'IN PICKERING TOWNSHIP | Group Plans 1000, However, that is intended by| : © the society executive as only a tober 1 when representatives of NIKITA FILLS SUPERMARKET Bedlam prevailed in one of | Nikita Khrushchev made an un- San Francisco's largest super- | scheduled visit to the store. Pic- markets when Soviet Premier ' ture shows police and security the smiling Soviet chiel. officers making a passage for --AP Wirephoto History Site BROUGHAM (St aff) -- Pick-|tive does not anticipate too much ering township's enterprising his-|trouble in getting the initial $10,- torical society headed by ex-reeve|000 required to get the scheme William Lawson is seeking $10,- under way. A meeting is planned for Oc- start in a campaign which will|all organizations throughout the result in one of the most ambi-|township will be asked to support |tious historical exhibits in On-|la public campaign to raise the [tario . perhaps in Canada. money. The committee seeks to pur-| In addition, an appeal for aid chase the old Brougham school- will be sent through the mail to house, which recently celebrated all former residents of the town- its centenary, and which has just ship. been replaced by a new, modern Later, a bigger public meeting structure. It also seeks to move is planned when the full project [the old Greenwood school to the|will be explained. The executive | Brougham site, in addition an old expects that with sufficient pub- {log cabin, donated by N. Corshis, (lic support pledged, the provin- ljr., said to be one of the oldest cial government may also contri- |habitations in the township. bute its share of the total cost | Complete plans call for the pur- of the project. chase of additional land adjoining |-- rt the one and a half acres on which U.S. GAS TAX GOES UP the schoolhouse stands, so that! WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi [other old buildings can be located gant Eisenhower Monday signed = the site. a bill increasing the federal gaso- | Although the society has only line tax one cent a gallon for 21 been in existence for a few|months starting Oct. 1 to help \onths, a great deal of work has|pay for the 41,000-mile interstate Leen accomplished, and the execu-'highway building program. the Canadian legislative board of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (CLC). Trade Deficit - Mr. Argue sai e estimated Seen Explosive trade defi of $837,000,000 in the first half of the year indicates OTTAWA (CP)--Hazen Argue.Capada is headed for another de- CCF leader in the Commons ficit of more than $1,000,000,000 Monday likened Canada's foreignthis year, the fourth straight de- trade deficit to "a time - bombyjeit that will at some time explode Only the present flow of eut- with devastating effect to thegide investment in Canada could of the WMS was held at the home be observed Oct. 4 at 11 am Canadian economy." support a deficit of this size "At a time when Canada'swithout serious difficulties. But overseas trade is dwindling wethis meant more and more Cana- are being more firmly bound todian assets were held outside the the American colossus," he toldcountry, Brooklin | | By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | | BROOKLIN -- The September meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Mrs. Gordon Hunter. Com- mittee in charge was Mrs, R. Hodson, Mrs Thearon Kivell, Mrs. M. Agar. Mrs. T. Kivell led devotions | A brief review of the new study book "African Manhunt" was TELEVISION LOG CHCH-A'V Channel 1l1--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto |presented by Mrs. Thearon Kiv- fell, assisted hy Mrs. R. Hodson. President, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, presided for the business session Refreshments were served by WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalec WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester the hostess and the committee. WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WEEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalc SUNSHINE GROUP MEETS TUESDAY EVENING | 8:16 AM. 500 P.M ¢~Captain Kangaroo 11--Family Theatre | 8.30 P.M. 6--World Passport | 7--Devotions 5---Playhouse 9:0 4--Fun To Learn 3--Three Ftlooges 5:15 P.M é--Feature Film 530 P 4--Edge of wignt WEDNESDAY P.M, 5:00 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 6--Albert's Place 5--Playhouse | 4--Fun To Learn | 4--Popeye's Playhouse 3-Three Stooges 2-District Attorney 515 P.M, 9:30 A.M. 6--Rope Around the Sun 7---Romper Room 4--Feature Film 5--Favorite Story 5:30 P.M. 2--Helen Neville 7--Mickey Mouse AM. 7---Komedy Korner 5--Burns and Allen 7--Disney Time 6--Sky King Mrs. Alfred Wilson was hostess |to the Sunshine Group of the WA {when Mrs. Alfred Wilson, Mrs. {Charles Elliott and Mrs. Alastair Fraser conducted devotions. | Leader Mrs, Elwood Stevenson conducted the business session land Mrs. Charles Elliott showed |rolored slides of the Grand Can- yon, Disneyland and points of in- terest during a recent trip. 'Groups Meet 2---Woody W-odpecker 6.00 P.M. 11-6--News 7--Early Show 2---Willie Wonderful 615 P.M, 6--Lawrence Welk 6.30 PA 11--Family Theatre 8-4-2---News: Weather 645 P.M 8---Huntley-Brinkley Report 8--Donna Reed 4--Eyewitness to FEistory | 11--News $3-2--Laramie 00 P.M. 11.6--Chevy Show 4--Joserh Cotton . 3 PM. 7---Wyatt Earp 4--To Tell The Truth 5-2--Fibber McGee 9:00 P.M 11.6---Front Page lenge 7--Rifleman $5-2---Jerome Kern 4--Tightrope 9:30 P.M. 11-6--Importance ' of Be- ing Earnest 7--Naked City 4--Playhouse 10:00 P.M, 7--Alcoa Theatre 4--Andy Williams 10:30 P.M, Chal- 4--Life of Riley 10:00 AM, 4-On The Go 5,2--Dough Re Mi 10:30 AM, 7---Morning Show 5,2-- Treasure Hunt 4-Sam Levenson 11:00 A.M. $,2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AML 4-Top Dollar $.3--Concentration 12:00 Noom 11--Cartoons Board 7--Across The 8,2-Tie Tac Dough &-News and Weather 2:15 P.M. 4--Speaker of the se 12:30 P.M. 7--Pantomime Quis 5,2--It Could Be You 4--Search for 1omorrow 12:45 P.M, 11~Movie Matinee 4-Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 2---Mid-day Matinee | 7--Music Bingo | 5--Feature Movie | 4--~Burns and Allen 1:30 P.M. ¥--Far the Ladies | &--The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day in Court 2-Queen For A Day 4--Better or Worse | 2:15 P.M. | 11--Movie Time l 2:30 P.M | 7--Gale Storm | 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 6--Huckleberry Hound 2-Bengal Lancers 7--Early Show 11-6--News 3--Jet Jackson 6:15 P.M, 6---Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--~News; Weather 6:45 P $--Huntley-Brinkley Re) 6-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid S--Leave it to Beaver 4--Mackenzie's Raiders 3--Playhouse 6---Disney Presents §-3---Wagon Train 4--Colonel Flack 8:00 P.M. 11--Ontario This Week 7--Court of Last Reso: 4--Eyewitness To History 8:3 P 11-8---Live Life 7--Ossie and Harriet 52-Price Is Right 4--Trackdown 900 P. 11--~Wrestling 7--Playhouse 6-5-2---Music Hall 4--The Millionaire 7--San Francisco Beat 8-5-2--Bat Mastersen Mrs. Alastair Fraser showed slides of her recent trip to Eng- {land. Lunch was served by the | commitiee. IRALLY SERVICE PLANNED The annual Sunday School rally day of the Brooklin United Church will be held Sunday fol-| lowed by promotion services. | A baptismal service will be! WMS | Annual Junior Farm Service UXBRIDGE (Special) -- Jim [Needham of Ripley, - provincial Junior Farmer president, will be guest speaker at the annual On- tario County Junior Farmer church service to be held Sun- day, at 8.00 p.m. in Greenbank United Church, Mr. Needham is farming at Ripley and has been carrying on t for excellent work in his own commu- at/nity as well as attending to his held during the 11 o'clock serv- ices. World Communion Sunday will at United Church. The CGIT will resume fall ac- tivities Monday at 7 p.m. in the Sunday school room. The junior chdir will mee! practice Thursey at 6.45 p.m. the church under Mrs Holliday. {BROOKLIN ART GUILD The Brooklin Art {er activities. 8 p.m. Brooklin. Dobson, Plans will be made for the music. season and an election of offic-| ers will be held. PERSONALS The junior choir of Brooklin United Church. directed by Mrs. Kenneth Holliday, with Mrs. Ma- thew Agar at the piano provided special music for anniversary ser- will provide special BRIGHT LIGHTS NOTTNGHAM, England (CP) The corporation of this Midlands | city used 12 miles of cable and 16,000 light-bulbs to illuminate a stretch of the Trent River for a carnival. Kenneth arduous provincial Junior Farm-| The county Junior Farmers are Ontario Guild will in charge of the service, and the Queen's Park earlier in the day, meet Monday, September 28, at Ontario County Junior Farmer (concerning the proposed new in Whithy Township Hall, Choir, directed by Mrs. Elsie waterworks and sewage plant for Found Home| Gutted After 3 Vacation | BROUGHAM (Special) -- Pick- ering township council Monday |night relaxed its building bylaws {so that a resident could erect : la temporary shelter for his fam-| | toid council he returned from a holiday recently to find his home had been completely gutted b; |firé. He and his family were scat- tered in various homes, and he suggested he be allowed to build] a4 temporary structure on the] foundations of the old house so that he could get the family: to-| gether again under one roof. He said that this could be done| before the winter sets in. He added that it might be possible to| erect a pre-fabricated house to comply with township bylaws on the old foundations. ! It was agreed to allow him to # a period of nine months, TRADE DEFICIT GROWS WASHINGTON (AP)--The de- ficit in the United States balance of international payments in the| April-June quarter was $967,000,- 000. This compared with a deficit! British newspapers are hint- three months. | tween Princess Margaret, 29, | THE OSHAWA 9 TIMES, Tuesday, September 22, 1959 RUMORED ROYAL ! | and John Turner, 30-year-old | princess commented "Ignore of $894,000,000 in the preceding ing at a royal romance be- | Montreal lawyer. Friends of the )YAL ROMANCE | PICKERING COUNCIL Meet OMB To Discuss Plan BROUGHAM (Special) --| The capital outlay will be Reeve J. Fg ja couse Mon- Wiidertaken by the township fi- \day reported that he hea a nanced by the Ontario Water {delegation which interviewed the Resources Board which has Municipal Board at|already approved the plan. Re- payments of gost over and above | the grant will be made from revenues from water supply. It is| Pickering township. estimated that the whole project | | Total cost of the project, fi- will be undertaken without cost Janees, malay BS pu of to the township taxpayers. r rusader Develop-| ments Corporation which = sack: | was received sympathetically by | ing permission to go ahead with|the OMB, which announced it! plans for a multi - million dollar (would require some time for development project in the town- study of the project, but would ship, will amount to over $1,000,- announce its decision soon. 000. | vices at Kinsale United Church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. Coe and Jil- lian, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott Saturday. Gwen Thompson, Toronto, spent the weekend with her par-| W rk ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Thomp- son. Mrs. Sydney Spencer, a patient for the past three weeks in Osh- awa General Hospital, is report- ed progressing favorably and ex- pects to return home shortly. COBOURG -- The quality of the Northumberland County Black and White day held Sept. 19 in commection with Warkworth Fair was excellent, according to Plan Proj By MRS. M E. LAVERTY | MAPLE GROVE A joint meeting of the Circles of Maple| +|Grove United Church was held recently to plan projects for the year, New screens have been pur- A Borrowed ced for the church basement Mrs. M. Blakely, Mrs. B. Cole, on tock Farm of Dartford. {windows and a committee is work- ing on plans to replace the lights {for the choir. | It was decided to have a turkey {supper September 30. Committees {for this were named. [WEINER ROAST Courtice Circuit Country Cou- ples Club held a corn and weiner At Maple Grove judges, It was a large show, with 134 head shown by 24 different exhibitors. Competition was keen throughout, no less than eight different exhibitors wi at least one first, A. M. s Principal of Kemptville Agricul- tural School was judge. The children have returned to| W. A. Petherick and Sons, school and students in Grades 1 Campbellford, showed the Grand and 2 have staggered hours. The| Champion cow and won both the teaching staff is the same as last premier Breeder and Premier year with W. Mallins teaching|exhibitor awards. Runner-up for Grades 7 and '8, and acting 8S(hoth Premier Breeder and principal. Other teachers are premier Exhibitor was Honey- ects Mrs. S. Black and Mrs. 0. Mof-| , fatt. Teachers in the west school| Petherick's Senior and Grand are Mrs. Brown and Mrs. J.|Champion female was the win. Ford. ner in the class for milking {three - year - olds, Almerson PERSONALS |Supreme Freda. She is a sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windsor dairy heifer with angularity were guests at the Smith-Hopkins| throughout, and carrying an ex- wedding in Lindsay Saturday. cellent udder which enabled her Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hourigan, | first in the best uddered Fine Holsteins | Teachers For East Whitby KEDRON (Special) -- Teach. | ing staff for the coming year in| the township school area of East| Whithy are as follows: H Maxwell Heights: Mrs. Mary Beard, Mrs. Joy Noble, Ruth Cosens and Mrs. Alice Sinclair. Coronation School: Raymond Farrow, Mrs. Ida Ashenhurst, Mrs. Ethel Campbell, and Mrs. Ethel Robertson. { Conlin School: Mrs, Hazel Phillips. Pereman's School: Mrs. Mar-| garet Spry. | Twp. Hall, Columbus: Jean| Rutherford; Seniors? W, Bur- ridge. McKenzie's School: Norval Waddington. | worth Grand Champions, the top award going to Mrs, Nettie Parr, Brighton, on Highland View Sov- ereign Posch, a son of the moted Sovere while the Re- serve nd aw. went to Doug- las Turney, Morganston, on Dun- |cheesin Buster, The Grand Cham- pion is a bull with a lot of scale combined with breed character, while the Reserve Grand Cham- pion is an exceptionally smooth, well balanced individual. They were a worthy pair of Cham- pions, In the group classes, Honeydell Stock Farm took the Junior get- ofsire on the get of Pabster Walker, while W. A. Petherick and Sons showed the winning |senior get-of-sire by Almerson Sovereign Supreme, and also had Mount Carmel: Peter Baluk. Raglan: Mrs. Florence Auld. LIFE SENTENCE lto a life term. McDaniel, charged NEVADA, Iowa (AP) -- Barry|in the slayings of Mrs. Monice McDauiel, 20, Iowa State Univer- Larson 25. and her daughter, sity honor student, pleaded guilty Kimary Ann, 5 months, told of- Mondav to a charge of first-de- ficers he got an "overpowering gree murder and was sentenced urge to kill." Reeve Scott said that the plan YOU NEED A WHEEL AND STEERING MECHANISM CHECK! | WOBBLE | AND WEAVE | UNTIL IM HOW LONG SINCE YOU CHECKED YOUR CAR WHEELS ? The best insurance against bad tire wear, vibration ond shimmy is to check wheel clignment regularly, The John Bean Visualiner checks ond corrects faster and more accu- rately than other methods. Come In For A VISUALINER Check-up Hambly Tire Ltd. Come in or 534 RITSON RD. "Safety through Quality" Ni for en Appointment RA 3-7881 the top progeny of dam, and dam and daughter combination. W. A. Petherick and Sons had seven firsts; N, Craig Nelson, Campbellford, five firsts; Honey- dell Stock Farm three firsts; and Mrs. Nettie Parr, W. F. Moore, NOW..GAS HEATING AT 4--I've got a secret to stand 7--Man Without a Gun 10:00 P.M v §5--Tombstone Territory ¢ 2-~Bold Venture roast at the home of Mr. and Oshawa, called on Mr. and s. This latter class was Mrs. Elmer Down, Ebenezer, Mrs. Jim Laverty Thursday. praised by Judge Barr for. the {Saturday evening Pauline and Jeanette Labrec-| ber of very fine udders on Present from Maple Grove que spent Thursday evening in display. were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cry- Toronto with friends from Osh- * Gordon Macklin, Cobourg, J. H. Oliver, Campbellford, and Paul | Man 11--8an Francisco Beat 7--Boxing 8--8tudio Pacific 5-VIP Report (5) 4--Steel Hour | 2--Thin | 3:00 P.M %7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Doctor Malone The Big ~avoff 11:00 11,7,8,5,4,2---News; Weather Sports 1:15 P.M 3:30 P.M. 7--Playhouse 11--Anything Goes 6-Viewpoint 7---Who Do You Trust 11:30 P.M, |" 6--~Movie Matinee 7-Time 11--Late Show 5,2-From These Roots n 6--Sports & Verdict 1s Yours 11-7-6-5-4-2--New 4--Theatre 4:00 P.M, Weather: Sports 5-2--Jack Parr 11---Bugs Bunny ms eM ne PM 7--American Bandstand | 7- Playhouse 6--Soccer §-2--Truth or - Conse. 8 Viewpoint WEDNESDAY quences 1m:30 PM 8:00 AM, 4 Se 11--Late Show 7---Window on the World 6--Feature Film 5,2--Today 4--Theatre 4-~News Roundup 3-2-Jack Parr 10:30 P.M. 11-6---Close 1 10:45 PM, kor Sports 100 P 4:30. P.M | 11--Popeye 5-2-County Fair CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Citrus fruit . Daub of paint Choir member Less frequent Oil of rose petals 13, Old Spanish card game (var.) . Marksman . Flowerless plants . Tantalum (sym.) Tree . Tellurium ! (sym.) , Arm joints . Examination . A dance . Nose of a missile Greek lands DOWN 1. Deadly 2, Preposition 8. Castle's protection 4. Blunder 5. Stream 6. Escapes (slang) 7. Spheres 8, Visorless caps 9. Savor 11, Adjust again 15. Weighty 17. Be in debt 20. Japan- ese festival 21. Single ' unit 22. Number 23. Roof orna- ment 25. Digit 26. Army , group Yesterday's Answer 27. Brightly 35. Farm tool colored bird 36. Mr, 29. Hypodermie Le Moko capsule 37. Cavern 30. Birds' homes 38. Leave out 32. Senior 40. Jewel 9. 10. 12. surface = and robbers 29. Impelled, as a raft 40. Whole range 41, § t 42. Injurious things 43. Jug 44. Apportion | Mrs. Alfred Prentice, derman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold {Coone Mr. and Mrs. Ron {Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford |Swallow, Mr. and Mrs. Howard |Bradley and Mr and Mrs. Jack |Hurrie In charge were Lorne Penfound, Mr. and Mrs. Fimer Down and Mr, and Mrs. Don Thompson. About 30 couples were present BROWNIES AT CAMP | Five ieaders and 18 Brownies {of the Maple Grove park attended weekend camp at Camp Samac with Brownies from Bowman: vihe and Newcastle Leaders Virs Ken Stalker, Mrs. dothwerl Mrs. Jim Colliss, W Noble and Lois Stal- Mr. and Mrs. v of the parenis visited the camp Suuday aliernoon 'Honeydale W.I | Holds Meeting | {By MRS, CPARI ES H. REESOR POR™ PFRRY Honeydale| 's Inc't'ute met in the| all of the Church of the n th Mrs. Diamond Alfred Pren'ice introduc ed the speake Mr. Atkins, of Oshawa, who gave a demonstra tion of arranging flowers for showing. Among winners for flower dis- plays were Robert Pugh, Mildred Martyn and Mrs. Melluish., Flowers were sent to patients at the Community Memorial Hos- pital, Mrs. W. Moase gave a talk on the motto and Mrs. E, Kennedy| sang two solos. A committee to look into a sug- gested scholarship was formed. Members from Nestleton Wom- en's Institute and members of the| 4-H Club were welcomed by the president. The groun as invited to at- tend the courses Seplem- {ber 23 on "Something to Wear". Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ww. Moase and Mrs. A, Melluish. short awa. Petherick also had the Reserve Mrs Charles Adams Mrs. Gladys Hale, Greenville,|award on his first prize dry aged Penn., spent a few days with|cow, Almerson Sovereign Fern, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty. who was Grand Champion at this Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and show a year ago, and made it Mary Jane attended the wedding close for her stablemate again of her niece, Noreen Eley, to Ian this year. Greer, Saturday at Port Hope. | : . | J. H. Oliver, Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, tovk the Jun § le Cham shawa. § 1 Oshaw spent the weekend at) ionship on Oliverdale Pana Jim Cbolliss. | " |yearling heifers, while the Re- una i i |serve Junior made a fishing trip to Rice Lake. joneydell Stock Farm on Honey- Mr and Mrs, Edgar Eley, Port |, i Hope, called on Mrs. M. Laverty, Prive Samior yeuling hules Br | senior yearling class om four daughters of Pabst Walker. Bay, 9, {proportioned heifer, large for her To Destroy School ase. she got ihe nod tor Junior NELSON, B.C. (CP)--A nine-|ling on a close decision. year-old boy who The bull entries were excep- give the kids a holiday" has ad-| tionally strong, mitted starting a $300,000 fire double in number over last year. elementary school Sunday, police standing, and it was here that said Monday. {the winner was made Junior was released in custody of his/animal Reserve Junior Cham- parents, confessed to police and!pion. The Junior Championship after the fire broke out. |bourg, on Morwill R. A. Topper, The boy was not a student at|With the Reserve Junior going to light to a pile of papers in a dell Leader Wayne. classroom after breaking in| The Aged bull class provided the home of their daughter, Mrs. | pocket, who headed the junior Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bothwell! award went to {dell Sovereign Walker, the first Tuesday. {took the first four places in the Starts Fire The Junior Champion is a well Champion over the senior year- "wanted to| being almost that destroyed the South Nelson The senior bull cslves were out- Police said the youngster, who Champion, and the second prize fire department officials soon award went to W. F: Moore, Co- the school. It was believed he set|Honeydell Stock Farm on Honey- through a window. both the Grand and Reserve and Grand Champion, taking this McKinlay, Cobourg, ome first each. i TIMES BUREAUS AJAX John Mills Ajax 426 BOWMANVILLE Rae Hopkins Ma. 38-7282 ® 75,000 BTU Input! EVEN BURNING house (or small 6-room) . air ducts ® Price includ: 1d-ai Canada's LOWEST PRICE This BRYANT deluxe "lo-hoy" only FORCED AIR (REGULAR PRICE $625) COMPLETELY INSTALLED Will more than heot 5-room Price includes up to 4 hot cost price) (other necessary duct work ot Vosue Af = CIGARETTE TOBACCO BTU size ovailable ot higher cost. For 6- or 7-room homes, 100,000 slightly d Special Price On Oil Fired Furnaces Deluxe Mode! 98,000 B.T.U. Forced Air Furnace complete with oil burner end controls GUARANTEED LICENSED Package Reg. $350 ' INSTALLATION AT COST 290 UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY A well established international financial organization is forming a new company in the Credit Card field. A variety of responsible positions are available; preference will be given "fo men with experience in chorge accounts, revolving credits, budget plans, credit card plans, etc. There are also openings for well quulified experienced sales stoff to be located in Ottawa, Hamilton, Windsor, London and Toronto. Attractive salary, expenses, unusual employee benefits and unlimited opportunity for advancement For Interview: Call MR, E. M. KUNTZE -- RA 5-8731 INTERNATIONAL CHARGE (CANADA) LIMITED CALL RA 8-6871, OR CALL TORONTO COLLECT HU 5-3513 -- Visit our showroom 9 to 9 daily. Saturday till 1 -- National Heating Head Office: 2041 Avenue Rd, Toronto IN THE CONVENIENT 2850 PACKAGE "Suggested Prien & AIR CONDITIONING SALES LIMITED Servicing Barrie, Oakville and Oshawa districts.