last meeting read by Mrs. Dean CENTRE STREET W.A. Mrs, Fred Graham presided at the regular meeting of the Wom- en's Assockation of Centre Street United Church held in the Chapel. LODGES AND SOCIETIES Roll was called and minutes of DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND The Daughters of England, Lodge No. 26, held its regular meeting in the Orange Temple. Worthy President Sister Betty Atkens presided, with vice-presi- dent, Sister Mary Hurst, assist- ing. The sick report was given by Sister Edith Taylor. Several busi ness items were under discus. cussion, and plans made for fu- W x the th of ti ture activities. "Work" was the theme e devotional, led by Miss Flora, kt Was decle that on the next Franch, Pues were read, "Tou made bake sale will be held orner'"" and ** t Well", % : id Leonard Simmerson and Mrs. Tare vill also be a floral demon- Thomas Solomon gave a dia- logue on "Pattern for Work".| Lucky. prizes were won by the Mrs. John Johnston closed devo-|{new member, Sister E. Water- tions with * prayer. house, and Sister E. Barrett. Following the meeting, bingo The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 22. The meet-|Was played with refreshments ing was concluded with prayer by/served by the committee in charge. Mrs. W. J. Dickson. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Peel. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. David Morris. Mrs, Earl James gave a re- port of - flowers sent. Sick calls were also reported. Plans were made for the turkey dinner to be held on Wednesday, October 21. The Evelyn Goodwin bazaar as announced for November Women, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 21, 1959 8 Honeymoon in Antigua Follows Summers-Francis Nuptial Rites their shirtmaker style dresses jobeMrdt. eiaoin shrdlu em mj] they wore matching shoes and picture hats and carried bronze to orange chrysanthemums. The flower girl, Miss Susan Wilson wore a short taffeta frock with balloon skirt in apricot shot taf- feta and carried a basket of bronze tone - chysanthemums. Mr. Robert Jefferd was best man and the ushers were Mr. The marriage of Alice Laura Francis, Oshawa, and Peter Wil- liam Summers, Montreal, was solemnized in Christ Memorial Church on Saturday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Joseph Francis, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Francis, and i | the bridegroom is the son of § | Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Summers of Bellbroughton, Worcestershire, by exceptionally generous influ. ences between May and August, and December of thi; year should MR. A wedding oi interest awa and district was solemnized in St. James United Chu tawa, recently, uniting ¥ Louise Carolyn Boyd : Donald P. McGibbon. The bride is the g Mr. and Mrs, Melville M Boyd of Ottawa and the AND MRS. DONALD P. Guests From Oshawa and District Attend McGibbon-Boyd Wedding in Ottawa to Osh- McGI self, Over the gown which was on| Empire lines and embroidered|a vith pearls, she wore a three-|N arter length, fitted coat te peau-de-soie with sheath|S seve and a Queen Anne collar, ed with pearls, and a sculp-/Rideau >d hemline caught up with|d rls. y the bride, held her England. Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon performed the ceremony and Marshall Francis and Mr. Peter Francis. A reception was held at the JUST Barry. Mr. W. G, Rapley was the or- ganist. The bride was given in mar- riage by her uncle, Mr. William She wore a 'softly mol- : |nylon chiffon, fashioned with a |ded, semi-formal gown of white cowl neckline and with a grace- ful, floating panel at the back. in midnight blue with a pink cor- sage. Guild Inn, Scarborough. To re- ceive, the bride's mother wore a silk jacket dress in wisteria mauve with a white corsage. The bridegroom's mother wore a wool jersey dress and jacket Janet. Evelyn 1s the bonny nine-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Slute, Raglan. Her grandparents are Mr, and JANET Mrs. Gordon Corner, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Slute, Raglan, --Photo by Hornsby The honeymoon is being spent FOR TOMORROW of {William Colvin and A pearl coronet designed |left of a wedding trip to Algon- waist-|quin Park and Georgian BBON Mr. Neil McPhial was best man A shoulder-length veil of illusion was secured by a shaped, beaded cap and her flowers were pink to pink-orange roses and white chrysanthemums. D. T. Wilson, sister of the bride, was matron of honor in champagne silk organza and Miss Jan Lamontagne, maid, wore palest blue, With Mrs. brides- in Antigua, Barbadoes and Ber- GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES !muda." 'As the couple left, the |bride was wearing a light wool dress and jacket of peacock blue, with a hat matching the jacket lining, and blue acces: sories. Mr. and Mrs. return to make their home Montreal. CENTRE STREET W.A. (East Group) The regular meeting of the East Group of Woman's Asso- ciation of Centre Street United Church was held recently at the home of Mrs. William Chester, Oshawa boulevard north with Mrs. Fred Taylor presiding. Mrs. Robert Kirk led in the de- Summers will in PERSONALS votions basing the theme on "Our work is built on a solid founda- tion", and closing with the nd the ushers were Mr. Gary I. Boyd, Mr. Ian H. Daniel, Mr.| Mr. utton. Lounge rive, Mr. and on Mrs Bay. | Riverside| Mrs, Lloyd Pegg will McGibbon pianist during the showing of the|chowa. {new styles. Mrs. be poem "Think it over". Alfred Austin will com-y Mr. John Gorycki, Albert . in. David ment on the autumn fashions to|street, has returned from a three- Mrs. Roy Bishop read the min be presented by the Dorothy Tel-{month holiday in Poland, visiting Following a reception in the ford Group of St. Andrew's WA. his sister in Kopizywnica and the friends in Warsaw and Czesto- utes of last meeting and Mrs, Wil- liam Chester gave treasurer's re- port. A report was given on cards sent and visits made to sick. Sep- | Judge John A. McGibbon and|tember 29 was date set for rum- |ed Nurses' banquet to be held on |Monday, September 21, | Plans for the Fall Fair were |discussed. The Fair will be held jon November 4, afternoon and evening, The October meeting of the General WA will be held in the evening at 8 p.m. The Joy Group will hold its October meeting at the home of Mrs. William Wendt, Arlington avenue. AMITY GROUP The first fal' meeting of the Amity Group of Northminster United Church WA was held at the home of Mrs. .W R. Latham with 18 in attendance. Mrs. Frank Bennett opened the meeting with "The Lord's Pray- This day's influences encourage written matters and communica- tions generally. It's also a good period in which to hold confer ences, amiable discussions of plans relative to the future. Don't prove excellent for romance and marriage; also May and June of next. A child born on this day wili be endowed with marked inves- tiveness and resourcefulness, but may be too susceptible to flat- tery. regard all decisions ar final, how- ever. Later revisions could lend improvement. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your chart presages a pleasant outlook for the next year. While occupational and financial mat- ters may be at something of a standstill now there is indication of exceptional achievement dur- ing the period betweer December and mid-1960; only, of course, if you take advantage of all avail- able opportunities aud back up your talents with realism and en- ergy. Do avoid extravagance, too, since enduring gains will depend DRAPES CUSTOM MADE OR BY THE YARD, The finest selection of all kinds of drapery fabrics -- Free Estimates. Howard's DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST, N. RA 5-3144 upon conservatism and a down. to-earth program. Personal matters will be under beneficent aspects during most of the year, which augurs well for social, sentimental and domestic interests. Travel will be governed pes oo Ty ogi fe er' in unison, after which the de- votionai service was conducted by Mrs. E. 8. Dafoe and Mrs. . 8. Disney, the theme "Love Your Enemies", The secretary's report was read by Mre¢ Disney and the treasur- er's report by Mrs. Douglas Me- Laughlin Plans were made for catering to a wedding on September 26 land tentative plans for the fall fair on November 4. Every day greetings and Christmas cards displayed and orders taken by Mrs. C. T. Woods. Refreshments were served by mage sale. The next meeting will be on October 16 at the home of Mrs. Alyn Elliott, Whiting avenue.' JOY GROUP The regular meeting of the Joy group of the WA of Northminster United Church was held at the home of Mrs, Earl Bottrill, Hor- A. McGibbon and Mrs. McGib- th veil of tulle illusion and|They will reside in the Oak Royal] The Helping Hand Auxiliary of Mrs. McGibbon of Lindsay were bon of Lindsay. > carried a bouquet of white Apartments, St George street, Simcoe Street United Church hosts at the rehearsal party prior The Reverend Robert rdenias. {Toronto Both the bride and|opened the fall season last week|to the marriage of their son Mr. Lauchlin performed th Mrs. Jan H. Daniel was matron bridegroom are students at the when 30 members enjoyed a pot/Donald P. McGibbon and Miss ceremcny and the organist, Mr. of honor and the other attend-|University of Toronto Medical jyck supper after which a short | Dian Boyd of Ottawa. The guests H. Bramwell Bail ed ants were Miss Laurie Kinghorn School. business meeting was conducted|enjoyed supper and dancing in music composed by th and Mrs. David Sutton. | For iravelling the bride wore a by the president, Mrs. George|the Chateau Laurier Grill where groom who graduated at 17 with) They wore semi-formal gowns raval biue wool sheath dress with gaines In honor of the coming they were seated at a beautifully an associate degree from the of deep rose-pink taffeta withja matching jacket, a matching| a riage of Miss Bernice Proctor |decorated horseshoe table. Rowal Conservatory of Mus iffon drapery, deep pink on thehat with velvet bows, black ac-|, gift of crystal was presented to! i ' Toronto. Miss Sara Hayden was matron of honor's gown and pale|cessories and a corsage of gar- Yer by' Miss Muriel Comrie. A! You are invited by the Social top street with 15 members pres- the soloist. nk on the others. They wore|denias. white elephant auction sale was|/Department to send in any little ent. The bride wa ; given in mar. I nk feather hats and carried co- Guests were present Jrom Osh- conducted by Mrs. Bruce Sonley. items of interest. News of teas, | Mrs. Wilired Anthony, the; riage by her father. She a/lonial bouquets of white carna-|awa, Lindsay, Port Perry, To-| |surprise parties, showers, anni-|group leader, opened the meeting] ons and pink Fashionette roses ronfo, Sault Ste. Marie and Roch-| Mr, and Mrs. E, A. Burridge versaries and comings and go-|with prayer which was followed -l entwined with ivy. lester, N.Y. [of Buffalo were recent guests of|ings are always very acceptabie{by the devotional period led by ly rim ~|Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Burridge, |and for which there is no charge. Mrs. Bottrill. Mrs. William, J" (40 70 Lo by Mrs |Prestonvale. Also guests of Mr.|Please write or telephone RA Wendt gave the secretary's Ten, oi," Mclaughlin and Mrs, land Mrs. J. V. Burridge from|3-3474, local 1c. port and Mrs. Ross Jones, the; ™"@ ™ ei feo" im 0 October Monday to Friday of last week| treasurer's report. meeting will be held at the home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard| Out-of-town guests at the Wood-| The group completed plans tol, nM. ." vg Dafoe. (Ben) Kittiko and children, Beth-|cock - Hurst wedding on Satur-|cater for a wedding on Friday, any and Paul, of McKeesport, day included Mr. and Mrs. Allen September 18, and the Reg Pennsylvania. Bertrand, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hurst, Seagrave; Mr. and Mrs. was the scene of the wedding last'soile and eggshell accessories| September sees the tempo in! Miss Marion Felt opened her! yonn Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Saturday afternoon of Janice Nor-/completed their costume. They|crease for busy homemakers |10™e On Wednesday afternoon white Mr. and Mrs. Maurice] eep Hurst and Brian Edward carried cascades of gold andimany of whom must add thet" 2 MOPDY sale and tea planned |(Cyogq " Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, | Woodcock. The bride is the|bronze chrysanthemums. packing of sen Sl. Jag the py the Bluebell Group of St. Ad-|Gordon Hurst, Brooklin; Mr. and | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey| Mr. Dale Woodcock was the| ing of school lunches to the drew's United Church. Mrs. F.infrs, Mel McCreary, Peterbor- A. Hurst and the bridegroom is/best man and the ushers were end-of-summer routine. While R. Stephens assisted Miss Felt in|q,00. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Wood- | the son of Mrs. Vernon Wood-| Mr, Douglas Hurst and Mr. Bruce|this chore often is a year 'round [receiving bi Mess A. Ym: cock, Whitby, | coek and the late Mr. Woodcock, | McArthur. | i hes _istrong and Mrs. George } | all of nls 0 A reception was held in the] eh homes where adults carry|, oq' as hostesses. Mrs. C. E.| Guests from out of town at the The Reverend H. A. Mellow|church hall. To receive, the|nie re to Work, special care and yyle was convener of the hobby Summers - Francis wedding in-| . Torhii Rkort. bride OM ize {ik | attention must be given to school|and home-baking sale and Mrs. |cluded Mrs. Maurice Silver, De-| officiated with Mr. John Robert- bride's mother wore beige si |lunches because hildr - a 3 y chs t jing the wedding sic|org ith lace insertion: " se children are|garold Tonkin was in charge of troit, Michigan; Miss Jan La-| son playing the wedding music/organza with lace insertiol | more apt to be poor eaters than 4 for thi B.C.: | and Mrs. G. W. Weldon 2s soloist. brown accessories and a COTSALe| grown-ups. pint the tea room. Pouring tea or 2 montagne, yancouves, a Ld Given in marriage by he-|of yellow chrysanthemums and| Sch 11 Bios highly successful social event. Mrs. Doris Calvery, Mrs. Gould, father, the bride wore a full-|roses. |, School lunches should be at-|that brought out many advance Mr. R. Francis, Mr. | FT : . ha rd " re - wae| tractive, tasty and nutritious. season fashions, were Mrs. J. T. William Francis, Mr. and Mrs.| length gown of white peau de soi] The bridegroom's mother was Food' si s . A | styled with a polonaise drape and|in a sheath dress of royal blue] ood should be varied to avoid|Lethbridge, Mrs. J. L. Pegg, [B. Francis, all of Toronto; Mr. chapel train: scoop neckline and|crepe with pink accessories and! monotony. If it is not possible Mrs. George Henley and Mrs. J.|and Mrs. O. Van Sickle, Camp- hs ; I withiWore a' corsage 20s to obtain a hot dish at school, H. McDiarmid. {bellford; Mr. and Mrs. William short sleeves en ed with wore a corsage of red roses and include 4 : | A guipure lace and sequins A| white chrysanthemums icluce soup, cocoa or a main a h Barry, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. tiara of ed Pe: rl 1 hine Following a honeymoon ir Ot-| ish in a vacuum bottle. Plan| Greeting the guests at te C. W. Wilson, Mr, Thomas Lugt, seed pearls and rhine.| Following 2 ounlal 0€ lunch the day before, so that|{Summers - Francis wedding re-\afr Ray Nymart, Mr. Robert stones held her shoulder-length|tawa and Montreal, the couple|gsupplies will i Saturday were the Prd i sarried Tz ani side tn Oshaw: veil : be on hand. Then, ception on Saturday |Jefferd, Mr. and Mrs, Wiiliam| veil and she carried Talisman|Wwill reside in Oshawa. For travei-i too you can pi ridegr ' ts, Mr. andig : ARLE o n i y EE Bon IR, plan the school bridegroom's parents, Mr. Salts, all of Montreal, and Mr.| roses in a cascade ling, the bride wore a wool|lunch to complete the bre: M A. E. Summers of Bell-| i Mics Shirias 4 ' Hahcoth dress hi a plete the breakfast Mrs. A. KE. Su 8, |and Mrs. A. E. Summers and] Miss Shirley Hutcheon, maid of|sheath dress and matching shortland dinner eaten at home. 1f|broughton, Worcestershire, ENg-|Miss janet Summers of Bell-| honor, and the bridesmaids, Mis<|jacket of forest green; beige ac-\food and equipment are assem.|land, who arrived in Oshawa 1ast| broughton, Worcs, England Shirley Hardy and Miss Marion|cessories and a. corsage of Talis-| bled the night before, lunches Thursday. They arrived in Can. | 2 2 : Hurst were all dressed in| man roses, |can be packed 'quickly in the|ada, accompanied by their gold peau-de The > morning. |daughter; Miss Janet Summers, | were styled with bateau neckl These are the necessary foods early this month and have been| and pleated sashes fe n . es). Qry "y , . : il to the| © CIAL NOTICES lto use in every lunch: milk, to|visiting in Montreal and sight-| hemline at the back, Bandeaux | drink or in food; fruit or vege-|seeing in Ontario and will be re-| ENGAGEMENT [table or both, raw or cooked; turning to England shortly. 2 ra .| meat or cheese, egg, fish, beans|------------------------ or and Mrs. Harry Benson of or peanut butter: 1 | wa wish to announce the en-| whole wheat BUYING A RUG? || MARVELS OF THE FUTURE ad or muffing or tea biscuits gement of their daughter,|. i" : s : > »imade with wh whea : Marilyn, ole wheat See Our Stock Before You Do . .. Almost doily scientists are coming out with what seems like almost fantastic inventions of what we can expect in the to Mr. Weston| whe , a of il Bonneville, son of Mr. and] Wheat Serm, bran or vulled HIGHER QUALITY future. LOWER PRICES Boyd Bonneville of Wau-| jog] of information has been] NU-WAY RUG \ene, Ontario. The marriage] : Ya nine . > =" gathered about the kind of food! ake place on Saturday, OC-|eaten by thousands of school | AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST. RA 535-1202 Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED your true self, of worry end ember vassment. FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshews et the @enosha Hotel September 22-23 Phone RA 3-4641 for appointment on these Janice Hurst, Brian Woodcock Pack Nutrition : Into Lunch Box Married on Saturday Afternoon ken is School | velvet which si | | Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor CHIROPRACTIC AND SCHOOL CHILDREN . . . Throughout Canada there are th ds upon th ds of parents wito resort to Chiro praciic care for themselves and for their children, There are & ds upon th 3 of parents wiio may not re- ber the first ion upon which their own parents took them to tie fanily Chiroprac- tor, Bw. it is cirmly embedded in their memories that when- ever they weie victims of colds, sore throats, digestive upsets or other health distur- bances which befall children, it was to the Chiropractor that mother took then. The attitude of these parents woday is, "Whai restored health to us so quickly when we were childrer, that is the service our children shali have." And they wonder wiy other parents whose children have been sick frequently and have lost time from school do not resort to Chiropractic foi better health for chiidren. Northminster United Church and mittens of matching peau-de- | me's | J =) BARBER | "2 shop BEAUTY SALON Styling by Vera FOR APPOINTMENT DIAL RA 8-5661 eo FREE PARKING eo 969 SIMCOE N, Enquire about Our Cold Wave Special SIMCOE ST. Ba The PONCHO COLLAR! alike sole flour, oats, In the last few years a great r 17, at 11 a.m. in St. Greg-| chi Vutritioni a.m. mt. | children, Nutritionists of the| ory Roman Catholie Church, | Home Economics Service, On-| shawa |tario Department of. Agriculture, | v report that many public school hl i {children get less than the a.| B. Creighton will be S'-Cren get ami rt reg her many mounts of milk, Vitamin C and| poopy bi Tv eof 1..| vegetables recommended f o r| friends a home of her|aqoq health. Most children are| grand-daughter, Mrs. Douglas M. eating too much sweet food. | Iron 29 ok Fri-1 § Brown, 228 Burk street, on Fri-| such as pie, cake and candy, | It is not easy to overcome iabits of a lifetime. As far ack as many people can recall. the resort for the recovery of health was to take something by mcuth or as a "shot". It has become almost a habit to put some chemical into the body RECEPTION One such, | heard about the other day, concerned the clean- ing of our clothing. Here's how it's supposed to work. A special room would be installed in your home equipped with ultra-sonic sound waves, this room you'd place your clothing before retiring. By morning your clothing would be Mrs. A the This Fall fashion pampers you with e@ cuddly new ' A Mrs. W. J. Howard i vener of the committee is making arrangements for the "ni of card held in the pz Christ Memq Wednesday, ( the auspices of the branch of the W.A to be lay, September 25, from 2 to 5|thev say. d7t9 pm. on the Seeasion| NEW BALLETS HAMILTON (CF) -- The pre-| miere performarce of three bal- Tots y the Naticna® Ballet of | 1 will be presented by the| Toronto compar, bere Nov. 2,| and 4 The ballcis, in English, | are "Pineapple Poll," "The Mer-| maid" ard "Death of a Maiden." SAVOY PLANT The thyme plant used for sea- soning and flavoring food is na- tive to southern Europe. Fashions b EDNA ANN HATS Autumn Styles Furs by * MARTINS FURS Dorothy Jelford Group ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Wed., Sept. 23rd. 1959 U.A.W.A. Hall DOOR PRIZE 800 P.M. ADMISION 75¢ THE Lillian Mae Marsh Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic day. SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A.,, M.D.A. Toe, Character, Baton, Pre-School, Friday--Satur- at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: RA 3-7253 completely rid of every trace of grime and dirt. Incidentally, this ultra-sonic room is also supposed to serve as your morning shower thoroughly cleansed. Just step into it and you'll emerge Ah 'well, until that day ccmes along all | can say is you'll get the same germicidal-clean results for your clothing when you let us d% your dry cleaning We may not perfom this by for you, ultra-sonic sound weves «+. but we do use the most advanced scientific methods known te get your garments hygienically So for the present let us take care of your dry cleaning probe lems for you. At Gillard's your satisfaction is guaranteed. For more dote about clothing and dry cleaning, hope you'll join me here ogain next week. collar . . . the "poncho". It nestles up against your chin, guarding against wintry winds . . . and lend- ing a longer sweep to the simply beauitful lines of the coat. English wool and ongore in taupe with a collar. LJ silken soft beaver Sizes 9 to 17, 135.00 WITH FOX COLLAR Tweed 79.95 Sealskin 99.95 LAYAWAY! Of Course . . . BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 35-1912 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 'TIL 9 P.M. to chase disease out, even, though the body may have to struggle later fo get rid of undesired after-effects of the chemical, Chiropractic cifers a dif- ferent approach to the reco- very of health. Parents have accopted Chiropractic care to the fullest exten: of its appli- cation and have found it very effective lor the many health disturbances to which children are subject. It is in the best interests of the health of children--particu- larly those wiwse success in school this coming year may be seriously affected by their health --that we urge those who have not accepted the Chiro- practic principles to give further consideration to them. Call a Chiropractor today. You will find that he will give you a courteous reply to your in- guiry. One of a series of articles published in the public interest to explain and illustrate the practice of . scientific chiropractic, written by Ronald W. Bilsky, doctor of Chiropractic, whose office is located ot 100 King Street East (Ploze Theatie Build. ing), telephone RA 8.315%,