WEATHER REPORT Sunny with cloudy intervals Tuesday. Chance of a thunder- storm in evening, Warmer and more humid. THOUGHT FOR TODAY It's curious how so many people who stand up vigofously for their rights fall down on their duties, dle Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Moil Post Office Department, Ottawa [ke Urges U.S. § Don't Irk Mr. K. U.S. Plans Stern China of ce Net Oar OSHAWA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1959 SIXTEEN PAGES Hamp Poo Fired By Argonauts TORONTO (CP)--Hamp Pool the Giants until 1955 when he re- was fired today as head coach of tired. Toronto Argonauts of the Big He came out of partial retire-| Four Foothall League and de- ment in 1956 to act as a scout for| fensive coach Steve Owen was Philadelphia Eagles. He won named to succeed him. eight sectiona. championships The announcement was made when he coached the Giants. by managing director Lew Hay-|, ¢ prEN crITICIZED man, who reached a decision to replace Pool aiter Argos lost The 44-year-old Pool has been Bizarre Train Ride In California their fifth game of the season Sunday, A record crowd of 27,883 booed and jeered the coach and players. Pool, former head coach of Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League, has not been able to develop a winner in his three seasons with Argos. They failed to make the playoffs 1957 and 1958, winning only four of 14 games. He knew he had to come up with a contending team this season to hold on to his job. Owen, a player and coach with NFL New York Giants for 29 years, came to Argos last season criticized strongly for the last few weeks. The Argos won their opening game of the season only| by a single point--21-21 over Ot-| tawa Rough Riders -- and then| went on to lose their next three games. | They snapped the losing streak | (2 week ago Saturday by "beating | |Ottawa, but they then lost two | more games as thev collapsed | completely to fall into a tie with Ottawa for third place. The demands that Pool be fired! began when fans saw that the| = |club was again headed for an-| lother sorrowful season. They |grew in intensity when Argos THE LITTLE GIRL in the is the on the head from Soviet Prem- ier Krushchev who Indictment UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) The United States planned a sfern indictment of Communist China in the United Nations today--the week before Russia's Premier] Khrushchev goes to Peking for a visit. U.S. delegate Walter S. Rob- ertson was ready to lay the charges before the General As- sembly and urge that the ques- tion of seating the Chinese Reds in the UN be shelved for the rest| of this three-month session. Others in the Premier's group centre (name unkown) stepped | on the special train gather to India's Defence Minister V. K.| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House today renewed Pres- ident Eisenhower's appeal to the public for courteous treatment to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev on his U.S. tour. The goal of constructive con- versations between Khrushchev and President Eisenhower would not be served hy any personal dis- courtesies to the Russian leader, James C. Hagerty, White House press secretary, told reporters. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --It was just plain old Nikita Khrush- chev, simple man of the people, friendly politician, smiling hand- shaker, warm - hearted lover of |sheepherder who made good as the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics decided to do a little whistle-stopping. He emerged smiling, waving, clasping his hands over his head like a prize fighter, He shook hands with the people, and "the people," Khrushchev announced through his interpreters "are wonderful the people want peace." A little girl of about' six waved and the master of the Kremlin waved back, He was touched, he said--""Just think, a little girl to assist Pool in building a strong|were beaten 28-1 last Wednesday defence. He was head coach of|in Ottawa and reached a clir x centre of attention in San Luis Obispo, Calif,, drawing a pat Sunday as the fans jeered 1 from train to mingle with the crowd on hand to see him. | look at the shy young lady. ~--AP Wirephoto TOP ACCOUNTANT c James G. Duncan, of Ed- waving at a Communist!" hildren, staunch opponent of sin. | taunted both the players id coach for their lack-lustre effort DISPLAYS HIS BACK in losing to Hamilton Tiger-Cats 34-17 Ajax Youths . Punished With Strap Sentences varying from four to Hayman - considered replacing Pool al the end of last season but decided to go with him for another year in the hope he could do better. He never could get the Argos rolling this season with in- juries to key players playing a bit part in his failure to weld a winning combination. Pool said after Havman told U.S. Labor Leaders Anger Khrushchev i a o » 4 Sour siruies SF wim of his decision to let him go on two separate occasions--were| that he didn't know whether hey imposed on three Ajax young Would stay in football. men who appeared for sentenc on, indecent assault charges be- fore Mr. Justice Leo Landreville ME |group of American labor leaders {Sunday night. SAN FRANCIsS«O (AP)--Nikita hrushe mulfuous diner session with a "We kind of trash, saying, don't to He was talking about the film-icompiled hev kept his belligerent!ing he'd seen in Hollywood of a!sources in Europe and Khrush-| |diplomacy going full blast at a/scene from the movie Can-Can. want he was quoted as see this men freed. at the Supreme Court Assizes in Whitby this morning. Donald Daniel Bibeau, 19, of Lordship in passing sentence. His men that sentence whipped and that the sentence must act women," His Lordship said. | The Soviet premier, according to the union chiefs, blew up on at leasl half a dozen occasions and wound up declaring: "Our positions are irreconcil- |able." Waller Reuther, Auto Workers {Union president and sppkesman 'for the labor group, said Khrush- [chev through his interpreter, ac- ~ 4] eertainly think Mr. Khrush- ibad time -- he made that quite clear," Reuther told a jammed |™ 3%-| L |query, {have they | Fast Germany press conference after the hour private dinner. BLAST COMMUNISM The union men said of asked Khrushchev possible to have socialism with-|g, out dictatorship. LOSES CONTROL |self at this point," |e stupid question, not worth; . mols 8 8 aitalor and discussion. He neves._amswered hoard Workers Cemil Rieve, the Textile Union He sort of lost control of him Reuther said Another question /h any peoples fiee to escape it. Karl Feller Jnion president who posed tha said 3,000,000 German chairman if it weren't phillips asked was; g p Why, if communism is so great hi ls we gave him a very" | they feels ge "!a governmental system, do so became ag Brewery Workers fled Communist-controlled 3,000,000 escaped |Krishna Menon and a high Soi viet delegate, perhaps Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily V. Kuz-| netsov, are expected to take the lead in seeking a hearing of| Communist China's claim to rep-| | resentation in the world organiza- tion. | Menon has done this here year| after year, to no avail. | | A U.S. delegation source said | Robertson's speech would be "the strongest we have made on the subject" in the eight years the assembly has refused to take up the question of who should repre-| sent China. | Robertson was expected to ac- {cuse Communist China of erush- ing Tibet, meddling in Laos, men- acing Nationalist Formosa and occupying parts of India--all by {way of showing Peking is not {peace-loving and therefore not| ientitled to sit in the UN. | The informant said the U.S. is| counting on getting a decision to shelve the China issue this year| through reliable chev would be asked to have the SEVEN ATTEND MEETING Other American union leaders tending the meeting--seven in s1all included presidents Paul Paper Workers Union, A. Knight Oil-Atomic Work- ers, Joseph Curran, Maritime Worke and James B. Carey, Electrical Workers, . Phillips raised the question of|{last year's, when the ballot was) |"He attempted to dismiss it as jamming Weslern news broad-|44 to 28 with nine abstentions. y of = Questioned Sunday night on NBC [charged |casts to the Soviet Union and lasked: "If we are to have a free low of information doesn't that seem to block this?" Communist China with itated and slammed|would not be "intruded upon." {the table with his fists. "What do you like to eat?" he should be at the UN because thus| demanded of Phill "settlements (would be) 'more lon't see what that has to|possible." { | This was the Khrushchev that! [FOOTBALL WITH PRESS monton, has been elected pres- ident of the 8600-member Can- adian Institute of Chartered Accountants at the 57th annual He emerged Back aboard he came and later bizarre oh owed up in the press cars, pre- in Sunday's train ride from Los Angeles to San Francisco. The train was loaded with sul- ceded by six Russian halfbacks. Photographers screamed from | succeeded J. L. Helliwell of conference in Vancouver. " v len, furtive Russian security men and nervous - looking American security men. Up ahead army helicopters hovered protectively over the track. Alongside, police cars raced along parallel high- ways, GUARD BRIDGES Vancouver, BRITISH HENS WORK TOO MUCH LONDON (CP)--Britons were warned Sunday that their green and pleasant land is in danger of being transformed into a vast omelet. The egg marketing board said the nation's hens have bridges. formed police stood watch from! the tops of freight cars. In the the missile centre at Vandenberg mountain passes we half-expected/Air Force Base -- "We've got Indian scouts. enough of eur own and ours are Sheriff's depuies guarded the In some yards uni- the tops of seats. Reporters closed in. The Russian halfbacks tried the centre of the line, It held momentarily and caved in. Khrushchev moved forward from car to car, his party commanding the aisle while reporters raced after him over the backs of seats like mountain goats. Khrushchev talked easily, shooting in all directions: No, he didn't bother to notice by a vote equal to or better than! b s Meet the Press, Menon| fect {aggression against Indian border, Reuther said Khrushchev again|regions and warned that India| {But he argued that Red China| been guilty of flagrant over- Then at Santa Barbara the poor better." production. In a single week they turned out 17,000,000 more eggs than in the corresponding week of last year. A spokesman credited -- or 1 d new techni in keeping and feeding poultry for the spectacular increase, But he was unhappy about the ef- on egg prices. Trade agreements prevent the board from finding a market abroad. And how many eggs can an Englishman eat? The board sent a circular to all egg producers asking them to persuade their hens to lay off, | do with the question," Phillips replied. Lordship warned the three they were liable to a of five years and to be Iblasted communism in no un-|North Korea to South Korea, and certain terms and told Khrush-|{200,000 Hungarians have braved chev of American workers' devo-|arrest or death in slipping across tion to freedom. They said the border to freedom. # Khrushchev defended the Com-| Once again, according to {munist system, and both sides/Reuther, Khrushchev got "very thereupon agreed to disagree. agitated ' and abswered oY ou . drink some eer I maybe No effort was made lo tone you'll find the a, ; down questions, Reuther said, al- The 1abor Lica ket Het of though there had been advance 322 oa Wong d 143 2 litical Ris; tt Tag I lak ing. é an 43 itica fword tus Washingion stale de | prisoners to submit later to the {avon having Khrushchev further Sov iet ambassador for delivery tirritated on his American tour. to Khrushche: Reuther said the | Khrust didn't budge an list of imprisoned trade union linch, When asked about the 1956 and socialist leaders had been decide what the: REPEATS QUESTION Khrushchev insisted: Di waned: "What w Blast Injures Ca GEORGE BURT sie mere URW Urges lar inclinations. i "The offence is attributable to 'Canadian last generation respected] "I like borscht," said Xhrush- He renorted ft Khrushchey| Gibbs, 13, of 262 Drew street, stove with wood and was boiling A . ------|tage near this Lake Scugog re- Mr. Gibbs said no one was 9 Killed In Crash Of Fiery Vehicles PETERSBURG, Va. (AP) 3 Nine persons were killed early to-| day in the flaming crash of al tractor-trailer, 2 pickup truck and/ a passenger car five miles west] of this central Virginia city. There was only one known sur- vivor. The tractor-trailer burst into flames upon impact and the fire spread to the other two vehicles. One Year And Strap For Assault John A. Young, 24, 307 Leslie street, Oshawa, was sentenced "Why roast beef," Phillips re- plied. Ld os | awa Gir "You can nave roast beef, but | in the Soviet Union the workers| n 1 3 i will have borscht." Reuther said.| CAESAREA (Staff) Joan] It was stated the girl lit the then hi » toble aga . |Oshawa, had both legs ampu- potatoes on the top when it ex- en Ee od lh oy ans tated between the ankles and) ploded. : of the working class and would knees Sunday following an ex-| The adults were all inside the ould have, |Plosion at a Williams Point cot- cottage at the time. revolt in Hungary, suppressed hv sort | aware there was a steam valve . s < id The fl had been cooking, at the back of the stove. He sai alr a stove outside her|he thought the cause of the ex- parents' cottage when the bottom | Plosion could be attributed to the |Soviet troops, le ptusel The 'PEOPLE'S COURTS' revolutionaries -- Dele: yang and saboteurs." Car Content PORT ELGIN (CP) gates to a meeting of the United Automobile Workers (CLC) Cana- dian Council here, Sunday urged the federal government to raise the Canadian content of cars and trucks sold in Canada to 75 per cent. Why is it that Russian workers have no right to strike, Khrush-| chev was asked. His reply, the union men said, was that Soviet workers have] such a right, bul never exercise| it--feeling, according to Khrush-| Firing Squad of the stove was ripped apart] Steam in the reservoir. It had no by the blast. The fire door struck| Way to escape as the valve was the girl's legs, almost severing C'0S€d. one. {TOURNIQUETS APPLIED Pieces of the stove were found] When the four adults rushed almost 70 feet away from the from the cottage, they found the | The council said the current 60|chev, that their government will| {per cent Canadian content stipu-/take care of them. |lation does not apply to each car|_ NE | land truck, but gi an over-all| WIGGLES BACKSIDE | 'basis and therefore does not Reuter said that Khrushchev 3 i S cover cars from Europe and Bri- at one point stood up and, push-itators cheered Iraq's ing up the back of his coal,|Abdel Karim Kassem Sunday tain. "i an a DEY i George Burt, Canadian UAW "dispisye he back gar of his while firing squads in Baghdad id the = Sdlegates, dancer. |felled 18 Iraqi army officers and | representing some 65, union |" { members in Canada, that "the {han public and our government have = |as enemies of the government, stood aside for too long while oC ey Ip Rule Iz 1 Ira scene. It is believed a water injured girl lying beside the stove reservoir at the back of the|still conscious. She never did A Quebec heater type stove caused'lose consciousness. Her father BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)--Spec-| They were the first known ex.|the explosion. {and a neighbzor applied tourni- Premier|ecutions of members of the Nuri| Jean, the daughter of Mr. and uets to her legs and Dr. J. A, Said government, 14 of whom|Mrs. Samuel H. Gibbs, was at(McArthur, of Blackstock and have been sentenced to die. | the cottage with her parents, and| OPP Constables Pat Cornell and| The Mosul uprising was the | her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, | Murry Joynt were called to the i {first serious challenge to Kas-| 20d Mrs. Bruce Hurst, when the Seone. a grade VII student at) gmen executed four ecivilians|sem's rule. It grew out of the|™iShap occurred about 5 p.m. : | {widespread umeasiness in the Sunday. King Street Public School, wa TT oy ol at rushed to Oshawa General Hos The executions were the larg. orm 5 Kassem appeared at the STOVE WAS GIFT pital by Port Perry ambulance, jest in a single day in. nelzhbor-| me lo eading toward com-| The family had taken the stove and an emergency operation was| fa ye ' E "I munism, to the cottage Sunday. It had performed. The girl was on the! ing Iraq since the overthrow of/ The executions sparked off bit- [not yet been taken inside the operating table for three hours. o [the monarchy 14 months ago. | ter attacks in the Egyptian press| cottage. The stove had been| Her condition this morning was I . |today against the Kassem re- The army men participated in| gime. given to the family for use at| reported as satisfactory. {the abortive revolt at the north- company after company have blithely dumped workers and communities for whom they had no further use. "The latest major exhibit is the effort of Canadian Car Company ito abandon Fort William with PRINCESS MARGARET the cottage by relatives. to one year in the common jail and four strokes of the strap -- Be Success fern military headquarters in Mo- Delegat Hon the Lakehead) sul last March or were charged two strokes to be administered in plant Be meeting that Cana-| TORONTO (CP)--Future fours with plotting against Hassem.| each of two occasions -- yen he dian Car's employment figure is) of Europe by Canadian simateur Tey were opposed to the lefi- ; i" ¥ "\down to 650 from about 1,800 and NOCkey teams wi Se -SUpPOrl-iwing tendencies of Kassem's i : : ") in.|ing or they won't be permitted.|" re- gms EEE aE Smee tres" Huge Success . DY i ' |Amateur Hockey Association,| Brig. Nadhim Tabakjali, com. ing. Union delegates said a recent oy Young was charged with the airframe contract award to inesting here Bene veekend:| mander of the 2nd Division at wp a T8.your- oid | Montreal Sompany could have view. of the situation which led| Mosul, was the highest-ranking 20. He girl wa, ast une kept production going at Cana- to recent cancellation of a pro-|officer to die. Also , was found guilty of aldian Car in Fort William had the | osed European four by Whitby! , charge of indecent assault by a/firm received its share of the F-[5" d . Dunlops. 3" Ribu a Supreme. court jury at Whithy 104 siversit_sub-eonttacts, The Whitby 'trip, scheduled for Col. Mustafa Haj Sibri, chief of Si . oni November, fell through when the the army's intelligence service in His Lordship, in passing sen-tional representative in thei." roncore refused to guaran: Baghdad tence, commented that the ac-|UAW"s aircraft department eo enough money to pay the full| . thardly more than a curt fare well." The report of "important dis- cussions" at Balmoral Castle, the royal summer home, and the pal- ace were obviously meant to im- ply that a possible marriage was under discussion. Today The Daily Herald edges story along another notch by saying Turner "has made a se- cret visit here to see her." A spokesman for the princess said today that Turner did visit EDMONTON (CP) -- Canada's|Park, a first sportsmen's buffalo hunt in|serve straddling the Alberta.| LJ No Magnetic ftomance inted Field Round For Margaret LONDON (CP)--British news- paers are hinting at a Canadian Moon " Russ {romance for Princess Margaret, 17,000-square-mile re-| but her close friends say: "Ig- 1 3 [nore it." prominent more than half a century is|Northwest Territories border. Seow en the Promina! The story of the friendship be- among the executed officers was|turning into a search for animals|The park contains about 16,000|33t2 radioed of Soviet 1" ltween the 29-year-old Princess of record size. And the big fel-|head, believed the world's largest|\0% S Moon rocket shows there is| nq Montreal lawyer John Turner lows have mean tempers. lierd. no magnetic field in the vicinity fhegan when Margaret visited So says Claude Brewster, who Brewster, who charges a min.|of the moon similar to that Sur Canada in July, 1958. {returned here this weekend with imum of $500 for five days ofrounding the earth, Zaks news| Turner's stepfather, John Ross, leaid: ** D | J ! {the Initial group of hunters who{hunting, has set § |agency said Sunday night. lis lieutenant-governor of Briti cused hag not Sonducted himself said: We have Sool seated {olexpenses of the trip. Approxi- SUPPORTED NASSER {spent five days in Northwest Tar. near the 'Slave River. 40 iris The absence of such a field Columbia i Prins dig othe eight. previous on. |Canadatr cone a cil mately Nn Do ere! The. olficers, trie before Jf itorious. ach man got his limit /vorth of Jon Smith and 400 miles| "seems to establish the theory| The friendship expanded to the| Margaret in London last April-- / vious i ; : . 7 A 3 sentenced of one buffalo {noi of Edmonton. He takes/that the magnetic field around romance" stage when the victions registered against the ac- OY rr ard Dyndiics, the fered, : several months ago, were ac.| There were many buffalo from|over when the hunters fly into/the earth is caused by movement Rosses visited Scotland less than bot me Was SotHg secret cused, His Lordship said he must}, | poet Ey ho Ae The Hine E past When Welcused of supporting policies of which to choose. The biggest ani-lcamp from Fort Smith, of the molten core of the earth|a month ago and Turner's mother| . learn to live peacefully with other 4 ike ontegels 3 te Mois, fonut Subse ize European President Nasser of the Unitedimal shot measured 30% inches| The federal government has is-/since the mfoon presumably has|told reporters her son and the NOTHING TO SAY citizens. OTE ap, presicent OrCon| Aram Republic, Kassem's No. {across the head--4% inches off|sued 30 licences to hunt buffalono molten core," the broadcast Princess were good friends. "Officially," added the spokes- 1 only reason Prime Minister jukes "In the future these tours CITY EMERGENCY ] | 3 nemy. the world record--and weighed|from Sept. 15 until th nd of | gai " i Diefenbaker got the order forimust be self-supporting or there cr ut b Pl. 15 until the end ofisaid. | man, "we have nothing to say anads in the first Dace Was Offs -Supportmg ase| The civilians, accused of being[2P0ut 250 pounds. (November. Canadians pay $50| The question of whether the| ikrs HEADLINE about al these reports. Canada in the first place won't be any. At one time these " | : q The st ballooned int condition that Canadair get theltrips were in the nature of mis.| Criminal traitors," were mem.| "I Was a little worried it wouldiand Amerjcans = $200. Buffalo| oon hag a magnetic field is one|q h Story Fo oom r line Two of the princess' close PHONE NUMBERS |airframe contract." sionary excursions, That era is Ders of the government of the|b¢ like hunting a dairy cow," hunting for sport was banned ini: scientists have been greatly| Sunday od The Empire News|friends did comment. although {Diefenbaker give public assur-/in Europe and there is no reason|Premier who was killed in Kas- fou Baul Na, 53d ia an In| sraLk ON FOOT Senin I= solving UY space Ligh "Princess Margaret's friend-/Dame. POLICE RA 5-1133 lance that the government would\why some small Canadian com-|sem's revoit of July 14, 1958. The dil Hunters with Indian guides| The official Soviet agency also/ship with 30-year-old Canadian| iAsked about the possibility' of a {not allow General Dynantics to/munity should have to raise spe- widest-known among them were PARK HAS 16,000 HEAD travel horseback two miles to the said that the last stage of the|lawyer John Turner has been the romance between Margaret and FIRE DEPT. RA 5-8574 funnel all its work to ( * in cial funds to subsidize promoters Said Oazzaz, former interior min-| The shaggy targets number|buffalo grounds, a plains area moon rocket scored a direct hitisubject of important discussions/Turner one said: "Ignore it." : oT 3.2311 Montreal while the Lakehgad in Europe who are making a kill- ister, and Bghjat Attiyah, ex-se- about 2,000 buffalo which over-|with grass two feet high. Stalk-|&n the moon slong with the in- at Balmoral and Buckingham| The other said: "Ignore it be- The council asked that "Mr. past ST business }ate Nuri Said, the pro-Western Prewster, 58 - year - old outfitter[1898 to prevent extinction. | [said they asked not to be quoted by plant is shut down." ling out of Canadian visits." leurity chief, flowed Wood Buffalo Nationalling is done on foot. yJrument container. Palace." Cause there's nothing to 8" : x