All told, the club is loaded with yearling sale Monday night atja bay colt by Chop Chop out of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 22, 1959 experienced trundlers and the To- i | Oshawa Has Strong Entry Tonto opposition oll Save Shen] SPOR I S IN BRIEF Winafieus Fabm, owied by Tor- Stalina. fe 1d work cut out to handle he loch: bad : entry. ERS OWN - The filly, by Bull Page out of! VANE DOLICE AID Bhd crossbars from the Salvosts, title will be at stake in' the 10- ° 0 RECORD |Sauadian marathon titles I in-{Fair Colleen, was purchased by pacific National Exhibition willl damaged go fi andr er in E | PLAYED MAJOR LEAGUES Th - "udi In Major 5-Pin ague aoe Jeg wib again be maw} BELGRADE (CP) -- Olympian|® ding two Somile marathons Frank A. Sherman of Hamilton.|agk for regular-duty police pro y iich were the only races of The colt, by op Chop from|tection at all future B.C Lions CHAMP TO FIGHT | | .C. | ERWIN, Tenn. (CP) -- Clar- be al isted .|lolanda Balas of Rumania f t : capably assisted by the old re jumped six feet, % inch Monday,|that distance in Canadian history| Famous Maid, went to Lansonfaothall 'games sf Empire Sta. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- World|ence W. (Tillie) Walker, 70 : ww ! : » , an Official wor! has been receiv-|vious Peterborc - Oshawa Re-|iigble ciub treasurer, Joe Zak. t { from thie. secretary of the/gional Champions -n' ' 10 4 Ito better her own world record --died Sunday. Farms. 0 Ons Citv Men's M aj 0 riSabins along with Ozzie Keeler, A A most gucoetstll season aby. half an inch, Tass reported. . An average of $11,070 was paid por § jy eT "Bobi Ne, gut fielder (Yh played ov. Was League stating that their 19560 Dick Adams and Bob Gulia | TEA Coe oO Or ans| WON 50-MILE RACE SELLS YEARLINGS for an ete 13. Colts and hour close of the game Saturday night featherweight Kingping of Britain, ers, ous five-pin season will open on Sat- have been on Regional Cham- how on it is with enthusiasm MIL C | TORONTO (CP) -- Top prices|fillies on the block. Larkin Ma-/in which Lions defeated 'Witni-|Oct ee ine] ng of 2 n, and Boston of the American wrday Bini y ¥ at 2 pam, plougiuy Shthe during the pas | at Se ous Low. gating] DARTMOUTH, NE. (CP)--Al- of $25,000 were paid for a bay|loney of Toronto, racing partner(peg 17-6. About 200 y 0 uth s manager said oy Rig shh oy B08 rr oR The Oshawa Tony's club willlannual events. . re wrence, 78, who wo! : : . Ws compete in ih league and n most filly and a bay colt in the annuallof Conn Smythe, paid $20,000 for stormed the field, ripped thelers will be overweight and nol.281. ~much is expected from this local entry in the rew season as the club has been strengthened con- siderably ung Sh BE ACADIA WRITES A BRIGHT NEW CHAPTER INTO CANADIAN INSURANCE HISTORY Gallagher, Denny Linton an John Hrico. Dick Adams was a member of the 1958-59 All Cana- dian Champions, Bob Gallagher and Henry Sarnovsky set an all- time record score for the Men's Doubles Championship in 1958 y 59, with a three game total of 1787, while Denny Linton holds the all-time bigh five 'total in Men's Singles competition at the Sportsman's Show. | In addition to the above re-| cords Bob Gallagher, Denny Lin- ton and John Hrico are all pre- sv pv protect ALL your Guess we still need some practice as our scores will show. Better luck next week, By the look of our lemon list we think we shauld forget them this week also, but we're not that good natured High Single: J. Slater 238, P. Ander- son 21] and E, Wilson 207 |] ® High Double: W. Scott 139 Lemon League: I. Hann 98, M. Pat-| terson 94, M. Taylor 90, D. Cowle 9%, 49, E. Stone 83, 39, M. Blow 81, K. Bickle 78, 1.-Way 76, E. Franklin 72, B, E. Taylor 71, 54, M. Norris 74, Brooks 57 and B. Stonebridge 57, 52. Standings: Whirlwinds 6, Jets 4, Bombers 4, Hopefuls 3. Pin Ups 3, Bees 2, Slowpokes 2 and Six Luckies 0. MOTOR CITY LADIES' LEAGUE Good to see so many in -the honor list this week! 600 Triples: Isabelle King 713 (224, 266, 223); Madeline Morrison 706 (296, 237), Marj. Vaughn 645 (239, 228); Blanche Norton 628 (272, 215); Bert Wight 624 (227, 207); Marg. Glecoff 624 297). (265) and Isabelle Creamer 609 ( 200 Singles: Lois Burden 292, Lila Huxtable 260, Marion Thomas 250, Aud- rey Hodgson 222, Vera Szikszay 216, Olive Teatro 213, Ev. Stata 211, 206, Phoebe Mullins 210 and Elsie Smith 09 B® Rocketts, Hi Fi's, Sizzlers, Six Aces, took all four points from Shamrocks, Skippers, Happy Six and Pixies Maypoles, Headliners, Comets all took three points from Chipmunks, Flyers, and Jesters, who took one point . FRA RBN ETE ORLY each. Lemons and Blue Bells split two , points each Team Standing: Sizzlers, Six Aces 8, Hi Fi's 7, Chipmunks, Blue Bells, Comets, Flyers 5, Rocketts, Maypoles, Lemons 4, Shamrocks, Headliners 3, Jesters 2, Happy Six 1, Skippers, Pixies| 0. Your new press reporter will be Pru Whittick | | CATHOLIC LEAGUE We are underway again for another) season. Some of our howlers turned in| some nice scores. Some others would| not like to have their scores mention-| ed. Congratulations to Ted Powers A b -- 3 : with a single of 306 7 | co) 1 \ | High Singles: Jean Dickison 240 and ' yg i £2 com -- spn Ted Powers 306 R a 1 3 : High Triples: Yvonne Bachend 607 . EF y : i and Harry Dickison 691 -y 3 i wit "i Those over 225: Art Moreau 238, Ted 3 % lo Powers 306, Leu Trattner 264, John Planeta 229, Harry Dickison 228, 252, Joe Olesky 244, Joe Wrubel 237, Jean Dickison 240, Matt Halik 233, 274, Alex Korkush 254, Zelia Moreau 228, Mike McGrath 236, Ed. Mothersill , Olga Trimble 249, Neil McAllister 249, Dick Harriman 226, Joe Thiemann 232. Bill Hickey 244 and Mary Mothersill 238. RADIATOR DEPT. LEAGUE Team Standings: Shots 7, 6, Lucky Strikes 4, Gutter-f snines 4. Lucky Six 4, Musketeers 4, Wiffers 2, Blazers 1. Considerable improvement was shown last night over opening night.. We are looking forward to a season keen competition and much higher averages. Lucky Strikes took the luckless Blazers for 4 points, the only shutout of the night. The Hot Shots defeated the Guttersnipes 3 to 1, and those Hot Shots are really hot. The Champs won ovor the Lucky Six 3 to 1 with Bll Maxwell and Walt Fry being big guns for the winners. Bill Romanuk and J $ Jack Milne bowled well but in a losing 04 cause. The Musketeers set back the Wiffers, also a 3 to 1 game, with cap tain Howard Vann showing the way. « The Wiffers are starting to ga une}: tracked, and we are expecting big things from them. (Burdette Dales, and Frank Locke, please note). Yours truly forgot his bowling shoes, had to rent a pair and then bowled 723 (244, 8, BY. ArT ae want to buy a pair of Iw ? Other very nice triples were by How. Chances are, many o i i KAREN hp Chisness are, | y J your household possessions, your benefits. If you qualify for any one of several preferred 9 2 yo yr I, are 2 ready protected by insurance. Then, classes of automobile drivers, under the A-Plus Plan you ne ) om Buch 00s G10). | y iid Recs o mind this protection brings. But isn't automatically becon = eligible for reduced rates. Your Acadia oot 259, Ross Stevenson 247, Dou 4 * n p rying to budget for half-a-dozen-or-so pre- man will be happy to explain the special classifications to Taylor 247, Bill Moire 239, Roy Mec- » f: . Ho" Clarence. All 326. Bill Keenan miums, falling due every so often--sometimes during awk- you when you see him for your automobile coverage, 233, Clarence Allen 226, Bill Keenan ' . 209, Bill Newell 218, Willard St. Louis ward, financially-strained periods of your year? Of wdiilse 202, Gurd Smith 201 ag 4 it is! But now, at last, with the introduction of the all-new BIGGEST PLUS OF ALL! ACADIA'S EXCLUSIVE "MORT- al Post went from the siblime to e iculous e owl the igh single of the night and then went down 1 . Acadia A-Plus Plan, you can do something about it! GAGE PAYMENT PROTECTION"! This attractive bonus is yours and goes into effect the minute you enrol in the Plan, to a brilliant 87; but he still didn't match Wes Keenan's smashing 65. We nad a few other old faithfuls in the ONE LOW PREMIUM PROTECTS ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS! TE oa ¥ y : verage, complete or partial! Here's how it works: should you become totally disabled by acci- Lemon League: Namely George Pratt dent, or suffer an accidental death, Acadia will pay off your a. hi i hiss fue ¥ First big plus of Acadia's revolutionary new A-Plus Plan | One premium guards your automobile, your home, your mortgage. The cost? A surprise -- this exclusive feature costs less than $10 a year for most householders. BRITISH household effects and personal belongings against fire, theft and casualty. You simply name the items you wish insured: FILM WEEK if you don t wish all your possessions covered, your Acadia STARTS TOMORROW man--the man with the revolutionary new A-Plus Plan iL w ; ; Wi ; \ -- 'ON-THE-SPOT" CLAIMS SETT i i 1 Gir Ti d . r THIGH: ? bid Zed te le ¢ i to your individual portant plus--fifth big plus in EVTLEMENT! A Pi: Log Sein? . -- one low premium to pay! Once your Acadia man insures 3 SN you under the Plan, you can ei " I | THREE EASY WAYS TO PAY! 1. Two-month portion of be sure that if you.ever have a claim, you'll get as YO van ie ins presi own, the balance in 10 monthly payments, second to none. Never an annoying delay when it comes . Quattery, 3. semi-annually. Simply choose the one to settling up--Acadia settles your claim on the spot! Any which best suits your budget. All three are designed with present Acadia policyholder will vouch for this. Sour Sonvenience in mind. The second big plus in the all-new AGADIA'S A-PLUS PLAN IS ALL-CANADIAN! This sixth b SPECTASCOPE 1 3 j . i : , er | SPECIAL MONEV.SAVING AUTOMOBILE INSUR plus in Acadia's all-new A-Plus Plan is well worth remember- . BILE ANCE ing. Acadia knows the i dians; CATEGORIES! Big plus number three in this great Plan' of protected Canadian a Com Hay DAVID TOMLINSON PEGGY CUMMINS BRIAN REECE EUNICE GAYSON ADDED FEATURK cad 1a INSURANCE COMPANY--Established 1862 380 BAY STREET, TORONTO, CANADA FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL YOUR LOCAL AGENT TODAY: W. B. WHITE INSURANCE LTD. A. S. ROSS Toronta-Dominion Bank Building BIL [o]ide nr eae] 110 KING ST. EAST-OSHAWA, ONTARIO 6 KING ST. WEST-OSHAWA, ONTARIO & 'CITY of FEAR' | RA 5.3579 RA 3-493 932--RES: RA 3-2810