| Pravda Man Rapped For Slandering MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Semyon aN RO ie ati x ¥ ve " Fine (in [FC Rd . ¥ - - 5 - ., i 4 we ey x ,, ENE Ne . Cla 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, September 21, 195% § GREAT CANYON VOLUNTEER AID In some parts of the grand NTREAL Canyon of Colorado the Tiver 1 | i CRwiurr of (he St. John Aub: volun. 100,000 eh hu tl Eo H WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson Meet Teachers At Rumors Fly In Newspaper King St. H&S About Princess Margaret Iris Buker; Grades 4 and 5, Mr. Royal Family." Henry DeMille; Grades 5 and 6, The princess's press officer, Mr. Ron Bareham; Grade 6, Mr. Maj. John Griffin, said Sunday: Jerry Stachow. A welcoming ap- "I know nothing of these talks. plause greeted the teachers with a The last time Mr. Turner was boys work to a laymen's confer- ences here. He said the job of parents was not to find the ansers to a child's LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Mrs. [Eroricms but to help the enila Edith Isobel Shawver, 35, wife of] Mr, Perrv sald surveys had Associated Press staff member shown that the average profes- Tom Shawver, died in hospital of sional and business man in the a blood clot Sunday. United States and Canada spent A native of Port Sydney, Ont., only 14 minutes in the morning Mrs. Shawver came here two EE Ex-Manager Dies Of Blood Clot worn through solid rock to depths bulance of 6,000 feet, teers devoted man-hours to first aid services last year, among a provincial fo tal of 261, and 19 minutes in the evening with his children, 000 man-hours. HHH | | mm NOW OPEN 4 Carol's Beauty Lounge Narinyani, Pravaa's lead in g|district manager in the Niagara satirist who specializes in ex-|Peninsula area for a cosmetics posures of e Sor of | firm. Opticals aud prin Bas ng eg = Angels With Dirty Faces AA slandering a group of building workers, Pravda reported Sun- day. In a two-inch paragraph om page three, the Communist party LONDON (Reuters) -- A Sun- day newspaper says Princess Margaret has discussed her friendship with a Canadian lawyer with the Queen. The monthly meeting of the King Street Home and School As- sociation was held on Wednesday evening. The meeting opened with the singing of "O Canada" mm w-- Sr -- a -- ------ ---- ti and the president, Mrs. F. Mc- Caffrey, welcomed a fine turnout for the first meeting of the new season The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and ap- proved and the treasurer, Mrs. F. Read read her report. The cor- responding secretary, Mrs. J. E. d tha : Wilson, t 1 zation week would be Sept 20-26. The presidem introduced the executive members to the Asso- ciation. Room counts were won special greeting for the new teach- ers. Mr. Fairman spoke to the group answering a few questions which he felt might be asked of the teachers, which was very in- teresting to everyone. The prin- cipal, Mr. Stachow, expressed ap- preciation at seeing so many par- ents aitending the meeting and stressed the importance of attend- ance by both parents and teach- ers. He mentiored that this year the new rooms were open, the by Mrs. Baker for the Senior A teachers were llent, the A spokesman for the Queen's sister said he knew nothing about it. The Empire News says Mar- garet's friendship with John Turner, 30, has "reached the stage where the princess has dis- cussed the matter with the Queen." According to the report, the talk took place at Balmoral Castle, the sovereign's summer home in Scotland. Margaret, 29 and unmarried, classes and Miss Harris for the Junior classes. Mr. Earl Fairman drew Mrs. Christie's name for the door prize. the school year. Mrs. K. Lunpey told the mem-| Mr. Stachow also invited par- bers that the basket collection ents to contact the teachers at the this year would be Sept. 21 to 25/school to arrange for the oppor- and urged everyone to send bas-|{unity to discuss a problem should kets to school with their children |one arise. Mrs. McCaffrey thank- in the hopes thal this year would/ed Mr. Stachow on behalf of the be as successful as last year. |group and mentioned how help- A rmmmage and home bake ful Mr. Stachow is in co-operat- sale is scheduied to be held onl|ing with the Home and School Oct. 17. The social convener,| Association. Parents were invited Mrs. I. Hamer, invited members|io go to the classrooms to talk to be in attendance at the next!with the teachers and were then regular meeting when Mr. T. invited to enjoy refreshments Houghton, Mr. J. Stachow and|which were served by the execu- Mr. Earl Fairman will speak on|tive members. grounds were in good shape and everyone was looking forward to r red the love of air force Group Capt. Peter Townsend four years ago. The Empire News said: "Once again, as was the case with Group Capt. Towsend, the princess is concerned with the Packinghoiise Men To Back New Party WINDSOR (CP) -- The leader- ship of the United Puckinghouse Workers of America in Canada told the umion's Ontario council Saturday night that the member- the Unit System which is now| being used in the school. | Mr. Fairman. a guest for the STOCK MARKET of King street school who are as/ follows: Kindergarten, Mrs. Joyce| Eckel; Grade 1, Mrs. Lillian] By THE CANADIAN PRESS Brown; Grade 2, Miss Mary| Kelly Douglas and Co. Ltd, Eleanor Holman; Grade 3, Miss|947, 54 cents a share: 1958, $1,- Gwen Love; Grades 3 and 4, Mrs. 208,502, 49 cents. CHCH-TV Chanpel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel S5---Rochester evening, introduced the teachers NET RNINGS Cox; Grade 1 Miss Gertrude| Harris; Grades 2 and 3, Mrs, |year ended May 30: 1959, $1,312. WGR-TV Channel 2---Baffale WEEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY MORNING 4% rm, 5.00 P.M. 8.00 AM. 7--Window on the World 5, 2-Today 4~News; Roundup 11--Family Theatre 6--On Safari 2--Grand National Bake-Off TUESDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--~World Passport §--Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 3~Three Ftooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film 530 P.M, 5--Playhouse 4-Fun To Leam $~Three Stooges 5:15 P.M, 4--Feature Film 5.30 P.M. 7-6--Mickey Mouse 8:15 AM, 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 AM, 7--Devotions 9.00 AM, 7--Komedy Korner S$---Burns and Allan 4--Popeye's Play- nouse 2--Coffee « Break 8.30 AM. 7--Romper Room 5--Favorite Story 4--Life of Riley 10.00 AM. 25-Dough Re Mi 4-On The Go 7-=Disney Time 11--Family Theatre 5-4-3--Weather, News 64 PM $--Huntley-Brinkley 7--Early Show 2-Willie Wonderful 10.30 A.M. Show L 3 2-5--Treasure Hunt 6--Lawrence Welk 630 P.M. ship should give [ull support to the new political party being formed by the CCF and the Canadian Labor Congress. rules governing a member of the) here was in April and he has not been over since, It was a pri- vate visit and he saw the prin- jcess." The princess met Turner, a Roman Catholic, when she toured Canada last year. At a Van- couver ball she danced and talked with him for hours. newspaper said Narmyvani had ir- responsibly ignored the rule of Soviet journalism to check facts, The imimediale cause of his veprimand was his satire in Pravda on Aug. 14 entitled Dash- ing Merchant, ridiculing con- struction designer Leonid Kras- nova, Two sweeping changes in tele- phone services took place at Brooklin early Sunday morning when residents were able to use the dia] system and also dial directly to both Oshawa and Whitby. The switch to dials came at 3.01 a.m. To mark the occasion, Whitby Twp. councillors and employees will meet on Friday evening with Bell Telephone officials for a dinner at the township hall. Later, they will tour the tele- phone office and inspect the in- tricate machinery which operates the dial system. Dial System 'Comes To Brooklin | onto church worker Saturday pie- tured children as "growing, changing, unpredictable angels with dirtv faces searching for answers in a growing, changing unpredictable world." Lloyd Perry of Toronto Metro- politan United Church spoke on | REG. 15.00 COLD WHITBY REG. 10.00 COLD 124 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY For Your Beauty Appointment DIAL MO 8-5722 OPENING WEEK SPECIAL! WAVE .. 12.00 REG. 12.00 COLD WAVE .. 10.00 WAVE .. 8.00 BOWLING The Brooklin exchange will also have a two-letter five figure number, as Oshawa and Whitby telephones, Brooklin's ex- change being OLiver 5 and the four numbers of the party Sub- seribers in Brooklin have re- cieved a supplement to their directory and later, when new directories are mailed to all district subscribers, the Oliver numbers will be included. | At present, although Whitby and Oshawa subscribers can ca"| Brooklin, they must learn tt number they are calling, whi h is not in the local directory at present. ROAD ACCIDENTS RISE By THE CANADIAN PRESS Highway mishap: took a heavy toll of life during summer's last weekend. accountii:g for 30 of the 40 accidental dcoths reported) throughout Canada Most of the tragedies occurred in Quebec, where 17 persons died on the roads--seven in a single accident. A Canadian Picss survey from 6 p.m. local time Friday to mid- night Sunday showed Quebec with two drownings and ome killed in a plane crash. Five traffic deaths and three drownings were reported in On- tario which had o total of 11 accidental fataliti~s. The others were a hoy burned to death in a cottage fire, a fatal injury in ward Island and Saskatchewan had ciean slates, The weekend toll includes only deaths in traffic, bo~ting, hunting and other vio'ent deaths con- nected with holiday activities. Industrial acciuents are not 40 Canadians Die Weekend Mishaps Burlington, at Bridgeport Sy way near Kitchener Saturday night when his siocl: car lost a wheel and crashed in a retain- WHITBY LADIES CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE The Candy League started their on Wednesday, Sept. 16, with Isabel Mothersill as top bowler for the day with a 317 single and 682 trivle. | High triles (over 550): I.| Mothersill 682; K. Loyst 603; A.| Mickieil 577. High singles (over 200): I. Mothersill 211, 817; E. Greenley 216; W. Wilkinson 238; F. Moore 219; T Shaw 218; K. Loyst 240; A. Mickicil 241; L. Chizen 208; H. Bastarache 203; E. Mason 209; E. Walker 215. Points for the day: Allsort: ? Gumdrops 1 Humbugs 3 Jelly, Beans 1 Life Savers 2 Lollipops 2 Maple Buds 1 Peppermints 3 WHITBY RA 5-3555 There's no Substitute for Experience! SHIRT LAUNDERERS MOTH AND BURN HOLES REWOVEN ing wall. counted. The Ontario dead: William Storing 35, of Quebec, whose truck roll! over near Pembroke Friday night. Michael Safar, 45, struck while walking along Highway 17 near Ottawa Sunday. George Wilks, 28, of Bloom- field, whose car struck a bridge abutment Sunday. Mrs. Julia Koci, 81 - year - old mother of tive, whose car was struck by a train at a level Loncor Saturday Available at the followin dealers in DOWNTOW! WHITBY Copies of THE OSHAWA TIMES INSTANT RELIEF FROM TORTURING PILES (without pain or discomfort) For generations, regular Mecea Ointment has brought comfort and healing to literally millions of peo, And Mecca Pile Ointment (in the new tube) for relief from torture of internal piles, has the magic ents of that world famous Mecca tment PORT CARLING (CP)--A Tor- | : | Drop in today or tomorrow for a free ticket on a beautiful gift. Winning ticket to be drawn at Appreciation Day, Tuesday | Sept. 22 at 3.15 p.m. I eo FREE GIFTS FOR CHILDREN WITH ADULTS o -- HIHIIT SIMCA FRONT-MOUNTED 4-DOOR CONVENIENCE i SPACIOUS ENGINE FAMILY-SIZE INTERIOR {LUGGAGE AREA . " % . . * . . . N . . ' M - . This is the longest, widest, heaviest, and most powerful of all leading economy imports. An economy car that can save you hundreds of dollars a year in gas alone. A front-engine car, for maximum roadability. All accessories built-in. Come for your test drive today. You'll enjoy it. SIMCA IS PRICED MUCH, MUCH LOWER THAN YOU'D THINK! SIMCA IMPORTED FROM PARIS BY CHRYSLER medi hn I instant, don't ave another pd fmproved tube of -- MECCA PILE REMEDY Ne ¥. Don't be misled by extra 7.00 P.M. crossing at 5 Tabloid 5--High Road Death Valley Days $-Science Theatre 11--Family Theat ¢ Ee er 3,7 8 Sock car ace tod s--Huntiey Brinkley his exper mentai plane crashed. Po! HUNTING TAKES TOLL The Oriario drownings all in- volved duck hunters whose boats overturned. venson 11.00 A.M. 8, 3-Price Is Right 4] Love .ucy © TL CAM. 8, 3~Concentration 4----Top Dollar 12.00 NOON 5--The Rifleman 4~Annie Oakley ALLIN'S DRUGS Corner Brock and Dundas Streets COURTICE ort. Piles, new ROBINSON MOTORS (Oshawa) LIMITED 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 401 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY, ONTARIO t. Roy E. Amold, 47, of St. Wil- liam, Ont., who die' Sunday of injuries suffered in a car colli- sion near Simcoe Friday night. Thomas Bird. 43, of Harwood, drowned Saturday while hunting 11--Cartoons an 4--Name That Tune $2-Vip Report (4) S00 P. M. 116--Danny Thomas 4~The Texan $-2-Love and riage 11-6--Riverboat 7--High Road 4--Father Knows Best 8-2--Wells Fargo 5.00 P.M. 7--Pantomine Quix 5-2--Peter Gunn 4--Frontier Justies 930 P.M. i1, 6--Cannonball 7--U.S. Marshall 4---Target 3-2--Theatre 10.00 P.M, 11-6--Joan Fairfax 7--Our Miss Bi 5-2--Arthur Murray 7~Across The Board 2-West Point Fatality totals im the other|ducks on Rice Lake. make sure the and proved, blessed relief That only Mecea Pile Ointment No. 1 ean bring you. 89-1 5, 2-Tie Tac Dough 7:18 P.M. N 4--News. 2 PM 11--News 7--Pantomime Quiz 5, 2-It Could Be You 4--Search for [lomorrow 1245 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1.00 P.M, 7----Music Bingo 5--Movies 4--Burns and Allen 2--Mid-Day Matinee 1.30 P.M. 7--For The Ladies &~The Worle Turns 2.00 P.M, 7-Day In Court 4--For Better or Worse 7.30 P.M. 7--Bronco a Reed 4--Eyewitness to Eistory 5-2--Laramie 8:00 P.M, 11-6--Chevy Show 4--Joseph Cotton 130 P.M, 7-Wyatt Earp 4-To Tell The Truth 5-2--Fibber McGee 9:00 11-6--Front lenge 7--Rifleman 5-2--Jerome Kern 4---~Tiniope PM. Page Chal 11-6--Importance of Be provinces were relatively light. Four traffic deaths were reported in Alberta, two in Nova Scotia and one each mm Newfoundland and Manitoba, A 25 - year - old Italian immi- grant was shot accidentally in British Columbia while hunting deer. It was the province's only accidentai fatality and the first hunting death of the season, which opened in most B.C. dis- tricts Saturday. New Prunswick, Prince Ed- Edwin Searson, 24, of Ganano- que and Terreace Carol, 49, of Seeleys Bay, drowned Saturday night while hunting ducks on the Ridean River 35 miles north- east of Kingston. Ronald Silvi, 16, of Toronto, burned to death Sunday in a cot- tage iire near Port Severn. George Grohs, 33, of Guelph, whose experimental glider crashed into a ficid near Brant- ford Airport Sunday. Billy (Flipper) Coates, 41, of PHARMACY McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GOODS 130 undas Street West RIGLER'S STORE Corner Brock and Colborne Streets 2-Queen For A Day M, ing Earnest 215 P.) 11--Movie Time 7---Naked City 2.30 P.M. 4--Playhouse 7--Gale Storm 10:00 P.M, 5--Home Cooking 7-Alcoa Theatre 4--~House Party 4--Andy Willams 10:30 2-Thin Man 0:30 P. 3.00 P.M, 7--Man. Without a Gun 7--Beat The Clock S-Tombstone Territory 5-2---Dr. Malone 2-Bold Venture 4---The Big Payoff 11:00 P.M, 330 P.M. 11,7,6,5,4,2~News; 11--Anything Goes Weather Sports 7--=Who Do You Ifrust 1:15 P.M, 6---Movie Matinee 4--Verdiet is Yours 2--From, These Roots 4.00 P.M. 4--Eyewitness to History 0.30 P.M. 11--Weekly Football 7--People's Choice 6--Millionaire 4--June Allyson §--~Tugboat Annie 2-Mike Hammer 1m. PM 11-7-8-5-4-2~News; Weather, Sports 1.15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6-- Viewpoint 2-Sports Reel 11.30 PM, 11--Late Show 6-RCA Memorial Ceremony 5-2-Jack Parr 4-Mystery Theatre 11.45 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6-Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11---Late Show 6--Sports 4--Theatre 5-2--Jack Parr ne § 11--Bugs Bunny 7--American Bandstano 52--Truth or consequen- Held EVERY TUESDAY 3PM. -- at Style-Lite Footwear Sponsored by , . . APPRECIATION DAY "Gotta Git Down Town for Appreciation Day" | | The WHITBY MERCHANTS PM, 6--Soccer ces 4--Serial Stories BROCK Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing EVENING SHOWS 7 & 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 [herez more thar meets the eye 8, ; & Adult Entertainment ALSO 2ND FEATURE JACK KELLY Ba ALBERT DEKKER EXCITING SUSPENSEFUL He took the fastest way down to save on the spe- cials at Harry Donald Ltd. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Where Your Used Car Dollar Goes Farther JURY & LOVELL PHARMACY 317 Brock Street South SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East THE TUCK SHOP (159 Brock Street North Or at any of these .calers in Whitby and Area ALMOND'S GROCERY Almonds BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North CORNER GROCERY Port Whitby DAVIS SUPERTEST No. 2 Highway West of Whitby GOLDRING'S GROCERY DIAL HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING YOUR NEW SERVICE IN BROOKLIN Yesterdoy fast, exciting dial service came to Brooklin and new "two-letter five-figure" telephone numbers became effective. We sincerely hope that our Brooklin customers will enjoy ei: new service and thot it will enhance the pleasure end usefulness of their BRING YOUR BLUE BOOK up to DATE It's a handy place to keep. frequently- called numbers. Extra copies avail- able free, by calle ing the Oshawa Bus- iness Office -- RA- ndolph 3-4601, It contains Brook- lin's new telephone numbers, Check the number before dial- ing | REMIND YOUR FRIENDS There are now no long Distance charges on calls be- '54 BUICKS -- Dynaflo, radio, tinted glass, 2 to choose from. Were $1295. NOW '57 PONTIACS--2 to choose from, 1 sedan, 1 coach. Were $1895. 1 695 NOW | '55 PLYMOUTH -- A rea! buy. NOW '55 OLDS. HARDTOP -- Was $1495, | 295 NOW 'S57 OLDS. Sedan -- 4-door, automatic, two-tone For a GOOD USED CAR DEAL contact one of our friendly || Salesmen -- GUS BROWN, TOM BARLOW, DOC KORY or FRANK LOWRY. PHONE MO 8-3304 Port Whitby NPRTH END GROCERY Brock North For HOME DELIVERY by Carrier Boy PHONE MO 8-3703 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY In Brooklin! Just dial the last four figures on local calls, The full 2 letters and 5 figures of your new Oliver 5 number should be used on all other calls, THE BELL TELEPHONE tween Brooklin, Osh- awo, Brooklin and Whitby. Be sure: te give your new numse ber to out-of-town friends, too! J. W. LOWRY, Manager. COMPANY OF CANADA