- This is quite a rare achieve-|mendations. They were: transit system into operation? (quire buses, garages, etc.; the That the corporation of Oshawa In reply to the four questions,(CNR agreed to sell buses and to twenty-five years, only four or aquire the physical assets the mayor said: rent garages and maintenance fa- five cubs in the city of Oshawa|(buses, garages and maintenace! 1. The present bus system)cilities. have been able to Feach this ac-|facilities) of the present bus sys- handles more than three million| At last Friday's meeting, the [tem and obtain a lease of the passengers annually, A bus serv-|PUC tentatively agreed to take s the son of Mr. and garage and 'facilities on the terms ice is an essential service to a|over the operation of Oshawa's rth Gillespie, and has alto be negotiated; that the Public city even though there are some bus system subject to the ap- brother Kirk, who entered cubs| Utilities Commission be request- citizens who never use the facili-\proval of all facets of the plan this September. Jack attends Rit-|ed to operate and manage the ties {by city couneil. son Road Public School, where he system on a basis to be agreed| 2. The people showed in the last| Financial arrangements are ex- is in Grade 6 and is a steady|upon between the commission plebiscite that they did not' want pected to cause the biggest head- member in attendance at St, and the city; that the bus service a privately owned transit sys-|ache in the coming plans for the Paul's Presbyterian Sunday | committee be authorized to enteritem, attempt at a successful opera- School into negotiations on behalf of city] 3. The Foster report recom-|tion of a transit system by a In presenting the badge, the council with the CNR and the mended two methods of oper- body strange to all the problems cub master, Ernie Whiting, of the Oshawa PUC with a view to pre- ation, both in wide use in North of running such a system. Seventeenth Oshawa Cubs told|senting a concrete proposal for America; a special transit com-| Council passed the recommen- Jack that this was the first time the approval of city council. mission set up for the purpose of| dations unanimously, a . Students Canadian Nurses Meet Leaders |badges that were available in the Wolf Cubs and that he hoped Jack would carry on the same good work when he entered Scouts Present for the presentation In Ottawa The beauties of Canada's capi- tal were extolled Monday by Judy Norden, a Grade XIII stu- dent at the Oshawa Collegiate and|gejen" G, McArthur, director of Vocational Institute, in an ad ,,p5ing services of the Canadian dress at the meeting of the Ro- Red Cross Society, told the Com- tary Club of Oshawa in Hotel hired Nurses' Association of Osh- Genosha awa at the Northminster United Judy was chosen, on the recom- Church Monday night. mendation of her teachers, to Miss McArthur was speaking take part in the Adventure inafter a banquet held to open the! Citizenship in Ottawa last spring. Association's fall activities. |The event, which is sponsored by| For many vears Miss McArthur {the Rotary Club of Oshawa, is| has been active in the nursing Putting Cart Before Horse one of the major service projects organization and in 1951 she was undertaken by service clubs in| president of the Canadian Nurses' e M. Brown charged that|Canada. Association. During the : Korean "an odd of doing bus-| The 190 students, drawn from| War she spent 18 months in Korea i when the Oshawa Board of the provinces from coast to coast, |as the special representative of | Education had to wait for a.dele-|yere the guests of the Ottawa the Canadian Red Cross Societies. {gation of citizens before gather-|cervice club during their four-day yramans AMAZED ling facts on the advisability of giay in Ottawa and had the op- Miss McArthur suid. that {building a new classroom portunity of speaking and hear-leo ion doctors and nurses she | He was referring to the fact|s;o an address from many of thely 4 cooken with in Toronto dur- {that a de ion of ratepayers inl qos in Canadian life and of|ino the summer were amazed at {the area surrounding Mary Street | eeing the beauty spots of the he prestige of Canadian nurses. | Public School is scheduled to) i = 'Monetary Unit were an Honor Six of the Seven {teenth B Pack and an Honor Putrol, made up of Patrol Lead ers from the Seventeenth Oshaw Scouts, Says Board In the past vear nurses in Can- ada have reached a professional status where people were at last willing to listen to them, Miss 1- a Cily, |come before the board next Mon- ring their visit the students were presented with Canadian Ci- bp eg certificates by Prime Minister Diefenbaker i ns 0 ore the talks by the Hon, D. M. Fleming cart belore he Hon, L. B. Perason. They Mr, Brown replied that it was|toured the Parliament Buildings, the board's duty to investigate National Art Gallery, ye! independent of dele-\ment House, the RCMP training market soon may have its own rations of citizenry. | division ba Trustee Harold Armstrong said|points of interest. |a source close {o the Bel, hat the people in that area had| Among the highlights of the ernment said Monday. asked once before that a kinder-|visit was the panel discussion on/ The purpose of the special | various phases of Canadian citi- European currency would be to but were refused by the board. |zenship held at Carleton Univer-|increase the common market's Trustee Margaret Shaw asked |gjty, {prestige on the world monetary why they w refused and was| Rotarian George L. Roberts, | market, the source said. told by Trustee C, 'W. Minett that who introduced Miss Norden, also| The Euronit would be based on Michael Starr for/a special common market fund extended to/to be created in conjunction with Oshawa |the existing six - power overseas heir |iavestment fund. The author of the plan was _|Belgain Foreign Minister Pierre id |Wigny the gomee sail Iu = gx CBC Vice-Presi ent pected to be submitted to the Returns To Job | common markei's council of min- |isters during its forthcoming OTTAWA (CP) Ernest L. ell, 58, vice-president of the {meeting Oct. 15. CBC, returned to his desk Mon- The common market is made up of Belgium, France, West board that minor day after a three - month rest iready heen made from a heavy load of work and Germany, Italy, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. to the floor and that he expected | difficulties that beset the pub would soon have to be replaced licly owned corporation las entirely. spring and summer. be provided in that school. S. G. Saywel'. chairman of the board, told Trustee Brown that he horse." gian gov- able classroom were erected the hospitality he the students of the three collegiate institutes during t visit to Ottawa last year. Says Gymnasium Floor Heaved R MH. Lunney, maintenance supervisor for the Oshawa Board of Education, said Monday night that the OCClI gymnasium floor y not torily installed that d up" shortly Bushn | satisie it and 'he told the He repairs had ¢ WINDY AREA The Waverley Steps from Princes Street leading to the On Europe Mart SS E> BRUSSELS (Reuters) -- The Govern-iqiy . country European Common cks as well as other monetary unit -- the Euronit--/ 'Gain In Stature Nurses were now being called {upon by the College of Physicians |and Surgeons for their opinions and advice, she told the Com- |bined Nurses Association. "Ten years ago and even five we were begging to be heard on the telephone and were brushed aside ' Doctors were at last admit. ting that they did not know the answers in nursing and this was happening not only in Ontario but at a national level, Miss Me- Arthur said. STATEMENT INVITED For '25 years the Canadian Nurses' Association had tried to get a nurse on to the Dominion Council of Health. This year the council had not only asked for a {statement from the nurses on nursing education, but invited them to present it. Nurses still had their griev- ances, she said. Some of these would be presented to the min- ister of health soon, "Now that 65 per cent of the nurses in Ontario are willing to grapple with the outstanding {problems, we think he will listen te us," Miss McArthur said. | can give leadership to the world as no other women can," she | | Richard O. Cairns, 12 Wood- glen Rd., Toronto, was given a He was charged with breaking and entering Fred Fisher's Brit- view of interest shown by fam- ily, minister and school principal, Part of the terms of the sent. ence were that he is not allowed "We in Ontario have got what {we need to build on. We haye got to give leadership. Nurses said -- Given Ch ven uiance two-year suspended sentence, in Oshawa magistrate's court, Mon- day. ish Petroleum service station on Highway 2, west of Oshawa. Magistrate F. S. Ebbs said, in they should be given an oppor tunity to do what they can for the accused. § 7 rerle ilw ion, otorcycle and The subi re wii a Mr. Bushnell was given leave Waverley railway station, are|to have a car or moto = y a i = on tote in he shortly after his known as the windiest spot in he is to visit his minister every fhe I "paym atic appearance before the Edinburgh. Sunday. board approved payment of dram e fpvgl Bua 4.45 to Pathe and McLellan, Commons broadcasting commit-| that can give a fullllocal contractors, for repairs to|tee to deny charges of "clandes-! when |the floor rendered from July toltine political interference" with CBC management 1958. I First VISIT OUR NEW MODERN STORE Conditioned--Self Serve--Saves Time . MEN'S FELT INSOLES Reg. 29¢ pair SPECIAL 19¢ PAIR HEAVY 4-PLY QUICK NIT LKY WOOL 2-0z. skein--Reg. 69¢ SPECIAL 99° VISIT OUR MODERN LUNCHEONETTF Meat Specials! Wed. & Thurs. BOLOGNA «co 35° SHOULDER PORK CHOPS 2 .- 95° WEDNESDAY SPECIAL FRESH KILLED : Ib BOILING FOWL * THURSDAY SFECIAL °* CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS MEATY CHICKEN WINGS NECKS Ir- | 'BU ib. 39¢ 2 Ib. 19¢ 2 Ibs. 19¢

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